JEE Mains 2023 Part Test # 1
JEE Mains 2023 Part Test # 1
JEE Mains 2023 Part Test # 1
No. of question: 25
Total Marks: 100
Questions 1 to 20 are of type Single Correct MCQ. Each question has multiple choices out of which only one is correct.
For each question from 1 to 20, you will be awarded 4.00 mark(s) for correct answer and zero mark for unattempted questions. In all other
cases, (–1.00) mark will be awarded.
Questions 21 to 25 are of type Numerical Answer. The answer to each question is numeric.
For each question from 21 to 25, you will be awarded 4.00 mark(s) for correct answer and zero mark for unattempted questions. No negative
marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
No. of question: 25
Total Marks: 100
Questions 26 to 45 are of type Single Correct MCQ. Each question has multiple choices out of which only one is correct.
For each question from 26 to 45, you will be awarded 4.00 mark(s) for correct answer and zero mark for unattempted questions. In all other
cases, (–1.00) mark will be awarded.
Questions 46 to 50 are of type Numerical Answer. The answer to each question is numeric.
For each question from 46 to 50, you will be awarded 4.00 mark(s) for correct answer and zero mark for unattempted questions. No negative
marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
No. of question: 25
Total Marks: 100
Questions 51 to 70 are of type Single Correct MCQ. Each question has multiple choices out of which only one is correct.
For each question from 51 to 70, you will be awarded 4.00 mark(s) for correct answer and zero mark for unattempted questions. In all other
cases, (–1.00) mark will be awarded.
Questions 71 to 75 are of type Single Correct MCQ. Each question has multiple choices out of which only one is correct.
For each question from 71 to 75, you will be awarded 4.00 mark(s) for correct answer and zero mark for unattempted questions. No negative
marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
Physics cubes placed with one edge along positive x-axis.
List-I List-II
suspended in a liquid of density 0.8g/cc, the angle remains the same.
The dielectric constant of the liquid is : A. Cube of 1m edge with one corner at
P. Positive
[density of the material of sphere is 1.6g/cc] origin
correct explanation for Assertion 6 Electric field outside a long wire carrying charge q is proportional to :
B. Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the r
correct explanation for Assertion r
C. Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect C. 1
D. Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct 1
D. 1
3 Two charges of equal magnitude ' q' are placed in air at a distance ′
energy of the system is (ϵ = permittivity of free space) :
Charge Q taken from the battery of 12V in the circuit is :
A. −
8πϵ0 a
B. −
8πϵ0 a
C. −
8πϵ0 a
D. −
8πϵ0 a
4 The electric potential V at any point (x, y, z), all in meters in space is
given by V = 4x volt. The electric field at the point (1, 0, 2) in
volt/meter is :
A. 8 along positive X-axis
A. 72μC
B. 16 along negative X-axis
B. 36μC
C. 16 along positive X-axis
C. 156μC
D. 8 along negative X-axis
D. 20μC
5 Graph between electric potential and the x-coordinate is given and the
electric field is along the x-axis.Then find total charge in various 8 Two small spheres each of radius 1 mm are kept 10 cm apart.
Assuming each proton has a charge +e and each electron has a charge
0.1% less than +e then find the force between the two spheres.
Density of copper is 8.9 gcm and atomic mass number is 63.5.
A. 1.17 × 10 1
B. 2.34 × 10 −12
N A. 8q 1
C. 1.17 × 10 −12
N B. 6q 1
D. 2.34 × 10 12
N C. 8q 2
2 1 2Q
D. C.
4πϵ0 d
πϵ0 b
1 √2q
10 An electron and a proton are sent into an electric field. The ratio of D. 2
magnitudes of force experienced by them is : 4πϵ0 d
C. 1840 : 1
D. 1 : 9.11
A. (V1 + V2 )
C2 V1 + C1 V2
C1 + C2
C1 V1 + C2 V2
C1 + C2
C2 V1 − C1 V2
C1 + C2
A. n 2
12 Two condensers each of capacitance 2μF are connected in parallel
and this combination is connected in series with a 12μF capacitor. B. (2n + 1)C
The resultant capacity of the system will be: (n − 1)n
C. C
A. 16μf 2
(n + 1)n
B. 13μf D. C
A. 4.9μF
B. 3.6μF
C. 5.4μF
D. 2.4μF
dielectric constant K is given by :
A. C
4 1 1 1 1
B. C A. = + +
5 K K1 K2 2K 3
C. C
K K1 + K2 2K 3
D. C 1 K 1K 2
3 C. = + 2K 3
K K1 + K2
18 What is the equivalent capacitance of the system of capacitors
between A & B? D. K = K 1 + K 2 + 2K 3
21 There are 27 drops of a conducting fluid. Each drop has radius r, and
each of them is charged to the same potential V .They are then
A. C
B. 1.6C 22 Two identical small equally charged conducting balls are suspended
from long threads secured at one point. The charges and masses of
C. C the balls are such that they are in equilibrium when the distance
between them is a (the length of the thread L >> a). One of the balls
D. None
is then discharged. Again for the certain value of distance b (b << l)
19 Two parallel plate capacitors of capacitances C and 2C are connected between the balls, the equilibrium is restored, the value of
in parallel and charged to a potential difference V. The battery is then
3 3
(a /b ) =?
