Sharma 2021
Sharma 2021
Sharma 2021
Bioresource Technology
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Keywords: Worldwide, heavy metals pollution is mostly caused by rapid population growth and industrial development
Metal pollutants which is accumulated in food webs causing a serious public health risk. Endophytic microorganisms have a
Endophytes variety of mechanisms for metal sequestration having metal biosorption capacities. Endophytic organisms like
bacteria and fungi provide beneficial qualities that help plants to improve their health, reduce stress, and
Effluent treatment
Metabolic activity
detoxify metals. Endophytes have a higher proclivity for improving metal and mineral solubility by cells that
secrete low-molecular-weight organic acids and metal-specific ligands like siderophores, which change the pH of
the soil and improve binding activity. Protein-related approaches like chromatin immunoprecipitation
sequencing (ChIP-Seq) and modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA test) can represent endophytic
bacterial community and DNA-protein interactions during metal reduction. This review explored the role of
endophytes in bioremediation approaches that can help in analyzing the potential and prospects in response to
industrial effluents’ detoxification.
1. Introduction (Gautam et al., 2015; Sharma et al., 2020a, b). Several inorganic metals,
such as zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr3+), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu),
Industrial effluents are a major source of heavy metal pollution in calcium (Ca), nickel (Ni), magnesium (Mg), and sodium (Na), are
water, soil, and atmosphere. Heavy metal pollution in the environment essential for metabolic and redox processes in trace amounts. Mercury
has become a severe concern to the ecosystem and aquatic life (Su, 2014; (Hg), silver (Ag), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), aluminum (Al), and gold
Okolo et al., 2016). Because of its non-biodegradable nature and ability (Au) are heavy metals that have no role in biochemical functions and are
of bioaccumulation, metal toxicity is a major environmental issue very harmful to the living organisms (Lakherwal, 2014; Sharma et al.,
* Corresponding Author.
E-mail address: (S. Kumar).
Received 27 May 2021; Received in revised form 10 July 2021; Accepted 13 July 2021
Available online 14 July 2021
0960-8524/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Sharma and S. Kumar Bioresource Technology 339 (2021) 125589
2021a; Sharma et al., 2020b). The term “endophyte” refers to organism such an impact has substantial biotechnological implications in the
that colonizes the internal organs of their plant hosts during a specific bioremediation of heavy metal (Franco-Franklin et al., 2021). The
period of their lives. Endophytic microorganisms are one of the most overall chemical forms of the metals, metal ion concentrations, and
diverse groups with an estimate of one million species (Rashmi et al., other parameters potential influenced by heavy metal are stimulatory or
2019; An et al., 2015). Based on more than a decade of research, billions inhibitory to microbes. Environmental parameters, such as low molec
of live plant species in natural ecosystems are hosts for various endo ular weight organic acids, pH, temperature, and humic acids can affect
phytic microbes. It makes this group of microbes as one of the most heavy metal processing, balanced state, transit, and bioavailability to
significant untapped natural resources for biosynthetic enzymes and microbes. At acidic pH level, heavy metal tends to form free ionic spe
secondary metabolites bioprospecting (Manganyi and Ateba, 2020). cies, with more protons available to saturate metal-binding sites (Kapahi
Bioremediation is a technique for cleaning up polluted environment and Sachdeva, 2019). The adsorbent surface becomes increasingly
by transforming enzymes during the biosorption of different toxic metals positively charged as hydrogen ion concentrations rise, lowering the
(Okoduwa et al., 2017; Tripathi et al., 2021a, b). The methodology is attraction between adsorbent and metal cations and thereby increased
both ecologically benign and innovative for ecological restoration to toxicity. From the viewpoint of application, it can be concluded that
enhance and boost their remediation performance for the use of mi endophytic microorganisms play an essential role in degradation or
crobes with distinct characteristics of catabolic ability and their prod detoxification of metal pollution from industrial effluents. This review
ucts, such as biosurfactants and enzymes (Ma et al., 2016; Le et al., covers current research and future applications of endophytic bacteria
2017). Various options were also proposed to broaden the use of for the detoxification of industrial effluents; with a focus on heavy metal
microbial approaches for decontamination of heavy metals. Microbial bioremediation and simultaneously it addresses wide technological and
fuel cells (MFCs) have the efficiency to decrease the resistance of metals. scientific fields to solve the issue of environmental remediation at a
Bioremediation mediated by biofilm is also applied to detoxify heavy fundamental level.
