Equipments Uses
1) Scissor
It is required for removal of unwanted
leaves, buds, etc.
2) Needle
3) Forceps/Tweezers
4) Brush
Hair brush is required for collecting the
pollen grains and dusting on the stigma of
emasculated female flowers.
5) Spirit bottle
A small bottle of alcohol or spritis needed
to sterilize the scissors, needles, forceps
and brush as well as hands during the
crossing work
that stigma does not carry any anthers or
pollen grains
8) Labels
The sum totals of hereditary material i.e. all the allele of various genes, present in a crop
species and its wild relatives is referred to as germplasm. This is also known as plant
genetic resources or genetic stock. Germplasm consists of the following five types of
1. Land Races
These are locally adapted, traditional varieties, which had evolved over centuries through
both natural and artificial selection, but without systematic and sustained plant breeding
efforts. Since, they are sources of many valuable genes, their conservation is essential.
The main drawbacks of land races are that they are less uniform and low yielders. Land
races were first collected and studied by N.I Vavilov in rice.
2. Obsolete Cultivars
Improved varieties of recent past are known as obsolete cultivars. These varieties were
developed by systematic plant breeding efforts and popular earlier but now have been
replaced by new varieties.
3. Modern Cultivars
The currently cultivated varieties are referred to as modern cultivars. These varieties have
high yield potential and uniform as compared to obsolete varieties and land races.
4. Wild Form
Wild forms are the wild species from which crop species were directly evolved.
Genetic erosion: - The gradual loss of variability in the cultivated forms and in
their wild relatives is referred to as genetic erosion.
A. International level
In situ conservation
1. On site conservation.
2. Conservation of germplasm under natural habitat is referred to as in situ
3. This is achieved by protecting this area from human interference. Ex. Natural
park, Biosphere reserve and Gene sanctuary etc.
4. A gene sanctuary not only conserves the existing genetic diversity present in the
population, it also allows evolution to continue. As a result, new alleles and new
gene combinations would appear with time.
5. In situ conservation has practical limitations associated with shrinking of natural
habitats, urbanization, industrialization and changing government policies
In this method of conservation, the wild species and the complete natural or semi-
natural ecosystems are preserved together.
Each protected area will cover only very small portion of total diversity of a crop
species, hence several areas will have to be conserved for a single species.
The management of such areas also poses several problems.
This is a costly method of germplasm conservation.
Ex situ conservation
This type of conservation can be achieved in the following five ways.
1) Seed banks:
Germplam is stored as seeds of various genotypes. Seed conservation is quite easy,
relatively safe and needs minimum space. Seeds are classified, on the basis of their
storability into two major groups.
Orthodox seeds: Seeds of this type can be dried to low moisture content of 5% and
stored at a low temperature without losing their viability are known as orthodox seeds.
(eg.) Seeds of corn, wheat, rice, carrot, papaya, pepper, chickpea, cotton, sunflower.
Recalcitrant: Seeds which show very drastic loss in viability with a decrease in moisture
content below 12 to 13% are known as recalcitrant seeds. (e.g) citrus, cocoa, coffee,
rubber, oil palm, mango, jack fruit etc.
Seed storage: Based on duration of storage, seed bank collects are classified into three
groups. (1) Base collections. (2) Active collections and (3) Working collection.
Base collections: Seeds can be conserved under long term (50 to 100 years), at about -
20OC with 5% moisture content. They are disturbed only for regeneration.
Active collection: Seeds are stored at 0OC temperature and the seed moisture is between
5 and 8%. The storage is for medium duration, i.e., 10-15 years. These collections are
used for evaluation, multiplication, and distribution of the accessions.
Working collections: Seeds are stored for 3-5 years at 5-10OC and the usually contain
about 10% moisture. Such materials are regularly used in crop improvement
2. Plant Bank: (Field or plant bank) is an orchard or a field in which accessions of fruit
trees or vegetatively propagated crops are grown and maintained.
3. Shoot tip banks: Germplasm is conserved as slow growth cultures of shoot-tips and
node segments. Conservation of genetic stocks by meristem cultures.
4.Cell and organ banks: A germplasm collection based on cryopreserved (at – 196OC
in liquid nitrogen) embryogenic cell cultures, somatic/ zygotic embryos they be called
cell and organ bank.
5.DNA banks: In these banks, DNA segments from the genomes of germplasm
accessions are maintained and conserved.
