Bsbcrt511 Lap F v1.3
Bsbcrt511 Lap F v1.3
Bsbcrt511 Lap F v1.3
Develop critical thinking in others
Australis Institute of Technology and Education
Learner Assessment Pack |AITE |V: 2 March 2022 | Next Review- Mar 2023
Unit Code: BSBCRT511| RTO ID: 91630 | CRICOS ID: 03173K
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Australis Institute of Technology and Education
Learner Assessment Pack |AITE |V: 2 March 2022 | Next Review- Mar 2023
Unit Code: BSBCRT511| RTO ID: 91630 | CRICOS ID: 03173K
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Australis Institute of Technology and Education
Table of Contents
ASSESSMENT DELIVERY...............................................................................................................................5
LEARNER INFORMATION..............................................................................................................................6
STEPS FOR LEARNERS..................................................................................................................................8
REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT..........................................................................................................................9
RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR ASSESSMENT......................................................................................................10
ACCESSING INTRANET PAGES AND EXTERNAL LINKS........................................................................................11
ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT.........................................................................................................................12
ASSESSMENT TASKS..................................................................................................................................14
Short Answer Questions.............................................................................................................16
Practical Assessment..................................................................................................................38
Case Study Assessment................................................................................................................39
Case Study Assessment Overview............................................................................................39
Part 1. Assess the Individual and Team Critical and Creative Thinking Skills............................40
Part 2. Establish an Environment That Supports Critical and Creative Thinking......................91
Part 3. Facilitate Opportunities for Application of Critical and Creative Thinking....................99
Part 4. Improve Critical and Creative Thinking Practices........................................................123
ASSESSMENT WORKBOOK CHECKLIST.........................................................................................................131
Assessment Workbook Checklist...................................................................................................132
Record of Assessment...................................................................................................................136
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Unit Code: BSBCRT511| RTO ID: 91630 | CRICOS ID: 03173K
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Learner Information
This Learner Assessment Pack is designed for you to complete the assessment for BSBCRT511 -
Develop critical thinking in others (Release 1). It may refer to your own workplace/organisation, or
to a simulated business provided by your assessor.
The assessment tasks include Short Answer Questions where you need to demonstrate your
knowledge and understanding of the unit, and the Practical Assessment, where you need to
demonstrate your skills required in the unit. It is recommended that you complete the Practical
Assessments in your own workplace/organisation. If you don’t have access to a real workplace, you
can complete the assessment in a simulated environment where resources and conditions similar to
a workplace must be accessed. Ensure to discuss this with your assessor prior to commencing with
the assessment.
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Before you commence your assessment, ensure that you have a good knowledge of the subject,
have thoroughly read your Learner Resource, and clearly understand the assessment requirements
and the expectations of the industry to which the assessment is related.
Assessments are designed to be completed using your industry/organisation, but your Registered
Training Organisation (RTO) may assist you by contextualising the unit to be completed in a
simulated workplace environment.
You will be required to demonstrate knowledge and skills which must be observed directly by your
assessor. Where the observation task may be difficult for the assessor to directly observed, a video
recording of the practical observation task must be submitted as supplementary evidence.
Verification from at least one third-party signatory, and preferably two or more witnesses is required
to confirm your demonstration of these practical knowledge and skills. These witnesses would
usually be your current or recent supervisors, or your assessor.
The practical assessment tasks may be completed using your own workplace, a simulated
environment, or a mix of both, as instructed by your assessor. To contextualise this assessment to
your industry/organisation, you may be asked by your assessor to provide additional information
based on your industry/organisation.
Instructions are given for each task. If you have questions, or unclear how to proceed, consult with
your assessor.
Records of all aspects of the assessment must be kept in your Learner Assessment Pack
The record of assessment is a legal document and must be signed, dated, and a copy stored as
required by your Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
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Reasonable Adjustment
Adapted Reasonable Adjustment in teaching, learning and assessment for learners with a disability -
November 2010 - Prepared by - Queensland VET Development Centre
Reasonable adjustment in VET is the term applied to modifying the learning environment or making
changes to the training delivered to assist a learner with a disability. A reasonable adjustment can be
as simple as changing classrooms to be closer to amenities or installing a particular type of software
on a computer for a person with vision impairment.
