Tic Ki Cing Business Plan
Tic Ki Cing Business Plan
Tic Ki Cing Business Plan
TIC KI CING started in 2016 composed of 30 members (13 males and 17 females) and it has a binding
constitution and fair rules and regultions which all group members are expected to bide with.
The group started up with saving ,credit scheme ,bee keeping ,vegetables growing with main income of
all members through loan scheme and agriculture activiies to support business startup.
The need to increase the group income through business idea of milling machine to improve the
livelihood of the group members and the community members around, and it will act as a value addition
to our grains especially maize.
Tic ki cing wil submit the business plan with the amount of six milion, one hundred thirty thousand
uganda shillings (ugx 6,130,000/=)
Tic ki cing involves in bee keeping, saving and loan association and agriculture.
Tic ki cing would like to venture in milling machine to improve on the quality of the maize flour ,
packaging in different quantities eg, 5kg,10, 15kg 20 kg etc.
Tic ki cing has observed high demand of maize flour both in the settlement and the host community .
The group plans to offer for sale to Kagoma market, maize flour and maize brand which is having ready
market in the settlement and host community.When the group will start selling maize flour and maize
brand to the customers who oftenly run shortage of food and feeds for their animals and birds .
Our main competitors are likely to be Kagoma milling machine and satelite collection point at kagoma.
But we can easly out compete them since our group are hard working people and cooparatve to serve
the community, there is a high demand of maize flour and maize grain of which our competitors cannot
supply to its satisfaction.
The group will intends to reach out to the the community of Rwenyawawa ,Kagoma,Kasonga and the
host community creating awareness about its products. And it will reach the nearby Radio station like
KKCR, SPICE FM,HOIMA RADIO AND VINE FM to advertise about its product and services. To add on that
the group will have agents in different markets point.
The group is comprised of 30 members and this will be responsible for the business management
headed by a business manager , chairperson, secretary and marketing.
The group project that in the next three years will be in position to obtain a loan from the group to start
up a similar business its location will be determined by the group leadership after making thorough
market reseach.
1 land 1 acre
TOTAL UGX6,130,000