metal polluted ecosystem. The interaction between endophytes and
plants break down complex molecules into simple molecules like nu 2. Endophytes community in the environment
trients, mobilizes metal ions, promotes pollution uptake by plants, and
improves bioremediation. The environmental pollution caused by Endophytic microbes are recommended as an environment-friendly
metals is a very serious issue that reduces crop yield and quality of food way to boost plant species development and disease resistance. This
due to overuse of agricultural pesticides and fertilizers, and mulching, type of bacteria is distinguished by the fact that it spends the majority of
which have led to heavy metal pollution of soils (Su, 2014). the asymptomatic life cycle within the tissue of plants, causing harm to
The current state of water resources demonstrates the dominance of its host. Endophytic bacteria appear to make tiny accumulates scattered
pollution produced by industrial effluent containing large quantities of in plant organs where nutrients are transferred, promoting the micro
hazardous heavy metal or metalloids. These are of major concern organism’s metabolic activity as well as the host plant’s metabolic re
because of their persistence and non-degradability (Iloms et al., 2020). sponses (Perez et al., 2013; Nanda et al., 2019). Such microbes can be
Physical and chemical treatment techniques used for industrial effluent related to a host of plants in a very particular or generic fashion, and
treatment are more time-consuming, costly, and ineffective. Bioreme they can be passed down through in groups (Johnston and Raizada,
diation is a technique for reducing pollution emissions and ameliorating 2011). Microbes play a key role in agriculture, medicine, and industry
the effects of contaminants that are mediated by endophytic microbes development of microbial engineering (Gouda et al., 2016(Khan et al.,
(Conesa et al., 2012). This has been identified as a good strategy for 2017)). The various functions of microbes can improve environmental
controlling pollution and a novel technique for the treatment of toxins health as well as crop productivity (Nair and Padmavathy, 2014). En
using biological systems. This can be a technique that uses bacteria, dophytes have fascinated the curiosity of several scientists due to their
fungus, metabolites, enzymes, or green plants to restore the habitat of important roles in the growth of the plants as well as aiding plant sur
the ecosystem after it has been polluted (Chakraborty et al., 2012). vival in stressed environment (Shen et al., 2019; Andreozzi et al., 2019).
Bacteria that synthesize different hormonal activities, such as 1-amino Endophytic bacteria has the ability to utilize the exudes emitted by plant
cyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC), siderophores, indole acetic acid roots as a source of energy in a critical situation during the interaction
(IAA), and deaminase can accelerate plant development and decrease with plants (Kandel et al., 2017; Yadav, 2018). Endophytic microor
the ethylene concentration in the plant. Heavy metal has low movement ganisms have been employed in the bulk production of industrially
in soil and is difficult to be absorbed directly by plant roots. The inter important goods including antibiotics, enzymes, and riboflavin, etc.
action of plant roots and soil microorganisms can boost metal absorption (Latz et al., 2018). Microbe-based techniques for the detoxification of
in the root system (Saravanan et al., 2007). Plant-linked microbes play metal contamination are advanced approaches where metabolites like
an important part in a host’s ability to adapt environmental alterations. butanol and ethanol are also produced as by-products. Biotransforma
The application of appropriate remedial measures to damaged soils, tion of a wide range of chemicals lessens the impact of pollution like
which can lower the risk of toxic metals, is very beneficial. Traditional degradation and bioremediation. Since last few decades, different kinds
remediation treatments like landfilling and leaching, excavation and of drugs have been synthesized from plants and microbes (Gouda et al.,
disposal, or soil cleaning can be attempted (Vesely et al., 2012). A large 2016). These products generated from natural sources are less hazardous
amount of leachate has been generated as a result of the use of wide and affordable. Endophytic microbes have the potential for secreting
spread municipal and industrial effluents of landfills for disposal, as well various bioactive and metabolic compounds, such as polyphenol and
as the use of agrochemicals, which cause water contamination. The risk anthocyanin which are phytonutrients or metabolites and help in pre
of leachate contaminating groundwater has emphasized development of venting cancer and heart disease (Nair, 2014).
