Meaningful Making 2
Meaningful Making 2
Meaningful Making 2
Edited by Paulo Blikstein, Sylvia Libow Martinez, Heather Allen Pang, and Kevin Jarrett
Edited by Paulo Blikstein, Sylvia Martinez, Heather Allen Pang, and Kevin Jarrett
Cover by Ria Kawaguchi
Published 2019 by Constructing Modern Knowledge Press, Torrance, CA USA
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Paperback book ISBN: 978-0-9994776-1-8
Hardcover book ISBN: 978-0-9994776-2-5
EDU039000 EDUCATION / Computers & Technology
EDU029030 EDUCATION / Teaching Methods & Materials / Science & Technology
About the FabLearn Fellows Initiative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
About the FabLearn Labs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Rube Goldberg, YouTube, and the Archimedes Screw:
About this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Hidden Drivers of Pedagogic Transactions
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix by Sarah Alfonso Emerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Where Art Education Meets Maker Education Lesson Plan: MLK March on Washington Artifact
by Erin Riley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 by Josh Ajima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Let’s Not Make Making Too Complicated Constructionism for Science Literacy
by Mark Schreiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 by Christa Flores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Designing Learning Spaces for Constructionism and Engineering Starting from Scratch
Learner Autonomy by Alphonse Habyarimana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
by Christa Flores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Middle School Sewing Elective, Version 2
Giving as a Core Value in Makerspaces by Heather Allen Pang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
by Josh Ajima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Why I Teach SolidWorks CAD to Young Children
Design Reviews: Constructionism Conversations about by Sarah Alfonso Emerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Public Entities Mystery Artifact Lesson
by Susan Klimczak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 by Josh Ajima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Making inside the Magic Circle Engaging Classroom Teachers in Making
by Sam Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 by Angie O’Malley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Making Art with Digital Technology Not the End: Reflections on a Year of History and Making
by Erin Riley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 by Heather Allen Pang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Strategies to Foster Creativity in Classrooms The Kepler Tech Lab’s Girls in STEM Initiative
by Cassia Fernandez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 by Alphonse Habyarimana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Brainstorming: Makerspace AI Decolonizing STEMM: Reclaiming Indigenous Knowledge
by Josh Ajima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 and Practices with Felt Monsters and Ceremonial Masks
by Reina Sofia Cabezas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Convincing Yourself and Others: “PUSH ME!” Teaching Paper Electronics to a Crowd with a
Why Bring Making into the Classroom? . . . .92 Switch Sampler
by Susan Klimczak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Experimenting: The Power of Hands-On Learning
by Koff i Dodji Honou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 Tiny Adventures in Affordable Physical Computing
by Susan Klimczak, in collaboration with George Swallow
Confessions of a Maker Educator
and James Salvatore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
by Angie O’Malley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96
Easy Electronic Circuits with a Vinyl Cutter
Funds of Knowledge
by Per-Ivar Kloen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
by Aaron Vanderwerff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
3D Printing with Primary Students
Cheikh Anta Diop Fab Lab Academy
by Angie O’Malley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
by Koff i Dodji Honou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
Toy Hacking for Accessibility
Megachanges and Programming Curricula
by Angie O’Malley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
by Cassia Fernandez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Wood Block Phone Charger Workshop in Uganda
Local Partnerships Empower Educators and Student Leaders
by Juliet Wanyiri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
in Rwanda
by Alphonse Habyarimana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Project Snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
Maker Education and the STEM Monster
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
by Christa Flores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
Electric Pop-Up Cards
Constructionism 800 Meters above Sea Level
by Jaymes Dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
by Nalin Tutiyaphuengprasert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
Reverse Engineering
Projects to Explore in Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 by Sarah Alfonso Emerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Desktop CNC: Linoleum Stamp Rube Goldberg Chain-Reaction Machines
by Josh Ajima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 by Sarah Alfonso Emerson, Cassia Fernandez, Angela Sofia Lombardo
with Giulio Bonanome and Alphonse Habyarimana . . . . . . . . . . .158
3D-Printed Lithophane
by Josh Ajima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Sunbeam T-Shirts
by Per-Ivar Kloen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
Making the Buttons
by Josh Ajima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Tons of Stuff
by Mathias Wunderlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Make Your Own Low-Cost Computer with a Raspberry Pi
and Recycled Materials Upcycling Packaging
by Koff i Dodji Honou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 by Mathias Wunderlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Animatronics: Making STEAM Move Signs That Matter
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120 by Mathias Wunderlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Making Hope Happen Mini Makers: Food-Grade Paint
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 by Christa Flores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Helping Young Students in the Developing World Mini Makers: Houses
Explore Electronics by Christa Flores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
by Alphonse Habyarimana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Biomimicry
Creative (and Squishy) Circuits by Angie O’Malley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
by Alphonse Habyarimana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 School Post Office
Trebuchet Making: STEM in Action by Angie O’Malley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
by Alphonse Habyarimana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Makey Makey Crafty Controllers
Connecting Children around the World with the by Angela Sof ia Lombardo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
“Emotions Chair”
by Susan Klimczak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Hard(ware) Fun Quick Cuts: A Flash Film Festival
by Angela Sof ia Lombardo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 by Sam Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190
Bristle Bot Maze Paper Bits
by Angie O’Malley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 by Per-Ivar Kloen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Glow Golf PLA Melts
by Angie O’Malley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 by Erin Riley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Board Game: Missing Pieces Provocation Cardboard Fashion Show
by Sam Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 by Per-Ivar Kloen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Laser-Cut/Engraved Pins Hack Your Classmate
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 by Per-Ivar Kloen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Tracing Images for 2D and 3D Design Shadow Tinkering
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 by Angela Sofia Lombardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Robot Storytelling The Cucumber Slicer
by Nico Janik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 by Mario Parade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Using Low-Resolution Prototyping to Learn Design and Escape Room Design
Solve Problems by Justin Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
by Kevin Jarrett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Write It Do It
Group Puzzle Frame by Justin Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
by Heather Allen Pang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Algorithmic Art
Build-tionary by Jaymes Dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
by Sam Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Prosthetic Hand Design
Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Role-Playing Games by Jaymes Dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
by Sam Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Programmable Pinball Machine
Solar Bobble by Cassia Fernandez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201
by Susan Klimczak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180
Marbling Plywood for Laser-Cut Parts
Laser-Cut and Makey Makey Game of Operation by Erin Riley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Pixel Art
First-Hand Sewing Project: Stuffed Animal or Smiley Face by Erin Riley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203
by Heather Allen Pang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Material Exploration in Mold Making
Interactive Body Systems Exhibition by Erin Riley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
by Jaymes Dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Contact Mic Synthesizer
Locker Mirrors by Daniel Schermele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205
by Jaymes Dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Office Supply Flair
Talking Historical Quilt by Dan Schermele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
by Mark Schreiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Repair Café in the School Makerspace
Customized Rubber Stamps by Mathias Wunderlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207
by Mathias Wunderlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Recycling and Upcycling Furniture for Your Makerspace
Earthquake Engineering by Mathias Wunderlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
by Jaymes Dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
3D Maps
Dia de los Muertos Laser-Cut Calavera Art by Mathias Wunderlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Turnery for Kids
Tinkering with Spinners by Mathias Wunderlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210
by Cassia Fernandez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Round, Arched Rain Roof
by Mario Parade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Microf ilms and Microstills
by Erin Riley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Creating Physical Interfaces to Minecraft with a Raspberry Pi
by Kevin Jarrett and Trevor Shaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Cardboard Chair Challenge
by Wojciech Karcz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Animating a Model of Myself in Scratch
by Alphonse Habyarimana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Make History
by Per-Ivar Kloen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Liver It Up!
by Per-Ivar Kloen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Creative Capacity Building
by Alphonse Habyarimana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Introduction to Physical Programming
by Alphonse Habyarimana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Creative Robotics
by Angela Lombardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Spaghetti Tower
by Angela Sofia Lombardo and Giulio Bonanome . . . . . . . . 221
Glitch Art—Happy Accident or Controlled Chaos?
by Anne Bown-Crawford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222
by Anne Bown-Crawford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223
Fashion Design with Circuits
by Anne Bown-Crawford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224
Tin Puzzles
by Erin Riley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225
viii MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces
About the FabLearn Fellows Initiative $ How can we generate an open-source set of
The FabLearn Fellows program was created constructionist curricular materials well adapted
and housed at Paulo Blikstein’s Transformative for makerspaces and fabrication labs in educa-
Learning Technologies Laboratory (TLTL), tional settings?
an academic research group within Stanford $ How are teachers adapting their own curriculum
University’s Graduate School of Education from in the face of these new “making” technologies,
2008 to 2018. It is now housed at Teachers and how can they be better supported? What
College, Columbia University. challenges do teachers face when trying to
The Fellows program brings together experi- adopt project-based, constructionist, digital
enced educators from all over the world to con- fabrication activities in their classrooms and
tribute to research about constructionist learning, after-school programs?
maker education, and digital fabrication in schools $ How are schools approaching teacher develop-
to create an open-source library of curricula and ment, parental/community involvement, and
best practices. To date, there have been two cohorts issues around traditional assessment?
of FabLearn Fellows, a diverse group of thirty-eight
educators and makers. Many Fellows from the About the FabLearn Labs
first cohort have continued to contribute to the FabLearn Labs (formerly known as FabLab@
FabLearn program as Senior FabLearn Fellows. School labs) are physical makerspaces in K–12
Together the Fellows represent sixteen countries, schools developed by TLTL and managed in collab-
including fourteen states in the United States, and oration with US and international partners. While
work with students from a wide variety of demo- today there are a growing number of fabrication
graphics at public and independent schools, com- labs in school settings, in 2009 FabLab@School
munity organizations, museums, and nonprofits. was the first such program designed from the
The FabLearn Fellows program was created as ground up specifically to serve grades 6–12.
part of a larger project sponsored by the National There are currently FabLearn Lab installations
Science Foundation entitled “Infusing Learning on the Columbia University campus (US), and
Sciences Research into Digital Fabrication in in East Palo Alto (US), Palo Alto (US), Moscow
Education and the Makers’ Movement” (NSF Award (Russia), Bangkok (Thailand), Barcelona (Spain),
1349163, Division of Information & Intelligent Melbourne (Australia), Sobral (Brazil), and Espoo
Systems). Some Fellows have been supported (Finland), with partner labs in many other cities.
by the Lemann Foundation (Brazil) and the The intellectual roots of FabLearn extend back to
Suksapattana Foundation (Thailand). the work of Seymour Papert, a pioneer in the field
of educational technologies, and his collaborators
FabLearn Fellow Goals at the MIT Media Lab. Papert and his colleagues
Despite the recent popularity of the maker developed Logo, a programming language designed
movement and fabrication labs in education, most for children and the first systems for educational
teachers work in isolation, cut off from other prac- robotics. Papert’s constructionist perspective (a
titioners doing similar projects and disconnected belief that children learn most effectively when
from learning sciences researchers. One of the they build artifacts and share with peers) is at the
main objectives of the FabLearn Fellows program heart of the FabLearn program. A second important
is to bring researchers and practitioners together component is the work of Paulo Freire, a Brazilian
to help bridge these gaps, learn from each other’s scholar who was a pioneer in highlighting the
experiences, share these lessons with their local importance of culture, equity, and social justice
community, and together create educational in education.
materials for the rest of the teaching community. The original Fab Lab was conceived in the early
Through this project, we hope to answer four 2000s in the Media Lab at MIT by Neil Gershenfeld
major questions: (in collaboration with Bakhtiar Mitkak) as a creative
$ How can we scale up maker education without space for university students. Within five years
losing its transformative power? the concept had been transplanted successfully
to community centers and entrepreneurial centers FabLearn Fellows project principal investigator:
around the globe under the banner of the Fab Foun- Dr. Paulo Blikstein, Associate Professor of
dation. In this book, the spaces that are affiliated Learning Technologies & Design, Teachers
with the Fab Foundation are called Fab Labs, while College, Columbia University
those not associated are called fab labs, fablabs,
FabLearn Fellows principal advisor:
makerspaces, or their own unique name based on
Sylvia Libow Martinez, coauthor of Invent to Learn:
the preference of the organization and author.
Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom,
Paulo Blikstein was a student at the MIT Media
and president, Constructing Modern Knowledge
Lab when the very first Fab Labs were being created.
He began researching digital fabrication in educa- Special thanks:
tion in 2004 as part of his doctoral work, created the Diana Garcia (FabLearn executive director);
FabLearn Lab concept when he joined the Stanford Claire Rosenbaum, Tatiana Hochgreb-Haegele,
faculty in 2008, and designed the first-ever digital Alicja Żenczykowska, Livia Macedo, and
fabrication lab at a school of education. Blikstein Jonathan Pang (FabLearn program managers);
is currently an associate professor of Communica- Tamar Fuhrmann (FabLearn research lead);
tion, Media & Learning Technologies & Design at Janet Kolodner and Christopher Hoadley (NSF
Teachers College, Columbia University. former program managers); and the students
and postdocs at the TLTL
About this book
This book is a compilation of some of the work Transformative Learning Technologies Laboratory
of the FabLearn Fellows and Senior FabLearn The Transformative Learning Technologies
Fellows. Included are articles about making Laboratory (TLTL) is a multidisciplinary research
and fabrication in many different learning spaces, group creating and investigating new technologies
ideas for projects, reflections, curriculum integra- for project-based STEM education. Within the
tion strategies, and much more. Many of the realm of digital fabrication in schools, the TLTL
articles and projects include resources for conducts research and disseminates findings
additional reading and exploration, and every through four main programs: FabLearn Labs
Fab-Learn Fellow has a page on the FabLearn (educational makerspaces in K–12 schools devel-
website ( where more projects, oped in collaboration with US and international
details, and contact information can be found. partners, formerly known as the FabLab@School
project), FabLearn conferences, FabLearn training
Acknowledgements classes, and the FabLearn Fellows program.
Contributing FabLearn Fellow Authors:
Josh Ajima, Sarah Alfonso Emerson, Anne Constructing Modern Knowledge Press
Bown-Crawford, Justin Brown, Reina Sofia Constructing Modern Knowledge (CMK) Press
Cabezas, Jaymes Dec, Koff i Dodji Honou, Cassia is a publishing company dedicated to producing
Fernandez, Christa Flores, Alphonse Habyarimana, books supporting modern learner-centered
David Hann, Nico Janik, Kevin Jarrett, Wojciech approaches to education.
Karcz, Susan Klimczak, Per-Ivar Kloen, Angela
Sofia Lombardo, Angie O’Malley, Heather Allen
Some of these projects call for tools and materials
Pang, Mario Parade, Sam Phillips, Erin Riley,
that can be dangerous if used improperly. Always
Daniel Schermele, Mark Schreiber, Nalin
follow manufacturer’s guidelines and safety rules,
Tutiyaphuengprasert, Aaron Vanderwerff,
and use common sense.
Juliet Wanyiri, and Mathias Wunderlich
Beyond Mindsets, Cultures, Brands, and Clichés:
A Possible Future for Equitable Maker Education
Evolutionary biologists agree that the capacity to $ highly dependent on previous knowledge
learn highly complex new skills is what allowed and preexisting mental models/schemata;
our species to build civilizations in just a few $ tightly connected to our sensory experience
thousand years. Sophisticated learning is what of reality; and
enabled our survival in ever-changing natural $ related to the symbols and media we use
environments, so we did not have to wait a few to represent and make sense of these reali-
million years for evolution to rewire our brains. ties, so the quality and affordances of those
This process is so powerful that in just two years media matter.
a baby can learn how to walk, use tools, speak at
While the previous theories were relatively
least one language, and create refined theories
intuitive to grasp, the new ones were fuzzy,
about the world.
complex, and in constant evolution. There were
Still, for our civilizations to develop further,
no easy analogies or shortcuts—just like quantum
learning had to be somehow organized and regi-
mechanics is harder to explain than Newtonian
mented. We have gone through many models and
physics. This complexity created problems for
settled for the one inspired by the industrial revolu-
the translation of research findings into school
tion, based on direct instruction, mass production,
settings and their implementation in large
uniformization, and obsessive technocratic control.
systems. While the “instructionist” model was
Admittedly, this model had its merits: it made
straightforward for policy makers to understand
education possible at scale, and it brought basic
with easy metaphors (such as knowledge traveling
literacy to hundreds of millions of people. However,
from person to person just like bits flow between
it was based on theories of human cognition that
computers, or information being “broadcast” by
were mostly incorrect or incomplete and was
teachers and “absorbed” by students), the idea of
thus incompatible with how our brains evolved
construction of knowledge was not as simple.
to learn. As soon as we needed children to learn
This new constructivist model—which was
more complex skills and content, this “instruc-
sometimes also called progressive, experiential,
tionist” model showed its inefficiencies, requiring
active, or hands-on learning—was initially a very
extrinsic motivation, tireless repetition, and copi-
hard sell. The theory was complex and had lots
ous amounts of time to learn even basic content.
of gaps (and flaws), the research was laborious,
Scholars such as Dewey, Papert, Piaget, Vygotsky,
implementations were expensive, and the educa-
and Freire began to give us components of a new
tional methods stemming from it were ahead of
(socio-) constructivist model, whereby learning is:
their time. But despite all that, a heroic gener-
$ social and contextualized;
ation of researchers insisted on building new
$ more about reconstruction than direct
foundations for a different approach to learning
transmission of information, so students
and education.
will never get a copy of what is in the
teacher’s brain;
much easier to convince parents, principals, and recently I realized that it is hurting the commu-
teachers of the need to redesign curricula and have nity in other ways. For instance, Leah Buechley’s
many types of learning experiences during the epic FabLearn 2013 keynote pointed out that Make:
school day. magazine covers overwhelmingly portray a maker
Thus, working “within” the system is not as ter- movement dominated by affluent white males.
rible as it used to be, and we have the opportunity This is the problem: “maker” was invented as a brand,
to improve the lives of many children right now— not as an educational concept. It was invented by very
not in 30 years. The path to sustainability includes well-meaning publishers to describe a conference
finding creative, ambitious ways to coexist within and a magazine in the Silicon Valley, but it was not
the current system while always pushing for more meant to be a pedagogy, an educational project,
audacious changes. or a theory of learning. The term make is culturally
insensitive because many populations associate
Making the terminology more precise “making your own stuff ” (food, household object)
Nomenclature sounds trivial, but it is not. We have with poverty and exploitation. It is only in affluent
far too many names for similar things: project-based parts of the world that making your own cheese,
learning, maker education, student-centered education, soap, or furniture is associated with emancipation
discovery learning, hands-on learning, STE(A)M and liberation. In most places, to “make” those
education, etc. This is very confusing for everyone things is a painful and undesirable chore. It is also
and makes it impossible to distinguish the peda- a gendered term. Many years ago, I remember a
gogical principles behind each approach. I believe female high school student who told me that she
that constructionist learning is an appropriate felt offended by the term maker because she saw
designation of theory of learning that underlies herself as a person who was first and foremost
the maker movement. First, constructionism has interested in helping people through making
a formal definition, and it has a clear historical things but not as a “maker” who just creates
link to constructivism—so we know its basic ideas, physical things for their own sake. She felt that
theoretical commitments, and principles. How- being seen as a “maker” was uncomfortable.
ever, learning theory is not the same as classroom The term make is also generating an excessive
practice. The problem with a term like hands-on number of useless conference panels about what
learning is that it can have so many interpretations “making” actually is (Is coding part of making?
that it is barely useful. Not everyone has to use the What is the difference between a fab lab and a
same words to describe what happens in class- makerspace? Does a makerspace need a 3D printer?).
rooms or other learning spaces. But we should be There are just too many books, manifestos, and
able to distinguish and discuss choices in how peo- definitions, as if we were trying to decipher an
ple decide to teach based on what we believe about obscure and complex term created by a philosopher
learning. This nomenclature work is a task for the in ancient Greece—when in reality it was just
whole community. We need to find spaces and invented 10 years ago. This is self-inflicted pain.
places to have honest, nontrivial exchanges and “Make” is not a pedagogy, a mindset, a way
even debate. The more preci- of thinking, or a revolution—
sion in our descriptions of MAKE is not a pedagogy or it is a brand. It is useful in that
maker activities, the more we it helps us communicate with
can talk about and improve
a mindset—it is a BRAND. the external world, but it should
them. But without precise language, we will end not be the way we think about ourselves. We
up in an educational Babel in which no progress need to move beyond the clichés, such as the
can be made. trivial discussion of mindset, the superficial
treatment of social-emotional competencies, the
Rethink our use of the term making overly simplistic celebration of “making mistakes”
I used to be an enthusiast for the term maker without debugging, or demanding “grit” with-
because it seemed to unify our community. But out students having personal ownership of their
work. The so-called “maker culture,” as we know status quo, multinational publishing companies,
it, is a collage of often US-centric, gendered, and and overhyped entrepreneurs? But I remember the
culturally insensitive practices with no theoretical early days of makerspaces and fab labs in schools,
cohesion and often contradictory ideas. Of course, just a few years ago. People would look down on
those discussions constructionist educa-
were a crucial start, The so-called “MAKER CULTURE,” as we tors and on the maker
and we need to be education community
appreciative of all know it, is a collage of often US-centric, as a bunch of absent-
the amazing work gendered, and culturally insensitive minded idealists who
that was done and did not know how the
the fearless leaders practices with no theoretical cohesion real world worked. I
that dared to create
a new movement.
and often contradictory ideas. should have gotten a
cent for each person
It was a great and bold start, but we need to move who said, “Logo did not work; this will not either,”
beyond these initial definitions and keep revisiting “It will not scale,” and “Teachers cannot do it.” But
them as complex, evolving intellectual constructs the community kept working hard, being creative,
and not as brands or clichés. and creating alternative views of what education
Thus, we should go back to the learning theories could be. And this made me believe that this time
we care about and start placing maker education there is a way to survive and thrive. We might have
in there instead of reinventing wheels. If we accept to put aside our own idealized views of how things
that constructionist learning is the learning theory work and understand that overnight changes in
to base a future on, we must now get to work on education are hard—and that even Papert was
what that means for classroom practice. a bit too optimistic (and sometimes mistaken)
about it. A more productive path might be, indeed,
Transformative learning is up to us to create multiple models of implementation,
In the famous “Gears of My Childhood” preface assessment, and curriculum construction;
to Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful document inspiring narratives of success or failure;
Ideas, Papert states what he has always considered and do rigorous research on the learning that
“the fundamental fact about learning: anything happens. With enough of these models and proofs
is easy if you can assimilate it to your collection of existence, it will be increasingly attractive for
of models. If you can’t, anything can be painfully new teachers to join, new districts to embrace the
difficult.” Education needs a collection of models ideas, and ultimately whole school systems to try
demonstrating the impact of implementing con- to incorporate making and constructionism into
structionist ideas in school. Maybe then they will their curriculum.
not anymore be painfully hard to implement but a Maybe, after all, the revolution will not happen
lot easier. This book is a collection of such models, overnight but one school at a time. But until then
written by visionary educators who took on the it is our job to build those models, tell these stories,
job of bringing constructionism to their schools; do the research, document the work, and tell the
building labs; and creating activities, toolkits, and world about the incredible things students can
curricula. They understand that we are at a cross- do when they are empowered to build, think,
roads, where yet again two different philosophies and create.
of education battle: on one hand, the proponents After all, as Freire said, transforming the world
of mass-produced instructionism now powered by is our “ontological vocation,” it is the call to be the
internet tools, and on the other, the advocates of the most fully human; it is what being Homo sapiens is
highly personal forms of learning that come from all about. Schools have denied this to children for
making, building, and creating one’s own theories. too long. What a time to be alive—it is objectively
At first, it seems like a lost fight. What can a few within our reach to change that.
innovative teachers do against the power of the
Learning 3
The first section of this book is a collection of articles about how Seymour Papert’s theory
of learning, constructionism, combines with the modern tools and technologies of the
maker movement to create new opportunities for learning. The FabLearn Fellows offer
their views on various topics from the nature of learning to creating environments for
children that foster deeper understandings and connections with powerful ideas. By
placing these big ideas in real contexts of classrooms and other learning spaces, theory
comes alive and vision becomes action.
4 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
by Josh Ajima
public-domain image of Martin Luther King Jr. words—but wasn’t able to find anything. Hmmm
I went to a Thingiverse Customizer and turned it . . . this seemed odd. I thought maybe the search
into a lithophane, which is an object that reveals a function on Thingiverse was broken. I searched
picture when you shine a light through it. I went for “Yoda” and found 269 results. Zero things for
to the Google SketchUp Warehouse, and I found black history; 269 results for 3D-printable Yodas.
a low-poly model, converted that to an STL file for The next month was Women’s History
3D printing, and uploaded both of those models Month, and again I searched—for “women’s his-
to Thingiverse. tory”—and I found zero things. [Just a word of
The next month was Black History Month, so I warning: If you search for “women” or “females”
wanted to 3D print something. I did a search, and on some 3D printing repositories, you’re going
I found zero things. I searched for “black history,” to find a lot of things that are not suitable for
“African American history”—a lot of different key- working with children.]
Imagine telling kids, “Hey! We have these I worked with the ELL teachers, and we took
new 3D printers! They are super exciting! You this as an opportunity for students to take a
should go and find something to download and Sharpie and just draw some designs on paper.
3D print,” and for a student to find zero things We digitized them and put them in Thingi-
that represent their interests, their identity, their verse and then 3D printed them. In one case,
heritage or culture . . . ? It feels like they will be the design says Guanaco, which is a nickname
unable to find anything relevant to them. for Salvadorans, and this student wrote, “I am
In my school we have a lot of English language proud to be Salvadoran.” We didn’t do this with
learner (ELL) students from El Salvador, Honduras, just one kid; we did this with a lot of the designs
and Guatemala, so when National Hispanic Heri- from this ELL class. Not all of them were able to
tage Month came around, I searched for “His- be digitized in a format that you could 3D print,
panic” and “Latina” and “Latino,” and I found but we were able to upload a number of those
zero things to 3D print. designs and publish them on Thingiverse.
Student Designs
Learning 7
Maybe your zero things result has nothing to a geometry teacher and your zero things has to
do with identity, heritage, and culture. Maybe do with nets of a cube. The Virginia Standards of
your zero things is something like the Chesapeake Learning had questions about which of these nets
Bay watershed. I helped develop a model for an of a cube actually fold up to form a cube shape.
Earth science teacher who wanted students to We developed and designed 3D models where
understand why water from New York ends up some of them folded up into the correct shape
in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Maybe you are and some of them didn’t.
So, what I learned from this project and this For all of this I wish for you and your students
work is that zero things can become one thing, the excitement and frustration, the joy and the
and one thing can become many things, and despair, but most of all the opportunity of find-
that students can have an opportunity to add ing your zero things.
knowledge to the world with digital designs.
by David Hann
Don’t run with scissors task for a young child that we adults easily take
There is a lot of discussion in the FabLearn com- for granted. This task works as a prerequisite for
munity about tools—not only new tools like 3D ironing since it also has safety considerations.
printers and CNC machines but also about find- The iron is smaller than a standard iron, so it’s not
ing great hand and power tools for children. As too heavy for a child’s smaller body frame, and the
I have been pondering tool use in the classroom, heat setting is restricted to lower temperatures to
I have come to several conclusions: avoid serious burns. However, it is still an iron; it
$ʠ Tools need to be sized appropriately will make creases in the clothes that the children
for children. iron, and it can still cause burns.
