The Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today i.e. December 30, 2022,
has inter alia:
(a) Mr. Aman Kumar Singh (DIN:02860208) as an Additional Director in the capacity
of Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director; and
(b) Mr. Sunil Kumar (DIN: 07379007) as an Additional Director in the capacity of
Non-Executive, Independent Director.
The term of Independent Director will be for a period of 3 (three) years w.e.f.
December 30, 2022 upto December 29, 2025, subject to approval of the shareholders
of the Company. We hereby confirm that the Independent Director satisfies the criteria
of independence prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI LODR.
In accordance with the circular dated June 20, 2018 issued by the Stock Exchanges,
we hereby confirm that the new Directors are not debarred from holding the office of
Director by virtue of any order passed by SEBI or any other such authority, and neither
of them are related to any Director of the Company.
new delhi television limited, b 50a, 2nd floor, archana complex, greater Kailash- 1, new delhi-110048, india, tel: (+91-11) 2644 6666, 4157 7777,
fax: (+91-11) 49862990, www.ndtv.com, e-mail: corporate@ndtv.com, CIN L92111DL1988PLC033099
2. Took note of the resignation of following Directors with effect from close of
business hours of December 30, 2022, due to change in ownership and control of
the Company:
The disclosures and confirmations required under Regulation 30 read with Part A of
Schedule III of the SEBI LODR and SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated
September 9, 2015 along with resignation letters are enclosed herewith as
Annexure II.
new delhi television limited, b 50a, 2nd floor, archana complex, greater Kailash- 1, new delhi-110048, india, tel: (+91-11) 2644 6666, 4157 7777,
fax: (+91-11) 49862990, www.ndtv.com, e-mail: corporate@ndtv.com, CIN L92111DL1988PLC033099
4. Approved the revision in list of Key Managerial Personnel for determining the
materiality of an event or information:
Pursuant to Regulation 30(5) of the SEBI LODR read with the Company’s Policy to
determine materiality of an event or information, the revised list of Key Managerial
Personnel for the purpose of determining the materiality of an event or information
and making disclosure to the Stock Exchanges is as follows:
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
new delhi television limited, b 50a, 2nd floor, archana complex, greater Kailash- 1, new delhi-110048, india, tel: (+91-11) 2644 6666, 4157 7777,
fax: (+91-11) 49862990, www.ndtv.com, e-mail: corporate@ndtv.com, CIN L92111DL1988PLC033099
Annexure I
Disclosures required under Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR and SEBI Circular No.
CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated September 9, 2015, along with brief profiles are as under:
Appointment of Directors:
new delhi television limited, b 50a, 2nd floor, archana complex, greater Kailash- 1, new delhi-110048, india, tel: (+91-11) 2644 6666, 4157 7777,
fax: (+91-11) 49862990, www.ndtv.com, e-mail: corporate@ndtv.com, CIN L92111DL1988PLC033099
Annexure II
Disclosures and confirmations under Regulation 30 read with Clause 7B of Para A Part A
of Schedule III of SEBI LODR and SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated
September 9, 2015 are as under:
new delhi television limited, b 50a, 2nd floor, archana complex, greater Kailash- 1, new delhi-110048, india, tel: (+91-11) 2644 6666, 4157 7777,
fax: (+91-11) 49862990, www.ndtv.com, e-mail: corporate@ndtv.com, CIN L92111DL1988PLC033099
HCL Infosystems Chairperson-
Limited (Independent Accounts &
Director) Audit Committee
Newgen Software Chairperson-
Technologies Limited Audit Committee
Zomato Limited Member-Audit
(Independent Committee
new delhi television limited, b 50a, 2nd floor, archana complex, greater Kailash- 1, new delhi-110048, india, tel: (+91-11) 2644 6666, 4157 7777,
fax: (+91-11) 49862990, www.ndtv.com, e-mail: corporate@ndtv.com, CIN L92111DL1988PLC033099
December 30, 2022
The Board of Directors,
New Delhi Television Limited
B-50A, 2nd Floor, Archana Complex,
Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi -110048
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
I, Prannoy Roy, hereby resign as Whole Time Director and Executive Co-Chairperson of the Company and
from all Board Committees of which I am a member, with effect from close of business hours on December
30, 2022. I am resigning owing to the change in ownership of the Company. There are no other material
reasons for my resignation.
