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DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development Certification:: Embedded SQL Programming

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1 Family Application Development

Certification: Embedded SQL programming
Get ready for the exam

Skill Level: Introductory

Roger E. Sanders (rsanders@netapp.com)

Database Performance Engineer
Network Appliance, Inc.

25 Mar 2004

This tutorial introduces you to embedded SQL programming and walks you through
the basic steps used to construct an embedded SQL application. The tutorial also
introduces you to the process used to convert one or more high-level programming
language source code files containing embedded SQL into an executable application.
This is the third in a series of seven tutorials that you can use to help prepare for the
DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development Certification (Exam 703).

Section 1. Before you start

What is this tutorial about?

This tutorial introduces you to embedded SQL programming and walks you through
the basic steps used to construct an embedded SQL application. This tutorial also
introduces you to the process used to convert one or more high-level programming
language source code files containing embedded SQL into an executable
application. In this tutorial, you will learn:

• How SQL statements are embedded in a high-level programming

language source code file
• The steps involved in developing an embedded SQL application
• What host variables are, how they are created, and how they are used

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• What indicator variables are, how they are created, and when they are
• How to analyze the contents of an SQLCA data structure variable
• How to establish a database connection from an embedded SQL
• How to capture and process errors when they occur
• How to convert source code files containing embedded SQL into an
executable application
This is the third in a series of seven tutorials that you can use to help prepare for the
DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development Certification exam (Exam 703). The
material in this tutorial primarily covers the objectives in Section 3 of the exam,
entitled "Embedded SQL programming." You can view these objectives at:

You do not need a copy of DB2 Universal Database to complete this tutorial.
However, you can download a free trial version of IBM DB2 Universal Database from
the developerWorks downloads site for reference.

Who should take this tutorial?

To take the DB2 V8 Family Development exam, you must have already passed the
DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Fundamentals exam (Exam 700). You can use the DB2
Family Fundamentals tutorial series (see Resources ) to prepare for that test. It is a
very popular tutorial series that has helped many people understand the
fundamentals of the DB2 family of products.

Although not all materials discussed in the Family Fundamentals tutorial series are
required to understand the concepts described in this tutorial, you should have a
basic knowledge of:

• DB2 instances
• Databases
• Database objects
• DB2 security
This tutorial is one of the tools that can help you prepare for Exam 703. You should
also take advantage of the Resourcesidentified at the end of this tutorial for more

Conventions used in this tutorial

Several conventions are used to reinforce the material presented in this tutorial:

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• Monospacedtext is used to present SQL statements, DB2 commands,

and CLI functions, as well as the values of variables.
• Emphasizedor italicizedtext is used to draw attention to new terms and
• Boldtext is used to identify SQL statement and DB2 command options.
• Throughout this tutorial, code segments that are irrelevant to the
discussion have been omitted and replaced with ellipses (... )

Notices and trademarks

Copyright, 2004 International Business Machines Corporation. All rights reserved.

IBM, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, DB2 Information Integrator, WebSphere and
WebSphere MQ are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the
United States, other countries, or both.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of

Section 2. Introduction to embedded SQL programming

Structured Query Language and embedded SQL

Structured Query Language(SQL) is a standardized language used to manipulate
database objects and the data they contain. SQL is comprised of several different
statements that are used to define, alter, and destroy database objects, as well as
add, update, delete, and retrieve data values. However, SQL is nonprocedural, and
therefore is not a general-purpose programming language. (SQL statements are
executed by the DB2 Database Manager, not by the operating system.) As a result,
database applications are usually developed by combining the decision and
sequence control of a high-level programming language with the data storage,
manipulation, and retrieval capabilities of SQL. Several methods are available for
merging SQL with a high-level programming language, but the simplest approach is
to embed SQL statements directly into the source code file(s) that will be used to
create an application. This technique is referred to as embedded SQL programming.

One of the drawbacks to developing applications using embedded SQL is that

high-level programming language compilers do not recognize, and therefore cannot
interpret, SQL statements encountered in a source code file. Because of this, source
code files containing embedded SQL statements must be preprocessed (using a
process known as precompiling ) before they can be compiled (and linked) to

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produce a database application. To facilitate this preprocessing, each SQL

statement coded in a high-level programming language source code file must be
prefixed with the keywords EXEC SQLand terminated with either a semicolon (in
C/C++ or FORTRAN) or the keywords END_EXEC(in COBOL). When the
preprocessor (a special tool known as the SQL precompiler ) encounters these
keywords, it replaces the text that follows (until a semicolon (; ) or the keywords
END-EXECis found) with a DB2 UDB-specific function call that forwards the specified
SQL statement to the DB2 Database Manager for processing.

Likewise, the DB2 Database Manager cannot work directly with high-level
programming language variables. Instead, it must use special variables known as
host variablesto move data between an application and a database. (We will take a
closer look at host variables in Declaring host variables. ) Host variables look like
any other high-level programming language variable; to be set apart, they must be
defined within a special section known as a declare section. Also, in order for the
SQL precompiler to distinguish host variables from other text in an SQL statement,
all references to host variables must be preceded by a colon (: ).

Static SQL
A static SQLstatement is an SQL statement that can be hardcoded in an application
program at development time because information about its structure and the
objects (i.e., tables, column, and data types) it is intended to interact with is known in
advance. Since the details of a static SQL statement are known at development
time, the work of analyzing the statement and selecting the optimum data access
plan to use to execute the statement is performed by the DB2 optimizer as part of
the development process. Because their operational form is stored in the database
(as a package ) and does not have to be generated at application run time, static
SQL statements execute quickly.

The downside to this approach is that all static SQL statements must be prepared (in
other words, their access plans must be generated and stored in the database)
before they can be executed. Furthermore, static SQL statements cannot be altered
at run time, and each application that uses static SQL must bindits operational
package(s) to every database with which the application will interact. Additionally,
because static SQL applications require prior knowledge of database objects,
changes made to those objects after an application has been developed can
produce undesirable results.

The following are examples of static SQL statements:



Generally, static SQL statements are well suited for high-performance applications

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that execute predefined operations against a known set of database objects.

Dynamic SQL
Although static SQL statements are relatively easy to incorporate into an application,
their use is somewhat limited because their format must be known in advance.
Dynamic SQLstatements, on the other hand, are much more flexible because they
can be constructed at application run time; information about a dynamic SQL
statement's structure and the objects with which it plans to interact does not have to
be known in advance. Furthermore, because dynamic SQL statements do not have
a precoded, fixed format, the data object(s) they reference can change each time the
statement is executed.

