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Persona - About Us

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We appreciate your interest in Persona.
Read on to find out what we’re all about.

02 Who We Are

04 Who We Look For

05 Where We Excel

06 What It Means For You

07 Why You’ll Love Working

at Persona

09 What Our Clients Have

To Say

Who We Are

Founded in 2019 and based in Santa Monica,

California, Persona is a staffing service by
Psychometric, Inc.

We hire exceptional remote talents and match

them with successful Silicon Valley tech companies,
founders, and other C-Level Executives.

Persona finds a perfect client match for remote talents

based on multiple criteria, including personality,
skills, interests and potential. Our goal is to place each
person where they’d be most effective and motivated
to succeed.

Today, our team is made up of over 70 talented

individuals all working remotely.

Who We Are

Our Leadership

Jason Hreha Nathan Lomeli


Jason was formerly the Global Nathan has spent over 10 years
Head of Behavioral Science for applying psychological science
Walmart. Before that, he was in industry. He’s built products
Vice President of Product at and software solutions that
Handshake—the LinkedIn for incorporate cognitive science,
colleges. He’s spent his whole natural language processing,
career applying behavioral machine learning, artificial
science research and methods intelligence, and psychometric
to technology and business science in order to solve new
problems. problems.

Who We Look For

Effective communicators

Impeccable writers

Detail-oriented professionals

Reliable team players

Analytical problem solvers

We look for people who have the perfect mix of top-notch problem
solving ability, professionalism, and communication skills. We select
only the best — the Top 0.1%.

Where We Excel

We connect the world’s best remote executive assistants with the world’s best
companies... but that’s not all we do! In addition to the role you initially applied for,
we also consider whether you’d be a good fit for all other available positions. That’s why
Persona has a diverse staff with expertise in:

Customer Service Bookkeeping

Administrative Support Recruitment

Sales Development Human Resources

Operations Data Analysis

Project Management Research

Accounting Social Media Management

What It Means For You

Becoming part of the Persona team means you’ll enjoy

You’ll enjoy a fulfilling and stable full-time job that lets you work from
the comfort of your home.

Why You’ll Love
Working at Persona

We offer plenty of opportunities for growth and

learning. You’ll be given all the support and resources
needed to enrich your knowledge and master in-
demand marketable skills.

With the convenience and flexibility of a fully remote

setup, you’ll be able to achieve the perfect work-life
balance. After all, spending quality time with your
loved ones is one of the greatest perks of working from

Our pay is competitive depending on your English

proficiency, expertise, and skillset. We pay out weekly
and on time.

1 2 3

Joan Esperida Athena Fucoy Gena Nuevo

I didn’t have any experience working My first official day at Persona was in 2020 I worked for big companies before;
from home when I joined Persona on February 5th. This date is important learned a lot of things and met a few
in January 2020. I had only worked because it is also, coincidentally, my good people. But being a Persona
for traditional organizations, but I birthday! Birthdays are important for assistant is by far the best career move
wanted more work-life balance and the me because they’re great opportunities I’ve made. I get the chance to work
possibility to expand my skill set. And for us to take stock of what’s important with very sharp people, learning from
I am so glad that despite the lack of and where we are relative to what their unique experiences and best
remote work experience, I was chosen truly matters. For me, that was: being practices. I always have the opportunity
to become a part of this remarkable productive in a meaningful and to learn more, even beyond my comfort
team. challenging workplace and being more zone, because it is a team of generous
fully present with my family. people who always got your back.
I am always inspired to put my best
foot forward because I work alongside A few months later, joining the Persona I was matched with a client, been
incredible people who are always team has proven to be the best decision I working as an Executive Assistant for
ready to share their knowledge and could have ever made. Today, I work with their startup company, and I will always
expertise. Aside from being part of a dedicated team of driven and whip- be grateful that Persona entrusted
Persona’s recruitment team, I have smart individuals who are generous with this opportunity to me. I get to work
also been working as an assistant for their knowledge, always hungry for new with a very inspiring CEO and learn
an extraordinary C-level executive - challenges, and an absolute delight to from their A+ team. All done from the
learning from a brilliant business leader work alongside. They make it easy to be comforts of my own home, even if I’m
is not something everyone gets to do! so frequently outside of one’s comfort in a different country and time zone.
zone. I also work with an amazing c-level
I am now able to spend more time executive, with whom I have grown leaps
for myself and my husband while still and bounds both professionally and
being able to grow professionally. And personally. I am also able to spend more
at Persona, not only am I encouraged to quality time with my family, removing the
perform, but I also feel valued. hours and frustration usually reserved for
traffic and commute.

Working at Persona has been life-changing

and I’m happy to be part of this amazing



Robert Matei Emily Slade

Former Head of Growth, Quora Co-founder of Valence

I’ve tried assistants a number of My assistant has been amazing to

times, and Persona’s are way, way work with - she’s thorough, prompt,
above other remote options in conscientious and also just a really
thoroughness and intelligence. kind, cool person that I am lucky to
It’s magical, I feel like I’ve hired get to work with. I’ve really enjoyed
a motivated Ivy League grad! getting to know her and can’t truly
Both my business and my life are express how much I appreciate her
contribution to the growth of our



Julie Nguyen Julian Martinez

CEO of Methodology Co-founder VoiceVoice

Persona has been game- I’ve sourced for hundreds of

changing for us! We now positions, so I know firsthand how
hire all of our remote much work it is to sift through
administrative roles through thousands of applicants to try finding
them because the quality of the “right” person. Jason and his team
the talent is so much higher have solved this problem. Persona’s
than when we try to recruit for rigorous process of vetting candidates
these roles ourselves.
through a series of assessment tests
enables them to identify the most
qualified people with astonishing

“ 10
Hundreds of applications come in everyday from
around the world. However, we assure you that all
your application materials are carefully examined by
our recruitment team. Any information collected from
our process is kept confidential and used strictly for
screening purposes only.

We are constantly improving and ensuring that we

do everything we can to screen each one as swiftly as

Thank you for your continued patience as we

process your application.

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