MCQ 18civ59 1st IA
MCQ 18civ59 1st IA
MCQ 18civ59 1st IA
10. The bottom area where production is less than respiration in a pond ecosystem is
termed as
1. Profundal zone
2. Tidal zone
3. Benthic zone
4. Limnetic zone
15. The ratio between energy flow at different points in a food chain is known as
1. Ecological capacity
2. Ecological efficiency
3. Ecological assimilation
4. Ecological potential
16. The ability of a population to increase under ideal environmental conditions is called
1. Natality
2. Carrying capacity
3. Biotic potential
4. Absolute natality
18. In thermal stratification, the middle region which shows vertical temperature
change is called
1. Mesolimnion
2. Epilimnion
3. Metalimnion
4. Hypolimnion
26. The population of birds declined in an area where DDT was extensively used. Why?
1. The birds stopped laying eggs
2. The eggs laid by the birds did not hatch
3. The snakes ate the eggs
4. The DDT spray killed all the birds
28. Plant species with a wide range of genetic distribution evolve into a local population
known as
1. Ecotype
2. Population
3. Ecosystem
4. Biome
30. The eggshell of birds becomes thin by the pollution from pesticides due to the
interference in the activity of
1. Calmodulin
2. MgATPase
3. CaATPase
4. Calcium
31. Genetically different population with the same physical features is known as
a) Ecosystem
b) Ecads
c) Community
d) Ecotype
32. Name the group of species which exploit the abiotic and biotic resources in a similar
a) Guild
b) Ecads
c) Biomes
d) Community
34. Name the organisms that manufacture organic compounds from simple inorganic
compounds without using sunlight?
a) Detrivores
b) Organotrophs
c) Phototrophs
d) Chemotrophs
36. Which of the following type of productivity counts the total fixation of energy by
a) Secondary productivity
b) Primary productivity
c) NPP
d) GPP
A) The water
(B) Air
(B) Biosphere
(C) Lithosphere
(D) Hydrosphere
(D) Work
(B) Soils
42. In which of the following form(s), the waster products are discharged into the
(A) Gaseous
(B) Liquid
(C) Solid
(B) Lithosphere
(C) Biosphere
(D) Mesosphere
(B) is absorbed
(C) flows
(B) Climate
(C) Subsystem
(D) Structure
(B) Rivers
(C) Streams
(B) Oxygen
(C) Water
A) Rivers
(B) Lakes
(C) Oceans
(B) Lakes
(C) Oceans
(D) All of the above
(B) Lakes
(C) Oceans
51. The smallest artificial ecosystems that have been known to sustain life over a long
period of time are
(A) Folsom bottles
53. The following type of ecosystems have a low productivity or capacity to do work
(A) Unsubsidized Natural Solar powered ecosystems
58. The following type of ecosystem is of utmost importance from human point of view
59. In which of the following ecosystems large volumes of air are purified?
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
(C) Protein
(A) Physical
(B) Chemical
(B) Consumers
(C) Decomposers
(A) Herbivores
(B) Carnivores
(C) Omnivores
(B) Heterotrops
(A) Herbivores
(B) Carnivores
(C) Omnivores
(A) Herbivores
(B) Carnivores
(C) Omnivores
(A) Bacteria
(B) Fungi
(C) Flagellates
(A) Producers
(B) Consumers
(C) Decomposers
72. Grasshopper is a
(A) Herbivore
(B) Carnivore
(C) Omnivore
(D) None of the above
73. Snake is a
(B) Lizard
(C) Wolf
(D) Lion
75. The simple inorganic substances released into environment by the decomposers and
then reused by the ______ .
(A) Producers
(B) Consumers
77. In the process of Photosynthesis, plants use chlorophyll to transform sunlight into
_____ energy.
(A) Heat
(B) Chemical
(C) Light
A) 10
(B) 20
(C) 30
(D) 40
C) Continuing causes
(B) Consumers
(C) Decomposers
86. An estuary
88. Ecosystem may be defined as
119. ___________ occurs when the death of the last individual in a species occurs.
1. Adaptation
2. Phylogenic diversity
3. Speciation
4. Extinction
126. Which of the following organisation is responsible for maintaining the Red Data Book?
(a) IDRI
(b) IUCN
(d) USDA
127. From his long term ecosystem experiments, David Tilman showed that
(a) decreased diversity contributed to higher productivity
(b) decreased diversity contributed to decreased productivity
(c) increased diversity contributed to increased productivity
(d) increased diversity contributed to decreased productivity
130. The most important cause of extinction of animals and plants, especially in tropical rain
forests is
(a) habitat loss
(b) afforestation
(c) pollution
(d) soil erosion
132. Which one of the following is not a major characteristic feature of biodiversity hot
spots? [NCERT Exemplar]
(a) Large number of species
(b) Abundance of endemic species
(c) Large number of exotic species
(d) Destruction of habitat
133. Which of the following is not a cause for loss of biodiversity? [NCERT Exemplar]
(a) Destruction of habitat
(b) Invasion by alien species
(c) Keeping animals in zoological parks
(d) Over-exploitation of natural resources
135. Which of the below mentioned regions exhibit less seasonal variations? [NCERT
(a) Tropics
(b) Temperates
(c) Alpines
(d) Both (a) & (b)
136. Which of the following is the most abundant Green House Gas (GHG) in the
earth’s atmosphere?
A. Nitrogen Dioxide
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Water Vapour
D. Sulphur Dioxide
137. Which one of the following is not used for Ex-situ plant conservation?
A Seed banks
C. Shifting cultivation
D. Botanical Gardens
138. Which of the following represent maximum number of species among global
A. Ferns
B. Lichens
C. Algae
D. Fungi
B. South America
C. Australia
D. Britain
140. Which national park is famous for having Great Indian one Horned Rhino?
A. Raja ji National Park
141. Which of the following region is a native place of the species of Yak (ox) and the
A. Uttarakhand
B. Himachal Pradesh
C. Tamilnadu
D. Ladakh
142. Which of the following is the natural habitat of the Indian lion?
A. Gir forest
B. Sunderban delta
C. Okhla Park
B. Sunderban delta
C. Godawari Delta
D. Mahanadi Delta