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Manpower Rate Card July 2017

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Rate Cards – Manpower – Temporary Staff

Rate Cards approved with Manpower from 06.06.16 (tendered rate cards plus increase to include update of University of Leeds pay scales update)

University of Leeds Mini Competition - Price Submission Spreadsheet

Version 3 as of 06.06.17
SUPC Framework Agreement Call Off from Lot 5 - Master Vendor Model
WTR, NI and Commission

University of Rate Universit Universit Indicative WTR £ WTR % ROP+WT EMP.NI EMP.NI AL £ COMM TOTAL
Leeds Pay Applied y of y of Hourly R £ % £ Payable
Scale - Leeds Pay Leeds Rate of
Illustrative Scale* Spine Pay (ROP)
Wage at 2016 Point* to Worker
Prices (Gross) (Gross)
£8.27 - £8.78 Support 2 1-5 £ £ 12.07% £ £ 8.26% £ £ £
Staff 8.27 0.87 9.14 0.68 0.05 1.18 11.05

£8.95 - £9.83 Support 3 6 - 10 £ £ 12.07% £ £ 8.87% £ £

Staff 8.95 0.99 9.94 0.79 0.05 11.96

£10.12 - Support 4 11 - 16 £ £ 12.07% £ £ 9.63% £ £

£11.66 Staff 10.12 1.13 11.25 0.97 0.06 13.46

£12.00 - Support 5 17 - 22 £ £ 12.07% £ £ 10.52% £ £ £

£13.90 Staff 12.00 1.34 13.34 1.26 0.07 1.18 15.85

£14.31 - Support 6 23 - 29 £ £ 12.07% £ £ 11.30% £ £

£17.07 Staff 14.31 1.59 15.90 1.62 0.08 18.78
£ 13.36 - Academi 6 23 - 29 £ £ 12.07% £ £ 11.12% £ £
£15.94 c and 13.36 1.59 14.95 1.49 0.07 17.70
£17.58 - Support 7 30 - 36 £ £ 12.07% £ £ 12.05% £ £
£20.98 Staff 17.58 1.96 19.54 2.12 0.10 22.94

£16.41 - Academi 7 30 - 36 £ £ 12.07% £ £ 11.93% £ £

£19.58 c and 16.41 1.96 18.37 1.96 0.09 21.60
£20.17 - Academi 8 37 - 46 £ £ 12.07% £ £ 12.58% £ £ £
£24.06 c and 20.17 2.41 22.58 2.54 0.11 3.64 28.87
£24.78 - Academi 9 44 - 50 £ £ 12.07% £ £ 13.13% £ £
£28.72 c and 24.78 2.99 27.77 3.25 0.14 34.80
£29.58 - Academi 10 50 - 60 £ £ 12.07% £ £ 13.51% £ £ £
£39.72 c and 29.58 3.57 33.15 4.00 0.17 3.64 40.95
£40.00 and Other NA NA £ £ 12.07% £ £ 14.02% £ £
above 40.00 4.83 44.83 5.61 0.22 54.30

£150.00 and Other NA NA £ £ 12.07% £ £ 15.08% £ £ £

above - Daily 150.00 18.10 168.10 22.62 0.84 27.30 218.86
*Subject to annual increments.
Note that the AWR and NI and Commission charges shall be fixed to University pay scales and not, for clarity, the Illustrative Wage at 2016 Prices
Changes from Update Pay Scales to match Uni of Leeds HR issued Payscales
Rate Cards approved with Manpower from 15.03.16 (tendered rate cards plus increase to accommodate for Apprentiship Levy)

University of Leeds Mini Competition - Price Submission Spreadsheet

Version 2 as of 15.03.17
SUPC Framework Agreement Call Off from Lot 5 - Master Vendor Model
WTR, NI and Commission

University of Universit Universit Indicative WTR £ WTR % ROP+WT EMP.NI£ EMP.NI AL £ COMM £ TOTAL
Leeds Pay Scale - y of y of Hourly Rate R % Payable
Illustrative Wage Leeds Pay Leeds of Pay (ROP)
at 2016 Prices Scale* Spine to Worker
(Gross) Point* (Gross)
£7.20 - £8.02 2 1-5 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 8.32% £ £ £
7.20 1.33 8.53 0.60 0.04 1.18 10.35