$ʠ Tools need to be of good quality to do the Many people would insist the iron be locked
actual work one might expect them to do. away for fear of children hurting themselves.
$ʠ Children need to have access to tools when Instead, in this program when the teacher deter-
they are ready to use them. mines that a child is ready, the child is taught how
$ʠ D
ʠ ifferent children are ready for different to use this tool safely and properly—in a matter-
tools at different ages. of-fact, no-nonsense way, the same way as when
$ʠ T
ʠ eachers need to recognize children’s needs learning how to use a pair of scissors. My daugh-
and skills and match them to the right tool at ter came home one day and described the process
the right time with the right safety protocols. of ironing to me. She noted specifically how one
We do a disservice to children who say “I’m hand went on the iron and the other hand went
ready for real tools” when adults feel the need to behind her back. She explained that this was so
chide them saying “No, you’re not.” This mindset you don’t burn yourself. She talked about how
needs to change—to a response that sounds like you couldn’t leave the iron lying down and how
“Okay. How can we make that happen safely?” the cord needed to be out of the way to prevent
There are, of course, inherent risks involved tripping. I was obviously intensely proud!
with any tool use (“Don’t run with scissors” is a Built to last, built for real work
common refrain in the classroom after all), but My sons are both older and have gone through the
instead of avoiding risk altogether, we should same program as my daughter: ironing, cleaning
teach children to manage the risks safely, and by glass cups, cutting fruit for a snack with properly
doing so allow children to enjoy rich, meaningful sharp knives, etc. This past summer they wanted
making experiences. their backyard playground renewed, so I ordered
Skills training for safety two yards of cedar mulch and we watched
My three-year-old daughter is in a Montessori- excitedly as the dump truck came and deposited
based program that lives this philosophy. She a pile on our driveway. I informed the boys they
recently learned how to iron clothes using a real needed to help me do the work since it was too
iron. In the program, learning to iron happens much for me to do by myself and it was their
after a child has demonstrated mastery of “how project, so they eagerly pitched in. They watched
to make toast.” This is a complex and meaningful me grab an adult-sized rake, shovel, broom, and
Learning 11
wheelbarrow. They mimicked my preparations, chop saw with children as young as grade 1—with
getting out their mini-wheelbarrow and their one-on-one supervision. It’s no surprise that an
child-sized tools: rakes, shovels, and brooms. article titled “The Most Innovative Schools in
As I watched my sons working, I got to thinking America” described Brightworks as “the school
about the tools they were using. So many plastic that teaches dangerously.” 1
toys are given to children so they can “imagine” Here is a brilliant excerpt from the Brightworks
doing the real work of an adult. While imagination blog on the subject of tool use with young children:
is wonderful and important, developing children “Real, ‘grown-up’ tools empower kids, and expand
who will engage in meaningful work is crucial their boundaries of what’s possible. At the heart of
as well. Yet while my boys were doing this real our shop are power drills—an ‘additive’ tool—and
work of moving two yards of mulch 50 feet into our chop saw–a ‘subtractive’ tool. It’s a simple,
our backyard, their tools were failing them. The powerful combination that will allow your kids to
plastic shovel broke in half, the metal shovel blade build bigger, bolder, better projects.” 2
came off the shaft, and the tines on the metal rake There is a thirteen-year-old student at my mid-
started to bend. While these tools were designed dle school who knows more about small engines
to look real—and they were certainly appropriately then I do. Yet when he comes to school, we give
sized for my children—they apparently weren’t him and all his classmates textbook pen-and-paper
designed to fully handle real work. assignments and occasionally projects involving
“jinx wood” (1 ✕ 1 cm) and a glue gun. He told me
Trust me that he thinks the challenge projects we typically
I’ve been working to renovate my basement. One give are kind of ridiculous. He is looking for
day while I was working, I looked over and saw meaningful real-world experience. Playing with
that one of my then-four-year-old sons had put syringes, tubes, and bits of wood is not relevant to
on his (real) goggles, hard hat, and ear protectors him; he’d rather dismantle the engine of his riding
and was running extra drywall screws into the lawn mower because the gear shifter isn’t working,
wall with my impact driver. My easily distractible or build an oil-change stand for his motor bike.
little guy was completely absorbed with his work, Coincidentally, where did he learn to embrace
screwing them in along the line I had drawn ear- tinkering and hands-on learning? Not from school
lier. Although he struggled a bit with the weight but from his father, a tradesperson. Thankfully
of the tool—the impact driver is pretty heavy, not we have a fab lab in my school that I oversee, so he
a child-appropriate size and weight like the iron does get some opportunities for things he finds
mentioned earlier—he worked with diligence meaningful. However, the overall school system’s
and care. With his actions, he was saying “Trust inflexibility and lack of trust in him and his abili-
me, Dad.” ties sends an implicit message that we don’t value
We need to trust our students when they em- the things he does. Sadly this is doing more to
bark on activities that may push us past our own chase students like him away from school at a time
comfort zones. Anyone would express concern when we should be drawing them in.
to a child about to try something risky, but if
the child’s response is “Trust me—I can do this,” It’s not the kids—it’s us:
then we should do the right thing and get out Adjusting our attitudes as educators
of the way (that is, after we double-check their Many activities often considered unsafe are not
safety equipment). actually beyond children’s physical or mental
Not only do we need to trust children, we need capabilities; they are unsafe because we don’t have
to trust teachers who know their students and enough adults and enough time to properly super-
who work with each of them individually. I’m vise and train children who are ready for them. By
reminded of my visit with Gever Tulley at Bright- extension, it’s actually unsafe because we don’t set
works, a school in San Francisco, California, where our expectations high enough. It comes down to
I was very impressed to learn that they use the our preexisting mindset. It’s like I tell my students
12 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
in my fab lab: “The MOST dangerous tool is actu- all kinds of authentic learning experiences using
ally the one you think is SAFE!” If we start with the all sorts of real tools in appropriate circumstances.
premise that children are developmentally unable I’m grateful that students in my school have the
to work with tools, then we limit their opportuni- opportunity to use a variety of real tools, but this
ties for no reason other than the ease of blanket option should be open to children at every school,
prohibitions. Instead of facilitating the taking of and not just at select schools.
calculated risks, we don’t trust teachers’ judgment,
and we are guided solely by fear of liability. Notes
Unfortunately the other key piece here beyond 1.
adjusting attitudes is staffing and funding. In his -schools-in-america-2016-4#brightworks
fascinating book on the history and trajectory of -school-san-francisco-ca-the-school-that
manual work and hands-on education, Matthew -teaches-dangerously-2
Crawford argues in Shop Class as Soulcraft that 2.
what school boards wanted in the 1990s and 2000s -chop-saw-with-five-year-olds
was fewer adults in the room. As a result, shop
classes were closed since the class sizes were much
smaller, and students were put in front of comput-
ers in labs that could hold much larger classes.
What results in classrooms more often than
not are projects that many students do not find
challenging and see no value in doing. Children
get very good at reading our implicit messages
and the message we often send around tools:
$ʠ “We don’t trust you.”
be supervised.”
Granted, some amazing and forward-thinking
teachers in Ontario and all over are getting started
with hand tools and real materials in kindergarten
and grade 1. The problem is that by the time these
students reach the end of middle school, they may
have been using the same tools for eight years, and
by then many of them are long past ready to move
on to greater challenges.
No wonder some of our students are discour-
aged, disengaged, and acting out.
The solution in my mind is simple (though ad-
mittedly the implementation would be complex):
get rid of age-based “batching” (as Sir Ken Rob-
inson calls it) and move to a more personalized
skills-based focus. For students who are ready,
bring out the real tools and let them get to work.
For those who are not, provide different, “scaf-
folded” projects (perhaps using predetermined
kits) to allow them to develop skills and learn at
their own pace.
I’m not saying that any child should use any
tool but that we must remain open to facilitating
Learning 13
Makerspace of My Childhood
by Jaymes Dec
Note: This article is a reflection on Seymour Papert’s seemed to contain older items, foreign detritus
classic introduction to Mindstorms, “Gears of from our parents’ childhoods. Reaching these
My Childhood” archaic items was dangerous. The shelves were
freestanding, and we had to climb them to reach
Even at the age of seven, I had a makerspace.
the upper levels. More than once, a whole shelving
The cellar of our family home in suburban New
unit tipped over on a small child, spilling ancient
Jersey was dark in corners, and the cement floor
report cards and faded sepia photographs all over
was cold year-round. But the combination of
the concrete.
semi-discarded machines, random material
One entire shelving unit, closest to the stair-
selection, and my father’s heavy tools turned
case, was filled with my father’s tools. This was
this underground cavern into my own proto–
my favorite of all the shelves. I knew I was not
fab lab, a place where I was free to imagine and
supposed to play with these adult toys, but there
explore by making things, where I could tinker
was something magnetic about them—their heft
and create, a place where I could learn at my
and their power. On the lower shelves was one
own pace and study in my own way.
large box of nails and one large box of screws.
My workshop was huge, encompassing the
I loved to bang those nails with a hammer into
entire footprint of the largest house in the neigh-
scrap two-by-fours at wild angles, bending
borhood. A generic wooden staircase descended
them haphazardly. Then I would use the pry
into the middle of the room, splitting it into four
bar on the hammer to slowly remove the nails.
main sections. The left side of the wall facing the
I loved the squeaking sound that would make.
base of the stairs was lined with the hot water
Some of the longer nails were harder to pry out.
tank and furnace that warmed the water for our
I remember discovering that a small block of
house. Mysterious noises would emanate from
material between the claw and the wood would
this area of the basement. Sometimes my brothers
help pull out those more difficult nails—one of
would cruelly turn off the switch at the top of the
my first discoveries of a simple machine.
stairs, and the only light in the room would be
On one of those shelves just above my head,
the flickering blue glow of the furnace reflecting
my dad kept a few huge 12-volt batteries. I have
on the shiny concrete floor.
no idea what they were for, but I’ll never forget
Turning right to face the front of the house,
when one fell on my big toe while I was trying
one long windowless wall was lined floor to ceil-
to climb up and pull it down off its perch. I
ing with steel shelves. These muscle rack units
lost my toenail soon afterwards. I used to love
were stacked with junk and treasures packed
those batteries. They were so different from
into boxes and old luggage. There did not seem
the wimpy batteries that powered my toys and
to be any order to what was in each container.
remote controls. They had conical springs for
It was up to me and my brothers to find out.
power and ground. I remember playing with
The lower shelves were filled with boxes of our
those giants and how I discovered that placing a
old toys and broken sports equipment. This
nail across the two metal springs would produce
discarded bric-a-brac became raw materials for
sparks. My early experiments with electricity
make-believe and fantasy. The upper shelves
14 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
were fueled by a dangerous level of unbridled about the prospect of disassembling the old TV,
curiosity. I would connect my toys to those big an ancient black-and-white box. I was convinced
boxy batteries and observe the effects. Sometimes that if I could take the television apart, I could
my poor toys would make crazy sped-up noises, or figure out how to source all the individual parts,
popping sounds and smoke. I was circuit bending but smaller, and build my own handheld televi-
from a young age. Often the toys would stop work- sion set. Of course, once I took that box apart,
ing afterwards. I saw how complex the system inside really
I lost interest in those batteries once I discov- was. I kept breaking that TV down into smaller
ered the power of alternating current. In fact, and smaller parts until every single screw was
my favorite toy growing up was an old electrical removed and the giant glass cathode ray tube
power cord that had been pulled out of a lamp. I stood menacing but alone. It was not until years
don’t remember where I found it—maybe in one later, in graduate school, when I learned that the
of those boxes on the shelves, or more likely I cut capacitors inside a television set hold enough
it off a lamp myself. I used to run tests where current to kill an adult.
I’d send 120 volts of alternating current through Not all of my explorations in the basement
various materials and observe the results. My were as dangerous as the electricity experiments.
favorite objects to observe were metal bolts; they Most of my time in this makerspace was spent
would get white hot. I could pick them up with playing and inventing with safer materials. One
pliers and burn hexagonal holes in paper or plastic. winter, I decided to build a snow bike. In the
Now that I know a bit more about electricity, I basement I had all of the supplies and tools that
realize my experiments could have caused some I needed. The bicycle that I learned how to ride
serious accidents. But I learned more about on was small but heavy—my sister’s old pink-
the principles of nature by getting electrocuted and-white trainer with tassels on the handle-
through that damn lamp cord than I ever could bars. I studded the solid rubber back tire with
have in a classroom. screws spaced around the entire circumference.
In fact, I learned plenty of real lessons in I attached a short child-sized ski with C-clamps
that basement that I never could have learned cuffed around the bindings and the rim of the
in school. In school the counselors and psy- front tire. I’ll never forget the satisfaction that
chologists were saying that I had an attention I felt as I rode that pink bike around the snow-
deficit—that I had a hard time paying attention covered streets of the neighborhood. It might
to the task at hand. In classes where we had to have been the first time I made a real working
sit row by row for forty-five minutes at a time prototype of one of my inventions.
listening to a teacher talk about science or math, When I was twelve years old, my family
I was dreaming of doing science and math in the moved to another town, another house—a house
basement. And as soon as I got home, I would without a basement. Into my teens I continued
forget about that two-page worksheet that I was to fail classes at school. My parents sent me away
supposed to fill out for homework and get right to a very traditional boarding school. My love of
to work on blueprints for my latest creation. In doing math and science in the basement faded.
school I felt like a failure, but in the basement I I was forced to fill out vocabulary worksheets
was a designer, an engineer, and an inventor. In and study for mathematics quizzes.
the basement, I would take stuff apart and put It wasn’t until years later, after college, when
stuff back together. I was always trying to figure Alan Alda appeared on PBS touring around the
out how things worked. I would make things and MIT Fab Lab, that I recalled the joys of making
often break things. in that basement. The fantastic machines that I
When Dad brought home a brand-new Sony saw in that lab at MIT were way more advanced
Trinitron TV, everyone in the family was excited than any hammer, battery, or lamp cord, but I
about the huge curved glass and those giant red, recognized a playfulness and creativity that had
blue, and green pixels. But I was more excited disappeared from my life as I left childhood.
Learning 15
by Erin Riley
Celebrate the commonalities and let Likewise, possibilities for 3D design and
your makerspace/fab lab add to your fabrication include 3D CAD and scanning for
art program the 3D printer and building 3D models from
If you are fortunate enough to have a makerspace/ laser-cut flat material or generating 3D positives
fab lab at your school, allow it to introduce new for mold making.3
possibilities for your art program.
Simple electronics can add beauty and meaning
to a work of art. Paper circuits and e-textiles bring
together technology and craft.
Hand-enameled card with paper circuit 3D-deconstructed book with LED stickers
by Mark Schreiber
My kids make stuff. They’re not geeks, they’re I can now precisely laser cut with the click of a
girls. Sure, they know how to make an LED light button; I can 3D print previously impossible-
up, run a laser-cutter job, yep. Yet, even with all of to-mill parts; I can code (formerly called pro-
this, their go-to material is still paper and tape— gramming) a new app and hook it back up to
lots of tape. the physical world in ways I could only dream of
when I was a kid. But the fact is that I did dream.
I think we may be making making I did create. I did build very unsafe tree house
too complex. forts out of reclaimed wood and rusty nails—
For years I taught a middle school technology even before reclaimed was a hip term.
class, and I had my students memorize my pre- So let’s not take the dreaming out of making.
ferred definition of technology: “a man-made object Let’s not make making feel so complicated that
that solves a problem.” Yes, a computer is tech- our students feel that they aren’t geeky enough to
nology. Yes, a 3D printer is an amazing piece of try it. Instead let’s create.
technology. However, a toothbrush is technology Here are some projects that my kids have
too. And so is tape. And paper, lots of paper. Our made. Most captions include what I think students
students’ projects don’t have to flash or be flashy learned in the process. So let’s not be scared of
all the time. They just need to solve a problem and complex makes—of failing. Instead let’s get kids
get our kids learning by doing, by creating. making. These are projects that my girls came up
Now don’t get me a wrong—it definitely is an with using only their imagination and, yes, a lot
exciting time if you are a self-proclaimed maker. of tape.
Paper bridges Flying critters. The kids used a balloon and found the proper weight to make their critters fly.
They also started to lighten the load over the days to keep the critter flying as the helium
balloon started to lose lift.
Learning 21
Pet City. Need houses for your plastic kitties? Come on over—we have a
whole neighborhood!
Paper and tape. The basement makerspace needs a little bit of cleaning It’s not a box—it’s a mindset!
up, but it’s all worth it to me!
22 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
by Christa Flores
the right and responsibility for bodily safety is all learners that include providing building and
ultimately in the hands of the tool user. scientific tools (microscopes, hand lenses, etc.)
Note: Triggers on power tools can be hard as well as computers, how-to books, and inspira-
work for small hands, and if using the trigger dis- tional natural artifacts.
tracts young brains from their real work, then the A makerspace should feel like a shared home
tool may be too difficult or unsafe for their size. away from home for learners. Something as
High-voltage plug-in power tools should always simple as cleaning up and returning tools to
be monitored by an adult with younger users. their proper home can give a sense of ownership
to a makerspace visitor. When visiting the Beam
Access and inspiration Center in Brooklyn, even brooms were on display
Designing spaces for constructionism and as a sign of shared stewardship.
autonomy begins with allowing all users equal
access to tools and materials. This is best Design experiences
accomplished by having clearly labeled areas I was fortunate to visit the Beam Center in Brook-
for tools to be taken from and returned. I have lyn on a day when their week-long summer camp
seen lots of great versions of creating access for was just beginning a new session. The theme for
Hand-drawn labels let artists, makers, and inventors seek out and discover.
Tracing the shapes of tools à la Julia Child helps everyone return tools where they belong for
the next user.
the week was color, a very fitting topic for learning machine was simple enough for any age level to
about scientific principles, art techniques, and construct and challenged summer schoolers to
stewardship for a shared makerspace. Many of the learn a range of tool use and makerspace protocol,
Beam Center’s summer workshops are targeted setting norms for activity in the workshop the
for a mixed age group of six to thirteen, allowing remainder of the week.
young mentors to work with younger or less- What I loved about this workshop is how
experienced learners, lending a sense of summer campers were exposed to the world of
authority and helpfulness. making tools for the purpose of making art, a
The workshop I witnessed was designed by message about being a maker, artist, and scientist
artist and all-around Beam Center superstar that is very empowering. Tools used during this
Tim Fite. The project of the day was to make a project included measurement tools, cordless
painting machine from a plank of wood, two drills, screws, and rubber bands. Once made,
screws, and a rubber band. The rubber band the paint machines were an open-ended tool for
works as a surface to apply paint. When pulled little makers to use over and over at home. Using
and released with differing force or direction, only four materials—a wood plank, two screws, a
the vibration smacks and splatters paint onto a rubber band, and art paper—you can create the
piece of paper, creating unique prints worthy of conditions for creativity, focus, and individual-
a modern art museum exhibit. The design of the ized learning.
“Mr. Tim” begins his introduction on screen printing with an informal discussion with learners about what happens when you mix color.
Getting to know your tool takes patience
and practice. This one tool helps learners
as young as six practice focus and iteration,
and self-reflect on process.
Step-by-step instructions for making the
paint machine
Learning 25
by Josh Ajima
$ʠ Gift of making
$ʠ Gift of empowerment
$ʠ Gift of knowledge
$ʠ Gift of confidence
$ʠ Gift of self-discovery
Giving and making go together in many ways.
26 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Design Reviews:
Constructionism Conversations about Public Entities
by Susan Klimczak
“Learning . . . happens especially felicitously in a context where the learner is consciously engaged
in constructing a public entity.” —Seymour Papert (1991)
“Papert is interested in how learners engage in a conversation with [their own or other people’s]
artifacts, and how these conversations boost self-directed learning, and ultimately facilitate the
construction of new knowledge.” —Edith Ackermann (2001)
When people ask me to explain Seymour Papert’s 1. Project design review for generating simple
constructionism, I say that constructionism is project ideas
“learning by making.” However, much learning 2. Group design review to evaluate initial ideas
by making is unexpected and often unique to the for bigger projects
learner; it can’t always be predicted by a syllabus. 3. Peer review of rapid prototypes
For the most learning to happen, makers must 4. Formal community design review for proof-
have many opportunities to discover and name of-concept prototypes
what they are learning. As educators, we can pro- 5. Final community design review of full-model
vide youth with thoughtfully structured opportuni- prototypes: Project Expo
ties to engage in conversation about their projects
during the making process in order to: Project design review for generating
$ʠ Explain why and what they are making simple project ideas
$ʠ Develop skills at giving and receiving feedback You are planning a short, simple activity that
$ʠ Increase their creative confidence takes only a couple of hours, such as building a
$ʠ Discuss their process including research, paper circuit, laser cutting a backpack tag, cre-
successes, and challenges along the way ating a Makey Makey game controller, or coding
$ʠ Generate ideas about how to make the a simple Scratch animation. Even for relatively
project better short and simple project activities, conversations
help youth explore ideas.
Whether for a simple short—or an elabo-
At L2TT2L, youth sketch their ideas with pencil
rately long—maker project, our Learn 2 Teach,
and paper and present those ideas to their peers.
Teach 2 Learn (L2TT2L) community has found
Drawing and verbally explaining their ideas, then
that design reviews are one way to provide
presenting them to peers for even short feedback,
these opportunities. Carefully facilitated and
helps young people develop creative confidence
strategically timed design reviews can dramat-
ically improve youths’ learning as well as the
quality and success of projects. Our experience
is that they harness the collective imagination,
the collective knowledge, and the collective skills
of our youth (and community).
Over the past fifteen years of thinking together,
teenage youth teachers and college mentors have
developed five different kinds of design reviews:
Feedback helps youth make ideas more concrete.
Learning 27
and a clearer direction that can dramatically Mentors meet with each group to have a
improve the quality of the projects. conversation about how the group’s project idea
Starting to move ideas out of the brain to the could be improved to demonstrate more of the
physical act of putting pencil to paper (even if great project characteristics from the best youth
it is just words and scribbles) helps youth make projects in the past.
their ideas more concrete. Our evidence comes
from experience, but there must be some neuro- Prototypes: Breaking up bigger projects
science explanation. Sharing their ideas with At Learn 2 Teach, Teach 2 Learn, we use a series of
peers and talking about them—even briefly— prototypes for long-term projects that might be
helps to identify challenges and opportunities built over a span of three to six weeks. Prototypes
for simplifying or adding to their designs. are a way to test ideas in the physical world. A
great resource for learning about prototypes and
Group design review to evaluate initial how they are used in business innovation settings
ideas for bigger projects is a set of slides developed by the UK Nesta Foun-
When small groups design and build bigger proj- dation.1 Here is an adapted version of the Founda-
ects that are to be worked on for several weeks, tion’s definition:
conversations about how the project demonstrates Prototyping is an approach to developing, testing,
the characteristics of past successful projects can and improving ideas at an early stage. . . . It is a way
be inspiring. of project and team working that allows you to
It’s empowering to have the youth themselves experiment, evaluate, learn, refine, and adapt . . .
think about and generate metrics for great
projects. We had a group of youth and mentors Prototyping:
$ʠ Involves relevant people at an early stage
research and name the characteristics of ten years
$ʠ Develops ideas with the people who will help
of the most successful and satisfying L2TT2L proj-
ects. The youth turned those characteristics into a you find the answers
$ʠ Makes ideas tangible and tests them
poster of “project metrics.”
$ʠ Refines those ideas
The next three design reviews involve these summarize their feedback orally. However, the
three kinds of prototypes. written sticky notes from all the groups are col-
lected and given to the maker group. In this way,
Peer review of rapid prototypes we can get through the design review in sixty to
We find it helpful to give the young people an eighty minutes.
opportunity to “think with their hands” and make A facilitator (at L2TT2L this is a college mentor)
a rapid prototype for bigger project ideas. I like makes the process run smoothly by:
these thoughts about rapid prototypes and their $ʠ Introducing each maker group
relationship to creativity from Tom and David $ʠ Being sure maker groups answer all questions
Kelley’s book Creative Confidence: Unleashing the and pass prototype around room
Creative Potential within Us All: $ʠ Facilitating sticky note peer group feedback
questions and make choices. It also gives you from three groups
something you can show to and talk about with $ʠ Giving all the peer group sticky notes to each
Some failure is unavoidable. . . . The best kinds of peer group feedback sticky notes is also helpful
failures are quick, cheap, and early, leaving you in keeping the design review running smoothly.
plenty of time and resources to learn from the
experiment and iterate your ideas. . . . Creativity
requires cycling lots of ideas.
Guidelines for rapid prototyping After the design review, give the maker groups
After rapid prototyping, we have an informal time to have further conversation to discuss and
peer design review with facilitated questions to document the feedback that they have received.
answer, as summarized in the guide. Questions that might guide such conversations
We typically have thirty-six teen youth who are include What different kinds of feedback did the rapid
working in small maker groups on seven or eight prototype receive? What changes to the project might
projects, so this design review needs to be carefully be considered based on the feedback?
facilitated to be effective and timely. Each small At L2TT2L, we have youth document their
maker group presents its project for three to five entire engineering design process on a project
minutes. Then the other peer groups have three blog that they keep. This is also where they post
to four minutes to come up with feedback that the insights from their feedback and conversa-
they record on sticky notes. Several of the groups tions. This approach to feedback helps youth to
Learning 29
The formal design review is structured with Final community design review of
a facilitator for the agenda, timekeeper for full-model prototypes: Project Expo
presentation and panel feedback, and recorder Each year, we hold a Community Project Expo
to collect panelist notes and record verbal and at which maker groups display their full-model
written feedback on a Google Doc. prototype projects. We have a potluck lunch and
Reviewers are asked to provide feedback invite family and friends as well as local commu-
around the following considerations: nity folks—including technology and engineering
$ʠ What did you notice about presenting style, professionals, educators, and businesspeople.
project, proof-of-concept prototype? There is also a sort of final design review embed-
$ʠ How did presenters show they were serious, ded in our Project Expo each year.
prepared, and capable of doing a good job? Each maker group sets up a “booth” with
$ʠ What puzzled you or surprised you about its project and a poster that guides the viewer
the project? through the engineering design process, using
$ʠ What questions do you have for the group? our youth-generated engineering design process
$ʠ What suggestions do you have for the project? infographic as a guide. The maker group posters
$ʠ Do you know of any resources (people, guides, are very much modeled after conference posters
etc.) that could help in their making journey? but much more modest, of course.
Learning 31
What is Learn 2 Teach, Teach 2 Learn? L2TT2L
is a program at the South End Technology Cen-
ter @ Tent City in Boston, Massachusetts.3 Each
year, we hire thirty-six teen youth teachers who
represent Boston’s diversity in genders, family
cultures, schools, neighborhoods, and spectrum
of thriving in schooling. Our goal is to create a
Maker group posters resemble their academic
critical mass of Boston youth engaged in the cre-
conference counterparts. ative possibilities of technology and engineering.
