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Journal of Urban and Environmental

E-ISSN: 1982-3932
Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Leite, Valderi D.; Prasad, Shiva; Lopes, Wilton S.; de Sousa, José T.; Barros, Aldre J. M.
Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, vol. 7, núm. 2, 2013, pp. 215-222
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Paraíba, Brasil

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Santos, Suzuki, Kashiwadani, Savic and Lopes 215

Journal of Urban and Environmental
Engineering, v.7, n.2 p. 215-222, 2013
ISSN 1982-3932
Journal of Urban and
Environmental Engineering

doi: 10.4090/juee.2013.v7n2.215222


Valderi D. Leite11, Shiva Prasad2, Wilton S. Lopes1, José T. de Sousa1 and
Aldre J. M. Barros3
Department of Environmental Engineering, State University of Paraíba, Brazil
Academic Unit of Education, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
Academic Unit of Technology Development, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil

Received 21 January 2013; received in revised form 18 September 2013; accepted 18 September 2013

Abstract: About 245 thousand tones of municipal solid waste are collected daily in Brazil. Nearly
32 thousand tones of the collected amount are treated in sanitary landfill, which
generates biogas and leachate as byproduct. The leachate resulting from sanitary
landfill contains high concentration of carbonaceous and nitrogenized material. The
crucial question is that the biodegradation of the carbonaceous material is difficult as
long as the nitrogenized material is present in the form of ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4+),
which compromises performance of biological treatment process. Therefore, a physical
and chemical treatment of the leachate should be done before its biological treatment,
especially for reduction of ammoniacal nitrogen concentration and for propitiating the
realization of application of biological treatment. The treatment of leachate requires
specific consideration, which is not needed for other types of waste. In the specific case
in this study, where ammoniacal nitrogen concentration was about 2,200 mgN L-1 and
the BOD5/COD ratio was 0.3, the study of ammonia stripping process was performed.
Ammonia stripping process was studied in packed towers of 35 L capacity each and the
parameters investigated were pH, ratio of contact area/leach volume and the aeration
time. One of the parameters that influenced most in efficiency of ammonia stripping
process was pH of the leachate since it contributes in conversion of ammoniacal
nitrogen from NH4+ to NH3.

Keywords: leachate, ammonia, pH, packed tower, stripping.

© 2013 Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE). All rights reserved.

Correspondence to: Valderi D. Leite, Tel.:+55-83-33153333, Fax:+55-83-33153356
E-mail: valderileite@uol.com.br

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.7, n.2 p. 215-222, 2013
216 Leite, Prasad, Lopes, Sousa and Barros

