Product Qualification Requirements 2.0
Product Qualification Requirements 2.0
Product Qualification Requirements 2.0
1 Design Records Depending on the responsibility for the drawing (GE Additive or Supplier) Provide a list of all GE Specifications, and GE Drawings,
including revision level. If applicable, this includes, but not limited to:
- Ordering spec.
- Equipment/functional spec.
- General spec.
- Outline drawing copy
- P&ID drawing copy
- Electrical drawing copy
- Design Calculation or DFMEA
- Bill of Material (BOM)
- Deviation requests
- Engineering change documents / Approvals
2 Process Flow Diagrams The organization shall have a process flow diagram in an organization-specified format that clearly describes the production process
steps and sequence, as appropriate, and meets the specified customer needs, requirements and expectations.
3 Process Risk Assessment Provide a copy of the Process Risk Assessment (FMEA or equivalent). The P-FMEA focuses on potential weaknesses in the production or
performance process. When required by the qualification team, the supplier will perform a risk assessment of its manufacturing and
quality assurance processes to evaluate the effectiveness of these processes to consistently produce the component or provide the
qualified service. Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA) is one example of an accepted process risk assessment format.
4 Control Plan / Router The Control Plan / Router details how product quality is controlled and confirmed at each stage of the manufacturing process, including
defining the actions to be taken when the process becomes unstable and/or non-conforming product is detected. The Control Plan /
Router will include any Special Processes i.e. Welding, Painting, Heat Treat, FPI..
1) Drawing number, reference to Additive part number and latest revision level of the control plan.
2) Sequential listing of all operations and associated procedures including equipment identification and serial numbers.
3) Identification of all component parts and sources.
4) Identification of all critical sub-tier suppliers and their manufacturing locations. Critical sub-tier suppliers include but are not limited
to Raw Material and any process supplier.
5) A sequence plan of all manufacturing and inspection steps with appropriate sign-off documentation. Supplier proprietary
processes/documentation may be available for inspection/review by SQE and GE Engineering.
6) The manufacturing location.
7) Part marking and serialization - include method to ensure proper marking and prevent serial number duplication.
8) Any change in the qualified manufacturing process (frozen process) including method, equipment and control shall be formally
submitted for GE review and approval.
During the qualification, GE Additive and Supplier will define which steps of The Control Plan / Router
cannot be changed without approval of GE Additive. If changes are needed, a ‘Supplier Deviation
Request’ shall be submitted by the Supplier before changes are implemented and wait for approval by GE Additive before implementing
11 Preservation and Packaging Provide packaging proposal that includes how to preserve, crate, mark, and label your product (as applicable). Requirements may
contain the following information:
- part number
- supplier code
- Box quantity
- Box number
- Manufacturing date
- PO Number
- Manufacturer
- Serial Number
- Lot number
- Photo of individual component and packaging configuration
- Special / safe handling or storage instructions.
12 Product Submission Requirements Warrant Form used for:
1) GE Additive notification to supplier of requirements.
2) Supplier certification that they satisfy requirements and declaration of compliance.
3) Communication of Ongoing Quality Requirements.
4) GE Additive disposition of submission.