Each April to August, youth teachers learn six dif-
We find that a very large percentage of the
ferent technology and engineering modules and
youth’s learning comes on this day when they
build projects that solve a community issue. Then
have to explain their process and project twenty
32 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Ackermann, E. (2001). Piaget’s constructivism,
Papert’s constructionism: What’s the difference.
Future of Learning Group Publication, 5(3), 438.
Papert, S., & Harel, I. (1991). Situating construc-
tionism. Constructionism, 36(2), 1–11.
Learning 33
by Sam Phillips
“I like to think of play as the art of world-making, and that play is about inventing invented
realities. It is about creating a world, physical or virtual, inhabiting that world, and then
eventually becoming inhabited by it.” —Edith Ackermann
toting their cargo to the park each day in a giant $ʠ Every component of the game has to be
barrel. They repair them when they get bruised. predetermined by the storyteller or game
They develop regulations around how to care for master, which means that nothing can
them and become irritated when rules are broken. happen by chance.
The LARPers store their artifacts in a public place,
which allows them to become incorporated into
the Text Adventurers play sessions as well.
Ackermann, E. (2010, April 30). Playful inventions
and explorations: What’s to be learned from
kids? [Video file]. Retrieved from
Student-created interactive games that blend physical
and electronic components
Is there a way to prepare the environment so that
this shift doesn’t happen and children can engage in
digital tinkering while maintaining their play?
Last week, I visited Dynamicland,2 a com-
munity workspace in Oakland, California, that
attempts to solve this problem by reimagining
the computer interface. At Dynamicland, peo-
ple create software together by “programming”
on scraps of paper. The paper code is seen by a
camera/sensor rig mounted in the ceiling, and
then the program is projected live onto the tables,
floors, and walls of the space. The setup encourages
Learning 37
by Erin Riley
Learning through making Art is the verb, the action, the making—
Learning by doing has been a cornerstone of our materials are physical, digital, or both
progressive education with roots dating back to
the eighteenth century. In the United States, the Digital materials for art
progressive education movement, through the So what does a contemporary art studio look like
work of John Dewey, as well as education philoso- today? How would progressive education advo-
phers like Jean Piaget, have advocated for learn- cates view the melding of digital tools with more
ing by experience. Seymour Papert expanded this traditional ones? With the enthusiasm around
idea through learning theory of constructionism. the maker movement and its growing influence
People learn best through creating and sharing on education, we have an exciting opportunity to
the things they make. Every time we make art, push through the increasingly porous boundaries
our material—whether it is clay, cardboard, or around traditionally siloed disciplines. Building
computer code—is used to form ideas and bring on the principles of progressive education, it is
them into the world. time to equip students with a tool set that brings
brush painting
chalk drawing graphic website
design design
filmmaking CGI rendering
film photography
TV video art digital
sculpture modeling
naturally game
kinetic design
kinetic art
motors autonomous devices directly
art interactive
art cameras indirectly
data information
algorithm algorithmic
network network-based
Fine Arts Modern Arts
“classical design” “design thinking” “computational design”
there’s a right way to make what because execution has outpaced designing for billions of • people
is perfect, crafted, and complete innovation, and experience matters and in realtime, is at scale and TBD
Driver/ the Industrial Revolution, and prior Driver/ the need to innovate in relation to Driver/ the impact of Moore’s Law, mobile
to that at least a few millennia of ferment. individual customer needs requires empathy. computing, and the latest tech paradigms.
The two growing categories of “designers” are those coming from Business and Technology. The three categories above are
co-dependent—you must embrace at least two of these categories in order to win in this century.
40 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Design rules dictate how we use space in creates corrupted information within digital files,
compositions. Entire worlds can be built using giving rise to glitch art. Even high-tech approaches
Cartesian coordinates, bringing a representation to making can introduce an element of chance
of three dimensions onto a flat surface or screen. much like automatism did for surrealist artists in
Artist M. C. Escher used isometric projection to the early 20th century.
create illusions and spaces that appear to fold in
Digital to form
upon each other using this mathematical grid-
Digital design mirrors physical design in many
ding system. Impossible objects can be found
ways. Pixel painting in Photoshop can replicate
in the digital world through puzzle games like
many of the processes used in the studio ad-
Monument Valley.
dressing brush style, paint opacity, and layering.
Sometimes artists want less control in their
Digital information can mirror the push/pull
process, choosing instead to see what unfolds,
responsiveness of physical material. Pixels are
free from the pressure of a preconceived result.
the painterly application of digital information,
Serendipity plays a role as the designer engages
and on screens and in print artists are liberated to
in misthetics, pulling beauty out of mistakes or
color outside the lines.
random actions. Artists have found ways to
Designing for digital fabrication, however,
use technology as active partners in the design
is a different process altogether, which requires
process through programming algorithms while
giving directions to machines and generating
letting the machine generate the art. The artist
viable tool paths. Students have the opportunity
pulls out the best solution from what is generated.
to test their designs in the physical world through
Similarly data bending by modifying image text
Learning 41
fabrication. Mistakes in measuring, scale, and the LogoTurtle drawing robot. Papert, in his
transformations show up in the model that is out- vision for computers to unlock the curiosity and
put from the machine. Mistakes in set-up result creative potential in our youth, paved the way
in failed prints, machines cutting in the wrong for educators in art to adopt digital tools for
place, or machines not working at all. creation, from artists working in a digital fron-
Pablo Picasso famously said, “Learn the rules tier like artist Vera Molnár, who brings digital
like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” to form through algorithmic design and plotter
Once artists learn the rules, and how to design for drawing, to artists who, like Papert, create tools
and control the machines, they can start looking for creative making. Casey Reas’s installations,
for opportunities to use machines and materials prints, and software have inspired a new wave
in new and inventive ways. Artists can carry on of creative technologists. Through the devel-
the same research and exploration that is central opment of Processing, with cocreator Ben Fry,
to artist practice with a new set of tools. artists have a user-friendly environment for
exploring new media art and visual design.
Computer as an expressive tool
Since computers have come into existence, artists Just atoms, bits to atoms, just bits
have been finding creative applications for their Materials are beautiful. An art studio is a rich
use. We can be inspired by exciting work in digi- source of colors and textures and raw materi-
tal technology and build upon the pedagogies that als for projects. Concern around abandoning
put children at the center of their learning. materiality for digital forms can deter some
Logo, a programming language developed from adopting new technology. “Technology is
by Seymour Papert and Cynthia Soloman, anything that was invented after you were born,”
brought design ideas to digital graphics or into said computer scientist Alan Kay. Digital mate-
the physical world through pen marks using rials add to a vast menu of options for bringing
Logo turtle from Josh Burker, Brian Silverman, and Erik Nauman
42 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
by Cassia Fernandez
During the past years I’ve been deeply interest- and meaningful. However, if we want to offer
ed in creativity. In this article I condense some opportunities for this kind of engagement to all
strategies aimed to stimulate children’s creative students, it is important to consider broad and
expression in the classroom that I’ve tested in gender-neutral themes for the activities, which
my physical programming classes and analyzed will enable each student to find their own point
during my master’s research. Most of the strat- of intersection between the proposed theme
egies presented here are not based merely on and their own interests. For example, instead of
personal insights but rather grounded on theories asking all students to accomplish a strict goal or
suggested by researchers from the field, which I a narrow challenge, activities based on broader
adapted to my own classes. themes can be much more inviting and be
These strategies are divided into three main connected to their interests. (Rusk and collab-
groups that refer to three relevant aspects con- orators [2008] have condensed some of these
nected to creativity expression: strategies beautifully in “New Pathways into
$ʠ Fueling intrinsic motivation Robotics.”) When implemented in my classes,
$ʠ Setting a supportive climate for exploration such strategies are really effective in engaging
$ʠ Scaffolding the development of ideas students in learning in a very personal way.
Of course, there are intersections of these Some examples of themes that have created
three aspects; this division is only a way to try wide engagement in my physical programming
to organize them. classes are creating an interactive art project, a
magical house story, a Rube Goldberg contrap-
Fueling intrinsic motivation tion, and a pinball machine game.
Teresa Amabile, who studied creativity for many
Encourage students to believe in their ideas
decades, found through her research that people
Throughout my teaching practice, especially
are more creative when driven more by enjoy-
in underserved communities, I have seen how
ment, interest, and passion than by external
relevant it can be for students if you show, as
pressures (also called extrinsic motivators) such
a teacher, that you believe that their ideas are
as grades or money (Amabile and Fisher 2009).
valuable. Sometimes when I talk to students
Below I suggest some strategies that could help
with very little confidence in themselves,
to foster this important aspect of creativity.
words of encouragement and demonstrations
Create ways to connect activities to students’ of enthusiasm seem to be important supports
personal interests to make them move on and keep challenging
Involvement in explorations connected to per- themselves, feeling confident to test their own
sonal interests is an important aspect to foster ideas, and going beyond what they expected
students’ creativity since it heightens the levels from themselves. Of course, it is not just about
of intrinsic motivation. Moreover, by con- being superexcited about everything but rather
necting classroom activities to their passions, looking for something you find really cool in
learning becomes a way to achieve personal their projects or discoveries and talking to them
goals, which makes it feel much more valuable about it.
44 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Creating a positive emotional climate and In my classes, I have seen kids really obsessed
showing enthusiasm for students’ ideas and with trying to build something with materials
discoveries throughout their learning processes and tools that were not ideal for the situation
encourages them to believe that they are capable or their goals. When inappropriate materials
of bringing their ideas to life—which, in turn, can crossed the path of obstinate students, the result
positively influence motivation and creativity. was that they spent long periods of time trying to
build something that eventually led to frustration.
Create opportunities for cooperation instead
Inadequate materials and long periods of frustra-
of focusing on competition
tion result in decreased intrinsic motivation.
Encouraging cooperation rather than competi-
tion can positively influence motivation and cre- Allow course changes throughout the process
ativity (Amabile 1989) and expand participation Many teachers think that planning—the steps
of learners with diverse abilities and interests in involved, the materials needed, and the outcomes
technological-related activities (Rusk et al. 2008). expected—is as important as actually creating
Moreover, in classrooms with large numbers of something. These planning skills can, of course,
students per teacher, peer collaboration can allow be very valuable in many circumstances through
students to be less teacher dependent. Students our lives. But if planning is always the entry
who help others usually feel more confident, while condition (or barrier) for creating something, a
the ones who need help don’t have to wait for the lot of ideas won’t have the chance to be explored,
teacher to move on. By collaborating and getting and kids won’t have the wonderful experience of
in contact with other project ideas through inter- going with the flow in unpredictable learning
acting with their colleagues, ideas can be shared experiments. If we want our kids to be creators,
and inspire the creative process in others. it’s important to show them that it’s okay to re-
think our paths and change our ways.
Setting a supportive climate By allowing (and creating conditions for) our
for exploration students’ ideas to evolve with time, their creative
processes will certainly be much more fruitful. So,
Create a safe environment for initial explorations
instead of always requiring them to make plans
Overly open and unstructured activities can gen-
for the final product and then proceed to the
erate frustration and lack of interest rather than
construction, we can rather leave them somewhat
engagement and autonomy. Conversely, activi-
free to explore new pathways when facing prob-
ties based on very restricted challenges usually
lems and as new ideas arise.
don’t offer many possibilities of connection with
personal interests and of creative development. Provide adequate time for the development
By creating short initial activities from a limited of projects
number of materials (whether physical elements It is common among teachers to say that if there
or programming blocks), students can develop are no deadlines, students will work slowly and
some initial understanding that allows them to be unfocused. However, what I have learned over
feel safe to explore possibilities without fear as time is that if the task is sufficiently engaging
they move onto longer projects. for the students, they will work hard to find the
answers to their questions, and even though they
Select appropriate materials for experiments
can take longer periods of time to create a “final”
The materials offered for construction are directly
product, they will engage in a much more mean-
related to the way students engage in the process
ingful experience.
of testing ideas. When materials allow quick
changes in the design and immediate observa- Encourage sharing in a safe environment
tion of its effect, students can perform small Providing space for students to share their ideas,
quick experiments, which can stimulate the questions, projects, and insights in collective
development of new ideas since several ideas moments are important aspects of classroom
can be tested and refined.
Learning 45
dynamics. However, it is important that the Stimulate students to look at familiar resources
sharing climate is pleasant and stress-free so that in new contexts
students feel comfortable sharing unfinished This suggestion, based on the approach of Tinker-
creations and can emphasize the learning process ing Studio, seemed to be very effective in my cre-
instead of only their final creation. ativity research. In my classes, besides bringing
One time, I told my students that they would recycled materials and what some people would
share their final projects in an exhibition to the call “trash,” I also encourage kids to bring inter-
whole school. Then, I started to see some of the esting materials from their homes to our classes.
kids (especially those with lower self-esteem) The materials they bring are not supposed to be
changing their “crazy” (but supercool and complex) used for their personal projects but instead to be
ideas to something much simpler—something they a common resource for the whole group to use.
already knew how to make—just because they were In our talks, I saw that this was a really important
afraid of not having something working for the strategy to encourage them to look at the things
“superimportant” moment. Since I was interested around them in a new and curious way, which
in fostering their creative potential, that made me made them feel more creative.
rethink the way I deal with exhibitions.
Scaffolding the development of ideas
Amabile, T. M. (1989). Growing up creative:
Provide learning resources that allow students Nurturing a lifetime of creativity. New York, NY:
to follow different paths Crown House Publishing Limited.
Providing good learning resources is essential to Amabile, T. M., & Fisher, C. M. (2009).
allowing deeper explorations and greater autonomy Stimulating creativity by fueling passion. In
during the development of projects. An aspect that E. Locke (Ed.), Handbook of principles of orga-
can be helpful in the design of such resources is the nizational behavior: Indispensable knowledge for
students having small blocks of information that evidence-based management (pp. 481–497). West
can help in their initial steps and that can be con- Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
nected among them for the development of more Rusk, N., Resnick, M., Berg, R., & Pezalla-
complex projects. The Scratch Cards are great ex- Granlund, M. (2008). New pathways into ro-
amples of such learning resources: instead of giving botics: Strategies for broadening participation.
step-by-step instructions on how to start a project, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17(1),
students can autonomously imagine their projects 59–69.
and look at the resources to achieve their goals,
which can be especially important in classrooms
with many students and open-ended projects.
Brainstorming: Makerspace AI
by Josh Ajima
Fellow FabLearn Fellow Jaymes Dec posed an facilitator when a user is ready for a hands-on
interesting question: “What does an AI-augmented demonstration of skills. Safety usage is moni-
makerspace look, sound, or feel like?” tored and retraining required when necessary.
I started brainstorming about how artificial The makerspace AI recommends or enforces
intelligence might support a makerspace that specific tool settings and bit/blade combina-
becomes safer and smarter as time goes on. Here tions for specific materials and applications,
are some of my thoughts. and recommends alternative materials or tools
The makerspace AI monitors the environmen- based on the database of available makerspace
tal conditions including airborne particulates, resources. The makerspace AI estimates and
sound levels, and machines in operation and records ongoing project costs based on cost of
recommends or enforces use of personal protec- material used, machine/tool use, and consum-
tion equipment such as safety glasses, ear pro- ables (for example, Amazon Go). The maker-
tection, or a respirator. IR temperature sensors space facilitator is notified if assistance is needed
detect soldering irons and hot glue guns left on, changing a bit/blade or to authorize use/cost
fire in a laser cutter, over/undertemperature in outside of approved parameters (for example, a
a 3D printer, and blade/bit overtemperature in project limit of $20 of materials).
cutting tools. The makerspace AI records, collects, and
The makerspace AI communicates through curates project information and files; assembles
audio, visual, and augmented reality (AR) em- a project time line including video/audio of
bedded in safety glasses and ear protection brainstorming among users, design iterations,
(for example, Hologarage).1 and prototypes; and records project materials
The makerspace AI can project visual infor- lists and project instructions (autogenerated
mation on any surface in the makerspace, and Instructables and project documentaries).
project audio in focused areas through ceil- The makerspace AI converts verbal descrip-
ing-mounted projectors and sound panels tions, drawings, and physical prototypes into 3D
(for example, AR Sandbox from UC Davis; models in AR. Users can modify designs using
Audio Spotlight from Holosonics 1). AR or traditional design tools. The makerspace
The makerspace AI recognizes individual AI can render the model in any material or con-
users and knows machines that users are qual- struction method available in the makerspace.
ified to use. The makerspace AI has individual The makerspace AI can apply algorithmic design
control over every powered device in the maker- to create multiple variations of user design:
space including hand tools and can disable access “Show me ten variations of this design that can
to unqualified users (for example, using the be created in the makerspace from plywood using
Milwaukee One-Key app). The makerspace AI the laser cutter.” Designs can be optimized for
provides just-in-time training through audio, strength, cost, material usage, or complexity.
video, and AR on the specific machine a user Users can create custom design algorithms.
needs with specific materials the user wants to The makerspace AI assists users in program-
use. The makerspace AI notifies a makerspace ming wireless electronics modules through natural
Learning 47
Teaching 49
Making in education is not about having the coolest, most expensive tools or the fanciest
makerspace. Making is a way to empower people to solve their own problems and
develop the skills and mindsets to do so.
At its core, the maker movement is about sharing ideas and access to solutions with the
world, not for money or power, but to make the world a better place. It’s about trusting
other people—often people you don’t know—to use these ideas for good.
Making in the classroom is also about power and trust, and perhaps in an even more
important way, because it’s about transferring power to the learner—young people who
are the ones who will take over the world in the not-too-distant future. And in giving
learners agency and responsibility over their own learning, they gain trust—not just the
trust of the adults in the room, but trust in themselves as powerful problem solvers and
agents of change. All of this takes preparation and work on the part of the teacher. The
articles in this chapter show how it happens in the classroom to inspire readers to bring
these ideas into their own teaching practice.
50 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
In Edith Ackermann’s “Hidden Drivers of Pedagogic Off to YouTube the children went, watching
Transactions: Teachers as Clinicians and Design- Rube Goldberg videos, looking for something
ers” (2003), she shows that as teachers take on different. At first the children were growing
the role of clinicians (facilitating communication in excitement by seeing other ideas, but as I
around a problem) and designers (imagining and probed them to think deeper about what they
creating a safe learning environment for explo- were seeing (e.g., “Is that really a new idea?,” “Is
ration and negotiation of old and new thoughts), that a unique use of a simple machine?”), they
a pedagogic transaction takes place between the realized they continued to see a lot of the same
teacher and the learner in which both parties are old thing—inclined planes with objects rolling
shaped by and shape a problematic situation. down, pulleys being activated and releasing an
A learning experience that took place between item to the next location, wheels and axles rolling
a small group of my fifth- and sixth-grade stu- along. I went home that night and decided to do
dents and me can serve as another example that some of my own YouTube research. I came across
shows what Ackermann stated: “that learning a video in which cans rolled upward along an
occurs because participants are jointly engaged inclined plane.1 Now, this was something quite
in exploring, expressing, and negotiating ideas different—it almost looked like magic. The next
[on a topic that matters] because they create and day, I showed them the video in slow motion,
use external forms as a means to mediate ideas and we watched the cans rolling upward multiple
and experience, and because they come at it from times, analyzing the movement, attempting to
different angles” (2013). figure out how it worked. The students came to
It started with a small group of students whom the conclusion that some sort of magnet must be
I was coaching to prepare for the county Rube involved. Nevertheless, their challenge was set
Goldberg competition. The team of eight students before them. They needed to include SOME way
had broken up into smaller teams of two to build for SOMEthing to roll UPWARD.
separate components of their Rube contraption, Back to YouTube they went. They wanted to
which had a Route 66 theme. Their machine was to find more examples. At this point, of the eight
follow a story centered around an imaginary family team members, three were assigned the task to
going on a road trip along Route 66, from Chicago figure out how to make something roll upward, so
to San Bernardino. Their project had already in- only three students YouTubed their way through
cluded various setups of inclined planes with cars their challenge. After about twenty minutes on
traveling “cross country.” However, I knew as well YouTube, they came across an example of a card-
as the students that their project needed a wow fac- board Rube Goldberg project2 in which a small
tor—something to be engineered so creatively that marble was deposited at the bottom of an Archi-
viewers of their project would be highly impressed. medes screw and traveled upward along the screw
We decided to look at the idea of simple machines to be deposited at the top of the machine, where
from a different perspective, and where do eleven- it would then continue to travel downward along
and twelve-year-olds look for new ideas and inspi- the typical Rube inclined plane setup. This was
ration other than YouTube? what the students wanted to accomplish.
Teaching 51
So, they got to work. Student 1, whom I will They included one straight line to connect the
call Monica, was the small team’s artist. She two circles that had the same center point, and
began sketching the contraption they wanted to they sent it to the printer. It was done in fifteen
build. Student 2, whom I will call Moses, contin- seconds. They tested it, and sure enough, it fit
ued to analyze the video to try to figure out how perfectly and snugly around the plastic pipe. They
the Archimedes screw worked. Student 3 ended went back to CorelDraw to duplicate their draw-
up leaving the group to help other teams and ing multiple times, enough to fit the sheets of
never returned. cardboard we had, and printed multiple sheets of
As a side note, I’d like to mention that none these circles.
of the students ever read the description of the
video, in which the term Archimedes screw was
used. They went along for weeks not knowing that
what they were attempting to build was called an
Archimedes screw. It was really fun to have them
later read about Archimedes and learn the history
behind the design they had built.
Back to the story. After Monica and Moses
were done sketching and analyzing, they searched
the room for materials. They came to me with a
clear plastic pipe that we had lying around the
lab. I believe it is the type of plastic pipe that is
used for encasing electric cords to keep them in
place. It was just one of many random items I
had purchased at Home Depot the month before,
figuring it may be used for something or another
over the course of building the Rube Goldberg
machine. They wanted to use the plastic pipe as
the center of their screw.
Next, they needed to add the rounded inclined
planes (the threads) around the plastic pipe to
make a screw. They thought of cutting cardboard
into strips like in the YouTube video and came
to me for advice. I probed them with a simple
question, “Why struggle with scissors and thick
cardboard such as this when we have thin sheets
of cardboard that can easily be cut with our laser Laser-cut cardboard spirals will become the threads around a
cutter?” Their eyes widened and they set to work. plastic pipe, making a screw
They retrieved our digital caliper to start mea- I’m going to fast-forward a bit here. Basically
suring the diameter of the plastic pipe. Next they they were able to create a “screw” with their
measured the diameter of the ball they wanted plastic pipe and many, many laser-cut card-
to use (a small 3D printed ball I had lying around board “donuts.” Their next hurdle was to make
the lab, similar in size to a ping-pong ball). Then this pipe rotate. Luckily we had a few wind-
they logged into CorelDraw (a graphic design shield-wiper motors in our lab leftover from
software), and with a little reminder from me on last year’s animatronics projects. I suggested to
how to set their lines to RGB red and Hairline, them that if they could find a way to mount their
they sketched a circle to match the diameter of screw to the motor, the motor would rotate the
the pipe, and then another circle to match the screw for them. The problem was that their pipe
diameter of the pipe plus the diameter of the ball. was hollow; it had no bottom or top that could
52 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
be attached to the motor. Coach Emerson to the had used SolidWorks in over a year. So we
rescue: “If you could find a way to solve your last sat down together, each at our own computer
problem by designing something to be laser cut, with our notebook, the caliper, and the plastic
don’t you think you can find a way to solve this pipe. We discussed together, with a lot of my
problem by designing a part we could print?” probing (“What is it that you need to design?,”
For this task, Monica and Moses needed a “How should it look?,” “What features does it
lot more of my help. With the last task, they need?,” “Is this what you expected it to be?”) and
were able to find the tools they needed mostly came up with a sketch of what we wanted. We
on their own and were able to design what they took measurements of both the inner and outer
wanted in CorelDraw because they were both diameter of the pipe and came up with a cup-like
very familiar with the program (from previ- design, basically an extruded cylinder base
ous classes they had with me in which I taught with a hole in the middle to screw to the motor,
them CorelDraw). For this new problem, they and two more raised, hollowed cylinders to
would need to use SolidWorks (advanced CAD encase the sides of the pipe. The pipe would
software, used primarily in the manufactur- sit inside this cup-like design and be screwed
ing industry), and neither Monica nor Moses to the motor.
by Aaron Vanderwerf f
Four years ago at a Young Makers meeting, a par- to rely on them, thinking that the more I could
ent mentor told the group, “Following directions encourage her to free build, the more likely she
is not making.” When I recently saw the same would apply this mentality to the world around
sentiment on a post or tweet, it made me think her. And, so far, the plan seems to be working.
about our practice at the Lighthouse Creativity She builds towers, vehicles, spaceships, sculp-
Lab in Oakland, California, and when following tures, and buildings all while telling intricate
directions is making. We can place most mak- stories about what is happening (and using
ing projects and activities on a spectrum from LEGO Minifig heads as structural components).
step-by-step to completely open ended (sim- At about three-and-a-half she received a kit
ilar to a spectrum of inquiry), and we choose and wanted to build the mining truck on the front
where the learning activity falls based on what of the box. I tried to stay out of it, only helping her
we want students to learn and students’ prior align what she was building to the picture in the
understanding and experience. My instinct is to instructions when she got stuck. What did she get
always push toward open-ended, student-driven out of this experience? First of all, pride. She was
projects, but there are times when following extremely proud to have built the mining truck
directions can be powerful. just like the one in the picture. Second, watching
In that first year of our maker program, her work through the directions, she was clearly
I knew that many of my student groups would developing her precision and spatial thinking.
be following directions from tutorials or mag- How does this apply at the Lighthouse Cre-
azines because they had never been asked to ativity Lab? We try to make the project’s place
create a project of their own vision before. They on the continuum from step-by-step to complete
had trouble even conceptualizing what was pos- autonomy match its
sible. When my daughter first started playing educational purpose.
with LEGO bricks around age two, I purpose- Our physics
fully didn’t give her any directions. I wanted to students build wind
hold off on directions so that she wouldn’t come turbines based on
a specific design,
meaning all students
work from the same
directions.1 One of
our goals is that
five years from now Physics students constructing
students remember a wind turbine
turbine itself, they are still learning core physics directions to do something new because it turns
content, building skills, learning the importance out that following directions is not always easy.
of precision, and developing persistence. Ideally students should be able to move fluidly
In our high school making elective, students between referencing directions and moving for-
start the year with skill builders that involve ward with their own vision. Like in the Arduino
following a lot of directions; they make a chair projects, I want students to know how to find a
(woodworking), a pillow (sewing), and a circuit tutorial, video, or other reference to get started
board (soldering), and play around with Arduino and then take the project in their own direction.