Even though dynamic SQL statements are generally more flexible than static SQL
statements, they are usually more complicated to incorporate into an application.
And because the work of analyzing the statement to select the best data access plan
is performed at application run time (again, by the DB2 optimizer), dynamic SQL
statements can take longer to execute than their static SQL counterparts. (Since
dynamic SQL statements can take advantage of the database statistics available at
application run time, there are some cases in which a dynamic SQL statement will
execute faster than an equivalent static SQL statement, but those are the exception
and not the norm.)

The following are examples of dynamic SQL statements:



Generally, dynamic SQL statements are well suited for applications that interact with
a rapidly changing database or that allow users to define and execute ad-hoc

Section 3. Constructing an embedded SQL application

Declaring host variables

Earlier, we saw that the DB2 Database Manager relies on host variablesto move
data between an application and a database. We also saw that we distinguish host
variables from other high-level programming language variables by defining host
variables in a special section known as a declare section. So just how do we write

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declare sections?

The beginning of a declare section is defined by the BEGIN DECLARE SECTION

SQL statement, while the end is defined by the END DECLARE SECTION statement.
Thus, a typical declare section in a C/C++ source code file would look something


char EmployeeID[7];
double Salary;

A declare section can be coded anywhere high-level programming language variable

declarations can be coded in a source code file. Although a source code file typically
contains only one declare section, multiple declare sections are allowed.

Host variables that transfer data to a database are known as input host variables,
while host variables that receive data from a database are known as output host
variables. Regardless of whether a host variable is used for input or output, its
attributes must be appropriate for the context in which it is used. Therefore, you
must define host variables in such a way that their data types and lengths are
compatible with the data types and lengths of the columns they are intended to work
with: When deciding on the appropriate data type to assign to a host variable, you
should obtain information about the column or special register that the variable will
be associated with and refer to the conversion charts found in the IBM DB2
Universal Database Application Development Guide: Programming Client
Applicationsdocumentation (see Resources ). Also, keep in mind that each host
variable used in an application must be assigned a unique name. Duplicate names
in the same file are not allowed, even when the host variables are defined in
different declare sections. A tool known as the Declaration Generatorcan be used to
generate host variable declarations for the columns of a given table in a database.
This tool creates embedded SQL declaration source code files, which can easily be
inserted into C/C++, Java language, COBOL, and FORTRAN applications. For more
information about this utility, refer to the db2dclgencommand in the DB2 UDB
Command Referenceproduct documentation.

How is a host variable used to move data between an application and a database?
The easiest way to answer this question is by examining a simple embedded SQL
source code fragment. The following C source code fragment illustrates the proper
use of host variables:

// Define The SQL Host Variables Needed
char EmployeeNo[7];
char LastName[16];
// Retrieve A Record From The Database
INTO :EmployeeNo, :LastName

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WHERE EMPNO = '000100';
// Do Something With The Results

Declaring indicator variables

By default, columns in a DB2 UDB database table can contain null values. Because
null values are not stored the same way conventional data is stored, special
provisions must be made if an application intends to work with null data. Null values
cannot be retrieved and copied to host variables in the same manner that other data
values can. Instead, a special flag must be examined to determine whether a
specific value is meant to be null. And in order to obtain the value of this flag, a
special variable known as an indicator variable(or null indicator variable ) must be
associated with the host variable that has been assigned to a nullable column.

Because indicator variables must be accessible by both the DB2 Database Manager
and the application program, they must be defined inside a declare section and they
must be assigned a data type that is compatible with the DB2 UDB SMALLINTdata
type. Thus, the code used to define an indicator variable in a C/C++ source code file
will look something like:


short SalaryNullIndicator;

An indicator variable is associatedwith a specific host variable when it follows the

host variable in an SQL statement. Once an indicator variable has been associated
with a host variable, it can be examined as soon as its corresponding host variable
has been populated. If the indicator variable contains a negative value, a null value
was found and the value of the corresponding host variable should be ignored.
Otherwise, the value of the corresponding host variable is valid.

Again, in order to understand how indicator variables are used, it helps to look at an
example embedded SQL source code fragment. The following code, written in the C
programming language, shows one example of how indicator variables are defined
and used:

// Define The SQL Host Variables Needed
char EmployeeNo[7];
double Salary; // Salary - Used If SalaryNI Is
// Positive ( >
= 0 )
short SalaryNI; // Salary NULL Indicator - Used
// To Determine If Salary
// Value Should Be NULL

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// Declare A Static Cursor

// Open The Cursor
// If The Cursor Was Opened Successfully, Retrieve And
// Display All Records Available
while (sqlca.sqlcode == SQL_RC_OK)
// Retrieve The Current Record From The Cursor
EXEC SQL FETCH C1 INTO :EmployeeNo, :Salary :SalaryNI;
// If The Salary Value For The Record Is NULL, ...
if (SalaryNI < 0)
printf("No salary information is available for ");
printf("employee %s\n", EmployeeNo);
// Close The Open Cursor

Indicator variables can also be used to send null values to a database when an
insert or update operation is performed. When processing INSERTand UPDATESQL
statements, the DB2 Database Manager examines the value of any indicator
variable provided first. If it contains a negative value, the DB2 Database Manager
assigns a null value to the appropriate column, provided null values are allowed. (If
the indicator variable is set to zero or contains a positive number, or if no indicator
variable is used, the DB2 Database Manager assigns the value stored in the
corresponding host variable to the appropriate column instead.) Thus, the code used
in a C/C++ source code file to assign a null value to a column in a table would look
something like:

ValueInd = -1;

The SQLCA data structure

So far, we've only looked at how host variables and indicator variables are used to
move data between embedded SQL applications and database objects. However,
there are times when an embedded SQL application needs to communicate with the
DB2 Database Manager itself. Two special SQL data structures are used to
establish this vital communication link: the SQL Communications Area (SQLCA)
data structure and the SQL Descriptor Area(SQLDA) data structure.

The SQLCA data structure contains a collection of elements that are updated by the
DB2 Database Manager each time an SQL statement or a DB2 administrative API
function is executed. In order for the DB2 Database Manager to populate this data
structure, it must exist. Therefore, any application that contains embedded SQL or
that calls one or more administrative APIs must define at least one SQLCA data

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structure variable. In fact, such an application will not compile successfully if an

SQLCA data structure variable does not exist. The following table lists the elements
that make up an SQLCA data structure variable.

