Centro Bilingüe Vista Alegre
Centro Bilingüe Vista Alegre
Centro Bilingüe Vista Alegre
Level: 11B
Date: 12/7/2010
Auto Biography I naci the 15 of January in the year of 1994 have two sisters on the part of my Pope and a brother q to born with me all his life my sisters yarisel Ortega and Jessica the two Ortega of legal age yarisel has 30 years of age and Jessica teiene 28 years of age the form as Jessica arrived at my life was of this form. My father Jorge Ortega in its youth conocio to girls among them estubo the mother of jesica and yarisel Ortega. (amaryllis) she estubo with my Pope about 5 together years soon a day the amaryllis breast said to him to her that if queria not to go away with her for the United States and acceptable amaryllis in that timepo Jorge Ortega were losing the affection that him tapeworm to her. And a day as today amaryllis calls to the house of Jorge and says this Jorge to him I create or your and I we do not have to be but fiancs esq I will have left long time in the United States and or I with time create q that has happened your you already do not have he himself affection that tapeworms by my and hill I telephone.
Soon joege conocioa to Cristina Rodriguezy of has left 2 angelistos but Jorge Ortega and jean Carlos Ortega (I). Jorge Ortega (son) nacio with cerebral paralysis 8 years later naci I in order to choose my name ubo many problems so that cuanddo my father when going where the secretary where my name is registered said to three q I podia not to have name and had to me to put Jean Carlos Ortega my very furious father conto ami mother. My mother me cuante q I naci with a weight approximately of 12 pounds and that paresia drinks of about 3 months and she so well arrives to me at against that I empese to walk to the 10 pulls me cunat that cadaves who we went to eat I to simper tapeworm q to esperear to that they gave me the food porq first occurred it to Jorge (son) and to aprtir of that I arrive to learn to eat single so that I get tired to wait for spear that a day takes hold cochara and empse to eat single everything remained with the open mouth. My mother tells me that once we went all in the car and we went passing through cementeria entonce I abi the brasos and I said to Pope Pope and my father said hooo esq murio all in the car estab ing ***reflx
mng of my I simpre I was drinks very amused according to whichever my breast. The day that I cumpli a year of age my mam me disfrso of pedro picapiedra all tapeworm that to see with me so that decin that I parecia much pedro. I naci in the same quarter that naci in New they arraijan sanbernardino-street eden is a very pretty place is like the paradise in that place I conoci to my friends of the life who and lived all with them and reido and cried spear peliado with them among them estan emos junior ami considers me as its major friend lived on all we counted of everything auq I aceptoq him and failed much but simpre him decia that not me hicera case to the bad things that I him towards so that everything it is I already relax and bolbiamos to aser friends like simpre, others of my friends this ian the junior sister she was my fiance by districts months but we left ourselves so that alguin said to him to the breast of ian that she tapeworm fianc and pore under we had to break, others of my friends this anibal (yimbo) is a very high person we in the street if we bothered so that jaja is very high we we say grandi stupid porq to him is very stupid, soon another friend is elenita the sister of yimbo she
simpre tube a feeling thus ami but forgetfulness of my and empeso to walk itself with Benjamin caate, others of my friends whereupon and lived all my emos pranks we state jundo spear in the jugabamos school anteriomnete when we soccer in the street simpre quiieria to abuser of my with patiar to me or aser some damage to me so that I was but small of the street all ace made fun of of the tapeworm the very full face of shinbone once a friend said to Youngest child thus benji to him something ponte querozin in the face and pledges a phosphorus so that you see you do not have but that problem was of the people like molestabna separate of my. Another one of my friends of the street this markito if it made fun of of all we is gordito high means cocobolo and has much silver, another one of my friends this nairobis sanshez she takes advanced to 4 years of age I to me estube enamored with her as by 2 years followed and she nuka I call the attention to him. Tyodos in the street bothered much to me for that reason others of my friends this ivonne nuez she it is a very vulgar girl likes to be simpre with very short clothes and say to many words susias she simpre me to this q I I am the love of its life I paranda me
