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Summer Training Report on Movie Booth

with React.js

A Project Report

Submitted by

Himanshu Singh (20BCS2142)

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of




Chandigarh University

June-July 2022


I, student of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering,

5th Semester, session: June-July 2022, Chandigarh University, hereby
declare that the work presented in this Project Report entitled “Movie
Booth” is the outcome of my own work, is bona fide and correct to the best
of my knowledge and this work has been carried out taking care of
Engineering Ethics. The work presented does not infringe any patent work
and has not been submitted to any other university or anywhere else for the
award of any degree or any professional diploma.

Training Certificate


It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly helped me to

learn this course and who influenced my thinking, behaviour and acts during study. I am
thankful to Internshala for this course and for providing me the platform to learn and
apply the skills learned through a project. I perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in
my career development. I will strive to use gained skills and knowledge in the best viable
way, and I will continue to work on their improvement, to attain desired career objectives.
Hope to continue cooperation with all of you in the future.

Himanshu Singh

List of Figures

S.No. Figure No. Figure Name Page No.

1. 3.1 Context Level 16

2. 3.2 First Level DFD 16

3. 3.3 ER Diagram 18

4. 3.4 Sequence Diagram 20

5. 4.1 Result 21

6. 4.2 Result 22

7. 4.3 Result 23

8. 4.4 Result 24

Topic Page No.
Acknowledgement 4
List of Figures 5
Abstract 7
Chapter 1 Introduction 8-10
1.1 Overview 8
1.2 Background Study 8
1.3 Project Planning 9
1.4 Problem Identification 9
1.5 Task Identification 10
1.6 Software and Hardware Requirement 10
Chapter 2 Literature Survey 11-12

2.1 Problem Definition 11

2.2 Objective 12
Chapter 3 Design Flow/Process 13-20
3.1 Constraint Identification 13
3.2 Methodology Followed 14
3.3 Data Flow Diagram 15-16
3.4 ER Diagram 17-18
3.5 Sequence Diagram 19-20
Chapter 4 Result and Discussion 21-30
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Scope 31
5.1 Conclusion 31
5.2 Future Scope 31
References 32


Movie booth in web system is basically made for providing the customers an
anytime and anywhere service for booking cinema tickets and providing
information regarding movies and their online schedule. Due to increase in
technology and digitalization online movie system has become much more popular.
Instead of wasting time in queues of movie counter, it provides easy and efficient
way to book the tickets online. It is quite fascination to sit at home browse the
movies which have been released, read the review and then book the tickets
according to our feasibility. Online cinema ticket booking system is actually in
action for the last 15 years but it gained its popularity after 2004 and its reach
increased several folds in the past 6-10 years because of increasing net



1.1 Overview

Movie ticket booking in web system is basically made for providing the customers
an anytime and anywhere service for booking cinema tickets and providing
information regarding movies and their online schedule. Due to increase in
technology and digitalization online movie system has become much more popular.
Instead of wasting time in queues of movie counter, it provides easy and efficient
way to book the tickets online. It is quite fascination to sit at home browse the
movies which have been released, read the review and then book the tickets
according to our feasibility. Online cinema ticket booking system is actually in
action for the last 15 years but it gained its popularity after 2004 and its reach
increased several folds in the past 6-10 years because of increasing net

1.2 Background Study

When making a video podcast, you might need to complete an interview.

Sometimes it makes viewing more interesting if you create a background behind
the discussion. A background can create an atmosphere which allows your viewer
to believe you are in a particular on-site location. You can create a background
from a still picture or a video.

1.3 Project Planning

Project planning is part of project management. Initially, the project scope is

defined and the appropriate methods for completing the project are determined.
Following this step, the durations for the various tasks necessary to complete the
work are listed and grouped into a work breakdown structure. The logical
dependencies are defined, and the necessary resources are estimated which will be
allocated to each activity. At this stage, the project plan may be optimized to
achieve the appropriate balance between resource usage and project duration to
comply with the project objectives. Once established and agreed, the plan becomes
what is known as the baseline. Progress will be measured against the baseline
throughout the life of the project.

1.4 Problem Identification

Create a Movie booth in React. The movie booth should have all the features
displayed in the mock-up screens in the scenario.

1.5 Task Identification

After identifying the problems, it is now time to lay out the task that the
development of web-app will follow. The website is made open source for anyone
to share and contribute. No login/sign-up forms were attached.

1.6 Software and Hardware tools required for the Project:

Hardware Required:

 Processor: Pentium IV or Above

 RAM: 2GB or above
 Hard Disk: 50GB or above
 Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse
 Output Devices: Monitor

Software Required:

 Operating System: Linux, Ubuntu, Mac, Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10

Libraries: Frame Work and React js


Literature Survey

2.1 Problem Definition

Create a Movie booth using React Js. The website should have all the features
displayed in the mock-up screens in the scenario. To calculate the rating for
each movie, we can use rules similar to the sample rules displayed below.

2.2 Objectives

The functional requirements are those requirements that are necessary to the
eye of the user and the client. Here we try to make the module possible to
accomplish the need of the desired function.


Design Flow/Process

3.1 Constraints Identification

1. Time: Time management is a crucial part in any project. Same goes

for the resume building web-app, even after defining life cycle
some external factors can delay the progress of the project. So, the
developers have to keep time constraints in their minds.