Element name Data type Description

sqlcaid CHAR(8) An eye catcher for storage
dumps. To help visually identify
the data structure, this element
normally contains the value
sqlcabc INTEGER The size, in bytes, of the
SQLCA data structure itself.
This element should always
contain the value 136.
sqlcode INTEGER The SQL return code value. A
value of 0indicates successful
execution, a positive value
indicates successful execution
with warnings, and a negative
value indicates an error. Refer
to the DB2 UDB Message
Reference,Volumes 1 and 2
product manuals to obtain more
information about a specific
SQL return code value.
sqlerrml SMALLINT The size, in bytes, of the data
stored in the sqlerrmcelement
of this structure. This value can
be any number between 0and
70; a value of 0indicates that no
data has been stored in the
sqlerrmc CHAR(70) One or more error message
tokens, separated by the value
"0xFF", that are to be
substituted for variables in the
descriptions of warning/error
conditions. This element is also
used when a successful
connection is established.
sqlerrp CHAR(8) A diagnostic value that
represents the type of DB2
server currently being used.
This value begins with a 3-letter
code identifying the product
version and release, and is
followed by 5 digits that identify
the modification level of the
product. For example,
SQL08014means DB2
Universal Database, version 8,
release 1, modification level 4. If
the sqlcodeelement contains a
negative value, this element will
contain an 8-character code that

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identifies the module that

reported the error.
sqlerrd INTEGER ARRAY An array of six integer values
that provide additional
diagnostic information when an
error occurs. (Refer to the next
table in this panel for more
information about the diagnostic
information that can be returned
in this element.)
sqlwarn CHAR(11) An array of character values
that serve as warning indicators;
each element of the array
contains either a blank or the
letter W. If compound SQL was
used, this field will contain an
accumulation of the warning
indicators that were set for all
substatements executed in the
compound SQL statement
block. (Refer to the third table in
this panel for more information
about the types of warning
information that can be returned
in this element.)
sqlstate CHAR(5) The SQLSTATE value that
identifies the outcome of the
most recently executed SQL
statement. For more on
SQLSTATE values, see

Now let's look at the elements of the sqlca.sqlerrdarray:

Array element Description

sqlerrd[0] If a connection was successfully established, this
element will contain the expected difference in
length of mixed character data ( CHARdata
types) when it is converted from the application
code page used to the database code page
used. A value of 0or 1indicates that no
expansion is anticipated; a positive value greater
than 1indicates a possible expansion in length;
and a negative value indicates a possible
reduction in length.
sqlerrd[1] If a connection was successfully established, this
element will contain the expected difference in
length of mixed character data (CHAR data
types) when it is converted from the database
code page used to the application code page
used. A value of 0or 1indicates that no
expansion is anticipated; a positive value greater
than 1indicates a possible expansion in length;
and a negative value indicates a possible
reduction in length. If the SQLCA data structure

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contains information for compound SQL, this

element will contain the number of
substatements that failed (if any).
sqlerrd[2] If the SQLCA data structure contains information
for a CONNECTSQL statement that executed
successfully, this element will contain the value
"1"if the connected database is updatable and
the value "2"if the connected database is
If the SQLCA data structure contains information
for a PREPARESQL statement that executed
successfully, this element will contain an
estimate of the number of rows that will be
returned in a result data set when the prepared
statement is executed.
If the SQLCA data structure contains information
statement that executed successfully, this
element will contain a count of the number of
rows that were affected by the operation.
If the SQLCA data structure contains information
for compound SQL, this element will contain a
count of the number of rows that were affected
by the substatements in the compound SQL
statement block.
sqlerrd[3] If the SQLCA data structure contains information
for a CONNECTSQL statement that executed
successfully, this element will contain the value
"0"if one-phase commit from a down-level client
is being used, the value "1"if one-phase commit
is being used, the value "2"if one-phase,
read-only commit is being used, and the value
"3"if two-phase commit is being used.
If the SQLCA data structure contains information
for a PREPARESQL statement that executed
successfully, this element will contain a relative
cost estimate of the resources needed to prepare
the statement specified.
If the SQLCA data structure contains information
for compound SQL, this element will contain a
count of the number of substatements in the
compound SQL statement block that executed
sqlerrd[4] If the SQLCA data structure contains information
for a CONNECTSQL statement that executed
successfully, this element will contain the value
"0"if server authentication is being used, the
value "1"if client authentication is being used,
the value "2"if authentication is being handled
by DB2 Connect, the value "3"if authentication
is being handled by DCE Security Services, and
the value "255"if the way authentication is being
handled cannot be determined.
If the SQLCA data structure contains information
for anything else, this element will contain a
count of the total number of rows that were
inserted, updated, or deleted as a result of the

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DELETE rule of one or more referential integrity

constraints or the activation of one or more
triggers. (If the SQLCA data structure contains
information for compound SQL, this element will
contain a count of all such rows for each
substatement in the compound SQL statement
block that executed successfully.)
sqlerrd[5] For partitioned databases, this element contains
the partition number of the partition that
encountered an error or warning. If no errors or
warnings were encountered, this element will
contain the partition number of the partition that
serves as the coordinator node.

And now let's look at the elements of the of the sqlca.sqlwarnarray:

Array element Description

sqlwarn[0] This element is blank if all other elements in the
array are blank; it contains the character Wif one
or more of the other elements available is not
sqlwarn[1] This element contains the character Wif the value
for a column with a character string data type
was truncated when it was assigned to a host
variable; it contains the character N if the
null-terminator for the string was truncated.
sqlwarn[2] This element contains the character Wif null
values were eliminated from the arguments
passed to a function.
sqlwarn[3] This element contains the character Wif the
number of values retrieved does not equal the
number of host variables provided.
sqlwarn[4] This element contains the character Wif an
UPDATEor DELETESQL statement that does not
contain a WHEREclause was prepared.
sqlwarn[5] This element is reserved for future use.
sqlwarn[6] This element contains the character Wif the result
of a date calculation was adjusted to avoid an
invalid date value.
sqlwarn[7] This element is reserved for future use.
sqlwarn[8] This element contains the character Wif a
character that could not be converted was
replaced with a substitution character.
sqlwarn[9] This element contains the character Wif one or
more errors in an arithmetic expression were
ignored during column function processing.
sqlwarn[10] This element contains the character Wif a
conversion error occurred while converting a
character data value in another element of the
SQLCA data structure variable.