£8.21 - £9.08 3 6 - 10 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 9.31% £ £

8.21 1.51 9.72 0.76 0.05 11.72

£9.34 - £10.76 4 11 - 16 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 10.16% £ £

9.34 1.72 11.06 0.95 0.06 13.25

£11.08 - £12.83 5 17 - 22 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 11.13% £ £ £

11.08 2.04 13.12 1.23 0.07 1.18 15.60

£13.21 - £15.76 6 23 - 29 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 11.97% £ £

13.21 2.44 15.65 1.58 0.08 18.49
£16.23 - £19.37 7 30 - 36 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 12.79% £ £
16.23 2.99 19.22 2.08 0.10 22.58

£19.95 - £26.00 8 37 - 46 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 13.45% £ £ £

19.95 3.68 23.63 2.68 0.12 3.64 30.07

£24.78 - 29.58 9 44 - 50 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 14.01% £ £

24.78 4.57 29.35 3.47 0.15 36.61

£29.58 - £39.72 10 50 - 60 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 14.39% £ £ £

29.58 5.46 35.04 4.26 0.18 3.64 43.11

£40.00 and NA NA £ £ 18.45% £ £ 14.90% £ £

above 40.00 7.38 47.38 5.96 0.24 57.22

£150.00 and NA NA £ £ 18.45% £ £ 15.96% £ £ £

above - Daily Fee 150.00 27.68 177.68 23.94 0.89 27.30 229.80

*Subject to annual increments.

Note that the AWR and NI and Commission charges shall be fixed to University pay scales and not, for clarity, the Illustrative Wage at 2016 Prices

Changes from Include uplift for Apprenticeship Levy

University of Leeds Mini Competition - Price Submission Spreadsheet

Version 2 as of 15.03.17
SUPC Framework Agreement Call Off from Lot 5 - Master Vendor Model
WTR, NI and Commission

University of Universit Universit Indicative WTR £ WTR % ROP+WT EMP.NI£ EMP.NI AL £ COMM £ TOTAL
Leeds Pay Scale - y of y of Hourly Rate R % Payable
Illustrative Wage Leeds Pay Leeds of Pay (ROP)
at 2016 Prices Scale* Spine to Worker
(Gross) Point* (Gross)
£7.20 - £8.02 2 1-5 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 8.32% £ £ £
7.20 1.33 8.53 0.60 0.04 1.18 10.35

£8.21 - £9.08 3 6 - 10 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 9.31% £ £

8.21 1.51 9.72 0.76 0.05 11.72

£9.34 - £10.76 4 11 - 16 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 10.16% £ £

9.34 1.72 11.06 0.95 0.06 13.25

£11.08 - £12.83 5 17 - 22 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 11.13% £ £ £

11.08 2.04 13.12 1.23 0.07 1.18 15.60

£13.21 - £15.76 6 23 - 29 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 11.97% £ £

13.21 2.44 15.65 1.58 0.08 18.49

£16.23 - £19.37 7 30 - 36 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 12.79% £ £

16.23 2.99 19.22 2.08 0.10 22.58
£19.95 - £26.00 8 37 - 46 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 13.45% £ £ £
19.95 3.68 23.63 2.68 0.12 3.64 30.07

£24.78 - 29.58 9 44 - 50 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 14.01% £ £

24.78 4.57 29.35 3.47 0.15 36.61

£29.58 - £39.72 10 50 - 60 £ £ 18.45% £ £ 14.39% £ £ £

29.58 5.46 35.04 4.26 0.18 3.64 43.11

£40.00 and NA NA £ £ 18.45% £ £ 14.90% £ £

above 40.00 7.38 47.38 5.96 0.24 57.22

£150.00 and NA NA £ £ 18.45% £ £ 15.96% £ £ £

above - Daily Fee 150.00 27.68 177.68 23.94 0.89 27.30 229.80

*Subject to annual increments.

Note that the AWR and NI and Commission charges shall be fixed to University pay scales and not, for clarity, the Illustrative Wage at 2016 Prices

Changes from Include uplift for Apprenticeship Levy


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