I. Collection
II. Introduction
III. Exchange
IV. Evaluation
V. Documentation
VI. Safe conservation
VII. Sustainable management of germplasm
Germplasm Documentation
Each germplasm accession is given an accession number. This number is pre fixed in
India, with IC (Indigenous collection), EC (exotic collection) or IW (Indigenous wild).
Gene pool of a crop included all cultivars (Obsolete and current), wild species and wild
relatives containing all the genes available for breeding use.
Based on degree of relationship, the gene pool of a crop can be divided into three
The gene pool in which intermating is easy and leads to production of fertile hybrids is
known as primary gene pool. It includes plants of the same species or of closely related
species. In such gene pool, genes can be exchanged between lines simply by making
normal crosses. This is also known as gene pool one (GP1). This is the material of prime
breeding importance.
2. Secondary Gene Pool (GP2):
The genetic material that leads to partial fertility on crossing with GP1 is referred to as
secondary gene pool. It includes plants that belong to related species. Such material can
be crossed with primary gene pool, but usually the hybrids are sterile and some of the
progeny to some extent are fertile. Transfer of gene from such material to primary gene
pool is possible but different. This type of gene pool is also known as gene pool two
The genetic material which leads to production of sterile hybrids on crossing will primary
gene pool is termed as tertiary gene pool or gene pool three (GP3). It includes material
which can be crossed with GP1, but the hybrids are sterile. Transfer of gene from such
material to primary gene pool is possible with the help of special techniques.
1. Write in brief different methods of germplasm conservation.
2. Explain gene pool concept and its group.
Pollination: Pollination is defined as the transfer of pollen grains from anther to the
stigma is called as pollination.
Types of pollination: -
1. Self pollination
2. Cross pollination
1) Self pollination: -
It is refers to the pollen from an anther may fall on to the stigma of the same flower is
called as self-pollination or autogmay.
2) Cross pollination: -
It refers to the pollen grains from flower of one plant are transmitted to the stigma of
flowers of another plant it is called as cross-pollination or allogamy.
3) Geitonogamy: -
When pollen from a flower of one plant falls on the stigmas of other flowers of the
same plant. e.g. maize.
o But in most of these species, self pollination is not compete & cross-pollination
may occur up to 5%.
o The degree of cross-pollination in self-pollinated species is affected by several
factors. e.g. variety, environmental condition like temperature, humidity &
There are various mechanisms that promote self-pollination, which are generally
more efficient than that cross-pollination.
Bisexuality: - Presence of male & female organs in the same flower is known as
bisexuality. The presence of bisexual flowers is a must for self-pollination. All the self-
pollinated plants have hermaphrodite flowers. The various mechanisms which promote
self pollinations are as under
1) Homogamy: -
Maturation of anthers and stigma of a flower at the same time is called as
As rule, homogamy is essential for self-pollination.
2) Cleistogamy: -
When pollination and fertilization occur in unopened flower bud is called as
It ensures self-pollination prevents cross-pollination.
In th is case flowers do not open at all this ensures complete self pollination since
foreign pollen cannot reach the stigma of a closed flower e.g. wheat, oats, barley
and other grasses.
4) Chasmogamy: -
It promotes self-pollination. e.g. wheat, barley, rice, oats etc.
5) Position of anthers: -
In some species, stigma are surrounded by anthers in such a way that self-
pollination is ensured.
Such situation is found in tomato and brinjal.
Some legumes, the stamens and stigma are enclosed by the petals.
e.g. green gram, black gram, soybean, chickpea and pea etc.
Many of the crop plants are naturally cross-pollinated. In many species a small amount
(up to 5%) of selfing may occur.
I) Dicliny: -
It refers to unisexual flowers. The flowers are either staminate (male) or pistilate
1) Monoecy: -
Staminate & pistilate flowers occur in the same plant, either in the same
inflorescences. e.g. castor, mango, banana, coconut, or in separate
inflorescences, e.g. maize.
Other monoecious species are cucurbits, walnut, chestnut, strawberries, rubber,
grapes & cassava.
2) Dioecy: -
The male & female flowers are present on different plants, i.e. the plants in such
species are either male or female, e.g. papaya, datepalm, hemp, asparagus, &
In general the sex governed by a single gene, e.g. asparagus & papaya. There are
hermaphrodite plants in condition to male & female plants, & a number of
intermediate forms may also occur.
II) Dichogamy: -
Stamens and pistils of hermaphrodite flowers may mature at different times. There are
of two types
III) Heterostyly: -
When styles and filaments in a flower are different length, it is called heterostyly.
e.g. linseed.