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The SQLDA data structure

The SQL Descriptor Area (SQLDA) data structure contains a collection of elements
that are used to provide detailed information to the PREPARE, OPEN, FETCH, and
EXECUTESQL statements. This data structure consists of a header followed by an
array of structures, each of which describes a single host variable or a single column
in a result data set. The following table lists the elements that make up an SQLDA
data structure variable.

Element name Data type Description

sqldaid CHAR(8) An eye catcher for storage
dumps. To help visually identify
the data structure, this element
normally contains the value
sqldabc INTEGER The size, in bytes, of the
SQLDA data structure itself. The
value assigned to this element
is determined using the
equation sqldabc = 16 +
(44 * sqln).
sqln SMALLINT The total number of elements in
the sqlvararray.
sqld SMALLINT This element can indicate one of
two things: either the number of
columns in the result data set
returned by a DESCRIBEor a
PREPARE SQL statement, or the
number of host variables
described by the elements in the
sqlvar array.
sqlvar STRUCTURE ARRAY An array of data structures that
contain information about host
variables or result data set

In addition to this basic information, an SQLDA data structure variable contains an

arbitrary number of occurrences of sqlvardata structures (which are referred to as
SQLVAR variables ). The information stored in each SQLVAR variable depends on
the location where the corresponding SQLDA data structure variable is used: When
used with a PREPAREor a DESCRIBESQL statement, each SQLVAR variable will
contain information about a column that will exist in the result data set produced
when the prepared SQL statement is executed. (If any of the columns have a large
object (LOB) or user-defined data type, the number of SQLVAR variables used will
be doubled and the seventh byte of the character string value stored in the
sqldaidelement of the SQLDA data structure variable will be assigned the value
"2". ) On the other hand, when the SQLDA data structure variable is used with an
OPEN, FETCH, or EXECUTESQL statement, each SQLVAR variable will contain
information about a host variable whose value is to be passed to the DB2 Database

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Two types of SQLVAR variables are used: base SQLVARsand secondary

SQLVARs.Base SQLVARs contain basic information (such as data type code, length
attribute, column name, host variable address, and indicator variable address) for
result data set columns or host variables. The elements that make up a base
SQLVAR data structure variable are shown in the following table.

Element name Data type Description

sqltype SMALLINT The data type of a host variable
used, or the data type of a
column in the result data set
sqllen SMALLINT The size (length), in bytes, of a
host variable used, or the size of
a column in the result data set
sqldata Pointer A pointer to a location in
memory where the data for a
host variable used is stored, or
a pointer to a location in
memory where data for a
column in the result data set
produced is to be stored.
sqlind Pointer A pointer to a location in
memory where the data for the
null indicator variable
associated with a host variable
used is stored, or a pointer to a
location in memory where the
data for the null indicator
variable associated with a
column in the result data set
produced is to be stored.
sqlname VARCHAR(30) The unqualified name of a host
variable or a column in the
result data set produced.

On the other hand, secondary SQLVARs contain either the distinct data type name
for distinct data types or the length attribute of the column or host variable and a
pointer to the buffer that contains the actual length of the data for LOB data types.
Secondary SQLVAR entries are only present if the number of SQLVAR entries is
doubled because LOBs or distinct data types are used: If locators or file reference
variables are used to represent LOB data types, secondary SQLVAR entries are not

The information stored in an SQLDA data structure variable, along with the
information stored in any corresponding SQLVAR variables, may be placed there
manually (using the appropriate programming language statements), or can be
generated automatically by executing the DESCRIBESQL statement.

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Both an SQLCA data structure variable and an SQLDA data structure variable can
be created by embedding the appropriate form of the INCLUDESQL statement (
INCLUDE SQLCAand INCLUDE SQLDA, respectively) within an embedded SQL
source code file.

Establishing a database connection

In order to perform any type of operation against a database, you must first establish
a connection to that database. With embedded SQL applications, database
connections are made (and in some cases terminated) by executing the
CONNECTSQL statement. (The RESEToption of the CONNECTstatement is used to
terminate a connection.) During the connection process, the information needed to
establish a connection -- such as an authorization ID and a corresponding password
of an authorized user -- is passed to the database specified for validation. Often, this
information is collected at application run time and passed to the CONNECTstatement
by way of one or more host variables.

Embedded SQL applications can use two different types of connection semantics.
These two types, known simply as Type 1and Type 2, support two different types of
transaction behavior: Type 1 connections support only one database connection per
transaction (referred to as a remote unit of work ) while Type 2 connections support
any number of database connections per transaction (referred to as an
application-directed distributed unit of work ). Essentially, when Type 1 connections
are used, an application can only be connected to one database at a time. Once a
connection to a database is established and a transaction is started, that transaction
must either be committed or rolled back before another database connection can be
established. On the other hand, when Type 2 connections are used, an application
can be connected to several different databases at the same time, and each
database connection will have its own set of transactions. (The actual type of
connection semantics an application will use is determined by the value assigned to
when the application is precompiled.)

Preparing and executing SQL statements

When static SQL statements are embedded in an application, they are executed as
they are encountered. However, when dynamic SQL statements are used, they can
be processed in two ways:

• Prepare and execute:This approach separates the preparation of the SQL

statement from its actual execution and is typically used when an SQL
statement is to be executed repeatedly. This method is also used when
an application needs advance information about the columns that will
exist in the result data set produced when a SELECT SQL statement is
executed. The SQL statements PREPAREand EXECUTEare used to
process dynamic SQL statements in this manner.

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• Execute immediately:This approach combines the preparation and the

execution of an SQL statement into a single step and is typically used
when an SQL statement is to be executed only once. This method is also
used when the application does not need additional information about the
result data set that will be produced, if any, when the SQL statement is
executed. The SQL statement EXECUTE IMMEDIATEis used to process
dynamic SQL statements in this manner.
Dynamic SQL statements that are prepared and executed (using either method) at
run time are not allowed to contain references to host variables. They can, however,
contain parameter markers in place of constants and/or expressions. Parameter
markers are represented by the question mark (? ) character. They indicate where
in the SQL statement the current value of one or more host variables or elements of
an SQLDA data structure variable are to be substituted when the statement is
executed. (Parameter markers are typically used where a host variable would be
referenced if the SQL statement being executed were static.) Two types of
parameter markers are available: typedand untyped.