new landfill engineering design (Sivakumar, 2013). Plant endophytic Endophytes are diazotrophic, which means they are nitrogen (N2)
bacteria have received a lot of interest because of their capacity to fixers, and converts atmospheric N2 into ammonium ions to be absorbed
improve plant response to a range of stressors. Plant-microbe in by host plants (Hernandez-Rodríguez et al., 2017). Endophyte bacteria
teractions are characterized by protein secretion and binding peptide. can increase plant development, increase stress response, disease resis
The transfer of effector proteins help bacteria in maintaining their tance through a variety of pathways, including phytohormone synthesis,
parasitic lifestyle by reducing host defense, but the host stimulates mineral solubilization, and siderophores production to nitrogen fixation
effector-triggered immune responses whenever it detects the effector (Ahemad and Khan, 2012). Microbial communities are of particular
proteins (Mengistu, 2020). Numerous studies have shown that endo interest since they are somewhat sheltered from the soil’s hostile
phytes improve the plant’s ability to survive with dryness, salt, nitrogen ecosystem. Endophytic organisms have the potential to inhibit diseases,
deficit, infections, and recently confirmed by a meta-analysis although boost plant development and growth under adverse environment
P. Sharma and S. Kumar Bioresource Technology 339 (2021) 125589
(Sánchez-López et al., 2018). The development of successful bioreme and other endogenous oxidants. Signaling pathways have been observed
diation of metal requires a thorough understanding of the properties of to be activated by heavy metals. Metal toxicity produces free radicals,
metal tolerance by the endophytic microbiome. Endophytes found in which induce DNA damage, sulphydryl homeostasis disruption, and
various plant species have been shown to promote plant growth in lipid peroxidation (Valko et al., 2005).
previous studies (Yan et al., 2018; Zhu and She, 2018). Under salt or The mechanism of chromium toxicity and carcinogenicity is a com
heavy metals stress, these microbes have been proven to boost plant plex process (DesMarias and Costa, 2019). The intermediates produced
growth and preserve metabolic function (Tirry et al., 2018; Soldan et al., during the intracellular reduction of Cr6+ and Cr3+, as well as the
2019). It was discovered that the plant-bacteria connection increased oxidative reaction, mediates the mechanism. The trivalent form is
the appearance of a genetic factor related to the stress of aluminum in generated by hexavalent form with essential target macromolecules.
Arabidopsis thaliana and implying that the plant-bacteria association DNA lesions like Cr-DNA adducts, DNA-protein crosslinks, changes in
improves the plant’s tolerance mechanisms (Farh et al., 2017). The use cellular signaling pathways, DNA-DNA crosslinks, and DNA strand
of these microbes in agriculture and bioremediation is gaining popu breaks are caused by complexes made up of Cr3+ and peptides, DNA, and
larity. There has been a lot of research done recently on the benefits of proteins inside the cell, all of which may be a factor in chromium
endophytic bacteria on plant tolerance to multiple stresses. Armatimo compounds’ toxicity and carcinogenicity. Cr6+ is more hazardous than
nadetes, Cyanobacteria, Planctomycetes, Nitrospirae, Verrucomicrobia, and the trivalent oxidative state because it has a larger redox potential and
Chloroflexi are among the other bacterial phyla found in the root of can enter cells more easily (Klages-Mundt and Li 2017). Cr6+ exists as a
endospheres in the community (Edwards et al., 2015). tetrahedral chromate anion at physiological pH with a structure com
Endophytic bacteria-mediated stress tolerance is considered to be the parable to that of other natural anions, such as phosphate and sulphate,
most successful technique for bioremediation because this is environ which are permeable through non-selective membrane channels. Heavy
mentally acceptable, economically sound, and technically feasible metals like other endocrine-disrupting chemicals can influence aquatic
(Singh et al., 2016). Endophytes have evolved successfully to the heavy species’ endocrine system (Carnevali et al., 2018). Heavy metal is
metal contaminated environment, and they have developed immune common endocrine disruptor that can interfere with hormone produc
responses like biomagnification and decrease in enzymatic activity tion and secretion. Endocrine disruptors can interfere with the produc
(Tiwari and Lata, 2018). Beside these processes, many microorganisms tion of hormones and induce endocrine disruptive toxicity conditions
have been stated to promote metal storage and increase the expression and are one of the causes of heavy metal exposure that leads to meta
of genes (Srivastava et al., 2013). Furthermore, the control of ethylene bolic illnesses like hypertension and diabetes. For example, Cd, Mn, and
concentration in plants by different endophytic microbes can affect Cr are heavy metal that may increase the risk of metabolic disorders.