(programming and circuits). The core goal in all So is following directions making? It can be.
of these projects is to build student confidence When students use directions to get started,
and comfort in each of these areas so that when they build confidence and learn perseverance
they undertake their independent project, they and precision that will take them beyond the
will venture outside of their initial comfort zone. directions. When we find that students are
The circuit board is a step-by-step process afraid to leave the directions, it’s our job to
students follow exactly, but after only a few class nudge them into their own creating.
sessions, they are decent solderers and much
more knowledgeable and comfortable with Notes
electronic components. Working with Arduino 1.
is a move away from this step-by-step. We ask 2.
students to move through the existing Arduino -Wand
example code and tutorials so they learn how to
find references. Then they engage in an Instruc-
tables Arduino2 project to experience all the
issues that come with following someone else’s
56 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
As a maker, one of the things I like to do is to finding the one right answer (choosing between
spend a great deal of time on something, go deep, one good answer and one bad one) but rather, in
and feel that the result is really due to my hard any given situation, which of the two good argu-
work. I have taken up quilting recently because it ments gets to win out a little even as I try to give
lends itself to that kind of project. I need to learn some space for the opposite argument.
new things and then do them. It makes me happy. In some of my projects I have come to a pretty
As a teacher of eighth-grade US history, I love satisfactory balance. I have an annual project on
bringing in that maker mindset, but I also have the telegraph, where students work in pairs to
a few other priorities that I need to balance with construct a prototype of a working telegraph to
the idea that the maker (in this case the student) start the unit on technological change in Ameri-
should figure it all out. Even when I am teaching can society. The making activity brings the lesson
in the makerspace, or a sewing elective, I still to life, creating a tactile understanding and
wonder about that perfect balance between what generating deep discussions. The students ask
I should do to help and what I want the students amazing questions and make thoughtful obser-
to figure out for themselves. vations (questions that have never come up when
One of the things I have started to do when I we just read about the invention and use of the
explain something to students (something fun telegraph). But my goal is not to teach the science
like using the laser cutter, or something perhaps of electromagnets or current or wire stripping.
less fun like constructing proper footnotes using In balancing this lesson, I want the focus to be on
the Chicago style) is to remind them that even the history, so I give students instructions and
though I am telling them all the steps they need, prepare some of the parts they use.
and they have the steps in the instructions, I don’t It is not a bad thing that students sometimes
expect them to get it all the first time, and they ask questions about these things, and I invite
should ask each other and me for help. I do want them to explore the answers. If I were teaching
them to read the instructions and help each other. a science class, I might reverse the order—give
We are all still working on that. them few instructions and let them figure out
But it always comes back to the same questions what parts to use. Likewise, when students make
I have asked myself about instructions, kits, pre- display boards for National History Day, I don’t
pared sets of parts, and other methods to move make them discover that contact paper is the best
things along a bit faster. How much is too much? thing to use for covering the cardboard (spray
How much is too little? In some ways this gets paint will warp the cardboard, and leaving it plain
at the heart of the difference between my own won’t work since we recycle the boards) or that if
personal making and my making with students in you mount an iPad at the top of the board it will
the classroom. The goals are different, and some tip over. They could learn from trying, or break-
of the methods are different too. So rather than ing several iPads, but I have made the decision to
thinking in terms of strict rules of making, I want start by telling them these things. Sometimes they
to think in terms of questions to ask and ways don’t listen, but that is a different story. I also
to balance competing benefits. It is not a case of use the large-format color printer to print their
Teaching 57
images for them—they don’t have time or access $ Could I give some help but not do it for them?
to that particular printer; their other choice would $ How much is time a factor?
be to pay a copy service, and that costs money $ How much joy will they get out of doing
some of them don’t have. it themselves?
There are other projects where I still go back $ Can I do less for them to do more?
and forth about how much I take away from their $ Can I teach one member of the group and have
opportunity to learn when I tell them the answer. her teach the rest?
I guess I always will. I do think after almost two $ Can I use this lesson to teach students how to
decades of teaching eighth graders I am getting figure it out? Should I?
better at asking these questions: Part of the role of a maker teacher in the class-
$ What does the item I would be giving or doing
room seems to me to continue to ask questions
for them have to do with the point of the lesson? like these, and to iterate my own teaching with
$ How realistic is it that students can figure it
each project and each class.
out themselves or make the item themselves?
In 2015 a local business association wanted to Mitchel Resnick, the LEGO Papert Professor
sponsor a robotics after-school lab for five differ- of Learning Research at the MIT Media Lab,
ent first-grade classes in the Bologna, Italy, area. adds another dimension, wide walls: To be effec-
I was named to the organizing committee, and tive, a technology has to allow multiple types of
one of our first tasks was to decide which robotics creations in order to enable the users to express
materials, kits, and software we would use. themselves creatively regardless of their level
Our committee had seen the MilkBot,1 a little of competence.
robot that combines the open-source Arduino
microcontroller with scrap material, and wanted Practical considerations
to offer a similar creative experience to the students Working in a school context with groups of
involved in the project. twenty-five students at a time demanded that we
However, our students had no experience with consider other practical and logistical elements.
Scratch nor with Arduino, so we started reflecting Cost. For a technology to have a significant
on choosing the most useful kit for our purpose. impact on learning at school it should be available
in sufficient quantity to let a class of twenty to
Constructionism provides twenty-five students work in groups of four mem-
learning dimensions bers at the same time.
Seymour Papert’s constructionism was the model Adequacy. To be effective at school, compo-
that we chose as inspiration to design the learn- nents must be in line with learning and develop-
ing experience because we strongly believe that mental goals already achieved by the final user
the educational power of a technology resides (students) and, at the same time, must stimulate
in the potential for creative expression that its progress gradually (scaffolding). For example,
it offers. a technology must be adequate for the students’
We asked ourselves what learning dimensions fine motor skills but also for their ability to take
an educational robotics kit should have to be care and respect the tools and materials. The
effective for a constructionist learning experience variety of components, from actuators to sensors,
in a school context. available in the kit must match the cognitive level
Papert often used a metaphor of “low floor, high achieved by the students and must provide ade-
ceiling” to describe what useful technology looks quate challenges to grow and enrich learning.
like in a constructionist learning experience: Every teacher/educator has the duty of
$ Low floor—To be effective, a technology has to assessing the adequacy of what’s available in
be easy to use, even for a beginner. the kit based on the learning goals and the skills
$ High ceiling—The same technology has to already acquired. This is the most delicate and
offer the possibility of creating increasingly challenging aspect of our job because it requires
complex and sophisticated projects as the us to empathize with our students, to put
user becomes fluent and wants to experiment ourselves in their shoes and imagine how they
with new things. could interact with the robot and what they will
learn through it while trying to go beyond our
personal expectations.
Teaching 59
Quality of the programming environment. types of robots, which are very appealing to the
An effective educational robotics kit must be eyes of a boy or a girl but can limit imagination
supported by an online and offline program- and creativity, for example, kits that only show
ming environment. examples of rovers and cars. We have observed
It must be adequate and adaptable to the level of that students who experiment with a robotics kit
competence of the students. Just like the kit compo- by building and programming a car are less likely
nents, the programming language must also be to imagine and create something far different
adapted to the competences already reached by from the car. Even if they only saw the image on
the students and must gradually stimulate their the box, their ideas will converge in the direction
development. It could, for example, offer block of a car.
programming and then gradually move on to text
programming. Also, in this case, the level of ade- There is no perfect solution, but we did
quacy (and the programming language offered) it anyway
must be evaluated by the educator based on the There are many kits available on the market that
skills of the specific class group (or at least for the support the three learning dimensions to one
expected targets for the age). degree or another. Finding one that meets all
It must provide a good level of interaction between three in a balance is the difficult part.
robot and computer. To satisfy interaction, we have For our project we chose the mBot off-the-
two concerns. The first is about the communica- shelf robotics kit from MakeBlock company.
tion between robot and computer: Do we have to It had a low floor because components were
use a cable? Do they connect via Bluetooth or use easy to connect to the board; the mCore is an
a wireless protocol? We observed that the kits that Arduino-core microcontroller built to facilitate
only use the cable communication limit students’ plugging sensors and actuators thanks to its
creative possibilities, yet kits that communicate RJ25 wires, avoiding kids having to struggle with
via Bluetooth tend to have connection problems circuits, breadboards, and resistances.
(for example, the robots in the classroom connect It had a high ceiling because it provides a
to the wrong PC). The second concern is related to block-based programming language, very similar
the possibility of making the robot interact with to Scratch, that translates block code into Arduino
things happening on the screen. The traditional code just by pushing a button, so students can
concept of robotics involves the use of computers start to discover how an Arduino code looks and
only for compiling and uploading the code in the upload their code on the mCore.
robot’s brain; in a constructionist learning envi- Robot and computer communicate through
ronment it would be useful to be able to do more. cable or with a 2.4G wireless protocol so stu-
Versatility. To be effective within a con- dents can easily create sophisticated projects in
structionist learning environment in a school which robot interacts with what happens on the
context, the robotics must be adaptable and computer screen.
“neutral” enough to enhance imagining and The kit is very cheap compared to other
ideating of all kinds. At the same time, it must robotics kits, and the number of components
be practical and light enough not to clutter up provided is wide enough to let kids experiment
the students’ creations. and learn about different kinds of sensors
For example, in some cases the “brain” of the and actuators.
robot is very bulky and poses some very difficult What we missed using this kit were wide
design challenges for the students. Or sometimes walls and versatility. The kit is set up to build
the kit comes with very short connection cables a car, providing chassis, tires, and short RJ25
(from board to sensors/actuators), limiting the wires that facilitate building compact objects.
size and aesthetics of the creations. The box and instruction booklet show images of
Moreover, some kits are sold in boxes contain- a car and how to build it, so kids’ imaginations
ing images that invite students to build certain and creativity were limited.
60 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Final reflections
Before buying an educational robotics kit, it is
very important to have the chance to either ex-
periment with it yourself or to talk with someone
who already uses the kits. Visit fairs and events
dedicated to educational robotics, participate
in workshops, or observe laboratories (such as
CoderDojo) where you can use robotics kits, join
numerous online communities, or ask for feed-
back from colleagues in other schools, and make
a decision that takes into consideration the pros
and cons based on all the information you collect.
Every context, every class group, every edu-
cator is unique and special, and for this reason
personal reflection and a careful evaluation of the
characteristics that an educational technology
must have are necessary in order to achieve the
preestablished objectives.
Teaching 61
Sophia sharing progress on her toy design for Nancy Cathy sharing her final toy design for Annie
62 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Make toys 7
Play date 1
Chloe prototyping Pam’s toy based on her interview Building final toy
Chloe’s final toy for Pam: magnet paws and dry-erase board for drawing
Aside from the natural constraints of time, ma- for Pam (Betty shares her sister with Chloe), and
terials, and size, students could envision whatever Amy’s talking pillow for Emma.
they wanted for their little sister’s dream toys. This Ellie’s snake idea pushed the boundary of scale:
resulted in a diverse range of toy creations. While her creation for Gina served a double function as
soft toys were the most requested toy types from a wearable piece. Kylie incorporated a light-up
the first-grade little sisters, their soft-toy creations element and decorative trim, treating the sur-
were personal, unique, and highly creative. face of the pillow like an artist’s canvas. Betty’s
Four examples of plush toys illustrate the golden thread pillow brought a magical touch to
variety of ideas that emerged from the design Pam’s dollhouse. Amy’s sunshine-yellow pillow
process: Ellie’s plush snake for Gina, Kylie’s gave Emma an equally cheerful message: with a
light-up pillow for Willow, Betty’s pillow with the squeeze, the pillow says, “Have a great day!”
golden thread (inspired by her favorite fairy tale)
64 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
The value of making for others demonstrated an ability to receive feedback and
The little sister/big sister relationship, one that change course with her design idea. In the end
is meaningful for both grades, proved to be a she expressed how proud she felt of her efforts
strong motivating factor in the work the girls and completing the work on time.
produced. In many of the toys we saw students
making adjustments and putting their vision Confidence with tools
for the project aside to create something that We offered a variety of tools for students to
matched the interests and toy preferences of work with over the course of the year to execute
their little sisters. This was particularly evident their toy construction. This included standard
after the client feedback session. hand-building tools like saws, files, vices, and
One maker, Ruth, presented a talking pillow cutters for the workbench area as well as hot glue
prototype to her first-grade little sister Stephanie guns, a sewing machine, and power drills.
at the feedback meeting. While Ruth expected the By providing the tools with some general
pillow with the “I love you, Stephanie” message to safety guidelines, students had many opportu-
be embraced, Stephanie offered a new direction, nities to hone their skills. Tool “rollout” came in
requesting a “dollhouse with wheels and a bed- stages, with students trained in proper use and
room.” While initially disappointed, Ruth showed safety procedures. By the third session in making,
flexibility in her thinking and design, abandoning the girls had all aforementioned tools available
her initial idea and adapting to Stephanie’s feed- to them, and they were encouraged to support
back. By the third session following the feedback, each other by lending a hand to fellow makers. A
Ruth began making progress on a one-story doll- helping spirit emerged in the weeks that followed;
house and on the second-to-last day was putting experts in tool use willingly assumed a teaching
finishing touches on her creation. She said, “I am role with their peers. This was especially true with
so proud of myself today!” When asked why, she the power drill and sewing machine, where Ellie
said, “I worked so hard. I’m almost done!” Ruth helped Melodie with her pillow project.
Teaching 65
Melanie’s axle solution Makers playing together during the toy exchange and playdate
66 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Makerpower 4: Self-believer
This power instills a can-do spirit. When things
get hard, you push through. Two more classes of
GAMES and two boards to saw, four holes to drill,
one pillow to sew and to stuff, but no problem!
It can be done! When you have the self-believer
makerpower, you know you do not give up
because you know how to make a plan and deep
down that you can get the job done.
by Josh Ajima
1. Multiple source images were used to create
the vector image for this button design,
-washington-jobs-and-freedom providing
the primary visual source material.
70 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
by Christa Flores
Construct-a-what? One of the beautifully ironic drawing, and writing. The most highly prized
traits of the pedagogical theories of constructiv- form of evidence of learning we have in traditional
ism and constructionism is that a deep under- settings is test scores despite tests being designed
standing of either is impossible from just reading by teachers for efficiency from a teacher’s per-
this, or any text. Nevertheless, try this metaphor. spective yet often badly designed from a learner’s
If constructivism was a backpacking trip into perspective.
the Alaskan wilderness on a shoestring bud- Constructionism, a term coined in the 1980s by
get armed with a “good plan,” then traditional Seymour Papert, is accumulation and application
teacher-led models are more like an all-inclusive, of new knowledge through measuring, making,
family-friendly, low-risk Alaskan cruise: look but and using problem-solving techniques to make or
don’t touch. Having that “Aha! I get construc- create something. It builds on the idea of construc-
tivism!” moment is often visceral; you feel it tivism, but unlike constructivism it shows physical
before you can put it into words. Understanding evidence of possessing and comprehending new
constructivism authentically requires you, the knowledge. When a learner creates an artifact,
learner, to experience learning in a self-directed they engage all the senses. The existence of the
environment. It requires time to get a good “feel” artifact—a line of code, a fat-free muffin, a photo-
for the discovery versus consumption path to graph, a rubber-band gun— is evidence of learning
new knowledge. You must allow yourself to play, and knowledge specific to the challenges that the
explore, and expand your own experiences while student faced to make the individual artifact.
problem-solving or reaching a learning goal. Not convinced? Try making something you
I hope to define the terms constructivism and have never made before without a recipe or kit.
constructionism through the lens of science liter- You will learn a lot through trial and error, or
acy and the maker movement in education. This more quickly by seeking out reliable how-to
work has a deep and valuable history—tested, videos to apply new skills to a unique situation.
researched, and proven to be good for kids While making your object, you are learning
and society. through constructionism. The creation of the
Constructivism is a term from the 1960s coined artifact will drive your learning using all of your
by Jean Piaget that means learning is constructed senses and nearly every part of your brain. This is
inside the head of the learner as new knowledge a concept that author David Perkins calls “making
combines with existing experience. learning whole.”
Applying constructivist principles to education The role of the teacher is to create the condi-
is a source of great joy and inspiration, but it is tions for invention rather than provide ready-
not the usual way schools operate. Why should made knowledge. —Seymour Papert
schools adopt it? How do we know what students
are learning? Growth in the accumulation of Constructivism is the discovery approach
knowledge inside a person’s head can be hard to learning. If you provide learners with the
to measure. You have to rely very heavily on a tools they need to ask questions and to invent,
learner’s communication skills, such as speaking, they can and will drive their own learning.
Helpful adult facilitators design the prompts
Teaching 71
Constructivist science
The idea that each individual should learn
through direct experience rather than direct
instruction is so obvious to real scientists that the
Latin phrase Nullius in verba, which translates to
“take nobody’s word for it,” was adopted in 1660 as
the official motto of The Royal Society of London.
The motto was adopted as “an expression of the
determination of Fellows to withstand the domi- A sense of wonder in the creation of shared artifacts
nation of authority and to verify all statements by
an appeal to facts determined by experiment.” A Born in 1870, one of the first scientists to
scientist is a constructivist by nature and pro- study how children develop cognitively was
fession; for example, many scientists design and Italian physician and curriculum designer, Maria
build their own tools for inquiry to make sure that Montessori. As early as 1901 Dr. Montessori was
they really are doing what is intended. advocating for the use of the scientific method to
In the late 1700s and early 1800s an educa- inform curriculum design. Dr. Montessori began
tional reformer was working with children right her groundbreaking work in the 1910s on what is
around the same time that “science” was being now known as the Montessori method, or one of
revolutionized in Victorian England by such icons our first modern models of self-directed learning,
as Faraday, the Herschel family, and Darwin. or constructivism.
Having read Rousseau’s Émile (1800), a book about Despite their successful models, Montessori
education that looked at Christianity critically and Pestalozzi were not mainstream. Education
and was later burned publicly, Johann Heinrich by now had been designed for standardization
Pestalozzi (1746–1827) affirmed “that teachers and during the industrial era. Nevertheless, new ways
parents never should teach children anything of thinking about learning were appearing in
they could learn or experience naturally.” In 1799, areas as disparate as the Bauhaus school of art
handed the care of war orphans, Pestalozzi creat- and architecture (1919–1933), the arts and crafts
ed educational programs that focused on hands- movement, and the work of American philoso-
on learning by making real-world objects, giving pher and educational reformer John Dewey.
these children both education and a pathway Influenced by Rousseau and Plato, Dewey
out of poverty. Pestalozzi was an entrepreneur, would advocate for the role of education in pro-
constructivist, and a constructionist who would tecting democracy in such works as Democracy
often say that learning should be by “head, hand and Education (1916). Even though they were
and heart.” describing the idea of constructivism, the term
would not be coined until Swiss psychologist Jean
I went gladly, for I hoped to offer these innocent
Piaget (1896–1980) would study young children,
little ones some compensation for the loss they
beginning with his own.
had sustained, and to f ind in their wretchedness
Piaget noticed that children construct an
a basis for their gratitude. In my zeal to put my
understanding of their world via sensorimotor
hands to the task which had been the great dream
interactions with their environment. Piaget was
of my life, I should have been ready to begin even
highly influenced by Dr. Montessori as well as
in the highest Alps and without f ire and water, so
the Montessori method, which modeled a learner-
to speak, had I only been allowed.
centered and effective model for constructivism.
—Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Piaget used the terms assimilation and accommoda-
tion to explain the twin processes of constructing
72 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
new knowledge or understanding. Assimilation have the effect of being “magic” to a person not
happens when the input children take in from ready to assimilate new ideas. Take for instance
their environment becomes part of their schema, how popular science fiction is a temporary break
or toolbox of knowledge. from our boring old schemas.
idea of making things. Papert was struck by the tionism. Welcome to the club. Lets stand on the
power of the computer and how this power could shoulders of so many giants, learn from critical
be used by children in a creative way. He and pedagogy and constructionism, then dare to
others invented the Logo programming language cultivate a society of inventive, empathic skeptics.
as a way to make that happen. Papert successfully Nullius in verba!
predicted that the use of technology as seen in the
current maker movement, and increased use of References
programming in science labs to collect and ana- Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and education.
lyze data, would allow young learners to construct New York, NY: Macmillan.
their knowledge of various subjects through Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed.
personal inquiry and creativity. The Scratch New York, NY: Continuum.
programming language is a descendent of Logo, Green, J. A., & Pestalozzi, J. H. (1905). The educa-
and its various outlets for exploration are a fine tional ideas of Pestalozzi. London: WB Clive.
example of this reality. Holmes, R. (2009). The age of wonder: How the ro-
When we expand constructionism to include mantic generation discovered the beauty and terror
paper, tape, wood, fabric, sound, light, etc., in of science. New York, NY: Vintage.
addition to programming, we not only unveil the Lillard, A. S. (2005). Montessori: The science
“maker movement,” we see a concrete mode for behind the genius. New York, NY: Oxford
identifying a learner’s personal schema—not to University Press.
mention tangible documentation of growth in Meadows, J. (2004). The Victorian scientist:
new knowledge. The growth of a profession. London: The
When actively creating our own education British Library.
from first-hand experiences through play, test- Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, computers,
ing, and exploring, we learn by doing in a con- and powerful ideas. New York: Basic Books.
structivist way—behaviors we expect to see in Perkins, D. N. (2009). Making learning whole:
the next great scientists and inventors, and How seven principles of teaching can transform
simply the behaviors of someone who is learning education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
through constructivism. Pulaski, M. A. S. (1971). Understanding Piaget:
When we make and build models of ideas or An introduction to children’s cognitive development.
tools for inquiry, or invent something, this is New York, NY: Harper & Row.
constructionism. Most proponents of progressive The Royal Society. (n.d.). History of the Royal
education then and now would deem the effective Society. Retrieved from
use of both constructivism and constructionism /about-us/history
in school as necessary. Constructionism assumes Soëtard, M. (1994). Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi.
not only Piaget’s constructivism, but thanks to the Prospects: The Quarterly Review of Comparative
maker movement, it can also reflect Friere’s ideas Education, 24(1/2).
on self-determination and Papert’s prediction
about the role of technology to foster a more inno-
vative and truly democratic society. It’s perhaps
the perfect storm of puzzle pieces for real change
in education.
The last pieces of the puzzle are now in our
hands. Learning through the making of things is
constructionism in action. This is what happens
everyday in a makerspace; therefore, makerspaces
are learning “ecologies” designed for construc-
tionism. If you are working with learners in a
makerspace, you are a facilitator of construc-
74 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
by Alphonse Habyarimana
How did we get started? First, we realized that present to the whole class what they had made to
we should not wait until our students are fluent help develop their technical communication skills.
in using computers. We helped them to navigate We still have a lot to do with Scratch, and stu-
through the graphical user interface of Scratch to dents’ smiling faces confirm that they are enjoy-
get them to understand how to pick a sprite, cus- ing and learning a lot from Kepler Tech Lab.
tomize the sprite, change its style, make it move,
add a message, and add sound, just to list a few. Note
Isn’t that enough for beginners? And that was just 1.
day one. On day two, after understanding more
about what they can do with Scratch, I gave them
homework to write stories of their choice so that Reference
they can start day three (we had three sessions in Hatten, L. (n.d.) What is interactive learning?:
a week with these students) with making stories Overview & tools. Retrieved
in Scratch. Do not try to read the first one from from
the right unless you can understand Kinyarwanda. -interactive-learning-overview-tools.html
(Hint: It’s a love story.)
Day three was not only about teaching the
students how to make animations of their writ-
ten stories in Scratch but also for the students to
career pathways; have 100 percent of district feeder secondary schools, Curtis Middle School
students participating in high-quality pathways and Indian Springs High School. My program in
that focus instruction on academic and industry the iSTEAM Lab is designed in alignment with the
standards as well as twenty-first-century demands curriculum of the manufacturing pathway that is
and are equitably accessible to any interested being taught at Curtis Middle School and Indian
student; and assess progress and revise plans Springs High School. All of this leads to why I
using processes and systems that support a am teaching SolidWorks to children as young
culture of continuous improvement for district, as kindergarten. SolidWorks is the industry-
college, and career pathways. standard 3D modeling software in the manufac-
Clearly stated in our Community Engagement turing industry and the program my colleagues at
Plan is our commitment to career pathways the secondary level are teaching their students.
through what’s called Linked Learning. The Linked
Learning Alliance website states the following: SolidWorks is complex but powerful
Now that I’ve explained why I teach SolidWorks
Linked Learning is a successful approach to educa-
to young children, I’d like to share why I contin-
tion based on the idea that students work harder
ue to be passionate about teaching SolidWorks
and dream bigger if their education is relevant to
to students and why I would want to teach it to
them. The Linked Learning approach integrates
young children regardless of any LCFF; LCAP;
rigorous academics that meet college-ready stan-
Linked Learning; or other district, state, or orga-
dards with sequenced, high-quality career-techni-
nizational reason to do so.
cal education, work-based learning, and supports
I have no background in engineering. I have
to help students stay on track. For Linked Learning
never taken any engineering classes. I have
students, education is organized around industry-
never been formally taught SolidWorks. Most
sector themes. The industry theme is woven into
of what I have learned about using SolidWorks,
lessons taught by teachers who collaborate across
I have learned through personal trial and error,
subject areas with input from working profession-
from watching YouTube videos, and from mini
als, and reinforced by work-based learning with
lessons from friends and colleagues who know
real employers. This makes learning more like the
more than I do. When I was first introduced to
real world of work, and helps students answer the
SolidWorks and struggled through completing
question, “Why do I need to know this?”
a simple tutorial (when I say struggled, I mean
In order for this strategy to work at an ele- STRUGGLED—like wanting-to-throw-my-
mentary school, our school, Bing Wong Elemen- computer-across-the-room kind of struggled), I
tary School in San Bernardino, California, has left the experience thinking “Why would I ever
begun a flagship Career Exploration program. want to put young children through what I just
The iSTEAM Lab was built to pave the way for the went through? I could make this on Tinkercad so
rest of our school’s Career Exploration focus. The much easier . . . probably . . . I think . . .”
lab allows students the opportunity to explore As it turns out, I could not make it more
careers in the manufacturing industry, which is easily on Tinkercad. Tinkercad does not have
a dominant industry in our region of California. the precise sketching and dimensioning tools
Our school district has identified it as such, thus that SolidWorks has. It doesn’t offer the ability
creating a manufacturing pathway at our local to first sketch on one plane and then sketch on a
different plane at a different angle and still have
everything align well together. It doesn’t allow
for sketching separate parts and then putting
them together in an assembly to see if they would
actually fit together (which turns out to be so
Fourth-grade students used
helpful when designing 2D pieces that will be laser
SolidWorks to design a coin cell cut and then pieced together into a 3D object).
battery and LED holder. I couldn’t transfer all of my sketches over to a
Teaching 79
by Josh Ajima
Walking into school one day, I started chatting American Pickers, or Pawn Stars to determine
with a teacher about our plans for a joint maker the value of an unknown artifact. Your job is
challenge with our two advisory groups. I told to research the object and give a three-minute
her about the Martin Luther King Jr. design chal- appraisal of its historical significance and value.
lenge some of the students were working on.1 We The value of the object increases with the number
started brainstorming how we could incorporate of verifiable historical connections and associa-
this idea into her current unit and use the school tions you can make with the artifact.”
makerspace. Shortly thereafter I brought in one
of the MLK artifacts, a replica of the key to the Possible connections and associations
jail cell where he wrote the famous “Letter from It’s a key.
