Consultation Station Notes 20220919
Consultation Station Notes 20220919
Consultation Station Notes 20220919
Strategy and preparation.......................................................................................................................4
Consultation station template...........................................................................................................7
Common sense management..........................................................................................................10
Comms – Sexual history...................................................................................................................10
Ethics/Practice-based Adult/Geriatric/Paediatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative
Comms - Breaking bad news............................................................................................................11
Comms/Ethics – Medical error/Open disclosure.............................................................................14
Care issues.......................................................................................................................................15
Ethics - Elder Neglect/Abuse........................................................................................................15
Ethics/Law – Spousal abuse/domestic violence...........................................................................17
Ethics – Treatment refusal...........................................................................................................18
Lab results...........................................................................................................................................21
Lab – Raised Cr/drop in eGFR, AKI vs AoCKD...............................................................................22
Lab - Proteinuria..........................................................................................................................25
Non-specific/general symptoms..........................................................................................................25
Symptom - Fatigue/tiredness or weakness..................................................................................25
Symptom – Functional decline or cognitive impairment/memory loss.......................................28
Symptom – Delirium....................................................................................................................29
Symptom – Dementia/Cognitive impairment/Memory loss........................................................29
Symptom – Falls and instability...................................................................................................29
Symptom – Urinary incontinence................................................................................................30
Cardiovascular Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative...............................................30
Symptom/sign – New hypertension............................................................................................30
Condition – Hypertension............................................................................................................35
Respiratory Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative....................................................35
PE – Crepitations..........................................................................................................................35
PE – Pleural effusion....................................................................................................................37
PE – Pneumonectomy/lobectomy scar........................................................................................38
Condition – COPD........................................................................................................................38
Condition – Asthma.....................................................................................................................39
Condition – Smoking cessation....................................................................................................43
Gastrointestinal Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative.............................................43
Symptom - Acute abdominal pain...............................................................................................43
Renal & Urology Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative)...........................................48
Neurology Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative......................................................48
Symptom - Headache..................................................................................................................48
Symptom – Syncope....................................................................................................................54
Condition – Seizures/Epilepsy......................................................................................................54
Symptom – Weakness or difficulty walking.................................................................................57
Symptom – Weakness hemiparesis.............................................................................................62
Symptom/sign – LMN 7 palsy......................................................................................................62
Chronic – Post-stroke...................................................................................................................63
Symptom – Weakness paraparesis..............................................................................................68
Symptom – Weakness footdrop..................................................................................................68
Symptom – Tremors and incoordination.....................................................................................68
Syndrome/Chronic – Parkinsonism..............................................................................................71
Symptom – Numbness and paraesthesia.....................................................................................78
Psychiatry Adult/Geriatric/Paediatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative...........83
Syndrome – Depression...............................................................................................................83
Musculoskeletal/Rheumatology Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs.
Symptom – Lower back pain........................................................................................................84
Symptom – Hip pain....................................................................................................................86
Symptom – Knee pain..................................................................................................................87
Symptom – Shoulder pain...............................................................................................................91
Dermatology Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative........................91
Symptom/sign – Mole/skin lesion...............................................................................................91
Condition – Eczema.....................................................................................................................94
Endocrine Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative.............................94
Type 2 diabetes mellitus..............................................................................................................94
Haematology Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative.......................96
Infectious diseases Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative...............96
Admin - Pre-travel advice............................................................................................................96
Male reproductive system Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative. 102
Female reproductive system Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative. 104
Lab – Abnormal cervical cancer screening.................................................................................104
Symptom – Vaginal discharge....................................................................................................104
Symptom - Dysmenorrhoea.......................................................................................................107
Symptom – AUB Menorrhagia...................................................................................................112
Symptom – Primary amenorrhoea............................................................................................116
Symptom – Secondary amenorrhoea........................................................................................116
Symptom – Subfertility..............................................................................................................116
Management – Contraceptive counselling................................................................................120
Condition - GDM Gestational Diabetes Mellitus........................................................................120
Cardiovascular Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative...................122
Sign - Paediatric murmur...........................................................................................................122
Respiratory Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative..................................................125
Symptom – Wheezing................................................................................................................125
Gastrointestinal Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative...........................................128
Renal & Urology Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative).........................................128
Neurology Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative....................................................128
Preventive – Routine developmental assessment.....................................................................128
Symptom – Failure to thrive......................................................................................................131
Symptom – Speech delay...........................................................................................................131
Eye Adult/Geriatric/Paediatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative...................133
ENT Adult/Geriatric/Paediatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative...................133
Musculoskeletal/Rheumatology, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative.................133
Dermatology Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative......................133
Endocrine Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative....................................................133
Haematology Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative...............................................133
Infectious diseases Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative......................................133
Symptom – Acute fever in child.................................................................................................133
Male reproductive system Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative. 136
Eye Adult/Geriatric/Paediatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative.......................136
Symptom – Vision loss...............................................................................................................136
Symptom – Ptosis?....................................................................................................................138
ENT Adult/Geriatric/Paediatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative.......................138
Symptom – Hearing loss............................................................................................................138
General and communications
Strategy and preparation
Station format: 4min reading, 15min consult (5-6min history +/- 4-5min PE + invx, 3-5min problem
definition + management plan), 1min clarification
Goals and time allocation: Identify issues for management (reading CI Candidate Instructions, Hx,
PE/scores/Invx) – 10-11min. Enumerate issues/manage each issue/summarize (4-5min).
Reading time
Routine - Start timer. Count number of pages. SCHEDULED or UNSCHEDULED visit! Back to
front/chronological order. Draw up 9 boxes, fill in Name/age/sex, scheduled/unscheduled, A Dr’s
agenda/chronics, S Ddx for complaints, BPS + Bucket list; O Chap + BMI/T not done + important PE +
Score + Stat invx Na K Cr X-rays; P Meds to change, Prev, Definitive mx. Stop timer at 3:50, reset,
start, knock on door.
Information in CI is reliable as if clinical notes, but if it sounds weird, verify it (e.g. notes say asthma
but history sounds like COPD)
CI clues
Eczema – steroids?
Statins – Pregnancy?
Elicit all RFEs + basic clarification. “How may I help you today? Besides this, is there anything else you
are worried about?
Screen PMH and Drugs/Smoking/Alcohol, Occupation. “Before I ask about these problems, check
past medical history. Besides X and Y and Z, do you have any other long-term medical problems? Any
others? What medications are you taking, do you have the list with you? ...explore… Any traditional
medications/OTC medications/supplements? …explore… Do you smoke? …explore… Do you drink
alcohol? …explore… What are you working as?”
- While reading Candidate Instructions CI, add acute, chronic and preventive problems identified to
problem list (Dr’s agenda)
- Write down VERBATIM + number ALL RFEs Reasons for Encounter (patient’s agenda) in Problem list
- If significant positive symptoms, co-morbidities or drugs identified in history, add to problem list for
- When acute/diagnostic problem addressed, add bullet point/s for underlying causes below
- When chronic problem explored, tick if good control or add bullet points if problems identified e.g.
compliance issues, underlying financial issues
***Try not to refer to your 9 boxes unless for writing down Problem List or if mind really blank.
Focus on eye contact, picking up patient cues and responding to patient cues. At most, tick off
history/examination items prepared during 4min reading.
RFE Symptom – Onset when did this problem start, acute or chronic; first time or recurrent; any
Trigger? What do you mean by this symptom – exact Site point out/Radiation, Character? How is it
affecting your daily routine/mood? … Add to Problem List … return later Tell me more about this
symptom? Most recent episode from beginning to end?
RFE Lab test result – Why did you go for this test? Any symptoms – explore acute complications also?
Any previous result before this?... Add to Problem List… return later to explore underlying Cause. “I’ll
need to ask you more about your medical and social history to help clarify what the tests could
mean, and advise what steps to take next.”
RFE “Collect medicine” (possible hints: Corticosteroid overuse and complications, Opiate use
disorder) – What medication name and dose/have prescription or picture? Why are you taking it?
How long and how often/how much are you taking? … Add to Problem List.
RFE ICE “Worried about having condition X” – Why are you worried about this? How is it affecting
your daily routine/mood?... Add to Problem List.
PMH Condition not given in CI especially in young patient – Add to problem list then explore fully…
Tell me more about this condition? Condition when/how diagnosed with problem, tests done,
treatment given, follow up? Control – current symptoms or acute complications, exacerbations?
Compliance/competence/crisis management, side effects of treatment non-pharm and pharm?
Causes of poor control? Chronic complications of disease bio and psychosocial?
Drug/Alcohol/Smoking/TCM e.g. – When started, why, how often? Temporal relation to symptom?
Aware it might be contributing, consider stopping? What happens if you stop any withdrawal? … Add
to problem list
- Smoking – Do you smoke/When did you start/What kind cigarettes or rolled/How many in a day?
Are you aware it may be causing/worsening your medical problem? Would you consider quitting in
next 1 month or 6 months?
- Alcohol – Do you drink alcohol/What kind/How often and how much? Have you had more than 4-5
drinks at one go in last 1 year? CAGE – Ever felt need to cut down, annoyed when criticized, guilty,
need to drink as eye-opener?
By 5:30 mark, start examination regardless if history finished. Can continue social history while
taking BP.
If neuro examination needed, take out tendon tapper and neuro kit and put on table in front of
patient, open up.
Request BMI/weight/height, health booklet or growth chart for plotting. Verbalize checking vitals
(hopefully they give and tell you to skip). Follow basic template and technique but skip unnecessary
steps (plan approaches for each kind of station). RFE will tell you whether need a lot of PE (in
reasonable clinical practice). Charts are available but don’t have to use (Can use clinical assessment
instead e.g. don’t need to know cut off for PHQ9, can use clinical assessment for GAD)
Peripheries/Hands + HEENT
Lungs: back chest inspect, expansion, auscultate; palpate cervical lymph nodes; front - inspect apex
beat, palpable P2, auscultate apices and axillae
Stat tests are usual polyclinic (pulse oximetry, HbA1c/capillary glucose, FBC/ESR, serum bil, INR, ECG,
urine microscopy, UPT, CXR/all x-rays) + Na/K/Cr. Know SB cut-offs for phototherapy? Other tests
e.g. TFT can offer and TCU to review.
Problem list
Do not hide diagnosis from patient. List all problems at once then elicit patient ICEKAPS + go into
detail. “I think you have the following problems: Firstly, 1. Poorly-controlled diabetes due to not
taking your medications and not exercising. This may be caused by the second problem, which is 2.
Major Depressive Disorder, which may have been triggered by the loss of your wife. Have you heard
about Major Depressive Disorder, what do you understand about it?”
Broad overview -“To treat your problem, we can use lifestyle measures or medications. Medications
are… specify indication, drug name dose frequency duration, side effects to watch for. Lifestyle
measures are… For preventive care, arrange vaccinations for X if you haven’t done them and
screening tests for Y.”
Patient-centred (e.g. need to exercise but OA knees hence consider swimming). Must know clinical
reasoning behind management (not just because it is guideline, or only medication available at
institution if inferior)
Cut losses (better borderline than fail) – If unsure of medication dosage, only mention medication
name to patient and wait to be asked during 1min clarification, then say unsure of dose, will look up.
Try to leave last 1min to summarize issues and plan “Let’s summarize again. Your problems are A, B
and C. We will start medications and physio/exercise and review you again in 2 weeks.”
Do 2 patients in exam style every day. Handrub at start, before examination, after examination, after
Prep charts/scores as Epic templates. Can use clinical assessment instead e.g. don’t need to know
cut off for PHQ9, can use clinical assessment for GAD
All other x-rays also available as stat. Exam stat tests vs. actual stat tests – CLM has no stat Na/K/Cr.
Other tests – can offer and review another day. ???Know SB cut offs for phototherapy???
Onset, Triggers
Severity/Functional impact
2. COMPLICATIONS of disease
Primary/idiopathic causes
5. Contraindications to treatment
allergies, PMH
2. CONTROL/checking
- Simplify complex regimens – Once daily dosing, avoid halving medications (or offer pill cutter)
PHQ2 - “Do you feel depressed? Have you lost interest or pleasure your daily activities?
GAD2 – “Are you constantly anxious or nervous about all kinds of things? Not able to stop
Suicide/Homicide – “Thought that life is not worth living or taking your own life/hurting
yourself/hurting someone else? Action - Have you tried doing so? Intent currently? Plans? Protective
factors – what would keep you from harming yourself/harming others?
1. Past encounters “Had any sexual intercourse? Since last menses/When was last sexual
intercourse? Last one before that?”
2. Partners “Besides your husband/current partner, have you had any other partners before? How
many? Male/female?”
5. Past STI and current symptoms, Pap smear “Any previous STI? Vaginal discharge, itch, ulcer, rash?
Previous Pap smear/cervical cancer screening?”
Comms – Adolescent/Teenager
Ref: NUP bridging case 112, 126
If coming with parent: “Is this your mother? [address both] How can I help you today?”
If mother replies: “Is there anything else you are worried about? Tell me more about problem 1.
Johnny, is that correct, can you tell me about it?”
If mother keeps interrupting and teenager reticent after 1 try, request parent “I see. Mummy, would
it be okay if I speak to Johnny alone and examine him for a while you wait outside first? After that
we can get you come back in to discuss my assessment if Johnny is comfortable to share.”
Intro “Like to ask some questions about your background so can get to know you and understand
your problems better.”
- Home – Can you tell me about your home situation? Whom do you live with, where? What do you
parents do, what do your siblings do? How are you relationships with your family, whom can you
talk with?
- Education/Employment – Can you tell me about school? Where do you study, what level/stream?
What are subjects are you good at/not so good at? How are your grades? Are you doing any jobs
outside, what?
- Activities – What CCAs are you in, do you enjoy them? What do you/your friends do like to do for
- Diet. Can you tell me about what you usually eat in a day, from morning to evening?
- Drugs/Drinks/Smoking – Some teenagers experiment with things like smoking and drinking. Do any
of your friends smoke? How about you? Family members smoke? Drink alcohol? Tried drugs?
- Sex/Puberty/Menarche – Have you started to have menses/how are menses? Many teens become
interested in romantic relationships, are you in any relationship? Can you tell me about your
relationship? Have you had any kind of sexual intercourse?
- Sleep – Can you tell me about your sleeping habits? What time do you go to sleep, wake up, why?
Feel refreshed in mornings?
Comms - Paediatric
May be similar to Adolescent/teenager
Immunizations – Up to date?
Growth and development – Normal growth and development history? Check centiles and plot
growth chart
Hep B – 28F did bloods for STD screening last week, Hep B positive.
HIV positive
***Don’t get thrown off by patient’s anxiety wanting to know results, try to stick to plan (Hx/PE/Invx
then Mx) if possible
“I understand you must be anxious to know the results, not to worry I will explain in detail to you,
but need to understand your medical history and social background first so I can better advise you
what the results mean and how to proceed.”
***But WRITE DOWN any patient cues including social under A/Problem List e.g. “Beautician”,
“worried about informing boss”, “worried about informing partner”
Then go through approach to results (hx bio psycho social), PE/Invx before breaking news
- Hx: Reason tests were done? Systems review for symptoms, Risk factors for condition,
Occupational hx (HCW?) and social hx (marriage/plans for conception)
- PE/Invx
Set “Before I explain your results, is there anyone who came with you today? Is your partner/family
member here with you? Would you like them to be present?”
Perception explore “What do you understand about the blood tests so far/what do you think has
caused your symptoms? What do you understand about Hepatitis B?”
Invitation to share request/fire warning shot “I’m afraid the results are not so good. [pause]”
Knowledge-share – Keep it simple! “The normal range for the blood test is between A to B, but your
results is C, which is 3x of normal. This means that you have [condition].” Or “The blood test shows
that you have Hepatitis B infection/HIV infection.” Or “The scan shows a growth in the lungs that is
possibly cancer.” [pause]
Explore/Empathize “How are you feeling right now?” + NURSE “I see that you are very worried. I
understand it must be very distressing to hear this news. I want to help and support you in any way I
can as your family doctor.”
Support – Management. “Is it okay if I tell you more about the condition and discuss what we can
- Refer to specialist urgently (1wk) for further tests/scans and medication for treatment
Psychosocial/emotional support – Inform family? Refer psychologist, support group. Refer MSW.
Public health/Legal
- Notification/contact tracing, confidentiality vs. legal requirement to inform partner (HIV). Why
should inform/screen, offer to help inform together.
Newly-diagnosed Hep B
Hx: RFE, other concerns. “I understand you must be anxious to know the results... [spiel]” Confirm
patient ID. Symptoms of jaundice/liver failure. Risk factors (FHx, sexual promiscuity,
IVDA/tattoos/transfusion). Occupational (HCW) and social hx (marriage/plans for conception).
PE: BMI + weight loss, Vitals + temp. Jaundice/pallor, chronic liver disease, liver failure. Abdo for
- SPIKES. Pt education + bio mx “Hepatitis B is a virus that infects that liver, may be spread from
mother to child, sex or blood e.g. needles/tattoos. Need to repeat test (HBsAg) 6mth to confirm
whether acute or chronic. Acute body has chance of clearing infection, chronic risk of developing
complications e.g. liver scarring/hardening, liver cancer; need long-term follow-up with blood tests
and scans to monitor.” Offer Hep A vaccination, screen for other STIs (gonorrhoea, chlamydia) and
repeat HIV screen due to window period (3mth), Pap smear.
- “Result is confidential I will not inform employer or boyfriend without your permission, but may
want to inform employer, avoid invasive work as spreads through blood; squeezing blackheads okay.
Should also inform boyfriend as can spread through sex, need to screen if he has Hep B and
vaccinate if not immune, meantime use condom or abstain. Won’t affect fertility/pregnancy/delivery
but baby needs Hep B vaccine and immunoglobulin at birth.”
- Prevent spread – Use condom meantime. No sharing toothbrushes/razors, cover open wounds,
clean blood spill with bleach, no organ donation. Not transmitted through food/utensils.
HIV **Confirm patient ID. Ensure 4th gen EIA/ELISA confirmed with Western blot.
Hx: RFE, other concerns. “I understand you must be anxious to know the results... [spiel]”. Symptoms
of acute seroconversion, AIDS. Risk factors – Sexual history (sexual promiscuity, Previous
STIs/screening) and other risk factors (IVDA/tattoos/transfusion). Occupational (HCW) and social hx
(marriage/plans for conception).
PE: BMI + weight loss. Eye - Icterus (hepatitis), eye signs of CMV. Mouth – Oral thrush, colds ores.
Cervical lymphadenopathy. Skin rashes. Auscultate lungs (TB, PCP). Abdomen –
Hepatosplenomegaly. Offer to examine genitalia for ulcers/discharge.
- SPIKES – “The blood tests show you have HIV infection.” “HIV virus spread through blood,
nowadays if detected early there is good treatment that can prevent complications, prolong life to
normal expectancy, prevent spread.” Refer ID fast track within 1wk for blood tests KIV anti-retroviral
therapy. Screen for other STIs e.g. Hep B, syphilis, gonorrhoea/chlamydia.
- If depressed – “As your family doctor I want to support you in any way possible.” Refer
psychologist/Psy? Refer to support group? Meds very affordable subsidised? Contact Action for AIDS
for help.
- Legally required to notify MOH, ??jobs with invasive procedures, legally required to notify partner
“By Singapore law you are required to inform your sexual partner that you have HIV. I understand
you must be worried that he will not take it well, but I’m sure you want to protect his health as well.
He will need to get tested and treated if he has HIV. It is better that you inform him rather than he
finds out without warning when MOH does contact tracing.”
- Prevent spread – Meantime abstain, use condom. Remember legally required to inform any
partner of HIV status.
Hx: Confirm patient ID. RFE, other concerns. “I understand you must be anxious to know the
results... [spiel]”. Symptoms of cancer local and systemic. Risk factors. Occupational and social hx.
- SPIKES – “The scan shows a growth in the lungs that is possibly cancer.” “There is treatment
available for many cancers, but we will need to do further scans and tests to find out the stage.”
Refer specialist direct access 1-2wk.
- If depressed - “As your family doctor I want to support you in any way possible.” Refer
psychologist/Psy? Refer to support group? Refer MSW.