A typed parameter marker is one that is specified along with its target data type.
Typed parameter markers have this general form:

CAST(? AS DataType)

This notation does not imply that a function is called, but rather it promises that the
data type of the value replacing the parameter marker at application run time will
either be the data type specified or a data type that can be converted to the data
type specified. For example, consider the following SQL statement:


WHERE EMPNO = '000050'

Here, the value for the LASTNAME column is provided at application run time, and
the data type of that value will be either VARCHAR(12)or a data type that can be
converted to VARCHAR(12).

An untyped parameter marker, on the other hand, is specified without a target data
type and has the form of a single question mark (? ). The data type of an untyped
parameter marker is determined by the context in which it is used. For example, in
the following SQL statement, the value for the LASTNAME column is provided at
application run time, and it is assumed that the data type of that value will be
compatible with the data type that has been assigned to the LASTNAME column of
the EMPLOYEE table.


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When parameter markers are used in embedded SQL applications, values that are
to be substituted for parameter markers placed in an SQL statement must be
provided as additional parameters to the EXECUTEor the EXECUTE IMMEDIATESQL
statement when either is used to execute the SQL statement specified. The following
example, written in the C programming language, illustrates how actual values would
be provided for parameter markers that have been coded in a simple UPDATESQL

// Define The SQL Host Variables Needed
char SQLStmt[80];
char JobType[10];
// Define A Dynamic UPDATE SQL Statement That Uses A
// Parameter Marker
strcpy(SQLStmt, "UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET JOB = ? ");
strcat(SQLStmt, "WHERE JOB = 'DESIGNER'");
// Populate The Host Variable That Will Be Used In
// Place Of The Parameter Marker
strcpy(JobType, "MANAGER");
// Prepare The SQL Statement
// Execute The SQL Statement

Retrieving and processing results

Regardless of whether a static SQL statement or a dynamic SQL statement is used
in an embedded SQL application, once the statement has been executed, any
results produced will need to be retrieved and processed. If the SQL statement was
anything other than a SELECTor a VALUESstatement, the only additional processing
required after execution is a check of the SQLCA data structure variable to ensure
that the statement executed as expected. However, if a SELECTstatement or
VALUESstatement was executed, additional steps are needed to retrieve each row of
data from the result data set produced.

When a SELECTstatement or a VALUESstatement is executed from within an

application, DB2 UDB uses a mechanism known as a cursorto retrieve data values
from any result data set produced. The name cursorprobably originated from the
blinking cursor found on early computer screens, and just as that cursor indicated
the current position on the screen and identified where typed words would appear
next, a DB2 UDB cursor indicates the current position in the result data set (i.e., the
current row) and identifies the row of data that will be returned to the application
next. The following steps must be performed in order if a cursor is to be incorporated
into an embedded SQL application:

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1. Declare (define) a cursor along with its type (read-only or updatable), and
associate it with the desired query ( SELECTor VALUESSQL statement).
This is done by executing the DECLARE CURSORstatement.

2. Open the cursor. This will cause the corresponding query to be executed
and a result data set to be produced. This is done by executing the

3. Retrieve (fetch) each row in the result data set, one by one, until an
end-of-data condition occurs. Each time a row is retrieved from the result
data set, the cursor is automatically moved to the next row. This is done
by repeatedly executing the FETCHstatement; host variables or an
SQLDA data structure variable are used in conjunction with a
FETCHstatement to extract a row of data from a result data set.

4. If appropriate, modify or delete the current row, but only if the cursor is an
updatable cursor. This is done by executing the UPDATEstatement or the

5. Close the cursor. This action will cause the result data set that was
produced when the corresponding query was executed to be deleted.
This is done by executing the CLOSEstatement.

Now that we have seen the steps that must be performed in order to use a cursor,
let's examine how these steps are coded in an application. The following example,
written in the C programming language, illustrates how a cursor would be used to
retrieve the results of a SELECTSQL statement:

// Declare The SQL Host Memory Variables
char EmployeeNo[7];
char LastName[16];
// Declare A Cursor
// Open The Cursor
// Fetch The Records
while (sqlca.sqlcode == SQL_RC_OK)
// Retrieve A Record
INTO :EmployeeNo, :LastName;
// Process The Information Retrieved
if (sqlca.sqlcode == SQL_RC_OK)
// Close The Cursor

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If you know in advance that only one row of data will be produced in response to a
query, there are two other ways to copy the contents of that row to host variables
within an application program, by executing either the SELECT INTO statement or
the VALUES INTO statement. Like the SELECT SQL statement, the SELECT INTO
statement can be used to construct complex queries. However, unlike the SELECT
statement, the SELECT INTO statement requires a list of valid host variables to be
supplied as part of its syntax; it cannot be used dynamically. Additionally, if the result
data set produced when the SELECT INTOstatement is executed contains more
than one record, the operation will fail and an error will be generated. (If the result
data set produced is empty, a NOT FOUNDwarning will be generated.)

Like the SELECT INTO statement, the VALUES INTO statement can be used to
retrieve the data associated with a single record and copy it to one or more host
variables. And, like the SELECT INTO statement, when the VALUES INTOstatement
is executed, all data retrieved is stored in a result data set. If this result data set
contains only one record, the first value in that record is copied to the first host
variable specified, the second value is copied to the second host variable specified,
and so on. However, the VALUES INTOstatement cannot be used to construct
complex queries in the same way that the SELECT INTOstatement can.

Again, if the result data set produced when the VALUES INTOstatement is executed
contains more than one record, the operation will fail and an error will be generated.
(If the result data set produced is empty, a NOT FOUND warning will be generated.)