tolerance of different heavy metal directly by altering levels of stress. Furthermore, metal endocrine disruptors have been linked to an
Metagenomic sequence analysis of microbes involved in endophytic root increased risk of mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress
system has revealed potential mobility functions, viz., plant polymer (Kovacik, A., 2017). When exposed to sublethal quantities of lead and
breakdown, iron uptake and storage, quorum sensing, and generation of cadmium, adult Micropogonias undulatus demonstrated significant in
reactive oxygen species in the roots microbiome (Kaushal et al., 2020). crease or decrease in blood steroid concentrations, ovarian steroid
secretory activity, and ovarian development. The corticotropin-
3. Industrial effluents and their toxicity releasing thyroglobulin, hormones, and gene expressions of thyroid re
ceptors were drastically increased after minnow larvae were exposed to
The accumulation of different heavy metal in the ecosystem has mercury for four days (Rotroff, 2013). The levels of thyroxine T3 and T4
come from continuous anthropogenic activities and the development of have also been shown to have increased. Toxicity can be caused by
industries (Ashraf et al., 2018; Rogowska et al., 2020). Heavy metal heavy metal in aquatic species, such as animals, plants, and microor
absorbed into the human body and animals through the food chain can ganisms. For lengthy periods, some aquatic organisms exist in habitats
cause serious harm to the animal and human health due to their high contaminated with heavy metal. To lessen discomfort and enhance
solubility, long-term persistence, potential androgenic, mutagenic, and tolerance to heavy metal, many species can change their physiological
carcinogenic consequences (Rehman et al., 2018(Tripathi et al., 2021a, and biochemical signals. Heat shock proteins (HSP), transferrins (TF),
b)). In developing countries like India, agro-processing industries metallothionein (MT), glutathione transferase (GT), catalase (CAT), and
including tanneries, pulp-paper mills, olive mills, and distilleries have superoxide dismutase (SOD) are produced by fish that live in heavy
become a major source of heavy metal pollution (Juel et al., 2017; metal-polluted water for an extended period but decreasing the cell
Sharma et al., 2021b,d,f). The localization of a large number of heavy damage caused by heavy metal (Cheuk et al., 2008). Furthermore, this
metal in tissues and cell organelles causes increased toxicity. Non- overview outlines the sources of metals in various industrial effluents as
essential metals, such as Cr, Pb, Ni, Cd, etc., play no significant role in well as their toxicity to humans and aquatic life.
humans, but they can induce toxicity by affecting the absorption of el
ements in the body (Briffa et al., 2020). Heavy metals have been found to 4. Accumulation of metals in endophytes
impact cellular organelles and components, including lysosomes, cell
membranes, enzymes, mitochondria, and nuclei. Metal ions have been Pollutants contamination is currently a global issue and hence novel,
found to interact with nuclear proteins and DNA, which caused DNA sustainable and green technologies for the repair of environmental
damage, cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, and carcinogenesis (Tchoun pollutants are urgently needed. The bioremediation technique has been
wou et al., 2012). One of the most vulnerable organisms is fish which is regarded as one of the most successful, low-cost, and long-term ap
extremely sensitive to pollution throughout their lifecycle (Beyersmann proaches for the management of chemical contaminants in the envi
and Hartwig, 2008). Disturbances during the early stage of growth can ronment. Using or inoculating endophytic microbial strains for the
have a deleterious impact on fish later (Zhang et al., 2016). Zulfahmi remediation of environmental substances has been done regularly for
et al., 2014, and Groner et al., 2017 have reported that Nile tilapia the management of various contaminants, such as heavy metal during
(Oreochromis niloticus), which is a widely dispersed fish species in the last few decades (Fe, Cd, Pb, Ni, Mn, Mg, As, and Cu). Microbial
Indonesian waters, have got endangered due to metal toxicity. Heavy endophytes assist in the mobilization of pollutants as well as plant
metal causes two types of damages which can be classified as “direct” growth promotion and tolerance development against various biotic and
and “indirect” damage. “Direct” damage refers to conformational abiotic stresses over the extended course of the host plant and endophyte
changes in the biomolecules due to heavy metal exposure while “indi relationship at the contaminated site. An in-depth study of the plant-
rect” damage refers to production of reactive oxygen species/ nitrogen endophyte relationship might aid in the effective remediation of
species, such as superoxide radicals, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, polluted sites (Gupta et al., 2020).