IV) Herkogamy: -
Hindrance to self-pollination due to some physical barriers such as presence of
hyline membrane around the anther is called as alfalfa.
V) Self incompatibility: -
It refers to the failure of pollen from a flower to fertilize the same flower or other
flowers on the same plant.
a) Sporophytic incompatibility: -
Self-incompatibility is controlled by the genotype of the pollen producing plant is
called as sporophytic incompatibility, e.g. cabbage, cauliflower, radish.
b) Gametophytic incompatibility: -
Self-incompatibility is controlled by the genetic constitution of pollen is called as
gametophytic incompatibility. e.g. potato tomato, rice.
b) Genetic male sterility: -
The pollen sterility, which is controlled by nuclear genes, is termed as genic or
genetic male sterility. e.g. barley , maize, wheat , cotton , sorghum Lucerne,
cucurbits, tomato and sugarbeet.
Cross-pollination often exceeds 5% and may reach upto 30% such a species is
known as often cross-pollination. e.g. jawar cotton, arhar , safflower , etc.
1) The first step – Determine the mode of pollination of species is to examine its
flower. Mechanism like dioecy, protogyny, protandry, cleistogamy are easily
detected; they clearly indicate the mode of pollination.
Isolation of bags and or cages may create an environment unfavorable for
pollination and seed set.
Failure of set seed in isolation proves the spaces to be cross-pollinated.
However, setting of seed s only indicates of self-pollination.
Finally, the effect of selfing (inbreeding) on the vigour of plants should be studied.
Loss in vigor due to inbreeding is common in cross-pollination, but self-pollinators
show to inbreeding depression.
e.g. In a study on safflower, the estimates of out crossing in different varieties grown
in the same time at the same location from 0-8.7% similarly, the amount of cross
pollination in a single variety grown at a several locations varied from 1.3-9.8%.
Therefore such a study should include several varieties of the crop and the study
should be conducted at several locations for two more years.
Crop : Castor Inbred / Varieties:1.VI – 9 Green Stem (Recessive)
r D
D D r
r D
0 0 0
0 0 0 00 0
000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0
Recording of Observations:
1. Gene action.
2. Genetic constitution
3. Adaptability
4. Genetic purity
5. Transfer of genes
In refers to mode of expression of genes for various characters in a population. Gene
action is of two types:
The breeding population is of four types viz. heterozygous, homozygous,
homogeneous, and heterogeneous.
It refers to stable performance of a variety over a wide range of environmental
The cross pollinating species have better adaptability (Buffering capacity) than
self pollinating species, because of more heterozygosity and heterogeneity in
the former case.
The heterozygosity populations have broad genetic base. Such a populations
have greater capacity to stabilize productivity over a wide range of changing
Heterogeneous population gives more stable yields over similarly;
heterozygous individuals such as F1 hybrids are more stable to environmental
variations than their homozygous parents.
Thus mode of pollination plays a key role in varieties adaptability.
Classification of crop plants based on mode of pollination and mode of reproduction
1. Explain in brief different modes of mechanism which promote self and cross
pollination in crop plants
2. How the mode of pollination in crop plant can be determined?
3. Classify different agricultural crops on the basis of their mode of pollination.
The heterosis term was given by Shull in 1914. The heterosis may be defined as the
superiority or inferiority of an F1 hybrid over both its parents in terms of yield and some
other characteristics.
Inbreeding depression – The severe reduction or loss in vigour and fertility due to
inbreeding is known as inbreeding depression
Since the maximum decline is reflected in F2 generation, the inbreeding depression can
be computed by relative data on F1 and F2 for any character as under
Effects of inbreeding
Degree of inbreeding depression
The mating or crossing between two plants or lines having dissimilar (unlike)
genetic constitution (genotypes) is called hybridization. OR Hybridization is an
artificial controlled pollination in which pollen grains of desired male parent is
transferred to the stigma of the desired female parent.
Objectives of hybridization:
e.g. In bread wheat – a cross between GW 496 and GW 503.
In groundnut – a cross between GG-2 and GAUG 10; and
GG 11 and GAUG10
Crosses are made between the plants of two different species of the same genus.
In other word, the crossing between two species of the same genus is called inter
specific hybridization.
e.g. Triticum aestivum x T. durum;
Oriza sativa x O. perennis;
Gossypium hirsutum x G. arborium;
Nicotiana tabacum x N. rustica, etc.
