Cervical cancer
1) risk factor→ HIV
2) most important modifiable risk→ multiple sex partners
3) Diagnosis →abnormal Pap smear
4) Definitie diagnosis→ colposcopy, biopsy
5) Vaccines
Uterine cancer
1) major risk factor→ estrogen
2) CM→ post-menopausal bleeding
3) primary diagnostic→ endometrial biopsy
Ovarian cancers
1) cause more death than any other cancer of the female reproductive system
2) difficult to detect because the organs are usually deep in the pelvis
3) symptoms: non specific and include bloating and indigestion and persistent GI system
5) no screening mechanism exist at present
6) if abdominal pain, bloating--> pelvic exam advice to be done
7) no screening test
8) high risk women→ yearly pelvic exam, ultrasonography
9) prophylactic oophorectomy and oral contraceptives
1) principle time, distance, shielding
2) lead-line private room, absolute bed rest
3) minimum time in direct contact, <30 min per day, per nurse.
4) limited visitor→ 2m from bed, <3 hours per day
5) minimal care in close proximity, foot of bed or entrance of room
6) shielding, wearing film badge
Brest cancer
1) risk factor: BRCA→Prophylactic mastectomy, prophylactic oophorectomy
2) chief location: upper, outer quadrant
3) common complication: recurrence
4) teaching (had cancer): monthly self examination-> know what is normal looks and feel
if not know→ mammogram
1. Restoring arm function on affected side after mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection
- Place in a semi-Fowler’s position with the arm on the affected side elevated on a pillow.
- Flexing and extending fingers should begin in recovery room, and progressive increase in activity should be
2. Restore arm function
- Postoperative arm and shoulder exercises are instituted gradually at the surgeon's direction.
- Exercises are designed to prevent contractures and muscle shortening, maintain muscle tone, and improve lymph and
blood circulation
3. Nurses should use and teach patients to take measures to prevent or decrease lymphedema after ALND.
4. Blood pressure readings, venipunctures, and injections should not be done on the affected arm.
5. Elastic bandages should not be used in early postoperative period
6. Acute lymphedema
- Complete decongestive therapy
- Elevation of arm (level with heart)
- Diuretics
- Isometric exercises
- Wearing a fitted elastic pressure gradient sleeve during waking hours
7. Instruct patient to protect arm from even minor trauma (e.g., sunburn, pinprick).
8. Advise surgeon of all traumas, and observe sites for inflammation.
9. Make sure patient understands that there will always be a risk for lymphedema
1. CM:Irritative→ frequency, urgency, dysuria, acute urinary retention
2. diagnostic studies: Digital rectal examination DRE→ abnormal→ trans rectal ultrasound + biopsies during ultrasound
prostate specific antigen PSA -> to determine complication
3. watchful waiting
4. dietary changes->Decrease intake of caffeine, artificial sweeteners, limiting spicy or acidic foods, high fat
Avoid decongestants and anticholinergics
Restricting evening fluid intake
Timed voiding schedule
5. therapy→ Transurethral Resection of the Prostrate TUPR→Minimal Invasive Therapy
→ Surgical procedure: removal of prostate →resectoscope → the urethra
→ Gold standard treatment for BPH
→ Low risk, no external surgical incision
→ post op complication: first: hemorrhage→ prevent: anticoagulate→ stop; avoid constipation→ infection
6. CBI continuous bladder irrigation
→ 3 way indwelling catheter
→CBI 1st 24 hours continuous or intermittent
→ prevent blocking
→rate of fluid based on the color of drainage. →day 1 pigmen,cloudy→ run fast; day 2 light pink→ slow
→If outflow is less than inflow→Assess bladder immediately
Check patency
Blocked outflow→ Manual Irrigation→ Stop CBI→Notify Physician
7. Prevent Bladder spasms
→Pt not to urinate around catheter
→Check catheter for clots Irrigation
→ Antispasmodics
8. manage urinary incontinent
→kegel exercise
→ ↑fluid
→ no drink
→ no fat
9. prior to the surgery→ sexual counselling
Prostate Cancer,
1. risk factor: high fat, BRCA
