Essentials of HRM
Essentials of HRM
Essentials of HRM
Have a look at some key motions in the HR tech sector and the specific solutions you could
implement in your business.
The ability to work remotely is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after employee
perks, but also quite an administrative challenge—businesses now have to be ready to
connect employees in different time zones and take steps to ensure they all have equal
learning and development opportunities. On the other hand, it gives employers access to new,
previously inaccessible pools of talent while cutting recruitment costs. Technology has
countless solutions on hand and will no doubt keep focusing on bringing distributed teams
together. Remote work obviously changes a lot for recruiters—who have now broader pools
to choose from, but also need better, more effective tools to reach the people they want to
hire. Sites that connect employers with prospective employees are becoming more popular as
they help both recruiters and candidates—examples include well-established companies like
Upwork or Fiverr, as well as more innovative platforms like humans.
There is little in the corporate world more frustrating than asking a question and then having
to wait for an answer. But more often than not you ask the question, wait, send a reminder,
wait some more, etc. With one HR team servicing an entire organization, simple questions
easily get lost in the daily grind, leaving the employee waiting. An HR knowledge
management system removes this obstacle almost entirely. With good platform organization
and proper role-based access controls in place, all employees can get the information they’re
seeking faster and easier without having to wait on HR. For human resource employees, this
means a lot less time answering questions and seeking out the right documents.
Dispersed HR teams will also find it easier to get the information they need when a
knowledge management solution is in place. Need to create an office-specific policy? You
can quickly see what other locations have done or reference a corporate policy to ensure
you’re in-line with the broader organization…without having to send a dozen emails to
collect all the information you need.
HR knowledge management platforms can function as a single source of truth. Having this
information easily available to everyone lowers the chance of mistakes, lessens
miscommunications, shortens timelines for getting answers and information, and generally
standardizes the overall process of information gathering, allowing employees to move
forward quickly and in-line with corporate expectations. Without a standard process for
getting HR answers from a single knowledge center, organizations run the risk of different
employees getting different answers to the same question.
When organization’s enforce the expectation that employees should access the HR
knowledge management system to answer questions before asking HR, that process will
become ingrained in the company culture, making HR’s job a little bit easier.
The HR Tech trends look like they will certainly influence and improve a business. AI has
changed the way human resources work. Implementation of automation has become the need
of the hour for HR department. The core functions of HR include recruitment, onboarding,
benefits and compensation, payroll and much more.
Recruitment is one such area in which artificial intelligence has proved its worth.
HR managers and professionals always have their hands full with day-to-day tasks. They
need a AI solution which can reduce their workload and speed up recruitment process.
HRM occurs not in a vacuum, but in a complex and dynamic Group of forces within the
organization. Dependencies on the human resource department to recruit the best employees,
design appropriate and effective training programs and institute successful retention
programs can give your company a competitive advantage. Successful HR knowledge
management platforms are highly sophisticated solutions. Instead of spending precious time
and resources building a basic portal in-house, team up with a proven service provider who
already understands how a great HR knowledge management platform should work. HR
improves the company's bottom line with its knowledge of how human capital affects
organizational success. Leaders with expertise in HR strategic management participate in
corporate decision-making that underlies current staffing assessments and projections for
future workforce needs based on business demand.
Changes in technology in altering the nature of work itself. We are entering the age of the
electronic workplace. Managers and workers which will be increasingly subject to technical
obsolescence. Many will also be displaced by the advancing technologies. These changes are
both good and necessary in business are to remain competitive. However, it would be a
serious error to ignore the impact of these changes on employees. The challenge to the human
resource function is a large one.
The human resource manager has a great role to play in developing core competence by the
firms. A core competence is a unique and unimitable strength of an organisation which may
be in the form of human resources, marketing capability, or technological capability. If the
business is organised on the basis of core competence, it is likely to generate competitive
The organisations today realise that human resource is the most valuable asset and are
adopting policies like competence building, job rotation, performance linked pay,
empowerment, etc., which promote the overall development of the human resources. Greater
stress is also being given in the field of employee welfare and social security with increased
post-retirement benefits like health insurance, provident fund, pension, etc.
Management of human relations in the future will be more complicated than it is today.
