Dent Et Al 2021
Dent Et Al 2021
Dent Et Al 2021
To cite this article: Thomas Denk, H. Tuncay Güner, Johannes Martin Bouchal & Mădălina-Elena
Kallanxhi (2021) The Pleistocene flora of Bezhan, southeast Albania: early appearance of extant
tree species, Historical Biology, 33:3, 283-305, DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2019.1615061
The Pleistocene flora of Bezhan, southeast Albania: early appearance of extant tree
a a,b a
Thomas Denk , H. Tuncay Güner , Johannes Martin Bouchal and Mădălina-Elena Kallanxhic
Department of Palaeobiology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden; bFaculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Botany,
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa, Istanbul, Turkey; cFaculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Geology, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,
CONTACT Thomas Denk Department of Palaeobiology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, Stockholm 10405, Sweden
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
and pollen assemblages contained morphotypes that closely northwest direction from Thessaly in Greece to southeast-
match modern species and discussed first appearance dates of ern Albania. During the Paleogene and Miocene, the ATHB
modern species in the sub-Mediterranean vegetation belt of developed transgressively on the Mirdita Zone (Figure 1). It
western Eurasia. is filled by a ca. 4500 m thick sedimentary succession of
shallow marine molasse deposits, which rest unconform-
ably on a Mesozoic basement. Molasse deposits are overlain
Material and methods by late Miocene to Pleistocene lacustrine and fluvial-lacus-
trine deposits including lignites (Pashko 2018). These
Geological background
deposits formed during the uplifting of the ATHB from
The Albanides thrust belts are located between the middle Miocene to the present and occur scattered within
Dinarides to the north and the Hellenides to the south. the ATHB (Meço and Aliaj 2000; Pashko 2018). Basin fills
They are folded and overthrusted westward as tectonic of these depressions comprise terrigenous conglomerates
nappes that formed since the Jurassic because of the colli- from surrounding mountain ranges and limnic pelites
sion of the African and Euro-Asiatic plates. The Albanides including lignites (Meço and Aliaj 2000).
thrust belts include the Apulia Foreland (Sazani Zone), The small intermontane depression of Kolonjë-Bezhan was
several orogenic tectonic nappes, the Peri-Adriatic formed during the Pliocene. It contains the lignite-bearing
Depression, and one intramontane depression (Meço and Bezhan Formation (Meço and Aliaj 2000), which discordantly
Aliaj 2000; Xhomo et al. 2002; Pashko 2018; Figure 1). The overlies Eocene Gramos flysch (Figure 2). Above the flysch, the
Albanian-Thessalian intermontane basin (ATHB) repre- lower unit of the Bezhan Formation begins with 7–8 m of basal
sents a narrow marine trough and extends in a southeast- conglomerate consisting of pebbles of fine-grained sands scattered
into a greyish silt-clay matrix. Above the conglomerates, a 50–70
m thick rather homogeneous siltstone succession occurs, which is
overlain by a 20–25 m thick series with lignite seams. Above this
succession, the upper unit consists of 45–70 m of marly siltstone
and clay comprising plant macrofossils (Pashko et al. 1973). The
macrofossils described here were collected from the discontinued
Bezhan lignite mine from marls overlying the lignite seams
(Kleinhölter 2004); no further stratigraphically relevant informa-
tion was provided by Kleinhölter (2004) and Meço et al. (2004).
Using the borehole sections B7 and B12 of Pashko et al. (1973) as a
reference, the macrofossils probably originated from the lower
part of the upper unit. Meço et al. (2004) based their ‘late Pliocene’
age of the Bezhan Formation on an unpublished palynological
report by Gjani. According to this report, only a single sample
originating from the lower part of the upper unit comprises 90%
conifer pollen (Pinaceae). The remaining 10% were angiosperms
with only a minor contribution of herbaceous plants
(Amaranthaceae). According to Gjani in Meço et al. (2004), the
palynoflora indicated a ‘late Pliocene’ age for these sediments.
Unfortunately, Meço et al. (2004) did not provide any information
about the sampled section nor did they provide a pollen diagram.
As such, their palynological data cannot be used for any strati-
graphic correlation.
Finally, younger Quaternary sediments consisting mainly
of coarse gravels rest discordantly on top of Pliocene and
Pleistocene basin fill (Meço and Aliaj 2000; Figure 2).
Plant material
The plant material used for the present study is housed at the
Swedish Museum of Natural History (S182016–S182085). It
was collected in 1999 by Kleinhölter (2004). Kleinhölter
(2004) described 21 carpological and leaf taxa from Bezhan.
For the present study, we re-investigated the macrofossil
Figure 1. Map of Albania showing main geological features (based on Meço and (mainly leaves) material from Bezhan and investigated dis-
Aliaj 2000). (a) Sazani Foreland, (b) Ionian Zone, (c) Kruja Zone, (d) Krasta-Cukali persed pollen from the layer that yielded the leaf fossils
Zone, (e) Albanian Alps (Karst), (f) Gashi Zone, (g) Mirdita (Subpelagonian) Zone,
(h) Korabi (Pealogonian) Zone, (i) Albanian Thessalian Basin, (j) Peri-Adriatic
(Figure 2). At the moment, the exact stratigraphic position
Depression. Asterisk indicates the Kolonje-Bezhan Basin. within the upper unit of the Bezhan Formation cannot be
Age constraints
Oligocene to Miocene molasse basins of Albania are well-
dated using calcareous nannofossils (e.g. Kallanxhi et al.
