Geography MODEL G12 2014
Geography MODEL G12 2014
Geography MODEL G12 2014
1. Which one of the following is not true about the scope of geography?
A. It is dynamic.
B. It is very wide.
C. It changes often as new discoveries and ideas enter the field.
D. It is constant and narrow.
2. Lines of longitude meet and form international date line in the:
A. Atlantic Ocean C. Pacific Ocean
B. Indian Ocean D. Arctic Ocean
3. A marginal information on a map that tells you the extent of reduction is:
A. Date C. Grid system
B. Scale D. Key
4. Which One of the following is Wrong about modern map making?
A. It is the drawings of three-dimensional objects.
B. Uses Better cameras and airplanes designed to take aerial photographs.
C. Computers have come to be „close friends‟ of Map makers.
D. The gathered data are accurate.
5. Which one of the following is not true about a map?
A. Represents things as we see them from vertically above.
B. It is the exact representation of the earth.
C. Maps are smaller than the area they represent.
D. Represents information with the help of symbols.
6. Which one of the following is the process of lowering the level of land by
wearing away?
A. Exfoliation C. Peneplanation
B. Déposition D. Dénudation
7. Which of the following are the factors that cause uneven distribution of air
pressure over the earth‟s surface?
A. Rainfall and Temperature
B. Altitude and Temperature
C. Rainfall and clouds
D. Wind and precipitation
8. Which one of the following is the main cause for the constant shift in the global
position of belts?
A. Mountain barriers
B. Distance from the sea
C. Ocean current
D. Movements of the overhead sun
9. The transfer and change of water from plants to water vapor in the air
Refers :
A. Evaporation C. Condensation
B. Transpiration D. sublimation
Question number 10-12 is based on the climatic data given below (For Non-
blind candidate only)
Table 1 Mean monthly temperature and rain fall of the station „A’ in Ethiopia.
Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp(c ) 18 20 23 20 20 18 18 18 18 19 19 18
R.F(mm) 26 27 73 107 227 272 296 280 303 142 59 25
21. The nature of steepness of slope on contour map can be identified easily by:
A. Title of the map
B. Areal coverage of the contour lines
C. Length and thickness of contour lines
D. The space between contour lines
22. One of the following is correct about the properties of contour lines?
A. connect all points of the same altitude
B. They form branches
C. They are natural lines
D. Drawn at a varied height interval
23. According to Koppen climate classification capital letter "A" represents:
A. Dry climate C. Highland climate
B. Tropical moist climate D. Polar climate
24. What type of migration occurs when people are forced to leave their homeland
due to natural disasters?
A. Seasonal migration C. Refugee migration
B. step migration D. Evacuee migration
Question number 25-30 is based on the data given below (For Non-
blind candidate only)
Total population = 4,000,000
Number of population aged (15-64) years =1,800,000
Number of live births = 100,000
Number of total death = 80,000
Number of infant death = 15,000
Number of women aged (15-49) years = 1,200,000
25. Calculate the Crude birth rate (CBR) .
A. 2.5 per 1000 C. 250 per 1000
B. 25 per 1000 D. 0.25 per 1000
26. Calculate the Crude death rate (CDR)
A. 20 per 1000 C. 0.2 per 1000
B. 2 per 1000 D. 2.5 per 1000
27. Calculate the General fertility rate (GFR)
A. 8.3 per 1000 C. 83 per 1000
B. 8 per 1000 D. 0.83 per 1000
36. Which type of settlement pattern is highly associated with transport lines?
A. Ribbon settlement C. Scattered settlement
B. Dispersed settlement D. Nucleated settlement
37. Which one of the following is the action of a river at the lower course?
A. Vertical Erosion
B. Deposition
C. Fast flowing of water
D. Formation of V-shape valley
38. The southern and northern most points of Africa are respectively.
A. Cape Agulhas & Cape Bon
B. Cape Gurdafi & Cape Agulhas
C. Cope Verde & Cape Bon
D. Cape Bon & cape Agulhas
39. When did the overhead sun appear south of equator?
A. In June C. In September 23rd
B. In march 21st D. In January
40. Which one of the following is the best to describe the absolute location of a
A. Water bodies
B. Land masses
C. Latitude & Longitude
D. Neighboring countries
41. Which one of the following is Not the characteristic of equatorial rainforest?
A. Dense and hard wood vegetation
B. Needle-shaped
C. high species diversity and Broad-leafed
D. Evergreen
42. Which one of the following controls affects more the incoming solar radiation
that a place receives?
A. Altitude C. distance from the sea
B. Latitude D. ocean currents
43. Which soils types of African are black basaltic soils with clay character and
used for grazing?
A. Vertisols C. Luvisols
B. Nitosols D. Plansols
Geography model exam,2014 Page 7
44. Which one of the following is not the major characteristics of the African
A. High fertility and mortality rates
B. Generally young population
C. Low age dependency ratio
D. High population growth rate.
45. Which one of the following is a “Pull” factors of migration?
A. Social upheaval
B. job prospects
C. Low income
D. Adverse climatic condition
46. The most urbanized region of Africa is:
A. Southern Africa C. Eastern Africa
B. Northern Africa D. Western Africa
47. Which one of the following country is not located in the Sahel region?
A. Chad C. Botswana
B. Mauritania D. Burkina Faso
48. Which one of the following river basin is not found under Indian Ocean
drainage system?
A. Zambezi C. Wabishebelle
B. Congo D. Juba
49. Which one of the following is an artificial lake of Africa?
A. Victoria C. Tanganyika
B. Turkana D. Volta
50. Which One of the following is the characteristics of developing countries?
A. low Per capita income
B. Birth and death rates are low
C. life expectancy is high
D. Per capita incomes are high
51. Which one of the following country is found in the upper course of the Nile
basin and contribute the highest percentage of river water?