2. CM:frequency, urgency, dysuria, hesitancy, dribbling, hematuria, nocturia, retention
3. diagnostic studies-> Digital rectal examination DRE→ confirm diagnosis → biopsy
prostate specific antigen PSA -> to evaluate treatment
4. surgical therapy: radical prostatectomy→ retropubic approach→ abdominal surgery
→ perineal approach → infection
5. Complications: incontinent. erectile dysfunction
6. brachytherapy
Testicular Cancer
1. Monthly to check what is normal to be able identify changes
→ after taking shower→ warm temperature→ easy to look for
→ rolling in hand to find mass
2. fertility and sperm banking→ sexual conselling
AKI: ↓Proteins(oliguric phase), ↓ potassium(banana, citrus fruits, juices, deep green, yellow veg; beens,coffee), ↓ Na; ↑ carbohydrate
CKD: ↓Proteins; ↓ potassium, ↓ Na; ↓ phosphate (milk, ice cream, cheese, yogourt);↑ carbohydrate,↑ fat
peritoneal dialysis→ ↑ protein-> adequate calories to prevent catabolism of protein
1. pain that indicate upper urinary tract infection→ flank pain
2. characteristics of the urinary tract→ sterile 无菌
3. what to avoid→ caffeine, alcohol
4. clinical manifestation→ urgency
5. promotes milking of bacteria from the vagina→ intercourse
6. cause of urinary tract infection→ instrumentation
7. upper urinary tract infection→ pyelonephritis
8. lower urinary tract infection→ cystitis
9. treatment for urinary tract infection→antimicrobial
10. what to promote —> fluid
11. diagnostic test→ MSU
12. what to report promptly→ fever(continue to have fever, cloudy urine, pain on urination after taking all medication→ contact
your healthcare provider)
13. caused by most common pathogen→ E. coli
14. Urinary tract infection in the elderly→ confusion
15. high risk groups→ HIV
1. Take full course of antibiotic
2. Empty bowel & bladder frequently and completely
3. Empty bowel & bladder before and after sexual intercourse.
4. Hygiene: Wipe perineum front to back; thorough care
5. Adequate fluid intake if not indicated, 2-3 L of water and juices. Daily intake 33 ml/kg
6. body weight per day
7. Cranberry Juice
1. Avoid unnecessary catheterizations and early removal of catheter
2. Avoid bladder irritants→caffeine/alcohol/chocolate/citrus juices/highly spiced
3. avoid vaginal douches冲洗, harsh soaps, bubble baths, powders, sprays in genital area
GI Bleed pgs
1. common cause: NSAID, corticosteroids
2. hypovolemic shock→ ↓BP, rapid weak Pause
3. respiratory assessment
4. the presence or absence of bowel sounds
5. blood transfusions→ 2 IV
6. acute bleeding→ NPO
7. teaching
1) no meds other than prescribed
2) no smoking, no alcohol
3) position: sideline
4) take meds with food
5) auscultation of breath sounds are important,
6) no red drinking
7) elderly in risk
Defin/ - cause: diet (high fat), milk allergy, stress, illness viral/ - all layers of bowel wall (colon)
patho/ RF bacterial, NSAID use - any part of GI tract, oral→ anus
- internal mucosa, submucosa, lining - ulceration: cobblestone appearance
- begin from rectum-> colon - intermittent
- continuous
Bowl Obstruction
1) GI complication who had surgery→ nausea, vomiting
2) what is the nurse do first→ check bowel sound→ high pitch sound over the area of obstruction
3) NG tube to decompress the bowel, stomach, relieve distension
4) intervention→ ambulation
Diverticulosis, Diverticulitis
1) colonoscopy
2) high fiber
3) NPO
4) Diverticulosis: non inflamed, free symptoms
5) Diverticulitis: inflammation
A→ fecal-oral route, contaminated food, water; wash hand
B→ vaccine
C→ no vaccine
hepatic encephalopathy→ ammonia, metal change, lactulose, safety is priority; constipation should report
ascites→ ↓sodium , diuretics, paracentesis; daily weights
esophageal varices→ airway maintenance. hypovolemic shock→ ↓BP, rapid weak Pause;2IV,
cirrhosis(esophageal varices) , upper GI bleeding: hypovolemic shock→ ↓BP, rapid weak Pause
Chronic Pancreatitis
pancreatic enzyme replacement
Racemic epinephrine
Increase fluids
Maintain airway
Obstruction in the larynx
Encourage breastfeeding
humidified oxygen fluid airway patency
because this is viral → don't need antibiotics or steroids
self-limiting treatment, supportive treatment