Confirm patient name and NRIC “Before I go on to discuss your results, may I confirm your name and
Get history/PE and Invx in usual manner “I’ll explain the results in detail to you, but need to
understand your medical history and social background first so I can better advise you what the
results mean and how to proceed.”
e.g. Missed abnormal result “What I can see is that the Pap smear/X-ray done last year was not
normal and it shows abnormal cells/a mass. I am concerned whether this could be related to the
symptoms you are having of weight loss/PV bleeding/breathlessness.”
- “I am so sorry that you were not told about this earlier/I am sorry that you were given a medication
you are allergic to.”
- NURSE Name “I can see that this is making you distressed and worried.” Understand/Respect “I
understand it must be very stressful for you to be going through this situation/it is a lot to take in.”
Support “I want to help in any way I can.” [Explore “How are you coping with this?”]
- “I do not know what exactly happened in the process of reviewing the results, but I will definitely
find out so I can give you an answer.” Or “I cannot comment on the other doctor’s management as I
was not present during the consult and he may have had reasons for managing your condition this
way, but I will check with him when he is back.”
- “Please be assured we take your feedback seriously and I will bring it up to our management and
we will improve our workflow so similar problems don’t happen again. (e.g. ensure drug allergies are
always checked, ensure abnormal results are always highlighted and patient recalled to discuss) May
I update you when I next see you on what we have found out and the steps we are taking to prevent
it happening again?”
- “At this point I also want to help you get better and feel more comfortable/I want to make sure we
assess your health condition in detail and treat it in the best way possible. I will personally call the
specialist to see you urgently within the next few days.”
Care issues
Can patient be cared for 1. At home? 2. With community support? 3. Needs institutionalization?
What type of care? Medical/nursing? IADLs? BADLs? Respite care for caregivers? Specialized e.g.
Dementia, Palliative?
Stem: Elderly with b/g Alzheimer’s dementia + poorly-controlled chronic DHL due to non-adherence
to visits/medications comes with caregiver son. “Come to collect meds… not sure of
Refer/report if necessary
Corroborative history – “Maybe patient can tell me what you remember about the history, and son
can add on anything she might miss out, is that okay?
Adherence to medications – “Sometimes people miss out or forget to take their medications? How
do you remember to take your medications each day? How often do you miss taking your tablets?
How often do you miss injecting insulin? Why do you think it happens?”
Function BADLs + IADLs – What do you usually do in the daytime? DEATH Dressing? Eating feeding
herself? Ambulate walk by herself at home/outside, Transfer to chair? Toilet use by herself? Hygiene
shower herself? SHAFTT Shopping buy food/groceries for self? Housework? Accounting handle own
bills/bank statements? Food prepare/buy for herself? Telephone use to call friends/family?
Transport take bus by herself?
Memory/Mood/Behaviour – Memory problems? Feel down/depressed/hopeless, lost
interest/pleasure in doing things? Any disruptive behaviour? Apathy Affect Aggression
Psychosis/Hallucinations+ delusions Agitation
Caregiver – Is there caregiver to help her in daytime? How are you coping? Elder abuse – Feel safe at
home? Any one hurt you/scolded or threatened you/made you do things you don’t want to/taken
your things without asking?
Other SHx – WASHED Working now/previously? Whom do you live with/where, how are things at
home? Any financial difficulties? Smoke now/smoked before, take alcohol now/before? What kind of
exercise do you do? Tell me what you usually eat starting from breakfast to night-time.
Mental status AMT (highest education level?) + prepare MSE script in case examiner asks ASEPTIC
“Poorly-kempt appearance with fair eye contact normal behaviour, speech normal rate and content,
mood euthymic affect reactive, no hallucinations or delusions, normal thought content process,
good insight, cognition was oriented to place and person but not time AMT was 5/10”
Previous labs, up to date for chronic control? HbA1c/random capillary blood glucose (last meal?)
Non-stat - ?alb
Manage medical side – “Can switch to simpler dosing regimen to reduce number of injections
Acknowledge challenges of caregiving + State social/caregiving issue – “it can be very difficult and
stressful to care for persons with dementia/special needs” + “concerned that patient may not be
receiving level of care he needs, at risk of chronic illnesses worsening if doesn’t have someone
around to give her daily supervision and help, or may endanger own safety if left alone at home”
If acknowledges – “What avenues of help have you tried so far? Applied for full-time caregiver? Can
apply for community services and help schemes under AIC Agency for Integrated Care, get MSW or
FSC to advise you in detail. Some schemes that may be helpful to you are…”
- Medical and ADL care: At home - FDW grant, home nursing help with insulin injection, meals-on-
wheels; In community - Dementia day care, respite care services
If signs of abuse – “Will need to refer to A&E for full assessment. Hope you understand will also need
to report to police.”
If doesn’t acknowledge – “Would like to refer you to MSW/FSC to help look into your case
social/financial issues see how to help.”
38yo F, no PMH, unscheduled. Comes asking to learn about tubal ligation. Dx: Hidden issue of
domestic abuse and marital rape. Must also address RFE about contraception.
Explore RFE “What do you understand about tubal ligation? Why do you want this form of
contraception in particular?”
Warning shot – “Need to ask some sensitive questions as I want to make sure you are about your
Intimate Partner Violence/Domestic Violence – “Do you feel safe at home, why not? Is
anyone/partner hurting you physically? Sex without consent? Making you do things you don’t
Assess safety to return – “If you were to go back home after this, do you think you may get hurt
again? Do you have a place or person you can go to if you need to get away?”
Can ask about any injuries to genitals. May not need to examine if rape committed within 72hours as
should refer to A&E instead for Rape Kit Examination.
Marital rape/non-consensual sex – If within 72 hours of assault, refer to A&E for Rape Kit
Examination. Offer emergency contraception. Offer resources like AWARE (Association of Women
for Action and Research Duty) Sexual Assault Care Centre and Samaritans of Singapore emotional
helpline 1-SOS if having suicidal/self-harm thoughts. Doctor’s duty to report possible crime under
Criminal Procedure Code section 424 (no immunity in marital rape since repeal 2020) but assure
victim police report is confidential, police are trained to handle matter sensitively, will decide
whether or not to investigate as a criminal offence depending on circumstances of case.
Domestic abuse/Non-accidental injuries – Advise Non-accidental injuries Victim can apply for PPO
Personal Protection Order, encourage to report to police. Doctor’s duty to report potential abuse,
assure as above.
Ddx of complaint
Lab result
Complaint - “Why were these tests done, were you worried
about anything that caused you to do the tests?”
Cause/Ddx + PMH/social - “I’ll need to ask you more about
your medical and social history to help clarify what the tests
could mean, and advise what steps to take next.”
Course - “Have you had previous similar episodes? Have you
seen other doctors for it? What tests have been done? What
treatment has been tried? How is the response to
Chronic condition
Cause/initial diagnosis + Course
Control/checking + compliance/adherence/reasons +
competence/technique + crisis management
Complications of disease and treatment + co-morbidities
Bucket list
PMHx - “What other past medical conditions do you have?”;
Drugs/allergies - “What long-term medications are you
taking now? Do you take any traditional medications? Over
the counter medications? Supplements?”; FHx - “Does
anyone in the immediate family have…”
Social history WASHED Work/Accounts Home Alcohol
Smoking Exercise Diet + Function/ICE - “How has this
affected your lifestyle and daily activities? What are you
working as/studying/how are things? How are things at
home/whom do you live with/what kind of housing do you
stay in? Do have any financial problems? Do you smoke/how
much in a day/how many years/would you consider
quitting? Do you drink alcohol/how much/how often more
than 4 drinks in past year? Tell me about what you eat in a
day from breakfast to dinner. What exercise do you do?
What are worries you most about it?”
Psy Depressed/anhedonia/anxious - “How is your mood/do
you feel depressed? Have you lost interest or pleasure your
daily activities? Do you constantly worry about all kinds of
Pallor Handrub!
CVS: precordium + pedal oedema
Lungs: back chest inspect, expansion, auscultate; palpate
cervical lymph nodes; front - inspect apex beat, palpable P2,
auscultate apices and axillae
Abdomen: lie flat, liver, cervical lymph nodes
Neuro: Pronator drift, dysmetria, power, gait
Thyroid: Look/swallow, feel goitre
MSE: ASEPTIC Appearance/Behaviour, Speech,
Emotion/affect/mood, Perception hallucinations, thought
process, insight, cognition
DFS: inspect for ulcers/calluses, palpate pulses, numbness,
vibration sense
Stat invx - “I would like to do some simple tests to help us Preventive care
find out what’s causing your problem.” Vaccinations (influenza,
Previous invx – “Do you have any previous blood PPSV23/PCV13, HPV), Screening
tests/ECGs/x-rays/spirometry?” (BMD, FIT, metabolic,
Diagnosis Management
Diagnosis Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Features treat your problem are further investigations,
lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
Other primary care invx
Pharm + ADRs
Ref/TCU/red flags
Lab results
Stem – 68/Chi/M DHL for chronic review, Cr rise from 100 to 195 over 1 year + uACR over detection
limit. When asked has been taking paracetamol for back pain. Dx: Multiple myeloma.
- Drugs: Diuretics
- Sepsis
- Infection: Pyelonephritis
- Autoimmune/inflammation (glomerulonephritis)
- Congenital: ADPKD
- Stones, strictures
2. Co-morbidities
1. Complaint + complications
- Symptoms of renal failure - Decreased urine output? SOB, LL swelling, fatigue/lethargy? (Fluid
3. Cause
- Drugs: Gout medication? (allopurinol) Pain medication? (NSAIDs) Antibiotics for infection?
(aminoglycosides, sulfonamides)
- Infection: Dysuria, frequent urination less than 2hr, cannot delay/postpone urination, loin/flank
pain, fever? (UTI, pyelonephritis)
- Obstruction: Weak urine stream, urine stream stops and starts, strain to pass urine, incomplete
emptying? (BPH)
4. Course
6. Concerns
7. Contraindications to treatment
Eyes – Pallor
Supine 45deg
General: Pharm - Stop nephrotoxic drugs, renal adjust dosages. Non-pharm – Hydrate. TCU Referral:
If reversible cause identified, treat and hydrate, repeat Cr. If 30% rise in Cr over 2wk without
reversible cause, refer Renal.
Empagliflozin – ???
ACEI/ARB – Adjust only if rise >30% from baseline - If newly initiated and, stop and refer Renal TRO
RAS; if increased dose, decrease to previous dose.
Apixaban – CKD3B (2 of 3 age 80 or older, bodyweight 60kg or less, Cr 133umol/L or more) halve to
2.5mg BD, CKD4 same, CKD5 avoid
Acyclovir – CKD4 (CrCl 25 or below) zoster 800mg TDS, CKD5 zoster 200mg BD
Lab - Proteinuria
Non-specific/general symptoms
Sx – Collect medication
- Character: Which medication? Taking for what reason, old problem or new problem?
- Severity: Taking how much, how often? Go to other clinics to collect? Used for non-medical
reasons? Withdrawal/Dependency - Do you think you might be dependent on it, Need to take more
and more, If not taking/cut down what happens any Withdrawal symptoms? Overdose - Ever took
too much?
Cardio (CCF)
Infection (TB)
Neoplasm (malignancy)
Psy (Depression).
Comorbidities - Screen PMH (DM, heart, kidney, liver, cancers) and DHx (medication list)
- Trigger?
Cardio – PMH heart problem, SOB/orthopnoea, leg swelling, decreased effort tolerance/walking
distance? (e.g. CCF)
Respiratory – PMH lung problem, SOB, chronic cough/sputum, wheezing, smoking (e.g.
COPD/Asthma, OSA, ILD)? Snoring, daytime sleepiness/morning headache, observed apnoea/restless
at night? (OSA)
Infection – Fever? Night sweats? Cough/ST? Contact with sick persons/TB/travel/sexual hx?
Neoplasm – PMHx of cancers, LOW/LOA, FHx of cancers, smoking, cancer screening done?
- Function: How affected daily routine? Mobility, falls? BADLs/IADLs, falling asleep driving? Work,
home? Home environment?
Concerns – ICEKAPS
Contraindications to treatment
Bucket lists
BMI, weight and trend gain/loss. Vitals Temp, HR/BP. If suspecting resp, SpO2/RR.
Chaperone for later part need to expose
Eyes/face – Ptosis, proptosis, pallor, EOM, lid lag. If suspecting MG KIV fatiguability + count to 10
UL neuro - hand dance, KIV screen dysmetria. Skip tone/power. UL power proximal/distal + check
ROM. If suspecting MG KIV fatiguability.
Supine 45deg.
If objective weakness, KIV LL neuro power proximal/distal + check ROM. Expose “Roll up pants”
screen power proximal/distal.
CVS: Expose “Take off shirt.” JVP, palpate apex beat and P2, auscultate heart
Send off – TFT. KIV CK, RF, LFT. KIV Fasting glucose/lipids for CVRF.
OSA. STOPBANG 5 or more high risk (Snore loudly, Tired/sleepy in daytime, Observed stop
breathing/choking in sleep, Pressure high BP, BMI more than 35, Age older than 50, Neck
circumference more than 40cm, Gender male). Invx – Refer ENT for sleep study/polysomnography
(AHI Apnoea-Hypopnea index 15 or more per hour). Conservative – Weight loss, sleep lateral
position tennis ball in pyjama shirt, stop smoking/alcohol. Invasive - KIV CPAP (Advantages –
Improves sleep/QOL, lowers BP, lowers risk of CVA/arrhythmia/CV events) or mandibular
advancement devices/tongue-retaining devices. Surgery – If obese KIV refer Bariatric Surgery;
insufficient evidence for ENT surgeries. Legal – Fitness to drive may need to stop if keep dozing off.
Hypothyroidism – Mx accordingly.
Depression - Mx accordingly.
I – Cellulitis
O&G: Pregnancy
- Why worried about lower limb swelling? How has it affected daily routine/function?
Co-morbidities + career
- PMH - Other PMH besides listed? DHx – Medication list, recent changes? Smoke, drink? What
work/activities, manage daily self-care activities, able to walk well?
- Site: Show me where you think is swollen? Which leg or both?
- Relieving: Better with limb elevation? (CCF, CVI) Better at end of day? (Renal)
- V: DVT – Previous DVT blood clots in legs, recent surgery/immobilization/long-haul flight in 4wk,
cancer, OCP use? Chronic venous insufficiency - Prominent veins, ulcers, skin discolouration? Worse
with prolonged standing?
- Drugs: Newly started CCB (amlodipine, nifedipine), diabetic medication (thiazolidinediones), weight
loss medication?
- CVS: CCF - History of heart failure/ischaemic heart disease? CP/SOB, palpitations? Orthopnoea lying
flat, PND waking from sleep due to breathlessness?
- Liver/GI: Cirrhosis - History of liver problem e.g. cirrhosis, hepatitis? Jaundice? Protein-losing
enteropathy – Diarrhoea?
- Renal: Nephrotic syndrome – Frothy urine? CKD – Oliguria passing less urine?
- Bio: DVT – Exertional SOB/palpitations, haemoptysis?
Contraindications to treatment
BMI, weight trend gain/loss? Vitals – Temperature (cellulitis/infection), BP/HR, KIV SpO2/RR
Mouth: Hydration
Supine 45deg
Sitting up
Supine flat
Abdo: Distension, hernia, pelvic masses, nodular liver (cirrhosis), splenomegaly (chronic liver
disease), KIV shifting dullness and sacral oedema.
Legs: Warmth, tenderness/supple, pitting oedema level, measure calf circumference 10cm below
tibial tuberosity for asymmetry more than 3cm. Check DP and PT for concurrent peripheral arterial
KIV ECG if abnormal vital signs or suspecting PE, CCF/cor pulmonale. KIV CXR if SOB (cardiomegaly,
CCF signs). KIV X-ray tib/fib if signs if signs of injury.
Send off
uACR for proteinuria, LFT for low albumin and transaminitis, TFT for
DVT: Refer A&E stat KIV for US venous doppler and anticoagulation.
Calcium channel blockers: Switch to other antihypertensive or reduce dose + add another, chart
home BP and TCU for response 2weeks. (**Not add diuretic, does not help CCB-induced oedema)
Symptom – Functional decline or cognitive impairment/memory loss
Ref: NUP Bridging Case 108
Onset and time course – When did he change? Acute or gradual? Stepwise?
Symptom – Delirium
Cerebellar dysfunction
Visual impairment
Postural hypotension
Symptom – Urinary incontinence
Overactive bladder
Cardiovascular Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative
Symptom/sign – New hypertension
References: NHGP seniors, Julio, NUP CPG/AFP, Patient History
Ddx of complaint
Drugs: Alcohol/smoking?
Acute symptom Issues:
Handrub! (SPIKES)
Complaint/RFE+HOPC - “How may I help you today/how Summary +
have you been since your last visit? Besides high blood Any other concerns
pressure, is there anything you are worried about?”… “Tell
me more about your blood pressure issue.
Confirm present finding of hypertension + chronicity – Had
high BP before? Any home BP monitoring?
If grade 3 or higher, evaluate if hypertensive emergency
(end-organ damage) or urgency
CNS – Weakness in arms or legs? Numbness? Noticed face
drooping? Difficulty speaking clearly? Blurring of vision?
CVS – Chest pain? Breathlessness? Breathless lying down/
how many pillows/woken from sleep because breathless?
Renal – Frothy urine? Blood in urine? Flank pain???
Chronic condition
Cause/initial diagnosis + Course
Control/checking + compliance/adherence/reasons +
competence/technique + crisis management
Complications of disease and treatment + co-morbidities
Bucket list
PMHx - “What other past medical conditions do you have?”;
Drugs/allergies - “What long-term medications are you
taking now? Do you take any traditional medications? Over
the counter medications? Supplements?”
Lying 45deg
General syndromic – moon facies/buffalo
hump/supraclavicular fat pad/striae (Cushing’s syndrome),
dry skin peaches and ceram/loss of outer third of eyebrow
CVS: JVP, Apex beat displacement (LVH), heart
sounds/murmurs (heart failure), carotid bruit
Lungs: Basal crepitations(heart failure)
Lying flat
Abdomen: ballot kidneys, bruits 3cm superior and laterael to
umbilicus (renal artery stenosis)
Fundoscopy (Papilloedema, hypertensive retinopathy)
Stat invx - “I would like to do some simple tests to rule out Preventive care
serious conditions and possible underlying causes of your Vaccinations (influenza,
high blood pressure.” PPSV23/PCV13, HPV), Screening
ECG (LVH) (BMD, FIT, metabolic,
UFEME (protein, blood, casts, glucose) MMG/cervical)
Cr (AKI/CKD), K/Na (hyperaldosteronism?)
Diagnosis Management
Hypertensive emergency Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Features treat your problem are further investigations,
lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
Other primary care invx
Pharm + ADRs
Ref/TCU/red flags
Hypertensive urgency Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Features treat your problem are further investigations,
lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
Pharm + ADRs
Restart old medications or start new one
Side effects
Monitor home BP
Ref/TCU/red flags
- TCU 2 days to review BP
- Go to A&E if
weakness/numbness/slurring/blurring of vision,
chest pain/breathlessness
Secondary hypertension – Renal artery stenosis Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Features treat your problem are further investigations,
lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
Other primary care invx
Pharm + ADRs
Ref/TCU/red flags
- Refer Gen Med/Renal for US doppler renal
arteries + other secondary hypertension
Pharm + ADRs
CCB. No atenolol!
Ref/TCU/red flags
- Refer Gen Med/Renal for US doppler renal
arteries + other secondary hypertension
Condition – Hypertension
Co-morbidities, Career
Screen for other PMH, DHx – medication list and recent changes, smoke/drink, job, ADLs, caregiver
- When/how diagnosed?
4. Causes (triggers)
6. Concerns
7. Contraindications to treatment
Ddx of crepitations
Don’t change with coughing – ILD (bibasal fine Velcro-like end-inspiratory, normal
expansion/percussion/vocal resonance).
Aetiology of ILD
- Drugs, iatrogenic, poisoning: Drugs methotrexate/amiodarone/nitrofurantoin/bleomycin, radiation,
asbestosis (lower lobe)/silicosis/pneumoconiosis (upper lobe)
- Infiltrative: Sarcoidosis
Chaperone + Expose “Request a chaperone. Going to examine your lungs, will need you to take shirt
Supine 45deg.