V λ0
B. electric field at the centre of the ring is . Find x :
K + 2 xε 0 R
K + 3
K + 2 24 A solid sphere of radius R has a charge Q distributed in its volume
20 A parallel plate capacitor of plate area A, plate separation d and with a charge density rho = kr\^a , where k and a are constants and
capacitance C is filled with three different dielectric materials having r is the distance from its centre. If the electric field at r = R/2 is 1/8
dielectric constants K , K and K . If a single dielectric material is to
1 2 3
times that at r = R, find the value of a.
be used to having the same capacitance C in this capacitor then its
Chemistry C. tertiary alkyl halide
D. none of these
Questions 26 to 45 are of type Single Correct MCQ. Each 30 The product formed in the following reaction is:
question has multiple choices out of which only one is C H3 C H C H3 C H = C H2 + H Br → product
For each question from 26 to 45, you will be awarded 4.00 A. (C H 3 ) 2 C H C H BrC H3
Column (I) Column (Il) 31 The largest value of Henry's law constant for the liquid solvent H O 2
Reaction Type of Reaction will be obtained with ............. gas as the solute and a temperature of
.............. C.
A. C 2 H4 , 45
(a) (p) SN1
B. Ar, 11
C. HC l, 49
D. C O 2, 32
(b) (q) SN2
32 The concentration of CO in a soft drink bottled with a partial
A. 3.0 × 10 −2
mol/L − atm
(c) (r) E1
B. 4.5 × 10 −3
mol/L − atm
C. 5.6 × 10 −3
mol/L − atm
D. 2.3 × 10 −2
mol/L − atm
(d) (s) E2
E. More information is needed to solve the problem.
33 hv
D. (a -r), (b - s), (c - q), (d - r) A. C H 3 − C − C H3
A. Acetone B. C H 3 − C − C H2 − C H3
B. Acetamide H
C. H 3C − C H − C H2 − C l
C. 2-Methyl- 2-propanone
D. Acetyl iodide
C H3
28 Which one of the following statements is wrong?
D. Cl
A. All carbonyl compounds of the general structure C H 3 C OR
give a positive iodoform test
C H2 − C H − C H2
B. All secondary alcohols give iodoform reaction
| |
C. Alcohols of the structure C H 3 C H(OH)R give iodoform
Cl Cl
34 Assertion
D. The only aldehyde giving iodoform reaction is acetaldehyde
S 1 reaction is carried out in the presence of a polar protic solvent.
A. Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the C. ii, i, iv
B. Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the 40 50g of saturated aqueous solution of potassium chloride at 30 C is
35 The cryoscopic constant for acetic acid is 3.6 K kg/mol. A solution C. 28.97 g
of 1 g of a hydrocarbon in 100 g of acetic acid freezes at 16.14 C
(B) C H − C H − C H − OH
3 2
A. x = 2, y = 4 |
B. x = 3, y = 5 CH3
C. x = 4, y = 4
(C) C H3 − C H2 − C − OH
D. x = 6, y = 6
A. (A) > (B) > (C )
B. (C ) > (B) > (A)
42 acetone
R − C l + N aI −−−−→ R − I + N aC l
B. Fittig reaction
A. a -→q ; b→p ; c→r ; d→q
C. Finkelstein reaction
B. a→q,r : b→p,s ; c→r ; d→q
D. Frankland reaction
C. a→q ; b→p ; c→p ; d→r
43 Alkyl halides are very reactive organic compounds in which alkyl
D. a →p ; b→q ; c→r ; d→q fluorides are generally not used in chemical reactions because of its:
37 Electrophile that participates in nitration of benzene is: A. Nucleophillic character.
A. N O +
B. High reactivity.
B. N O +
2 C. Less reactivity.
C. N O D. None of these
D. N O −
B. C H 4
C. Toluene
A. toulene
D. Cyclopropane
B. biphenyl
39 The reactions that occur during the preparation of C HC l from
A. i, iii, iv A. AgCN
C. HCN Mathematics
D. HN O 3
C. x + y = 4
D. x + y = 3
49 M X_2 dissociates in M 2+) and X ions in an aqueous solution
( −
,with a degree of dissociation (alpha) of 0.5.The ratio of the 53 Which of the following graph represents the function
observed depression of freezing point of the aqueous solution to the f (x) = tan
(x + 1)
B. λ 3
C. λ 3
+ 1
D. λ 3
− 1
C. 59 ⎧ 1 4 −1 ⎫
⎪ ⎪
A. 3
B. 2
D. None of these
C. 1
54 0 1
If A = [ ] and (aI 2 + bA)
= A , then D. 0
−1 0
61 If the system of equations
Statement II : For any xϵR, sin −1
x + cos
x =
2 x + αy + αz = 0
0 ≤ (sin
x −
≤ . bx + y + bz = 0
4 16
cx + cy + z = 0
A. Both statements I and II are true.
where α, b, c are non-zero non-unity,has a non-trivial solution,then
B. Both statements I and II are true but I is not an explanation α b c
the value of + + is
1 − α 1 − b 1 − c
of II
A. 0
C. Statement I is true and statement II is false
B. 1
D. Statement I is false and statement II is true.
C. -1
56 ⎛
1 2 2
⎞ αbc
If A = ⎜ 2 1 2⎟
α2 + b2 + c2
⎝ ⎠
2 2 1
62 Which of the following is the new row that results when you add
rows 1 and 3?