2016; Kallanxhi and Ćorić 2017), foraminifera, and molluscs
(e.g. Buli et al. 2001; Pashko 2018). In contrast, several
Pliocene/Pleistocene lacustrine basins are more difficult to
date. Pashko et al. (1973) considered the Neogene sediments
of Bezhan as Tortonian (late Miocene) overlain by alluvial
sediments of Quaternary age based on lithostratigraphy
(Figure 1). Later, Gjani (unpublished) attributed lacustrine
sediments of Bezhan to the late Pliocene (corresponding to
Gelasian, early Pleistocene according to the currently used
chronostratigraphy) based on palynology. Here, we investi-
gated macrofossils (leaves) and dispersed pollen. The
palaeobotanical evidence was compared with that from
selected localities from Armenia, Greece and Italy spanning
a time period form Messinian to Middle Pleistocene
(Figure 3).
Systematic palaeobotany
Thirty-six taxa are woody plants. Of these, most are trees, but
one liana and at least six shrubs are included as well. Six taxa
are elements of riparian vegetation and 29 occur in various
types of well-drained lowland and upland forests. Thirteen
herbaceous taxa include six aquatic and seven ecologically
indifferent plants. Of the latter, Amaranthaceae,
Caryophyllaceae, Artemisia, and Asteroideae also occur in
steppe vegetation but do not make up more than 1% in the
pollen record.
In the following, the plant taxa (Figures 4–11) recognised
are illustrated and briefly discussed. Six fruit taxa described
by Kleinhölter (2004) are not included here but listed in Table
1. The sequence of taxa starts with algae and continues with
gymnosperms and angiosperms. The sequence of angios-
perms follows APG IV (2016).
Cedrus sp. is similar (thickened cappa, sacci half-spherical, low
sacci attachment angle) to extant pollen of this genus (Beug 2004).
Picea sp. is similar (e.g. sacci half-spherical, low sacci attachment
angle, low sacci height) to extant pollen of this genus (Beug 2004).
The present Ephedra pollen shows unbranched pseudosulci, a
Pollen of Pinus subgenus Pinus sp. (diploxylon type) is charac-
feature typical of an extant basal grade of Mediterranean spe-
terised by narrowly attached, spherical sacci (Halbritter et al. 2018).
cies of this genus (Bolinder et al. 2016).
Subclass Pinidae Cronquist, Takht. & Zimmerm. 1966 Pinus subgenus Strobus Lemmon 1895
Order Pinales Gorozh. 1904 Pinus subgenus Strobus sp. [pollen, Figure 9(k)]
Family Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartling, 1830
Papillate Cupressaceae pollen [pollen; Figure 9(d–f)] Remarks
Pollen of Pinus subgenus Strobus sp. (haploxylon type) is
characterised by broadly attached, half-spherical sacci and
Remarks dotted thickenings in the leptoma area (Halbritter et al. 2018).
Split papillate Cupressaceae pollen is commonly assigned to
Inaperturopollenites dubius, similar pollen is produced by extant
members of subfamilies Sequoioideae and Taxodioideae (Kedves Pinus sp. [seed, Figure 4(c)]
1985; Miyoshi et al. 2011). Modern species of these subfamilies Material – S182023
occur both in swamp forests and on well-drained soils.
1815 have slightly smaller winged seeds than the previous species Pinaceae gen. indet. [seeds or seed scales; Figure 4(a,b)]
but still larger than the fossil seed and extant P. sylvestris L. 1753
Material – S182020, S182021, S182022, S182025
(Farjon 2005).
Pinus sp. [5-needled fascicle; Figure 4(e)] Kleinhölter 2004, Picea sp., p. 105
Material – S182018
Kleinhölter 2004, Pinus sp. (three-needle pine), p. 105 A number of further Pinaceae seeds/seed scales are difficult to
assign to a particular genus. Specimen S182020 (Figure 4(a))
has a large seed (7 mm long) and wing (15 mm long).
Remarks Somewhat similar seeds occur in Abies [e.g. A. cilicica
Five-needle pines occur in subgenus Strobus. Among the (Antoine & Kotschy1854) Carrière 1855; Farjon 1990].
European representatives of Strobus is the Balkan endemic Specimen S182021 [Figure 4(b)] possibly is a seed scale of
Pinus peuce ( Picea; similar seed scales occur in P. omorika (see above).
Pinus sp. [3-needled fascicle; Figure 4(f)] Subclass Magnoliidae Novák ex Takht. 1967
Material – S182019 Monocots
Kleinhölter 2004, Pinus sp. (three-needle pine), p. 105 Order Alismatales R.Br. ex Bercht. & J.Presl 1820
Family Potamogetonaceae Bercht. & J.Presl 1823
Genus Potamogeton L. 1753
Three-needle pines typically occur in subgenus Pinus (www.con Potamogeton sp. [pollen; Figure 9(x–z)] Extant species with fascicles in three occur in the
When investigated with LM, this pollen is reticulate. SEM investi-
Genus Tsuga Carrière 1847 gation reveals a reticulum crested with nanoechini [Figure 9(z)].