Why make a reasonable adjustment?
We make reasonable adjustments in VET to make sure that learners with a disability have:
The same learning opportunities as learners without a disability, and
The same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as those without a disability.
Reasonable adjustment applied to participation in teaching, learning and assessment activities can
Customising resources and assessment activities within the training package or accredited
Modifying the presentation medium
Learner support
Use of assistive/adaptive technologies
Making information accessible both before enrolment and during the course
Monitoring the adjustments to ensure learners needs continue to be met
Assistive/Adaptive Technologies
Assistive/Adaptive technology means ‘software or hardware that has been specifically designed to
assist people with disabilities in carrying out daily activities’ (World Wide Web Consortium - W3C). It
includes screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition software, alternative keyboards, devices for
grasping, visual alert systems, digital note-takers.
Reasonable adjustment made for collecting learner assessment evidence must not impact on the
standard expected by the workplace, as expressed by the relevant unit(s) of competency. For
example, if the assessment were gathering evidence of the learner’s competency in writing,
allowing the learner to complete the assessment verbally would not be a valid assessment
method. The method of assessment used by any reasonable adjustment must still meet the
competency requirements.
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Assessment Agreement
Discuss and accomplish this section with your assessor before commencing then sign the
confirmation at the end of this Agreement.
Delivery Method
Small Group
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Unit Code: BSBCRT511| RTO ID: 91630 | CRICOS ID: 03173K
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Assessment Conditions
Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the
conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.
This includes access to:
I confirm that the activities and assessment completed as part of this unit are my own work, and
comply with all relevant copyright and plagiarism rules.
I understand that if there is any doubt of the authenticity of any piece of my assessment, I can be
orally examined, and the signatory of evidence records may be contacted.
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Complete all tasks in this assessment as instructed. If you have questions, consult with your assessor.
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Unit Code: BSBCRT511| RTO ID: 91630 | CRICOS ID: 03173K
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Identify one characteristic for each critical thinking concepts listed below. Briefly explain how
each characteristic is used in each concept.
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Unit Code: BSBCRT511| RTO ID: 91630 | CRICOS ID: 03173K
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Question 2
Identify one characteristic for each critical thinking approaches listed below. Briefly explain how
each characteristic is used in each approach.
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Unit Code: BSBCRT511| RTO ID: 91630 | CRICOS ID: 03173K
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Question 3
Bounce Fitness is a premier fitness centre with four centres across Australia. Its head office is
currently located in Cairns, Queensland. Access the link below to learn more about Bounce
Bounce Fitness Homepage
Identify three business objectives of Bounce Fitness. Access Bounce Fitness’ business objectives
in the link below.
Business Objectives and KPI
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Question 4
Identify the three communication processes used in Bounce Fitness. Briefly explain the
procedures for each identified process. Access the link provided below to access Bounce Fitness’s
Communication Processes.
Communications Process
Process Explanation
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Question 5
Answer the guide questions below about Bounce Fitness’ On the Job Training Plan. Access the
link below to answer the guide question.
On the Job Training Plan
a. Identify one reason why the task must be presented to the trainee.
b. Identify one reason why the trainer must try out the trainee’s performance.
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Unit Code: BSBCRT511| RTO ID: 91630 | CRICOS ID: 03173K
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Question 6
Answer the guide questions below about Bounce Fitness’s Personal Development Procedure.
Access the link below to answer the guide questions.
Personal Development Procedure
b. Briefly explain the training courses available for personal and managerial skills.
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Question 7
Briefly describe how each learning environment listed below may be used in an organisation.
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Question 8
a. Classroom Learning
d. Distance Learning
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Question 9
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Question 10
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Learner Assessment Pack
Question 11
Access Bounce Fitness’ Market Research Procedure in the link below. Complete the table in the
following page by:
a. Identify one source that can provide additional information related to the procedure.
b. Record the source of your information.
c. Answer the questions that follow to assess the reliability of your source.
Market Research Procedure
Criteria Explanation
Based on your evaluation, is this source reliable or not? Tick Yes or No.