and fixed to her another friend is not my type is the sister of her leydi nuez she is greater than by 3 years of age. Another friend mine this darlen a girl in taken root very latimada by the parents and for that reason she is a person whom it likes to be with small districts I I was of a its fiancs that girl so you would temparan age and already queria to have sexual relations, another friend mine is zaura zapateiro a very pretty girl she tn bn was my haora fiance we are one bunos friends others delas people that live in my street you separate from my friends are my cousins hugo, fernado, maico, alexis, vianca and cristian. Hugo has cabezon if she bothers in special ami that I am its single cousin with the simple one I throw to leave me in alfrente pain of all the this contentment My fernado cousin it likes simpre to do malda to me simpre liked him to hecer to me to cry by qque the great era hard but and but that I my breast simpre tapeworm that to defend me by the badnesses that simpre made I to me if it hated maicol soon vianca q is brother of fernado but they are peuqos one is 13 years old and another one is 10 years old and alexis is brother of ferndao so well the amyor of all tien 25 years of age and
crsitian is haermano of hugo we as we played futobol is the sport of the street and cristian is a great rival for my. After I psae in my infansai with my friends in the street and all other because I still segui being a happy boy coni put in primary in center Bilingual Glad Vista in that schools I to me oci to my major friend and better friend my major friend Kevin Rodriguez the form that and I knew myself was very chsitosa then once already was exit of the school and my breast took in looking for to me and then simpre found me with a boy llmado Kevin and undia I said to him hears friend we go to aser compadres from today compadre said this bn jaja and cradled simpre was nonsaludabamos exit hello compadre was very chistoso soon when between in first degree then I cannot say much so that I do not have much memory to parapoderdecir that passage in first degree the only thing that I acurdo because simpre went q to my breast was sent notes to him in my notebook so that ami I did not like to cut with the scissors I I was bad to cut hardly with the scissors that I cojia one tiejra ponia to llorrar to me so that sabi not to cut and masestra ponia well very brave my breast tells me that I was a very timid boy estube like 15
days to adapt me to my new friends and teacher I eat queria to one masestra q nowadays is the academic director of the primary section. In Second degree I decide a little to me but that in first degree I decide the teacher marianela very well to me it liked she much to make strolls ay me acueredo my friends heraldo and david ells simpre peliaban one you see estabamos in regrasamos nossotros imformatica and cunaod prepares acabdo the hour to the hall and david him estab aciendo malda to heraldo and then was put to fight in the hall spear that a companion aloud says pegeunle all to heraldo and everything taban to him beating in the cabesa and when labanto of the ground where estab thrown this plenty everything of blood and all estabamos nostros deceiving to us of the companion I decide vianneth a companion to me very estrovertida so well who was fiance of my better friend Kevin she him gustab to make much disorder and by chances of the vidad me I return it to find but estabes being companion of in the confirmation after many years I return to aver others of my friends. Soon I enter the tercergrado one I decide to me that the summer before my daivina mother entered wing school decia pa onde you go I decia for terdergrado breast and my
breast decia nooo to that escuals you go I decia sucks to the bilingual center Vista cheers no? and my breast decia if but you go wing secondary section I dijee weee q prity I go for the secunadaria section good that was others of my history of chavo yy in that degree conoci to other friends to Javier Rodriguez, zoar Castle, White Gilberto, Yaranis Vegas and many but in the hall taba Kevin and both we paid attention to zoar quera a pretty affluent girl as I liked and to so bn him gustab I much to me decide frankil teacher in that hall I eat peliab with Gilberto the era a muchaco that tien much force and queria to abuser of my but I did not let myself and jaier Rodriguez him gustab to do much payasadas I decide me that I was very made agimo of yarnis fertile valley aan calderon a great friend she like me ayudab in everything it Asia to laugh she much decia that I was very chevere and gustaria him tenr many friends like I who simpre agn to laugh and that wants muchjo to it as I to her I him contab of everything to yaranis practically she is my informer still is it she told all the together tabamos teachers so well me if they bothered so that simpre to us and so that I was but peuqo that good still I continue it being that is but the sad thing
