Bilimbi Fruit (Averrhoa Bilimbi) Juice: Nutritional Analysis and Microbial Analysis
Bilimbi Fruit (Averrhoa Bilimbi) Juice: Nutritional Analysis and Microbial Analysis
Bilimbi Fruit (Averrhoa Bilimbi) Juice: Nutritional Analysis and Microbial Analysis
Peer Reviewed
Received: 18 Nov 2022; Received in revised form: 11 Dec 2022; Accepted: 17 Dec 2022; Available online: 22 Dec 2022
©2022 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Abstract— Food’s nutritional analysis guarantees that it contains the correct number of vitamins and
minerals while also allowing for a better understanding of the food's fat, carbohydrate dilution, protein,
fiber, sugar, etc. Identifying pathogens and food spoilage microorganisms is essential to food microbiology
because it ensures consumer safety, prevents brand desecration, and reducesthe cost of remediation after
failed inspections or food poisoning outbreaks. This study's primary objective was to determine the
nutritional content and identify the hazardous microbes in the Bilimbi Fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi) Juice. The
study used an experimental methodology and underwent careful analysis to get detailed results regarding the
product. To ascertain the product'snutritional value, samples of the three treatments—plain, grapes, and
apple—were sent to theF.A.S.T. Laboratory. Analysis revealed that Bilimbi Fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi) Juice
contains Vitamins and minerals that benefit consumers; it includes Crude Fiber, Calcium, Vitamin C, and
phosphorus. The result is that each of the three treatments' nutritional contents of "Bilimbi Fruit Juice" is
within the recommended dietary requirement for Filipinos. Microbial Analysis reveals nohazardous microbes
and bacteria found in the products. Therefore, Bilimbi Fruit Juice is an organic and nutritional juice safe for
consumption and an excellent alternative to existing fruit juiceon the market.
Keywords— Natural resources, Nutritional Content, Microbial Analysis, malnutrition, and Food Security.
because they are perceived to be healthier and more on the blood flowing to that part. The blood is formed by
nutritious. Increased consumption of nutrient-dense the nutrients absorbed from the consumed foods.
beverages (100% fruit juice, milk) and water as part of a
varied dietshould be encouraged.
Objectives of the study
Department of Health Administrative Order no.
The primary purpose of this studywas to determine
2014-0030 known as Revised Rules and Regulations
the nutritional content of Bilimbi fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi)
Governing the Labeling of Prepackaged Food Products
juice in terms of crude fiber, calcium, Vitamin C, and
Further Amending Certain Provisions of Administrative
phosphorous and identify hazardousmicrobe present in the
Order No. 88-B s. 1984 or The Rules and Regulations
product for safer consumption.
Governing the Labeling of Pre-packaged Food Products
Distributed in the Philippines,” and For Other Purposed
stated: All nutrient quantities shallbe declared in relation to II. METHODOLOGY
the average or usual serving in terms of slices, pieces or a
The primary purpose of this studywas to ascertain
specified weight or volume. The declaration of the nutrients
the nutritive value and identify the microbes present in the
can also be expressed eitherin units per serving or % RENI
product to assure that the Bilimbi Fruit (Averrhoabilimbi)
or both. Locally manufactured food products intended for
Juice in three different treatments (i.e., plain, grapes, apple)
local consumption shall also indicate the corresponding
was safe for consumption through microbial analysis.
Recommended Energy andNutrient Intake (RENI).
The researcher sent a sample of 100ml of Bilimbi
Department of Trade and Industry Bureau of
fruit Juice to F.A.S.T. Laboratoryfor analysis. The method
Philippine Standards Republic ActNo. 7394 known as The
used for nutritional analysis was Ankom Fiber Analysis,
Consumer Act of thePhilippines Article 2, states that It is the
Flame AAS, Titrimetry, and Colorimetry. For microbial
policy of the State to protect the interests of the consumer,
analysis E.coli, S. aureus Count (CFU/g), Yeast and Mold
promote his general welfare, and establish standards of
Count, (CFU/g), andSalmonella, in 25 grams. Those were
conduct for business and industry. Towards this end, the
the threats bacteria for processed food and beverages. The
state shall implement measures to achieve one objective
nutritional and microbial analysis were obtained by
mentioned is to protect against hazards to health and safety.
subjecting the samples to First Analytical Services and
The ancient theory of nutrition datesback to the Technical Laboratory in Cebu City.