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Question 12
Access Bounce Fitness’ Bomb Threat Procedures in the Emergency Evacuation Plan and
Implementation Procedures in the link below. Complete the table in the following page:
a. Identify one source that can provide additional information related to the bomb threat
b. Record the source of your information.
c. Answer the questions that follow to assess the reliability of your source.
Emergency Evacuation Plan and Implementation Procedures
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Criteria Explanation
Based on your evaluation, is this source reliable or not? Tick Yes or No.
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Question 13
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Learner Assessment Pack
Question 14
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Learner Assessment Pack
Question 15
A. Critical Thinking
a. Research
B. Creative Thinking
b. Open-mindedness
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Learner Assessment Pack
Practical Assessment
The Practical Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in a workplace, or in an
environment with conditions similar to that of a real workplace.
To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge to
develop critical and creative thinking skills in others within a workplace context.
The Practical Assessments in this workbook include:
1. Case Study Assessment
Includes detailed scenarios and simulated environments, providing all necessary
information required to complete relevant tasks and activities. These are based on the
simulated business, Bounce Fitness.
2. Workplace Practical Observation
A set of assessment tasks where the learner must demonstrate practical skills relevant
to the unit of competency. These skills are to be demonstrated while being observed by
the assessor.
All signatures/initials in your submissions, including yours, must be handwritten and
dated. Submissions with signatures/initials must be scanned.
The supervisor/observer who completes and signs your evidence submissions must
provide their real name, contact number, and email address for your assessor’s
Should you encounter issue or concerns regarding your assessment, contact your
This assessment includes detailed scenarios and simulated environments, providing all
necessary information required to complete relevant tasks and activities, based on the
simulated business, Bounce Fitness <>.
This will not require you to access a real workplace, however, some tasks to be completed are
similar to those typically done in a real workplace.
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Unit Code: BSBCRT511| RTO ID: 91630 | CRICOS ID: 03173K
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Learner Assessment Pack
This part of the project requires you to identify knowledge gaps within teams and individuals and
facilitate learning opportunities to address these gaps. Specifically, you are required to:
Research models of critical and creative thinking
Develop questions to identify individual and team knowledge gaps
Facilitate formal and informal learning opportunities for addressing identified gaps
Articulate key features of critical and creative thinking concepts to relevant personnel
Collect feedback from individuals and teams on critical and creative thinking opportunities
Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
A simulated workplace environment that will allow you access to:
o At least four volunteers to participate in assessment activities, including:
You are the centre manager for Bounce Fitness Cairns. There are two teams of fitness trainers that
directly report to you, Team A and Team B, with two members in each team. As the centre
manager, you are in charge of overseeing this branch’s performance, including the performance of
all its employees.
Fitness trainers of Team A handle one-on-one classes with their clients. The special feature of
these classes is that each training plan is catered specifically to each client’s needs and
capabilities. These trainers are in charge of creating training plans that are appropriate for each of
their clients. They also keep track of their clients’ fitness records which helps them adjust training
plans depending on their clients’ progress.
Fitness trainers of Team B handle the different fitness classes that Bounce Fitness. Each class has
an attendance of 10 to 25 clients. As part of handling group classes, Team B fitness trainers must
be knowledgeable on proper exercise and nutrition should their clients ask them for advice.
To help improve your employees’ performance, you decide to see how well members of each
team know their tasks. Based on your findings, you intend to organise learning opportunities to
help the fitness trainers perform better.
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Learner Assessment Pack
1. Conduct research on information about critical and creative thinking. Record your
responses in the Critical and Creative Thinking Research Form provided within this
Complete the following sections of the form with the information you have researched:
a. Models
Identify two models:
o At least one model of critical thinking
c. Approaches
Identify the following:
o At least two approaches used for critical thinking
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Learner Assessment Pack
I. Critical Thinking
A. Model
B. Concepts
Application to Workplace
Concept Definition of Concept Characteristic
C. Approaches
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Learner Assessment Pack
A. Model
B. Concepts
C. Approaches
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Learner Assessment Pack
b. Develop at least one set of questions for at least one individual team member
from each team to answer
For the purpose of this assessment, this is the team member with the least
experience. You may refer to the character brief in Task 1.3 of this assessment for
Write at least five to seven questions about the team’s task.