Pollen with similar sculpturing occurs, for example, in extant
Tsuga sp. 1 [pollen; Figure 9(l–o)] Potamogeton natans L. 1753 and P. nodosus Poir. 1816 (Sorsa
Tsuga sp. 1 is similar to pollen of extant Tsuga forrestii Downie Order Poales Small 1903
1923 and T. chinensis (Franch.) E.Pritzel 1900 with echinate sculp- Family Poaceae Barnhart 1895
turing and a broad monosaccus (LM, SEM; Sivak 1973). Genus Phragmites Adans. 1763
Phragmites sp. [leaf, axis; Figure 4(g,h)]
Tsuga sp. 2 [pollen; Figure 9(p–s)]
Material – S182026, S182030
Kleinhölter 2004, Monocotyledonae sp. 1, p. 108, pl. 2,
Pollen similar to Tsuga sp. 2 (narrow monosaccus, long echini) is
Figure 7
produced by the extant Japanese Tsuga sieboldii Carrière 1855
(Sivak 1973).
Tsuga sp. 3 [pollen; Figure 9(t–w)] Leaf and axis remains of Poaceae are difficult to assign to particular
genera. We tentatively refer the axis with nodes and internodes
[Figure 4(g)] and the apical part of a large leaf [Figure 4(h)] to the
Remarks genus Phragmites. Extant Phragmites is a typical element of lake-
The extant eastern North American Tsuga canadensis Carrière shores.
1855 produces monosaccate pollen without detectable echini
(LM, SEM), similar to Tsuga sp. 3 (Sivak 1973; Kurmann 1990). Superrosids
290 T. DENK ET AL.
Order Saxifragales Bercht. & J.Presl 1820 with (micro)rugulate exine sculpturing within their
Family Altingiaceae (Horan. 1841) Lindl. 1846 Lasiodiscus-type.
Genus Liquidambar L. 1753
Liquidambar sp. [pollen; Figure 10(a,b)] Family Ulmaceae Mirbel 1815
Genus Ulmus L. 1753/Zelkova Spach 1841
Remarks Ulmus vel Zelkova sp. 1 [pollen; Figure 10(i)], Ulmus vel
The figured specimen is pantoporate and shows porate, Zelkova sp. 2 [pollen; Figure 10(j)]
nanoechinate exine sculpturing and distinct pore membranes
(SEM). These characters are characteristic of extant pollen of
this genus (Bogle and Philbrick 1980; Ickert-Bond and Wen
Ulmus and Zelkova produce oblate pollen with rugulate sculp-
turing (LM and SEM) (Takahashi 1989; Stafford 1995). Ulmus
vel Zelkova sp. 2 differs by smaller size and more distinct
rugulate sculpturing from Ulmus vel Zelkova sp. 1.
Order Vitales Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl 1820
Family Vitaceae Juss. 1789 Ulmus aff. minor L. 1753 [leaf; Figure 4(i,j)]
Genus Parthenocissus Planch. 1887
Material – S182028, S182043, S182050, S182072
Parthenocissus sp. [pollen; Figure 10(c–e)]
Remarks Similar pollen of extant Castanea was figured in Praglowski
A single leaf belongs to Rosaceae. Among Rosaceae, closest (1984).
similarities are with Crataegus based on the leaf size, denti-
tion, and leaf shape. The extant species C. nigra Waldst. &
Kit. 1799 appears to be the closest match with the fossil leaf Genus Quercus L. 1753
(margin at leaf base dentate, overall leaf shape; https:// Quercus subgenus Cerris sect. Cerris Oerst 1866 This species is native in Quercus sect. Cerris sp. [pollen; Figure 10(l,m)]
central-eastern Europe and the northern Balkans growing
mainly on floodplains. Records of Albania date back to 1955
(Mitrushi 1955) and would need confirmation (Bartha Remarks
2017). Tectum ornamentation within sections of Quercus is highly
consistent and thus provides a diagnostic character to assign
dispersed oak pollen to infrageneric groups when investigated
Family Rhamnaceae Juss. 1798 with SEM (Denk and Grimm 2009; Denk et al. 2017). Pollen
Rhamnaceae gen. indet. [pollen; Figure 10(f–h)] of Quercus sect. Cerris displays weakly rugulate ornamenta-
tion (rugulae masked by secondary sporopollenin) and char-
acteristic agglomerations of rodlets [SEM; Figure 10(m)].
This pollen is tentatively assigned to Rhamnaceae based on its
Quercus aff. cerris L. [leaf; Figures 5(a–h) and 6(a–g)]
exine sculpture (SEM), shape, and colpus configuration.
Schirarend and Köhler (1993) included Rhamnaceae pollen Material – S182056 to S182070, S182072 to S182084
Kleinhölter 2004, Quercus sp. 1, p. 106, pl. 2, Figures 1 and 4 teeth usually have minute bristle-like extensions. Leaves may
Kleinhölter 2004, Quercus sp. 2, p. 106, pl. 2, Figure 6 be narrow elliptic with shallow lobes, or coarse teeth (Figure 7
(a–c,f,g)), or lobes may be more pronounced and roundish
mimicking the leaves of white oaks (Quercus sect. Quercus;
Remarks Figure 7(d,e,h,i)). In addition, complex deeply lobed leaves
Quercus cerris leaves in the lignite-bearing Bezhan Formation occur. Among these, lobes may be simple, narrow triangular
are identical to modern leaves of this species. Quercus cerris is with acute apices (Figure 7(j,k,s–v)) or they may be with sec-
remarkable in its leaf polymorphism. Apices of leaf lobes or ondary lobes (Figure 7(l–r)). Finally, extreme forms consist of a
rhachis-like middle part of the lamina and few narrow, pointed Genus Pterocarya Kunth 1824
lobes (Figure 7(t–v)). The leaf variability in the fossil material
Pterocarya sp. [pollen; Figure 10(u)]
exactly matches the one found in the modern leaves.