P. Sharma and S. Kumar Bioresource Technology 339 (2021) 125589
Endophytic bacteria live underneath the epidermal cell layers in have also shown that heavy metal has a detrimental effect on innovation
plant tissues in which they can invade interior tissues and create sym biodiversity and plant interactions in contaminated soils (Sharma,
biotic, mutually beneficial, commensalism, and trophobiotic relations 2021). Furthermore, significant researches are yet to be carried out, such
with their host (Schulz and Boyle, 2006). It is located in a broad variety as selection of strains, colonization, distribution, survival, and endo
of plants and makes a colony in specific host plants with the maximum phytic bacterial behavior in plant hosts for the success of endophytes
densities in the roots and decreasing density as they progress from leaves function and bioremediation of heavy metal. The symbiotic system of
to stem. The majority of endophytic microbes come from epiphytic Pseudomonas sp. J4AJ, Scirpus triqueter oil-degrading endophytes
bacterial populations in the root system as well as tissues of other plants; increased S.triqueter height and stem biomass and boosted oil degrada
although, a few can be transferred by seeds or tissues of broken foliar tion rates compared with individual plants (Table 1) (Zhang et al.,
(Dong et al., 2019). Plant stress tolerance mediated by endophytes plays 2014).
an important part in the study of microbe-plant interactions. Although
this so far in the initial stages, host stress tolerance by endophyte- 5. Bioremediation by endophytes
mediated interaction has recently been adequately documented, like
salinity, high-temperature stressors, drought, and infections of patho Plants can get important vitamins and growth conditions from
gens. Plant stress gene stimulation and reactive oxygen species regula endophytic bacteria that assist with nutrient availability and enhance
tion are two molecular mechanisms that govern the endophyte- metabolic activities (Sharma et al., 2020c; Sharma et al., 2021c, d).
mediated stress response (Nanda et al., 2019). Metal-resistant strains Plant hormones can improve soil quality intake by influencing root
were used for heavy metal removal in single or consortium, and development dynamics. Endophytic colonization frequently promotes
immobilized forms, potentially having more chemosorption sites for nutrient enhancement, plant biomass, and absorption. According to the
biosorbed heavy metal. Bioremediation is a technique of eliminating latest findings, the plant hormones help in safeguarding plants
toxins from soils or other sources by using plants and microbial enzymes (Phetcharat and Duangpaeng, 2012). In the presence of inorganic
(Suja et al., 2014; Kurniati et al., 2014; Li et al., 2018). Endophytic metals, microbes use a variety of mechanisms to interact and live.
microbes are effective tools for removing metals from the environment Biotransformation, extrusion, enzyme usage, production of exopoly
or assisting host benefactors in bioremediation. Endophytes’ resistance saccharide (EPS), and metallothionein synthesis are some of the tech
to a range of metals, like lead, zinc, chromium, cadmium, cobalt, and niques utilized by microorganisms to resist metal toxicity (Sharma et al.,
manganese can be linked with plant species found in polluted areas, 2021e, (Sharma et al., 2021f)). Microbes have evolved indigenous metal
implying that these microbes get the ability to bioremediate metals resistance and detoxifying systems in response to compounds (Dixit
(Zahoor et al., 2017). Plants that thrive in polluted lands can frequently et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2015). Accumulation of toxin can be removed by
resist adverse rising circumstances, owing to endophytic fungus colo microbes through extracellular chemical precipitation and volatiliza
nization, which decreases the toxic effects of pollutants on the host tion. With the presence of anionic structures that enable germs to attach
plants and thus encourages their development (Pietro-Souza et al., to metal cations, microbes have a negative charge on their cell surface.
2017). Endophytes regulate the host plant’s metabolic and morpholog Negative charge receptors in microorganisms involved in adsorbent
ical processes as well as its metal resistance by providing a variety of include the phosphoryl, hydroxyl, sulfonate, sulfhydryl, amine, alcohol,
detoxification routes, including, binding to fungus cell walls, extracel ester, carboxyl, thiol groups, and thioether. Fig. 1 shows the description
lular scavenging and precipitation, intracellular scavenging, complexa of bioremediation by using endophytes.
tion, vaporization, and compartmentalization. The remediation or detoxification of heavy metals from industrial
Fungal endophytes showed resilience to abiotic conditions, such as effluent using natural microbial life for the prevention of river pollution
salt, temperature, nutrient deficiency, and heavy metal, which can be is an economically sound technology. Natural attenuation refers to
used as bio-fertilizers or bio-agents to construct a balanced yield (Ripa bioremediation that occurs on its own; biostimulation refers to biore
et al., 2019; Sharma and Rath, 2021; Sharma and Singh, 2021). Endo mediation that involves microorganisms and added fertilizers; rhizode
phytic bacteria have co-evolved for a long time, an ecosystem that helps gradation refers to degradation that occurs in the rhizosphere;
plants survive in both stresses, such as biotic and abiotic situations like phytovolatilization refers to plants extracting metals and releasing by
pathogen contamination, drought, and salt even while enhancing the volatilization process in the environment, and rhizodegradation refers to
ecological equilibrium of the biological process. Several investigations degradation that occurs in the rhizosphere. Rhizoremediation refers to
Table 1
Bioremediation of metal pollutants using endophytes and abilities of remediation promotion.