Birmingham Jail” and presented the teacher with A key to a jail cell.
the broad outline of this lesson. The idea is to
present students with a challenge that cannot A jail cell in Birmingham, Alabama.
be easily found on the internet and that rewards
A cell where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
depth of research.
was incarcerated.
Students might need some hints. For this
particular MLK artifact we could tell students that A cell in which he wrote the Letter from
the owner lived in the South. Or that the key was Birmingham Jail.
owned by someone in law enforcement. Students
A letter which defends the strategy of non-
research their ideas about what the artifact is and
violent opposition to racism.
the historical connections. They present their
appraisals, and then we compare them to the doc- A strategy which became a pivotal part of the
umentation of the original creator of the object. American civil rights movement of the 1960s.
Questions to answer: What is this object? What does it do? Replica of the key ready for 3D printing
What is its historical significance and value?
Teaching 81
Follow-up assignment
The next phase is to challenge students to
research and design their own mystery artifact
related to the unit they are currently studying.
They need to provide information such as photo-
graphs or documents that support the accuracy
of their design. They also need to create a video
or document presenting the “correct answer” in
the appraisal format.
Any number of objects related to presidents
(or any historical subject that fits with your class)
can be used as the mystery artifact. The object
needs to be something that can be digitally fabri-
cated using a 3D printer, laser cutter, CNC mill,
2D printer/button maker, or vinyl cutter.
You can download a replica of the MLK Bir-
mingham Jail Key on Thingiverse for 3D printing.2
King, M. L. Jr. (1963, April 16). Letter from
Birmingham Jail. Retrieved from en.wikipedia
82 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
by Angie O’Malley
by Alphonse Habyarimana
What would it take to bridge the gap between girls The lab is offering engineering enrichment
and boys in STEM fields? It is believed that anyone programs in computer programming and elec-
can create or build things out of their creativity, but tronics recycling to girls who recently graduated
how can someone actually do it? I think it requires from high school or dropped out in the middle
that person to be interested and committed to face of their studies. Students are in the lab for three
challenges and celebrate successes if the end re- sessions a week, three hours per session, learning
sults look great. How about stimulating someone’s basic electronics, learning how to use electronic
interests through introducing developmental con- equipment, and practicing technical communi-
cepts and establishing different ways to be exposed cations through a variety of presentations about
to the applications of those concepts? their projects and experiments.
The Kepler Tech Lab in Kigali, Rwanda, has The goals of our initiative are not only to
established a strong partnership with Igire Rwanda encourage equal participation of girls and boys
Organization, a not-for-profit organization that in engineering fields but, more importantly, to
empowers youth to use their talents, skills, and facilitate them through independent long-term
opportunities to create their own jobs. With Igire projects and become their mentors to turn the
Rwanda, girls are provided with soft skills at the projects into high-tech business opportunities or
same time as technical skills through STEM educa- careers in a variety of technical fields.
tion right in the lab.
Kepler Tech Lab students testing a battery A representative from Igire Rwanda Organization working with Kepler Tech Lab students
and actions. Lastly, I started a Women of Color in three isolated spaces. My sixth graders and I
STEMM (WoCSTEMM) educators group that has would spend an entire year in the engineering
since evolved to include white STEM allies through lab. The seventh graders and Sensei, their teacher,
a convergence with the Social Justice Math Educa- lived their whole year in the clean space, where
tors of the East Bay (SJMEB). they learned graphics software and Tinkercad.
The convergence of the WoCSTEMM and The woodshop was the domain of the eighth
SJMEB groups eventually led to the creation of graders because they were supposed to be mature
Radical STEMM Educators. We started in Oakland enough to handle a woodshop and all its ameni-
and have grown to include STEMM educators in ties with Mr. Bell. Since we quickly realized that
San Francisco and Santa Rosa, California. I go wasn’t the case, we wondered if we rotated each
to this group to work through curricular devel- grade through all three different spaces—the
opment issues and uncover how my colonized clean space, the woodshop, and the engineering
mind is creeping into my curriculum design. We lab—all three years, would students have more
use Critical Friends protocol to present projects opportunities to build their skills in each move
that ensure educators and students are digesting each school year?
well-balanced, nutritious STEMM through a criti- The plan was for each grade and teacher to
cal pedagogical lens. spend one trimester in each space each year. This
gave teachers and students a much clearer time-
My path to a decolonized maker project line for project planning and deadlines. It also
Decolonizing STEMM is a process of critical helped us spiral the safety procedures as well as
reflection on the colonizer—Western practices curriculum related to each space, materials, and
of education—untangling them from indige- tools. I loved it as a teacher because I also got to
nous practices, and explicitly reclaiming them as learn new technical skills and strengthen those I
indigenous practices for students. As I learned had. We were also more of a team, able to mean-
from Xicana Moratorium Day, I could not simply ingfully plan out the complete three-year experi-
be an armchair revolutionary—I had to organize ence for students.
myself in active resistance to this parasitic diet The sixth graders and I started in the clean
of education. space, which was equipped with a whole lot of
By 2014 I was at Epic Middle School, and I fun: a couple of sewing machines, a laser cutter,
had tailored out-of-the-box robotics and a 3D- three paper cutters, a 3D scanner, and two heat
modeling curriculum for students of color in presses. I just needed to figure out where to start.
East Oakland. The Design/Engineering depart- As the sixth-grade educator on the team I knew
ment at Epic Middle School consisted of three my role was to set the tone for students and ba-
teachers and offered me more space, more sically make it a little easier for the seventh- and
machines, and more open-ended design. This eighth-grade teachers. The mindset of our stu-
was when I officially caught my first wave in dents for the next three years around the safety
the maker education movement and meant I procedures and the spaces, materials, and tools
had to refine a process to develop maker proj- potentially depended on how I framed them.
ects grounded in critical pedagogy. Guided by The students and I had fifty-five-minute peri-
the Ethnic Studies framework of the Oakland ods in the makerspace four days a week for twelve
Unified School District (OUSD) and the critical weeks. I planned to start with two short projects
friends protocol with members of the Radical that would introduce the students to the culture
STEMM Educators of the Bay Area, I set off on and tools in the clean space: writing algorithms
this journey, with many detours along the way. and sketching basics. Writing algorithms was a
The 2015–16 school year at Epic Middle School fun way to have students learn about routines
was a gutsy experiment for the design/engineer- and procedures as well as safety for my classroom
ing teachers and administrators. Before this, the and the space. It was also a way to prime their
Design/Engineering department was working thinking because I knew we’d be programming
Teaching 87
and building robots in the engineering lab by the students saw themselves reflected in the class,
third trimester. I planned a sketching project to so they were all engaged and curious.
introduce the Stanford’s design-thinking
Detour 1:
process. It was contextualized around an Epic
Developing my maker educator identity
Middle School uniform redesign. I love to use
As an educator my north star is codesigning
sketching in the brainstorming process and teach
liberatory learning experiences with colleagues
orthographic sketching at some point, so I wanted
and students in Oakland. There are other terms
to preassess my new students’ 2D sketching abil-
for this, like culturally responsive, critical thinking,
ities. I learned that despite having actual sketch-
and twenty-first-century skills that are all empow-
ing ability, most students didn’t have sketching
ering for students of color to experience; however,
confidence. I decided to take a step back and not
getting to what we really mean as individual
only teach how to use shapes to make realistic
educators, let alone what the system means when
icons but also to introduce students to tracing. To
we use such vocabulary, is not as straightforward.
my surprise some students even said they didn’t
Many educators believe it is enough to teach
know how to trace, so this mini project ended up
students of color to read and do math really well
being a great way for me to create peer tutoring
and that is social justice. It is social justice, but
pairs: one student with higher confidence in trac-
I would add it is only the first layer of the social
ing supporting another with lower confidence. In
justice cake for me. Liberatory means that students
turn, this helped me set expectations for commu-
can and will experience mainstream maker educa-
nication and collaboration, and communicated
tion—like typical high-tech to DIY projects—but
that I was not the only expert in our classroom.
will do so in the context of using their own maker
After this, we moved on to beginning sewing
experiences as a way to deconstruct how the
practice, along the way developing a process of
mainstream maker movement can either disrupt
checking materials in and out, reporting missing
or perpetuate systems of oppression. They build
or damaged materials, and sharing materials.
on their own maker backgrounds versus depend-
These mini projects took most of the first half
ing on some dominant culture to define what
of the trimester but set the tone for the class. Plus,
maker means for them.
they gave students a lot of skills they could use in
I started with myself, tapping into my own
the second half of the trimester, which would be
background to build this definition. I studied
one major project: a felt monsters sewing project.
Paulo Freire’s popular education model of the
The class would wrap up with a student-led con-
1930s long before I had heard of the design-
ference for parents.
thinking process. I knew the writing process and
The Felt Monsters project was the bridge that
the scientific method long before I was aware that
helped me share my own maker narrative with
IBM’s user-centered design from the mid-1980s
students as well as share some of the values that
interviewed consumers about their preferences.
shape my life and teaching philosophy. Students
Empathy is not new. If students were to have lib-
would design and make their own felt monster
eratory maker experiences, I couldn’t perpetuate
out of felt and thread. For inspiration, we ex-
the notion that designing with empathy, respect,
plored ceremonial masks from around the world,
and diligence is a newly invented ethic. I had to
their significance, and ways they were made.
break stereotypes, not reinforce them: makers are
To me this was a decolonized STEMM proj-
nerds; makers are all white and male; makers only
ect because I not only shared my own maker
make high-tech, electrical things; makers create
narrative with students but also shared a piece
more waste. Most of all I had to break this notion
indigenous peoples’ maker narratives, develop-
that designers only exist in and for the main-
ing a broader definition of a maker or engineer.
stream world.
Moreover, by giving students a concrete example
The mainstream, white-dominated maker
of how people around the world make artifacts
world produces some insight into what maker
that are important expressions of their culture,
education is. In the book Maker-Centered Learning:
88 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Empowering Young People to Shape Their Worlds Building community with students. Building
Harvard researchers synthesized four hallmark community in a classroom means, as all edu-
instructional strategies of maker educators (2016): cators know, that we need to get to know our
1. Students as Teachers— students and they need to get to know us. In
Facilitating Student Collaboration an effort to promote healing I chose to use an
2. Encouraging Coinspiration and Cocritique indigenous healing circle format for our daily
3. Redirecting Authority “Do Nows.” When I introduced the talking circle
4. [Ethics of ] Knowledge Sharing and its mechanics to students, they were al-
While I appreciate this research, it is nonethe- ready somewhat familiar with restorative justice
less, mainstream. It perpetuates the myth that practices but had no idea that these concepts
maker education is a creation and invention of originated in indigenous peacemaking and
the mainstream, white-dominated culture. This healing practices. Once I began to tell stories of
perpetuates stereotypes that maker education is the Lakota Nation talking circles and how First
one thing, one way, from one origin, and every- Nations peoples used them as ways of gover-
one else is just learning about this way of teach- nance, students sat forward and became inter-
ing and learning. So while I appreciate and can ested, taking turns to speak, not interrupting
learn from it, I needed different lenses to help me one another, and listening and speaking from
define making. the heart. I would be lying if I said a humanities
I found my answer close to home and decided lesson was enough to break habits of inequity,
to use the OUSD Ethnic Studies Framework as the but we tried. We practiced taking turns, not
pedagogical cornerstone of liberatory education. interrupting, looking at the speaker, and writ-
Ethnic studies was born out of the struggle of youth ing thoughts down triggered by the speaker. I,
of color demanding that the education system re- like Sensei once said, was relentless in warmly
make itself in order to be worthy of their time. demanding and reminding students why we
Luckily I had help along the way. The OUSD chose this way of communication.
happens to be a natural spring of talented ethnic Once I laid the foundation of how we would
studies educators who authored a framework communicate I knew I also had to reinforce
tailored to Oakland students (bold added): it with how we would collaborate. The Ethnic
Studies Framework operating principles helped
OUSD’s Ethnic Studies definition me clearly define these expectations for my
Ethnic Studies is a content and pedagogy that human- students. I asked how many of them thought it
izes and empowers all people by honoring histories was fair that everyone, not just the teacher, has
and cultures of historically marginalized groups, a voice and that if someone’s voice was being
by employing multiple disciplines and perspectives to shut down, how important it was for them to
critically analyze systems of oppression, and by pro- be able to do something about it. Not one of my
moting action in solidarity with others to transform students objected when they realized I was pro-
students’ lives and communities. posing a way that they could not only question
What better foundation for my own maker- but also debunk my “authority.” In the Ethnic
centered classroom than this example of young Studies Framework this operating principle
students who organized, struggled, and resisted is called “Critiquing the dominant individual/
in collaboration to see the reflection of their own institutions/ideologies.” It describes question-
ethnicities in education, championing equity, and ing as a “critique in positive/constructive ways
openly critiquing the system as a way to inspire that build a foundation for change, but are also
each other and redirect authority from the bottom honest and transparent, recognizing existing
up? Is this not at the heart of hacking and making? power structures and how to work around and/
OUSD’s Ethnic Studies Framework includes or change them.”
six operating principles, one of which is “Build
community and promote healing.”
Teaching 89
they were spending their time and energy hand finished their felt monsters, and brought them
sewing some days they would get to sit together back to school to show them off. To me that
and chat, check in, build relationships. Most showed that they had connected with the project
importantly for other content teachers, I spent in a personally meaningful way. They learned a
about two weeks teaching them how to do basic lot of skills that will be useful in their lives and in
online research, and they’d read about ceremo- future makerspace projects. Skills like kind and
nial masks, find images of ceremonial masks clear communication, effective collaboration,
with intriguing shapes to them, and collect as and sharing the workload are hard skills to teach
reference. Other days I’d structure their chatting sixth graders, but by the last trimester they were
through prompts to share what they had discov- leading our “Check-Ins,” “Do Nows,” and “Report
ered about ceremonial masks, play videos that Backs” as I sat back and took notes. They learned
show how peoples used ceremonial masks in the foundational safety expectations before going
ceremony, and talk about the symbolism of the into the woodshop, where we’d use more danger-
mask and the ceremony. ous equipment. They learned the basics of online
The plan for the Felt Monster project would research: keyword search, using basic search com-
combine hand sewing, machine sewing, Tinker- mands to scrutinize information, and, all of our
cad, vinyl cutting, and the heat press. They would favorite, CTRL-F to scan text.
use paper patterns to cut out the body of a felt I take full responsibility for biting off more
monster, then hand sew and stuff them. Next, we than we could chew, but it was fun to build com-
would move online to use the Tinkercad design munity with a sewing project. Even though it took
software, where they would design the eyes and time, both structured and unstructured conver-
mouth based on the design inspirations they sations were no big deal because they had to pay
collected from their own online research, listen to attention to their needle not poking them rather
videos, and share their findings with each other. than each other’s facial expressions distracting
Last, they would take the Tinkercad files to the them from note-taking or listening. As a result,
vinyl cutter to cut and to the heat press to place my students were much more personally invested
the features onto their felt monsters. Between than usual in these projects.
the introduction of all these tools and materials, I Because this was my first maker project out-
estimated this would take the rest of the trimester side of pure 3D modeling or robotics, I didn’t have
= 13 weeks – 4 weeks of mini projects – 1 week of a clue how long students would take to get com-
student-led parent conferences = 8 weeks total. fortable with hand sewing. I did have a good idea
In reality, we ran out of time. Although almost of how long they’d take to warm up to Tinkercad,
all the students completed sewing their monster, so I gave breaks during the hand sewing to avoid
too many of the students did not have a chance project fatigue. If students wanted to explore
to fully design and cut the vinyl features. In spite Tinkercad, they had the opportunity to join me in
of this, students were able to proudly show off small groups to get started. This was also a way
their accomplishments to their parents and speak for me to build a small student Tinkercad tutor
about the cultural connections they discovered army to support others in preparation for all of
and skills they had developed. us moving on. I plan to keep my student mentors
very busy in the future!
Lessons learned Nonetheless, while all students started Tin-
Now that the class is over, I can look back at things kercad, most of them did not cut out the facial
that went right and things that can be improved. features on the vinyl cutter, which was the next
I confess, I lectured too much. Embarrassing. step in the path I initially imagined.
In general the projects went well and the The main problem I faced was not the equip-
students were very satisfied with the felt mon- ment, although I am still wondering where some
sters and the masks. Some were sad that they needles went (I know the kids didn’t eat those),
had run out of time, so they took them home, why the Wi-Fi would betray us despite IT being
Teaching 91
there many days working on the issue, and how we I am the first one that needs to check the implicit
could recycle the irregular pieces of leftover felt. biases of projects in my maker classroom.
The main problem we faced was time. I spent This is just the beginning of my paths and de-
too much time teaching ceremonial mask histo- tours into many, many rabbit holes. Detours are
ry, online research, and scaffolding hand sewing the hallmarks of student and teacher creativity,
with the paper patterns. Instead I wish I could’ve which lead to maker opportunities for students to
planned more collaboratively with the humanities find their own maker mode. I intend to learn the
and English teachers. We could have gotten to lessons and continue to decolonize my STEMM
vinyl cutting if they could have taught the online lessons while still exploring new ideas.
research and history. It may seem that the conver-
sations with students took too much time, but I References
don’t believe so. In fact, through hand sewing and Agency by Design, Project Zero, Harvard Univer-
the time they got to chat, content based or not, we sity. (2010). Parts, purposes, complexities. Har-
built a strong learning community that I believe vard Graduate School of Education. Retrieved
will pay off in the long run. from
This was highlighted in my Critical Friends -purposes-complexities-0
Group, but we didn’t quite know how to mitigate Clapp, Edward P., Ross, J., Ryan, J. O., &
this since those present had little experience with Tishman, S. (2016). Maker-centered learning:
project-based learning in their classes. This group Empowering young people to shape their worlds.
mainly helped by asking questions about the sig- San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
nificance of ceremonial masks in cultures around Ethnic Studies Leadership Team, Oakland Uni-
the world. Each was curious and engaged through fied School District. (n.d.). OUSD ethnic studies
the lens of their own STEM content area. One framework 2017–18. Oakland Unified School
area for me to address would be to add educators District. Retrieved from
who have experience with project-based learning /
to my feedback group. -development/ethnic-studies-leadership-team
Radical STEMM Educators of the Bay Area. (n.d.).
Trailblazing new paths
Radical STEMM Educators of the Bay Area.
How can maker educators help students develop
Retrieved from
a maker culture that nurtures rather than extracts
Wikipedia. (2018). Critical friend.
resources? How do we develop maker culture in
Retrieved from
this way? What are the considerations we must
make as maker educators to use the supplies,
technology, and materials that encourage student
makers to develop a culture of repair instead of
perpetuating a culture of waste?
These are just a few of the questions I contin-
ue to think about as I explore what it means to
decolonize STEMM. I recently gave a short Ignite
talk called “The Parts, Purposes, and Complexities
of Decolonizing STEMM” to systemically unpack
that thinking in order to be a more conscious
educator in the way that I perpetuate and/or
disrupt dominant maker cultural myths (“Parts,
Purposes, and Complexities” being a thinking
routine developed by Agency by Design [2010]).
My students will only learn to question stereo-
types and assumptions if I model that for them, so
Convincing Yourself and Others:
Why Bring Making into
the Classroom?
Convincing Yourself and Others: Why Bring Making into the Classroom? 93
How does making in education really happen? Where do we start? How is it dif ferent
from what we have done in the past? Is it for all students or just some? How can I convince
other educators, parents, administrators, and even students that making is the right
approach to learning? What will I show my colleagues and administration as evidence
of student achievement?
For educators launching a journey into a new kind of teaching and learning, answering
these questions with certainty may seem like an impossible task. When the task
expands to convincing others, it seems even more daunting. Many educators feel deep
down inside that real and relevant projects are the best learning experiences but don’t
feel comfortable advocating for something that seems to challenge traditional school
practices. This chapter contains articles from the FabLearn Fellows, who are working on
answering these questions and towards becoming braver advocates. Like all iterative
projects, these answers are never the f inal word, but as we share our stories we all benef it
from the journey.
94 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
The Power of Hands-On Learning
When I started working as a Fab Lab member and When I discovered digital fabrication ma-
then as a Fab Lab manager, I never thought that it chines like 3D printers and everything that can
would be such a great experience in terms of leader- be realized with them (especially in the African
ship or professional and personal development. context), I decided to specialize and master them
in order to share and disseminate my knowledge
within my community. Indeed, my experiences
with Fab Labs in West Africa, Europe, and the
United States showed that teaching and learn-
ing this technology can promote local economic
development as well as strengthen social cohesion
and capacity building of local communities.
Educator workshop
Learning to solder
by Angie O’Malley
Although I choose not to bring it up often, I have a you support the idea?” He loved it, but neither of
confession to make. You see, when I started con- us had any idea of what was to come.
sidering teaching as a career years ago, my passion I was so excited, I started the next week. I
was to be a physical education teacher. Being the knew third grade was learning about simple ma-
goal-orientated person I am, I got my undergrad- chines in science, so I went and bought a hand-
uate and graduate degrees in physical education. I ful of wind-up toys. Third-grade students spent
got my state teaching endorsement in health and the next week taking them apart, documenting
fitness. I attended conferences and workshops photos and labels with the tablet, attempting to
galore on physical activity and wellness. For my identify any simple machines they found, then
first employment opportunity, I found myself in an figuring out how to put them back together. The
interview with administrators and teachers, where kids couldn’t believe they were getting to take
it was stated, “We only have a position for a part- apart and explore toys in technology class. They
time PE teacher, but we also have an opening for were engaged. They were excited. They smiled,
a technology teacher. Can you teach a kindergart- laughed, and shouted to their classmates when
ener how to use a mouse?” Of course, I can teach a they made a discovery. They were hooked, and so
kindergartener how to use a mouse. I thought, “If was I.
it means I can teach PE, I’m in.” The next school year, I set a goal. I was going to
Fast-forward a few years. On Mondays, do one hands-on design project with every grade
Wednesdays, and Fridays I taught students the level. I just had to convince the classroom teachers
proper footing for overhand throwing, set up that what I was doing was worthwhile. I needed
a gym for a game of kickball, and stressed the to gain their trust so that when they sent their
importance of healthy eating. On Tuesdays and students to “technology class” once a week and
Thursdays I sat in a traditional computer lab, they weren’t setting eyes on a screen, they could
looking down the rows of computers, seeing still recognize the importance of it all. I started
the occasional eyes pop up over the monitor as emailing and meeting with every teacher, listing
I reminded students how to hyperlink slides their units of study. I turned to Pinterest and
and keep their fingers on home row. The stu- Instructables. I talked out ideas with friends and
dents were excited to have screen time but were family, and I turned to my own imagination.
ultimately running through the motions. As That school year, while we still did a lot of
hard as I tried to keep students engaged and be screen-based technology, there was more hap-
cutting edge, I was not doing well. I was bored pening. I kicked off the school year showing
with the routine and I thought, “If I’m bored, my students “Caine’s Arcade,”1 a viral video about
students have to be feeling similarly.” I knew of a a child who created a working arcade out of
school in the area that was incorporating engi- cardboard and other recycled materials. Then
neering and design into its curriculum, a rare we made our own school cardboard arcade. The
find at the time. That spring, I pitched an idea to computer lab was so full of cardboard boxes
my administrator: “I’d like to incorporate some during the weeks students were designing and
engineering and design into technology. Would making that I was told I was putting the school
Convincing Yourself and Others: Why Bring Making into the Classroom? 97
at risk of being in violation of fire code. We set cutters, multiple 3D printers, and CNC mills, we
up a giant arcade in the gym, and over a hundred are making. Students are practicing the design
students proudly shared their creations. process daily. There is room for play and discov-
Throughout that school year, I slipped in ery. Students are encouraged to prototype, test,
hands-on design projects. Third graders screen and redesign. Their imaginative ideas are met
printed geometric designs on T-shirts using with encouragement. They know the lab is a safe
homemade screens and geometry blocks to tie place to take risks and test new ideas.
into their math unit. Second graders built a 3D So if you find yourself stumbling upon the
city out of paper to learn about community help- maker movement, know that you don’t have to
ers and city planning. Kindergarteners built and have an engineering or design background. You
tested bridges made from toothpicks and marsh- don’t have to find a school with a program already
mallows and learned about architectural engi- in place. You don’t need the latest gadgets and
neering and design. Fifth-grade students learned costly equipment. But you do have to be willing
about biomimicry and invented and constructed to start. You have to be willing to collaborate with
their own devices that were inspired by nature. colleagues to gain their trust. You have to show
Teachers were appreciating the collaboration. that what you are doing is benefiting the stu-
Parents were happy their children were coming dents. You have to be willing to spend the time
home excited to talk about what they had done in doing the research to find project ideas and inspi-
class. Students were engaged, they were having ration that fit into your program. And just as you
fun, and they were learning. will ask of your students, you have to be willing to
The process continued to grow for me and take risks. Trust me—the rewards are worth it.
for our school. The following year, I asked to
change the name of my class from technology to Note
STEAM. I wanted everyone to understand that 1.
more than computer and tablet usage was hap-
pening. The computer monitors that once sat as
the primary feature on tabletops were now more
often pushed aside to allow for cutting, gluing,
drawing, designing, and constructing; I wanted
a name to reflect the change.
The year after that, I pitched the idea that I
would quit teaching PE and move to teaching in
the lab full-time, where students would come to
class twice weekly instead of once. The idea was
approved. That same year, the school moved into
a new building, where I was able to help design
and plan our lab. We have moveable tables with
tons of floor space for students to build. We
have laptops and tablets that can be used when
needed but set aside to allow for more space
when making. We have a sewing machine and
a workshop table with hand tools. We have a
prototyping-materials cupboard filled floor to
ceiling with everyday materials and recyclables.
