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ATZ: The Boardgame – Condensed Rules (ver. 1.


1. Playing Pieces (counters)

a. Survivors
i. Stats: Reputation/Movement Points (MPs)/Melee Dice; Coin # = Glory Points
ii. Stars: Aren’t required to take Received Fire, Being Charged, or Wanting to Charge Reaction
iii. Grunts: Grunts that are adjacent to Stars can activate along with the activated Star.
iv. Status Cards: Hold gear and provide info such as wound status and special abilities.
b. Weapons & Other Gear
i. Weapon stats: Range/Fire Dice; Coin # = Glory Points
ii. Scopes: Can be attached to all weapons except shotguns. Roll one additional 1d6 but doesn’t
add an additional shot marker.
iii. Drugs: Doesn’t require an action to use. The survivor’s initiative is increased by one for one
turn. Put the drug marker on the Rep Box as a reminder, then remove at the end of the turn.
iv. Medkit: Removes one wound from survivor (either self or adjacent survivor).
v. Vest: Wearers roll an extra 1d6 in Melee and other advantages described in the Ranged
Combat Table.
c. Zombies
i. Stats: Reputation/MPs/Melee Dice; Hex # = used for placement when generating zombies.
ii. Zombies only use melee combat
2. Sequence of Play
a. Generate Zombies: 1st turn only. Roll 6d6 per survivor; a roll of 4-6 generates a zombie and they are
placed per scenario rules.
b. Initiative Roll: Roll two 1d6 – one for survivors and one for the zombies. Highest roll goes first,
however, only those survivors/zombies whose Reputation is ≤ the die roll can take an impulse that turn.
c. Action Impulse:
i. Survivors can move and take one action. Those who end movement in a hex with zombies
must melee. Actions include:
1. Fire a ranged weapon (see 4.a)
2. Reload a weapon (see 4.a.v)
3. Use a piece of gear (see 1.b)
4. Search a building (draw a Loot card & place a Searched marker in the building)
5. Attempt to Fast Move (see 3.c.)
6. Switch weapons (see 4.a.iv.5)
7. Give gear or weapon to adjacent survivor – only if survivors aren’t in the same hex
as an enemy survivor or zombie.
ii. Zombies move toward closest survivor. They move in a straight line but will not enter a
building or a rough terrain hex unless a survivor is in the hex.
d. Zombie Generation: Roll 1d6 for each shot, indicated by a Shot marker, on the board. A roll of 4-6
generates a zombie. Pull zombies from a cup (CoZ) and place them in the direction indicated on the
zombies’ counter, six hexes from the shot marker. If this puts them off the board, place them on the
edge instead. Remove the Shot markers.
e. Move the Turn Marker forward one space: and start a new turn rolling for initiative.
3. Movement
a. Terrain: Movement is done hex-to-hex paying the appropriate MP cost per hex:
i. Clear: 1 MP
ii. Rough (woods & crops): 2 MP. Counts as Cover for Survivors vs. ranged-weapon fire.
iii. Buildings: 2 MP. Survivors must draw a zombie card unless the building has an Entered or
Searched on it. Take the number of zombies (from the CoZ) indicated on the card, and place
them in the building with the Survivor then determine if the survivor surprises the zombies.
The survivor rolls 1d6 and adds to his Reputation. Zombies roll 1d6 and add the number of
zombies in the hex. Highest score wins (ties go to the survivor).
1. Survivor wins: He can fire a weapon before melee or leave the building back to the
hex he entered it from.
2. Zombies win: Immediately enter into melee.
b. Stacking: Survivors may not end movement stacked together - except for enemy survivors and the
Professor. Any number of zombies may stack together.
c. Fast Move: Survivors may Fast Move by rolling 2d6 before they move. Each die that is ≤ the survivor’s
Reputation adds one MP to the survivors move for the turn. Fast Move is considered an Action and
survivors are always surprised if they enter a building.
4. Combat
a. Ranged-Weapon Fire:
i. Requirements