Lobed leaves with secondary lobes and reduced lamina with
but a few narrow lobes are also found in a number of species of Remarks
sect. Quercus such as Q. pyrenaica Willd. 1805, Q. vulcanica Boiss. A polygonal outline and stephanoporate (4–7) apertures are
ex Kotschy 1859, Q. kotschyana O.Schwarz 1935, Q. alba L. 1753 characteristic of Pterocarya pollen (Stone and Broome 1975).
(e.g. Schwarz 1936, 1937; Krüssmann 1962) but here lobes are
usually not acute and lack the bristle-like extensions. In addition,
these species do not produce shallowly lobed leaves at all. Family Betulaceae Gray 1822
Genus Alnus Mill. 1754
Quercus subgenus Cerris sect. Ilex Loudon 1730 Alnus sp. [pollen; Figure 10(r)]
Quercus sect. Ilex sp. [pollen; Figure 10(n,o)]
Remarks Alnus pollen has characteristic arci spanning between adja-
Pollen of Quercus sect. Ilex is markedly smaller than pollen of cent pores (Blackmore et al. 2003).
other sections and displays characteristic microrugulate orna-
mentation [SEM; Figure 10(o); Denk and Grimm 2009].
Genus Betula L. 1753
Betula sp. [pollen; Figure 10(s)]
Quercus aff. coccifera L. [leaf; Figure 4(m)]
Material – S182047
The figured specimen displays a distinct atrium, a typical feature of
the Betula pubescens type of Blackmore et al. (2003).
A single specimen resembles this Mediterranean oak by its
small, dentate leaf with secondary veins departing from pri-
mary veins at wide angles. Betula sp. [leaf; Figure 4(o)]
Material – S182054
Quercus subgenus Quercus sect. Quercus Loudon 1730
Quercus sect. Quercus sp. [pollen; Figure 10(p,q)] Remarks
A single small betulaceous leaf might belong to Betula. Deeply
cordate leaves are typically found in seedling leaves (see, for exam-
Remarks ple, herbarium P, MNHN-P-P00503957). In addition, a few
The sculpture of pollen belonging to Quercus sect. Quercus impressions of seeds are found in the fossil material.
displays characteristic microverruate ornamentation [SEM;
Figure 10(q); Denk and Grimm 2009].
Order Cucurbitales Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl 1820
Family Coriariaceae DC. 1824
Quercus sp. [leaf; Figure 4(n)] Genus Coriaria L. 1753
Material – S182036 Coriaria aff. myrtifolia Niss ex L. 1753 [pollen; Figure 10(v,w)]
Remarks Identical pollen is produced by the extant west Mediterranean
A single leaf with round lobes, round sinuses between lobes Coriaria myrtifolia (Halbritter and Weis 2015). The genus has
and cordate leaf base might belong to the roburoid white oaks also been reported from lacustrine sediments in southern Italy
(Quercus sect. Quercus). dated at 450–650 thousand years (ka) (Russo-Ermolli 1999).
Family Juglandaceae DC. ex Preleb 1818 Order Malpighiales Juss. ex Bercht. and J.Presl 1820
Genus Carya Nutt. 1818 Family Salicaceae Mirb. 1815
Genus Populus L. 1753
Carya sp. [pollen; Figure 10(t)]
Populus aff. alba L. 1753 [leaf; Figure 8(f,g)]
Material – S182052, S182053
Oblate pollen with three pores off-set towards the distal pole Remarks
is characteristic of this genus (Stone and Broome 1975). The fossil leaves are identical to leaves of the modern P. alba.
Figure 9. Dispersed pollen of the leaf fossil-bearing strata of Bezhan. Light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of algal aplanospores or
zygospores, and Gymnosperm and Potamogetonaceae pollen.
(a) Spirogyra sp./Ovoidites elongates; (b,c) Ephedra sp., EV, (c) unbranched pseudosulci visible; (d–f) Papillate Cupressaceae pollen, PV; (g) Abies sp., EV; (h) Cedrus sp., EV; (i) Picea sp., EV; (j)
Pinus subgen. Pinus (diploxylon pollen type), EV; (k) Pinus subgen. Strobus (haploxylon pollen type), EV; (l–o) Tsuga sp. 1, (l) PV, (m) PRV, (n) proximal face detail, (o) echinate sculpturing of
saccus detail; (p–s) Tsuga sp. 2, (p) PV, (q) DV, (r) leptoma detail, densely echinate sculpturing, (s) saccus detail, weakly echinate; (t–w) Tsuga sp. 3, (t) PV, (u) DV, (v) leptoma detail, (w) saccus;
(x–z) Potamogeton sp., (z) reticulum crested with nanoechini.PV: polar view; PRV: proximal view; EV: equatorial view; DV: distal view.LM scale bar 10 µm, SEM scale bars 10 µm (c, e, m, q, u, y),
5 µm (n, o, r, s, v, w), and 1 µm (f, z).
Genus Salix L. 1753 Kleinhölter 2004, Acer sp., p. 107, pl. 2, Figure 5
Salix sp. [leaf; Figure 8(d,e)]
Material – S182040, S182048
The leaf remain is identical to leaves of the modern species.