There is a cupboard with toys to spark imagi-
nation and reinforce ideas such as marble runs,
robots, building blocks, and art sets. While it
isn’t a multimillion-dollar facility with laser
98 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Funds of Knowledge
by Aaron Vanderwerf f
In most schools, we still use what Paulo Freire true meaning of what they are learning because
called the “banking” model of education as our that learning is decontextualized. Contextualized,
dominant model—teachers depositing knowl- student-driven learning will be the driver for stu-
edge into students’ minds. Seymour Papert dents to understand the math that surrounds us.
asked us to think about who defines what I read Paulo Freire in my teacher education
constitutes a discipline; in other words, what is program, but his words about the role of educa-
physics, and how is it taught? He posited that tion in liberating the poor have taken on a much
we continue to teach (even thirty years later) deeper meaning now that I have been a teacher
the same physics courses that were developed for many years; I have worked with low-income
around the technology of paper and pencil, students for over ten years, but I still have
which are focused on solving word problems questions about how this looks in my own school
and carrying out labs with already-identified setting. As a part of my credentialing program,
answers. Instead, he challenged us to reimagine we completed a Funds of Knowledge project that
our disciplines and what students can now do asked us to interview/observe/visit a student
because of new technology so that students both and their family to learn more about their own
lead the vision of what they are studying and knowledge of the world and learn to see the assets
so that they will deeply understand what they they have. Clearly this project was created to help
are learning. Too many students are learning us to reject the deficit model that many people
algorithms and skills without understanding the have about the poor; in addition, the project was
intended to help us to see that our students and different projects with different areas of focus,
families had resources that related to our con- it isn’t long before they exceed my understand-
tent. For me, the connection to the humanities ing in many areas and I start to learn from
and the more philosophical and political issues them. In addition, these projects drive them to
Freire discusses was clear, but what about to pursue understanding more formalized knowl-
algebra and physics? edge (e.g., engineering, math, physics) so that
After visiting and talking with my student they can better design their next project or so
and his family, it was clear that they had a strong they can explain what they are doing to others.
fund of knowledge, that education was extremely For apart from inquiry, apart from the praxis, men
important to them, and that the deficit model was cannot truly be human. Knowledge emerges only
indeed faulty. I believe now, as I did then, that all through invention and re-invention, through the
of my students can learn physics, and in general restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry
my classes are taught in a way that encourages men pursue in the world, with the world, and with
collaboration, critical thinking, and conceptual each other. —Freire, 1972
understanding. Students learn by doing and learn
through understanding, not through memoriza- Finally, Freire says that “liberation is a praxis,”
tion or algorithms. But the family that I visited and this makes me think about how we can push
did not know too much about physics, and I our students to truly “[reflect] upon their world
would guess that if asked, for example, they would in order to transform it.” How can students use
have had Aristotelean models of motion, not what they have learned to bring about changes to
Newtonian models, and that without my guidance our society to lessen oppression? In today’s con-
their son would not have come to understand the text it seems that part of changing that equation
Newtonian model of motion. So I questioned how is about technology, but it isn’t just about access
areas of study like physics and algebra fit into to technology—it is about who controls the
Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed. My student had technology. The activities that we are embarking
a strong knowledge of the world around him, but on with our students allow them to own their
he would not have learned much about physics technology and use it to level the playing field. In
without my guidance, even if that guidance were my own microcosm, thinking back to the Funds
minimal and valued my student’s own construc- of Knowledge project, I think that I also need to
tion of knowledge rather than just transmitting it. do a better job of pulling parents into our pro-
In Freire’s description of a problem-posing gram. So much of what we do in our design and
education he states that students and teachers making program plays into strengths that our
must learn from each other. It is through activ- families have as well as areas that they would be
ities like open-ended design and making where interested in learning more about if opportuni-
I have seen this happen most clearly. With more ties were presented to them.
than twenty-five students in a class pursuing
Freire, P. (1972). Pedagogy of the oppressed (M. B.
Ramos, Trans.). New York: Herder. (Original
work published 1968).
100 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Cheikh Anta Diop is one of the most well-known The Academy has two components:
and brilliant African scientists. He greatly con- Component 1: A Fab Lab team and volunteers
tributed to knowledge on ancient African soci- visit schools all year long with appropriate tools
eties and has long worked for the emergence of and equipment to provide training and organize
science in the educational sector. practical workshops.
Inspired by his deep commitment, our Fab During these workshops, participants are intro-
Lab DefKo Ak Niep (“do it with others”) in Dakar, duced to IT basics and different components of a
Senegal, decided to honor and acknowledge his computer and its systems. They learn how to handle
dedication to science and technologies in Africa by a keyboard, mouse, and word processor. We also
naming our training program (or mobile fab lab) have programming training with Scratch and an
after him: Cheikh Anta Diop Fab Lab Academy. introduction to electronics and 3D printing.
The Academy aims at promoting sciences through Component 2: The second component targets
the popularization of new technologies, namely two specific groups: (1) young people in dis-
digital activities, digital fabrication, and making. advantaged areas and (2) selected occupations
This project’s objective is to open up an such as shoemakers. In Dakar there are a large
alternative, participative, and experimental number of shoemakers who manufacture thou-
pedagogical curriculum to all Senegalese who wish sands of shoes daily.
to discover digital fabrication. With the Academy
participants will no longer be passive technology
consumers but active creators, innovators, and
designers who are invited to explore and develop
their ingenuity, creativity, and potential.
Topics related to sustainable development
and concepts such as do it yourself (DIY) and do it
together (DIT) are the core of Academy trainings.
The program currently targets the large num-
CAD training for adults
ber of young people in the city of Dakar. After
establishing the program there, the project and the We want to introduce them to digital manu-
concept will be expanded to more remote areas. facturing tools including laser cutting. We believe
that training them on these digital manufacturing
tools will improve their productivity and work-
flow and help them generate extra income.
The Cheikh Anta Diop Fab Lab Academy is an
alternative education program and will evolve, for
the better hopefully, over time. We continue to
look for more things to teach, and to improve our
own techniques to create and spread knowledge
with DIY and DIT.
Seymour Papert of the MIT Media Lab, whose ease a shortage of workers in IT jobs (The Royal
ideas strongly influenced the maker movement, Academy of Engineering 2009; Nesta 2011; The
was among the first to propose that computers Royal Society 2012). In the country’s future econ-
could be powerful tools to support learning, omy programming would be a valuable skill, and
allowing kids to express themselves in mean- for that reason it should be taught in schools. As
ingful ways and to reflect on their own thinking in the UK, many countries in the world are mak-
process while creating programs. ing efforts to bring programming to their schools
In his closing keynote address at the 1990 for this same reason. In my own country, Brazil,
World Conference on Computers in Education, I’ve been seeing new independent programming
“Perestroika and Epistemological Politics,” Papert schools popping up everywhere, trying to attract
reflected on the relationship between political and students by stating that besides the benefits of
epistemological aspects of educational paradigms, formal reasoning developed through program-
using a perestroika metaphor to discuss resis- ming, acquiring these skills could be a strong pro-
tance to change in education. In his talk, Papert fessional advantage for the future. In both cases,
posed the distinction between what he called a lot is said about what should be taught and very
megachanges—real, structural changes—and little about how it should be learned.
incremental evolution. He suggests that, similar Although today there are many teachers con-
to what happened in the early days of perestroika, cerned with new ways to use computers to make
educational reformers try to make incremental structural changes in our systems, it’s evident
changes in schools, hoping that they will eventually that marketplace forces still drive (and will keep
lead to a new transformed and well-functioning driving) the future of education. The introduction
educational system. But, in his view, these reforms of computers in schools took place many years
require a deeper and radical restructuration of ago and still nothing has really changed. Can we
the conceptual and administrative organization expect the same with the introduction of pro-
of education, involving rethinking educators’ gramming curricula?
roles, traditional curriculum organization, and While there is no intention to make any changes
school bureaucracy. in the way we use computers at schools—and
As a strong activist for the transforming poten- intention is the key aspect to megachanges—
tial of computers in the learning process, Papert programming activities become simply a way to
imagined that technologies could play an important achieve technical skills. As such it is a good exam-
role to drive megachanges in education by provid- ple of incremental evolution. Yet so much more is
ing opportunities for learners to develop knowledge possible. Today having great programming tools
and express themselves by programming. and robotics kits designed to support creative ex-
While trying to understand the reasons lead- pression and new relationships with the learning
ing some countries to incorporate programming process, this discussion should be pushed beyond
in their schools’ curricula, I looked at the situation skills and jobs. While achieving important techni-
in the United Kingdom, and much of what I read cal skills, kids should have the opportunity to use
supported teaching programming as a way to computers to express their creativity and develop
102 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
new learning attitudes, in exploratory processes The Royal Society. (2012, January). Shut down
driven by personal interests. But who will take or restart? The way forward for computing in
up the cause of this megachange? UK schools. London: The Royal Academy
As Papert states paradoxically, “Technology of Engineering. Retrieved from
should be the instrument for the achievement of
a less technical form of education” since “hav- /computing-in-schools/2012-01-12
ing a strong technical infrastructure allows the -computing-in-schools.pdf
system to be less technical in its methodology.”
These shifts in the use of technology, however,
will only happen if teachers are intentional
in their goals. In this sense, more attention
should be put on the approaches to introduce
programming for kids—approaches that have
the clear intention to change the relationship
of learners and learning, and that doesn’t focus
only in the achievement of technical skills and
in the development of abstract thinking. At this
moment, when programming is being intro-
duced in many schools, considering the possibil-
ities brought by the use of computers to create
meaningful learning experiences—although an
old idea—is more important than ever before
and should be at the forefront of the educational
debate by us, teachers.
One important question to be posed is why
almost thirty years later we are still talking
about ways to shift this trend. While having
many more questions than answers, I would like
to emphasize the importance of reflecting on
the underlying structures guiding educational
decisions, and on our role as teachers to be con-
scious and critical when confronted with new
educational technologies and methodologies.
Nesta. (2011). Next gen. London: Nesta.
Papert, S. (1990, July). Perestroika and epistemo-
logical politics. Closing keynote at the World
Conference on Computers in Education,
Sydney, Australia. Transcript retrieved from
The Royal Academy of Engineering. (2009.) ICT
for the UK’s future: The implications of the changing
nature of information and communications technol-
ogy. London: The Royal Academy of Engineer-
ing. Retrieved
Convincing Yourself and Others: Why Bring Making into the Classroom? 103
The Kepler Tech Lab (now I4Fab) in Kigali, Facilitators were trained to help students
Rwanda,1 connects with local/corporate orga- perform the same experiments using the prin-
nizations to implement practical education ciples of design thinking. With this training, we
in schools or local communities for students took a leap forward to implementing hands-on
to learn by doing and solve critical problems STEM learning that has practical applications
in their communities. One of the goals was to for the local community.
provide students with STEM and ICT education
that moves away from textbook-driven mem- Note
orization to approaches that are more student 1.
centered and focus on problem-solving. After
a partnership with Igire Rwanda Organization
of providing STEM education to its beneficia- References
ries, the tech lab hosted teacher training with Mothering Across Continents. (2014). About
Pivot Academy of Mothering Across Continents Mothering Across Continents. Retrieved from
(MAC) to train a team of facilitators who were
training tenth-grade students in Southern Shafer, P. (2017, November 3). This is our dream.
Province, Rwanda. [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Mothering Across Continents is a not-for-
profit organization that provides “[consultancy], /pivot-academy
coaching and mentoring [to students] to develop
dream projects that help raise tomorrow’s
leaders.” Pivot Academy is a MAC program that
creates “awareness of the need for and value of
STEM education, coupled with ICT (information
communication technology).”
Kepler Tech Lab hosted four day-long teacher
training programs with Pivot Academy to train
their seventeen facilitators plus five lab staff. The
trainees were prepared to train four senior (tenth-
grade) students from five high schools (at least 511
students) in Southern Province, Rwanda.
The training included performing exper-
iments such as water filtration, solar desali-
nation, solar dehydrators, zeer pots, and food
preservation (putting food in different solutions
such as salt, vinegar, and sugar to extend their
expiration dates).
104 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
by Christa Flores
Connections and frustrations study and preordered all supplies for the pre-
In short order working at CEISMC connected determined experiments. It seemed as though
me to Atlanta’s local maker movement network there was no student voice built into the enter-
such as Lew Lefton of Georgia Tech’s math prise. With the fair looming large, every STEM
department, founder of the Decatur Makers, class block of time would be devoted to the
a community makerspace and organizer of science fair projects. My attention shifted from
Atlanta’s Maker Faire. I met the impressive makerspace design to asking how we might
STEAM program director Courtney Bryant of protect any possibility of student voice in these
Drew Charter School and the cocreator of the projects. In other words, how was I going to
TinkerYard, a playground designed by kids fight the STEM monster (STEM as a drill-and-
for kids. I also met the team of entrepreneurial kill approach) and design more student voice
educators behind STEAM Truck, Atlanta’s first into STEM classes?
not-for-profit mobile maker lab, while at a
design-thinking workshop facilitated by the
Mount Vernon Institute for Innovation.
Despite these positive experiences, I was
losing sleep at night, worried that I wasn’t
connecting with the three STEM teachers I was
assigned to work with, or with the students at
Hollis. My role as an outreach manager seemed
ill defined and therefore prone to failure. More
frustration came as I found out that my maker-
space planning and project-based lesson code-
signing would be derailed for months due to a
district-wide plan to promote STEM.
The students made their own signs for the workstations.
The STEM monster rears its head
When I arrived on the Hollis scene, it was already
mid-October. Lesson planning had already been
done and classes had started. Then a new edict
came down from the district saying that all kin-
dergarten to fifth-grade students must participate
in a science and engineering fair in December.
I worried that not only would this derail the
makerspace planning, it was a step backwards
in creating STEM experiences that were less
teacher directed. Then a friend shared her expe-
rience with an elementary science fair: “It’s the
only time I got to do science. I loved the science
fair as a kid!” My friend reminded me that there
is room in the world for both makerspaces and
science fairs, and I resolved to keep both visions
in mind moving forward.
Because the new Hollis Science Fair seemed
like the district priority, the STEM teachers I
was meant to codesign lessons with instead took
understandable measures to help secure their An array of choices
students’ success. Many chose topics for them to
106 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Examples of existing projects: (left to right) Mushroom project; Chicken Farm project; Sun-Dried Banana project
Convincing Yourself and Others: Why Bring Making into the Classroom? 109
(70 kilometers [43 miles] from Bangkok). The donor, with limited infrastructure. Electricity is mostly
Thaicom Public Company, wanted the teachers to based on solar panels, and blackouts are com-
learn how to conduct project-based learning with mon. Cellular phones are useless in their villages.
the small grants that they had received. Teachers spend eight days per month traveling
From my observations and from documenta- back and forth to their homes in a small city three
tion of their projects that I had received a week to four hours away from the schools. This is quite
before this trip, I decided that creativity should different from teachers whom I had taught before.
be a main topic for this workshop because, even I tried to think of what would be most efficient
though there were a lot of projects, most of the and sustainable in this particular context, with no
projects were very similar. I had one-and-a-half computers, no cell phone, and no laser cutter.
days to run my workshop and a half day for final I had planned to introduce fifty teachers to
presentations. Thai Satellite arranged for all the the design process in a simple way at the begin-
teachers to travel from their villages to the most ning and then integrate into their projects for
convenient spot in the area with electricity the villages. At this point, it doesn’t matter if
(on, well, most of the time) and teachers stayed they know what constructionism or the design
at small guesthouses during the workshop. process is—I mostly wanted them to learn how
It was amazing that for less than 200 US to have a clear picture of a continuous refine-
dollars per grant, they produced interesting and ment process and to not be scared of thinking
sustained results such as raising pigs, goats, and creatively as they innovate something new.
chickens, breeding them with fruitful results. Now These are the most important skills for them to
they have inexpensive protein—enough to feed have to be able to continuously improve their
the hill tribe communities. They also grew coffee projects and to guide their students in how to
plants and learned how to roast their own coffee think, make, and reflect, which is the core of
beans. There were twenty projects consisting of the constructionism learning process. I chose
pig, goat, and chicken farming; coffee plants and papers, straws, balloons, rope, and a few more
products; and a sun-dried banana project. building materials to help them learn how to
Many projects had a goal of increasing income make paper prototypes for all ideas that we
for local hill tribes, who live on the mountains would be developing together.
(Clockwise) We kicked off with a low-cost prototype; getting the teachers familiar with design processes; the paper prototype process
110 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
I started off the workshop with making an growing different types of mushrooms (which
artistic statue from simple materials to stim- bring a higher price), designing a closed system
ulate how we make something from collective of goat farming, making a low-cost version of
ideas. Teams made a simple prototype by think- chicken feed from local materials, and making
ing, drawing, and discussing the work; getting jasmine-flavored coffee beans.
frequent feedback; and not trying to make things We went through the same design process
perfect. I found that welcoming imperfection and but this time with their own project. The teachers
always giving space for feedback and growth are were now more comfortable with all the pro-
new perspectives for them. They felt uncomfort- cesses and much more relaxed about quickly
able with the short time I gave them, but I insisted making a paper prototype. I combined design
that imperfect work is fine and that it actually processes, making it simple for them to follow
helps to keep your mind open to feedback. Some steps and repeat them by themselves with their
teachers struggled, but others started to accept own project. I introduced strengths, weaknesses,
ideas and learn to “let loose” a bit more. I went opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis to
through another round of the design process by help them think of both advantages and disad-
assigning them to interview each other and make vantages. This helped them come up with even
prototypes of wristwatches for their partners more ideas on how to use the resources and
before jumping into real-life projects. opportunities that they have without getting
Then I invited teachers who had common stuck on problems. The ideas they came up with
interests to work in teams. After a discussion we were all fascinating to me. They learned to cope
asked the participants to write their individual with problems with local materials and available
ideas on paper, and we put all the different ideas resources. They had ideas about recycling trash
on the wall. There were a lot of different projects such as using eggshells as a source of calcium,
that came up such as growing avocado trees, the main ingredient of chicken feed.
(left to right) Design-thinking process; designing wristwatches; discussion on design (thinking) processes
Mushroom cabin for growing mushrooms in winter Avocado garden project to help reduce deforestation
Convincing Yourself and Others: Why Bring Making into the Classroom? 111
In the final reflection, I asked participants sues involved as we implement these ideas in real
to think of three words or phrases as their most situations. The teachers make decisions at differ-
important takeaway. These were their words ent paces and have different levels of persistence.
and phrases: We are trying to take all this into consideration as
$ teamwork, faith, learning by constructing we plan follow-up sessions and continued support
$ friend, buddy, think together for these projects.
$ problems, learn, understand I learned so much from this experience myself.
$ differences, process, measurement To bring about change, we need to think of how to
and evaluation make it easier for people to perceive and be open
$ brainstorm, teamwork, and determination to new ideas. Bringing materials from the outside
$ experience, brainstorms, and development can build up resistance and make it harder for
$ fight and persist for your life participants to transfer ideas or localize knowl-
Participants reflected that they had found edge from the outside.
the benefits of diverse ideas from working with In explaining constructionism, Seymour
others. They became familiar with design pro- Papert said that learning happens “especially
cesses and learned to plan things rather than felicitously in a context where the learner is con-
just jumping into projects without planning or sciously engaged in constructing a public entity,
getting feedback on the ideas. They learned how whether it’s a sandcastle on the beach or a theory
to discuss, listen, and welcome ideas from people of the universe” (Papert and Harel 1991). From
who may not usually speak up. During the final sandcastles to bamboo-stick frog condomini-
presentations, a few people who usually do not ums, constructionism is alive and well around
speak volunteered to give the team presentation, the world.
showing the pride they had developed in the proj-
ects they had been working on. Reference
We are still in the process of supporting this Papert, S., & Harel, I. (1991). Situating construc-
group of teachers. I am working with the donor to tionism. Constructionism, 36(2), 1–11.
plan follow-up workshops and determine how to
track their progress. We are aware of complex is-
Projects to Explore in Depth
Projects to Explore in Depth 113
The projects in this chapter give the reader a lot to think about, try, and adapt for one’s
own situation. In contrast to the project snapshots in the f inal chapter of this book, these
projects are more fully described and often feature interesting ref lections and course
corrections from the authors.
114 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
3D-Printed Lithophane
by Josh Ajima
This is a lesson plan submitted to the FormLabs: $ AI.12 The student will identify technological
Innovate and Educate Challenge in hopes of developments in the visual arts.
winning a Form 2 resin 3D printer. Entries were $ AII.5 The student will use contemporary media,
composed of a lesson plan and related STL files tools, and processes to create works of art.
posted to Pinshape.1 In this lesson plan, students
create a lithophane, which is an object that reveals Materials
a picture when a light is shined through it. $ Digital cameras
One of the dilemmas I had with my entry is $ Computer with photo editing software and
that I have no idea what educators expect of a internet access
digital fabrication “lesson plan.” Do educators $ 3D printer
want a word-for-word lesson with screenshots
of every technical step and sample files? Do they
Lithophane test card models were created using
want ideas that they can build off or just exam-
a test card image downloaded from Wikimedia
ples with some classroom context? Does anyone
Commons2 and converted online into an STL.3
really need a list of standards and Bloom’s levels
MLK lithophane model was created from an
for every activity?
image from the Library of Congress 4 and converted
Unfortunately I did not win the contest, so the
to an STL via an online customizer.5
Form 2 resin 3D printer remains on my wish list.
But at least I have a lesson plan to share. Anticipatory set (8 minutes)
Subject: Art, Technology Preparation: Teacher has started a 3D lithophane
Grade Level(s): Grades 6–12 printing before class starts, timed to end during
Duration: One hour student independent practice.
1. Ask students to think about what makes a
Lesson objectives good black-and-white photograph.
$ To investigate concepts of opacity, translucence, 2. Have students take two black-and-white
and contrast using 3D-printed lithophanes photographs using class digital cameras or
$ To investigate the transformation of 2D images personal devices and save the photos to a
to 3D models computer with photo editing software.
$ To explore 3D printing as a new material/
method for creating art Introduce and model new knowledge
(12 minutes)
Standards Teacher explains that a lithophane is 3D artwork
Virginia Visual Arts Standards of Learning or an image that can be seen clearly when backlit.
$ AI.6 The student will use a variety of traditional
1. Teacher shows MLK lithophane 3D print,
and contemporary media (e.g., two dimensional, first flat and then backlit. Teacher passes
three dimensional, multidimensional) to create MLK lithophane for students to view.
works of art. • Traditional lithophanes were etched or
molded out of thin porcelain.
116 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
by Josh Ajima
One of the surprise hits of our makerspace this $ Political movements: civil rights, peace
year has been the humble button maker. When movement, Occupy Wall Street
we were setting up all the new equipment and $ Wearable art
tools in our renovated technology classroom, we $ Self-identity and self-expression
ran across an old button maker sitting neglected $ Fundraising: school clubs, fields trips, charities
in a storage closet. Luckily, we also found a box $ Social awareness: anti-bullying messages
of button parts. The button maker was heavy and $ Entrepreneurship and marketing
hard to use but worked most of the time. A • Sports marketing: team logos and mascots
month later, students in the makerspace had • Marketing: brand recognition, icons
gone through 750 buttons. $ Role-play
We realized that the button maker is one of the $ Collaborative job roles: buttons for each team
most scalable tools in the makerspace. An entire role such as leader, recorder, and timekeeper
class of students can make a personalized design $ Simulations: rock/water cycle, atoms
during a single class period. Buttons are a timeless making molecules
real-world product that students are happy to pin $ Memorials
on their backpacks. Buttons also have great profit $ QR code and Snapchat avatars
margins as they cost just ten to twenty-five cents $ Emoji: empathy/mood
but can be sold for one to two dollars. $ Mastery badges
When we ran out of buttons, we couldn’t find the
odd size that our old button maker took. After some Note
careful research, we ended up spending a thousand 1. A great resource for button research:
dollars in punches and button makers from Amer-
ican Button Machines, a company recommended
by a number of librarians. This may seem crazy but
has been well worth it. Students have made more
than a thousand buttons this quarter. The smaller
buttons can also be made into a variety of keychains
and zipper pulls. The graphic design for buttons can
also serve as a stepping-stone to designing for other
digital fabrication devices such as the laser cutter,
vinyl cutter, CNC, or 3D printer.
student elections
118 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
The objective of this project was to design and
build a replicable, low-cost computer locally and
easily. Since computers are still expensive for
most African consumers, Pi-COMP is a low-cost
and open-source way to tackle this issue.
Once these devices are assembled and work-
ing, Pi-COMPs can be installed at local libraries,
schools, bookstores, homes, fab labs, video game
centers, offices—most anywhere. They can be
This was an entry for the Make a Difference Challenge,1 a connected with local data servers and the internet
competition to encourage openness and knowledge sharing so that users have the opportunity to develop their
to make the world a better place. It was organized by Helmut
Schmidt University2 in Hamburg, Germany, and the Arab German IT skills, creativity, and imagination.
Young Academy and the Open Lab (OLab), also in Hamburg. The
end product is called Pi-COMP, an all-in-one computer composed Materials and components
of a central unit interconnected with a flat screen from recycled
computers. Pi-COMP was first prototyped at the Fab Lab DefKo Raspberry Pi 3 Micro SD Class 10 Power supply
Ak Niep (“do it with others”), Dakar, Senegal.3 model B (8 GB or more) (5 volts 2.5 amps)
9. Customize!
120 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
When a tragic event happens in a community, nity. They fabricated them using a laser cutter and
the members of the community come together ultimately used their finished product to promote
in an emotional connection of support and hope. social action. They decided they want to sell these
When our city of San Bernardino, California, items at our community’s memorial events, donat-
experienced such an event in 2015, a tragic mass ing all funds received to families of victims.
shooting, our children felt compelled to be lights It’s fitting that our school district’s motto is
in the community, as children often are in times “Making hope happen.” For the past few years,
of darkness. In my iSTEAM Lab, students wanted the San Bernardino City Unified School District,
to make something. Making is a very personal in partnership with the city, has pursued a
experience for a maker; it’s an experience that mission to spread the infectious power of hope.
draws creativity through passion. Students were We want our children to have a vision of their
passionate about the object they wanted to create. future success. We want them to have the emo-
They wanted something that showed they had tional commitment and motivation to pursue
not given up hope—that they were in fact hopeful excellence while serving others. We want them
that light always shines during times of darkness. to believe in their sense of purpose. Our school
During times of difficulty, with the right mindset, district has a vision to develop a thriving and
there is always a way to see light and to see hope, innovative community where every student is a
and the students at Bing Wong Elementary want- lifelong learner and successful in reaching their
ed to illuminate the path to hope. hopes and aspirations.
What they ultimately came up with (after much I know our community has all the resources
brainstorming) was to make luminary candle it needs to make hope happen in the lives of our
holders out of laser-cut and engraved wood. They students. We make connections, draw inspiration
graphically and mathematically designed the can- from each other, and learn together. When we as
dleholders using CorelDraw, seeking images that learners, both student and teacher, design and
symbolize pride, peace, and hope in their commu- become our own solution to the struggles we face,
we have the ability, will, talent, and dedication to
thrive and innovate. When students are designing
in the iSTEAM Lab, they become a part of their
designs, and their designs become a part of them.
Making something becomes making something
of value, which becomes confidence in our ability
to make something of value, which becomes
visualizing our value, which becomes hope. When
students are trusted to design and make, they’re
given the opportunity to choose their own path to
success. These small luminary candles are designs
brought to life through hope, making hope happen
for everyone.
Projects to Explore in Depth 123
by Alphonse Habyarimana
Homemade resistor
Every material is resistive, meaning that it resists
charge going through it. Even a conductor like
UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova (2014) a copper wire has some resistance. A commonly
wrote in the 2013/4 EFA (Education for All) Global available and easily shapeable resistive material
Education Monitoring Report that the “poor quality is graphite, which can be molded into any size or
[of education] is holding back learning even for shape. Given their background of theory-based
those who make it to school.” This quote is about knowledge, it took students in the engineering class
simple literacy, so the question must be asked: If at Kepler Tech Lab about two weeks to better un-
so many people in the world are without access derstand how a resistor works through a variety of
to the most basic of education, why should we be experiments. On a clean sheet of paper, they drew
concerned with teaching fabrication and making? shapes with graphite pencil and used a calibrated
We believe it is a literacy to learn about electron- multimeter on the “resistance” setting to measure
ics and fabrication, and to develop the skills to use resistance at various lengths of the pencil drawing.
modern tools and be part of the world’s fast-grow-
ing maker movement.