General inspection foot of bed. Environment sputum mug/suction pot, inhalers. Respiratory
distress/tachypnoea/accessory muscles. Chest scars and tubes. Excursion “Take 2 deep breaths all
the way in and out” for symmetry look at lower part of chest.
Peripheries. Hands clubbing + Schamroth’s, asterixis, palmar erythema, tar stains, pulses. Skip HPOA.
Eyes pallor + Horner’s, face polycythaemia. Mouth central cyanosis. Neck JVP, tracheal deviation.
Chest anterior (signs rarely in front, move fast). Inspect lift arms and pendulous breasts for scars esp
chest tube in triangle of safety. KIV skip Palpate chest expansion “breathe out all the way” thumbs
close but not touching “deep breath in through mouth” for normal excursion 5cm? KIV skip Percuss.
Auscultate lungs S-shape from top then heart for loud P2. Skip vocal resonance. Palpate P2 and apex.
Sitting up – Hug pillow or cross arms over chest. Use peg to clip clothes if patient does not take off
Chest posterior. Inspect for scars esp triangle of safety. KIV skip Palpate chest excursion. KIV percuss
from top S-shape. Auscultate from bases upwards S-shape “deep breaths through mouth. Breathe in
all the way, breathe out”. Vocal resonance.
Prep presentation of PE
Bronchiectasis: Bibasal coarse inspiratory crepitations whose characteristics change with coughing,
+/- expiratory rhonchi. Chest expansion equal bilaterally, percussion note normal, vocal resonance
normal. Not in respiratory distress, RR 16 breaths/min; fingernail clubbing present, trachea central,
apex beat not deviated; notice use of sputum mug. Complications: No signs of respiratory failure,
pulmonary hypertension/cor pulmonale. Aetiology: No dextrocardia to suggest Kartagener’s
syndrome. Request: Check vital signs, examine sputum mug, perform bedside spirometry. Diagnosis:
Bronchiectasis affecting bilateral lower lobes. Possible aetiologies: Generalized vs. local (generalized:
post-infection e.g. recurrent pneumonia/measles/TB/ABPA, congenital e.g. cystic
fibrosis/Kartagener’s syndrome, immunodeficiency e.g. hypogammaglobulinaemia, traction fibrosis
from ILD; localized: luminal blockage, intra-mural blockage, extramural blockage).
ILD: bibasal fine/Velcro-like end-inspiratory crepitations whose characteristics do not change with
coughing, Chest expansion equal bilaterally, percussion note normal, vocal resonance normal. Not in
respiratory distress, RR 16 breaths/min, fingernail clubbing present, trachea central/deviated from
traction fibrosis, apex beat not deviated; notice use of inhalers, supplementary O2. Complications:
No signs of respiratory failure (e.g. acrocyanosis, resting hypoxaemia), pulmonary hypertension/cor
pulmonale. Aetiology: No peripheral stigmata of rheumatological disease (e.g. RA/SLE). Request:
Check vital signs, perform bedside spirometry, obtain drug and occupational hx.
Stat – CXR (Bronchiectasis confirm diagnosis – ring shadows, tram lines), extent, complications e.g.
pneumonia/abscess), lung function test (obstructive pattern). ILD reticular, nodular shadowing (early
findings non-specific; late findings include bilateral lower zone reticular infiltrates, hazy opacities.
Low inspiratory lung volumes).
Send off – Spirometry. KIV refer Resp for HRCT thorax (findings ILD – bilateral reticulation/ground-
glass and honeycomb appearance in lung peripheries and lower lobes i.e. interstitial pneumonia).
KIV Echo for pulmonary hypertension.
Bronchiectasis. Non-pharm – patient education, smoking cessation, vaccines, chest physio; Pharm –
bronchodilators; Surgery – lobectomy/pneumonectomy/transplant.
PE – Pleural effusion
Neoplasm: Malignancy
Prep presentation of PE
Reduced chest expansion on right side, stony dullness to percussion, reduced breath sounds,
reduced vocal resonance over right lower hemithorax. Not in respiratory distress, RR 16
breaths/min. No finger clubbing, trachea central, apex beat not deviated. Treatment: No scars,
supplemental O2, IV antibiotics. Complications: No signs of respiratory failure. Aetiology:
Rheumatological disease e.g. RA/SLE (peripheral stigmata arthropathy), Malignancy (nicotine
staining, cervical lymphadenopathy, Horner syndrome), pedal oedema. Request: Vital signs.
Send off - Pleural fluid for pleural protein and LDH + compare serum (Light’s criteria for exudate any
1 of 3, sensitive not specific), cell count and type, pH, smears/culture, cytology.
PE – Pneumonectomy/lobectomy scar
- PE: Left thoracotomy scar, reduced chest expansion on left, dullness to percussion, absent
(pneumonectomy)/reduced (lobectomy) breath sounds and vocal resonance over left
hemithorax/upper or lower left hemithorax. Trachea deviated to left (upper lobectomy), apex beat
deviated to left (lower lobectomy), no evidence of finger clubbing. Not in respiratory distress, RR 16
breaths/min. Complications: No signs of respiratory failure. Treatment: Not on supplemental O2,
inhaler, sputum mug. Aetiology: Bronchiectasis (coarse crepitations), COPD (rhonchi), malignancy
(nicotine stains, cervical lymphadenopathy, Horner syndrome). Complete: Vital signs.
Condition – COPD
Ref: NHGP seniors, NUP bridging case 82
Poorly-controlled COPD
- Screen other PMH, DHx medication list and changes, Smoking and stage of change, alcohol, job,
ADL and ambulation status
- Chronic SOB/cough. Resp - TB/lung cancer (fever, haemoptysis, night sweats, LOW?),
bronchiectasis. CVS – CCF/cor pulmonale (orthopnoea/PND, LL swelling). Haem – Anaemia
(fatigue/reduced ET, PR bleeding?)
- What treatment on? Medications, LTOT, surgery? Quit smoking attempts, influenza/pneumoccal
vaccines, exercise therapy?
Complications of treatment
Complications of disease/co-morbidities
- Bio: Pneumothorax (sudden SOB), Cor pulmonale (orthopnoea/PND/LL swelling), Lung cancer
(haemoptysis, LOW/LOA), osteoporosis
Contraindications to treatment
Supine 45deg
Anterior chest. Lungs: Symmetry of chest expansion, scars, KIV expansion (reduced) x 1 percuss
(hyperresonance), auscultate. Heart: Raised JVP/displaced apex beat/parasternal heave/loujd P2
(pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale), S1/S2 and loud P2.
Sitting up
Posterior chest. Neck: Cervical lymph nodes if not done. Lungs: Chest expansion x 1, auscultate from
bases up for wheeze/creps, percuss for hyperresonance.
- PE: Bilateral chest hyperinflation + reduced chest expansion, hyperresonant percussion note + loss
of liver and cardiac dullness, bilateral expiratory rhonchi + prolonged expiratory phase. Vocal
resonance normal. Trachea central, apex beat not deviated, no finger clubbing. Not in respiratory
distress, RR 16 breaths/min. Complications: No signs of respiratory failure, pulmonary
hypertension/cor pulmonale. Treatment: Not on supplemental O2, no inhalers. Aetiology: Nicotine
staining of fingers. Complete: Vital signs, bedside spirometry.
Stat – SpO2. CXR if suspecting infection/lung cancer, KIV ECG TRO AMI and check for prolonged QTc
(???CCF). KIV FBC (infection, anaemia/polycythaemia).
Diagnosis + pt education “You have COPD, have you heard of it? What do you understand about it?
COPD is condition of chronic airway inflammation, poorly reversible with bronchodilator therapy,
caused by chronic smoking. Goals of treatment to improve SOB symptoms, prevent/reduce
hospitalizations, slow disease progression/decrease mortality. Treatment will be medication and
lifestyle/non-medication + vaccinations”
Invx: Refer for Spirometry if not done. “After this I want you to do formal COPD Assessment Test
score to grade your symptoms, however based on your history, considered multiple exacerbations
and mild/moderate-severe symptoms”. Classify GOLD group for initial management by
exacerbations/hospitalizations + severity of symptoms (cough/dyspnoea CAT 0 to 40 or mMRC 0-4 0.
breathless on strenuous exercise, 1. Breathless walking uphill/hurrying, 2. Breathless level
ground/own pace more than 100m, 3. Breathless after 100m level ground, 4. Breathless
dressing/cannot leave house). mMRC 2 or more/CAT 10 or more = Group C or D (C = no
hospitalization, 1 or less exacerbation in last year; D = hospitalization or 2 or more exacerbations e.g.
need steroids). mMRC <2/CAT <10 = Group A or B (A = no hospitalization, 1 or less exacerbation in
last year; B = hospitalization or 2 or more exacerbations).
Pharm – Bronchodilators:
Initial treatment [ite 2020, 2019]. GOLD group A – SAM/SABA; group B – LAMA (Incruse
Ellipta/umeclidinium 1puff OD or Spiriva Respimat/tiotropium) or LABA (salmeterol, vilanterol) KIV
LAMA+LABA (Anoro/umeclidinium+vilanterol); group C – LAMA KIV LAMA+LABA or ICS+LABA; group
D – LAMA+LABA KIV LAMA and ICS+LABA (improves lung function, health status, reduces
exacerbations but not all-cause mortality) or ICS+LABA alone (if more exacerbations).
ADRs – LAMA – palpitations, narrow angle glaucoma, urine retention. LABA – palpitations,
Asymptomatic [ite 2020] - Do not give pharmacotherapy to asymptomatic individual with spirometry
findings of airflow obstruction! (does not prevent future respiratory symptoms or reduce decline in
lung function).
- Smoking cessation (reduce lung function decline) – If pre-contemplation, suggest cutting down and
arrange follow-up/refer
- Written COPD Action Plan (reduces respiratory-related hospital admission). If asked: Green zone,
Yellow, Red Zones; Green zone = usual level of SOB/cough/sputum/effort tolerance, continue regular
inhalers +/- home LTOT + regular exercise + avoid smoking; Yellow = more
SOB/cough/sputum/decreased ET, add reliever KIV start prednisolone and antibiotic + arrange to see
doctor; Green = Very SOB affecting sleep/haemoptysis/confused, call ambulance 995 to hospital +
take above meds.
Prev: Influenza yearly + complete pneumococcal vaccine (Below age 65 give PPSV23 once; age 65
and above give PCV13 once at least 1yr from previous PPSV23, then another PPSV23 at least 1yr
from previous PCV13 and 5yr from previous PPSV23).
If inappropriately on monotherapy with ICS (increased pneumonia risk, does not improve mortality
or prevent long-term decline of FEV1), stop or change.
KIV refer Resp for LTOT Long-term oxygen therapy 15hr or more per day (Indications [ite 2020]:
Hypoxaemia i.e. resting SpO2 88% or lower or arterial PaO2 <55mmHg), CTVS for lung reduction
surgery/lung transplant.
Fitness to fly/Pre-travel advice – see Pre-travel advice section on assessment for fitness. Also give
DVT prevention advice for long-haul flight.
Condition – Asthma
References: NHGP seniors, Julio, NUP CPG/AFP, Patient History
Ddx of complaint
Acute symptom Issues:
Handrub! (SPIKES)
Complaint/RFE+HOPC - “How may I help you today/how Summary +
have you been since your last visit? Besides coming to see Any other concerns
your results, is there anything you are worried about?”…
“Tell me more about your [symptom]. When did you first
notice it? Was there anything that brought it on? Tell me
about the most recent episode from beginning to end. ...
What makes it worse? What makes it better?
Cause/DQ for red flags + Ddx
Course - “Have you had previous similar episodes? Have you
seen other doctors for it? What tests have been done? What
treatment has been tried? How is the response to
Complications/Function - “How has it affected your daily
Lab result
Complaint - “Why were these tests done, were you worried
about anything that caused you to do the tests?”
Cause/Ddx + PMH/social - “I’ll need to ask you more about
your medical and social history to help clarify what the tests
could mean, and advise what steps to take next.”
Course - “Have you had previous similar episodes? Have you
seen other doctors for it? What tests have been done? What
treatment has been tried? How is the response to
Chronic condition
Cause/initial diagnosis + Course
Control/checking + compliance/adherence/reasons +
competence/technique + crisis management
Symptom control
- “How is your asthma?”
- GINA in logical order/order of yield is DRNA:
1. Day symptoms – “Currently (meaning in the last 4 weeks),
how many times a week do you have asthma symptoms?” (1
point for 3 or more times; for age 5 and young, 2 or more
2. Reliever use – “How many times a week do you have to
use your Ventolin/take additional puffs of Symbicort on top
of your regular dose?” (1 point for 3 or more times; for age 5
and young, 2 or more times) + add on “Do you use up 1
canister of Ventolin in less than 2 months?” (Risk factor for
adverse outcomes)
3. Night symptoms – “Been woken up from sleep due to
asthma symptoms (or coughing)?” (1 point for yes)
4. Activity restriction – “Have difficulty doing your daily
activities at work/school/home (or play less than other
children) because of asthma?” (1 point for yes)
Total up – 3 or more
Risk factors
- SABA use excessive + no preventer/non-adherence
- Exacerbation in last 1 year – “In last 1 year, had to go to the
clinic or hospital for asthma flare up?”
- Intubation or ICU admission – “Had a breathing tube put
into your airway because of asthma before? Been admitted
to ICU because of asthma before?”
- Smoke exposure – “Have you smoked before? Does anyone
at home smoke?”
Complications of disease and treatment + co-morbidities
Bucket list
PMHx - “What other past medical conditions do you have?”;
Drugs/allergies - “What long-term medications are you
taking now? Do you take any traditional medications? Over
the counter medications? Supplements?”; FHx - “Does
anyone in the immediate family have…”
Social history WASHED Work/Accounts Home Alcohol
Smoking Exercise Diet + Function/ICE - “How has this
affected your lifestyle and daily activities? What are you
working as/studying/how are things? How are things at
home/whom do you live with/what kind of housing do you
stay in? Do you smoke/how much in a day/how many
years/would you consider quitting? Do you drink
alcohol/how much/how often more than 4 drinks in past
year? Tell me about what you eat in a day from breakfast to
dinner. What exercise do you do? What are worries you
most about it?”
Psy Depressed/anhedonia/anxious - “How is your mood/do
you feel depressed? Have you lost interest or pleasure your
daily activities? Do you constantly worry about all kinds of
Add-ons for various population groups
Female: Add to PMH - menstrual, sexual +
contraceptive/STIs, urogynae
Child: Add after PMH - perinatal/birth, growth/development,
vaccinations, puberty/menarche
Adolescent: Replace SHx with HEADSSS
- Home – Whom do you live with? How are you relationships
with your family? Whom can you talk with?
- Education/Employment – Tell me about school. What are
you good at/not so good at?
- Activities – What do you/your friends do like to do for fun?
- Drugs/Drinks/Smoking – Do any of your friends drink
alcohol? Smoke? Take drugs? How about you?
- Sex/Puberty/Menarche – Have you started to have
menses? Many teens become interested in relationships, are
you in any relationship? Can you tell me about your
relationship? Have you had any kind of sex?
- Suicide/Depression/Safety – How is your mood? Have you
ever thought of ending your life or harming yourself?
Elderly: Complications or Function - falls, incontinence,
Legal: driving, underage smoking/alcohol/sex, notifiable
Pallor Handrub!
CVS: precordium + pedal oedema
Lungs: back chest inspect, expansion, auscultate; palpate
cervical lymph nodes; front - inspect apex beat, palpable P2,
auscultate apices and axillae
Abdomen: lie flat, liver, cervical lymph nodes
Neuro: Pronator drift, dysmetria, power, gait
Thyroid: Look/swallow, feel goitre
MSE: ASEPTIC Appearance/Behaviour, Speech,
Emotion/affect/mood, Perception hallucinations, thought
process, insight, cognition
DFS: inspect for ulcers/calluses, palpate pulses, numbness,
vibration sense
Stat invx - “I would like to do some simple tests to help us Preventive care
find out what’s causing your problem.” Vaccinations (influenza,
PPSV23/PCV13, HPV), Screening
Previous invx – “Do you have any previous blood tests/ x- (BMD, FIT, metabolic,
rays/spirometry?” MMG/cervical)
Diagnosis Management
Diagnosis Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Features treat your problem are further investigations,
lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
Other primary care invx
Pharm + ADRs
Ref/TCU/red flags
Short ABC
Nicotine dependence – <1. Number of cigarettes as above> 2. First cigarette after waking 3. Hate to
give up first cigarette. KIV the rest 4. Smoke more in morning 5. Smoke in places forbidden
church/library 6. Smoke when sick in bed
Brief manage. Pt education smoking harmful making your condition worse, should change, refer HPB
IQUIT or at least cut down 1 stick/day, follow-up.
Longer 5As
Ddx of complaint
Acute symptom Issues:
Handrub! (SPIKES)
Complaint/RFE+HOPC - “How may I help you today/how Summary +
have you been since your last visit? Besides coming to see Any other concerns
your results, is there anything you are worried about?”…
“Tell me more about your [symptom]. When did you first
notice it? Was there anything that brought it on? Tell me
about the most recent episode from beginning to end. ...
What makes it worse? What makes it better?
***Site/Radiation clarify++ – “Can you point where you feel
the pain? Is it more at the upper/centre part/lower part of
your tummy? Is it more at the middle part/right side/left
side? Does it travel anywhere else/can you point where it
travels to? Is it more at the upper or lower part?”
Severity – “How bad on scale from 0 to 10?”
Onset/duration/Timing/frequency – “How did it first start?
Sudden or gradual? Constant or intermittent?”
Character – “What does it feel like? Sharp/dull/pulling?”
Trigger – Anything triggered it off, NSAIDs/steroids, spicy
food, irregular meals?
Exacerbating/Relieving – “What makes it worse? Anything
makes it better?”
- Systemic: Fever?
- Gynae (ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst torsion/rupture):
Need to ask all my patients hope you don’t mind, are you in
any relationship? Sexually active? When was LMP/Menses
regular/cycle? Any SI after that/Protection? Any abnormal
PV bleeding? PV discharge? Previous STI? Other partners?
- GI (appendicitis): Nausea/vomiting/haematemesis?
Diarrhoea/constipation? PR bleed/melaena? Jaundice?
Heartburn? Acid brash?
- GU (UTI, renal colic): Dysuria? Urgency? Frequency? Gross
haematuria? Flank pain?
Lab result
Complaint - “Why were these tests done, were you worried
about anything that caused you to do the tests?”
Cause/Ddx + PMH/social - “I’ll need to ask you more about
your medical and social history to help clarify what the tests
could mean, and advise what steps to take next.”
Course - “Have you had previous similar episodes? Have you
seen other doctors for it? What tests have been done? What
treatment has been tried? How is the response to
Chronic condition
Cause/initial diagnosis + Course
Control/checking + compliance/adherence/reasons +
competence/technique + crisis management
Complications of disease and treatment + co-morbidities
Bucket list
PMHx - “What other past medical conditions do you have?”;
Drugs/allergies - “What long-term medications are you
taking now? Do you take any traditional medications? Over
the counter medications? Supplements?”; FHx - “Does
anyone in the immediate family have…”
Social history WASHED Work/Accounts Home Alcohol
Smoking Exercise Diet + Function/ICE - “How has this
affected your lifestyle and daily activities? What are you
working as/studying/how are things? How are things at
home/whom do you live with/what kind of housing do you
stay in? Do have any financial problems? Do you smoke/how
much in a day/how many years/would you consider
quitting? Do you drink alcohol/how much/how often more
than 4 drinks in past year? Tell me about what you eat in a
day from breakfast to dinner. What exercise do you do?
What are worries you most about it?”
Psy Depressed/anhedonia/anxious - “How is your mood/do
you feel depressed? Have you lost interest or pleasure your
daily activities? Do you constantly worry about all kinds of
Sitting at chair
Eyes: Pallor, icterus
Mouth: Tongue (hydration)
Stat invx - “I would like to do some simple tests to help us Preventive care
find out what’s causing your problem.” Vaccinations (influenza,
FBC (leucocytosis, neutrophilia/left shift) PPSV23/PCV13, HPV), Screening
UPT (pregnancy) (BMD, FIT, metabolic,
Urine microscopy (RBCs, WBCs) MMG/cervical)
Mx: Non-pharm - Small meals, avoid meals 2hr before sleep, elevate head when sleeping, lose
weight, stop smoking.