And third degree with good calificaiones passes my that my Pope and my mam estanban proud of my my calificaiones estabn above of the 45 was an even pride they I senia either soon arrives at the fourth degree ay I had my so first guido fiance marlly and or with me estubo yaranis, jenia fernades, edibia, marlen, erik, to crsitofer, and a new companion astrid alvares that the year principle soon I liked but fixes to marlly and with her if me to me atrivi to adeclarar and him to me peregunte if queri to be my fiance and she acceptance and yarnis were very contented for that reason and prepares a companion who llam Juan Carlos horseman who me queri to clear to marlly but nuka could I simpre I was the best one I decide to me once the teacher I copy a thing in the board and I astrid cannot and if I can copy it and were the hour of the exit and I put myself to cry so that I could not copy it and astrid said coje to me jean Carlos but termiene finishes fast q go to reconcile to look for I to me to copy it fast spear that I could finish it. Mastra me regao and said q to me that I happen speaking to me through estra and to be with the disorder. Once the teacher did not say that estudiaramos us char it on the then digestive system the day of
espocicion the teacher I am called and said to me comes jean Carlos and was my turn then I was demaciado nervous and removes my laminate and my pen and empese to explain everything and was estremadamente perfect my teacher of said that estubo very bn I throw and that paresia a exhibition of a student of 1 year very happy I estab and put 5,0 to me in the daily note and afinales of that year I and my family by economic grapnel anchors we were transferred there to provincial of Herrera in chitre I senti very badly very uncomfortable this very boring so that around all my house it was pure nature which rodiaba my house in that entonce in chitre in us we did not go to avivir to chitr by search but of money, my Pope has trabjo idependite and asosio with my jorgito cousin who performance he himself work that eelos but the single society lasts single duro about 7 months in those 7 months my father me metio in the school soyus and me metio in I deport q but I love in all the life auque my father says that not him pongha to me persistence In esuela soyus in that school I ise many friends but what me molestab esq as I were New they querian to abuse my for being only New of the school there in fisca education me catalogoron as
the major football player of the hall simpre I were the major and I thank to him to God to aver be porlomesno about 7 pulls d affability in the ineterior so that as well as my parents could not prevail in his negosio I if it I were aciendo in deportote one hundred very or for that reason and whenever memory these moments give me to win to cry so that it is possible to be said that I had the opportunity to make my dream reality in the school so or had muchass aocaciones of love that the cartitas girls once pleased of my several me official held in low esteem of love and in an aid of English q tratab of the nutritional pyramid and there optube the Second place in all the school my group tube the Second place and that I can say that almost I make my dream reality in the soccer club that previously makes haste mencioanado because cradled my father me inscribio and the trainer I watch myself of above downwards said to my to Pope that boy to him sees that teine talent that was the best club of everything chitre I decide me that trainer simpre me ponia of ejemlo before all me ponia to make the ajercicios so that decia q I him metia pawn to the practices and via q queri to be myself a great soccer player and nuk she forgets the day to me that us meeting to all and empzo to
say to him to all which followed my example all those that they really want to be soccer players who this place to all here it needs to the q I I have is Heart to dedicate to him to my game and that is but imoprtante q I could be put to him to a soccer game that you teines that to give everything by the whole does not concern the circuntancia that this losing or gando simpre you have q to give the best thing of you thus not to do one bad action in picture pore under him digos to all that they jean Carlos goes to be the equipment captain and all medieron aplusos I sentio yuna you see the trainer totally very well sends a note a There El Salvador to play a league that makes haste I throw they and I podri to operate my potential in soccer there. Spear that I arrive D-day the reuino n of the parents of families and all acptaron expto my father porq estab surely if and does not go or then I do not arrive the day to go to then El Salvador my father nuuka said to him to entering that it was not going to go to the El Salvador and the trainer was spear my cas to apreguntar if were going to go to play if I were going to go to El Salvador and my Pope him respondio that regrasabamos nostros nonq that same day to the ciuidad.