Being exposed to the concepts of electricity
and electronics for the first time may be scary but
creates curiosity to further explore how things
work. In developing countries, where the maker
movement is lagging behind the developed coun-
tries, kids learn everything in theory, but hands-
on experiments are rare—not because kids don’t
want to do them but because there are no means to
practice what they learn. What if they get access to
practical hands-on experience and get the freedom
Homemade capacitor
Breaking things down and showing students how
to explore how electronics work? There is no doubt
things are built gives students a chance to com-
that given the chance they can be part of the maker
pare what has already been made and what they
movement as independent inventors, designers,
are about to make. This leaves room for them to
and tinkerers—on par with anyone in the world.
be more creative while arranging required mate-
At the Kepler Tech Lab (now I4Fab), a science
rials to assemble their own components.
and engineering teaching laboratory based in
124 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
by Alphonse Habyarimana
Each team showed their creations to the Lesson learned from this activity: giving stu-
whole class in an exhibition. The teams were so dents the freedom to do anything and spending
excited about their creations and they inspired your time assisting them is the way to creativity
me as well. and learning.
Projects to Explore in Depth 127
by Alphonse Habyarimana
Finio, B. (2016, May 19). Build a Mini Trebuchet.
Retrieved February 19, 2018, from
128 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
cheap sponge paintbrushes from the hardware I have to admit that clean-up was pretty
store. Others went into the computer lab and time-consuming because little people find end-
created their emotion faces, using GIMP and Ink- lessly creative ways to get paint outside of the
scape to digitally reproduce the design that they plastic tablecloths that we used as drop cloths.
had drawn. Then they laser cut their designs onto But it was worth all the effort because, thanks to
eleven-inch circles. They loved playing with the Ilaria, the children had "hard fun" (Papert 2002):
emotion faces as masks before we used wood glue Once I was alerted to the concept of “hard fun” I
to attach them to the chairs! began listening for it and heard it over and over. It
is expressed in many different ways, all of which
boil down to the conclusion that everyone likes
hard challenging things to do. But they have to be
the right things matched to the individual and to
the culture of the times. These rapidly changing
times challenge educators to find areas of work
that are hard in the right way: they must connect
with the kids and also with the areas of knowl-
edge, skills and (don’t let us forget) ethic adults
will need for the future world.
Teaching Paper Electronics to a Crowd with a Switch Sampler
by Susan Klimczak
We created a poster of book covers based on inspirations for the activities in the free summer
their recommendations with the title “Good STEAM camps taught by our teenage youth teach-
Books That Can Light Up Your Life!” It had ers. I wanted to try out some ideas for refreshing
an LED with a heart diffuser and battery that our Blinkie Paper activity:
actually lit up the poster. $ 3D-printed press-fit diffusers for 5 mm LEDs.
At the festival, each parent and child pair We have been using simple press-fit LED dif-
worked together to create an “electrifying” scene fusers in a soft circuit bracelet activity. Using
from their favorite book using LEDs, 3D-printed Tinkercad to create simple shapes with 5-mil-
diffusers, and coin cell batteries with the help limeter holes is very easy, and the diffusers are
of the teen youth teachers. very quick to print in a few minutes. We used
shapes like balls, stars, and hearts.
$ Switch it up! Managing the CR2032 coin cell
Updating a childhood
inspiration for
paper electronics
When asked to name a
beloved childhood object
during the first week of
the Lifelong Kindergarten
Group’s online Learning Creative Learning class,
I chose embroidery and spoke about the elaborate
embroidery samplers I stitched as a child to learn
all the stitches.
During the second week, we were assigned a
project that involved animating a name. I came
up with the idea of updating my childhood love
to express my new interests by making a “Switch”
sampler for the Boston Book Festival as a touch-
able and playful inspiration for children and
youth teachers.
I found a paper switch sampler template by
Becca Rose4 and decided to incorporate Jie Qi’s
paper battery holder in the mix. I had so much fun Tisch Scholar Rohun Dhar's Harry Potter “Blinkie Paper” example
making and decorating it in the twenty minutes
Getting inspiration from a young friend
here and there I could find on my busy days!5
The South End Technology Center @ Tent City
Having this manipulative as well as a “boss”
in Boston6 is located in a mixed-income housing
Harry Potter example made by our Tisch Scholar
development that came about because of a Tent
Rohun Dhar turned out to provide a lot of smiles
City protest in the 1960s led by Mel King, our exec-
and inspiration as they got passed along at the
utive director. Every Thursday we offer free open
Festival. Rohun even made his circuit look like an
access to our Fab Lounge, and many young people
H for Harry Potter!
like Damani from Tent City Apartments drop in
to make things with our teen “Fab Stewards.”
During Fab Lounge, I was working on my
switch sampler and fourth grader Damani was
fascinated. Her class is studying energy at school,
and she had come up with many interesting the-
ories about how the circuit worked that she was
eager to test.
For the first theory—which startled me with its
brilliant simplicity—Damani asked, “Hey can’t you
close the switch with ANYTHING that is metal?” This
resulted in her and other children running (with
gleeful chaos!) around the center looking for met-
al stuff to test. They used scissors, rings, spoons,
needle-nose pliers, pieces of scrap copper tape,
wires—you name it! Some found shiny things
that were not metal and did not close the circuit.
I got so energized listening to their conversations
with each other about why some items worked to
light the LEDs and others did not. It reminded me
Projects to Explore in Depth 133
of something Mitchel Resnick always says: “Chil- for eight parent-child pairs. When we arrived,
dren don’t have ideas, they make ideas!” I decided we were in a large room shared with five or six
to bring a lot of metal items with us to the festival other activities with no way to easily manage
so that the children attending could try this too. who participated and when they started. The
actual number of parent-child pairs we served
was thirty! We might have done more, but we
ran out of materials—which was actually a
blessing because it limited the numbers and
allowed participants to finish on time.
$ Facilitating gets hectic, so have a template for
the project and prep ahead of time. We made
all the paper battery holders and 3D-printed
diffusers ahead of time and made a template
for the paper electronics activity.
Inside Outside
$ Divide the activity into parts and create stations.
We set up the activity with three stations—draw-
ing, circuits, and soldering—and the festival
On a side note, when Damani was playing parent-child participants moved among them.
with the sampler circuit, she realized that all four On each table, we had several signs with instruc-
switches did not work at the same time; only pairs tions to help teen youth teachers guide activities.
would light up together. She came up with many
theories about why that was, and then she tested
them. We had a great time together asking ques-
tions and testing her ideas. Finally, she decided
to make a mini sampler with two of the switches.
Damani proudly showed it to her teacher, who gave
her “bonus points” for her efforts even though she
was already at the top of her science class!
$ Make many lists of materials. I LOVE lists,
Strategies and lessons learned especially because lists really help when I work
Prepping with teen youth teachers. We organized our
Through the years our youth teachers from materials list by station.
L2TT2L have offered activities at a variety of fes-
tivals that range from the World Maker Faire to
the Cambridge Science Festival. We’ve learned to
be prepared for anything and everything beyond
what we planned to do:
$ Bring at least three times more material than
$ Packing and organizing are key. I am a “box $ Increase number of youth teacher facilitators
whisperer,” fishing out wonderful boxes from and add dedicated explainers. There were only
the dumpster behind my building and whisk- five of us. To get the most learning out of the
ing them away from folks who had received activity, we needed more “how to do it” facilita-
boxed gifts. Materials were put in labeled tors and a youth teacher to be a dedicated “ex-
boxes or in Altoids tins (that our youth teach- plainer” at each station, engaging participants
ers love to spray paint). in conversation about what they were doing.
Materials for each station were packed in sepa-
$ Bring someone dedicated to photographing.
rate bags. A sewing volunteer made large bags I got so busy helping with soldering and trou-
with outside pockets for folders from remnant ble-shooting that I did not have much time to
upholstery fabric, and we put cardboard rein- take photos.
forcing bases covered with scrap vinyl from
Final thoughts: Each one teach one
vinyl cutter projects on the bottom. Then I
One of the most powerful things about L2T-
stapled labels on the outside of the bags.
T2L—which should be part of any maker edu-
cation manifesto—is that all youth should have
the opportunity to teach and be responsible for
what they learn, to share their knowledge with
others. For the past eight years, when youth
teachers were given an opportunity to identify
the most important part of L2TT2L to them, they
have consistently reported that being part of an
effort to create positive community change and
teaching children at community organizations
rank the highest. (Surprisingly, getting paid
ranks the lowest.)
Facilitating The thirty families participating in our work-
The festival was a success! Most of the partici- shop at the Boston Book Festival increased the
pants really enjoyed the activity. Many parents number of Boston children (800+) that our youth
were superexcited about circuit building and sol- have taught and for whom they have been role
dering. Their eager enthusiasm to share what they models of color enthusiastic about technology,
loved with their children was infectious. Overall coding, engineering . . . and, of course, making!
we engaged participants in a pretty high quality Recently, I have been reading the excellent
of “hard fun.” and very inspiring interviews posted on the
Of course, it wasn’t perfect. I always take website People of Color in Tech (POCIT).7 Asia
ten minutes immediately afterward to jot down Hoe, a product designer (who believes that curi-
notes that help me remember how to improve. A osity is her superpower—I LOVE that!) says that
number of parents would have preferred a quick this is her top advice for young people of color
fifteen-minute activity with spectacular results aspiring to careers in tech: “Each one, teach one.
to the hour-long learning engagement we had Whether through teaching, mentoring, writ-
planned for each parent-child pair. To increase ing, or speaking, passing on your knowledge is
the quality of learning that happens I plan to do of critical importance to not only improve the
the following: state of the world but to help you develop in [a
$ Better engage participants in troubleshooting. tech career]. When you impart your knowledge
We needed at least two soldering irons (but to someone else, you must first break it down
only had one) and a guide so that the parent- into the smallest components so that someone
child participants could have been more inde- new might understand, further validating and
pendent in troubleshooting. ingraining your knowledge” (Berhane 2017).
Projects to Explore in Depth 135
Acknowledgements References
Berhane, M. (2017, September 18). Interview: Asia
To awesome Learn 2 Teach, Teach 2 Learn youth
Hoe, product designer. PeopleofColorinTech.
teachers Ke’Brant (KB) Almond, Nyari (ND) Davis,
com. Retrieved from
Trinity Merren, and Dee Dee Pimentel, who
taught this activity at the Boston Book Festival. To
Dicky, M. R. (2015, October 27). People of color in
Bill from our Personal and Professional Empow-
tech highlights the stories of racial minorities
erment program at the South End Technology
in a mostly white industry.
Center @ Tent City, who took the time to help out.
Retrieved from
And, as always, to Eva Kerr, a wonderful eagle-eye
editor and a 16-year volunteer at the South End
Technology Center @ Tent City—no piece of my
Madda, M. J. (2016, May 23). The maker movement
writing ever leaves SETC without being greatly
isn’t just about making and electronics:
improved by her careful edits and suggestions.
EdSurge talks to MIT’s Mitch Resnick. Retrieved from
Notes /news/2016-05-23-the-maker-movement
1. -isn-t-just-about-making-and-electronics
/CM6D -edsurge-talks-to-mit-s-mitch-resnick
136 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
the next time you power up the ATtiny85, your can be used for analog components. For practical
code is still there and runs as soon as the ATtiny purposes, all five of the pins can be used for
is connected to power (a battery, USB port, or LEDs, buttons, or servo motors.
wall plug). Use with a socket. The through-hole ATtiny85
An ATtiny85 is a scaled-down version of most conveniently sits in a socket so you can
the main chip on Arduino Uno or SparkFun take it in and out when reprogramming it. There
RedBoard development boards, which you are two kinds of sockets, but only one works well
might be familiar with: with ATtiny85 projects that require flattening
the pins (as we found out the hard way!).
Arduino Uno
with ATTiny328 This one with round
legs and beads at the top
does not work well because
Size the legs snap off when
you try to bend them 90
degrees to solder them
Pins 8 20 onto paper-based projects;
however, they work fine
8Kb 32Kb
for breadboard projects.
Space This kind with flat legs works well if you want
Dynamic to do a paper-based project where the legs need
512 Bytes 2K Bytes
Memory (SRAM) to be bent 90 degrees. You can buy these on
SparkFun for less than a dollar. However, they
Clock Speed 1 or 8 MHZ 16MHz
are even cheaper on eBay (search “8 Pin DIL/DIP
Has a power jack IC Socket” and you can get hundreds for a couple
Making Must connect and header pins of bucks).
Connection directly to pins that make things
easier to connect
7–12 regulated
Power 2.7–5.5V supplied onboard by power
Requirements directly to pins jack and 5.5 V Line it up. The ATtiny85 needs to be lined
regulated by USB
connector up exactly the right way when you put it in any
socket. It has a dot by the reset pin, which lines
up with the notch on the socket.
What’s on the ATtiny85, and how do you wire
it in a circuit?
Wiring diagram for ATtiny85:
Using the Standard Servo Library Using Software Servo Library Notes
void setup () {
void setup () { Tyrone.attach(servoPin);
Same for both
Tyrone.attach(servoPin); Tyrone.setMinimumPulse(496);
Need to modify servo parameters
} Tyrone.setMinimumPulse(2245);
void loop () {
Tyrone.write(0); Same for both
void loop () {
for(i=1; i<30; i++) Modify delay using “for loop” that
{ SoftwareServo1::refresh(); refreshes the servo position every
delay(50); 50 milliseconds, 30 times for total
} of 1500 milliseconds
Encouraged by Consumables:
Susan’s enthusiastic $ Copper tape 3 mm, 5 mm, and 100 mm wide
width of our vinyl cutter, Roland Stika SV8) and It promotes problem-solving
100 millimeters wide. You always have some loss, As with any design or creation, you have to deal
so the actual size is a bit smaller. with constraints. Constraints really help with the
creative process. With the ATtiny the space for
Transferring the design and soldering your design is limited. The ATtiny is very powerful,
the components but it has a finite number of possibilities. When
After weeding—or taking off the extra copper making my prototypes, I had to solve a lot of little
pieces to leave only the copper circuit trace (which puzzles. How do I get what I want? Thinking,
is easy to do with tweezers), transfer the design trying, thinking again—that’s a powerful path to
with transfer film. You can stick it on plain paper learning, and it gets you focused.
or any smooth surface. Soldering is very simple. It became once again clear to me that the level
Put the tip of the soldering iron on the copper tape, of understanding I get when I make something is
wait for a second, and apply some solder. To solder quite different from when I learn from reading a
the socket or SMD LED, I place a little puddle of circuit on paper. When I was designing a circuit
solder at the place where I want the components for Charlieplexing–-using a microcontroller to
to go. Then, with the tweezers, I put the socket or control an array of LEDs–-I thought I understood
SMD LED in place. Just heat the solder again and the circuit by studying it on paper, but that wasn’t
everything flows together. If you make a mistake, the case. I finally “got” how it works only when I
just reheat the puddle and remove the component. actually built it myself.
The leftover pieces can be used to make an SMD
test strip. Just use strips of copper tape with a gap It’s iterative
of 2 millimeters on a piece of paper, then connect This is a very powerful point. Because we use
the power supply (3 volts) with crocodile clip leads, digital manufacturing, you can quickly make
and you’re ready to go. You can test all LEDs before your idea into a prototype and have it in hand.
soldering them in place. You can also test them You’ll soon find out if your idea works–-or doesn’t.
afterwards by keeping the crocodile clips in the That’s the fun part! Your concepts and ideas can
right place and powering each component. You can be tested in the real world. Did you do something
do this without having the ATTiny in the circuit. wrong? Then you can make changes quickly, redo
the circuit, and have a new prototype in your
Programming the ATtiny hands within minutes. This is the major advan-
If you have never programmed anything with tage of digital manufacturing. It’s shifted what
the Arduino IDE, there’s a little learning curve. It used to be just making skills to “thinking through
is really not that hard; you probably only have to making” skills. Paulo Blikstein calls this “the de-
do it once. All it takes is time and attention. You mocratization of invention” (2014).
can always ask others to help you. There’s always
someone around with Arduino experience, or you It’s affordable
can visit a neighboring Fab Lab, library, or maker- Affordable? Making takes money. That’s just
space to find folks that can help. the way it is. What I like here is that you have a
You can use the Arduino IDE to create pro- working project for about a dollar. Students can
grams for your circuit. If you are not familiar take their projects home. They can reuse the chip
with Arduino, you may use Circuits on Tinkercad. to create a new project for a few cents. Few tech-
It’s a simulation (with the ATtiny) and uses block niques are so affordable. For around $500 you are
programming. It’s really easy. Once you get your all set for a class of students, including the vinyl
simulation to work, you can download the pro- cutter—keeping in mind you can do so much
gram as an Arduino-compatible file. (See page 136 more with a vinyl cutter.
for programming details.)
It has a low floor
Why bother? You can already see the “low floor” between the
In the following paragraphs I explain why I’m lines in the easy way this project can start. The 2D
enthusiastic about this technique. drawing, programming, and the vinyl cutter—all
Projects to Explore in Depth 143
What’s next?
I received a tip to use an ESP8266 module instead
of an ATtiny. It’s somewhat more expensive ($1.75
instead of $0.85) but much more powerful, with
more pins and Wi-Fi enabled.
You could also use the BBC micro:bit as a
“brain,” using crocodile clips to control your
design. However, this makes letting students take
their design home a lot more expensive.
Because the circuits bend, Susan Klimczak
suggested making bracelets. You can use a 3-volt
coin cell to power it (and a magnet as the clip
for both turning on the circuit and fastening the
bracelet). The advantage with this is that your
circuit traces can become the design. Imagine
beautiful patterns decorated with working LEDs!
I’m thinking of doing something with the AT-
tiny touch-sensitive pins—maybe a project that is
like a Makey Makey in function. It could be a proj-
ect about cells, for example, where if you touch
parts of the cell, it is programmed to light up an
LED next to descriptive text. I just have a feeling
there’s a meaningful activity calling my name.
144 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
by Angie O’Malley
When I started teaching my students about 3D through the process. Learning something new
printing, I limited it only to students in inter- can feel hard, and that’s okay!
mediate and middle school grades. I knew there
could be value in also having younger students
experience the process, but I wasn’t sure where
to start. In my experience, many of the apps that
transform 2D drawing to 3D files didn’t work
well enough to risk using them with whole class-
es of students. However, Tinkercad is stable and
easy to use, eliminating this issue.
by Angie O'Malley
One Saturday afternoon, late teens, are currently studying carpentry, elec-
Yvette and I headed to trical installation, and metalwork at the center’s
Mpigi in Uganda, which technical institute. After leaving the institute,
is about an hour from most students want to become adept engineers
the capital, Kampala, and designers, which came through strongly as
representing Foondi we carried out the workshop.
Workshops. Watoto
Church Vocational Rolling up our sleeves and diving in
Training Institute in Our plan for the afternoon was to build a wooden
Mpigi is based at the heart of a village and is phone block charger simply by using a 12-volt car/
home to hundreds of students, most of whom motorcycle battery, a car phone charger, wood,
are orphans and some of whom come from the sheet metal, wires, and a 13-ampere fuse.
nearby villages. We put together
the tools and
materials, split the
students into two
teams, rolled up our
sleeves, and dove
right into the build-
it session. A build-it
is a guided design
activity aimed at
systematically teaching an engineering concept.
Many homes in the villages do not have access It also teaches the use of basic hand tools and
to electricity and use candles for lighting. While fabrication processes.
most people have phones, you need to pay 500 UGX
($0.20) to charge your phone in town. Like several
places in Uganda, boda bodas (motorcycles) are used
for transport everywhere. We thought, “What if
people could charge their phones using the battery
from a boda boda, which is more easily accessible
than a charging shop? What if boda boda drivers
could build or buy these portable mobile chargers
and earn some extra money?” We ventured out to
Watoto Church find out.
Livingston Sebyatika, one of the institute’s ad-
ministrators, gathered together fifteen students
from the technical school. These students, in their
Projects to Explore in Depth 147
The first step was to prepare the wooden ered up the phone. It worked! The students were
block. This is where the phone charger would be so excited that their first reaction was to build
plugged in, so we needed to make four charging more phone chargers and start a business selling
ports using a 7/8-inch drill bit. Alternatively, them in town. They could definitely see how these
you could use a brace and bits of the same size units would come in handy in the neighboring
(which is what we did later when we encoun- town and village.
tered a power interruption).
Great tools make everything run more smoothly
and increase the chances that the outcome will
meet the design requirements of the build-it
activity. Our team is deeply grateful to the voca-
tional institute, which shared its tools with us
for the workshop.
At one point, one group’s
wooden block broke in half as
the participants were nailing the
pieces, and their first reaction
For conduction purposes we cut and bent the was, “That’s easy to fix. We’ll just
sheet metal to form cylindrical inserts for the hold it together with a metal
four holes that we had previously drilled. The piece and some nails.” And they
tabs from these cylindrical inserts would stick did. And it worked perfectly.
out of the board and form the negative terminal Having a smart, energetic, and driven team of
of the circuit. participants made the workshop have more mean-
ing and impact as they were eager to learn a new
technology that could solve a local challenge. What
also stood out was their dexterity and attention
to detail at every point of the build-it activity. It
will be exciting to see how their inspirations and
creativity will have an impact on their community.
Future plans
Foondi Workshops1 plans to continue working
with these students by following up on this phone
charger project as well as conducting more cre-
ative capacity-building sessions with them.
With the remaining sheet metal, we cut out the
We’re looking forward to holding more work-
positive terminal for the circuit. This sheet was
shops with relevant projects for the communities
nailed over the holes. A second sheet was then
we work with. We want to see more people make
nailed over the tabs for the negative terminal.
use of their hands-on skills and design back-
Lastly, we connect-
ground to develop tangible, appropriate technolo-
ed the positive termi-
gies for their communities.
nal using a wire and
Our workshops will continue to provide a plat-
13-ampere fuse to the
form for problem setting, designing, and proto-
battery. After ensur-
typing entrepreneurial-based ventures.
ing we had a complete
circuit and that there
were no short circuits, Note
we tested and pow- 1.
Project Snapshots
Project Snapshots 149
This collection of projects contains some of the favorite projects of the FabLearn Fellows.
These are go-to activities that always work, projects that were especially engaging, or
tried-and-tested projects that showcase thoughtful educational practice and student-
centered learning with modern materials. The projects are short and free-form, capturing
the essential heart and soul of the project instead of trying to fit them into a one-size-
fits-all “lesson plan” template.
These project snapshots accommodate a wide variety of grades and experience levels;
vary in length and expertise needed; and use many dif ferent tools, materials, software,
and hardware. This wide variation may seem random, but it is deliberate. One of the
challenges of creating a coherent set of resources about making in learning spaces is that
there are so many variations in tools, spaces, time, subjects, and experience levels. We
have embraced the chaos with this grab bag of favorites.
These projects showcase the remarkable variety and range that happens in student-
centered environments rich in materials and imagination. To give this collection some
organization, we have sorted them loosely by grade level. The projects in the first section
have been identified by the author as suitable for all ages. The subsequent sections start
at lower grade levels and go up from there. These are suggestions, of course; in many
cases these projects can be leveled up or down by changing the tools, materials, time
allotted, or scaffolding.
We invite you to view these projects as starting points rather than complete recipes.
Some projects have resources to learn more, and every FabLearn Fellow has a page on the
FabLearn site ( where they can be contacted. Browse and find the ones that
speak to you. Many are works in progress, but that’s how making works! (Iterative design
isn’t just for kids.)
150 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
The following tables provide recommended age or grade, tools and materials, additional
supplies, and recommended software for the projects in this chapter. All ages and grades are
approximate; accommodations can often be made for different ages. Use your own judgment
to decide if these projects are appropriate for your own environment and participants.
The next table provides examples of the types of tools, materials, and supplies used with the project snap-
shots. Makerspaces also typically provide students with traditional arts and crafts materials, standard tools
such as scissors and pliers, and computers, which are not listed here.
Tools and Materials Examples
Sewing Fabric, felt, needles, snaps, buttons, sewing supplies, sewing machine
Building Wood, metal, PVC pipe, nuts, bolts, screws, hand and power tools
Project Snapshots INTRODUCTION 151
Craft, building,
Graphics software
Signs That Matter 163 electronics,
or word processor
digital fabrication
152 MEANINGFUL MAKING: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Vol. 2
Cordless screwdriver,
211 Building handsaw, hammer, yard- Inkscape
Arched Rain Roof
stick or measuring tape
Project Snapshots INTRODUCTION 155
Students use paper engineering techniques and The results are often unique and fun. Also, since
paper circuits to create unique and fun greeting they are designed as gifts for others, students really
cards. This project can be done with a wide range care about the project. The cutting can be done by
of ages with appropriate scaffolding. hand or with a vinyl or laser cutter.
Reverse Engineering
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson
Students are asked to reverse engineer an object. practice design by sketching isometric views
Objects can be as simple as a paper snowflake or of the various parts that make the system work.
a toy, or as complex as a kitchen appliance or car They communicate their findings in a visual or
motor. They analyze and label the parts, explain oral presentation.
how the parts work together as part of a system, This activity takes at least one 45-minute
and present their findings. They may also be session if the object is small like a clickable pen.
asked to reassemble the parts successfully. At least three 45- to 90-minute sessions may
Students practice thinking like an engineer be necessary to reverse engineer a more compli-
as they analyze how parts work together. They cated machine.
Rube Goldberg Chain-Reaction Machines
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson, Cassia Fernandez, Angela Sof ia Lombardo
with Giulio Bonanome and Alphonse Habyarimana
Sunbeam T-Shirts
by Per-Ivar Kloen
Tons of Stuff
by Mathias Wunderlich
Sometimes a makerspace has a chance to acquire given material. While this is not an activity that
“tons” of stuff for free—a hundred beautiful tiny we count on to build specific skills, the results are
bottles or thousands of similar wooden rods. often surprising and fascinating.
As a facilitator do you accept such gifts? Do you These projects can range from the simple
have storage space for it all? We do, and once in (completed in 45 minutes) to the more complex
a while we announce a featured activity in which (requiring several weeks).
students are asked to make something out of the
Upcycling Packaging
by Mathias Wunderlich
Signs That Matter
by Mathias Wunderlich
Signs in makerspaces can provide orientation, making signs for their classmates for use within
inspiration, and support. They should be uniquely the makerspace. These signs help orient students
designed for your specific situation, and they within the makerspace and can even feed students’
should look good. Some can be simple and clear, curiosity and imagination.
but in other cases they may contain mysteries, These tend to be smaller projects of under
jokes, or even riddles. Students can be engaged in 45 minutes.
Mini Makers: Food-Grade Paint
by Christa Flores
This project helps introduce preschool makers to With this “paint,” young makers can dis-
art, science, and measurement. They can begin a cover the three primary colors that can be
love of chemistry by making paint from safe-to- combined to make the three secondary colors.
touch household chemicals. Using safe household They can describe properties of matter like
ingredients, three- to five-year-old makers can slippery and viscous.
make paint—a tool that helps them continue to By giving children open containers and the
be creative by experimenting with color, texture, right-sized measuring cup, they can practice
and chemical mixtures. All that’s needed are salt, measurement. You can also premeasure the
flour, water, food coloring, and a plastic bag. ingredients and put them into cups to just pour
1. Mix ½ cup of salt with ½ cup of flour. into the mixing bowl. You can use scientific terms
2. Mix salt and flour mixture with ½ cup of water. like a “smooth, homogenous mixture” when
3. Add food coloring to make paint colorful. describing the need to mix ingredients well.
4. Mix it all together and put the mixture into a You can introduce this project with literacy by
plastic bag. reading Mouse Paint by Ellen Walsh.