Managing transactions
A transaction(also known as a unit of work ) is a sequence of one or more SQL
operations grouped together as a single unit, usually within an application process.
Such a unit is called atomicbecause it is indivisible -- either all of its work is carried
out or none of its work is carried out. A given transaction can be comprised of any
number of SQL operations, from a single operation to many hundreds or even
thousands, depending upon what is considered a single step within your business

The initiation and termination of a single transaction define points of data

consistency within a database: Either the effects of all operations performed within a
transaction are applied to the database and made permanent (committed), or the
effects of all operations performed are backed out (rolled back) and the database is
returned to the state it was in before the transaction was initiated. In most cases,
transactions are initiated the first time an executable SQL statement is executed
after a connection to a database has been established, or immediately after a
pre-existing transaction has been terminated. Once initiated, transactions can be
implicitly terminated using the automatic commitfeature. Using this feature, each
executable SQL statement is treated as a single transaction. If the statement
executes successfully, any changes made by that statement are applied to the

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database. If the statement fails, any changes are discarded. Transactions can also
be explicitly terminated by executing either the COMMITor the ROLLBACK SQL
statement. In either case, all transactions associated with a particular database
should be completed before the connection to that database is terminated.

Putting it all together

Now that we have examined some of the basic components used to construct
embedded SQL applications, let's see how each is typically coded in an embedded
SQL application. A simple embedded SQL application, written in the C programming
language using static SQL, that obtains and prints employee identification numbers,
last names, and salaries for all employees who have the job title "designer" might
look something like:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sql.h>
int main()
// Include The SQLCA Data Structure Variable
// Define The SQL Host Variables Needed
char EmployeeNo[7];
char LastName[16];
double Salary;
short SalaryNI;
// Connect To The Appropriate Database
// Declare A Static Cursor
// Open The Cursor
// If The Cursor Was Opened Successfully, Retrieve And
// Display All Records Available
while (sqlca.sqlcode == SQL_RC_OK)
// Retrieve The Current Record From The Cursor
INTO :EmployeeNo,
:Salary :SalaryNI;
// Display The Record Retrieved
if (sqlca.sqlcode == SQL_RC_OK)
printf("%-8s %-16s ", EmployeeNo,
if (SalaryNI >= 0)
printf("%lf\n", Salary);

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// Close The Open Cursor
// Commit The Transaction
// Terminate The Database Connection
// Return Control To The Operating System

On the other hand, a simple embedded SQL application, written in the C

programming language using dynamic SQL, that changes all job titles "designer" to
"manager" might look something like:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sql.h>
int main()
// Include The SQLCA Data Structure Variable
// Define The SQL Host Variables Needed
char SQLStmt[80];
char JobType[10];
// Connect To The Appropriate Database
// Define A Dynamic UPDATE SQL Statement That Uses A
// Parameter Marker
strcpy(SQLStmt, "UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET JOB = ? ");
strcat(SQLStmt, "WHERE JOB = 'DESIGNER'");
// Populate The Host Variable That Will Be Used In
// Place Of The Parameter Marker
strcpy(JobType, "MANAGER");
// Prepare The SQL Statement
// Execute The SQL Statement
// Commit The Transaction
// Terminate The Database Connection
// Return Control To The Operating System

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Section 4. Diagnostics and error handling

Using the WHENEVER statement

In The SQLCA data structure, we saw that the SQL Communications Area (SQLCA)
data structure contains a collection of elements that are updated by the DB2
Database Manager each time an SQL statement is executed. One element of that
structure, the sqlcodeelement, is assigned a value that indicates the success or
failure of the SQL statement executed. (A value of 0indicates successful execution,
a positive value indicates successful execution with warnings, and a negative value
indicates that an error occurred.) At a minimum, an embedded SQL application
should always check the sqlcodevalue produced (often referred to as the SQL
return code ) immediately after an SQL statement is executed. Whenever an SQL
statement fails to execute as expected, users should be notified that an error or
warning condition occurred. Whenever possible, they should be provided with
sufficient diagnostic information so they can locate and correct the problem.

As you might imagine, checking the SQL return code after each SQL statement is
executed can add additional overhead to an application, especially when an
application contains a large number of SQL statements. However, because every
SQL statement coded in an embedded SQL application source code file must be
processed by the SQL precompiler, it is possible to have the precompiler
automatically generate the source code needed to check SQL return codes. This is
accomplished by embedding one or more forms of the WHENEVERSQL statement
into a source code file.

The WHENEVERstatement tells the precompiler to generate source code that

evaluates SQL return codes and branches to a specified label whenever an error,
warning, or out-of-data condition occurs. (If the WHENEVER statement is not used, the
default behavior is to ignore SQL return codes and continue processing as if no
problems have been encountered.) Four forms of the WHENEVERstatement are
available, one for each of the three different types of error/warning conditions for
which the WHENEVERstatement can be used to check, and one to turn error checking

• WHENEVER SQLERROR GOTO [ Label ]: Instructs the precompiler to

generate source code that evaluates SQL return codes and branches to
the label specified whenever a negative sqlcodevalue is generated.
• WHENEVER SQLWARNING GOTO [ Label ]: Instructs the precompiler
to generate source code that evaluates SQL return codes and branches
to the label specified whenever a positive sqlcodevalue (other than the
value "100" ) is generated.
• WHENEVER NOT FOUND GOTO [ Label ]: Instructs the precompiler to
generate source code that evaluates SQL return codes and branches to

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the label specified whenever an sqlcodevalue of 100or an sqlstate

value of 02000is generated.
Instructs the precompiler to ignore the SQL return code and continue with
the next instruction in the application.
A source code file can contain any combination of these four forms of the
WHENEVERstatement, and the order in which the first three forms appear is
insignificant. However, once any form of the WHENEVERstatement is used, the SQL
return codes of all subsequent SQL statements executed will be evaluated and
processed accordingly until the application ends or until another
WHENEVERstatement alters this behavior.

The following example, written in the C programming language, illustrates how the
WHENEVER statement could typically be used to trap and process out-of-data errors:

// Include The SQLCA Data Structure Variable
// Set Up Error Handler
// Connect To The Appropriate Database
// Execute A SELECT INTO SQL Statement (If A "DATA NOT
// FOUND" Situation Occurs, The Code Will Branch To
// Disable All Error Handling
// Prepare To Return To The Operating System
goto EXIT;
// Define A Generic "Data Not Found" Handler
printf("NOT FOUND: SQL Code = %d\n", sqlca.sqlcode);
goto EXIT;
// Terminate The Database Connection
// Return Control To The Operating System

Unfortunately, the code that is generated when the WHENEVERSQL statement is

used relies on GO TO branching instead of call/return interfaces to transfer control to
the appropriate error handling section of an embedded SQL application. As a result,
when control is passed to the source code that is used to process errors and
warnings, the application has no way of knowing where control came from, nor does
it have any way of knowing where it should return control to after the error or

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warning has been properly handled. For this reason, about the only thing an
application can do when control is passed to a WHENEVERstatement error handling
label is to display the error code generated, roll back the current transaction, and
return control to the operating system.