INTRODUCTION a reduction of 5.5% of COD and 63% of TVS and a

significant increase in concentration of total Kjeldahl
About 240 thousand tons of municipal solid waste is nitrogen was verified.
collected in Brazil daily. Major part of the collected The quantitative of leachate liquid produced in
amount is still deposited in dumping grounds and only sanitary landfill, depends upon a series of factors,
13% of the total collected, which is equivalent to 31.2 among them which can be pointed out are the
thousand tons, is deposited in sanitary landfill. The meteorological conditions, geology and geomorphology,
sanitary landfill should be regarded as a final disposal the operational conditions of the landfill and physical
process of municipal solid waste, which still deserves characteristics of the waste. The estimate of leachate
better dimensioning because of local, regional and liquid produced in sanitary landfill can be obtained by
national specificity, besides its physical and chemical Swiss method or by hydric balance method. Swiss
composition and the rate of per capita production of the method uses empirical coefficients; but does not present
municipal solid waste. In the present situation, in which a good accuracy level. It is basically in function of
all the types of municipal solid wastes are deposited in average annual precipitation occurred in the landfill
sanitary landfills and that the most representative area, of the area of landfill and of compactness of the
fraction of this waste is fermentable organic material, waste. The hydric balance method produces more
the biodecomposition process that is initially aerobic precise results and is function of infiltration of landfill
and then passes to be anaerobic, generates by-products originated only of incident precipitation, of
that require to be quantified, characterized and characteristics of the waste, of the covering material
submitted to due treatments. Among the by-products used, of evaporation and of surface flow.
resulting from the biostabilization process of The leachate treatment can be realized by using
fermentable organic material, the biogas and leach differrent technological alternatives which are generally
deserve special attention regarding the impact that could classified in three major groups: “in situ” treatment,
be created on the environment. In case of the leach, the which consists of equipments and internal units limiting
amount produced in sanitary landfill basically depends up to the boundary of the landfill itself; conjugated
on climatic and hydrogeological conditions of the treatment of leach with sanitary sewage;
region, on characteristics of the waste and on physicochemical treatment followed by biological
operational conditions of landfilling. As regards to treatment, or a combination of different technological
physicochemical composition, the leachate presents alternatives (Roberts et al., 1985).
elevated concentration of COD, of volatile fatty acids One of the major problems faced by the leach
and of ammoniacal nitrogen (Onay et al., 1989). treatment is related to high concentrations of
Principal chemical characteristics of leachate from ammoniacal nitrogen. An alternative, which can be used
organic solid waste treated in anaerobic batch reactors for resolving this problem, is the application of the
are presented in Table 1. process of ammonia stripping (Sletten et al., 1997).
Analyzing the data presented in Table 1, it can be According to MetCalf & Eddy (2003) the sweeping of
verified that the leachate generated by anaerobic ammonia with air is a modification of the aeration
biostabilization process of organic solid waste presents process used for elimination of hydrosulphuric gases in
acid characteristic and high concentration of water.
carbonaceous material. This tendency can be explained The stripping of ammonia is a physical process of
by the characteristics of the organic solid waste, which removal of gaseous phase from the liquid, principally
is different from municipal solid waste, as it does not due to elevation of total contact surface of liquid phase
contain a significant percentage of constituents of with the surrounding (atmospheric) medium, so that the
inorganic nature. Taking in to consideration that the effects of dragging and molecular diffusion promote its
organic solid waste used in this work is basically passage for the last (Ozturk et al., 1999). The removal
constituted of vegetable waste and that at 330 days of process of free ammonia from the liquid medium causes
functioning, the leachate produced still presented acid dislocation of equilibrium in the direction of its
characteristic with pH equal to 4.6. The ratio of volatile formation. Ammonia, in aqueous phase, is found in
acids concentration/total alkalinity during the first 30 equilibrium of two forms, which are the ionic (NH4+)
days of functioning remained in the range of 4.8, and and the gaseous molecular (NH3). The equilibrium of
then gradually reduced, attaining to the level of 2, which conversion of ammonium ion for ammonia is shown by
means that the increase in total alkalinity concentration Eq. (1).
was not proportional to reduction of volatile fatty acid
concentration. As regards to the carbonaceous material, (1)

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.7, n.2 p. 215-222, 2013
Leite, Prasad, Lopes, Sousa and Barros 217

Table 1. Chemical parameters of leachate originated from the organic solid waste in function of biostabilization time
(days) (mg CaCO3 L-1) (mg HAc L-1) (mg L-1) (mg L-1) (mg L-1)
30 4.2 2875.0 13 500.0 36 169.0 829.0 34 892.0
90 4.2 2000.0 16 500.0 37 382.0 941.0 41 134.0
150 4.0 2350.0 14 040.0 47 995.0 1155.0 32 730.0
210 4.3 2408.0 17 570.0 47 692.0 2038.0 22 152.0
270 4.7 5500.0 10 650.0 31 621.0 1994.0 30 108.0
330 4.6 3625.0 7 138.0 34 090.0 1557.0 12 892.0
Where: TA is Total Alkalinity; VFA is Volatile Fat Acids; COD is Chemical Oxygen Demand; KTN is Kjeldhal Total Nitrogen; VS is Volatile Solids.
Source: Lopes (2000).