5. Cut the tip of one corner of the bag to squeeze This project can be done in 20–30 minutes, not
out the paint! including set-up and clean-up for the facilitator.
Mini Makers: Houses
by Christa Flores
Using two basic laser-cut cardboard shapes connect the shapes. Once the structure is sound
(a 4 ✕ 4 inch square and triangle) with precut holes and stands alone, additional decoration can be
for easy connecting, a three- to five-year-old can easily added to this sturdy platform. Houses are
make a wide variety of high-quality structures. In only one possible theme; you can use the card-
this activity, preschoolers learn shapes and angles board shapes as three-dimensional tangrams or
(square, rectangle, arch), structures and loads, 2D any kind of art or sculpture project that you do
and 3D modeling (spatial reasoning), counting, not want to glue or tape.
and fine motor skills. This activity took 45 minutes because we
Tiny hands can work with an adult or alone to began by reading We Were Tired of Living in a
make easy connections with these precut card- House by Liesel Moak Skorpen and Building a
board construction shapes. Use twist ties or pipe House by Byron Barton.
cleaners cut into three- to five-inch segments to
by Angie O'Malley
School Post Office
by Angie O’Malley
Each year, our second-grade students learn about as pulleys to get mail up and down stairs, scooters
community helpers in social studies. To integrate to deliver mail in the hallways, and catapults to
this into our innovation lab, the same students sling mail into classrooms.
are in charge of building and running a school This project brings together the whole school
post office. Students design stamps and paper community, and students can use any tools, mate-
circuit postcards to sell to the school community. rials, or technology available. Adults send mail to
They also build carrying and organizing devices their children, teachers send mail to students, and
that help deliver and sort mail. Devices students buddy classes send letters to their buddies. This
have made include backpacks, ramps for moving encourages literacy, community, and science and
and lifting heavy packages, and file sorters to sort design. Each year students look forward to their
mail by classroom. turn running the school post office.
Third-grade students also help with this as The activity takes approximately two to three
they study and then create simple machines such months of 45-minute weekly classes.
Makey Makey Crafty Controllers
by Angela Sofia Lombardo
Hard(ware) Fun
by Angela Sofia Lombardo
In this activity students are introduced to robotics found this led to less interactive, inventive cre-
through a process of computational tinkering, ations. By adding the component wall, students
reflection, and design. This works for any off- heard many ideas about how things work rather
the-shelf robotics or electronics kit, microcon- than just sticking with their own theory. Shar-
trollers, or components. Step by step, component ing ideas is useful for reflecting on things and
by component, kids discover how the hardware finding inspiration. It was wonderful to see dif-
works and how to program it; then they create an ferent kinds of interactive games and so many
interactive project using both the computer and different ideas about how to use a component
the hardware. for final projects.
Each time a student discovers how a compo-
nent works, they have to write it onto a sticky
note and put it on the “Our Components” wall. At
the end of each discovery-tinkering process, kids
share their projects with the class, reflect on what
that component can be used for, and write ideas
on sticky notes for the wall. Facilitators read the
sticky notes to the entire class so that the group
can discuss ideas and develop even more theories
about how each component works.
This activity helps students learn the basics
of programming and robotics. It helps students
understand how to be creative with each compo-
nent so they can later design their own robotics
creations going far beyond the concept of robots
as “things that move on wheels.” Discovering by
themselves and tinkering with that knowledge,
students understand deeply how each component
works, how to be creative, and how to express
their ideas while working on something mean-
ingful through robotics.
In early iterations of this activity, we only
asked that students discover how to code with
the components but without any time to tinker
with that knowledge or share it with others. We
Bristle Bot Maze
by Angie O’Malley
Glow Golf
by Angie O’Malley
Board Game:
Missing Pieces Provocation
by Sam Phillips
Laser-Cut/Engraved Pins
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson
Tracing Images for 2D and 3D Design
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson
Robot Storytelling
by Nico Janik
Students turn a story into an algorithm, then This takes eight to ten 45-minute sessions.
program robots to act it out. This project was done
with Dash and Dot robots along with integrated
English Language Arts (ELA), coding, and art. Stu-
dents made costumes and “sets” for the robots as
part of the project. The story was written in English
class, coding was done in the makerspace, and cos-
tumes and sets were created during art class.
During ELA fifth-grade students were reading
myths and folktales. Our district uses Lucy Calkins’s
Units of Study; students were in the “Magic of
Themes and Symbols” unit. Students wrote their
own stories with their classroom teacher during
ELA time. In the makerspace students learned
about algorithms and applied this to their story.
They simplified the story to one or two characters,
and one beginning, middle, and end interaction.
Then they turned this into an algorithm on paper.
In the next makerspace session, students turned
their algorithms into block code on the iPads
(using Blockly). They had to code the robot to act
out the story with no help from the humans (after
hitting Start). During art, students designed their
“stage/maze” and costumes for their character.
Once back in the makerspace the whole unit
culminated in the Dash and Dot robots acting out
the story.
This project is a great example of integrating
multiple content areas and is very flexible. It can
go back and forth between classroom and lab
space, and different teachers can be involved.
It can be a simple story or, with more time, can
be made more elaborate with costumes, sets, or
more complex robots.
Using Low-Resolution Prototyping
to Learn Design and Solve Problems
by Kevin Jarrett
“Prototypes are not solutions. They are a way of day’s weather and the user’s style preferences.
asking questions.” —Snook Design Agency In another example, students imagined a “smart
Prototyping supports inquiry learning, an essen- locker” that would communicate with students
tial aspect of maker-centered learning programs, at home, telling them what books they needed to
especially those rooted in the application of de- be sure to bring in their backpack to be prepared
sign thinking. Students prototyping with found for school.
materials make powerful connections to the By asking students to fabricate easy-to-
intended users, each other, and the problem they construct models representing these ideas, the
are trying to solve. For example, students tasked resulting thought processes were deeper, more
with finding a way to make the morning routine nuanced, and robust. Best of all, low-resolution,
more efficient and less stressful designed an “looks-like” prototypes like these are easily con-
automated, internet-aware closet linked to an structed with ordinary craft and found materials,
app that would preselect outfits based on the keeping costs low.
Group Puzzle Frame
by Heather Allen Pang
by Sam Phillips
Role-Playing Games
by Sam Phillips
There are a million ways to create and play complex rule sets and fabricate props to live-
choose-your-own-adventure games: aloud, action role-play their game stories. A lot of chil-
Dungeons & Dragons style; through making a dren love video games and want to learn how to
short zine booklet; or by coding an interactive make them. The easiest starting point that I’ve
adventure with Twine or Scratch. found is by creating choose-your-own-adventure
A choose-your-own-adventure game is always role-playing games in Twine, a coding platform
a co-construction between maker and player, that is less complicated than basic HTML. You
and can happen anywhere at any time. I play don’t need any special materials besides your
them every day walking to the park with five- to imagination, but paper and pencil, dice, and
eight-year-olds, and have seen older kids publish tokens are useful.
Solar Bobble
by Susan Klimczak
Laser-Cut and
Makey Makey Game of Operation
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson
First-Hand Sewing Project:
Stuffed Animal or Smiley Face
by Heather Allen Pang
Interactive Body Systems Exhibition
by Jaymes Dec
Locker Mirrors
by Jaymes Dec
As an introduction to 2D design and digital fabri- to learn the basic tools of vector drawing such as
cation, sixth-grade students design and laser cut Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape, and using a laser
mirrored acrylic with etchings for their lockers. cutter or engraver.
Students love mirrors! When they see that they We completed this project over a six-week
can cut their own mirror in any shape they want period, spending one hour per meeting per week.
and engrave quotes or designs, they are motivated
Keep Smilin
!tI delianS
Talking Historical Quilt
by Mark Schreiber
Customized Rubber Stamps
by Mathias Wunderlich
In this project students make their own rubber this negative form with 2K silicone to make the
stamps by using a two-step silicone casting method. final rubber stamp. The single letters of the first
At the same time they learn the principles of mak- mold can be removed from the base, sorted, and
ing products by casting liquid compounds, one stored for later use again and again.
of the main principles of industrial mass produc- In under 30 minutes students are able to cast
tion. To start they put single adhesive letters in a their own rubber stamps. A 45-minute class is very
line onto an acrylic glass base in order to form a comfortable for making one rubber stamp, even if
word or phrase. Alginate paste is applied, and this the first attempt fails.
becomes the first mold. The second step is to fill
Earthquake Engineering
by Jaymes Dec
This activity was inspired by an activity developed at the Exploratorium Teacher Institute.
Students plan and construct buildings that can Note: You may use tape or binder clips to attach
withstand earthquakes. In the process, students gussets, shear walls, etc.
learn about various methods of designing earth- Testing Procedure
quake-resistant structures, then create their own A shake table will be used to simulate an earth-
skyscrapers with balsa wood sticks as the main quake to test the quality of your building design.
structural material. In technology class they use The goal is for your building to survive as long as
3D computer-aided design software to design and possible and as strong an earthquake as possible.
print custom connector pieces for the sticks. 1. Buildings will be taped to the table.
This ties in with our earth sciences unit on 2. The specified 150 grams must be sitting on top.
earthquakes. We built an earthquake shake table1 3. Film the test using PhotoBooth or Quick-
for this activity. The unit finishes with a compe- Time Player.
tition to see which building can hold the most 4. Time how long the building stays intact with-
mass under the stress of a simulated earthquake. out any part breaking.
Students really enjoy the competition aspect. 5. When the weight falls off or the building
Materials breaks in any way, the test is done.
Balsa wood sticks, 17 ✕ 17 cm paper for measuring Time to complete is three weeks of one-hour
the base, index cards, rubber bands, masking classes (about five classes per week)
tape, binder clips
Design Requirements Note
Height The structure must be at least 1.
40 centimeters tall. -000-000-001-798
Function The top of the structure will be an
open-air parking garage and must
be able to hold 150 grams of mass,
even during an earthquake.
Area The base of the building must not
exceed 17 ✕ 17 cm.
Weight The building must be constructed
to be as lightweight as possible.
Connectors Design your own 3D-printed
connectors to hold the structure
together. No tape is allowed for
stick-to-stick connections.
Dia de los Muertos
Laser-Cut Calavera Art
by Sarah Alfonso Emerson
Tinkering with Spinners
by Cassia Fernandez
In this project, students create their own design There are many other ideas that could be fur-
for a fidget spinner and explore how different ther explored in this project, such as adding LEDs
variables impact the way the spinner spins. The to create stroboscopic effects or exploring materi-
goal is not to reproduce a well-known model of als other than wood. If a laser cutter is available to
spinner but instead to experiment with different students, they can further optimize their designs
structures, shapes, and balances. With materials by creating their own personalized parts.
such as screws, nuts, and laser-cut gears and One hour and 30 minutes is enough for an
connectors, students can find their own ways to initial exploration, but depending on the time
explore the materials and create diverse designs. available and on the curricular connections to
Since changes in a spinner’s design can be be explored, it could take up to 5 hours.
made really quickly, the project allows for itera-
tion and personal expression, allowing kids to
feel confident about exploring new ideas and
to express their creativity. Also, since the mate-
rials are not expensive, students can take their
creations home and keep exploring them.
It’s also a good interdisciplinary project that
connects making to mathematics and physics.
After creating the spinners, the group can reflect
together about the variables explored and con-
nections that can be made to physics topics such
as friction and inertia.
Quick Cuts: A Flash Film Festival
by Sam Phillips
Paper Bits
by Per-Ivar Kloen
PLA Melts
by Erin Riley
Cardboard Fashion Show
by Per-Ivar Kloen
Make a catwalk. Have students (any age!) pick a playful way of getting to know each other. It’s a
song and make costumes out of cardboard. Let simple way of exploring the possibilities of card-
students perform, showing their creations on the board and so much fun! Laughs guaranteed!
catwalk while playing the chosen song. Add LEDs This activity takes a couple of hours mini-
and coin cell batteries for some extra spice. It’s a mum but can be spaced over a period of time.
Hack Your Classmate
by Per-Ivar Kloen
Shadow Tinkering
by Angela Sofia Lombardo
Students create a story for a shadow play, build This is a project that can span many ages. We
the puppets and sets, and perform the play. used this in a 2½ hour workshop for students at
To start, each student writes the following the University of Bologna Undergraduate School
three elements, each on a separate sticky note: of Education. This was a great project for these
a fantasy character, a tool or object they like, and future kindergarten teachers to see how fun and
a place they care about. All of the sticky notes easy it can be to create and perform their own
are shared on the classroom wall and then three stories, even without expensive technology. It
elements are randomly assigned to student was their first time playing with LEDs, and the
teams. Each team creates a story using the three facilitators give them no instructions on how
elements and starts to plan a shadow theater to light them up. Teachers working with very
performance. The teams tinker and experiment young children tend to think that technology
with different materials and tools to create will not be used in their classrooms—or is even
everything from theater sets to character pup- dangerous for younger kids. This project offers
pets. The sets and puppets can be built with any them the chance to experiment with technol-
kind of building or recycled materials, or include ogy as a creative tool and open their eyes to
electronics. Phone flashlights are very useful for the possibilities. One teacher wrote about this
this project. “creative confidence” in her journal: “During the
Each group will face challenges like how to construction we realized the difficulty of coordi-
work as a team, how to use the provided mate- nating light with the characters, but it was also
rials to represent their ideas, how to integrate a fun and creative experience, which allowed me
new ideas into the original one, and how to to put myself into play. In fact, once we en-
change their original idea when it doesn’t work countered the difficulty, we decided to modify
as expected. This can also be extended by adding some aspects of the initial design to make the
time, requiring more elements, or requiring the final product easier and clearer.” I hope they
stories to follow a storytelling framework like will spread this creative tinkering confidence to
Propp’s narrative framework. their students!
The Cucumber Slicer
by Mario Parade
Escape Room Design
by Justin Brown
There are many approaches to introducing maker also not too difficult for anyone to actually solve
projects to students. We have found that plan- all the puzzles and escape. Users should enjoy try-
ning and building an escape room is very useful ing to break out of the room and not be confused
in developing both skills and the maker mindset. about what to do next. The instructions to users
Students gain mechanical skills, learn about the should be clear but still reflect the theme.
fabrication tools available, and become familiar By developing themes, lock time tables, and
with the user-centric mindset needed for success the physical locks/puzzles, students make worlds
in future projects. with purpose and get rapid user feedback. Making
Choosing a theme is one of the most important escape rooms allows both experienced and novice
parts of an escape room. There needs to be a reason makers to refine their craft while also not being
why the participants are in there for 60 minutes–a dependent on any platform, technology, or equip-
story that connects the puzzles, locks, and obstacles. ment. We use craft materials and electronics plus
There should be a title for the room and decora- supplies like locks, boxes, black lights, and UV
tions that set the stage for users. All of the challenges pens. If desired, 3D printers and microcontrollers
should logically work in the theme. Students also can be integrated as well.
need to sketch the flow of challenges for users. This I give the students six weeks to build and test
does not have to be linear; there can be multiple the whole room, culminating in a community
paths. Students should test their designs with users showcase. They have four in-class sessions to work
and document the results. These skills can be learned on this as a team (two 1-hour sessions and two
in more traditional engineering projects, but stu- 1½-hour sessions). About ten days before the show-
dents seem to “get it” better via the escape room. case we have a full test run so there is enough time
The end product should be fun. Students to fix problems and improve the experience.
should make sure the puzzles are challenging but
Write It Do It
by Justin Brown
Write It Do It (WIDI) is an international STEM teachers take to this assignment more than other
competition that focuses on technical writing. It traditional maker assignments. This also aligns
is a great way to engage English classes in doing with international Science Olympiad, which is
(or making). One student writes a detailed techni- pretty awesome.
cal description of how to make an assembly; then This can be done in one class period. When I
their partner (the doer) tries to re-create it. I have added the report format, I gave students two days
my students make a WIDI report the first time to finish that up. Rarely are the final products
they do it. This can be done with a wide variety of better if you use a full hour; 15 minutes to write
materials and tools. and 10 minutes to “do” works well.
WIDI is a great way to get students to build Tip: Have two models so each student can both
capacity in technical writing. I've seen English “write” and “do” once.
Algorithmic Art
by Jaymes Dec
Prosthetic Hand Design
by Jaymes Dec
Programmable Pinball Machine
by Cassia Fernandez
The idea of this project is to build a pinball ma- through audio cables. We use Scratch4Arduino
chine that can be programmed to create different for the programming. This makes construction
kinds of interactions, integrating everyday mate- and programming easy; however, any Arduino or
rials with physical computing. Pinball machines robotics kit could be used.
can be explored in diverse ways, incorporating Allow at least 3 hours—up to 6 hours. It works
diverse features, technologies, and materials. It’s best when divided into 1½-hour classes.
a good starter activity for kids who are not very
familiar with physical computing since it creates
a high level of engagement and is suited for rapid
prototyping and tinkering explorations.
A great diversity of materials and technologies
can be integrated into this project. Everyday craft
and recycled materials, electronics, pegboard, and
building materials can be used. And since pinballs
can have so many different features, it’s a good
activity for tinkering, allowing people to focus on
different types of things in their creation process,
based on the resources available and on the things
that they find more interesting and fun to explore.
It is a great way to introduce programming in
a contextualized way so students can create pro-
grams to add new features to their machines with
high levels of motivation. This activity can also
create a great emotional climate in the classroom,
especially in the sharing moment when kids can
play with other groups’ machines and have free
time to enjoy their own creations.
We use a “Beta Kit,” which is a kit I co-created
to allow tinkering explorations in physical pro-
gramming. The kit is composed of an Arduino
with a shield that converts the pins to audio jacks,
and small boxes with servo motors, buzzers,
LEDs, lasers, light sensors, switches, and poten-
tiometers that can be connected to the Arduino
Marbling Plywood for Laser-Cut Parts
by Erin Riley
Pixel Art
by Erin Riley
In digital art and design, as well as in digital Our students mounted and sealed the printed
fabrication, knowing the difference and the grids on wood with Mod Podge and painted the
applications of raster and vector graphics is a pixel art grid with acrylic paint. Not only do stu-
foundational understanding. With the help of Erik dents enjoy selecting images to convert to pixel
Nauman, who created a pixel-by-numbers app in art, they are excited by the process of making as
Processing,1 students are able to convert images their pixelized image emerges from the blank grid.
into color-by-number pixel maps. Students This project could be done in two class periods
decide the density of pixels and range of color, and if working with small printed grids or could be
the program generates a numbered grid with color extended for larger-scale grids.
key. The grid is in vector form and can be printed
or exported for digital fabrication. Note
Material Exploration in Mold Making
by Erin Riley
Contact Mic Synthesizer
by Daniel Schermele
Office Supply Flair
by Dan Schermele
Repair Café in
the School Makerspace
by Mathias Wunderlich
Recycling and Upcycling Furniture
for Your Makerspace
by Mathias Wunderlich
3D Maps
by Mathias Wunderlich
Many kids have lost the connection to the geo- interest in geography by having them use a 3D
graphy and landscape of their region. They don't printer to print 3D maps of their hometown and
hike; they are just transported in their parents’ car surrounding landscape. We made a model of our
from point A to point B with their eyes on their neighborhood, consisting of thirty 3D-printed
smartphones. For such students, geography is a the- pieces, each 19 ✕ 19 centimeters, which represents
oretical science with little importance to their lives. an area of 10 ✕ 12 kilometers. Additionally we con-
Teachers who can acquire high-resolution structed a system for projection of different data
geodata of their region may spark their students’ to the surface of the 3D map.
Turnery for Kids
by Mathias Wunderlich
Turnery (using a lathe) in our school makerspace other woodworking techniques, doesn’t require
is a very popular activity. Actually this very old much physical ability or experience to get quite a
technology has a high level of desirability for good result even at the first attempt. After some
students. It has the right amount of danger—it’s basic safety advice, even students as young as
not too safe, but it’s not too dangerous either. It fifth grade can work on their own pieces.
works with sharp blades, and kids feel the vibra- Plan for 45 minutes for first steps and the first
tions of the machine and the power of the mo- piece, then some extra hours to explore for rather
tor—it’s definitely learning with all senses. Most good results.
important of all, turnery, in comparison to many
Round, Arched Rain Roof
by Mario Parade
Microf ilms and Microstills
by Erin Riley
Changing scale is a powerful design tool—one that This project gives students the opportunity to
can transport the viewer into a world that they do explore many variables that often occur in both
not recognize, or alternatively, one that invites us science and art curricula while creating opportu-
to look even more closely. Inspired by the work nities for a wide variety of outcomes. The vari-
of Pieter van Boheemen at the Waag Society in ables include distance from camera (foreground,
Amsterdam, I have created a laser-cut microscope middle ground, background), focus, 3D space in
for use in our art and science classes for capturing enclosure, still photos, films, wet and dry media,
still and video images. The design has two enlarged flipping the lens for greater magnification, mod-
stages, one for a foreground and background, use- ifying the enclosure or building a new one from
ful for painting and using wet media, and a place to scratch, material exploration, audio input, and
mount a smartphone for backlighting or displaying LED light intensity.
digital images. The enlarged stage offers a large This project is open ended. It could be a
surface area and space for painting and adding single-period project or could be extended.
materials into the composition.
For those without a laser cutter, a cardboard Note
and foam version was designed by Abraham 1. Shared
Orozco and is available.1 with permission.
Creating Physical Interfaces
to Minecraft with a Raspberry Pi
by Kevin Jarrett and Trevor Shaw
Cardboard Chair Challenge
by Wojciech Karcz
Building a sturdy cardboard chair is a great basic- Students need to figure out a design, tinker
level design challenge. Students learn about with how to connect cardboard, and iterate
mechanical properties of cardboard, which is through setbacks. We do this in middle school,
useful in many projects. The challenge is to build but it’s also a good design challenge for older
a chair that meets two conditions: (1) the chair students or adult workshops. It’s suitable for
must be built only using cardboard without any both teams and solo designers.
fasteners (e.g., no glue, tape, zip ties), and (2) it We typically spend three to four hours—and
must support a student’s weight while sitting. make sure you have a LOT of cardboard!
Animating a Model of Myself in Scratch
by Alphonse Habyarimana
Students who have never programmed or used programming languages. Students work togeth-
a computer before learn how to make anima- er to write stories, organize them using sticky
tions, games, and stories about themselves using notes, and then animate them using Scratch. They
Scratch. Scratch makes it easy for students to present the stories to the entire class for feedback.
learn programming due to its use of building We plan to add physical projects to this class in
blocks; there is no need to memorize syntax and the future.
other complicated conventions found in many
Make History
by Per-Ivar Kloen
Liver It Up!
by Per-Ivar Kloen
Students research the functions of the human variations are possible as these objects can be as
liver. Then they make a product that explains simple or complex as there is time and technol-
these functions, animating and illustrating with ogy. It is also a project that can be spaced over a
found materials and electronics. It’s an easy way long period of time.
to tie the curriculum to a maker project. Endless
Creative Capacity Building
by Alphonse Habyarimana
Creative Capacity Building (CCB)1 is a course other materials, and to do sketch modeling of the
framework and curriculum of Massachusetts projects and 3D design in SolidWorks. During the
Institute of Technology’s D-Lab that trains par- workshop, participants were encouraged to use
ticipants to “create or adapt technologies that will the principle of design thinking to solve critical
improve their lives and strengthen their commu- needs in their communities. One of the projects
nities.” During the course of the CCB program at was an automated irrigation system, which was
Kepler Tech Lab in Rwanda, sophomore universi- expected to improve a farmer’s irrigation experi-
ty students came together to work on projects to ence by saving time and water used.
solve community needs in (1) energy, (2) agricul- This program took two months, one session a
ture, and (3) waste management sectors. Students week, three hours per session.
were invited to work on different designs and
prototypes of their projects using microcon- Note
trollers, electronic components, cardboard, and 1.
Introduction to Physical Programming
by Alphonse Habyarimana
Creative Robotics
by Angela Lombardo
After a process of experimenting and learning Facilitators provided students with a “robot de-
about programming with Scratch and about how sign canvas” to help them brainstorm and discuss
the robotics components work, students are chal- ideas. The learning path was designed to offer
lenged to work in teams to create an interactive kids opportunities to experiment with taking a
robot. We used the mBot robot, but it could be different, more active role in their learning, creat-
done with any robotics kit. ing a safe environment where they could express
Each team had to present in four different their creativity and see themselves as inventors.
areas: (1) the actual robot, (2) scenery and sets Instead of following detailed instructions, stu-
for the robot, (3) a project journal, and (4) a video dents were encouraged to explore, document,
commercial. Robotics creations had to be “inter- and reflect on the result of their choices and their
active,” meaning people had to be able to play or own thinking process. It helped them learn how
interact with the robot. to manage time; how to work as a team; and the
To spark some ideas and inspire creativity, importance of prototyping, testing, and iterating
facilitators shared some videos and set up a “tin- while working on a project—skills that they can
kering zone” full of different kinds of materials. use in everyday life.
Spaghetti Tower
by Angela Sofia Lombardo and Giulio Bonanome
Glitch Art—
Happy Accident or Controlled Chaos?
by Anne Bown-Crawford
Students at any level of expertise with digital file. You should see a bunch of data jargon. The
imaging can learn to incorporate accidental or first part of the data is the header. If you edit
purposeful changes to a digital image file— the header, it will break the entire image—try
corrupting, removing, or replacing digital data to avoid that! Try adding symbols like %, $,
to change the look of a digital image, also called {, and } all over the file, or copy large parts of the
datamoshing or databending. data and paste them in new places, or delete
The process relies on editing the underlying information all over the file. Use the Find and
data composing digital images to create some- Replace function to delete and replace large
thing new. Conceptually databending presents batches of data at once.
opportunities to exploit the imperceivable sys- 3. Save the file, open it again with your image-
tems that control the digital world. editing software, and see what happened. Trial
and error is perfectly appropriate here!
This is usually a two- to three-day project
to start, with the opportunity to go deeper into
advanced glitching using the programming
language Processing.
Daniel Temkin’s Glitch Tutorials
Eight Cool Tools for Glitching Images
How to Glitch Images with WordPad
Here’s how it works -images-with-wordpad
1. Save an image in an uncompressed file format How to Glitch JPG Images with Data Corruption
such as BMP, RAW, or TIFF. Uncompressed
files have more data to edit/bend/destroy than -jpg-images-with-data-corruption
compressed files, and the image is less likely to How to Glitch Images Using Processing Scripts
completely break when corrupted.
2. Reopen it with TextEdit or something similar. -images-using-processing-scripts
Scroll down at least a tenth of the way into the
by Anne Bown-Crawford
Fashion Design with Circuits
by Anne Bown-Crawford
Tin Puzzles
by Erin Riley