Host Endophytes Pollutants References
Lupinus luteus Consortia of bacteria Organic pollutants and metals Leroy et al., 2017
Brassica napus Alternaria sp. CBSF68, Penicillium sp. CBRF65, Pb and Cd Chen et al., 2016
Fusarium sp. CBRF44,
Brassica juncea Genetically engineered Enterobacter sp. CBSB1 Pb and Cd Persoh, 2015
Rumex acetosa Pseudomonas sp., Microbacterium sp., Mixed heavy metals Gaiero et al., 2013
Lolium perenne Microbacterium sp Petroleum hydrocarbons Ijaz et al., 2016
Oryza sativa L., Phomopsis liquidamba Phenanthrene, phenolic acids Wang et al., 2017; Burges et al., 2016;
Sánchez et al., 2018
Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth Enterobacter sp. HU38, U and Pb Lemaire et al., 2012
Brassica campestris L. Mucor sp. MHR-7 Zn2+, Mn2+,Cr6+, Cu2+, Co2+ Wang et al., 2018
Alnus firma Bacillus thuringiensis GDB-1 As, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn Bilal et al., 2017
Populus deltoides Burkholderia fungorum DBT1 Naphthalene, phenanthrene, fluorene, and Mahmud, 2003
Sedum plumbizincicola Achromobacter piechaudii E6S Cd, Zn, and Pb Germaine et al., 2006
Brassica napus L. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Sasm3 Nitrate and heavy metal Ben et al., 2017
Pteris vittata Serratia marcescens PRE01 Cd(II), Cr(VI), and V(V) Kaul et al., 2016
Trifolium arvense Pseudomonas azotoformans ASS1 Cu, Zn, and Ni Toju et al., 2018
Zea mays L. Piriformospora indica Petroleum hydrocarbons Ben Said and Or, 2017
Lotus corniculatus, Oenothera Stenotrophomonas sp., and Rhodococcus sp. Hydrocarbons Kaul et al., 2016
P. Sharma and S. Kumar Bioresource Technology 339 (2021) 125589
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of interaction between endophytic bacteria and heavy metals.
the combination of rhizospheric processes that contribute to environ of bioactive metabolites that function as antibacterial and anticancer
mental remediation (Dhankher et al., 2011). Co-metabolism is the chemicals, with 76% of them identified from the Streptomyces species.
simultaneous use of multiple contaminants with the microbial commu Endophytes have been shown to produce a variety of bioactive metab
nity due to their flexible degradative capacity. Acclimatization is a phase olites in a single plant or microbe, making them a good source of
that has been added to the treatment of effluents in treatment plants pharmaceuticals for treating a variety of ailments and having potential
(Paliwal et al., 2012). Bacterial endophytes can be transferred and applications in agriculture, medicine, food, and cosmetics. Steroids,
distributed across different plant tissues that help in increase of tannins, alkaloids, tetralones, xanthones, benzopyranones, chinones,
biomolecule production (García-Suárez et al., 2017). Endophytes use a quinones, flavonoids, saponins, phenolic acids, terpenoids, and many
range of different techniques for the detoxification of metal polluted other secondary metabolites were classified into various functional
effluents at the same time. Furthermore, plant growth-promoting bac groups (Fig. 2) (Godstime Omojate et al., 2014).