This type of hybridization is used to transfer one or few simply inherited
characters like disease/pest resistance or drought resistance from wild species
into cultivated species.
A cross is made between the plants belonging to two different genera. It is used
to transfer desirable characteristic from one genus to another.
4. Introgressive hybridization:
Modern maize
inflorescence may not be bending.
Steps/procedure of hybridization:
1) Selection of parents
2) Selection of flowers
(ii) Remove all other flowers keeping only few flowers for hybridization.
(i) The preparation of female flower is called emasculation, in which all the anthers
are removed from the female flower prior to anthesis.
(ii) Remove all other unwanted leaves, buds, and other vegetative parts.
(iii) In case of dicliny or dioecy plant/flower, emasculation is not necessary but the
flower buds are to be protected from foreign pollens prior to anthesis.
(iv) Various methods of emasculation are being utilized in hybridization programme
which are asunder.
(i) Remove all the anthers by forceps or pointer. Take care that even a piece of
anther should not remain in the emasculated female flowers.
(ii) Usually emasculation is to be started from top flower and proceed downward.
This practice will avoid the falling of anther on emasculated female flowers.
(iii) Emasculation is generally done in late evening or early morning, one day before
the anthers are expected to mature and stigma become fully receptive.
The removal of anthers by forceps or pointer is very laborious work for the crop
plants with very small flowers. Hence, temperature (hot or cold water) isused.
(ii) Cold water treatment:
Chilling treatment (cold water) has been used in wheat and rice with
temperature around freezing.
Use of hot or cold water is a simple procedure since a thermo-flask is used to
maintain desire temperature and make convenient to work in the field. The
flowers are immerged in the water for necessary period of time.
In some crop plants, artificial emasculation is not required due to use of male
sterility which produces only sterile pollens. Genetic male sterility conditioned
by the presence of recessive genes. Cytoplasamic genetic male sterility is used to
produce commercial hybrid seed production in crops like maize, onion,
sorghum, bajra, etc. Similarly, self- incompatibility is also used for hybrid seed
production in diploid Brassicas.
4) Bagging:
(i) The bud of pollen parent should be enclosed in a bag before opening in order to
avoid contamination from the foreign pollen.
6) Crossing / Pollination:
1. The artificial transfer of pollens from desire male parent to the stigma of desire
emasculated flower of female parent is called crossing or pollination.
2. Pollination is done usually in the morning when the stigma is receptive.
The pollens are collected from the bagged flower of the male parent either in petri-dish or
in paper bag (maize, bajra, etc.) or direct male flower may be dusted on the stigma
(wheat, groundnut, brinjal, cotton, okra, etc.).
7) Bagging / Labeling:
1. The bags are removed and the cross seeds / hybrid seeds are harvested
and collected along with attached label.
2. After drying they are threshed.
3. Cross seeds are to be preserved properly to avoid stored pest damage
This law was proposed by two scientists Hardy (1908) in England and
Weinberg (1909) in Germany independently.
This Law states that," in a large random mating population gene and
genotypic frequencies remain constant from generation to
generation in the absence of selection, mutation, migration or
random genetic drift."
In a diploid species, two alleles A and a and there are three genotypes,
AA, Aa and aa.
When gene and genotypic frequencies remain constant, it will have said that
population is in equilibrium. This equilibrium is known as Hardy – Weinberg
Mutation : A sudden heritable change in an individual and is generally due to a
structural change in a gene. Mutation may produce a new allele not present in the
population or may change the frequencies of existing alleles.
How to calculate gene and genotypic frequencies?
Example – 1:
Answer – 1 : Population –2.
1. What is Hardy Weinberg law? Explain it with a suitable example.
1. Genotypic variability:
2. Phenotypic variability:
Where, P= Phenotypic variance
G = Genotypic variance
E = Environmental variance
2. Dominance component: The deviation of heterozygote from the average of the two
homozygote is referred as dominance variance. It is also called as Intra-allelic interaction.
3. Epistatic component: The deviations arise as a consequence of inter-allelic interaction
is called epistatic variances. It also includes additive x additive, additive x dominance and
dominance x dominance interaction.
The progress of any plant breeding programme for crop improvement depends
on the extent of the genotypic variability present in the base population.
The assessment of the genetic variability present in the base population is the
pre requisite before the adoption of selection pressure in the variable
population and the efficiency of selection depends upon the identification of
genetic variability from the phenotypic expression of the character.