1. The survivor must have a weapon that is not out of ammo;
2. The target must be within the range listed on the weapon;
3. The target must be within Line of Sight (LOS)
ii. Procedure
1. Roll d6 equal to the weapon’s Fire Dice
2. Add each die to the Survivor’s Reputation
3. Consult the Ranged Combat Table (RCT).
iii. Multiple shots: Weapons with more than one Fire Dice can fire at more than one adjacent
target. Apply the higher dice to the first target and work your way down.
iv. Weapons
1. Submachine guns can fire 2-4 shots.
2. Assault rifles can fire 1-3 shots.
3. Shotguns roll 6 Fire Dice and choose the best three. Shotguns generate 6 Shot
Markers and all dice count for out of ammo checks.
4. Grenades can be thrown into an adjacent hex and can be in a pack, not in hand to do
so. Roll one Fire Dice for each target in a hex.
5. A survivor can carry two weapons, one in hand and one in pack. It costs one Action
to switch weapons.
v. Out of Ammo: When firing your weapon, you run out of ammo if you roll two or more 1’s.
Flip the weapon to it’s Out of Ammo side. You must spend one Action to reload unless you
discard an ammo counter – then it’s a free action.
vi. Panic Fire: Roll one additional 1d6, then flip the weapon to it’s out of ammo side after
resolving the attack.
b. Melee: Occurs whenever survivors are in the same hex as zombies or enemy survivors.
i. Procedure
1. The survivor rolls the number of dice equal to his Melee Dice on his counter and
compares to his Reputation; rolls of ≤ his Reputation is a success.
2. Zombies roll one die per zombie in the hex; rolls of ≤ 4 are successes.
3. Consult the Melee Table for the results.
5. Reaction
a. Being Charged Reaction Test: Taken after all zombies and enemy survivors have moved and are in a
survivor’s hex. Roll 2d6. Any die that is ≤ the survivor’s Reputation is a pass. Stars choose reaction.
Consult chart.
b. Runaway: If the survivor rolls a Runaway result, roll 1d6 to determine which direction the survivor will
run away using Fast Move. The survivor runs in a straight line and stop after using all of his MPs or
entering Rough terrain or a building hex.
c. Received Fire Reaction Test: Taken whenever a survivor if fired upon and the shots miss. Roll 2d6.
Any die that is ≤ the survivor’s Reputation is a pass. Stars choose reaction. Consult chart.
d. Duck Back: The survivor will move to cover either in a building or rough terrain or move to a hex where
the LOS is blocked between him and the shooter. No Fast Move allowed.
e. In Sight Reaction Test: Taken when an enemy survivor, for the first time, moves within 6 hexes of a
survivor and is in LOS. Roll 2d6. Any die that is ≤ the survivor’s Reputation is a pass. Taken by Stars.
Consult chart. Note: Survivors will keep firing at each other as long as they pass a Received Fire
Reaction Test, don’t run out of ammo, Duck Back out of sight, or Runaway.
6. Finding Other Survivors
a. See scenario rules for when a survivor might be found. If found, place in the same hex as the survivor
that generated her and randomly generate a weapon for her.
b. To determine if the discovered survivor is friendly, roll a 1d6 for each survivor and add the survivor’s
Reputation. If the player’s total is higher, the discovered survivor is friendly (and joins the party
controlled by the discovering player). The following modifiers apply for the player’s survivor:
i. +1 if the survivor’s are the opposite sex
ii. +1 if the player’s ready weapon is a shotgun, assault rifle, or SMG and the discovered survivor
is either armed with a pistol, double pistols, or crossbow.
c. Enemy survivors will melee and roll for initiative on subsequent turns.
d. Enemy survivors not in a hex with a zombie or survivor will fire on the closest zombie or survivor. If
out of ammo, she will attempt to charge the nearest zombie or survivor.

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