The Get Error Message API

Among other things, most editions of DB2 UDB and the DB2 Application
Development Client contain a rich set of functions that are referred to as the
administrative APIs(Application Programming Interfaces). These APIs are designed
to provide services other than the data storage, manipulation, and retrieval
functionality that SQL provides to DB2 UDB applications. (Essentially, any database
operation that can be performed from the Command Line Processor by executing a
DB2 command can be performed from within an application by calling an
administrative API.)

Earlier, we saw that the SQL Communications Area (SQLCA) data structure
contains a collection of elements that are updated by the DB2 Database Manager
each time an SQL statement is executed and that one element of that structure, the
sqlcodeelement, is assigned a value that indicates the success or failure of the
SQL statement executed. The value that gets assigned to the sqlcodeelement is
actually a coded number. A special administrative API can be used to translate the
coded number into a meaningful description that can then be displayed to the user.
This API is known as the Get Error MessageAPI. The basic syntax used to call it
from a high-level programming source code file is as follows for C/C++ applications:

sqlaintp (char *pBuffer,

short sBufferSize,
short sLineWidth,
struct sqlca *pSQLCA);

And here's the syntax for other high-level programming language applications:

sqlgintp (short sBufferSize,

short sLineWidth,
struct sqlca *pSQLCA,
char *pBuffer);

Let's look at the components of the syntax in more detail:

• pBuffer: Identifies a location in memory where the Get Error Message

API is to store any message text retrieved.
• sBufferSize: Identifies the size, in bytes, of the memory storage buffer
to which any message text retrieved should be written.
• sLineWidth: Identifies the maximum number of characters that one line
of message text should contain before a line break is inserted. A value of

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0indicates that the message text is to be returned without line breaks.

• pSQLCA: Identifies a location in memory where an SQL Communications
Area (SQLCA) data structure variable is stored.
Each time the Get Error Message API is called, the value stored in the
sqlcodeelement of the SQLCA data structure variable provided is used to locate
and retrieve appropriate error message text from a message file that is shipped with
DB2 UDB. The following example, written in the C programming language, illustrates
how the Get Error Message API would typically be used to obtain and display the
message associated with any SQL return code generated:

// Include The SQLCA Data Structure Variable
// Declare The Local Memory Variables
long RetCode = SQL_RC_OK;
char ErrorMsg[1024];
// Perform Some SQL Operation
// If An Error Occurred, Obtain And Display
// Any Diagnostic Information Available
if (sqlca.sqlcode != SQL_RC_OK)
// Retrieve The Error Message Text For The Error
// Code Generated
RetCode = sqlaintp(ErrorMsg, sizeof(ErrorMsg), 70, &sqlca);
switch (RetCode)
case -1:
printf("ERROR : Insufficient memory.\n");
case -3:
printf("ERROR : Message file is inaccessible.\n");
case -5:
printf("ERROR : Invalid SQLCA, bad buffer, ");
printf("or bad buffer length specified.\n");
printf("%s\n", ErrorMsg);

As you can see in this example, when the Get Error Message API is called, it returns
a value that indicates whether or not it executed successfully. In this case, the return
code produced is checked. If an error did occur, a message is returned to the user
explaining why the API failed. If the API was successful, the message retrieved is
returned to the user instead.

DB2 UDB (as well as other relational database products) uses a set of error
message codes known as SQLSTATEs to provide supplementary diagnostic

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information for warnings and errors. SQLSTATEs are alphanumeric strings that are
five characters (bytes) in length and have the format ccsss, where ccindicates the
error message class and sssindicates the error message subclass. Like SQL return
code values, SQLSTATE values are written to an element (the sqlstateelement)
of an SQLCA data structure variable used each time an SQL statement is executed.
And just as the Get Error Message API can be used to convert any SQL return code
value generated into a meaningful description, another API -- the Get SQLSTATE
MessageAPI -- can be used to convert an SQLSTATE value into a meaningful
description as well. By including either (or both) of these APIs in your embedded
SQL applications, you can always return meaningful information to the end user
whenever error and/or warning conditions occur.

Section 5. Creating executable applications

The basic process

So far, we have looked at some of the basic steps of embedding SQL statements in
high-level programming language source code files, but we have only hinted at how
source code files containing embedded SQL statements are converted into a
working program. Once a source code file has been written, the following steps must
be performed, in the order shown, before an application that interacts with a DB2
UDB database will be created:

1. All source code file(s) containing embedded SQL statements must be

precompiled to convert the embedded SQL statements used into
DB2-specific function calls and to create a corresponding package. You
must be connected to a database in order to run the SQL precompiler. All
packages created can be stored in the database being used by the SQL
precompiler, or they can be written to a special file known as a bind
file,which can then be bound to any valid DB2 UDB database later.

2. All high-level programming language source code files produced by the

SQL precompiler (and any additional source code files needed) must be
compiled to create object modules.

3. All appropriate object modules must be linked with high-level

programming language libraries and the DB2 UDB libraries to create an
executable program.

4. If the packages for the files that were processed by the SQL precompiler
have not already been bound to the appropriate database, they must be
bound using the bind files produced by the SQL precompiler.

The following illustration outlines the basic embedded SQL source code

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file-to-executable application conversion process when deferred binding is used.

(We'll discuss deferred binding in more detail in Creating and binding packages. )

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Precompiling, compiling, and linking

During the precompile process, a source code file containing embedded SQL
statements is converted into a source code file that is made up entirely of high-level
programming language statements. (The embedded SQL statements themselves
are commented out and DB2-specific function calls are stored in their place.) At the
same time, a corresponding package that contains (among other things) the access
plans that are to be used to process each static SQL statement embedded in the
source code file is also produced. (Access plans contain optimized information that
the DB2 Database Manager uses to execute SQL statements. Access plans for
static SQL statements are produced at precompile time, while access plans for
dynamic SQL statements are produced at application run time.) Packages produced
by the SQL precompiler can be stored in the database being used by the
precompiler as they are generated, or they can be written to an external bind file and
bound to any valid DB2 UDB database later (the process of storing this package in
the appropriate database is known as binding ). By default, packages are
automatically bound to the database used for precompiling during the precompile
process. Unless otherwise specified, the SQL precompiler is also responsible for
verifying that all database objects (such as tables and columns) that have been
referenced in static SQL statements actually exist, and that all application data types
used are compatible with their database counterparts (that's why you need a
database connection in order to use the SQL precompiler.)