The equilibrium of the conversion process depends parameters applied to the packed towers are presented in
on pH, and for pH around 7.2 the tendency is that the Table 2.
equilibrium is shifted to the left. With an increase in pH,
there is a shift in equilibrium for the right and
consequently a higher elevation of the gaseous fraction
(Muniz et al., 1989). Leachate
As the equilibrium of concentration of ammonium
ion and of ammonia gas depends on pH, the percentage L
distribution of ammonia and ammonium ion can be
determined by using Eq. (2). 2m

 [NH 3 ] 
%NH 3    
100 (2)
 [NH 3 ]  [NH 4 ] 

The quantity of air required for extracting ammonia
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of packed towers.
from residual water is determined by mass balance
equation at stable equilibrium state for a sweeping tower Table 2. Operational data applied to the packed towers
(Kyosai et al., 1991), as described by Eq. (3).
Parameter\ VT VB VL QG t pH
Treatment (L) (L) (L) (m3/h) (hours)
(3) 1 35.3 29.0 10.0 6.3 5.5 8.0
2 35.3 29.0 10.0 6.3 5.0 9.0
where G is moles of affluent gas per unit of temperature 3 35.3 29.0 10.0 6.3 4.0 10.0
(K); L is moles of affluent liquid per unit of time (s); y1 4 35.3 29.0 10.0 6.3 3.0 11.0
is solute concentration in gas in lower part of the tower VT: volume of tower; VB: volume of grit; VL: volume of leachate; t: time; Qar:
(moles of solute/mole of gas); y2 is solute concentration air flow rate
in gas in upper part of the tower (moles of solute/mole
of gas); x1 is solute concentration in liquid in lower part82.1% of the total volume of the towers was filled with
of the tower (moles of solute/mole of liquid); x2 is solutegrit nº 4 leaving 49% of the space empty, resulting thus
concentration in liquid in upper part of the tower (moles an available volume of 20.5 L per tower. On an average,
of solute/mole of liquid). only half of the useful volume available of the tower
was occupied with leachate. The aeration process causes
MATERIALS AND METHOD a significant formation of foam and consequently
dragging a part of the leachate. The functioning and
Experimental work was performed at Environmental monitoring of the experimental system consisted in
Sanitation Laboratory of Department of Chemistry, ascendant feeding of air and descendent of the leachate,
CCT/UEPB. An experimental system basically with sample collecting of the final effluent at frequency
composed of the following components was constructed of 30 min. for determination of monitored analytical
for realization of the experimental part: (1) 4 stripping parameters: pH, ammoniacal nitrogen, volatile fatty
towers of 35.3 L capacity each; (2)1 reservoir for acids and total alkalinity.
stocking the in natura leachate; (3) 1 device for pH Leachate used for realization of the experimental
correction of the leachate; (4) 1 leachate feeding system; work was collected from the metropolitan sanitary
(5) 1 air feeding system. landfill of João Pessoa city, capital of Paraíba state in
Schematic diagram of packed towers used for northeast region of Brazil. The leach was collected“in
realization of ammonia stripping process is natura” and transported in tank to Environmental
demonstrated in Fig. 1. The work was performed in Sanitation Laboratory of Department of Chemistry,
triplicate for the four treatments. Operational CCT, UEPB, which is at a distance of 130 km from the

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.7, n.2 p. 215-222, 2013
218 Leite, Prasad, Lopes, Sousa and Barros