Questions developed for the selected individual must differ from the
questions developed for the team. However, these must correspond to
the Fitness Trainer Tasks Guidelines.
Write the benchmark answer next to each question created.
Write these under the Questions for the Individual Team Member section of the
Questions Log.
2. Leave the following columns in the template blank:
Answered Correctly
These will be completed in Task 1.3 of the assessment.
3. Submit two partially completed Question Logs to your assessor.
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Learner Assessment Pack
Questions Log
Question Benchmark Answer Comments/Remarks
If yes tick the box. If
not, leave blank.
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Learner Assessment Pack
Question Benchmark Answer Comments/Remarks
If yes tick the box. If
not, leave blank.
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Learner Assessment Pack
1. Conduct two separate meetings with Team A and Team B to identify their knowledge
a. One meeting must be with all members present for each team
b. One meeting must be with the selected individual member from each team
2. Enlist the assistance of at least four volunteers to undertake the role of the members of
Team A and Team B. Each team must have at least two members.
Discuss with your volunteers the roles they will undertake. Ensure that they are able to
participate throughout the end of this Practical Assessment.
3. Access the following documents from the link provided below:
a. Meeting with Team A Character Brief
b. Meeting with Team B Character Brief
Review these character briefs with your volunteers to understand the roles they will
undertake for the meeting.
4. Locate the Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form
outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate in this task. Review the document to
ensure the demonstration of the skills specified during each meeting with all team
members from each team present.
5. Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a
time with your assessor to observe you in conducting each separate meeting with all
team members present for each team. Provide your assessor with two copies of the
Observation Form. Discuss all requirements of the task with your assessor and prepare
these before the team meeting.
Your assessor must complete two Observation Forms – one for each team meeting
If direct observation is not possible, record the role play activity in a video. Ensure to
obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
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Learner Assessment Pack
The assessor is to observe the learner as they complete the assessment task and skill requirements
outlined in this Observation Form.
Review and discuss with the learner the task instructions, and skill requirements which they need
to demonstrate to complete this assessment.
Ensure that the learner understands the requirements of the task and the skill requirements
before proceeding.
For this assessment, the learner is required to conduct a meeting for each team with all the team members
present. Prior to conducting each meeting, discuss with the learner to ensure that they have access to the
Assessment requirements (please tick all requirements found in the assessment environment):
You are required to observe the learner meet with each team and one member from each team to ask the
questions they had developed. The learner will provide you a copy of the Observation Form which you
must complete during the observation task.
Direct observation
Learner and the assessment requirements must be present in the video recording.
Observe the learner demonstrate each skill requirement outlined in the form as they undertake
the task.
Tick each item in the form as ‘YES’ if the learner satisfactorily demonstrates each skill
requirement based on the criteria provided. Write objective feedback on how the learner
demonstrated each skill requirement based on your observation.
Tick each item in the form as ‘NO’ if the learner does not satisfactorily demonstrate each skill
requirement. Write objective feedback including additional information on how the learner can
satisfactorily demonstrate this requirement for this task.
Provide an overall feedback on the learner’s performance to assist the learner in addressing any
areas of improvement.
Sign off the Assessor Declaration at the end of the Observation Form to confirm this observation.
Discuss any further queries about the task and associated requirements with the learner before
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Learner Assessment Pack
Observation Form
a. Listening
b. Questioning
By signing here, I confirm that I have observed the learner, whose name appears above,
perform/demonstrate the skills outlined in this Observation Form during each meeting with all team
members present.
I further confirm that the information recorded on this Observation Form is true and accurately reflects
the learner’s performance during this task.
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Learner Assessment Pack
1. Review each teams’ and individuals’ responses in the completed Questions Log from
Task 1.3.
2. Access the Learning Plan templates located within this workbook. Complete one
Learning Plan for each team. For each Learning Plan, you must:
a. Review the team’s responses from the completed Questions Log from Task 1.3.
