3 - Factsheet Ad Fundum Vodka
3 - Factsheet Ad Fundum Vodka
3 - Factsheet Ad Fundum Vodka
Ad Fundum natural herbs flavoured vodka is based on this same pioneering spirit and
blend of herbs. Although the exact herbal recipe remains a proprietary brand secret, the
herbs used in Ad Fundum natural herbs flavoured vodka (including wormwood, rosema-
ry, gentian root and juniper) are still sourced from the dunes by the sea, dry grasslands
and wooded areas of Holland, as well as from the Alps, Asia and the Mediterranean
Sea – reflecting an era when adventurous spice traders and seafarers from Holland
dominated the seas. All herbs are meticulously hand-selected and tested by the master
distillers and craftsmen for quality.
Manufacturing/Production Process
Creating Ad Fundum natural herbs flavoured vodka requires the following four step pro-
cess in order to achieve the complexity of taste and flavor: purification, herb extraction,
distillation and blending. All of this is done under close supervision of Master Distiller Ad
van der Lee at Herman Jansen’s historical distillery (from 1795):
Step 1 – Purification
The vodka distilled from fermented grain (wheat, rye and corn ground in the distillery’s
historic windmill dating back to 1785) in a multiple distillation process forms a solid vod-
ka base for herbal infusion. The ultra smooth taste is obtained by filtration over activa-
ted carbon –often referred to as charcoal. An intensive and slow active carbon filtration
process removes any sharpness giving the vodka a softer taste.
Step 3 - Distillation
Wheat, rye and corn (malt) form the basis of this Dutch vodka, which is distilled three
times on an alembic pot still. The third time more natural herbs are added, which gives
the vodka a unique smooth taste. This traditional process uses old copper stills to pro-
duce vodka unparalleled in quality and flavor –the same copper stills used to produce
Genever Gin.
Step 4 - Blending
All components then come together in the final stage of the production process. The
herb extract, the traditionally distilled Dutch herb vodka, and the active carbon filtered
vodka together become a complex but smooth tasting Ad Fundum natural herbs flavou-
red vodka. The blending, also called the marriage, unites all elements into one prepa-
ration. The nuances of herbs form a single composition with unsurpassed complexity,
subtle aroma and taste. The result is a smooth, masterfully blended vodka with a balan-
ced mix of herbs.
Flavor Profile:
Nose: Complex and aromatic a hint of rosemary, cedar and juniper. Taste: well-balanced
mouthfeel with a smooth, palatable finish. With its herbal flavor and complexity, Ad Fun-
dum natural herbs flavoured vodka is an ideal base for premium cocktails – both classic
and innovative, or to be enjoyed simply on the rocks.