A. Egypt C. Tanzania
B. Ethiopia D. Kenya
52. Which one of the following is the smallest climate regions of Africa?
A. Warm Temperate Continental Climate
B. Equatorial climate
C. The Mediterranean climate
D. The tropical savanna climate
53. Which one of the following drainage pattern occurs where rivers flow in all
directions away from a raised feature?
A. Triangular drainage pattern
B. Rectangular drainage pattern
C. centripetal drainage pattern
D. Radial drainages pattern
54. Which of the following is the correct hierarchy of settlements from larger to
smaller ones in terms of population number?
A. Megalopolis Metropolis Cities Villages
B. Cities Hamlets Metropolis Megalopolis
C. Hamlets Cities Megalopolis Metropolis
D. Hamlets Metropolis Cities Megalopolis
55. Which one the of the following vegetation grows on swampy areas of Africa?
A. Desert and Semi Desert Vegetation
B. Bamboo forests
C. Mangrove vegetation
D. Alpine and sub Afro alpine vegetation
56. The smallest proportion of the African landmass is made up of:
A. plateau C. Low lying plains
B. Valleys D. Mountain and Hills
57. One of the following is not correct about the properties of globe?
A. Scale on surface of a globe is identical on its entire surface
B. All meridians converge at poles
C. All parallels are parallel to each other
D. Parallels increase in length as they approach to the poles
58. Which One of the following includes under systematic approach of geography:
A. The geography of settlement
B. The geography of the horn of Africa
C. The geography of Addis Ababa
D. The geography of Ethiopia
Geography model exam,2014 Page 9
73. Which one of the following economic sectors has the highest share according to
their contribution the GDP of Ethiopia?
A. Service C. Industry
B. Agriculture D. Trade
74. The Northern Latitudinal extension of the Horn of Africa is:
A. 10S C. 330E
B. 180S D. 180N
75. Which one of the following is not the challenge to Ethiopia‟s socio-economic
A. Diversified climatic zones C. Land-fragmentation
B. Rapid population growth D. Low level of infrastructure
76. The Western extreme point of Ethiopia is:
A. Badime C. Moyalle
B. Ogaden D. Akobo
77. The element of research that gives tentative solution and shows the direction
where the solution to the problem lies is:
A. Research design C. Theory
B. Hypothesis D. Methodology
78. Which one of the following is not the property of a globe?
A. Appropriate models for representing the surface of the earth.
B. Has identical scale over all of its surface
C. Parallels increase in length as they approach the poles
D. All meridians converge at the poles
79. Which one of the following is Incorrect about sketch map?
A. It is true to scale
B. It is misleading
C. It can be drawn quickly
D. It is simple free hand drawing
80. Which One of the following is not a major factor for high fertility rate in
A. Low level of family planning
B. low social status of women
C. Perception of high economic value of children
D. Late marriage
81. Which one of the following projection types maintains the accuracy of shape?
A. Orthomorphic projection C. Homolographic projection
B. Azimuthal Projection D. Conical projection
82. Which one of the following vegetation is found in the low lands of Ethioipia?
A. Gibra C. Asta
B. acacia D. Kerkha
83. Which One of the following is the manifestation of endogenetic forces?
A. Volcanic activity C. Weathering
B. Denudation D. Deposition
84. Which one of the following elements of the research process explains about
what the researcher seeks to achieve?
A. Scope of the study C. Limitations of the study
B. Objectives of the study D. Review of literature
85. Which one of the following is not the activities of PASDEP program?
A. Promoting much moral rapid non-farm private sector.
B. Creating jobs by managing the dynamics of population growth
C. decreasing the number of girls who complete their schooling
D. Accelerating growth through commercialization of agriculture
86. Which one is Wrong about conventional maps?
A. prepare without scale
B. Conventional signs and symbols are used
C. Prepared with scale
D. Relatively more difficult to understand
87. Which one of the following does not express the drainage system?
A. Endoric C. aeric
B. exotric D. dendrite
88. which one of the following river is found under meditrranean drainage system
of Ethiopia?
A. Wabishebelle C. Ghenalle
B. Tekezze D. Awash
89. Which one of the following is the most densely populated part of Ethiopia?
A. the enset-growing regions of the SNNPR
B. the southwestern part of Ethiopia
C. the Gambella and Somali regions
D. the Cereal-growing regions of Bale and Arsi
90. What does a wider base on a population pyramid indicates?
A. low young age C. Low Death Rate
B. High Birth Rate D. Low Birth Rate
91. Which one of the following is the record of birth, deaths and marriages and
divorce on a continuous basis?
A. Vital Registration C. Census
B. Population projection D. Sample Survey
92. Catastrophes and moral restraint are the means of population reduction in the
population theory?
A. Marxian Population Theory
B. Anti-Malthusian Population Theory
C. Malthusian population theory
D. Boserupian Population Theory
93. Which one of the following is Game reserve areas in Ethiopia?
A. Babille C. Sankele
B. Segan Valley D. Yabello (yavello)
94. What is the recent era, periods and epoch respectively?
A. Mesozoic era, Triassic period and Eocene epoch
B. Cenozoic era, quaternary period and Pleistocene epoch
C. Cenozoic era, quaternary period and Holocene epoch
D. Cenozoic era, quaternary period and Miocene epoch
95. Which One is correct about Rural settlement?
A. Practice non - agricultural activities
B. Covers small areas
C. Head of Government municipalities
D. planned streets