Based on the results of each discussion from Task 1.3, identify the following for
each section of the Learning Plan:
Team section:
o At least one knowledge gap that can be addressed by a formal
learning opportunity
Formal learning opportunities occur in structured and organised
environments such as classrooms. The learning content is also
already pre-determined.
o At least one knowledge gap that can be addressed by an
informal learning opportunity
Informal learning opportunities occur in settings that are not
structured and organised.
o Identify the specific learning opportunities you intend to
facilitate for each team to address each identified knowledge
gap. Ensure that there is:
At least one formal learning opportunity
These can include:
Conducting workshops
Conducting training sessions
At least one informal learning opportunity
These can include:
Conducting consultations
Watching tutorial videos
Participating in forums
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Learner Assessment Pack
Learning Plan
Type of Planned
Learning Expected Learning Date Assessor’s
Knowledge Gap Learning Implementation Actual Outcome
Opportunity Outcome Implemented Signature
Opportunity Date
Type of Planned
Learning Expected Learning Date Assessor’s
Knowledge Gap Learning Implementation Actual Outcome
Opportunity Outcome Implemented Signature
Opportunity Date
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Learner Assessment Pack
By signing in the spaces provided below, you are confirming that you have observed the learner, whose name appears above, facilitate the learning opportunities
outlined in the Learning Plan.
1. Review the knowledge gaps to be addressed by a formal learning opportunity from the
partially completed Learning Plans from Task 1.4.
2. Locate the Session Plan template provided within this workbook. Complete one Session
Plan for each formal learning opportunity you will facilitate. Each Session Plan must
include the following:
a. Date
Identify when you completed the Session Plan
b. Session Title
Identify the title of your session. Session Title must correspond to what you
intend to address in each session.
c. Session Length
Identify the target overall duration of the session to be facilitated.
d. Participants
Identify the participants of each formal learning opportunity you will facilitate.
e. Knowledge Gap
Identify at least one knowledge gap that you aim to address for each formal
learning opportunity based on your responses in the Learning Plan from Task 1.4.
f. Learning Objective
Identify at least one learning objective for each formal learning opportunity.
Learning Objectives are your purpose for facilitating the formal learning session.
g. Introduction
Grab Attention
Identify at least one activity you intend to conduct to begin the session.
These can be activities that allow all participants to get to know each
other as well as yourself.
Learning Outcome
Identify at least one task or activity that the participants should be able to
do at the end of each formal learning opportunity.
Check Prior Knowledge
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Learner Assessment Pack
o An identification game
i. Conclusion
Outline three to five key points you included in your discussion based on
your outline in the Content Outline section.
Identify the time frames you intend to allocate for each section.
The total time for all the time frames for each section should be the same as the amount
of time you identified for the Session Length.
3. Locate the Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form
outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate in this task. Review the document to
ensure the demonstration of the skills specified during each formal learning opportunity.
4. Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a
time with your assessor to observe you in conducting each formal learning opportunity.
Provide them with one copy of the Observation Form for each formal learning
opportunity to be facilitated. Your assessor must complete one Observation Form for
each formal learning opportunity conducted.
If direct observation is not possible, record the role play activity in a video. Ensure to
obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
5. Prepare for each formal learning opportunity you intend to conduct. This includes
preparing any additional material you intend to use (e.g. charts or diagrams) or creating
resources (e.g., PowerPoint presentation) that will be used during each formal learning
opportunity to be conducted
6. Arrange a time with each team and selected individual team member to facilitate the
formal learning opportunity.
7. Facilitate the formal learning opportunities.
During each formal learning opportunity, you must:
a. Locate the Attendance Sheet provided within this workbook. You must have one
copy for each formal learning session.
Have your participants sign the attendance sheet to confirm their attendance.
They must include their handwritten signature.
b. Access the Session Plan you completed for each formal learning opportunity.
Facilitate each formal learning opportunity following the Session Plan you
c. Ask each participant questions throughout the session to gauge their learning
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8. After conducting each formal learning session, access the partially completed Learning
Plans from Task 1.4. Complete the following sections on each Learning Plan:
a. Date Implemented
Record the actual date each formal learning opportunity was conducted.
b. Actual Outcome
Briefly explain if the participants for each formal learning opportunity were able
to successfully learn knowledge presented during each session. You may refer to
the outcome of the ‘Assessment’ section of your Session Plan for your reference.
9. Have your assessor sign the Assessor’s signature column in each Learning Plan for each
formal learning opportunity conducted. This is to confirm that you facilitated each formal
learning opportunity based on your responses in each Learning Plan. Assessor’s
signature must be handwritten.