Causes of hyponatraemia
- GI loss: vomiting/diarrhoea
- Cardio: CCF
- SIADH secondary to Drugs (SSRIs) or recent surgery, Infection (pneumonia), Malignancy (e.g. lung)
Complications of hyponatremia
- Why were tests done? Other tests together e.g. glucose, lipids? Workup done e.g. serum and urine
sodium and osmolality
- GI losses – Nausea/vomiting?
- CCF – Known heart failure, reduced ET/Orthopnoea/PND/LL swelling?
- Primary polydipsia or low solute intake – Excessive fluid intake? Poor oral intake, low salt diet?
- SIADH: Drugs – SSRIs, recent surgery? Infection – Recent lung infection, fever, cough, sputum?
Malignancy – Known cancer, LOW/LOA, headache/diplopia?
- Endocrine: Hypothyroid – Known hypothyroidism, neck swelling, weight gain, cold intolerance,
lethargy, constipation? Adrenal insufficiency – Long-corticosteroid intake or TCM?
Neck: Goitre
Supine 45deg
Lungs: Creps
Stat: capillary glucose, Urea (calculate serum osmolality = 2 x Na + glucose + urea; hyperosmolar if
Sosm >295, hypoosmolar if Sosm < 275). CXR if symptoms of lung ca.
Send off: Venous glucose, lipids; urine sodium and urine osmolality, TFT, cortisol
SIADH. Fluid restrict 800ml/day, KIV sodium tablets if persistent. Investigate and treat underlying
cause – stop offending drug, treat pneumonia with antibiotics, CXR/CT thorax for lung cancer, treat
Ddx of complaint
By profile
RFE - “How may I help you today? Anything else worried about?”
Comorbidities – Screen PMHx and DHx “Before I ask about that, any past medical conditions? Any
long term medications?”
Complaint/HOPC “Tell me more about your headache. First time or recurrent? Tell me about the
most recent episode from beginning to end.”
Character/Associated – Can you describe what it feels like? (throbbing migraine, pressing/tightness
tension) When it comes, any other symptoms – feel like vomiting, pain with bright lights loud
sounds, warning symptoms like bright dark spots in vision tingling? (nausea/photophobia
phonophobia/aura in migraine) eye pain tearing/nose blocked runny (cluster headache?)
Triggers – Anything triggered it off? How is sleep been? Any increased stress lately, why, how to
manage? How are things at home/school?
Relieving – What makes it better? How much medication, how often in a week? (medication-
V, N - Weakness in limbs, Numbness, Difficulty speaking clearly, Double vision, blur vision? (stroke,
M – Snore loudly, tired in daytime, partner seen you stop breathing at night? (OSA) LMP, pregnant?
ENT – Blocked/runny nose, atopy history, pain over cheeks and sinuses? (AR, sinusitis) Snore loudly,
tired in daytime, partner seen you stop breathing at night? (OSA)
Course - “Have you had previous similar episodes? Have you seen other doctors for it? What tests
have been done? What treatment has been tried?”
- Psy: How affected sleep, mood? Depressed, lost interest pleasure in activities? Constantly worrying
about everything cannot stop?
- Function - How has it affected daily routine? What work/impact, affected school grades, hobbies?
Relationships? Finances?
Drugs/allergies - “What long-term medications are you taking now/Do you have a medication list?
Do you take any traditional medications? Over the counter medications? Supplements?”
Social history WASHED Work/Accounts Home Alcohol Smoking Exercise Diet + Function/ICE - “How
has this affected your lifestyle and daily activities? What are you working as/studying/how are
things? How are things at home/whom do you live with/what kind of housing do you stay in? Do you
smoke/how much in a day/how many years/would you consider quitting? Do you drink alcohol/how
much/how often more than 4 drinks in past year? Tell me about what you eat in a day from
breakfast to dinner. What exercise do you do? What are worries you most about it?”
Psy Depressed/anhedonia/anxious - “How is your mood/do you feel depressed? Have you lost
interest or pleasure your daily activities? Do you constantly worry about all kinds of things?”
BMI and centiles/trend (OSA, neoplasm), vital signs – Temperature (infection), BP (uncontrolled
HTN; before preventive meds)
- Eyes – Can see clearly? All? Pupils turn off lights. EOM.
Special selective
Palpate temporal artery in front of tragus + temporal region (thickened and tender in temporal
Mouth for tonsillar hypertrophy/Mallampati score, nose for deviated nasal septum/engorged
turbinates, measure neck circumference (OSA, AR)
Invx “I would like to do some simple tests to help us find out what’s causing your problem.”
Stat - If fever/neck stiffness, FBC raised TW (infection). If suspecting GCA, ESR (raised in temporal
arteritis/GCA). If neck pain, X-ray C-spine (cervicogenic headache)
Diagnosis Management
General Avoid triggers - Sleep hygiene
Stress management
Headache diary – frequency, identify other
triggers, frequency of medication use
Pharm + ADRs
Abortive therapy
Paracetamol 1000mg QDS-PRN
NSAIDs e.g. Naproxen 550mg BD-PRN
If nausea: IV metoclopramide or IM
Triptans e.g. Sumatriptan 50mg once + repeat
in 2hr; CI IHD, uncontrolled HTN, pregnancy;
ADR: giddiness, nausea/vomiting, transient
increased BP
Preventive therapy
Indications: 1. Frequent 3 or more/month 2.
significant disability diminished QOL 3.
Contraindication/severe ADR to/failure of acute
therapies 4. Risk of medication-overuse
headache 5. ?Menstrual migraine
Beta-blocker Propranolol 20mg BD or
Ref/TCU/red flags
Tension-?type headache Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
10 or more episodes + duration 30min to 7days treat your problem are further investigations,
+ 2 of 4 bilateral/pressing tightness lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
band-like/mild-moderate/not aggravated by plan”
physical activity + NO Other primary care invx
nausea/vomiting/photophobia/phonophobia Non-pharm
(preceded by stress)
Pharm + ADRs
Combination caffeine/ibuprofen
Ref/TCU/red flags
Cluster headache Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
5 or more episodes + duration 15min-6hr treat your problem are further investigations,
unilateral-oribtal-supraorbital-temporal severe lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
+ 1 of 7 conjunctival injection/tearing/eyelid plan”
oedema/miosis/forehead sweating/nasal Other primary care invx
congestion/restlessness Non-pharm
Pharm + ADRs
Beta-blockers or lithium
Ref/TCU/red flags
Medication-Overuse Headache Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Pre-existing headache disorder 15 or more treat your problem are further investigations,
days/month + medication intake 10 or more lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
days/month (non-opioid 10 more days, ?? plan”
opioid 15 or more days) + duration 3 months or Other primary care invx
more Non-pharm
Patient education – worsened by overuse of
Discontinue offending medication abruptly.
Advise headaches will get worse before
Pharm + ADRs
Bridge with other medication e.g.
NSAIDs/steroids, KIV preventive therapy for
Ref/TCU/red flags
Follow-up in 2 weeks?
OSA and AR Non-pharm
STOPBANG 5 or more high risk – Snoring, Patient education – OSA, have you heard of it?
Tiredness daytime/unrefreshed sleep, Tongue and soft tissue around airway blocking
Observed apnoea/choking/gasping for air at during sleep. Risk of accidents with
night; Pressure hypertension, BMI >35, Age > driving/operating heavy machinery when
50, Neck circumference >40cm, Gender male sleepy
Sleep in lateral position, sew tennis ball into
Ddx: Thyroid mass pyjama shirt
Complications + co-morbidities: Weight loss through diet and exercise
driving/operative heavy machinery accidents, Stop smoking, avoid alcohol and sedating
DM/HTN/lipids/obesity/fatty liver, AMI/stroke, medications (antihistamines, BZD, opiates,
depression antidepressants);
Pharm + ADRs
PE Intranasal corticosteroids for AR
BMI >35kg/m2, BP high
Mouth for Mallampati score and tonsillar Ref/TCU/red flags
hypertrophy (open mouth stick out tongue do Refer ENT for sleep study/polysomnography
not say ah), nose for deviated nasal septum, TCU appropriately
measure neck circumference
KIV CVS for raised JVP, loud palpable P2 + Prev - Screen FPG, lipids (co-morbids)
parasternal heave (pulmonary hypertension)
Stat invx
FBC, ESR raised
Symptom – Syncope
Ref: NHGP seniors, Julio
- LOC – Tell me what happened before, during and after the episode. Witnessed? Pre-ictal, ictal,
post-ictal events? Seizure vs. syncope Sheldon score (Seizure - LOC after emotional stress; abnormal
behaviour i.e. unresponsive, unusual posture/limb jerking, head turning to one side, amnesia;
tongue bitten, post-ictal confusion; Syncope – Presyncopal giddiness, sweating/diaphoresis,
triggered by prolonged standing/sitting).
Drugs, alcohol
Epileptic syndrome – Childhood hx of jerking limbs/spilling milk or food when waking in morning
‘flying cornflakes’/blanking out, learning disabilities. Fhx of epilepsy.
Condition – Seizures/Epilepsy
Ref: NUP bridging 2022 case, prog b neuro 20220813
30yo female, b/g stable epilepsy since childhood on lamotrigine, unscheduled. P/w LOC; other
concerns family planning/pregnancy. Dx: Breakthrough seizure secondary to stress and alcohol use.
20yo female, no known hx of epilepsy but actually had childhood myoclonic episodes, unscheduled.
P/w LOC. Dx: First seizure, has underlying Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy.
1. Co-morbidities
- LOC – Tell me what happened before, during and after the episode. Witnessed? Pre-ictal, ictal,
post-ictal events? Seizure vs. syncope Sheldon score (Seizure - LOC after emotional stress; abnormal
behaviour i.e. unresponsive, unusual posture/limb jerking, head turning to one side, amnesia;
tongue bitten, post-ictal confusion; Syncope – Presyncopal giddiness, sweating/diaphoresis,
triggered by prolonged standing/sitting).
Drugs, alcohol
Epileptic syndrome – Childhood hx of jerking limbs/spilling milk or food when waking in morning
‘flying cornflakes’/blanking out, learning disabilities. Fhx of epilepsy.
3. Condition/Diagnosis, Course
7. Concerns
8. Contraindications to treatment
General inspection: Skin for neurocutaneous syndromes (neurofibromas, portwine stain of Sturge
Weber syndrome, angiofibromas of tuberous sclerosis)
UL neuro: Hand dance (pronator drift), dysmetria KIV dysdiadochokinesia. UL tone, reflexes, power.
KIV pinprick.
KIV CN: Eyes, CN 5, CN 7. Mouth for tongue bite. Head for injuries.
Supine 45deg.
KIV Cardiovascular: Heart sounds, murmur AS, carotid bruit. Lungs for creps.
Stat – Capillary glucose (hypoglycaemia), FBC (infection), Na/K/Cr (electrolyte disturbances). ECG
(arrhythmia). UPT if possibly pregnant.
Breakthrough seizure - General. Refer/Red flags – Refer Neuro 1-2weeks with memo. To A&E if
recurrent breakthrough seizures, focal neurological symptoms e.g. weakness.
First presentation seizure – General. Refer Neuro fast track 1-2wk (may arrange MRI, EEG). Safety
advice – Avoid driving, swimming/heights or doing things alone.
Driving. Not allowed for confirmed epilepsy (i.e. recurrent including scar epilepsy). If seizures for
other reasons but on AED, check Fitness to Drive guidelines.
Alcohol. Screen 4 drinks KIV CAGE. Stop alcohol (no safe limit esp in epilepsy)
Stress/sleep deprivation. Stress management/time management KIV refer psychologist for coping
strategies + MSW for social issues, sleep hygiene and regular sleep pattern.
Difficulty walking, weakness since teenage years. Dx: (Charcot Marie Tooth i.e. HSMN)
General approach
Localized/patterned weakness or not? If not, rule out cerebellar syndrome and Parkinsonism.
Objective muscle weakness or not? (Neurological axis vs. other systems/psy)
Localization of weakness - Neurological axis UMN vs LMN (AHC, root, nerves, peripheral nerves,
NMJ, muscle)
If localized left-right symmetrical, global or proximal or distal? (cervical myelopathy/spinal cord vs.
NMJ/myopathy vs. AHC/peripheral neuropathy – proximal on axis affects distal muscles)?
UMN or LMN or mixed/spastic or flaccid or mixed (cervical myelopathy vs. spinal cord compression
vs. AHC MND Motor Neurone Disease)?
Aetiology of weakness
Generalized objective muscle weakness Neuro and Non-neuro causes: Neuro causes - Autoimmune
(Myasthenia gravis). Non-neuro causes - Metabolic/Electrolytes/Endocrine/Nutrition (periodic
paralysis), Neoplastic (cachexia).
- Slurring of speech, blurring of vision, difficulty swallowing? Headache? (UMN e.g. stroke)
- Back pain? (spinal stenosis, cord compression, PID) Injury to back or head?
Course - “Have you had previous similar episodes? Have you seen other doctors for it? What tests
have been done? What treatment has been tried? How is the response to treatment?”
- Falls/instability, immobility?
- Functional/social impairment – How affected daily routine? BADLs Self-care, IADLs? What job, how
affected? Who is at home, how affected home/family?
BMI, pulse/HR, BP
- Note speech. Inspect face (ptosis, temporalis masseter wasting, facial asymmetry), limb
– Hand dance (pronator drift, wrist drop, finger tapping/myotonia, cerebellar dysmetria KIV
dysdiadochokinesia) KIV power proximal/distal + fatiguability one side OR full UL tone, reflexes KIV
Hoffmann (UMN or LMN?), power, sensation pinprick (sensory involvement?)
- If suspecting myopathy, KIV CN: Eye group KIV fatiguability + count to 10 (myasthenia gravis). Face
group. KIV lower CN if UMN signs. Special tests – KIV percussion myotonia (myotonic dystrophy).
Gait – “Are you able to walk? See you walk to bed.” For high steppage (footdrop i.e. dorsiflexor
weakness), circumduction (UMN weakness of hip flexors).
Supine 45deg
LL – Expose “Ideally need to remove trousers but for purposes of modesty could you roll up your
pants to mid-thigh.” Inspect at foot of bed posture/wasting/skin changes (wasting – chronic LMN;
contracture – chronic UMN) + screen footdrop, tone hip roll and passive rigidity and leg lift, reflexes
KIV clonus if hyperreflexic + Babinski touch 1 st MTPJ, power. Skip heel-shin up in air touch finger then
knee then slide down then up in air. Sensation pinprick dermatomes L2 L3 medial knee L4 L5 SPN
lateral leg DPN webspace S1 lateral heel, KIV proprioception “moving your big toe this is up this is
down, close your eyes tell me up down or don’t know” x 2 of 3.
Prep presentation of PE findings: Lesion - Flaccid tetraparesis predominantly distal weakness with
accompanying sensory deficits, chronic. Localization: Peripheral neuropathy. Functional status:
Impaired mobility.
Stat: random capillary glucose, FBC, Na/K/Cr, KIV ESR, ECG. KIV X-ray lumbar spine or C-spine.
KIV send off labs – TFT, B12/folate, CK, VDRL, HIV, ANA
KIV refer ED/Neuro for: CT brain TRO haemorrhagic stroke, MRI brain, lumbar puncture.
KIV for aetiology of stroke: echo for emboli, carotid digital subtraction angiography
Acute stroke/TIA
Referral: For stroke - Refer A&E, admit to stroke unit. For TIA – Refer A&E if ABCDE > …?
CT brain TRO haemorrhagic stroke then MRI brain diffusion-weighted imaging to confirm diagnosis
and type, complications e.g. hydrocephalus.
Ischaemic stroke
- If less than 3hr of onset of ischaemic stroke (SG guidelines within 4.5hr still beneficial), KIV
thrombolysis/reperfusion therapy with IV recombinant tPA Tissue Plasminogen Activator (e.g.
alteplase). Use NIHSS National Institute of Health Stroke Scale.
- Permissive hypertension keep BP <220/120 (<185/110 if tPA candidate), control blood sugar, treat
Chronic management
Other workup for aetiology/risk factors: Labs – FBC (poylcythaemia), coagulation profile, electrolytes
(hyponatraemia). ECG for AF, AMI. 2Decho for emboli, carotid imaging (duplex US or DSA Digital
Subtraction Angiography) and transcranial Doppler. Young stroke workup: autoimmune (ESR, ANA,
dsDNA, anticardiolipin IgM/IgG), prothrombotic (protein C, S, antithrombin III, factor V Leiden),
homocysteine, VDRL
Patient education
Multidisciplinary team for PT/OT/ST
Treat underlying cause e.g. carotid stenosis severe 70% + symptomatic (had TIA) - refer KIV CTVS KIV
for carotid endarterectomy
- Diffuse: NPC.
- CN 2 to 6 Screen vision count fingers, can see clearly all of me? Pupils dim lights check anisocoria
from afar reflexes from afar come in RAPD count of 3 skip near accommodation “look at wall, now
look at finger”. EOM and nystagmus (cerebellar).
- CN 8 “do you hear this? Now close your eyes raise your left hand if you hear it on left and right
hand if you hear it on right. Equally loud both sides?” KIV Weber on vertex + left hand
counterpressure “raise your hand if you hear a sound louder on the right”. Rinne + left hand
counterpressure on top. KIV otoscopy if hearing loss.
- CN 9-12 screen open mouth, say ah, stick out tongue, turn head to look left “keep it there, resist
my movement” turn head to look right. Shrug shoulders.
Chronic – Post-stroke
Ref: Look and Proceed, Baliga/Jansen Koh, NHGP seniors, Julio
About strokes
Subcortical/lacunar stroke – pure motor 50%, pure sensory 5%, mixed motor and sensory 35%, ,
ataxic hemiparesis (10%), clumsy hand-dysarthria syndrome (rare)
ACA Anterior Cerebral Artery: Frontal lobes i.e. AMS, impaired judgment, gait apraxia; contralateral
LOWER limb weakness + hypoaesthesia
MCA Middle Cerebral Artery: Gaze preference towards side of lesion, ipsilateral hemianopsia,
agnosia, receptive/expressive aphasia if dominant lobe + contralateral hemiparesis + hypoaesthesia
PCA Posterior Cerebral Artery: AMS, altered memory, cortical blindness/homonymous hemianopsia,
visual agnosia.
Vertebro-Basilar Artery Occlusion: Cranial nerve/brainstem and cerebellar deficits – Visual field
deficits, diplopia/nystagmus, ipsilateral loss of sensation pain and temperature, vertigo,
dysarthria/dysphagia, syncope, ataxia + contralateral loss of sensation pain and temperature.
Short case
General approach
Pick up hemiparesis
Look for possible aetiology – embolic (AF, heart murmur), thrombotic (carotid bruit,
Inspect for facial asymmetry, posture UL flexed, LL extended.
Upper limbs: Inspect for wasting and posture. Tone for spasticity. Reflexes for hyperreflexia. Power.
If power 4 or more, test for dysmetria and dysdiadochokinesia (ataxic hemiparesis). ?Skip sensory
Lower limbs: Inspect for wasting and posture. Tone for spasticity and clonus. Reflexes for
hyperreflexia and upgoing plantars. Power. Skip cerebellar, skin sensory testing (does not contribute
much to localization).
On couch sitting up
Eyes: Pupils, EOM for contralateral CN III palsy (brainstem stroke/Weber syndrome), contralateral
CN VI and LMN VII palsy (brainstem stroke/Millard-Gubler syndrome).
Face: CN VII for ipsilateral UMN VII (subcortical/lacunar stroke). CN V for sensation – light touch, KIV
pinprick if light touch not affected).
Cortical signs: Gaze preference, visual neglect – “Look straight at my eyes while I move my fingers.
Which side is moving?”. Visual fields for homonymous hemianopia. Ask questions to check for
aphasia (dominant lobe involved).
On couch 45deg
Findings: UMN signs increased tone, hyperreflexia, upgoing plantars on left + UL weakness affecting
extensors more than flexors and LL weakness affecting flexors more than extensors
Localization: Level of lesion is Subcortical? Cortical? At brainstem?
General approach for chronic presentation (for acute see “symptom – weakness”)
- Symptoms: Weakness/numbness of limbs and face? Difficulty with speaking clearly? Loss of vision
(amaurosis fugax)?