2. Scope: The project will deliver a responsive web-app made using

next.js which will help users make their resume easily and

3. Quality: The web-app is designed to deliver quality resumes and

but as anything requires previous experiences this is no different.
So, there may be some quality constraints which may make the
web-app sub-par.

4. Risk: Every product involves some risk throughout its life cycle. So,
there can be many risks involved with this project but the most
crucial one would be the use of only one template as it can be off-
putting for some users.

5. Benefits: The main benefit of the web-app is the simple and easy to
use UI which may repulse user as they might consider it too simple
looking and not something extravagant.

3.2 Methodology Followed

Creating a web-application require multiple steps which are as follows:

 Using the movie DB API

 Integrating the API.
 Adding all the functionalities

3.3 Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagrams show the flow of data from external entities into the
system, and from one process to another within the system. There are four
symbols for drawing a DFD:

I. Rectangles representing external entities, which are sources or

destinations of data.
II. Ellipses representing processes, which take data as input, validate and
process it and output it.
III. Arrows representing the data flows, which can either, be electronic data
or physical items.
IV. Open-ended rectangles or a Disk symbol representing data stores,
including electronic stores such as databases or XML files and physical
stores such as filing cabinets or stacks of paper.

Figures below are the Data Flow Diagrams for the current system. Each
process within the system is first shown as a Context Level DFD and later as a
Detailed DFD. The Context Level DFD provides a conceptual view of the
process and its surrounding input, output and data stores. The Detailed DFD
provides a more detailed and comprehensive view of the interaction among the
sub-processes within the system.

Context Level Diagram


DFD Level - 1


3.4 ER Diagram

An Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram is a type of flowchart that illustrates how

“entities” such as people, objects or concepts relate to each other within a
system. ER Diagrams are most often used to design or debug relational

databases in the fields of software engineering, business information systems,
education and research. Also known as ERDs or ER Models, they use a defined
set of symbols such as rectangles, diamonds, ovals and connecting lines to
depict the interconnectedness of entities, relationships and their attributes. They
mirror grammatical structure, with entities as nouns and relationships as verbs.

ER diagrams are related to data structure diagrams (DSDs), which focus on the
relationships of elements within entities instead of relationships between
entities themselves. ER diagrams also are often used in conjunction with data
flow diagrams (DFDs), which map out the flow of information for processes or


3.5 Sequence Diagram

The Sequence Diagram models the collaboration of objects based on a time

sequence. It shows how the objects interact with others in a particular
scenario of a use case. With the advanced visual modelling capability, you
can create complex sequence diagram in few clicks. Besides, Visual
Paradigm can generate sequence diagram from the flow of events which you
have defined in the use case description.


An Actor models a type of role played by an entity that interacts with the
subject (e.g., by exchanging signals and data), but which is external to the
subject (i.e., in the sense that an instance of an actor is not a part of the
instance of its corresponding subject). Actors may represent roles played by
human users, external hardware, or other subjects. Note that an actor does
not necessarily represent a specific physical entity but merely a particular
facet (i.e., "role") of some entity that is relevant to the specification of its
associated use cases. Thus, a single physical instance may play the role of
several different actors and, conversely, a given actor may be played by

multiple different instances. Since an actor is external to the subject, it is
typically defined in the same classifier or package that incorporates the
subject classifier.

Call Message

A message defines a particular communication between Lifelines of an

Interaction. Call message is a kind of message that represents an invocation
of operation of target lifeline.



Results and Discussion

4.1 Result:





4.2 Project Code:




Conclusion and Future Scope

5.1 Conclusion

React JS has come at a good time helping the developers to build highly engaging
web apps and user interfaces within quick time. It allows you to break down the
components and create a single page application with less coding. Moreover, the
virtual DOM also integrates the performance and React JS is also known to be SEO
friendly. You can develop large scale apps with frequently changing data. It is due to
these major advantages that React JS has gained much spotlight. Within our pages
on this project you'll find worthy, concrete and timely news about the industry, that
emphasize not only the product but the personalities also.

5.2 Future Scope

The arithmetic of film earnings on OTT platforms is straightforward. OTT has to buy
the rights to the movies for release or streaming. ... In this deal, it happens that the
platform gives a fixed amount to the filmmakers and the producers make the film for
less than that, that is the remaining amount is their profit. Revenues tend to dry up after
a few years, but movie studios can still make money from older films by licensing them
to Netflix or Amazon Prime. However, the success of original content on the streaming
services also draws audiences away from traditional movies.
The Indian film industry makes over 1000 movies annually of which a substantial
portion is produced by the popular Hindi film industry known as Bollywood. Following
observations have been made from the selection of films: First, the standard idea of
blockbuster by casting superstars stars being the highest profitmaking product has been
seriously challenged. Secondly, low budget films with issue-based content have
featured in large numbers in the list. Finally, structural changes are observed in the
profit-making model while producing a film. The present paper uses specific variables
to produce a descriptive statistical analysis of the selected movies.


 Project Learning: https://internshala.com

 Report data: https://www.boxofficeindia.com
 API: https://www.tvmaze.com/api


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