After that 7 return to fifth degree so pulls of glory trinfo in my infantile life eki I cones to new friends or as morris is it Wilson touches to the teacher marianela again to me that or so tubiemos the opportunity to make mochos strolls with her Good mastra quieria onton to all red Rolando was not another friend q conoci in that school Kevin I am again in my hall and me centi very or so that estrane many to my friends = they who to my simpre very I was applied in my studio so that my breast me tapeworm very precionados with my studio so that queri q I did not have left she in the school but nuk I was badly only that pore to star with the disorder and the sheaf enpese to bajr my calificaiones cadaves they were but and but bad my notes I already me estab sinteindo ma badly. My note that lowered to an average of 4,0 was very bad porq either my parents tapeworm mismoa aecto q do not tenian to me before or taban perdionde confiansa in my and that was very bad by ue my parents no longer complacian to me in which I queria But it manages to pass the level of fifth degree since me cost a little but that the ateriores spear that arrives sexton degree ay conoci at other friend losano Joshua, Cesy Garci'a, alvarenis murgas and
others compaeron whereupon it makes haste previously been but I put myself well sad so that my better friend estab in my hall Kevin does not forget to me that then cradled Kevin went to direction saying to him to director q put it in he himself hall where this his compadre jean Carlos and the director said to him that not so that we two together haciamos many disorder and that pore under were the sircuntancia in which we could not be juento in the hall does not forget the time to me that enamors with the teacher silvia to me to agilar I much it queria and she so bn me queri but parso badly the news that she gue of the school I put myself to llorarese much was a very tragic year for my by for the bad one luck of my better friend remains in sixth degree does not manage to pass that level I I put trite very so that pense I who was going to me to graduate with my friend Kevin (my compadre) so that trajedias of sexton was my degree spear aki everything estubo good everything estab interesantate spear that llege when prioritizing year empiesa quie trajedia of my life is momneto that nowadays toy still surpassing first year dode was a year either I estab cresiendo or him estab losing the importance to all or estab in the revolt me gutaba the bagancia did
not mature conoci went very badly in the school of ai to other amigaos but as it is it to daimar Osorio, sofia I castrate green, to jenifer samaniego, nhoely Field of broom, Roberto Davidson. Roberto Davidson is a personage of the life as to I throw to me to laugh in 1 year very is once disordered almost hair with only so that veniamos nostro of precaticar fisca education and the change my shirt by the one of and the shirt of pretty taba either ugly and l ami tab or and queria mine pore under spear that I said to him to the professor so that she podia to solve the problem And spear that Roberto decidio to give my shirt me so that the wise q was my shirt so well and tapeworm my scent and was not debatable everything in the hall apollaban to me and by it was but great that I queri to abuse my and I gain that discussion the thing in that year he was very bad since I by my revolt and my bad head had 2 q to repeat matrias a arsimetica era and the other was spelling that year was very sad and my navida was not as every year I tapeworm much pain apra to go to revalidadfueron moments very etreseanten in my bad life the thing that happens to me and the worse q me psa esq in Second year passes hitoria the same to me is repeated but
conosco to many friends as she were it Maria to aguilar, aitza salvatierra, angel (the young dog) and other friends but then in this year was so well the same does not reflect in asoluto coji advice ise the q me decia my breast the professors do not terian rage in special juuan Deleon is a personage in who cadaves cannot be forgotten is the professor of Spanish which I enter the aescual the empiza to call to me to see as this my cut but that only makes to send reprimands to remove to me to me from the school and thus not to see sees me but but there is no it obtained simpre and be but that in all for all wants regaa to me spear enla form that way all the boys of the escual think that one is person ahomo sexual but that I can say of academic my esatdo to him in the course of Second year was extremely fatal has left in 3 matters almost I repeat the year that was but trsite I have left in contabilida has left me in grammar and in geography I manage to happen to grammar and geography without nigun problem but I could not pass the revalidad of conatbilidad so that the professor me put it very hard was very sad. Spear q arrives at the third year with my tail of accounting but it arrives that it was but important
already mispadres had very decpcionado with me so that I no longer him resultab in the school and that tab either badly very badly I nesesitab the eigencia of my parents thus to return to aser a estudfiante as year were it before but in 3 was best and so or the worse thing because the major porq nuka in the life prepares exigiron much to us so that estudiramos the professors and bad esq do not exigian porq if they tenian that to demand so that thus llogremos to be better in the school. And by that grapnel anchors I went I came bad in school but conoci to professor that enrelidad if requeria and if trusted whom I podia to do a good work nowadays and this ahaciendo and I admire that professor so that she trusts much my and that raises to me the car considers and that pleases much to me. And pitifully decpcion to my parents q as much esforazon to have itself to me in that school so well because she disappoints fracansondole in 2 matters I has left in matetmaticas and in grammar and the two it is bad by circuntacin understood to me of the professors and they teian rage to me but thanks to God do not estan nowadays in my school I am very contented for that reason they hiceron to me to spend very bad short whiles.