The study of the genetic variability is necessary to determine the relative
importance of various plant characters with respect to yield in terms of genetic
The parameters like range of variability, co efficient of variability, the
heritability and expected genetic advance are computed for the assessment of
genetic variability, and the gene action in expressing the genotypes which
reflects into effective selection in crop improvement programmes.
Genetic variability for important agronomic traits in almost all the crops is
mainly due to the additive genetic variance. The non additive variance also
exists for many important traits are nearly all the crops but it is generally
smaller in magnitude than the additive component.
Improvement in any crop plant needs sufficient genetic variability in the
experimental material which can be developed through hybridization,
mutation, polyploidy as well as by somaclonal variation.
Types of Heritability:
The features of broad sense heritability:
1. It can be estimated from both parental as well as segregating populations
It plays an important role in the selection of elite genotypes from the segregating
2. Can be estimated from both Requires crossing in definite fashion
parental and segregating
3. More useful in animal breeding Useful in both plant and animal
4. Useful in selection of elite types Useful in selection of elite types
from homozygous lines from segregating material
The genetic variability present in breeding populations can be assessed by three ways
Range: It is the difference between the highest and the lowest values present in
the observation of a sample.
Standard Deviation: It is the square root of variance and designated as SD (in
case of sample)
Standard = √S2
Two important biometrically techniques used for this purpose are as under:
1. Treatment:
The objects of comparison which an experimenter has to try out in the field for
assessing their values are known as ‘Treatment.’e.g., varieties, manures,
cultivation practices, methods of seed treatments, insecticides, etc., are the
examples of treatments.
2. Experimental material:
3. Uniformity trials:
4. Experimental Error:
In addition to the uniformity of soil, there are other factors also which are
beyond the control of the experimenter and are responsible for the differences
in yield to a great extent even though there may be no real differences among
the treatments. This variation due to uncontrolled factors known as
‘Experimental Error.’
1) Replication:
We know that the variation in soil fertility over the field is so great that all the
treatments do not get equal chance of experiencing every type of environment in
the field, if one treatment is allowed to one plot only.
Some of the treatments which are applied to more fertile plots will be an
advantageous position as compared with those which are applied to less fertile
plots and are, biased. As a very simple illustration, we can take the case of an
experiment in which the two varieties for seed production are to be tested on a
piece of land. If the piece of land be divided into two equal plots and one variety
be sown in one plot and the other in the other, the difference in the yields of the
two varieties will not the real differential effect of the same, as they area
affected by varying soil fertility of the field also. It may be just possible that this
difference in the two yields may be due to the difference in soil fertility in the
two plots and not due to the difference in the varieties.
If the land is divided into a number of smaller plots of equal size and in half of
the plots, one variety be sown and in the remaining half the other variety be
sown, selecting the plots for each variety by a random process, the two varieties
will be affected equally by the varying fertility of the land. Thus, the difference
between the yields of the two varieties would represent a valid estimate of the
differential effect of the two varieties.
Advantages of Replications:
1. In order to obtain a greater precision in the field experiments, the most
effective method is to increases the number of replications. This will
reduce the error. The increase in precision can be done in two ways:
a. We know that the standard error of the mean is S / n where, ‘S’ is the
estimate of the standard deviation and ‘n’ is the number of observations on
which the mean is based. In this case n will represent the number of
replications. Now, it can be easily observed that the standard error of the
mean decreases as n increases and hence, the precision is increased. As the
smaller plots are more homogenous in fertility, it is better to keep the
experimental area the same and increases the number of replications by
shortening the plot size.
2) Randomization:
We also know that the comparison between the treatments will be valid
only when they are studied under equal environmental effects. In that case the
treatments get scope of showing their merits. This is possible by randomization
of the treatments.
3) Local Control:
Now, if we divide the whole field into blocks, which are homogeneous within
them, we can calculate the variance in yield due to the effects of the first type
of fertility variation and eliminate this variance for arriving at an estimate of
the variance due to chance error only.
scattered fertility variations.
The choice of experimental design depends on the number and nature of the
treatments under study. It also depends on the object of the experiment.
5. Split Plot Design (SPT): It is used when the factors are such that some
of them require larger plots (like irrigation, depth of ploughing, sowing
dates, etc) and some require smaller plots may be studied with different
The plot size increases, coefficient of variation (CV) of plots decreases.
Therefore, it is better to increase the plot size up to the extent of 1/ 10 acre.
If the plot size is greater than this, the increase in soil heterogeneity within
the plots affects any advantage obtained by increasing the plot size.