teria can survive independently in the rhizosphere and bulk soil after
migrating from plant tissues (Feng et al., 2017). Endophytes can also be 6.1. Secretion of enzymes
transferred vertically to roots and play key roles in Sedum alfredii, like
improving biomass of plant, assembling the microbiome associated with Several microbes have the potential to produce lytic enzymes for the
the root, and hyper-accumulation of Cd/Zn (Luo et al., 2019). Endo hydrolysis of different polymeric compounds from effluents (Gao et al.,
phytes boost plant development and remediation efficiency when they 2010). Cellulose, proteins, hemicellulose, DNA, and chitin are among
co-exist within plant growth-promoting bacteria. More than one million the 1,350 substances secreted by endophytic microorganisms (Tripathi
taxa of endophytes has been found in plants, greatly exceeding the et al., 2008). Endophytes produce a variety of enzymes that assist in the
number of strains with phytoremediation-promoting features already cell wall hydrolysis of the plants, allowing them to colonize the surface
identified (Nisa et al., 2015). of plants. Such enzymes assist in the indirect reduction of phytopatho
gens as well as the breakdown of cell walls. Hemicellulase, chitinases,
6. Metabolites of endophytes cellulases, and 1, 3-glucanases are only a few of the several types of
enzymes. Mutagenesis of genes encoding 1, 3-glucanase in a Lysobacter
Endophytes produce enzymes and chemicals that are environmen enzymogenes strain lowered biocontrol effectiveness against Pythium-
tally favorable, toxic to plant infections, and do not affect humans or caused sugar beet tall fescue leafspot disease and damping-off disease
other living species, either alone or in combination with the host plants. (Gao et al., 2010). Streptomyces produces lytic enzymes that have a
In addition to promoting plant growth, endophytes influence the syn powerful anti-cacao witch’s broom disease effect (Macagnan et al.,
thesis of bioactive molecules with high medicinal potential. In cultivable 2008). Enzymes may not be effective as antagonizing agents on their
endophytic fungus, a substantial number of potentially high-value own, but when paired with other mechanisms, they can boost antago
bioactive chemicals with medicinal significance have been identified nistic activity. Pectinase has also been shown to help reduce patho
(Manganyi and Ateba, 2020). This review investigated the recent genesis in plants (Babalola, 2007). The biodegradation of toxic
advanced approaches of endophytic microbes in industrial effluent pollutants is thought to involve a large number of enzymes from bac
treatment. This section provides descriptive information about enzymes teria, fungus, and plants. Microbial enzymes enable bioremediation,
produced by diverse microorganisms that are involved in the biodeg which is a cost-effective and ecologically sound technology. The
radation of a wide range of pollutants, as well as applications and rec research in this field can aid in the development of improved bioprocess
ommendations for overcoming the constraints of their efficient usage. technology to reduce industrial effluent toxicity for decreasing soil and
Endophytic bacteria include Acinetobacter, Achromobacter, Bacillus, water pollution (Table 2).
Agrobacterium, Brevibacterium, Pseudomonas, Microbacterium, and Xan
thomonas, among other gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (Sun
et al., 2013). Bacterial endophytes are complex in nature, having a range
P. Sharma and S. Kumar Bioresource Technology 339 (2021) 125589
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of endophytes interaction with plant and their role in metal detoxification.
6.2. Phytohormones production produce the chemicals on their own (Heinig et al., 2013). Phomopis
cassia, an endophyte isolated from Cassia spectabilis, was able to syn
Endophytes release phytohormones, which promote plant growth thesize five substances that were similar to 3, 11, 12-trihydroxycada
and change the plant’s morphology and structure. The method by which lene, and Cadinane sesquiterpenes, one of which produced the most
endophytes produce plant hormones is similar to the pathways by which active antifungal metabolite against Cladosporium cladsporioides and
rhizobacteria promote plant growth. It secretes gibberellic acid, auxins, Cladosporium sphaerospermum (Silva et al., 2006).
indole acetic acid, and ethylene, which aid in plant growth (Dutta et al., Alkaloids have been shown to have a high antibacterial impact
2014). Indole acetic acid hormones stimulates seed germination, root against many pathogenic gram-positive bacteria. For example, alter
length, xylem growth, lateral initiation, adventitious root formation, setin, a new alkaloid derived from the endophyte Alternaria sp., dis
metabolite biosynthesis, and regulates the rate of plant development played a strong antibacterial action against many pathogenic gram-
(Gao et al., 2010). In addition, endophytic microbes produce indole positive bacteria (Hellwig et al., 2002). The volatile oil is another
acetic acid which can enhance root length and surface area, permitting metabolite that has shown antibiosis. Many volatile organic compounds
the plant to have easy accessibility to soil nutrients. Indole acetic acid were created by an endophytic fungus from tropical trees known as
synthesis also extends bacterium cell walls and enhances exudate Muscodor albus, including aciphyllene, 2-butanone, and 2-methyl furan,
release, as well as providing additional nutrients. Indole acetic acid which were claimed to have antibacterial capabilities (Atmosukarto
formed by endophytic bacteria is identified as the major effector mole et al., 2005). Furthermore, fungal endophytes isolated in vitro from
cule in pathogenesis, phytostimulation, and interactions between Artemisia annua can suppress the growth of most phytopathogenic or
plant–microbe (Gao and Tao, 2012). Endophytic actinomycetes produce ganisms by generating antifungal compounds, such as n-butanol and
plant growth-promoting compounds like indole acetic acid , which has ethyl acetate (Liu et al., 2001). Tian et al., (2017) investigated the role of
been proven to increase the formation and elongation of plant adven Epichlo festucae’s anti-fungal protein in the control of Sclerotinia
titious roots in different studies (Shimizu, 2011). homoeocarpa in Festuca rubra. The strategy of plant protection used by
Paraconiothyrium strain SSM001 against harmful wood-decaying fungus
was explored and it was linked to the generation of taxol from yew trees
6.3. Production of antibiotics
(Taxus spp.) (Soliman et al., 2015).