I decide to me that the professors all the days decian to us muchacos study q go away to graduate this year go to take their first diploma porfavor you would acoplesen do not esten with I relax is requested to them of favor that we it professors queresmo who ustede segraduen together but simpre ay one coje advice as I am it yon ka coji advice and ay so the consequences. The day of the revalidation does not forget to me which the professor of mathematical put the revalidation to me and I have left with 2,9 and do not manage to pass my matter I I was trsite my Pope nonwise q I makes haste I had left and that was but sad it arrives crying where my Pope to say to him that make haste I had left and do not pass the revalidad my father me solto and sad one for that time went away all was in policy things taba throwing itself to candidate of representate of the correjimiento and of conocia to my the mathematical father and the substitute professor him comment substitute wing and she I ask to him very well that like the professor calls who him iso that to jean Carlos and my father says to Luis Gonza'les to him and she with one expression that coniosia said aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is that gentleman I it conosco and I call it and she said q
to him gave another opportunity me that in fact if I am going it to pass and iq returned it to do that again and profesro acpto and she again put the test to me in the third return manages to psar my test I put simpre to make the objective and I could be graduated with my ompaeros. My Pope even though dwe everything what we passed all together I put very well porq porlomesno of its children can that obtains its suos that I am I gave much pain to see it thus me and I do not think that that between in 4 year a year soon passes nuavment of new matters new professors same the companions and new loving experiancias in my vda tantascosa then so bn conoci to many companion new as she is it Karen, tanisha, Jose Juan, denisse dimas, yessireth, casiano, the Edisons, Rodolfo, to cristofer and other friends but they very delayed to be buno friends very we were united in all eramos an inseparable hall in all nonapoyabamos we and simpre saliamos gando all dicucones present in the area and my loving moment in that year because I he walked with jenia fulto by 2 it pulls exactito I had to walk with shiniaska all decian that lilibeth gustab of my tanisha I dedicate to the
song that that alive flame that atrapdo in two loves. And the academic part because I at the beginning of year empese well nonecelente so that hardly taba empesando to mature in the q is this aspeco and lastmosamente I has left in 3 matters again In mathematical, trigonometry and quiemica because I had to go to the summer to study for thus happening my matters of a ecelente form and thus were peron that day I arrive ami life a very important person that in the summer I eat I appreciated enough she llam Darlenis Alonso us empesamoa to concer by means of the revalidation and I comment to him to all those that ask to me if rspondo were a bad experencia to see been left in 4 year in 2 matters but I them noo noo conoci to a person was bad by a queadado aver me who I apresio grasped esq much is first time him doi thanks to God with avwer presented the opportunity to me Darlenis ua Beautiful girl and thus it was my vewrano 5 spear which we are nowadays year obtains with many tropesones of the life but that she does not go to continue being thus good in the first day of calses I see small wing that she prepares sight in the summer and my mind change in apsoluto single I queri to go well
my school parasi to impress it and not to show q to him am gross auq that note aunq is to hide it but that went my objectives and I return to say to him to God that I thank for a to see to him me put in my way a Beautiful girl in as I want much I and changing much when tartar with her I and improved my otas of very fast mneras and that my Pope sees otraves very well it I am seeing that smile him of pride that or me towards much lack so that or towards cuatros years followed that veia that smile in surostro and that does not fill to me of much joy and that others of the thing that motivates to me to follow ahead and all that I must to Darlenis she is the protagonist of my improvement in the good school I speaks as if ubiera improvement with an average of four for above but and does not throw it so that I am not wanted to etresar I do not want to have a life like one has lilibeth much stress mucha veces has many tropes ones in the life but that the a happens to him to one for q your you learn simpre me this my mother and I think that spear qui arrives hojal my autobiography could put but but in relaidad I pieso that just by 16 years I do not create one history of 40 pages.