Acer monspessulanum occurs in the Mediterranean and sub-
Mediterranean regions of western Eurasia and North Africa
Leaves with eucamptodromous venation and intersecondary veins
(van Gelderen et al. 1994).
that depart at right angles are characteristic of the genus Salix. Very
similar leaves are found in the modern species Salix cinerea L.
widely distributed from Europe to western Siberia (Krüssmann Acer sect. Platanoidea [Figure 8(i,j)]
Material – S182049, S182051
Order Myrtales Juss. ex. Bercht. & Presl 1820 Nearly identical leaf remains are found in Acer lobelii Tenore
Family Lythraceae J.St.-Hilaire 1805 native to southern Italy (cf. herbarium P, https://science.
Lythraceae aff. Decodon J.F.Gmel. 1791 [Figure 10(x–z)] and A.
platanoides L. (van Gelderen et al. 1994).
The figured specimen corresponds in size, prolate shape, Order Caryophyllales Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl 1820
tricolporate costate aperture (LM), microverrucate colpus Family Caryophyllaceae Juss. 1789
membrane (SEM) and rugulate fossulate exine sculpture Caryophyllaceae gen. indet. [pollen; Figure 11(a,b)]
(SEM) to Decodon pollen type 6 of Gríımsson et al. (2012),
differing only in the absence of a bridge over the Remarks
porus (SEM). The figured specimen corresponds in number and size of
pores, exine sculpture (SEM) to the Minuartia pollen type
of Beug (2004) and the Minuartia rubra type of Punt and
Order Sapindales Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl 1820 Hoen (1995).
Family Sapindaceae Juss. 1789
Genus Acer L. 1753
Family Amaranthaceae Juss. 1789
Acer sp. 1 [pollen; Figures 10(aa–cc)], Acer sp. 2 [pollen;
Amaranthaceae gen. indet. 1 [pollen; Figure 10(ee)] and
Figure 10(dd)]
Amaranthaceae gen. indet. 2 [pollen; Figure 10(ff)]
Remarks Remarks
In this genus, most species produce striate and colpate The two figured pantoporate specimens can securely be
pollen similar to Acer sp. 2 [Figure 10(dd)]; this type is assigned to this family (Beug 2004). Amaranthaceae gen.
more abundant in the Bezhan sample. When investigated indet. 1 differs by smaller size and fewer pores from
with SEM Acer sp. 1 [Figures 10(aa–cc)] displays rugulate Amaranthaceae gen. indet. 2.
exine sculpturing; only a single specimen of this type was
encountered. The North American species Acer negundo
L. 1753 and A. saccharinum L. 1753 produce pollen with Order Ericales Bercht. & J.Presl 1820
rugulate exine sculpturing (Biesboer 1975; Adams and Family Ericaceae Juss. 1789
Morton 1976; Clarke and Jones 1978; Philbrick and Genus Erica L. 1753
Bogle 1981). Erica aff. arborea L. 1753 [pollen; Figure 11(c–e)]
Acer aff. monspessulanum L. [Figure 8(h)] The figured specimen is highly similar (nanoechinate verrucae and
rugulae) to the pollen of extant Erica arborea (Sarwar and
Material – S182050 Takahashi 2014; Halbritter 2016).
298 T. DENK ET AL.
Figure 10. Dispersed pollen of the leaf fossil-bearing strata of Bezhan. Light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of Altingiaceae,
Vitaceae, Rhamnaceae, Ulmaceae, Fagaceae, Lythraceae, Betulaceae, Juglandaceae, Coriariaceae, Sapindaceae, and Amaranthaceae pollen.
(a,b) Liquidambar sp., (b) exine and pore membrane detail; (c–e) Parthenocissus sp., (c,d) EV, (e) exine detail; (f–h) Rhamnaceae gen. indet. (f,g) EV, (h) exine detail; (i) Ulmus vel Zelkova sp. 1,
PV; (j) Ulmus vel Zelkova sp. 2, PV; (k) Castanea sp.; (l,m) Quercus sect. Cerris, (l) EV, (m) exine detail; (n,o) Quercus sect. Ilex, (n) EV, (o) exine detail; (p,q) Quercus sect. Quercus, (p) EV, (q)
exine detail; (r) Alnus sp., PV; (s) Betula sp.; (t) Pterocarya sp., PV; (u) Carya sp., PV; (v,w) Coriaria aff. myrtifolia, (v) PV, (w) exine detail; (x–z) Lythraceae aff. Decodon sp. (x,y) EV, (z) exine
detail; (aa–cc) Acer sp. 1, (aa,bb) EV, (cc) exine detail; (dd) Acer sp. 2, PV; (ee) Amaranthaceae gen. et spec. indet. 1; (ff) Amaranthaceae gen et spec. indet. 2.PV: polar view; EV: equatorial
view; DV: distal view.LM scale bar 10 µm, SEM scale bars 10 µm (d, g, y, bb) and 1 µm (b, e, h, m, o, q, w, z, cc).
Figure 11. Dispersed pollen of the leaf fossil-bearing strata of Bezhan. Light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of
Caryophyllaceae, Ericaceaem Oleaceae, Asteraceae, and Apiaceae pollen.