Complications of treatment
- Anticoagulation - Bleeding/bruising?
Complications of stroke
- Functional/Occupational: DEATTH SHAFTT How affected daily routine – handedness/need help with
daily activities? Able to walk/need aid/Falls? Swallowing problems? Bladder/bowel incontinence?
How affected work? Do you drive?
UL: Pronator drift. Skip tone/reflexes. Power. Function - Comb hair, open bottle, pick up coin.
Lying 45deg
Stat - INR, HbA1c/glucose, FBC if on aspirin/warfarin, Na/K/Cr if on HTN meds. KIV ECG if AF
- PT/OT/ST for rehab – PT strengthening exercises, mobilization; OT for ADLs, home environment
assessment/modification; ST for swallowing, speech
- Home environment modification for fall prevention – HDB EASE Enhancement for Active SEniors
programme provides subsidies for home enhancement; install ramp for home entrance, grab bars,
anti-slip treatment for bathroom
Post-stroke – Group 1 resume driving 1mth after if no weakness, otherwise refer DARP Driving
Assessment and Rehabilitation Programme. Group 2 resume driving after 1yr + DARP and Neuro
Post-TIA – Group 1 single TIA resume driving after 1mth if no weakness, multiple resume driving
after 6mth if no weakness. Group 2 single resume driving after 6mth if no weakness, multiple after
1yr + Neuro clearance.
Treat complications
- Post-stroke depression. Non-pharm: Engage family, refer psychologist for counselling. Pharm: SSRI
fluoxetine 10mg OM. Advantages – reduce depression, improves neuro functioning, independence in
ADLs. ADRs – nausea/abdo discomfort/diarrhoea, decreased libido, small increased risk of ICH, black
box warning for younger age group suicidal ideation. TCU 2wk to review.
Causes of tremors - SR
Drugs: Alcohol/illicit drug withdrawal. OHGAs, beta-agonists, sympathomimetics, weight loss pills,
caffeine. Drug-induced PD (antipsychotics, antiemetics), cerebellar (phenytoin, lithium, valproate)
2. Co-morbidities
- Screen for PMH: Parkinson’s disease? Thyroid disease? Asthma/COPD? (beta agonists)
1. Complaint (SRSOTCTERA)
- Character: Resting vs. action, intention, postural? (Parkinsonism vs. others, cerebellar) involuntary
purposeless movement fidgety? (chorea)
- Drugs: Alcohol intake, illicit drugs? (alcohol withdrawal) DM medications (OHGAs), asthma
medications (beta-agonists), OTC flu medications (sympathomimetics), weight loss pills, caffeine?
Epilepsy drugs (cerebellar), psy drugs (Parkinsonism)?
- Endocrine: On insulin/OHGAs, hunger pangs when missed meals, cold sweats? (Hypoglycaemia)
weight loss/increased appetite, heat intolerance, palpitations, loose stools, insomnia?
- Idiopathic: FHx of essential tremor? (Essential tremors) Worse with caffeine/physical exertion
/emotional stress, excessive alcohol use? (physiological tremors)
4. Course
- Function: Falls in last 1 yr, ambulation need walking aid, immobility? Hand dominance? How
affected daily routine, BADLs/IADLs – handwriting, drinking water, putting on makeup? What work
(pilot, surgeon?), impact, hobbies? Home? Home environment?
6. Concerns
7. Contraindications to treatment
BMI, weight trend for loss (hyperthyroid, drugs). Vitals – Temp, pulse + HR/BP KIV postural BP for
Hands/UL neuro: Thyroid acropachy. Hand dance – postural tremor with paper, finger apposition for
bradykinesia. Dysmetria KIV dysdiadochokinesia. Tone – lead-pipe, cogwheel rigidity. KIV reflexes,
power proximal/distal.
Gait – Ataxic, Parkinson’s (stooped posture, slow ignition, shuffling, reduced arm swing, turning en
KIV function – Open cap, take out coin, write name on paper.
Previous tests/send off – TFT. KIV LFT (Wilson’s disease). KIV refer Neuro/ED for brain imaging if
suspecting cerebellar disease.
Essential tremors. AD Autosomal Dominant inheritance, present in midlife peaks at age 70. Non-
pharm – Avoid caffeine and overuse of sympathomimetics. Pharm – Beta-blockers e.g. Propranolol
20mg BD (?60mg TDS to 320mg TDS; CI: asthma/COPD, heart block ADR: postural hypotension,
fatigue, erectile dysfunction). Alternatives – Gabapentin, topiramate. TCU 2w review.
Syndrome/Chronic – Parkinsonism
Ref: Look and Proceed, Baliga/Jansen Koh/James Loo, NHGP seniors, Julio
About Parkinsonism
Diagnostic criteria
2. Exclude Parkinson-plus features early in course and secondary causes, negative/poor response to
Aetiology of Parkinsonism
A. Parkinson’s Disease/idiopathic
B. Parkinson-plus syndromes:
- PSP Progressive Supranuclear Palsy - vertical gaze palsy falls going downstairs/cannot read
newspaper, postural instability/early falls within 1 st year due to axial rigidity (vs idiopathic PD usually
3yr), frontal lobe signs
C. Secondary causes:
Of treatment:
Of disease:
Short case
Stem: Patient with recurrent falls. Examine the upper limbs/Examine the gait/Examine the lower
limbs/Examine the face.
General approach
Examination routine
General inspection: Environment – Walking aid. Face - Hypomimia/mask-like facies (fixed stare,
infrequent blinking, ironed-out wrinkles, drooling). Hands – Unilateral resting pill-rolling tremor.
Upper limbs: Hand dance - pronator drift (stroke), wrist dorsiflexion for weakness (stroke), finger
apposition (thumb to index) for bradykinesia (Parkinsonism). Tone lead-pipe, cogwheel rigidity -
flex/extend wrist not circumduct; accentuate by moving contralateral arm up and down. +/- Reflexes
for hyperreflexia and upgoing plantar response (MSA Multi-System Atrophy). +/- Power. Cerebellar
screen for dysmetria (MSA).
Face/CN: Inspect - Seborrheic dermatitis of face. Eyes – Kayser-Fleischer rings (Wilson’s disease),
EOM and vertical movements for impaired vertical gaze down/up, if unable to do overcome by
vertical Doll’s reflex (PSP Progressive Supranuclear Palsy); close eyes for blepharospasm. Glabellar
tap/Myerson’s sign – “Going to stand behind you and tap between your eyes; look straight ahead at
the wall.”
Gait – Decreased arm swing, stooped posture, difficulty initiating gait, shuffling +/- festinating gait
(catch up with centre of gravity), turning en-bloc/in numbers (Parkinsonism). Apraxic gait (NPH?).
Complete: Examine gait if not done, handwriting/button – micrographia, ask questions to assess
speech – monotonous speech. Postural BP – orthostatic hypotension (MSA). AMT for cognitive
impairment (Lewy-Body Dementia, Idiopathic/Parkinson’s Disease, PSP, Wilson’s disease, CJD). Ask
history – falls/instability, drug history for drug-induced Parkinsonism, FHx for Wilson’s disease.
Lesion: “Parkinsonism”
Consultation approach
Screen for PMH (DHL, schizophrenia), DHx (anti-emetic, anti-psychotic, recreational drugs like
MPTP), alcohol use
- HOPC: 1st time or recurrent? Fall hx Pre-fall weakness/giddiness? During fall MOI – Tripped? Post-
fall injuries? Screen for other intrinsic causes of falls e.g. vision? Screen for extrinsic causes e.g.
- Parkinson-plus and mimics – Vertical gaze palsy cannot see stairs/read bottom of newspaper,
falls/instability early within 1st year? (PSP) Postural giddiness? (MSA-P, MSA-C) Memory problems,
sleep disturbances, hallucinations? (LBD) Alien limb? (CBGD) Memory problems, walking difficulties,
urinary incontinence/retention? (NPH) Repeated strokes and stepwise progression – condition
worsened sharply after each stroke? Predominantly lower limb symptoms? (vascular parkinsonism)
- Drugs – Took any new medications for vomiting or psychiatric medication before it started e.g.
metoclopramide, chlorpromazine? MPTP?
- Infection – Brain infection before?
Compliance – Medication list, taking on time/missed medication? Taking correctly empty stomach
30-60min before meal?
Complications of treatment:
Complications of disease:
- Motor – Falls in last 1 year/how many? Fear of falling? Immobile because of fear? Swallowing
- Non-motor – Sleep disturbances? Dementia – Memory loss? Depression – Mood down? Psychosis –
hearing/seeing things not there? Autonomic - postural giddiness? Constipation? urinary retention or
overflow incontinence? erectile dysfunction – problems with sex?
<start taking postural BP here seated, then stand and continue SHx>
- Other psychosocial impact – Affected ADLs, work, home life/family? Finances? Mood?
- Caregiver stress?
- End-of-life plans?
Face/CN: Inspect - Seborrheic dermatitis of face. Eyes – Kayser-Fleischer rings (Wilson’s disease),
EOM and vertical movements for impaired vertical gaze down/up, if unable to do overcome by
vertical Doll’s reflex (PSP Progressive Supranuclear Palsy); close eyes for blepharospasm. Glabellar
tap/Myerson’s sign.
Gait “See you walk to the bed, turn around, walk back and sit down.”
Upper limbs: Hand dance - pronator drift, finger apposition (thumb to index) for bradykinesia
amplitude decreasing when fast is positive. Tone lead-pipe, cogwheel rigidity (more common) -
accentuate by moving contralateral arm up and down. Comment on power “Able to lift up arms so
good anti-gravity power”. Cerebellar screen for dysmetria.
Diagnosis/Problem Management
Parkinson’s Disease – new diagnosis Patient education
- Diagnosis – “Likely Parkinson’s Disease –
progressive condition caused by degeneration
of part of the brain (substantia nigra) affecting
- goals of care – control motor and non-motor
symptoms, improve QOL quality of life, prevent
falls and maintain independence in mobility
and ADLs
Motor symptoms
PT/OT for exercise therapy/gait training,
mobility aids
ST for speech quality, dysphagia, KIV tube
Bradykinesia – Levodopa + decarboxylase
inhibitor e.g. benserazide/Madopar 62.5mg TDS
(titration: increase 62.5mg max 250mg TDS KIV
Madopar HBS long-acting for night; admin: take
30min before food empty stomach; golden
period of effectiveness is 10yr). Others:
carbidopa/Sinemet. ADRs: DDDOOPA
dyskinesia abnormal involuntary movement,
on-off freezing/slow movement when
medication wearing off, postural hypotension,
- Dopamine agonists e.g. bromocriptine,
ropinirole, pramipexole. Population: Younger
age <65yo, mild disease. ADR:
nausea/constipation, insomnia, hallucinations.
- Others MAOI e.g. selegiline, COMT inhibitors
e.g. entacapone, antiviral amantadine
Tremor – Anticholinergics
(benzhexol/trihexyphenidyl 2mg BD,
benztropine 2mg BD). ADR: Blurring of vision,
dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation,
Refer NNI for deep brain stimulation or lesion
surgery (thalomotomy or pallidotomy)
Sleep disturbances – Sleep hygiene
Neuropsychiatric dementia – Donepezil,
Depression – SSRI (CI with selegiline –
serotonergic crisis) or amitryptiline
Psychosis – Clozapine (ADR: leukopenia),
quetiapine. NOT olanzapine
Autonomic postural hypotension –
Fludrocortisone (ADR: hypertension,
hypokalemia, ankle oedema)
Constipation – Lactulose
Nausea – Domperidone
Erectile dysfunction – Sildenafil (ADR: priapism,
headache/blue vision/flushing, cardiac
TCU 1wk to review side effects, titrate dose
Levodopa side effects Dyskinesia – Reduce dose, increase frequency.
Inform Neuro KIV add amantadine.
Wearing Off – Increase frequency BD to TDS,
reduce dose slightly/keep same dose, avoid
high protein meals 30-60min after meds
Postural hypotension – Adequate
hydration/increase salt intake, get up slowly,
countermanoeuvres leg crossing/squatting,
devices stockings; Pharm 1st line
Fludrocortisone 50mcg OD (max 300mcg OD),
2nd line midodrine 10mg OD
Abdominal – Nausea domperidone (low risk of
extrapyramidal side effects), constipation
- Common: DM
- A: RA, SLE,
Vasculitis /
polyarteritis nodosa
- M: DM
- N: Lymphoma /
leukaemia direct
2. Co-morbidities
- Site/Radiation: Where is numbness/tingling, can point out? One side or both sides, Hands – which
peripheral nerve distribution, LL – Stocking distribution? Radiation from neck?
- Triggers
- Exacerbating: At night / on waking / using vibrating tools (carpal tunnel syndrome), turning neck
(cervical spondylosis)
- Relieving: Shaking hands out? (CTS / entrapment neuropathy) Analgesics for pain?
- Associated: Weakness, where? Difficulty speaking clearly, difficulty swallowing, double vision?
(Brain) Recurrent pounding headache, nausea, photophobia/phonophobia, flashing lights?
(migraine) Neck, Loss of balance, walking on cotton wool? Back pain, radiation down lower limbs,
bladder or bowel incontinence? (spinal) Leg pain worse with walking, Smoking? (vascular
- Infection: Hx of brain infection? (meningitis) Risk factors for infection including STIs – multiple sex
partners, CSW? (HIV, syphilis)
- Trauma: Injury to neck/back? Hx of wrist fracture, repetitive strain / chronic vibration, prolonged
cold exposure?
6. Concerns
7. Contraindications to treatment
PE – Peripheral neuropathy LL
Chaperone + Expose “Request a chaperone. Need to take off socks and shoes, ideally remove pants
but for purposes of modesty will ask you to roll up your pants to mid-thigh.”
Environment – Walking aids, footwear (fitting size, covered, asymmetrical wear and tear)
Sitting: KIV screen neck AROM (lateral flexion, flexion/extension) if suspecting cervical myelopathy.
KIV goitre “swallow”. KIV pronator drift.
Romberg. Gait - “See you walk to door, turn around, walk to couch.” High-stepping (footdrop ankle
dorsiflexor weakness), broad-based.
Supine 45deg
Stat – HbA1c/capillary glucose, Na/K/Cr, FBC for macrocytic anaemia. KIV X-ray C-spine (chronic neck
pain ?spondylosis) or lumbar spine.
KIV refer for nerve conduction study (reduced or absent SNAPs sensory nerve action potentials,
prolonged latency), MRI spine
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Control DM and risk factors. Non-pharm: Foot care advice – avoid
going barefoot wear proper footwear fitting covered shoes/socks, test bathwater temperature, trim
toenails remove sharp edges, check feet daily + regular DFS. Pharm: For neuropathic pain –
Gabapentin 100mg ON (Disadvantages: Sedation avoid driving/heavy machinery, Slow onset 2mth
for good effect), pregabalin 75mg OM (Disadvantages – Expensive), amitriptyline 10mg OM
(Disdavantages – sedation, anticholinergic effects? CV risk? Slow onset 6wk for good effect),
venlafaxine 37.5mg OD (Advantages rapid onset 1wk for good effect max effect 6wk). Referral/TCU:
KIV refer Neuro for NCS, chronic pain specialist for TENS, lignocaine injection, spinal stimulation. TCU
2-4weeks to titrate neuropathic pain meds.
Carpal tunnel syndrome. Conservative – Activity modification, reduce repetitive wrist movements,
night splinting. Invasive – Refer Hand KIV steroid injection, carpal tunnel release.
Screen PHQ2 for low mood and/or anhedonia and duration – Mood down/depressed/hopeless? Less
interest/pleasure in doing things/usual activities?
Elicit impairment in social and occupational functioning: BADLs – care for self? IADLs – manage bills,
take public transport? Safety?
Elicit other PHQ9 symptoms + score severity at the same time (chart no. 8) – SIGECAPS Sleep had
trouble falling asleep/staying asleep/early morning wakening/sleeping too much?, Interest (as
above), Guilt feel bad about self/let others down?, Energy little/tired?, Concentration trouble
focussing on daily activities?, Appetite poor/lost weight/overeating?, Psychomotor moving/speak
slowly or more restless than usual noticeable to others?, Suicide – felt life not worth living/better off
Rule out mania; anxiety – anxious constantly? Unable to stop worrying?; psychosis
Gait by observation
Prepare MSE for 1min clarification – ASEPTIC “Elderly gentleman Appears well-kempt in t-shirt and
long pants eye contact reduced behaves appropriately, Speech gives short answers relevant,
Emotion mood depressed tearful affect blunted/reactive smiles appropriately, Perception no
hallucinations, Thought no delusions normal content and process, Insight good, Cognition intact.”
Labs: Stat - FBC, Na; Subsequent for reversible causes of cognitive impairment – TFT, B12, Calcium,
Refer – Psychiatry if severe. Psychologist for psychotherapy/CBT. MSW for financial concerns
Patient education
TCU/red flag return advice - TCU 2weeks review SSRI side effects. 1-SOS hotline. Anticipate triggers
that precipitate poor mood (death anniversary, objects/places that remind about loss of loved one)
Ref: NUP bridging case 99, uptodate, MOH CPG Opioids 2021
Chronic back pain/knee pain (non-cancer) came to collect opioid medication e.g. codeine, tramadol,
General approach
Assess willingness for treatment, type of treatment (previous treatment, patient preference)
- Features 2 or more of: 1. large amounts + tolerance, unable to cut down, 2. craving/withdrawal
symptoms 3. Significant time spent obtaining/recovering from effects 4. affects obligations
work/school/home or social/occupational/recreational activities 5. continues despite recurrent
problems or physically hazardous
- Character: Which medication? Taking for what reason, old problem or new problem?
- Severity: Taking how much, how often? Go to other clinics to collect? Used for non-medical
- Withdrawal/Dependency: Do you think you might be dependent on it? Need to take more and
more? If not taking/cut down, what happens? Withdrawal symptoms - Neuro
restlessness/anxiety/insomnia; MSK – Myalgia; Skin – Sweating; Eye lacrimation/pupil dilation; GI
nausea/vomiting/abdominal cramping/diarrhoea?
- GI: Constipation?
- IVDA – Infective endocarditis?
- DHx: Medication list, Use of other substances medication (BZD), alcohol, smoking, recreational
Contraindications to treatment
Complications – acute intoxication (sedation, slurred speech, pinpoint pupils, respiratory depression)
withdrawal. Co-morbidities – IV or nasal drug use.
BMI and trend, vitals Temp/BP/HR, respiratory rate for resp depression < 8/min
General: Cachexia
Scores – PHQ9
Stat – X-rays of painful areas. ECG for prolonged QTc. Cr for renal impairment.
Send off – LFT for liver dysfunction, screen IVDA for blood-borne viruses HIV/Hep B/Hep C.
Chronic pain. Patient education – Expectation of painkillers to alleviate symptoms but not zero pain,
not treat underlying condition.
Opioid Use Disorder. Patient education and MI - Opioid use disorder, heard of it? Tolerance (Using
too much too frequently making it less effective in long run, need more and more to achieve same
effect) and withdrawal (effects on body when stopped). Opioids inappropriate for mild non-cancer
pain, codeine lack of evidence in reducing severity/frequency of cough and should not be continued
more than 1mth risk of dependence. Stage of change? Referral/notification – Refer to Addiction
Specialist/Psychiatrist at NAMS National Addictions Management Service for detoxification,
addiction counselling/psychotherapy treatment, self-help/support groups Narcotics Anonymous,
MSW, KIV medications. Report to CNB Central Narcotics Bureau and MOH Ministry of Health within
7 days through eNOTIF (regulation 19 of Misuse of Drug Regulations) – “Obliged to inform MOH and
CNB, purpose is to help you, not saying that you are drug addict but to give you support you need to
cut down”. Pharm – KIV opioid antagonist (naltrexone) while undergoing detoxification. Manage
pain - No opioids for pain, offer non-opioid alternatives according to WHO analgesic ladder e.g.
regular paracetamol, NSAIDs (e.g. PO diclofenac, IV ketorolac)/coxibs (etoricoxib), neuropathic pain
e.g. gabapentin; non-pharm e.g. ice pack/heat pack, physiotherapy/exercise, acupuncture; KIV refer
Chronic Pain Specialist. Manage co-morbidities – Smoking cessation, alcohol cessation advice.