P. Sharma and S. Kumar Bioresource Technology 339 (2021) 125589
Table 2 ethylene (ET), and jasmonic acid (JA). Endophytes, on the other hand,
Some endophytic microbes and their metabolic compounds to tolerate abiotic can cause resistance to disease by increasing amino acid synthesis.
stress during bioremediation process. Consequently, endophytes are considered incredibly valuable plant as
S. Source Endophytes Metabolites References sociates having the ability to reduce yield loss by improving the host’s
No. stress tolerance in an environmentally benign manner, hence increasing
Medi- cago Phoma medicaginis Brefeldine A Weber et al., agricultural production. Endophytes are valuable bioremediation tools
lupulina, Antibacterial 2004 having a wide range of metabolic pathways. They can be used for
Medicago methane assimilation, nitrogen fixation, bioremediation of metals, and
biotransformation of chemicals, such as propylene to epoxypropane, and
2. Edenia Chaetomium Naphthoquinone Macias-
gomezpompae acuminata spiroketal Rubalcava the production of chiral alcohols. This review was aimed to show how
et al., 2008 the endophytes system may be used in the bioremediation of metals
3. Excoecaria Penicillium Polyphenols, Lu et al., from industrial effluent as a way to mitigate environmental problems
agallocha expansum expansols A & B 2010 without removing polluted soil and dispose it of elsewhere.
4. Niphates Curvularia lunata Cytoskyrins Brady et al.,
olemda 2000,
Jadulco 8. Conclusions
et al., 2002
5. Paullinia Muscodor vitigenus Naphthalene Strobel et al., This review summarises the current scientific advances in using
paullinioides 2007
biotechnological methods for the detoxification of industrial effluents
6. Cinnamomum Muscodor albus Colatile organic Ezra et al.,
zeylanicum compounds 2004 employing endophyte-assisted bioremediation for the prevention of
7. Medi- cago Phoma medicaginis Brefeldine A Weber et al., environmental pollution. Although highly effective microbes are re
lupulina, 2004 ported for several applications, the beneficial potential of endophytes
bacteria in the field of bioremediation remains untouched. Emerging
8. – Streptomyces laceyi Fatty acid Singh and bioremediation strategies using endophytic bacteria, biological thera
MS53 derivatives Dubey, 2018 pies to pollutants, rhizome interaction, and heavy metal detoxification
9. Mangifera Aspergillus Dihydropyran and Nuraini are proven to be viable ways for cleaning up the polluted environment.
casturi Kosterm minisclerotigens 4H-Pyran-4-one, et al., 2019
AKF1 and 5-hydroxy-2-
Aspergillus oryzae (hydroxymethyl- CRediT authorship contribution statement
DK7 (CAS) Kojic acid
10. Tragia Penicillium L-ascorbic acid Danagoudar Pooja Sharma: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – original
involucrata citrinum CGJ-C1, et al., 2018 draft. Sunil Kumar: Writing – review & editing, Supervision.
Linn P. citrinum CGJ-
C2, Cladosporium
sp. CGJ-D1, and Declaration of Competing Interest
hypophloia CGJ-D2
11. Adiantum Chaetomium Phenolic Selim et al., The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
capillus EtOAc globosum compound 2018 interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
extract the work reported in this paper.
12. Combretum Methylobacterium EtOAc extract, Photolo
erythrophyllum radiotolerans Chloroform et al., 2020
MAMP 4754 extract Acknowledgments
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