I am deeply grateful to all Board Members and the Management for their cooperation during my tenure as
director and Co-Chairperson of the Company.
I wish the company and the new Board every success in the coming years.
Yours sincerely,
Digitally signed by
PRANNOY ROY Date: 2022.12.30
15:38:01 +05'30'
Prannoy Roy
Executive Co-Chairperson
DIN: 00025576
December 30, 2022
The Board of Directors,
New Delhi Television Limited
B-50A, 2nd Floor, Archana Complex,
Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi -110048
Sub: Resignation from the position of Executive Co- Chairperson of the Company
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
I, Radhika Roy, hereby resign as Whole Time Director and Executive Co-Chairperson of the Company and
from all Board Committees of which I am a member, with effect from close of business hours on December
30, 2022. I am resigning owing to the change in ownership of the Company. There are no other material
reasons for my resignation.
I am deeply grateful to all Board Members and the Management for their cooperation during my tenure as
director and Co-Chairperson of the Company.
I wish the company and the new Board every success in the coming years.
Yours sincerely,
RADHIKA Digitally signed by
The Board of Directors,
New Delhi Television Limited
:B-50A, 2 Ffoor, Archana Complex,
Greater Kailash-I,
New Delhi -110048
Sub: Resignation from directorshiP. of New Delhi Television Limited ("the ComJ!any~}
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
I hereby resign from the position of the Non-Executive Director of the Company and from all the
Board Committees in which I am a member, due to change in ownership and control of the
Company, with effect from close of business hours on December 30, 1011.
There are no other material reasons for my resignation. It has been my pleasure to serve on the
Board of the Company during my tenure.
I express my gratitude and deep sense of appreciation to the entire Board. My best wishes are
always there with the Company.
Yours sincerely
l> Taraporvafa
ecutive Director
DlN: 02077326
December 30, 2022
The Board of Directors,
New Delhi Television Limited
B-50A, 2nd Floor, Archana Complex,
Greater Kailash-I,
New Delhi -110048
Sub: Resignation from directorship of New Delhi Television Limited (“the Company”)
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Pursuant to the change in ownership and control of the Company, I would like to tender my
resignation from the position of Independent Director of the Company and from the Membership
of all Committees of the Board, with effect from close of business hours on December 30, 2022.
There are no other material reasons for my resignation. I would like to thank the Board Members
and the Management of the Company for extending their support over years.
Yours sincerely
Kaushik Dutta
Independent Director
DIN: 03328890
December 30, 2022
The Boord or Olrectors,
New O clld T clcvl.s lon Limited
B-50A, 2"" Floor, Archana Complex,
Greater Kailash-1,
New Delhi -11004!!
Sub : Rcdgnati on from directorsh ip of New D eihl Television Lim ited ("the Companv')
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
Consequent to cbange in ownership and control of the Company, I would like to resign from my
position as an Independent Director of the Company and from all the Board Committees in
which I am a member, with effect from close of business hours on December 30, 2022.
It has been my privilege to be on the Board of the Company from May 2004 onwards. I have
spent a long tenure being associated as a director with the Company. I would now like to r:sign
as l may not be able to contnoute enough time to the responsibilities of the directorship.
There are no o ther material reasons for my resignation. I sincerely thank the Boord and the
management for all their support.
YoUJS sincerely
~~ ~
lndranl Roy
Independ e nt Director
DIN: 01033399
The Board of Directors,
New Delhi Television Limited
B-50A, 2nd Floor, Archana Complex,
Greater Kailash-I,
New Delhi -110048
Ref: Resignation from Directorship of New Delhi Television Limited (“the Company”)
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
NDTV is internationally respected, above all others in Indian electronic media, for its
independent stance, high quality journalism, trust, and business ethics, over 30 years.
This has not happened by accident.
It has been a great privilege for me to serve with you as an independent director on the
various boards and committees of such an august organisation. I am proud to have been
part of a tremendous team of management and media professionals, at least the equal
of any I have worked with anywhere during my career with other internationally
successful media organisations.
I would like to convey my best wishes for NDTV’s continued financial and journalistic
success to the new leadership of a Company I have been proud to serve.
Yours sincerely,