Manage other complications – Anxiety/insomnia (hydroxyzine), Constipation (lactulose regular
dose), nausea (metoclopramide, promethazine). TCU/Red flags – Will need treatment and follow-up
6-12 mth. Red flags of overdose (drowsy, respiratory depression) and interaction with other
medications (BZD, sedative). Prev – Hep A and B vaccination.
HOPC restrictive eating/weight loss – “tell me more about eating habits” + SRSCOTETRFA
Primary Eating Disorder. SCOFF 2 or more – Sick make self vomit because full Control lost over eating
Over 3mth lost 6kg F fat feel fat F food controlling food dominates life.
- Anorexia Nervosa. Low weight: Weight, height, BMI? Weight loss, intentional? Fear of gaining
weight – Fear gaining weight/why precipitating events unkind comments? Distorted perception
undue influence on self worth - Ideal weight to you? Restrictive eating: Diet – Can you tell me what
you eat in a day from breakfast to evening time? Any weight loss pills/binging/purging/use laxatives
to get diarrhoea/? Exercise – tell me about what you do for exercise… TFITR type, frequency,
intensity, time, rest/recovery? Fhx of eating disorders, psychiatric conditions.
- Bulimia Nervosa.
- Neoplasm: Malignancy – LOA, fever/sweating at night, swollen lymph nodes, Fhx of cancers?
Complications, co-morbidities
- Metabolic/Electrolytes
BMI weight centile/trend (severity - 17 16 15 below). Vitals – Temperature, postural BP (for drop SBP
>20mmHg DBP > 10mmHg HR change > 20bpm), HR (bradycardia)
Peripheries: Tremors. Russell’s sign calluses on dorsum of hand (bulimia). Scars from cutting/self-
Eyes: Pallor
Tongue: Hydration
Stat: UPT if LMP delayed/unprotected sex. X-ray if suspected fracture. FBC (anaemia), Na/K/Cr
(hyponatremia/hypoklaemia), capillary glucose (hypoglycaemia). ECG (bradycardia, prolonged UTC)
Send off: TFT, LFT and albumin, calcium/phosphate/vit D/BMD if amenorrhoea > 9mth
Anorexia Nervosa. Dx/Pt education/multidisciplinary – have you heard of it, what do you
understand? Weight actually low for age/sex. Elicit concerns e.g. competition, explain too rapid
weight loss causing bone problem cannot compete. Offer to speak to parent, need Family-based
therapy. Referral – Refer to A&E for hospitalization if 1. haemodynamically unstable (hypothermia T
<35deg C, bradycardia <40-50bpm, BP <80-90/60 or giddy, postural drop 10-20mmHg or 20bpm
increase), 2. severe underweight BMI <15 or less than 70-75% ideal bodyweight or food refusal or
failure to respond to outpatienct 3. 2. ECG prolonged QTc 500ms or longer 4. dehydration/serious
electrolyte disturbance K <3.2 /hypoglycaemia 5. moderate-severe refeeding syndrome marked
oedema or phosphorus < 2mg/dL). Refer Paeds Psy/Eating Disorder clinic early 2weeks, TCU 1wk to
monitor electrolytes. Psychotherapy – Refer Psychologist for Family-based therapy or group-based
therapy. Lifestyle – Weight gain gradually increase intake + restrict strenuous exercise aim 0.5kg/wk
eventual goal 90% of expected weight for age/gender. Refer Dietitian will need 3 full meals +
structured snacking monitored by family or school nurse, add multivitamin + calcium vit D
supplements. Pharm – If co-morbid depression, consider SSRI; KIV refer psy for olanzapine. TCU –
Monitor progress for weight gain, resumption of menses.
Stem – 68/Chi/M DHL for chronic review, Cr rise from 100 to 195 over 1 year + uACR over detection
limit. When asked has been taking paracetamol for back pain. Dx: Multiple myeloma.
Lumbar spine
Complaint – SRSOTCTERA
- Site/Radiation – Where exactly, can point out? Radiation to legs, below knee?
- Character – Sharp/dull?
- Red flags: Fever, night sweats? (infection) Rest pain, night pain, LOW/LOA, PMH cancers?
- Function: How affected daily routine? Work, hobbies, home? Home environment?s
- Psy: Depressed?
Chaperone + Expose “I’d like to request a chaperone for the examination. Ideally would like you to
change to an examination gown, but for purposes of modesty could you just take off shirt.” Running
commentary “I see your lower back is straightened out.”
Gait “See you walk from here to the spot next to the couch.”
Standing – Look from side, back (loss of lordosis from spasm, scoliosis, listing from spasm). Move -
Forward bend test “bend forward and try to touch the floor” (accentuate kyphoscoliosis, flat back
rather than rounded signifies spasm or intervertebral joint pathology). If suspecting ankylosing
spondylitis KIV Schober’s test. Extend (facet joint pathology). Lateral flexion “mirror me”.
Sitting. Move – Lateral rotation cross arms over chest and turn “mirror me” (thoracic spine
Supine. Neuro LL – SLR. Inspect, KIV tone, KIV reflexes, power distal only or KIV from L2 to S1, skip
heel-shin, sensation pinprick. Vascular – Feel dorsalis pedis pulses. Screen hip with FADIR. Screen SI
joint with FABER figure of 4 (pain in buttock area is SI joint pathology, pain in groin is intra-articular
hip pathology).
Prone. Feel - Midline of spinous processes for step deformity/tenderness, paralumbar muscles L1 to
L5, buttock SI joint along the triangle lines “Going to press on above buttocks to check the sacro-iliac
joint”, ischial tuberosity “Going to press at the sitting bones”. Femoral stretch test (pain shooting
down front of thigh).
Stat – KIV X-ray lumbosacral spine (indications: red flags, duration?), pelvis AP. KIV FBC, ESR.
- 58/Chi/F with 2 previous visits for eczema comes for unscheduled visit, complains of knee pain
3wk. By the way can get more meds standby for eczema? Dx: Referred pain from hip AVN secondary
to chronic steroid use for eczema
- Young athlete with sudden knee pain and swelling. Dx: ACL tear.
Degeneration/Overuse – Osteoarthritis
- Medial: Osteoarthritis knee, MCL Medial Collateral Ligament tear, Medial meniscus injury, pes
anserine bursitis
- Lateral: ITB IlioTibial Band syndrome, LCL Lateral Collateral Ligament tear, Lateral meniscus injury
By associated symptoms
- Onset, Timing, progression: When did it start? Had before? Sudden or gradual? Worse in morning
or end of day? (inflammatory vs. mechanical) Getting worse/better?
- Triggering: Fall, trauma, twisting injury, popping sound? (trauma – fracture, haemarthrosis,
ligament tear)
- Relieving: Anything makes it better e.g. rest, medications? Does it go away completely?
- Associated symptoms: Swelling? (Haemarthrosis, septic arthritis, gout, RA) Redness? (inflammatory
causes septic arthritis, gout, RA) Fixed flexion? (OA, RA) Locking? (meniscus tear, loose body)
- Red flags: Fever/chills, night sweats? (septic arthritis) Hx of malignancy, Rest pain, night pain,
LOW/LOA,? (malignancy, infection) Morning stiffness >30min, joint swelling, rash, FHx of RA?
(inflammatory arthropathy e.g. RA)
- knee
- Seen doctor? Investigations X-ray MRI bloods? Treatment tried analgesia injections physio?
- How affected daily activities? Baseline? Mobility/walking aids/distance before pain felt? Falls?
Function BADLs and IADLs, work, home? Home environment – lift landing, steps?
- Psy
Bucket list
BMI/weight + trend gain or loss? (obesity, Cushing syndrome). Vitals Temp, HR/BP
***Chaperone + Expose to underwear (see hip and whole posture of limb) “For this examination will
need you to remove your shoes and socks, and ideally your pants as well, but for the sake of
modesty perhaps you can roll up your pants above the knee level.” Running commentary “I see you
are limping.”
Gait – “See you walk to the spot next to the couch.” Antalgic, varus thrust? (OA)
Standing – Look front, side, back (quadriceps wasting, deformity/shortening, knees together for
genu varum OA knee or genu valgum risk factor for AKPS/PFPS, knee flexion from side due to
effusion or pain, Baker’s cyst). Move – If young, squat (anterior pain from PFOA/PFPS, medial/lateral
pain from meniscal injury).
Supine – With knees extended. Look for posture/shortening/deformity, quads wasting, erythema,
effusion. Screen hip+back with SLR passive, FADIR flex adduct across midline IR hip (intraarticular hip
pathology e.g. OA knee, AVN, labral tear)/FABER (intraarticular vs. SI joint pathology, KIV proceed
with hip examination (Move IR/ER/flex/abd/adduct, Feel tenderness groin/greater trochanter). Knee
Feel – Warmth with back of hand (infection/inflammatory/crystal), effusion patellar tap left hand
milk right index middle wiggle patella, effusion cross fluctuance push fluid medial lateral, effusion
bulge sweep medial to top and lateral then back, Clark’s test/patellar grind right hand under knee
“press down on my hand” left hand C-shape compress on quadriceps tendon and push down/left
right grind, retropatellar tenderness KIV patellar apprehension flex knee 30deg. Move - ROM knee
extension active “lift your leg and straighten your knee all the way” + passive if flexion deformity
(extensor lag vs. FFD) + compare to contralateral side; knee flexion active “bend your knee and pull
your heel into touch your buttocks” + passive if limited, compare to other side.
With knees flexed 90deg. Feel – Quads tendon and superior pole of patella (quadriceps
tendinopathy), inferior pole (patellar tendinopathy), tibial tuberosity (OSD), pes anserine insertion
1FB medial and inferior (pes anserine bursitis in post-menopausal); lateral joint line (OA, meniscus
tear), fibular head, LCL (LCL tear); medial joint line (OA, meniscus), medial femoral epicondyle medial
1/3, MCL (MCL tear).
KIV in young patient/trauma Special Tests – Sag sign, posterior drawer (PCL tear), anterior drawer
index fingers relax hamstrings thumbs straddle joint line pull with bodyweight (ACL tear),
Lachmann’s left hand hold thigh right hand hold proximal tibia 20deg feel for play OR modified
Lachmann’s sandwich thigh between examiner’s left thigh and left hand, valgus stress left heel of
palm lateral to knee right hand apply stress distal tibia for pain or gapping (MCL tear), varus stress,
(Skip these Special Tests) Lateral position – Noble’s test left thumb pressure over lateral femoral
epicondyle passively move knee between 0 to 30deg flexion (ITB friction syndrome), Ober’s test left
hand on iliac crest right hand passively move hip into flexion and adduct till knee touches table.
Prone position - Apley grind.
Stat – KIV X-ray knee, X-ray pelvis AP and hip lateral. KIV FBC (infection), ESR (infection).
Hip fracture/AVN – Refer A&E for Ortho review KIV surgical intervention vs. conservative and NWB.
Trauma, ligament tears. Invx X-ray TRO fracture/loose body. RICE, knee brace, analgesia. Refer –
Physio, Ortho for MRI knee.
OA knee. Pharm – Diclofenac 25mg-50mg TDS-PRN for pain, +/- omeprazole cover. Non-pharm –
Activity modification (graded activity pace self, use lift avoid stairs), quads strengthening (SLR
sitting/lying 2-3 sets x 50 reps x 10s, wall slide half squat 2-3sets x 20 reps x 5s /refer physio, mobility
aid walking stick, lose weight. Fall prevention (proper walking shoes no slippers, keep floor tidy and
dry bundle wires, home modification grab bars non-slip tiles good lighting). Refer – Physio,
Orthopaedics KIV for surgical intervention.
OSD. ICE, analgesia. Continue physical activity as tolerated. If refractory, KIV refer Ortho for surgery
after closure of proximal tibial growth plate.
ITB syndrome. Acute – RICE, analgesia. Subacute – Exercise strengthening therapy, refer physio.
Graduated return to sport.
Underlying causes
Stress fracture
OT – Recurrent or new? Sudden onset or gradual? Constant or on and off, present at rest? Getting
worse better or same?
T – Anything triggered it off? Injury, new or increased exercise/activity – why more exercise?
Underlying cause
- Bio - ??
H tell me about home situation… live with… relationship with family? E tell me about school
situation… how are grades… work part-time? A what CCA, do what for fun? Diet tell me what you
eat…? Drugs some experiment with smoking, you or friends… alcohol… drugs? Sex how are menses,
many interested in romantic relationships, you… any sexual intercourse…? Sleep tell me about your
sleeping habits…? Suicide feel depressed, lost interest, constantly worrying, life not worth living?
Stress fracture. Evaluate for FAT/eating disorder/osteoporosis. ?NWB. Short leg cast/aircast boot +
refer Ortho fast track 1week. Analgesia.
Ddx of complaint
Acute symptom Issues:
Handrub! (SPIKES)
Complaint/RFE+HOPC - “How may I help you today/how Summary +
have you been since your last visit? Besides this, is there Any other concerns
anything you are worried about?”… “Tell me more about
your skin lesion. When did you first notice it?
Associated symptoms – Itching? Pain?
Lab result
Complaint - “Why were these tests done, were you worried
about anything that caused you to do the tests?”
Cause/Ddx + PMH/social - “I’ll need to ask you more about
your medical and social history to help clarify what the tests
could mean, and advise what steps to take next.”
Course - “Have you had previous similar episodes? Have you
seen other doctors for it? What tests have been done? What
treatment has been tried? How is the response to
Chronic condition
Cause/initial diagnosis + Course
Control/checking + compliance/adherence/reasons +
competence/technique + crisis management
Complications of disease and treatment + co-morbidities
Bucket list
PMHx - “What other past medical conditions do you have?”;
Drugs/allergies - “What long-term medications are you
taking now? Do you take any traditional medications? Over
the counter medications? Supplements?”; FHx - “Does
anyone in the immediate family have…”
Social history WASHED Work/Accounts Home Alcohol
Smoking Exercise Diet + Function/ICE - “How has this
affected your lifestyle and daily activities? What are you
working as/studying/how are things? How are things at
home/whom do you live with/what kind of housing do you
stay in? Do have any financial problems? Do you smoke/how
much in a day/how many years/would you consider
quitting? Do you drink alcohol/how much/how often more
than 4 drinks in past year? Tell me about what you eat in a
day from breakfast to dinner. What exercise do you do?
What are worries you most about it?”
Psy Depressed/anhedonia/anxious - “How is your mood/do
you feel depressed? Have you lost interest or pleasure your
daily activities? Do you constantly worry about all kinds of
Pallor Handrub!
CVS: precordium + pedal oedema
Lungs: back chest inspect, expansion, auscultate; palpate
cervical lymph nodes; front - inspect apex beat, palpable P2,
auscultate apices and axillae
Abdomen: lie flat, liver, cervical lymph nodes
Neuro: Pronator drift, dysmetria, power, gait
Thyroid: Look/swallow, feel goitre
MSE: ASEPTIC Appearance/Behaviour, Speech,
Emotion/affect/mood, Perception hallucinations, thought
process, insight, cognition
DFS: inspect for ulcers/calluses, palpate pulses, numbness,
vibration sense
Stat invx - “I would like to do some simple tests to help us Preventive care
find out what’s causing your problem.” Vaccinations (influenza,
Previous invx – “Do you have any previous blood PPSV23/PCV13, HPV), Screening
tests/ECGs/x-rays/spirometry?” (BMD, FIT, metabolic,
Diagnosis Management
Diagnosis Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Features treat your problem are further investigations,
lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
Other primary care invx
Pharm + ADRs
Ref/TCU/red flags
Condition – Eczema
- Other PMH? Medication list, changes/when? Smoking, how much, consider quitting? Alcohol?
- Compliance: Taking oral medicines, insulin? How often missed, why? Diet – Tell me what you
usually eat in a day e.g. last 2 days from breakfast to evening, home cooked, sweet drinks, alcohol?
Exercise, how often, what, how long, how intense?
- Microvascular: Renal – Hx of kidney problem, Cr/eGFR, proteinuria? Eye – Hx of eye problem, DRP
done, blurring of vision? Foot – Open wounds/infection, amputation, DFS done, numbness?
Concerns ICEKAPS
Treat other co-morbidities – Smoking cessation, reduce alcohol, control BP and lipids.
Diet issues. Pack simple meals from home instead of outside food, outside ask for less
condiments/sauces/sugar and low-fat, take brown rice. Offer dietitian referral for detailed diet
analysis and optimization.
Irregular work schedule and financial issues. Refer MSW or Family Service Centre for financial
assistance. Take on assignments with similar timing, mutual exchange with colleagues for better
Pharm titration
Ddx of complaint
Travel itinerary
Pregnancy status/PMH/drugs
Complaint/RFE+HOPC - “How may I help you today/how have you been since your last visit? Besides
coming for travel advice, is there anything you are worried about?”…
Travel itinerary – “Tell me more about your travel plans and itinerary.”
- Where? Time zone/flight duration/departure and arrival time? Urban or rural? What kind of
- What activities?
Sex? (+ sexual history, previous HIV test/HIV symptoms fever sore throat lymphadenopathy rash,
PrEP taken before)
Pregnancy status
Drugs/allergies - “What long-term medications are you taking now? Do you take any traditional
medications? Over the counter medications? Supplements?”; FHx - “Does anyone in the immediate
family have…”
Social history
WASHED Work/Accounts Home Alcohol Smoking Exercise/Activities Diet + Function/ICE - “What are
you working as/studying/how are things? How are things at home/whom do you live with/what kind
of housing do you stay in? Do you smoke/how much in a day/how many years/would you consider
quitting? Do you drink alcohol/how much/how often more than 4 drinks in past year? What exercise
do you do/What do you do in your free time?”
Psy Depressed/anhedonia/anxious - “How is your mood/do you feel depressed? Have you lost
interest or pleasure your daily activities? Do you constantly worry about all kinds of things?”
- Education/Employment – Tell me about school. What are you good at/not so good at?
- Drugs/Drinks/Smoking – Do any of your friends drink alcohol? Smoke? Take drugs? How about you?
- Sex/Puberty/Menarche – Have you started to have menses? Many teens become interested in
relationships, are you in any relationship? Can you tell me about your relationship? Have you had
any kind of sex?
- Suicide/Depression/Safety – How is your mood? Have you ever thought of ending your life or
harming yourself?
Depending on PMHx
+/- Resp
+/- Cardio
+/- MSK
Vaccination records – “Do you have your vaccination records with you?”
Stat invx - “I would like to do some simple tests to check control of your chronic condition.”
Diagnosis Management
General travel advice Get personal travel insurance
Check history of DVT/PE Vascular: DVT prevention on long flights
- Do calf muscles exercises/walk on plane, stay
hydrated, wear compression stockings
Infection control
- Resp: Wash hands frequently, wear mask,
follow local COVID19 regulations
- GI: Eat cooked food/pasteurised dairy
products (prevent GE, Hep A), drink bottled or
boiled water/avoid tap water or unfiltered
stream water, Avoid eating bushmeat (raw or
partially-processed meat from
bats/rodents/wild animals which can spread
- Skin: Avoid close contact with stray/wild
animals (rabies), Avoid walking barefoot
(hookworm/strongyloides)/ swimming in
freshwater (schistosomiasis, leptospirosis,
amoebiasis, meliodosis)
Malaria prophylaxis
- Check CDC Yellowbook for malaria risk and
- Non-pharm: Wear long sleeves/pants/socks,
apply topical mosquito repellent (DEET to skin,
permethrin to clothing), sleep under mosquito
net treated with permethrin
- Pharm/chemoprophylaxis:
Doxycycline 100mg OM, start 1 day before + 28
days (1mth) after leaving malaria-prone area.
Malarone (Atovaquone-proguanil
250mg/100mg) 1tab OD, start 1 day before +
continue 7 days (1wk) after.