However, an increase in the number of replications with reduced plot size
leads to a more precise treatment comparison, when the land and other
facilities are limited.
So far as the shape of the plot is concerned it can be anything, square,
rectangle or a narrow long strip
The dimensions of the plots are so chosen as to utilize the whole of the
experimental site effective and give a correct field layout.
Border Effect:
The yield or any other character of the plants is affected in case of those plants
which are nearer to the borders of the plots with the result that the border plant
differ from the plants of the central portions of the plots with respect to the yield
or other character understudy.
The growth of the plants is affected by the growth of a more vigorous variety of
the neighboring plots.
The plants of the central plots remain unaffected by this growth.
In manurial experiments, the manure from the manured plots might seep into the
un-manured plots and affect the plants upto some distance beyond the border.
Similarly the presence of the adjacent grass, drainage or unsown land also
affects the growth of the crop on the border of the plots.
In order to ensure that yield or measurements of the character under study in
each plot has been only from the area which is unaffected by above mentioned
factors, non experimental border of sufficient width must be left around the plot.
From the ANOVA of Randomized Block Design, the following components of variance
may be calculated:
6) Heritability (h2b) = 2g/2p ×100
7) Genetic Advance (GA) = K ×p× H
Where, K=2.06 (selection differential)
8) GA as % of mean = G.A./ X ×100
5. Genetic Advance (%): Expected genetic advance as % of mean provides a
measure to compare the expected genetic progress of selection among various
plant characters within a population and between populations.
Eight varieties of barley were tested in RBD with four replication and the
observations were recorded on number of ears per plant. Calculate variability
parameters, heritability and genetic advance.
Replication = (352.4)2 + (352.0)2 + = 109.224
S.S. (316.0)2 + (339.8)2/8- C.F.
From the ANOVA of Randomized Block Design, the following components of variance
may be calculated:
1) Error variance (2e) = Me
= 13.797
2) Genotypic variance (2g) = (Mg – Me)/r
= (146.284 – 13.797)/4 = 33.122
Combining ability:
The concept of general and specific combining ability as a measure of
gene action was first proposed by Sprague and Tatum (1942).
M = General mean
2) Specific combining ability (SCA):
considered as Non-Fixable.
Kempthorne (1957) defined GCA and SCA variances in terms of covariance of
half and full sibs in a random mating population:
2. It helps to sort out the promising crosses for yield and its components.
Parents are selected on the basis of per se performance such parents may be good
but transmission ability to their progenies may or may not be good. While
parents selected on the basis of GCA denotes good transmission ability to their
In addition nicking ability of parents is also based on GCA. Therefore, parents
selected on the basis of GCA are more desirable as compared to selection of
parents on the basis of per se performance.
How combining ability is superior over simple hybridization between any two
parents at a time?
It was proposed by G.H. Shull (1909).
A cross between two pure lines or inbred lines. e.g.
AxB F1 (AB)
The number of possible single crosses produces from various pure lines or
inbred lines can be calculated as follows:
i) To study the combining ability of different pure lines or inbred lines.
ii) To predict the performance of double cross combination.
F1 x F1
F1 (Double cross)
i) It is used to produce double cross hybrid for commercial planting.
e.g. Double cross hybrids are available in maize.
F1 x C
AxB CxD E xF GxH 1st crossing cycle
ABCDEFGH Multiple cross
i) To create more amount of genetic variability for different characters.
ii) To combine different desirable genes which are scattered into different parents.
i) It is time and labour consuming method.
ii) Undesirable recombination is also brought together.
iii) The probability of obtaining the plants with all desirable genes is decreasing
with increasing in number of parental lines.
A cross between hybrid (F1) and one of its parents. e.g.
i) To transfer a desirable character from the donor parent to the recipient
parent this is lacking in recipient parent.
A cross of hybrid (F1) with a homozygous recessive parent. e.g
P1 (AA) × P2 (aa)
The cross made between an inbred and open pollinated variety (OPV).
It was proposed by Davis (1929).
Open pollinated variety is used as a tester for studying the combining
ability of inbred line.
combining ability of parents and hybrid, respectively.
Diallel mating scheme for seven parents viz., A, B,C, D, E, F and G (Half diallel)
1. Explain different types of crosses with example and write its uses.
2. What is combining ability? Write its types and compare it.
3. Write characteristics of GCA and SCA.
4. Give the utility of combining ability in plant breeding.
5. Write the relationship between combining ability and gene action.
6. Justify: Selection of parents based on GCA is more desirable than that based on
per se performance.