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Tybbi Sem5 Ibf Apr19

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Paper / Subject Code: 44301/ International Banking anOn'inangii.

TY gBI | 3."n^E / fiTFr I "o"os-,1 .,'

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Duration l2YzHoars Marlis,;.?5

Notes : Figures to the right indicate full marks

Ql.A Multiple choice questions (Answer any eight)

I . International finance is an important tool.
a. To find the exchange rates
b. Compare inflatiorr rates
c. Ascertain the economic stanrs of other countries
d. All of the above
2. Tlre collapse of the following system is related to Triffins paradox
a. Gold Standard
b. Bretton Woods
c. Snake in the Tunnel
d. None olthe above
3. Exchange rate system where the central bank inlervenes to smootlrerr
out the exchange rate fluctuation is
a. Free Float
b. Managed Float
c. Fixed Exchange Rate systeln
d. Dollarisation
4. The bank which opens the letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary is
a. Issuing Bank
b. Advising Bank
c. Confirming Bank
d. Nominated Bank
5. Foreign Exclrange Transactions in India are regulated by
6. A negotiable instrument issued by the international depository bank
representing foreign company's stock trading globally
a. GDR
b. IDR
c. ADR
d. None o[the above
7. Which of the following are foreign bonds
a. Samurai Bond
b. Bull dog bond
c. Yankee Bond
d. AII of the above
8. The first stage in the process of loan syndication
a. Mandate
b. Pre mandate
c. Disbursement
d. Post disbursement
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FA5DF3 55BB6 I C3 7A3 1EDC57EDD7ABO49

Paper / Subject code: 4430r / Internationar
Banking andFinance

9' The risk that a government may default its

debt obligation
a. political risk
b. Sovereign risk

d. Transaction risk

10. The act of trading in different curencies

is called
a. Foreign Exchange
b. Arbitrage
c. Foreign Trade
d. Exports
B. State whether the following statements are
True or False (Any Seven)
I If imporr ir rhan exporl . ar rhar time
r_of. eoi wiri'd. ,rrr"l*ur"
2. Internationar Monetary Fund was given the
i"rt *ol.."ria*
"o --.
monitoring gold standard. "i "*
In the floating exchange rate system, government
officialsstrive to keep
the excharrge rale pegged.
4. Euro Currency loans carry a variable interest rate.
5. ADR and GDR are cornmonry used by Indian corpurr", to raise
from Foreign Capital Market.
6. Zero Coupon bonds pay coupon interest annually.
7' Speculators try to profit from sirnultaneous .r.tlung. rate difference
different markets.
8' Increase in interest rate causes a country's currency to appreciate.
9. Bircoin became the first decentrarisJ;;ro;;;ncy in the year
l0' In l973,the reform of the international *on"tury .ystem
resulted in the
change from adjustable pegged rates to rnunug"i
float rates.
Q2. A Define International Finance and discuss its scope.
B Explain in brief the components of Bulun.. of p'ayments. 8
c Define Fixecl Exchange rate system. H.-o* i, it differenr from flexible exchange
rate system?
D Discuss tlre reasous for colrapse of Bretton woods

Q3. A Explain the concept of Euro currency. what are its advantages and
B Discttss the problems and prospects of having offshore
banking units in India.
Define GDR and explain the issue,r.?tlnir. of
D What are the different types of Euro Bonds?
GDR. 8

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Paper/ Subject Code: 44301 / International Banking andFinance

: .: :.. l

Q4. A What are the various internal and external hedging techniques used in forex 8
market? Explain in brief.
B Discuss the structure of Indian Forex Market. nt
C Given USD /CAD 1.1620 SPOT
USD/CAD 1.1640 3 months forward
USD Interestrate 4Yo p.a .:

CAD Interest rate 5 o/o p.a ,.. ll

Identiff and Calculate Interest rate arbitrage.

D. Calculate the rate of'the fbl currencies against INR 7

l USD 40.60 40,90,,
1 GBP USD 3:0200 3.031 1

1 EUR USD-1:5090 L5Z0-A

I USD IPY 114.901 I15..91,1

Q5.A Explain in brief the functions of International Banking. 8

B Explain the stages in loan syndication. 7
C Write Short Notes on (Any Three) 15
a. Role of Credit Rating Agencies
b. Types of Crypto Currency
c. Difference between Letter of Credit and Guarantee
d. Features ol FERA

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