Your assessor will complete the Assessor’s Declaration Form in Task 1.6.
Do not submit the Learning Plans yet. You will submit the completed Learning Plans after
completing Task 1.6.
10. Submit the following documents to your assessor:
Accomplished Session Plans for each formal learning opportunity facilitated
Completed Attendance Sheets for each formal learning opportunity facilitated
Number of submissions for the Session Plan and Attendance Sheet must
correspond to the number of formal learning opportunities conducted as
identified in each of your Learning Plans. However, at least one Session Plan and
at least one Attendance Sheet must be submitted for each team.
Video recording of each formal learning opportunity conducted (ONLY if assessor
is not available for direct observation)
Session Plan
Introduction Time
Learning Outcome
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Body Time
Conclusion Time
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Attendance Sheet
The assessor is to observe the learner as they complete the assessment task and skill requirements
outlined in this Observation Form.
Review and discuss with the learner the task instructions, and skill requirements which they need
to demonstrate to complete this assessment.
Ensure that the learner understands the requirements of the task and the skill requirements
before proceeding.
For this assessment, the learner is required to conduct the formal learning opportunities identified in each
Learning Plan for each team. Prior to conducting each formal learning opportunity, discuss with the
learner to ensure that they have access to the following:
Assessment requirements (please tick all requirements found in the assessment environment):
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You are required to observe the learner as they facilitate each formal learning opportunity. The learner will
provide you a copy of the Observation Form which you must complete during the observation task.
Direct observation
Learner and the assessment requirements must be present in the video recording.
Observe the learner demonstrate each skill requirement outlined in the form as they undertake
the task.
Tick each item in the form as ‘YES’ if the learner satisfactorily demonstrates each skill
requirement based on the criteria provided. Write objective feedback on how the learner
demonstrated each skill requirement based on your observation.
Tick each item in the form as ‘NO’ if the learner does not satisfactorily demonstrate each skill
requirement. Write objective feedback including additional information on how the learner can
satisfactorily demonstrate this requirement for this task.
Provide an overall feedback on the learner’s performance to assist the learner in addressing any
areas of improvement.
Sign off the Assessor Declaration at the end of the Observation Form to confirm this observation.
Discuss any further queries about the task and associated requirements with the learner before
Observation Form
Identify the participants of
each formal learning
a. Inclusive Techniques
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b. Collaborative Techniques
Paraphrases statements
By signing here, I confirm that I have observed the learner, whose name appears above,
perform/demonstrate the skills outlined in this Observation Form during each formal learning
I further confirm that the information recorded on this Observation Form is true and accurately reflects
the learner’s performance during this task.
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The assessor is to observe the learner as they complete the assessment task and skill requirements
outlined in this Observation Form.
Review and discuss with the learner the task instructions, and skill requirements which they need
to demonstrate to complete this assessment.
Ensure that the learner understands the requirements of the task and the skill requirements
before proceeding.
For this assessment, the learner is required to conduct the informal learning opportunities identified in
each Learning Plan for each team. Prior to conducting each informal learning opportunity, discuss with the
learner to ensure that they have access to the following:
Assessment requirements (please tick all requirements found in the assessment environment):
Additional resources the learner may need depending on the informal learning opportunity they
will facilitate
You are required to observe the learner conduct each informal learning opportunity for each team and
individual team members. The learner will provide you a copy of the Observation Form which you must
complete during the observation task.
Direct observation
Learner and the assessment requirements must be present in the video recording.
Observe the learner demonstrate each skill requirement outlined in the form as they undertake
the task.
Tick each item in the form as ‘YES’ if the learner satisfactorily demonstrates each skill
requirement based on the criteria provided. Write objective feedback on how the learner
demonstrated each skill requirement based on your observation.
Tick each item in the form as ‘NO’ if the learner does not satisfactorily demonstrate each skill
requirement. Write objective feedback including additional information on how the learner can
satisfactorily demonstrate this requirement for this task.
Provide an overall feedback on the learner’s performance to assist the learner in addressing any
areas of improvement.
Sign off the Assessor Declaration at the end of the Observation Form to confirm this observation.