“Many of the new generation of employees will be more difficult to motivate than their
predecessors. Money will no longer be the sole motivating force for majority of the workers.
Non-financial incentives will also play an important role in motivating the workforce.
Challenge # 2. Building Responsive Organisation:
The organisations in future will get better qualified and career oriented young employees.
The proportion of professional and technical employees will also increase as compared to the
blue collared employees. Empowerment involves giving the employees more information and
control over how they perform their jobs. Empowerment would be all the more necessary to
speed up the process of decision-making, make use of environmental opportunities and to
serve the customers and society better.
Professional dynamics will enhance its prestige and quality of service. Human resource
management will emerge as a well-established, well-respected and well-rewarded profession,
comparable to other established professions provided the challenges and opportunities are
successfully exploited for its advancement. Greater efforts will be needed to achieve group
cohesiveness because workers will have transient commitment to groups.
The future of HRM, would bring or based on participative management and it fully deals with
a total quality management it specially deals with the science and technology. Training is
only one of the options to learning and development. Training would need to be tailored
according to changing requirements viz, customer preferences, specific need of a strategic
plan in a given time frame, etc.
Question 3
External competition
We live in an incredibly competitive world where businesses are willing to pay top dollar to
get the cream of the crop talent. In order to attract and retain talent, your company must
establish a compensation package that’s on par with other companies in the same industry
and location.
There are several market surveys to gauge the right pay for different roles. If you’re
constrained by budget, you can innovate by offering attractive vacation time offs, child care
facilities, and other benefits that don’t cause a dent on your budget.
Executive compensation
The many nuances of compensation management come into play when deciding the salaries
of senior executives. This is particularly important for public companies that need to reveal
the salaries of their top 5 employees which might not go well with shareholders and the
general public. Even if that’s not the case, the pay packages need to strike a balance
between attracting good talent while being acceptable.
Internal equity
Take a pay review and we’re sure you’ll be surprised by the results. Even though the
government and businesses strive to achieve pay equity, the wage gap persists. In fact, the
World Economic Forum estimates that it will take at least 202 years to close the wage gap.
You should continuously assess your pay gap efforts and create awareness in the senior
management to fix this issue. Managing gender wage gaps is something that’s so close to
our hearts so much so that we wrote a whole blog about it. You’ll find it here.
You can bridge this gap by providing total compensation statement to clearly communicate
the value of their compensation in its entirety.
Closing thoughts
Your compensation strategy should be connected to business goals and financial data so
you can get a complete picture of its effectiveness. When wrongly handled, it can cause a
rift between employees and management. Though these challenges may seem daunting,
proper planning and diligent efforts can help you overcome them. The right tools will help
you move beyond manual work and transactions and focus on what’s important–motivating
your employees and building a great culture.
Question 3 (2)
People are always looking to put themselves in the best possible position financially. Those
who are worth a specific salary amount often know their value and will seek a position that
pays accordingly. Do research on what your competitor's compensation and benefits
packages look like. Make sure you offer a similar package to your potential employees so
that you attract the best candidates for your company. Hiring the right candidate the first
time reduces recruiting costs and helps free up business owners for other tasks.
Properly compensating employees shows you value them as workers and as human beings.
When people feel valued, they feel better about coming in to work. Overall company
morale increases and people are motivated to come to work and do a good job.
Additionally, when employees know there are bonuses or commissions, they are
increasingly motivated to deliver grander results. Bonus and commission compensation
plans become a focal point for success.
When employees are being paid well and are happy, they're likely to stay with the
company. Proper compensation is one factor why employees remain with employers.
Loyalty means that business owners don't need to continue to spend time, money and
energy on recruiting new candidates. Employee retention and low-turnover rates are great
for employers who cultivate a team that knows what to do. That team is also motivated to
be part of the team, and they get the job done well.
Creating the right compensation plan leads to stronger job satisfaction. The right
compensation plan includes benefits, along with all the other bonuses available. Employees
often boast about holiday bonuses or they keenly watch how the company stock performs
because they have stock options. The right compensation program invests employees into
the work being done, which gives them a stronger sense of satisfaction when the company
succeeds. They know they will be rewarded for their efforts; everyone likes to be