(a,b) Caryophyllaceae gen. et spec. indet., (b) exine detail; (c–e) Erica aff. arborea, (c) exine detail; (f–h) Fraxinus sp., (f–g) EV, (h) exine detail; (i–k) Olea aff. europaea, (i,j) EV, (k) exine detail;
(l–n) Artemisia sp., (l,m) PV, (n) EV; (o) Asteroideae gen. indet., EV; (p) Apiaceae gen. indet.1, EV; (q) Apiaceae gen. indet.2, EV.PV: polar view; EV: equatorial view; DV: distal view.LM scale bar
10 µm, SEM scale bars 10 µm (b, d, g, j, m, o) and 1 µm (e, h, k).
discernible morphological features (size, echini structure) are both Quercus deciduous and Juglandaceae rule out a glacial
similar to the Gnaphalium uliginosum type of Punt and Hoen environment as typically recorded in the upper part of the
(2009). Camerota section (Baggioni et al. 1981; Bernac 1984).
Four main vegetation units are recognised: Wet, mesic,
dry, and montane vegetation. Wet vegetation includes ripar-
Order Apiales Nakai 1930
ian vegetation around lakes and rivers and aquatic vegetation
Family Apiaceae Lindl. 1836
(Table 1). Among woody plants, typical riparian trees were
Apiaceae sp.1 [pollen; Figure 11(p)] Salix, Populus, Alnus, Fraxinus, and Pterocarya and
Liquidambar. Of these, the latter two are today absent from
the regional flora but have a relict distribution in southeastern
Remarks Europe and Asia Minor. A further taxon extinct from the
This specimen falls within the morphological range of the modern flora of Europe is represented by papillate cupressac-
Apium inundatum type of Punt (1984). eous pollen belonging to Taxodioideae or Sequoioideae.
These may have been riparian plants or plants of well-drained
Apiaceae sp. 2 [pollen; Figure 11(q)6 soils. All the herbaceous plants recorded in the palynological
record might have been part of riparian vegetation as well but
not restricted to this vegetation type. Likewise, the liana
Remarks Parthenocissus may have been part of riparian vegetation
Despite being poorly preserved, the figured specimen clearly and other forest types.
falls within the morphological range of the Trinia glauca type Mesic forest vegetation is mainly represented by oaks.
of Punt (1984). Mesic oaks are most common among leaf fossils and make
up 7% in the palynological assemblage. Most eye-catching is
Incertae sedis the presence of Quercus aff. cerris that might have been a
main component of a dry oak forest. Accessory elements in
Leguminophyllum sp. [Figure 4(k)] these forests may have been Crataegus and evergreen oaks, as
Material – S182045 well as conifers. Lobed oaks of section Quercus (white oaks)
are ecologically more diverse and may as well have been part
Remarks of the riparian vegetation. The same is true for Carya.
Small, sessile leaflets with entire margin are commonly Further, Acer sect. Platanoidea and Castanea formed part of
assigned to Fabaceae. However, similar leaves/leaflets also mesic forest vegetation.
occur in a wide range of other families. A substantial number of taxa recorded in the plant assem-
blage of Bezhan occur today in sub-Mediterranean and
Mediterranean woodlands. These taxa include Ulmus aff.
Indet. leaf 1 [Figure 4(l)] minor, Coriaria, Acer aff. monspessulanum, Erica aff. arborea,
Material – S182046 and Olea. It is noteworthy that such woodlands occur adja-
cent to dry beech forests in northeastern Spain (Llierca valley)
and north of Genova. Here, Erica arborea and Quercus ilex
occur in the understorey of Castanea sativa adjacent to Fagus
We are unable to assign this apical part of a leaf with finely
stands (Genova) and Coriaria, Erica arborea, and Quercus ilex
crenulated margin to a particular family or genus.
form forest edges of light Fagus forests (Denk 1998). These
woodlands thrive under fully humid Cfa and Cfb climates,
Discussion which change into summer-dry Cs climates towards the
Mediterranean sea. This underscores the sub-Mediterranean
character of these woodlands.
Using ecological properties of closely related modern species, Higher up in the Bezhan area and partly interlocked with
the ecological niches of the fossil taxa recorded in the Bezhan mesic forests thrived a diverse montane conifer forest (Figure
assemblage were inferred (Table 1). 12). The pollen assemblage (Table 1) is dominated by conifers
Taxa, which are characteristic of steppe environments in (nearly 70%), of which ca. 40% belong to Pinus (subgenus
glacial periods (Artemisia), occur in very low amounts in our Pinus 37%, subgenus Strobus 2.9%). Furthermore, Abies,
sample (up to 1%). Hence, it is unlikely that these pollen Cedrus, and Tsuga spp. reach between 5% and 10%. This
grains represent extensive steppe areas but rather might ori- suggests local presence of diverse conifer forests.
ginate from small open patches in different kinds of forest
and woodlands (e.g. pine forest, open Q. cerris forest, wood-
land with Acer monspessulanum, Ephedra, Olea, Erica, etc.; Age
Figure 12).
