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Chapter 1 Grade 7

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1.2.3 The Bantu people in Africa
As the Bantu migrated in waves through the other areas of Africa, they often
assimilated the people who were living there . There is very little evidence of these
early people left but there are still some groups of pre - Bantu hunter gatherer living in
Africa today. These include the Okiek of Kenya The inhabited the forests of Kenya.
They hunted and gathered fruit and honey.
1.2.4 The Pygmies in Africa
The Pygmies are noted because they are a short people not usually more than 150 cms
in height. The pygmies of central Africa They are well adapted to forest life and make
few concessions to modern development. They trade with neighboring Bantu
communities, exchanging forest products for garden crops and iron tools. They
acquired cattle and sheep
1.2.5 The Maasai of East Africa
The Maasai are Nilotic speakers who are related to the Turkana , Samburu and
Kalenjins .They are pastoralists and live in North and Central Tanzania and Southern
Kenya .According to Maasai oral traditions and archaeological evidence their cradle
land was somewhere near Lake Turkana .They also have a story which says that God
gave them all the cattle in the world .Thus they value cattle very highly. They rarely
kill their cattle them as a sign of wealth. However , these days .they are beginning to
see the importance of Education both for girls and boys .Girls Boarding schools have
been set up so that Girls can complete their education. Maasai women with school
uniform .Female Genital Mutilation and early marriage is now discouraged by the
elders .Maasai girls in school uniform girls to attend special ceremonies as a
passage .These ceremonies are replacing the traditional FGM practices
1.2.6The Zulu people

The Zulu people are Bantus who have a reputation (sumcad) for being very
warlike .They live Natal in South Africa .they are mainly farmers who grow crops
such as maize and vegetables and keep a few Cows.In the sixteenth century they
migrated southwards ( 1816-1828 ) , the Zulu became the mightiest military force
the Zulu are a powerful Political force .
1.2.7 The Tuaregs of North / West Africa
Tuareg is a groups of people who share a common language . They have always lived
on the fringes (geesaha) of the Sahara desert They are famous Trans - Saharan
traders . Tuareg camel caravans were common up to the twentieth century when rail
and road transport took over . They carried goods from the African cities south of the
Sahara to the north. They carry small luxury goods such as gold ornaments
(qurxinta), They still maintain certain traditional habits such as mature men (over 25



years ) covering their faces with a veil . Tuareg women do not cover their faces .

1.2.8 The Herero of Southern Africa

Herero is a term which stands for a group of people with a common Language. They
live in Namibia , Southern Angola and Botswana . Little is known about their origin
but it is believed that they migrated southwards from Central Africa in the sixteenth
(16th) century. According to their traditions they say that they came from the Rift
Valley in East Africa. They were semi - nomadic pastoralists living in good grassland
Herero were chased (caydhsad) into the desert to die , about 75 % of them
perished(halaagmid) . This is an early example of genocide . Today there are less
than 150,000 Herero following Traditional pastoral lives. Cattle are their most
Precious possession.(lahahaansha hooga ugu qaalisan)
One continent- one people

The However, in modern times , people actually live in very similar lives . The
Language may be different but for most people in Africa the skin is black Children are
born , grow up , and go to School , work , marry , become parents and finally die .
People dress in similar clothes 1.3Population Distribution in Africa
Population density: is the number of people per unit of area , usually quoted per
square kilometer or square mile .
Population distribution: rivers to the way people are spread over a given areas .
The average density in Africa is just over 2 people to a squarekilometre. In the
densely Populated area there can be as many as 200 people living in a square
kilometer .
1.3.1 A rural area or countryside:

The rural area or countryside is a geographic area that is located outside towns and
cities. Typical rural areas have a low population density and small settlements except
agricultural areas. Many people live in a city , or urban area . Their homes and
businesses are located very close to one another . In a rural area, there are fewer
1.3.2 Urban area :
The Urban area is a location characterized by high human population density and
many built environment features Urban areas may be cities , towns or conurbations ,
Cause of migration to urban centers :
• more and better jobs
• better hospitals and health care
• better living standards
• cities are social and financial centres



• better education - schools and universities

• Cities provide better social services .
1.3.3 Population Density Areas
a) The most densely populated areas
1- River flood plains - Nile, Niger, Zambezi
2- Coastal plains - West Africa and South Eastern Africa from South Africa
3- The Mediterranean regions - North African Maghreb coast and Cape
4- Province in South Africa
5- Highlands of East Africa
b) Moderate density
• Plateaux of east, south and central Africal
• Tropical savannah regions
c) Sparsely populated regions
 Hot deserts - Sahara , Namib and Kalahari .
 In general 2/3 of the African population live on 1/5 of the land
 66 % of th population is found north of the equator.
1.3.4 Factors Influencing on population distribution Africa
1. Climate: cool or warm and wet areas support dense Population. hot ,wet and hot,
dry less dense
2. Relief: is the height above a plain or sea level
3. Resources: is the any things that we use to create wealth
4. Urbananization: there are big cities in Africa they attract Population
1) Make a list the most densely populated areas of Africa
2) Why do people migrate to urban centers ?
3) What are the factors which affect the population distribution ?
4) Define the population density .
Top 10 most highly populated countries in Africa ( 2015 statistics time )
1) Nigeria _____________________183,523,432
2) Ethiopia _____________________98,942,102
3) Egypt ._______________________84,705,681
4) Congo ( DRC ) _________________71,246,355
5) South Africa . __________________53,491,333
6) Tanzania ._____________________ 52,290,796
7) Kenya ._______________________ 46,748,617
8) Algeria ._______________________ 40,633,464
9) Uganda________________________ 40,141,262
10) Sudan ________________________ 39,613,217
The five least populated countries are ( statistics time 2015 )



1. Seychelles 93,754
2. Cape Verde 508,315
3. Equatorial Guinea 799,372
4. Djibouti. 899,658
5. Swaziland 1,285,519
6. Somaliland 3.500.0000
7. Somalia 6.622.711
1. Scientists who study tools and remains of ancient peoples are called?
a) Anthropologists
b) social scientists
c) archaeologists
d) experts
2. The Maasai people in east Africa are originally
a) Nilotic speakers
b) Bantu speakers
c) Cushitic speakers
d) Semitic speakers
3. The pygmies are short people not usually more than 150 cm in the height they
a) Southern Africa
b) Central Africa
c) Tanzania
d) Kenya
4. The main difference of the African people is :
a) Their religions
b) Their skin colour
c) The languages they speak
d) None
5. Which of the following are not the reasons of migration of the people of
a) Over population
b) Droughts and famines
c) Linguistic evidence
d) Disease
6. The most densely populated areas in Africa include :
a) River flood plains
b) Coastal plains
c) Highlands of east Africa
d) All of them are correct
7. Which of the following countries in Africa is most populated?
a) Egypt
b) Ethiopia



c) Nigeria
d) Congo ( DRC )
8. The average population density in Africa is estimated to be over per square
kilometre :
a) 4 people
b) 2 people
c) 6 people
d) 8 people
9. ………. areas outside the urban centers is called
a) Urban areas
b) Rural areas
c) Urbanisation
d) All
10. …… is the people that found in southern Africa
a) Tuaregs
b) Herero
c) Zulu
d) Maasai
Structural questions
1) What do archaeologists study ?
2) What do linguists
study ?......................................................................................
3) Name the three most widely spoken languages in Africa
4) Where do Zulus live ?..........................................................................................
5) What are the Tuareg noted for ?...........................................................................
6) Why is the current Herero population so small ? ………………………………
7) Give three reasons why people migrate
8) What three pieces of evidence Bantu migrations?...............................................


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