Mefloquine 250mg 1tab/week, start 2wk
before + continue 4wk (1mth) after. Safe for
High altitude Non-pharm:
- Acclimatize by ascending 1500m weeks before
- Ascend gradually not more than 2800m first
day or 500m/day after 2500m, plan 1 extra day
acclimatization for every 1000m of height (i.e.
every 3rd day)
- Avoid alcohol (continue caffeine if regular
use), stay hydrated
- O2 supplementation 0.5-1L/min
Air travel
- Travel memo to airline, inform airline staff DM
on insulin injection
- Watch diet on plane (avoid sweet snacks,
bring own), monitor glucose
Insulin adjustment
- Adjust if travelling more than 5 time
zones/hours eastward or westward. Eastward
shorter day (e.g. Australia because timezone is
ahead) so reduce insulin, westward longer day
(e.g. USA because timezone is behind) so
increase insulin
- Use basal-bolus strategy: Keep watch in
departure country timezone; Take full basal
dose before departure, Half basal dose at
lunch/dinner on board following departure
time, half basal dose 12hours later, full dose
next day following arrival time (if at least 12hr
since last dose). Give rapid-acting bolus with
on-board meals.
OHGA adjustment
- Follow departure country time + with meals,
omit dose if timing close.
Chronic disease – Asthma Hand carry (do not check in) inhaler + standby
prednisolone always
Control Memo to airline
For EIA, use 2 puff 15-30min? before exercise
Chronic disease – COPD If pneumothorax, no air travel for 2wk after
successful drainage/full lung expansion
History Refer Resp for walking test (50m/1 flight stairs)
Functional status – Can walk more than 100m + hypoxia challenge test
or climb stairs? Memo and make arrangements with airline for
Contraindications based on British/American supplemental O2 if in-flight PaO2 expected to
Thoracic Society guidelines - Previous fall below 50mmHg.
pneumothorax within last 2weeks
- No live vaccines (yellow fever, MMR/V) while
on prednisolone
?PO melatonin 0.5mg on first few days
- HOPC (Tell me more about your erectile dysfunction problem). Onset/triggers (When did you start
to notice it? Was there any trigger?) Characterise (No desire? Cannot penetrate? Cannot sustain?
Premature ejaculation?)
Drugs (What chronic medications are you taking? TCM/OTCs? Beta-blockers/thiazides? SSRIs?)
Cardiovascular disease (Besides the … which you are taking medications for, do you have other
medical problems? DHL/IHD/PVD – buttock/leg claudication? Smoking? Alcohol?)
Psychological (How has your mood been? Any stressors? How is your relationship?)
Abdo – gynaecomastia/galactorrhoea
PR for BPH
Stat – glucose/HbA1c
Issues - summarise
Medication (PDE5 inhibitors) vs Lifestyle measures (lose weight, stop smoking/drinking, exercise, de-
stress, refer counselling)
PDE5 inhibitor: sildenafil. Contraindications: Nitrates. Take 50mg 30min-1hour before sex, avoid
fatty meals. Side effects: Blue vision, hypotension, priapism. (alternative – tadalafil 20mg 1-2hour
before sex, not affected by meal, no blue vision)
If HPV HR (non-16/18), call up lab to request to run reflex cytology on same sample.
- Onset/time course: Happened before? (recurrent infection) Varies with menstrual cycle?
- Sexual hx – Relationship, how long? Past encounter? New sexual partners - new in last
3mth)/previous partners - multiple? Practices? Protection - no condom)/Pregnancy - IUCD in situ,
current pregnancy? Past STI or partner STI(risk factor)/Pap smear?
- DHx – recent Abx use? (Candida) DM hx? (Candida) OCPs? Illicit drugs?
- PMH – DM?
Complications as above in SR
VE and speculum: Get double pair of gloves, lubricant, speculum, swab stick. Vulvar erythema,
Cervical excitation, adnexal tenderness/masses. Speculum “insert this plastic device to see inside
vagina and neck of womb”, check for fistula, malignancy.
Take swab, send discharge for microscopy, pH, NAAT nucleic acid amplification test
Stat: UPT (at least offer). KIV FBC/ESR (infection), capillary glucose (DM).
Send off – Screen other STIs (blood for HIV/Hep B/syphilis, urine NAAT for gonorrhoea/chlamydia)
Assessment and Plan
Diagnosis Management
General for all Advice
Avoid tight fitting underwear, use cotton not synthetic, avoid
vaginal douching and soaps/gels.
No evidence for probiotics.
Metronidazole for Trichomonas and BV is safe
VVC – Give clotrimazole pessary only (no oral fluconazole).
Symptom - Dysmenorrhoea
References: NHGP seniors, Julio, NUP CPG/AFP, Patient History
Acute symptom Issues:
Handrub! (SPIKES)
Complaint/RFE+HOPC - “How may I help you today/how Summary +
have you been since your last visit? Besides this, is there Any other concerns
anything you are worried about?”… “Tell me more about
your menstrual cramps.”
***Site/Radiation clarify++ – “Can you point where you feel
the pain? Is it more at the upper/centre part/lower part of
your tummy? Is it more at the middle part/right side/left
side? Does it travel anywhere else/can you point where it
travels to? Is it more at the upper or lower part?” (Midline -
primary vs. iliac fossa - secondary, radiation to back in both
primary and secondary)
Severity – “How bad on scale from 0 to 10?”
- “What does it feel like? Sharp/dull/pulling?”
- Any nausea/fatigue/headache/bloating/breast
tenderness?” (primary dysmenorhoea)
- “How did it first start? New or recurrent occurs every
menstrual cycle, similar nature?” (ectopic vs.
- “Sudden or gradual? Constant or intermittent?” (ectopic,
Exacerbating/Relieving – “What makes it worse? Anything
makes it better?”
Post-coital bleeding?
Deep pain during sex i.e. dyspareunia? (endometriosis)
- Gynae/Obstetric history
Previous pregnancies/deliveries/miscarriages/abortions?
Pain when passing motion i.e. dyschezia? Fhx
endometriosis? (endometriosis)
Fever? Foul-smelling vaginal discharge? Dysuria? (STI/PID
Pelvic Inflammatory disease)
If menorrhagia,
Bleeding/bruising elsewhere e.g. nosebleed, gum bleeding,
PR bleed/melaena? Fhx of bleeding disorders? (bleeding
Cold intolerance? Fatigue? Constipation? Dry skin?
Problems with trying to conceive? (subfertility)
Giddy/breathless /chest tightness/tired easily? (anaemia)
How are you coping with the pain/How has it affected your
daily life? Work/studies? Activities? Relationship/sex?
Sleep?” (impaired function)
How is your mood/depressed/loss interest? So bad that life
not worth living? Anxious? (psychosocial)
Bucket list
Sexual + contraceptive/STIs
Seated Handrub!
Eyes: Pallor
Lying flat
Abdomen: Tenderness/guarding/rebound, enlarged uterus
(fibroids/adenomyosis), adnexal masses (ectopic, PID,
VE - “Will need to examine your private area.” Double
gloves, lubricate, prep speculum and swab stick. Cervical
excitation (cervicitis/PID), adnexal tenderness (ectopic, PID)
Speculum – “Will insert this plastic speculum to better see
inside.” Check for discharge, send HVS High Vaginal Swab
Preventive care
Stat invx - “I would like to do some simple tests to help us Vaccinations (influenza,
find out what’s causing your problem.” PPSV23/PCV13, HPV), Screening
UPT (rule out pregnancy) (BMD, FIT, metabolic,
If menorrhagia, check FBC stat, send TFT later MMG/cervical)
Pharm + ADRs
- Hormonal:
a. COCPs Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills.
MOA: Suppress ovulation/reduce menstrual
flow and contractions. Admin: Extended or
continuous administration e.g. 24/4
b. Others e.g. POP, depo-provera, Implanon,
- Other
Ref/TCU/red flags
- Follow up after scans/in one month
Adenomyosis Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Features treat your problem are further investigations,
lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
Other primary care invx
Conservative/Pharm + ADRs
NSAIDs for pain, tranexamic acid for heavy
Mirena IUD (not copper IUCD – worsens
dysmenorrhoea; not OCP – limited efficacy
according to UpToDate)
Fertility not desired - Hysterectomy
Fertility-preserving – Uterine artery
Ref/TCU/red flags
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Features treat your problem are further investigations,
lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
Ref/TCU/red flags
Refer to ED KIV for hospitalization if red flags:
- Pregnancy
- Severe clinical illness (high fever, vomiting,
severe abdo pain) OR unable to take oral
medications OR no response/tolerance to oral
medications OR concern about adherence
- Pelvic abscess/Tubo-ovarian abscess OR
suspected alternate diagnosis (e.g. appendicitis,
ovarian torsion)
- Refrain from sex till treatment completed and
symptoms resolved
- Invx: Screen for other STDs, update vaccines
Hep B and HPV
- Safe sex practices in future
Partner – Advise all male sex partners in last 60
days to be examined for treatment regardless
of STI test results
- TCU 2-3days
Normal menstruation
Causes of AUB
By age group
- Drugs – Hormonal contraceptives (COCP, Depo Provera, Mirena IUD), anti-depressants, anti-
psychotics, anti-epileptics.
- Hypothyroidism / hyperthyroidism.
- Pregnancy/miscarriage
- Adenomyosis
- Leiomyoma
- Coagulopathy
- Iatrogenic IUCD
Detailed Menstrual Hx: LMP? (pregnancy) Previous menstrual pattern and current - regular/irregular,
usual interval/frequency/have menstrual diary or last dates? (normal ovulation vs. ovulatory
dysfunction; getting more irregular – perimenopausal)
Amount of blood loss - Spotting or many pads/clots? (spotting – cervix/lower genital tract e.g. polyp,
infection; heavy bleeding - uterus)
- IMB? (endometrial – polyps hyperplasia carcinoma endometritis PID; cervical -polyps, cancer,
cervicitis, ectropion; vaginal) PCB? (cervical causes e.g. cervical ca, polyps) PMB? (endometrial ca).
- COCPs/contraception use
Sexual hx: Married or in relationship? Need to ask sensitive questions about sexual history as may be
relevant to your symptoms. Past sexual encounter? Partners? Practices? Protection/Pregnancies
prevention or plans? Past STI or partner, Pap smear?
- Malignancy and endometrial hyperplasia: Age 45 and above. Red flags - PMB/Weight loss/LOA?
Risk factors for endometrial Ca – Hormone replacement therapy or tamoxifen? BMI obese
>35/weight? FHx of endometrial ca or colorectal ca/HNPCC?
Headache, BOV/tunnel vision, milky discharge from breast? (Pituitary - prolactinoma) Heavy
bleeding post-delivery? (Pituitary - Sheehan syndrome)
Age 40s-50s, Irregular less frequent bleeding, hot flushes/night sweats/palpitations/mood swings
irritability/insomnia? (Ovarian – Menopause, Premature Ovarian Failure)
- Fertility problems?
Bucket list
Request chaperone – “Will need to examine your abdomen and private area.” Prepare gloves,
lubricant, speculum, Pap smear equipment.
Pallor, hydration
Abdo – Scars, Enlarged uterus (uniform globular- adenomyosis; irregular – fibroids), adnexal masses,
VE/Speculum: Cervical excitation and adnexal tenderness, bimanual palpation for fibroids and
adnexal masses. Speculum for cervical lesions/polyps, IUCD thread, discharge.
Malignancy and endometrial hyperplasia - Age 45 and above (O&G book has age 40?) or risk factors
for endometrial Ca/hyperplasia
Referral – To Gynae for Transvaginal US pelvis and endometrial biopsy. If PMB – KIV US pelvis first
then sample if endometrium thickened in 1 st half of cycle
Pharm: If dysmenorrhoea pain also, PO mefenamic acid 500mg TDS. PO norethisterone 10mg BD x
2wk (gyn says 6 weeks; if obese give TDS dose) to keep amenorrhoeic (MOA: Anovulation means no
corpus luteum to produce progesterone; oral progesterone stops lining proliferation but maintains
lining); alternatively Mirena/Levonorgestrel-releasing IUCD (ADR: 20% intermittent spotting 1 st 6mth,
50% amenorrhoea after 1yr; lasts 5 yr) or IM Depo-Provera 150mg q3mth (ADR: Irregular bleeding 1 st
3mth, abdo bloating/breast tenderness/weight gain water retention, depression). PO tranexamic
acid 1g TDS x 3 days to reduce menstrual flow (if VTE risk, give lower dose). Haematinics PO
Sangobion or PO Iberet.
Psychosocial support.
STI – Treat STI, screen for other STIs. Notify, screen partner.
Ovulatory dysfunction -
32yo female b/g lipids on statins, unscheduled visit. TTC 1yr. Dx: PCOS.
Causes of subfertility/infertility
Male factor
Female factor
- Pituitary: Prolactinoma
- Cervix pathology
2. Co-morbidities
- Screen for PMH, DHx – medication list, alcohol, smoking, illicit drugs? TCM/OTCs?
- Onset/duration: How long married, how long TTC? Previous marriages, previous
pregnancies/miscarriages/abortions for woman?
- Sexual History: “Need to ask sensitive details about sexual history to understand more about your
fertility problem.” Frequency, if not frequent why? (Confirmed subfertility – At least EOD SI or 2-
3x/week after end of menses unprotected x 12mth) Practices, problems e.g. dyspareunia,
penetration/ejaculation? (must be vaginal) Pregnancy prevention/Protection – condoms, OCPs,
IUCD? Any previous partners? Previous STIs or screening/Pap or Cervical screening and HPV vaccine?
- Menstrual History: LMP? “Tell me about menses.” Regular, frequency/number of cycles per year,
menstrual diary/last dates? (<8 cycles/yr = PCOS) Menarche? IMB, PCB? Duration short/prolonged?
Flow light/heavy/clots? Dysmenorrhoea? (structural causes)
- Previous marriage/children?
- PMH, obesity, surgery to reproductive organs? Drugs, alcohol, smoking? Stress? Occupation?
- Seen doctor? Invx - blood tests for hormonal levels, scans of reproductive system, sperm tests?
5. Complications medical/functional/social
6. Concerns
- ICEKAPS: What do you think is cause of subfertility? What are you most worried about? What
would you like me to do for you?
7. Contraindications to treatment/pregnancy
- PMH – Chronic illnesses in detail e.g. DM (HbA1c should be < 6.5%), lipids. Previous panel tests.
Bucket list
BMI/ht/wt trend if not done (obese, underweight/anorexic). Vitals – Temp, Pulse HR/BP
Eyes: Pallor. Proptosis (go to side and top) KIV EOM and lid lag. Screen vision “Can see clearly all of
me?” KIV visual fields.
KIV reflexes (delayed deep tendon reflexes), proximal myopathy for weakness.
Supine flat
Send off: TFT, KIV arrange D21 progesterone, androgens. CVRF screening – lipids, FPG.
PCOS. Diagnosis – Rotterdam criteria 2 of 3. Educate – Cysts in ovary from under-developed follicles.
Non-pharm: Weight loss, diet pack own food KIV refer dietitian, exercise moderate intensity aerobic.
Monitor menstrual calendar, manage stress. Pharm: Optimize chronics KIV metformin. Invx: Screen
FPG and lipids. Referral - Refer Gynae KIV US of ovaries if diagnosis not obvious,
clomiphene/letrozole for induction.
Indications for referral to Fertility specialist: 1. Age and duration (Age > 35,age >30 tried for 1yr, age
<30 tried for 2yr/total duration of subfertility 3yr) 2. Structural abnormality fibroids/endometriosis,
PID. 3. Premature ovarian failure. 4. Male – sexual dysfunction, hx of urogenital surgery, varicocele,
significant systemic illness.
What specialist may do: Blood tests (mid progesterone level 7 days before expecte pd period,
FSH/LH/prolactin/testosterone), scans (TVUS, hysterosalpingogram to look at Fallopian tubes),
seminal analysis (check sperm amount and quality) and male structural (hypospadias, varicocele)
and genetic syndromes. Treatment with clomiphene, gonadotropins, laparoscopic ovarian drilling in
Management – Contraceptive counselling
Ref: NUP bridging case 111
38yo F, no PMH, unscheduled. Comes asking to learn about tubal ligation. Dx: Hidden issue of
domestic abuse and marital rape. Must also address RFE about contraception.
Wants long-term contraception as completed family. “Understand you have completed family and
looking for long-term pregnancy prevention. Several options – Irreversible (surgery for tubal ligation
for woman, vasectomy for men), reversible long-acting contraception (implant in womb with or
without hormones i.e. copper IUCD or Mirena, implant in arm i.e. Implanon, injection into muscle i.e.
Depo Provera). Do you have any preference?”
Condition - GDM Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Ref: NUP bridging 2022 with Pradip, NHGP seniors
Stem – 28/F G2P1, GDM found on screening comes for counselling. Did not screen during previous
RFE, other worries. “Understand you are anxious to know result, don’t worry will explain to you in
detail. Get more info about medical and social history so can advise you better.”
Current pregnancy – Gestation. How are you feeling today? Alarm symptoms (PV bleed, leaking
liquor, contractions? FM?).
Patient education
- Dx. “Normal range for GDM screen (3 pt OGTT) – fasting less than 5.1, after 1h less than 10.0, after
2h less than 8.5. Yours is above this range, means you have Gestational Diabetes.”
- Pathophysiology “Common condition, happens in 1/5 of women because placenta (organ that
supports baby) produces hormones that reduce body’s natural control of blood sugar.”
Maternal: 1. Pre-clampsia (high blood pressure and high urine protein in pregnancy needing earlier
delivery 2. Risk of DM after pregnancy and CV disease.
Obstetric/Foetal: “If sugar not controlled, risk of complications for pregnancy and baby - 1.
Macrosomia (big baby because sugar crosses into baby’s blood), 2.
Polyhydramnios/PPROM/PTL/chorioamnionitis (baby passes more urine, high water level in bag,
burst, infection), 3. Delivery complications poor progress/emergency LSCS or assisted delivery with
forceps vacuum/shoulder dystocia/hypoxic brain injury/Erb’s palsy (difficult delivery because of
baby’s size, need emergency Caesarean operation or forceps or vacuum to help pull out baby, baby’s
brain injured due to lack of oxygen, nerves in neck permanently injured due to positioning when
removing baby), 4. IUFD/stillbirth (higher chance of baby dying in womb)”. **Complications of foetal
anomalies and IUGR apply to pre-existing DM, not GDM.
- 1st line treatment is lifestyle modification/diet control. Avoid sugary drinks and food and oily food,
refer dietitian/DNE to go through diet, exercise aerobic/heart-pumping at least 150min/week.
Monitor 7-point capillary glucose 2x/wk (pre and post bf/lunch/dinner, before bedtime), target pre-
meal 4.4-5.3 or less, 2h post-meal 5.5-6.7 or less (1h post-meal 7.8 or less).
- If pre-existing DM on metformin, continue; stop other OHGAs. Advantages: Safe based on current
studies. Disadvantages: No information about long-term effects of exposure on child.
- Post-natally stop all medications (sugar goes down after placenta out in majority of patients).
- Co-managed with Obstetrics (no need for Endocrine unless pre-existing DM). Routine growth scan
at 32wk, additional follow-up scan at 36wk (monitor for macrosomia). Timing of delivery: Well-
controlled on diet – routine 40-41wk; on insulin or metformin – 38-39wk. Post-natal care: Stop
medications, recheck 2pt OGTT 6wk after delivery, future pregnancies need booking visit/1 st
trimester DM screen 2pt OGTT (risk of recurrent GDM 50%), screen DM yearly (risk of DM 7x normal
Other prev
High-risk (previous GDM/big baby 4kg or more, age 40 or older, obese BMI 30 or more pre-
pregnancy/pre-DM/PCOS) - 1st trimester screen with 2pt OGTT. Cut-offs for pre-existing DM.
Universal screening - 24-28wk (2nd to 3rd trimester - gestational insulin resistance) with 3pt OGTT.
Cut-offs – fasting 5.1 or more, 1h 10.0 or more, 2h 8.5 or more.
Cardiovascular Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative
Sign - Paediatric murmur
References: NHGP seniors, Julio, NUP CPG/AFP, Patient History
Ddx of complaint
Lab result
Complaint - “Why were these tests done, were you worried
about anything that caused you to do the tests?”
Cause/Ddx + PMH/social - “I’ll need to ask you more about
your medical and social history to help clarify what the tests
could mean, and advise what steps to take next.”