Although our pollen data come from a single horizon, the In general, pollen spectra from intramontane basins without
composition of the pollen assemblage indicates interglacial additional age constraints (e.g. mammals, tephra) are difficult
conditions. Specifically, the very low amount of herbaceous to correlate with marine or coastal sections. For example,
taxa (including Artemisia) and relatively high percentages of Messinian sediments at Sioneri (Piemonte, Italy) record
Figure 12. Dry, wet, mesic, and montane habitats in the Pleistocene of Bezhan.
hinterland vegetation very similar to the one from Bezhan with according to Bertini 2010, 2013; Bertini and Martinetto 2014;
the exception of Cathaya and Sciadopitys both of which are not Fidolini et al. 2013) represents a rich leaf flora of Piacenzian
found at Bezhan. Abies, Cedrus, Picea, Sciadopitys, and Tsuga age with many exotic elements (e.g. Magnolia, Ocotea,
are considered as the main constituents of the montane vege- Trigonobalanopsis, Engelhardioideae, palms etc.) all of which
tation belt in the Messinian and Pliocene of Italy (Bertini and are absent from the Bezhan flora.
Martinetto 2011) and hence cannot be used to discriminate a The fact that the plant assemblage of Bezhan includes at least
late Miocene from a Pliocene site. If compared to various plant 19% of taxa corresponding to extant species strongly indicates an
fossil localities with well-constrained age, the Bezhan assem- age younger than Messinian or Pliocene for this flora. Reliable
blage is characterised by components closely resembling extant fossil records of modern species have usually not been reported
species (e.g. Quercus aff. cerris, Acer aff. monspessulanum). from sediments younger than Gelasian, Calabrian, and Middle
Adjacent Messinian sites, for example, Vegora, northern Pleistocene (see e.g. Martinetto 2015) and these ages are in agree-
Greece, entirely lack modern species (Kvaček et al. 2002). ment with extant species ages inferred from molecular studies
Likewise, Zanclean marine records in northern Italy include (Bagnoli et al. 2016, Quercus cerris; Gömöry et al. 2018, Fagus).
many exotic elements (Engelhardioideae, Magnolia, palms, Plant assemblages well comparable to the flora of Bezhan
Sapotaceae, etc.); palynofloras and carpofloras show a predo- are known from Pleistocene deposits of Central and southern
minantly East Asian affinity. Plant assemblages from the Italy. For example, the Pietrafitta site, Tiberino Basin, Central
Piacenzian/Gelasian boundary in northern Italy have a slightly Italy, is dated to middle Calabrian based on a rich vertebrate
cooler signature but still have distinct East Asian (Hokkaido) fauna (1.4–1.3 Ma; Martinetto et al. 2014). Pollen zones below
affinities (Bertini and Martinetto 2014). In Central Italy, only and above a lignite seam (and including the lignite seam)
moderate temperature fluctuations are recorded in the dom- show a pollen flora similar to the one recorded from Bezhan.
inating taxa (Engelhardioideae, Taxodioideae versus Cedrus, In addition, macrofossils include unambiguous leaf remains
Tsuga, Picea, Abies) in warm and cool phases during the of Quercus cerris.
Pliocene. Many exotic taxa are recorded (Symplocos, palms, From southern Italy, lacustrine floras dated to Calabrian
Sapotaceae, Sterculioideae, etc.; Bertini and Martinetto 2014). are known from the Camerota Basin (Campania; Russo-
The Meleto clay (Fischer and Butzmann 2000; age revised Ermolli 1999). The age of the Camerota succession is a matter
302 T. DENK ET AL.
of debate; Russo-Ermolli (1999) suggested an age of 1.78– key taxa to differentiate Gelasian and Calabrian pollen floras
1.48 Ma (based on nannofossils and foraminifera), while Suc in Italy. Comparing presence/absence data from Italian
and Popescu (2005) and Suc et al. (2018) consider this section Pleistocene floras with the flora from Bezhan shows that
to be slightly younger, 1.3–1.2 Ma (based on pollen stratigra- Bezhan and the Calabrian Italian sites share the presence of
phy). The pollen record of this succession can be divided into Olea and lack a number of elements that are present in the
two parts. In the lower part, Carya is dominating, Oleaceae Gelasian sites of southern Italy (Cathaya, Sequoia type, and
and Ceratonia are relatively abundant and single grains of subtropical trees). This and the finding that several taxa
warmth loving elements occur (e.g. Sapotaceae, recorded for Bezhan probably represent modern species pro-
Engelhardioideae; Bernac 1984). In the upper part, Quercus vides further evidence that the fossil-bearing layer from which
and Artemisia dominate, Amaranthaceae are more abundant the Bezhan plant assemblage derives might be of Calabrian
while Oleaceae are much less abundant and warmth-loving (1.8–0.781 Ma) age.
elements are absent (Bernac 1984; Russo-Ermolli 1999). A younger age seems unlikely. For example, a detailed
Pollen assemblages reported for the Camerota section are palynological investigation of Middle Pleistocene layers at
further characterised by Pinus, Tsuga, Cathaya, Megalopolis (southwestern Greece) shows an alternation of
‘Taxodiaceae’, and Cedrus, along with Pterocarya, Ulmus, forest and open vegetation cycles. Exotic taxa are absent from
Liquidambar, and Carpinus (Baggioni et al. 1981; Bernac the palynofloras and both forest and open vegetation cycles
1984; Russo-Ermolli 1999). The Bezhan pollen flora mainly have high percentages of herbaceous plants (Asteraceae in
corresponds in its composition and the absence of warmth open vegetation cycles, Poaceae in forest cycles; Okuda et al.