sanitary landfill. The leach was stocked in closed tanks 2050.0 mg N L-1 and was reduced for values lower than
of hard PVC and distributed daily for equalization and 100 mg L-1 on 7 hours of aeration. Along with the
pH correction tanks and for feeding towers. The pH decrease in concentration of ammoniacal nitrogen, an
correction was done by using the chemical species increase in pH values was verified. The stripping process
sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide, with the drags some chemical species as well from the leachate. In
objective of estimation of cost of processing of the ammonia stripping process the ammonium ion
ammonia stripping. The analytical determinations were converts in ammonia, thus consuming alkalinity, which
done taking in to consideration the methods given by justifies the reduction of the initial concentration of
APHA (1998). 15 100.0 mg CaCO3 L-1 to 7900.0 mg CaCO3 L-1. As
regards the volatile acids, the initial concentrations varied
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION in the range 1128.0 to 2715.0 mg N L-1 and after the
functioning period the residual concentrations varied in
The data resulting from chemical characterization of the range of 96.0 to 1086.0 mg N L-1. The reduction of
leachate used for realization of tests of ammonia concentration of volatile fatty acids is favored by
stripping process in four different treatments are dragging of determined chemical species present in the
presented in Table 3. liquid medium that are detainers of slightly acid
characteristic. In the specific case of this treatment, in
Table 3. Data of chemical characterization of the leachate which the stripping process of ammonia was realized in
Parameter Magnitude Unit the leachate at pH 8 and at this pH, only about 5.3% of
pH 8.0 - ammoniacal nitrogen is found in unionized form, which
Total alkalinity 14 291.0 mgCaCO3 L-1
-1 requires a greater time interval for converting a more
Volatile fatty acids 5 907.0 mgHAC L
COD 25 478.0 mg L -1 representative parcel of ammoniacal nitrogen in the
BOD5 3 760.0 mg L -1 unionized form and consequently taken out of the liquid
KTN 4 881.0 mg L -1 medium. The according Metcalf & Eddy (2003), a
Ammoniacal nitrogen 2 738.0 mg L-1 theoretical relation established between the
TS 25 490.0 mg L-1 concentrations of nitrogen species in function of pH can
VS 11 884.0 mg L-1 be determined by Eq. (4).
SS 644.0 mg L-1
VSS 490.0 mg L-1
DS 24 846.0 mg L-1
DSV 11 394.0 mg L-1 (4)
DSF 13 452.0 mg L-1
where f is ionic coeficiente actividade.
Analyzing the data demonstrates in Table 2 it can be Profile of variation with passage of time of the
verified that the leachate collected in sanitary landfill of parameters pH, ammoniacal nitrogen, volatile fatty acids
João Pessoa City presented elevated concentration of and total alkalinity, for the three different tests and the
ammoniacal nitrogen and low BOD5/COD ratio, which arithmetical mean of the tests in relation to treatment, is
contributes negatively for application of any alternative demonstrated in Figs 4 and 5. In this treatment, the
of biological treatment. It can also be verified that the leachate pH was corrected to 9 and the monitoring time
leachate is basically composed of 2.5% total solids and was stipulated in 5.5 hours.
97.5% water, the value which is 25 times higher than that In treatment 2, average concentration of ammoniacal
of municipal sewage. One other particularity that nitrogen was reduced from 1582.0 to 113.0 mg N L-1 in a
deserves to be pointed out is the dissolved solids that period of 5 hours, propitiating the reduction efficiency to
represent 72.1% of fraction of total solids, the value 93%. Analyzing the profile of ammoniacal nitrogen
sufficiently higher than that of the municipal sewage. As concentration presented in Fig. 3, it is verified that in the
regards the nitrogenated material, it is verified that the first four hours of functioning, in all the tests realized, the
concentration of ammoniacal nitrogen in the leach was on leachate already presented low concentration of
an average 54 times higher than in municipal sewage, ammoniacal nitrogen. As regards the pH, it is verified
which justifies the necessity of application of the process that there was a striking increase, passing the level from
of ammonia stripping for reduction of this concentration 9.2 to 10.4. The average concentration of volatile fatty
to a suitable for feasibility of biological treatment. acids was reduced from 1128.0 to 192.0 mg HAC L-1,
Profile of variation of the parameters pH, ammoniacal achieving the reduction efficiency of 82.9%. The total
nitrogen, volatile fatty acids and total alkalinity in alkalinity concentration was reduced from 19 800.0 to
relation to treatment 1, in which the leachate was adjusted 5200.0 mg CaCO3 L-1 and the reduction efficiency, which
pH to 8.0, is demonstrated in Figs 2 and 3. was 73.7% is directly associated to the process of
Analyzing the behavior of variations, it is observed ammonia stripping. The profile of variations of
that the average concentration of ammoniacal nitrogen of parameters monitored in treatment 3 is presented in Figs
the leachate used in treatment 1 was initially 6 and 7.

