Sex Linked Inheritance
Sex Linked Inheritance
Sex Linked Inheritance
Eye-colour of Drosophila
The Y-chromosome is
comparatively smaller than
X-chromosome in size.
Females have 2 copies of X chromosomes i.e. XX
while males have one copy of each i.e. XY.
• One of the allosomes
• Sex-determining
chromosome in many
species including
• Can only be passed to
son from father
• One of the fastest-
evolving part of
human genome.
• Carries Gene SRY
which triggers male
• Hermann Henking, in
lepilez while studying
testicles of Pyrrhocoris
• Carries 804 genes.
• Present both in males
and females.
• Holandric genes or Y-linked Types of genes
genes:- The genes that are present on Sex
carried on the Y chromosome
are called holandric genes chromosomes:-
2. Sex-linked chromosomes 3. XY-Linked genes:- A
or X-linked genes:- Sex particularly important
linked genes are genes that category of genetic linkage
are on the X-chromosomes has to do with the X and Y
and that are therefore
sex chromosomes
inherited differently between
males and females.
of Y-linked Directly inherited from father to
Shows very peculiar patterns.
between certain colours.
• The condition is often inherited. Other
causes include certain eye diseases and
• More men than women are affected.
• Colour blindness usually involves the
inability to distinguish between shades
of red and green.
• There is no treatment for inherited
colour blindness. If colour blindness is
caused by another condition, treating
the underlying cause can help.
• The genes that can give you red-green color blindness
are passed down on the X chromosome.
• Since it’s passed down on the X chromosome, red-
green color blindness is more common in men.
• This is because:
• Males have only 1 X chromosome, from their mother.
If that one X chromosome has the gene for red-green
color blindness (instead of a normal X chromosome),
they will have red-green color blindness.
• Females have 2 X chromosomes, one from their
mother and one from their father. To have red-green
color blindness, both X chromosomes would need to
have the gene for red-green color blindness.
INHERITANCE OF • Segregate like ordinary
autosomal pairs.
XY-LINKED GENES • Present on homologous
regions of X and Y-
chromosomes as allelic
• Total colour blindness pairs.
• Xeroderma pigmentosum ( a skin disease
characterised by pigmented patches and cancerous
growth of the body),
• Epidermolysis bullosa,
• Retinis pigmentosa ( A progressive disintegration of
Retina accompanied by deposition of pigment in
• Nephritis (A kidney disease),
Related Questions:-
Q.1)In a family of four including a normal mother, a
normal father, a color blind son and a normal son; who
do you think has the defective X gene other than the
affected son?
a) The mother, b) The father, c) The normal son, d) The
affected son only.