Discuss any further queries about the task and associated requirements with the learner before
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Observation Form
Identify the participants of each
informal learning opportunity
a. Inclusive Techniques
b. Collaborative Techniques
Paraphrase statements
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By signing here, I confirm that I have observed the learner, whose name appears above,
perform/demonstrate the skills outlined in this Observation Form during each informal learning
I further confirm that the information recorded on this Observation Form is true and accurately reflects
the learner’s performance during this task.
1. To complete this task, you must conduct two separate meetings with Team A and Team
2. Locate the Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form
outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate in this task. Review the document to
ensure the demonstration of the skills specified during each meeting.
3. Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a
time with your assessor to observe you in conducting each meeting.
Provide two copies of the Observation Form. Your assessor must complete one
Observation Form for each meeting conducted.
If direct observation is not possible, record the role play activity in a video. Ensure to
obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
4. Arrange a time to meet with each of the two teams to collect feedback on the learning
opportunities facilitated.
5. Access the Meeting Minutes template provided within this workbook. You will record
your discussion with each team here.
6. Conduct the meeting for each team to gather their feedback on each of the learning
opportunities facilitated.
a. Formal learning opportunity conducted in Task 1.5
b. Informal learning opportunity conducted in Task 1.6
Discussion points include, but are not limited to, the following:
Identify what they liked about the learning opportunities
Identify what they did not like about the learning opportunities
Discuss whether they think the learning opportunities were facilitated well or
Record the result of your discussion in the Meeting Minutes.
7. Have each attendee sign beside their name in each Meeting Minutes after each meeting.
All signatures must be handwritten.
8. Submit two completed Meeting Minutes to your assessor.
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Meeting Minutes
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The assessor is to observe the learner as they complete the assessment task and skill requirements
outlined in this Observation Form.
Review and discuss with the learner the task instructions, and skill requirements which they need
to demonstrate to complete this assessment.
Ensure that the learner understands the requirements of the task and the skill requirements
before proceeding.
For this assessment, the learner is required to meet with all the team members from each team. Prior to
conducting each meeting, discuss with the learner to ensure that they have access to the following:
Assessment requirements (please tick all requirements found in the assessment environment):
You are required to observe the learner meet with each team to gather their feedback on the learning
opportunities facilitated. The learner will provide you a copy of the Observation Form which you must
complete during the observation task.
Direct observation
Learner and the assessment requirements must be present in the video recording.
Observe the learner demonstrate each skill requirement outlined in the form as they undertake
the task.
Tick each item in the form as ‘YES’ if the learner satisfactorily demonstrates each skill
requirement based on the criteria provided. Write objective feedback on how the learner
demonstrated each skill requirement based on your observation.
Tick each item in the form as ‘NO’ if the learner does not satisfactorily demonstrate each skill
requirement. Write objective feedback including additional information on how the learner can
satisfactorily demonstrate this requirement for this task.
Provide an overall feedback on the learner’s performance to assist the learner in addressing any
areas of improvement.
Sign off the Assessor Declaration at the end of the Observation Form to confirm this observation.
Discuss any further queries about the task and associated requirements with the learner before
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Observation Form
a. Listening
b. Questioning
By signing here, I confirm that I have observed the learner, whose name appears above,
perform/demonstrate the skills outlined in this Observation Form during each meeting.
I further confirm that the information recorded on this Observation Form is true and accurately reflects
the learner’s performance during this task.
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This part of the project requires you to establish an environment that support critical and creative
thinking. Specifically, you are required to:
Analyse current organisational systems to identify gaps and barriers to critical thinking
Develop processes that create a safe environment for critical and creative thinking
Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
A simulated workplace environment that will allow you access to:
o Organisational documents relevant to:
You’ve reviewed that the task of each team allows them to practice their critical and creative
thinking skills. You want to ensure that these skills are supported by the current systems Bounce
Fitness has in place. You are aware that most of Bounce Fitness’s systems have not been reviewed
or updated for a while now. You decide that this would be a good time to look over the systems
and check for necessary changes or updates to make to improve Bounce Fitness’s processes.