If A − 4A = pI where I and O are the unit matrix and the null
3 4 2 11
matrix of order 3 respectively. Find the value of p ⎡ ⎤
9 1 0 0
⎢ ⎥
A. p = 2
⎢0 1 0
2 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
0 0 6 1
B. p = 3
A. 6, 8, 4, 22
C. p = 4
B. 3, 5, 2, 13
D. p = 5
C. 3, 4, 2, 11
57 Which of the following is the solution set of equation
x = cos x + sin
(3x − 1) ?
D. 3, 4, 8, 12
A. [0, ] E. 4, 5, 3, 12
B. [
63 If a 1, a 2, a 3. . . , a n . are in G.P, then the determinant
3 3 ∣ log a n log a n+1 log a n+2 ∣
∣ ∣
C. [0,
Δ = log a n+3 log a n+4 log a n+5 is equal to
∣ ∣
∣ log a n+6 log a n+7 log a n+8 ∣
D. none of these A. 0
58 If α and β are non-real numbers satisfying x 3
− 1 = 0 , then the B. 1
∣λ + 1 α β ∣
value of ∣
α λ + β 1
is? C. 2
∣ β 1 λ + α∣
D. 4
A. 0
64 The domain of the function f (x) = √log
x is
A. x = 0
D. [−1,
B. |x| ≥ 4
C. |x| ≥ 1
66 ∣ 1 n n ∣ n A. 74
∣ ∣
If D k = ∣ 2k n
+ n+ 2 n
+ n ∣ , ∑D k = 48 , then
∣ 2k − 1
2 2
k =1 B. 75
n n + n+ 2 ∣
n equals C. 529
A. 4
D. 23
B. 6
72 ∣ a2 + 1 ab ac ∣
∣ ∣
C. 8 ∣ ab b
+ 1 bc ∣ = f (a, b, c) , f is
∣ ∣
∣ ac bc c + 1∣
D. none of these
A. Non-Homogeneous of degree 2
67 If f x
and f for n =
0 (x) = n + 1 = f0 ∘ fn (x) 0, 1, 2, ⋯
(x + 1) B. Homogeneous of degree 4
then f n (x) is
x C. Homogeneous of degree 6
(n + 1)x + 1
D. Non-Homogeneous of degree 6
B. f 0 (x)
73 Solve the system of the equations:
C. ax + by + cz = d,
2 2
a x + b y + c z = d ,
2 2 3 3 3
a x + b y + c z = d
nx + 1
d(d + b)(c − d) d(a − d)(d − c) d(b
A. x = , y = , z =
a(a − b)(c − a) b(a − b)(b − c) d(b
nx + 1
d(d − b)(c − d) d(a + d)(d − c) d(b
68 ∣ 1 a a
∣ B. x = , y = , z =
∣ ∣ a(a − b)(c − a) b(a − b)(b − c) d(b
∣ cos(n − 1)x cosnx cos(n + 1)x ∣ = k sin x then k =
∣ ∣ d(d − b)(c − d) d(a − d)(d − c) d(b
∣ sin(n − 1)x sin nx sin(n + 1)x ∣ C. x = , y = , z =
a(a − b)(c − a) b(a − b)(b − c) d(b
A. 1 + a 2
− 2a
D. None of these.
B. 1 − a 2
− 2a
74 ∣ a1 b1 c1 ∣
∣ ∣
C. 1 + a 2
+ 2acosx If Δ = ∣
a2 b2 c2
and A 2, B2 , C2 are respectively cofactors of
∣ a3 b3 c3 ∣
D. 1 + a 2
− 2acosx
a 2 , b2 , c2 then a is equal to
1 A2 + b1 B2 + c1 C2
69 ⎡
1 −2 3
A. −Δ
If A = ⎢ 4 0 −1 ⎥ , then (adj. A) is equal to
B. 0
⎣ ⎦
−3 1 5
A. 13 C. Δ
C. 5 75 If a, b, c are positive and are the pth, q th and rth terms, respectively,
∣ log a p 1∣
D. −5 of a G.P., then Δ =
log b q 1
∣ ∣
∣ log c 1∣
70 If cos −1
x > sin
, then x belongs to the interval
A. [−∞, 0] A. 0
C. −(p + q + r)
C. [0, ]
D. none of these