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.7, n.2 p. 215-222, 2013
Leite, Prasad, Lopes, Sousa and Barros 219

Tratament 1 Treatment 1

Ammoniacal (mg/L)
Test 1

Concentration of N
Test 2
9 1500 Test 3

1000 Mean
Test 1
Test 2 500
Test 3
7 0
0 2 4 6 8
0 1 2 3 4 5
Operation time (hours) Operation time (hours)

Fig. 2. Profile of the pH in and concentration of nitrogen ammoniacal in treatment 1.

Treatment 1
Treatment 1
3000 Concentration of TA (mg/L) Test 1
Concentration of VFA (mg/L)

Test 1
Test 2
2500 Test 2 14000
Test 3
Test 3 12000
2000 Mean
Mean 10000
1500 8000
500 2000
0 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
Operation time (hours)
Operation time (hours)
Fig. 3. Profile of the VFA in and TA in treatment 1.

Treatment 2 Treatment 2
Ammoniacal (mg/L)
Concentration of N

2000 Test 1
Test 2
Test 3

Test 1
500 Test 2
Test 3
0 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Operation time (hours) Operation time (hours)

Fig. 4. Profile of the pH in and concentration of nitrogen ammoniacal in treatment 2.

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.7, n.2 p. 215-222, 2013
220 Leite, Prasad, Lopes, Sousa and Barros

Treatment 2 Treatment 2
1800 25000

Concentration of TA (mg
1600 Test 1 Test 1
Concentration of VFA

1400 Test 2 20000 Test 2

Test 3 Test 3


Mean 15000 Mean

800 10000
400 5000
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Operation time (hours) Operation time (hours)

Fig. 5. Profile of the VFA in and TA in treatment 2.

Treatment 3 Treatment 3
11 2000
Test 1 Test 1
Test 2 Ammoniacal (mg/L) Test 2
1600 Test 3
Concentration of N

Test 3



9 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Operationtime (hours) Operation time (hours)
Fig. 6. Profile of the pH in and concentration of nitrogen ammoniacal in treatment 3.

Treatment 3 Treatment 3
2000 14000
Concentration of TA (mg

Test 1 12000
Concentration of VFA

1500 Test 2
Test 3

Mean 8000
Test 1
4000 Test 2
Test 3
2000 Mean
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Operation time (hours) Operation time (hours)

Fig. 7. Profile of the VFA in and TA in treatment 3.

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.7, n.2 p. 215-222, 2013
Leite, Prasad, Lopes, Sousa and Barros 221