time of Aristotle and Galen. Theyconsidered nutrition as a
Nutritional Content
vital part of health, disease, performance, and healing. The
power in each part of the body is believed to be dependent Serving size: 1L/230ml
T1 T3
T2(BilimbiFruit Juice Grapes
Nutrients (Plain BilimbiFruit (BilimbiFruit Juice Apple
Juice) Flavor)
Crude Fiber 4.51% 3.68% 4.70%
Results identified the following nutritive content obsolete nutritional term for fiber, as mentioned by
of Bilimbi Fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi) Juice. The crude Fiber Recommended Dietary allowances, 10th edition, 2002. The
content of T1 is 4.51%, T2 is 3.68%, and T3 is 4.70 %. recommended dietary fiber intake per day forages 16 to 49 is
T1 has the highest Crude Fiber content while T2 has the 20-25 grams, as Food and Nutrition Res recommends.
lowest. Crude fiber is one type of dietary fiber, and an Institute DOST,2015.
The Calcium content in T1 is 50.5 mg,T2 is 25.6 mg, RENI based on a localstudy that determined intake levels
and T3 is 35.6 mg. T1 had thehighest content of calcium, that maintained "acceptable" serum vitamin C levels among
while T2 had theleast. Tanaka et al. The Philippine Journal Filipino men and women.
ofScience provides information that a higher calcium intake The Phosphorous content in T1 is
is significantly associated with
37.6 ppm, T2 is 54.2 ppm, and T3 is 46.9 ppm. T2 had the
a lower prevalence of the periodontal disease. Aside from highest content of phosphorus, while T1 had the lowest.
its major role in skeletal function,calcium plays a regulatory Phosphorus works with calcium to help build bones. You
role in a number of specialized functions in muscle need the right amount of both calcium and phosphorus for
contraction, neurotransmitter secretion,digestion, and blood bone health.Phosphorus also plays an important structural
coagulation. The Philippine Dietary Reference Intakes’ role in nucleic acids and cell membranes. And it's involved
(PDRI 2015) recommended daily nutrient intake (RNI) of in the body's energy production (Rogers, G.,2016). The
calcium for 6 to less than 12-month infants is 400 mg, Recommended Nutrient Intake per day of phosphorus for
among 1-2-year-old children 500 mg, among 3-5-year-old adults and children is 1250 mg (Food and Nutrition Res. Ins.
children 550 mg, among 6-9-year-old children 700 mg and DOST,2015.)
10-12-year-oldchildren 1000 mg (FNRI-DOST 2015).
The data above signify that all the nutritional
The Vitamin C content of T1 is 29.5 mg, T2 is 30.6 contents of "Bilimbi Fruit Juice Flavored Drinks" in the
mg, and T3 is 38 mg. T3 had the highest content of Vitamin three treatments are within the recommended dietary
C, while T1 had the least. The current recommendeddietary allowance for Filipinos. Hence it is an excellent organicfruit
allowance (RDA) for vitamin C, as proposed by the Food juice substitute for an existing product inthe market.
and Nutrition Board/National Research Council in 1980and
Microbial Analysis
reconfirmed in 1989, is 60 mg daily. The 1989
recommendation for Filipinos was retained for the 2002
< 1 𝐸𝑠𝑡
E. coli Not Detected in25g
Based on the analysis of First Analytical Service Yeast and mold tests show contamination with a
and Technical Cooperative Laboratories, Bilimbi Fruit count of 41 CFU/g.Robinson and Tamime (2002) explicitly
Juice had microbial loads on S. aureus Count of < 1 𝐸𝑠𝑡 reported that yeasts as spoilage organisms generally enter
CFU/g and Yeast and Mold Count of 41CFU/g and its tested food products as contaminants from the air. FDA
negative for Salmonellaand E.coli bacteria. Guidelines state that the acceptable level of Yeast and molds
S. Aureus test results indicated good in concentrated Juice is 40- 49 CFU/ml. The result of the
microbiological quality because the < 1 microbial analysis is within the acceptable or in the
borderline limit of microbiological quality of
𝐸𝑠𝑡CFU/g is lower than the permissible limit of <20CFU/g. microorganisms determined by a specified method; the
S. aureus toxin does not normally reach levels that will values are generally based on levels that are achievable
cause food poisoning until the numbers of the pathogen under Good Manufacturing Practice (FDA Revised
reach 500,000 to 1,000,000 per gram. Guidelines for the Assessment of