loving elements (Sapotaceae, Engelhardoideae) to the pollen 2002). Likewise, a leaf assemblage of Riano (Rome) dated at
record of the upper Camerota basin fill, but differs by rela- 450 ka is composed of modern species found today in the
tively low abundance of non-arboreal pollen and absence of region or in adjacent regions of western Eurasia (Pterocarya,
Cathaya. The presence of elements coming from different Zelkova) and is lacking exotic taxa (Follieri 1958; Bertini et al.
vertical vegetation belts indicates that the Camerota Basin 2014). The same pattern is seen in a 500 ka pollen profile
was surrounded by significant relief. Baggioni et al. (1981) from Lake Ohrid (Sadori et al. 2016).
reported a macroflora from the upper part of the Camerota
basin fill corresponding to the Bezhan macroflora by the
Disappearance of exotic taxa and origin of modern
presence of oaks with affinities to section Quercus, Acer cf.
monspessulanum and Carpinus orientalis (involucre), but also
including Fagus, Carya, and Zelkova. The well-dated The plant assemblage of Bezhan is characterised by a rela-
Montalbano Jonico section, 1.25–0.9 Ma (Joannin et al. tively high amount of taxa that can be referred to modern
2008), differs from the Bezhan pollen flora by a high non- species (Ranunculus aquatilis, Ulmus minor, Quercus cerris,
arboreal component. Coriaria myrtifolia, Populus alba, Acer monspessulanum, Erica
From Armenia, a middle Calabrian flora (Ollivier et al. arborea, and Olea europea). Hence, of 52 taxa recorded, ca.
2010) with radiometric dating also includes macrofossils simi- 19% represent extant European species. Given that some taxa
lar to the Bezhan assemblage (Quercus cerris, Betula, Carpinus, in the pollen record are determined only to family level, this
Populus alba, Salix spp., Ulmus minor, Crataegus, number may be even larger. For example, pollen of Apiaceae
Myriophyllum, Acer spp., Paliurus spina-christi, Phragmites). may belong to a modern species, which we could not deter-
A recent palynological investigation of a sediment core from mine because the preserved pollen features do not provide
Lake Ohrid at the border between the Republic of Macedonia sufficient diagnostic characteristics for species delimitation. A
and Albania (Donders et al. 2018) reveals strong similarity with latest Calabrian site of Central Italy that is markedly similar
our pollen spectrum from Bezhan. Specifically, 1.34–1.2 Ma to the Bezhan assemblage yielded a fruit and leaf assemblage
sediments from the Lake Ohrid are similar to the Bezhan with 80% of the species representing extant local species
pollen spectrum. (Martinetto and Sami 2001). At the same time, both these
A late Calabrian (800,000 ka) plant assemblage including localities still contain exotic elements such as Tsuga. In the
leaves and fruits from Oriolo, Ravenna province, is also Bezhan assemblage, Tsuga is relatively common (10%).
similar to the Bezhan assemblage (Martinetto and Sami According to Magri et al. (2017), values of Tsuga pollen
2001). This flora shares many taxa with Bezhan: Tsuga, dropped far below 10% at various points during the
Pinus, Abies, Salix, Populus alba, Carya, Pterocarya, Alnus, Calabrian, whereas last records of single pollen grains occur
Carpinus, Quercus cerris, Ulmus minor, Crataegus, Coriaria, around the Calabrian/Middle Pleistocene boundary (Bertini
Acer monspessulanum, and Fraxinus. However, at Oriolo, 2010). A remarkable feature of the Bezhan assemblage is the
80% of the species represent extant local species (at least presence of three different types of Tsuga pollen, including
19% at Bezhan). extant North American and East Asian types.
According to Combourieu-Nebout et al. (2015), a decrease A second prominent element in the flora of Bezhan is leaves
in Taxodium-type and increase in montane trees at the end of referable to the modern Quercus cerris. From Greece, Velitzelos
the Pliocene is followed by a decrease in Taxodiaceae and et al. (2014) reported a single leaf of Quercus aff. cerris from
increase in steppe vegetation in the Gelasian (see, for late Pliocene/Gelasian deposits from Atalanti/Zeli. The flora of
instance, Stirone, northern Italy). A comparison of numerous Atalanti/Zeli has extinct species of Quercus sect. Ilex, Alnus,
well-dated palynofloras across Italy south of 42.5°N by and Betula that are typical of late Neogene floras and it is
Combourieu-Nebout et al. (2015) identified a number of difficult to determine with certainty whether the single leaf of
Quercus belongs to the modern species since the leaf poly- Disclosure statement
morphism of the fossil taxon cannot be assessed with a single
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
leaf. From Calabrian deposits of Rhodes (Archangelos;
Velitzelos et al. 2014), single leaves referred to as Q. pseudo-
castanea also may belong to Q. cerris. As stated above, further
unambiguous records of Q. cerris are from Calabrian sites in
Italy (Martinetto et al. 2014) and Armenia (Ollivier et al. 2010). This study was financed by a grant of the Swedish Research Council (VR;
From these (limited) data, it appears that dates of last project no. 2015-03986) to TD. HTG was supported by The Scientific
common presence of exotic (extinct in western Eurasia) taxa and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), 2219 Post-
Doctoral Research Fellowship Program (2017/2), project no.
and of first appearances of modern taxa converge at the 1059B191700382.
Calabrian. This is in agreement with recent molecular studies
(Gömöry et al. 2018; modern Fagus sylvatica s.str.) but
younger than the inferred Gelasian divergence time for east- ORCID
ern and central population of Q. cerris (Bagnoli et al. 2016).
Thomas Denk
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