Course - “Have you had previous similar episodes? Have you
seen other doctors for it? What tests have been done? What
treatment has been tried? How is the response to
Chronic condition
Cause/initial diagnosis + Course
Control/checking + compliance/adherence/reasons +
competence/technique + crisis management
Complications of disease and treatment + co-morbidities
Bucket list
PMHx - “What other past medical conditions do you have?”;
Drugs/allergies - “What long-term medications are you
taking now? Do you take any traditional medications? Over
the counter medications? Supplements?”; FHx - “Does
anyone in the immediate family have…”
Social history WASHED Work/Accounts Home Alcohol
Smoking Exercise Diet + Function/ICE - “How has this
affected your lifestyle and daily activities? What are you
working as/studying/how are things? How are things at
home/whom do you live with/what kind of housing do you
stay in? Do have any financial problems? Do you smoke/how
much in a day/how many years/would you consider
quitting? Do you drink alcohol/how much/how often more
than 4 drinks in past year? Tell me about what you eat in a
day from breakfast to dinner. What exercise do you do?
What are worries you most about it?”
Psy Depressed/anhedonia/anxious - “How is your mood/do
you feel depressed? Have you lost interest or pleasure your
daily activities? Do you constantly worry about all kinds of
Pallor Handrub!
CVS: precordium + pedal oedema
Lungs: back chest inspect, expansion, auscultate; palpate
cervical lymph nodes; front - inspect apex beat, palpable P2,
auscultate apices and axillae
Abdomen: lie flat, liver, cervical lymph nodes
Neuro: Pronator drift, dysmetria, power, gait
Thyroid: Look/swallow, feel goitre
MSE: ASEPTIC Appearance/Behaviour, Speech,
Emotion/affect/mood, Perception hallucinations, thought
process, insight, cognition
DFS: inspect for ulcers/calluses, palpate pulses, numbness,
vibration sense
Stat invx - “I would like to do some simple tests to help us Preventive care
find out what’s causing your problem.” Vaccinations (influenza,
Previous invx – “Do you have any previous blood PPSV23/PCV13, HPV), Screening
tests/ECGs/x-rays/spirometry?” (BMD, FIT, metabolic,
Diagnosis Management
Diagnosis Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Features treat your problem are further investigations,
lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
Other primary care invx
Pharm + ADRs
Ref/TCU/red flags
Acute symptom Issues:
Handrub! (SPIKES)
Complaint/RFE+HOPC - “How may I help you today/how Summary +
have you been since your last visit? Besides coming to see Any other concerns
your results, is there anything you are worried about?”…
“Tell me more about your wheezing. When did you first
notice it? Was there anything that brought it on? Tell me
about the most recent episode from beginning to end. ...
What makes it worse? What makes it better?
Confirm wheezing –
Onset - When did you first notice it? (since birth –
congenital cause, acutely – anaphylaxis/FB/infection, chronic
– asthma etc.
Timing/Triggers – What causes it to come on? (night/early
morning – asthma, exercise – EIA, persistent – congenital)
Exacerbating -
Relieving -
Bucket list
PMHx - “What other past medical conditions do you have?”;
Drugs/allergies - “What long-term medications are you
taking now? Do you take any traditional medications? Over
the counter medications? Supplements?”; FHx - “Does
anyone in the immediate family have…”
Child: Add after PMH - perinatal/birth, growth/development,
vaccinations, puberty/menarche
Social history
Adolescent: Replace SHx with HEADSSS
- Home – Whom do you live with? How are you relationships
with your family? Whom can you talk with?
- Education/Employment – Tell me about school. What are
you good at/not so good at?
- Activities – What do you/your friends do like to do for fun?
- Drugs/Drinks/Smoking – Do any of your friends drink
alcohol? Smoke? Take drugs? How about you?
- Sex/Puberty/Menarche – Have you started to have
menses? Many teens become interested in relationships, are
you in any relationship? Can you tell me about your
relationship? Have you had any kind of sex?
- Suicide/Depression/Safety – How is your mood? Have you
ever thought of ending your life or harming yourself?
Psy Depressed/anhedonia/anxious - “How is your mood/do
you feel depressed? Have you lost interest or pleasure your
daily activities? Do you constantly worry about all kinds of
Ref/TCU/red flags
Stat invx - “I would like to do some simple tests to help us Preventive care
find out what’s causing your problem.” Vaccinations (influenza,
PPSV23/PCV13, HPV), Screening
CXR (FB, TB, structural abnormalities e.g. vascular rings) (BMD, FIT, metabolic,
If chronic/systemic symptoms, FBC (anaemia, MMG/cervical)
leukocytosis/leukopenia, eosinophilia – allergy/parasites)
Diagnosis Management
Diagnosis Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Features treat your problem are further investigations,
lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
Other primary care invx
Pharm + ADRs
Ref/TCU/red flags
Surgical causes
Trauma: Intraabdominal solid organ laceration (liver, spleen)
GI: Appendicitis, Meckel diverticulitis, perforated viscus, malrotation with midgut volvulus,
incarcerated hernia, intussusception, adhesions with intestinal obstruction, bowel ischaemia/acute
mesenteric ischaemia, bacterial peritonitis
GI: GERD, gastritis/PUD, GE, constipation, lactose intolerance, malabsorption, mesenteric adenitis
MSK: Haematoma.
Other: Endocrine – DKA. Autoimmune – HSP. Resp – pneumonia. CVS – Myocarditis. Haem – Sickle
cell crisis.
GI: GERD, gastritis/PUD/H pylori infection, Constipation colic, Malignancy, Inflammatory bowel
disease, Lactose intolerance/Food allergy/malabsorption/celiac disease, Functional abdominal pain
(including IBS, abdominal migraine, functional dyspepsia)
Complaint – OSR.CSF.TETRA
- Onset/duration: Currently ongoing? New or recurrent? If new, acute or gradual? If recurrent how
often, lasts how long each time?
- Site, Radiation: Where, point out? Anywhere else? (central/periumbilical safe) Radiation?
- Character
- Severity, Functional impact: Able to walk/play, eat, go to school? Well in-between? Wakes at night?
- GI: Vomiting bloody bilious? Reflux? Diarrhoea/Constipation and baseline bowel habits (frequency,
form), reduced fibre/fluid intake and usual diet and reasons, poor toileting habits/watching mobile
phone/fear of public toilets, pain at anus? Red flags – PR bleeding/melaena? Risk factors – FHx of
IBD, coeliac disease? Bloating/flatulence?
- Constitutional sx: Fever? Red flags – night sweats, LOW/LOA/change in growth trajectory? Risk
factors – travel, contact history, food ingestion?
- Uro: UTI – Dysuria, frequency, cloudy urine, gross haematuria? Testicular torsion – Testicle pain,
- Gynae: PV discharge/PV bleed? LMP, menstrual history? Risk factors – Sexual history?
- Endocrine: DKA – Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, LOW, FHx of DM? Hyperthyroid – Heat
intolerance, tremors? Hypothyroid – Cold intolerance?
- Resp: Cough?
- Psychosocial: Recent changes at home/school e.g. parents divorced/arguing, moved house, started
Contraindications to treatment
Growth and development – Dry by day and night? (normally daytime by age 2, night time by age 3?)
PE – Rule out acute abdomen, testicular torsion. Look for complications e.g.
General: Dysmorphism
Skin: Perfusion
Neck: Goitre
Stat - Urine dipstick/microscopy for blood, leucocytes nitrites in infection. KIV Na/K/Cr if concern for
dehydration/solute depletion, FBC if concern for infection. AXR Usually not indicated
Recurrent abdominal pain. Tummy pain diary. Red flag advice. KIV refer for consideration of scopes.
48mth: Vision
- Siblings/Birth order? GA? (growth and vaccines by chronological age, development adjusted for
prematurity below 36weeks till age 2)
- Gross motor: 1mth - Equal movements? (1mth) Lifts head momentarily when prone? (1mth); 4mth
- Lifts head 45 degrees when prone/ventral suspension + props up on forearms? (3mth, 3mth) No
more head lag (4mth) Lifts head 90 degrees when prone (5mth) Holds head steady in sitting position
(5mth) Rolls over. Bears weight on legs for few seconds (6mth); 6mth - Sits unsupported (6mth,
7mth); 12mth - Stands with support (9mth, 9mth) Pulls to stand (9mth, 10mth) Stands without
support, cruising (10-12mthm, 14.5mth); 18mth - Stoops to recover (15.5mth) Walks
well/independently (15mth, 16mth) Walks up steps with support not hand held (18mth, 21.5mth);
30mth - Walks down steps with support but not hand held (24.5mth)/ Walks up/downs stairs
alternate feet, runs well (30mth), Kicks ball forward (24mth, 26mth) Jumps up both feet off the
ground (24mth, 32.5mth) Balances each foot 1s (37mth); 4yr - Pedals tricycle (36mth, 41.5mth)
Hops (53.5mth) Balances on either foot for 5 seconds (36mth, 57mth).
- Fine motor: 1mth - Follows object to mid-line (1.5mth); 4mth - Follows object past mid-line?
(1.5mth, 2.5mth)/Follows object 180 degrees (4.5mth) Brings hands together at midline/hand regard
(3mth, 3.5mth) Unfists/Grasps rattle in hand (3mth, 4mth) Regards small object like raisin (5.5mth);
6mth - Reaches for object (6mth, 6mth) Looks for fallen object (7mth) Transfers objects from hand
to hand (6mth, 7.5mth); 12mth - Finger-Thumb grasp/immature pincer grasp (9mth, 10mth)/Mature
pincer grasp (12mth, 13.5mth) Bangs 2 cubes held in hands (9mth, 10.5mth); 18mth - Scribbles
(16mth) Builds tower of 2-3 cubes (17mth); 30mth - Builds tower of 4-6 cubes (24mth, 23-29mth)
Builds tower of 8-9 cubes (35.5mth) Copies straight vertical line (24mth, 38.5mth) Picks longer line
(46.5mth); Copies a circle (36mth, 47mth) Copies a cross (48mth, 50mth) Copies a square (48mth,
56mth) Draws person with 3 parts (57.5mth) Copies triangle (60mth).
- Hearing/receptive speech: 1mth - Responds to bell/Alerts to sound? (1mth); 4mth - Turns head to
sound at ear level 20cm out of sight (3mth)/Turns to sound that is out of sight (6mth, 7.5mth)
Follows 1-step command with gesture (12mth) Follows 1-step command without gesture (18mth)
Follows 2-step command (24mth) Follows 3-step command (36mth) Understands what/where
questions (48mth) Can follow rules (60mth).
- Expressive speech: 1mth - Vocalises/Coos (1.5mth, 1.5mth); 4mth - Laughs without being tickled
(3mth, 4.5mth); 6mth - Babbles non-specifically/Says single syllables e.g. Ba, da, ga, ma/Imitates
speech sounds (6mth, 10mth); 12mth – Papa mama non-specific (9mth)/Says papa mama specifically
(12mth, 14.5mth); 18mth - Points to 2 parts of own body (19mth) Says 3 words other than
Papa/Mama (12mth, 21mth) 10 words with meaning (18mth); 30mth - 2-3 word phrases (24mth,
27mth) 50-word vocabulary (24mth) Points to 2-4 pictures correctly (25.5-28.5mth) Names 2-4
pictures correctly (30mth-37mth) Knows age/name/sex (40mth) Rote counts to 10 (52mth) Knows
functions of objects (55.5mth) 3-4 word phrases (36mth) Correct
grammar/pronouns/plurals/prepositions, Names 3-4 colours (48mth, 63.5mth) Fluent speech/stories
(60mth) Places and counts blocks (64mth).
- Social: 1mth - Face regard (1mth) Spontaneous social smile (1mth); 4mth - Excites at a toy/familiar
pleasant situation(feeding/bathing) (3mth, 5.5mth); 6mth - Reacts to stranger/stranger anxiety
(6mth, 10mth); 12mth - Waves bye bye (9mth, 10.5mth) Claps hands (9mth, 11mth) Indicates wants
by gestures/pointing, has joint attention (12mth, 13.5mth); 18mth - Imitates household activities
(16mth) Drinks from a cup (12mth, 18.5mth); 30mth - Uses spoon (18mth, 22mth) Removes clothing
(24mth)/Puts on any clothing with help (34mth) Names friend (45.5mth) Pretend/Imaginative play
e.g. e.g. Drive cars/action figures/cooking/Comb doll’s hair (18mth, 24.5mth) Toilet-trained (36mth)
Brushes teeth with help (51mth) Dresses with no help (54mth) Brushes teeth with no help (69mth).
Pre-schooler (walks) – DA by playing while seated, check eyes while seated, check on couch heart,
lungs, abdo
- Receptive speech (Upwards from 12mth i.e. walking): 1-step with gesture - Point + “Take the
sticker/bear” or “Give me a high five” or “Follow me squatting!” (12mth), “Where is mummy?” (joint
attention) + 1 step without gesture - “Pass the bear to mummy” (18mth), 2-step “touch your head,
then clap your hands” (2yr), on – “put the bear ON the truck” (30mth), under “put the bear UNDER
one truck, then pick up the other truck, then pass the truck to mummy” (3yr), between “put the bear
BETWEEN the 2 trucks” (4yr), before “BEFORE you pick up the truck, clap your hands” (5yr)
- Expressive speech (older child or younger child based on receptive speech level): Older child –
Narrate “Tell me what is happening in the picture” (4yr), Recount “Can you tell me the story again?
What did Peter and Mary do?” (5yr), 2 to 3 words “What is the boy doing?” (2-3yr). Younger child
(downwards) – 10 words picture book + “What is this? Where are your eyes/nose/mouth?” (18-2yr),
mama/papa meaningful “[to parent] What does he call you? [to child] Where is mama?” (12mth)
- Fine motor (older child or younger child based on walking 18mth): Older child (blocks, drawing) –
Draw arrangement then ask child to stack blocks as tower of 3/6/9 (18mth, 24mth, 30mth), 4-block
train (2.5yr), 3-block bridge (3yr), 3-step ladder (4yr), 4-step ladder (5yr). Crayon + paper draw out
pictures and ask child to copy scribble (18mth), vertical line (2yr), horizontal line (2.5yr), circle (3yr),
square/cross (4yr), triangle (5yr). Younger child (downwards) – Pincer grip/raking “Can he take these
biscuits? Pick up biscuit” (12mth/9mth), reach/transfer give bear then fire engine to same hand
Infant (doesn’t walk) – Examine fontanelles, eyes, heart/lungs on parent then on 360deg
examination on couch (supine, sitting, standing, prone)
18mth old – M-CHAT for autism, Vanderbilt
Primary or secondary?
Primary causes
Secondary causes
- Bio: Hearing impairment, brain injury (hypoxia, infection, spasticity, congenital), tongue tie
RFE, express sympathy “That must be very worrying for you”, screen for other RFE “Besides this is
there anything else you are worried about?”
Screen birth hx and PMH “Before I ask about the speech issue, birth history. Do you have health
- Siblings/Birth order? GA? Mode of delivery, Apgar, perinatal events “problems during delivery”?
Antenatal history “problems during pregnancy?”
- growth normal?
- onset/time course/regression “When first noticed? When first able to say papa mama?”
developmental regression “Able to say things but now cannot?”
- Receptive speech (Upwards from 12mth): 1-step with gesture - Point + “Take the bear” or “Give me
a high five” or “Follow me squatting!” (12mth), “Where is mummy?” (joint attention) + 1 step
without gesture - “Pass the bear to mummy” (18mth), 2-step (2yr), on (30mth), under (3yr), between
(4yr), before (5yr)
- Expressive speech (older child or younger child based on receptive speech level): Older child –
Narrate “Tell me what is happening in the picture” (4yr), Recount “Can you tell me the story again?
What did Peter and Mary do?” (5yr), 2 to 3 words “What is Peter doing?” (2-3yr). Younger child
(downwards) – 10 words picture book + “What is this? Where are your eyes/nose/mouth?” (18-2yr),
mama/papa meaningful “[to parent] What does he call you? [to child] Where is mama?” (12mth)
Eye Adult/Geriatric/Paediatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative
ENT Adult/Geriatric/Paediatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative
Musculoskeletal/Rheumatology, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative
Dermatology Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative
Endocrine Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative
Haematology Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative
Infectious diseases Acute/Emergency vs. Chronic/Preventive/Palliative
Symptom – Acute fever in child
References: NHGP seniors, Julio, NUP CPG/AFP, Patient History
Ddx of complaint
Acute symptom Issues:
Handrub! (SPIKES)
Complaint/RFE+HOPC - “How may I help you today/how Summary +
have you been since your last visit? Besides coming to see Any other concerns
your results, is there anything you are worried about?”…
“Tell me more about your [symptom]. When did you first
notice it? Was there anything that brought it on? Tell me
about the most recent episode from beginning to end. ...
What makes it worse? What makes it better?
Cause/DQ for red flags + Ddx
Course - “Have you had previous similar episodes? Have you
seen other doctors for it? What tests have been done? What
treatment has been tried? How is the response to
Complications/Function - “How has it affected your daily
Lab result
Complaint - “Why were these tests done, were you worried
about anything that caused you to do the tests?”
Cause/Ddx + PMH/social - “I’ll need to ask you more about
your medical and social history to help clarify what the tests
could mean, and advise what steps to take next.”
Course - “Have you had previous similar episodes? Have you
seen other doctors for it? What tests have been done? What
treatment has been tried? How is the response to
Chronic condition
Cause/initial diagnosis + Course
Control/checking + compliance/adherence/reasons +
competence/technique + crisis management
Complications of disease and treatment + co-morbidities
Bucket list
PMHx - “What other past medical conditions do you have?”;
Drugs/allergies - “What long-term medications are you
taking now? Do you take any traditional medications? Over
the counter medications? Supplements?”; FHx - “Does
anyone in the immediate family have…”
Social history WASHED Work/Accounts Home Alcohol
Smoking Exercise Diet + Function/ICE - “How has this
affected your lifestyle and daily activities? What are you
working as/studying/how are things? How are things at
home/whom do you live with/what kind of housing do you
stay in? Do have any financial problems? Do you smoke/how
much in a day/how many years/would you consider
quitting? Do you drink alcohol/how much/how often more
than 4 drinks in past year? Tell me about what you eat in a
day from breakfast to dinner. What exercise do you do?
What are worries you most about it?”
Psy Depressed/anhedonia/anxious - “How is your mood/do
you feel depressed? Have you lost interest or pleasure your
daily activities? Do you constantly worry about all kinds of
Pallor Handrub!
CVS: precordium + pedal oedema
Lungs: back chest inspect, expansion, auscultate; palpate
cervical lymph nodes; front - inspect apex beat, palpable P2,
auscultate apices and axillae
Abdomen: lie flat, liver, cervical lymph nodes
Neuro: Pronator drift, dysmetria, power, gait
Thyroid: Look/swallow, feel goitre
MSE: ASEPTIC Appearance/Behaviour, Speech,
Emotion/affect/mood, Perception hallucinations, thought
process, insight, cognition
DFS: inspect for ulcers/calluses, palpate pulses, numbness,
vibration sense
Stat invx - “I would like to do some simple tests to help us Preventive care
find out what’s causing your problem.” Vaccinations (influenza,
Previous invx – “Do you have any previous blood PPSV23/PCV13, HPV), Screening
tests/ECGs/x-rays/spirometry?” (BMD, FIT, metabolic,
Diagnosis Management
Diagnosis Broad overview -“Recommendations to help
Features treat your problem are further investigations,
lifestyle measures, medications, follow-up
Other primary care invx
Pharm + ADRs
Ref/TCU/red flags
Male reproductive system Adult/Geriatric, Acute/Emergency vs.
Optic nerve: Amaurosis fugax, temporal arteritis, optic neuritis from MS.
Brain (Cortical blindness): Posterior circulation stroke, migraine with prolonged aura
2. Co-morbidities
- Difficulty speaking dysarthria, difficulty swallowing dysphagia, giddiness, hearing loss? (posterior
circulation stroke) Recurrent pounding headaches? (migraine)
6. Concerns
7. Contraindications to treatment
- Allergies – aspirin?
- Pocket Snellen “cover your left eye with this piece while I hold the chart. Read the lowest line of
numbers that you can see.”
- Visual fields – Demonstrate 1 arm’s length “Cover your left eye with your left hand, look into my
right eye.” Check for central scotoma.
Hand dance pronator drift, dysmetria KIV dysdiadochokinesia, power KIV reflexes.
Supine 45deg. Chaperone + Expose “Request a chaperone. Please take off shirt.”
Cardiovascular Pulse if not done. Auscultate heart sounds for murmurs, carotids for bruit.
Symptom – Ptosis?