The leachate pH was corrected to 10 in treatment 3 respective average values for treatment 4 is presented in
and the concentrations of ammoniacal nitrogen of the Figs 8 and 9.
leachate used in the tests varied from 945.0 to For the leachate with pH around 11, the initial
1399.0 mg L-1. This variation of ammoniacal nitrogen concentration of ammoniacal nitrogen varied from
concentration should be due to the time for which the 1229.0 to 1607.0 mg N L-1 and after the monitoring
leachate passed at the corrected pH 10, where a part of period of three hours, the residual concentration of
the ammoniacal nitrogen was converted to ammonia and ammoniacal nitrogen varied from 56.0 to 70.0 mg N L-1,
liberated from liquid medium before being loaded to the with an average reduction efficiency of 95.5%. In
towers. It is found that with three hours of functioning, relation to the pH, a small decrease is observed in all the
the average ammoniacal nitrogen concentration was tests, stabilizing around 10 pH, which did not occurred
reduced from 1424.0 to 67.0 mg L-1, with reduction in the previous treatments. The reduction efficiency of
efficiency of 95.4%, the value which is slightly higher volatile acids concentration was about 68.6%, where as
that presented by treatment 2. For pH around 10, not the total alkalinity concentration for this level of pH
any significant increase in pH is observed, considering presented small oscillations in all the tests. Estimation
the initial pH level of 9.7 finally reached to 10.4. The of cost of ammonia stripping process from leachate in
concentration of volatile acids was reduced filling towers is presented in Table 4. For realization of
significantly, passing from 1536.0 to 192.0 mg HAc L-1 cost estimation, the price of the chemical species used
with removal efficiency of 87.5% in the first test. The for pH correction (sodium hydroxide and lime) and the
removal efficiencies for the other tests were 75 and cost of residential electric energy charged by the local
86%. As regards the total alkalinity, low reduction electricity company ENERGISA are taken in to
efficiency can be noted for all the realized tests. The consideration.
profile of variations of the parameters and their

Treatment 4 Treatment 4
1600 Test 1
Ammoniacal (mg/L)

Test 1
Concentration of N

1400 Test 2
Test 2 Test 3
11 Test 3 1200 Mean

10 600
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Operation time (hours) Operation time (hours)
Fig. 8. Profile of the pH in and concentration of nitrogen ammoniacal in treatment 4.

Treatment 4 Treatment 4
Concentration of VFA

1600 Test 1
Concentration of TA

1400 Test 2
(mg CaCO3/L)

Test 3 15000

800 10000
Test 1
600 Test 2
400 5000 Test 3
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Operation time (hours) Operation time (hours)
Fig. 9. Profile of the VFA in and TA in treatment 4.

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.7, n.2 p. 215-222, 2013
222 Leite, Prasad, Lopes, Sousa and Barros

Table 4. Cost estimate of ammonia stripping process of the leachate

pH 8.0 9.0 10.0
NaOH Ca(OH)2 NaOH Ca(OH)2 NaOH Ca(OH)2
Chemical species
(g m-3) (g m-3) (g m-3) (g m-3) (g m-3) (g m-3)
Concentration 91.0 141.0 1.2 4.9 2.9 5.8
Cost (US$$/m3) of chemical 0.50 0.03 6.80 1.30 15.70 1.58
Cost (US$/m3) of electric energy 28.75 26.25 18.33
Total cost (US$/m3) 29.25 28.80 33.00 27.58 34.00 19.90

Analyzing the data presented in Table 3, it is species and aeration time varying from 3.5 to 5.5 hours.
observed that for pH 8, the costs estimated for It was verified that for the leachate at pH 10, with
realization of ammonia stripping process of leachate, ammoniacal nitrogen concentration of 1411.0 mg N L-1
varied proportionally to the time of aeration of the reduced to 125 mg N L-1, with aeration time of 5.5
towers and on the chemical species used for pH hours, will spend about US$ 19.90 per cubic meter of
correction. When the chemical specie used was sodium leachate when lime was used as alkalinizing specie and
hydroxide, the total cost reached to US$ 29.25 and for US$ 34.00 per cubic meter when sodium hydroxide was
the chemical specie lime the total estimated cost was used as alkalinizing specie.
US$ 28.80 per cubic meter leachate. It is interesting to
point out that for this pH level, 98% of the estimated Acknowledgements The authors are gratefull to
total cost, correspond to electrical energy. In general, it FINEP/PROSAB and to CNPq, Brazilian Ministry of
was verified that even if using lime as chemical specie Sciences and Technology, for financial grant given for
for pH elevation, in specific case of this work, for cubic realizing this work and different modalities scholarships
meter of leachate, 5.8 kg lime was consumed, which contributed significantly for success of this work.
corresponding to a total cost of US$ 19.90, which makes
the ammonia stripping process technically and REFERENCES
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Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.7, n.2 p. 215-222, 2013

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