14 Data Correction and Reduction 02122022 114229am
14 Data Correction and Reduction 02122022 114229am
14 Data Correction and Reduction 02122022 114229am
Data reduction
The goal of data reduction is to remove
the known effects caused by
predictable features that are not part of
the "target." The remaining anomaly is
then interpreted in terms of sub-
surface variations in density. Each
known effect is removed from observed
Corrections Applied
Drift correction: Correction for instrumental
drift is based on repeated readings at a base
station periodically throughout the day.
The meter reading is plotted against time
(Fig. 1), and drift is assumed to be linear
between consecutive base readings. The
drift correction at time t is d, which is
subtracted from the observed value.
Fig. 1: A gravimeter drift curve constructed from
repeated readings at a fixed location. The drift
correction to be subtracted for a reading taken at
time t is d.
Latitude correction: The earth's poles
are closer to the centre of the equator
than is the equator. However, there is
more mass under the equator and
there is an opposing centrifugal
acceleration at the equator. The net
effect is that gravity is greater at the
poles than the equator.
For values relative to a base station, gravity
increases as you move north, so subtract
0.811 sin(2a) mGal/km as you move north
from the base station. (where a is latitude).
The maximum correction values will be
0.008 mGal / 10 cm, which occurs at a=45o.
Free-air correction: The free-air correction
(FAC) corrects for the decrease in gravity
with height in free air resulting from
increased distance from the centre of the
Earth, according to Newton’s Law. To reduce
to datum an observation taken at height h is
given by:
FAC=0.3086h mgal (h in metres )
The free-air correction (FAC) is positive for
an observation point above datum to
correct for the decrease in gravity with
elevation. The free-air correction accounts
solely for variation in the distance of the
observation point from the centre of the
Earth; no account is taken of the
gravitational effect of the rock present
between the observation point and datum.
Fig. 2: (a) The free-air correction for an observation at
a height h above datum. (b) The Bouguercorrection.
The shaded region corresponds to a slab of rock of
thickness h extending to infinity in both horizontal
directions. (c) The terrain correction.
Bouguer correction: This corrects the free-
air value to account for material between
the reference and measurement
elevations. If you are further above the
reference, there is more material (effect is
greater), so subtract 0.04191 h× d mGal (h
in metres, d in g/cc) from the reading. The
derivation involves determining the effect of
a point, then integrating for a line, then
again for a sheet, and finally for a slab.
In the equation for the Bouguer correction,
density, d, must be estimated; this can be
done if the material is known, or by using a
"crustal" value of 2.67 g/cc. Alternatively,
trial and error can be used to find the
density that causes the data to least reflect
the patterns of topography.
Topography, or terrain correction: The
terrain corrections take undulations of
topography into account. Topographic
variations results in the upwards attraction
of hills above the plane of the gravity
measuring station and valleys below, which
decrease the observed value of gravity.
Both these effects must therefore be added
to readings to correct for topography.
Manually correcting for the effects of
topography involves the use of a ‘Hammer
chart’ and tables. This approach, although
very accurate, is too time consuming. More
modern methods require software that
makes use of digital terrain models (DTM)
available from other (third party) sources.
Earth-tides: Tidal variations are slow enough
that, for most surveys, they are handled as
part of the drift corection; i.e. by recording
values at a base station every few hours.
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