Once a source code file containing embedded SQL statements has been processed
by the SQL precompiler, the high-level programming language source code file that
is produced -- and any other source code files used -- must be compiled by a
high-level programming language compiler. This compiler is responsible for
converting source code files into object modules that the linker can use to create an
executable program.

When all of the source code files needed to build an application have been compiled
successfully, the resulting object module can be provided as input to the linker. The
linker combines object modules, high-level programming language libraries, and
DB2 UDB libraries to produce an executable application. In most cases, this
executable application exists as an executable file. However, it can also exist as a
shared library or a dynamic-link library (DLL) that is loaded and executed by other
executable applications

Creating and binding packages

Earlier, we saw that when a source code file containing embedded SQL statements
is processed by the SQL precompiler, a package containing data access plans is
produced, along with a source code file that is made up entirely of high-level
programming language statements. This package must reside in an appropriate DB2
UDB database (i.e., a database that contains data objects that are referenced by the
package) before the corresponding application can be executed against that

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The process of storing such a package in a DB2 UDB database is known as binding.
By default, packages are automatically bound to the database being used by the
SQL precompiler during the precompile process. However, by specifying the
appropriate precompiler options, you can elect to store the steps needed to create
the package in a separate file (rather than in a database) and complete the binding
process at a later point in time, using a tool known as the DB2 Binder(or simply the
Binder). This is referred to as deferred binding, and is preferable if you want to:

• Defer binding until you have an application program that compiles and
links successfully.
• Create a package under a different schema or under multiple schemas.
• Run an application against a database using different options (isolation
level, Explain on/off, etc.). By deferring the bind process, you can
dynamically change things like the isolation level used without having to
rebuild the application.
• Run an application against several different databases. By deferring the
bind process, you can build your program once and bind it to any number
of appropriate databases. Otherwise, you will have to rebuild the entire
application each time you want to run it against a new database.
• Run an application against a database that has been duplicated on
several different machines. By deferring the bind process, you can
dynamically create your application database on each machine, and then
bind your program to the newly created database (possibly as part of your
application's installation process).

Section 6. Conclusion

This tutorial introduced you to embedded SQL programming and walked you through
the basic steps used to construct an embedded SQL application. At this point, you
should know the difference between static SQL and dynamic SQL, and you should
know how both types of SQL statements can be embedded in a high-level
programming language source code file.

You should know how to declare and use host and indicator variables to move data
between an application and a database, and you should be able to analyze the
contents of an SQLCA data structure variable to determine whether an embedded
SQL statement executed as expected. Furthermore, you should know how to
establish a database connection, how to retrieve and process any results produced,
and how to terminate transactions.

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Finally, you should be familiar with the steps used to convert a source code file
containing embedded SQL statements into an executable application.

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• For more information on DB2 Universal Database application development:
• DB2 Version 8 Administration Guide: Implementation, International
Business Machines Corporation, 2002.
• DB2 Version 8 Application Development Guide: Programming Client
Applications, International Business Machines Corporation, 2002.
• DB2 Version 8 Application Development Guide: Programming Server
Applications, International Business Machines Corporation, 2002.
• DB2 Version 8 Application Development Guide: Building and Running
Applications, International Business Machines Corporation, 2002.
• DB2 Version 8 SQL Reference Guide, Volume 1, International Business
Machines Corporation, 2002.
• DB2 Version 8 SQL Reference Guide, Volume 2, International Business
Machines Corporation, 2002.

• For more information on the DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development
Certification exam (Exam 703):
• DB2 Universal Database v8.1 Certification Exam 703 Study Guide,
Sanders, Roger E., International Business Machines Corporation, 2004.
• DB2 Universal Database v8 Application Development Certification Guide,
Martineau, David and others, International Business Machines
Corporation, 2003.
• IBM DB2 Information Management -- Training and certificationfor
information on classes, certifications available and additional resources.

• As mentioned earlier, this tutorial is just one tutorial in a series of seven to help
you prepare for the DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development
Certification exam (Exam 703). The complete list of all tutorials in this series is
provided below:

1. Database objects and Programming Methods

2. Data Manipulation

3. Embedded SQL Programming

4. ODBC/CLI Programming

5. Java Programming

6. Advanced Programming

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7. User-Defined Routines

• Before you take the certification exam (DB2 UDB V8.1 Application
Development, Exam 703) for which this tutorial was created to help you
prepare, you should have already taken and passed the DB2 V8.1 Family
Fundamentals certification exam (Exam 700). Use the DB2 V8.1 Family
Fundamentals certification prep tutorial seriesto prepare for that exam. A set of
six tutorials covers the following topics:
• DB2 planning
• DB2 security
• Accessing DB2 UDB data
• Working with DB2 UDB data
• Working with DB2 UDB objects
• Data concurrency

• Use the DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification prep tutorial seriesto
prepare for the DB2 UDB V8.1 for Linux, UNIX and Windows Database
Administration certification exam (Exam 701). A set of six tutorials covers the
following topics:
• Server management
• Data placement
• Database access
• Monitoring DB2 activity
• DB2 utilities
• Backup and recovery

• Stay current with developerWorks technical events and webcasts.

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About the author

Roger E. Sanders

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Roger E. Sanders is a database performance engineer with Network Appliance, Inc.

He has been designing and developing database applications for more than 18 years
and he is the author of eight books on DB2 Universal Database, including DB2
Universal Database v8.1 Certification Exam 703 Study Guide, DB2 Universal
Database v8.1 Certification Exams 701 and 706 Study Guide, and DB2 Universal
Database v8.1 Certification Exam 700 Study Guide. In addition, Roger is a regular
contributor to DB2 Magazine and he frequently presents at International DB2 User's
Group (IDUG) and regional DB2 User's Group (RUG) conferences. Roger holds eight
IBM DB2 certifications, including: IBM Certified Advanced Database Administrator --
DB2 Universal Database V8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows; IBM Certified Database
Administrator -- DB2 Universal Database V8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows; IBM
Certified Application Developer -- DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Family; IBM Certified
Database Associate -- DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Family; and IBM Certified
Advanced Technical Expert -- DB2 for Clusters. You can reach Roger at

Embedded SQL programming

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