You choose two systems to review that would be applicable to both your teams:
The first system is the Performance Management System. Bounce Fitness’ performance
management system puts into place an annual review for all employees. The organisation uses a
forced ranking system for its employees. In this system, there is a set percentage that tells how
many employees can be classified for each group.
Each employee’s performance is reviewed against their key performance indicators (KPIs). These
KPI differ per employee, depending on their role and responsibilities.
The second system is the Customer Relations Management System. This system contains a
process to handle client complaints. Clients are encouraged to fill out a complaint form for
documentation. These forms are then forwarded to the concerned department to be resolved. If
clients are becoming emotional enough that they might be disrupting others, employees may
offer the client with a $10.00 gift card to Bounce Fitness services as an apology for the
Bounce Fitness employees are also encouraged to recommend the product or service of the
month to their clients. This is to introduce them to new products and services that the clients
might be interested in.
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1. Access and review the following documents from the links provided to complete this
Business Objectives and KPIs
Performance Management System
Customer Relations Management System
2. Locate the Organisational Systems Analysis Report provided within this workbook.
3. Complete the Organisational Systems Analysis Report. To complete the report, you
a. Identify at least one relevant business objective for each of the following Bounce
Fitness Systems:
Performance Management System
Customer Relations Management System
b. Briefly explain the relevance of the identified business objectives to each Bounce
Fitness system.
c. Analyse the processes found within the Performance Management System and
the Customer Relations Management System documents.
For each system, you must:
Determine if there are steps in the processes for each system that
encourages employees to practice critical or creative thinking
Identify steps in processes that are in place that seem to hinder the
practice of critical or creative thinking
Determine if a process is lacking a step in order for Bounce Fitness
employees to fully practice critical or creative thinking
d. Identify either gaps or barriers in each system based on your analyses of each
If you identify barriers, identify at least two barriers for each system
Barriers are anything that hinders employees from exercising critical or
creative thinking methods.
o At least one barrier to critical thinking methods
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Business Objectives
Organisational Resources
Organisational Resources
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1. Locate the Critical and Creative Thinking Processes template found within this
workbook. Use this template to record your responses for the following:
a. Access the completed Organisational Systems Analysis Report from Task 2.1.
Review your responses for the gaps and barriers identified.
Use the identified gaps and barriers to determine what kind of process would
encourage critical and creative thinking in the workplace.
b. Outline processes for creating a safe environment for practicing critical and
creative thinking approaches within Bounce Fitness:
At least one process must be relevant to critical thinking approaches
At least one process must be relevant to creative thinking approaches
Safe environment is defined as an environment that actively encourages the
performance of certain skills, in this case, critical and creative thinking
Ensure to include the following each process:
Team and individual team member’s feedback on the following from the
Meeting Minutes in Task 1.7
o Feedback on formal learning opportunity facilitated
Processes for Creating Safe Environments for Critical and Creative Thinking
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This part of the project requires you to facilitate activities that will allow application of critical and
creative thinking in the workplace. Specifically, you are required to:
Facilitate opportunities for team members to apply critical thinking skills to workplace
Provide feedback to team members on performance of tasks
Collect feedback from individuals and teams on critical and creative thinking opportunities
Identify additional support required for teams and individuals
Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
A simulated workplace environment that will allow you access to:
o Volunteers to participate in assessment activities, including:
Workplace Problems
In the past few days, you have noticed the following workplace problems happening in your
branch of Bounce Fitness, Bounce Fitness Cairns:
Impatient Clients
One of your personal fitness trainer’s clients has expressed their lack of interest in the current
exercises they are performing because they are not seeing immediate weight loss results. They
have requested that their personal fitness trainer change some of the exercises that is currently
part of his training plan. The fitness trainer has approached you and the rest of Team A for help as
this is the third time the client has asked that their training plan be changed. The other members
of Team A have also experienced clients who become impatient when they do not see immediate
Trendy Classes
You notice that there are less clients attending the different in-house group classes offered by
Bounce Fitness. The current classes being offered are aerobic classes, circuit classes, and dance
classes. These classes have been offered to clients for more than a year now. When you asked one
of the Team B fitness instructors to ask their clients, the response they received was that it might
be because the classes were not ‘trendy’ enough. You realise that now would be a good time to
introduce a new class to your clients.
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1. Identify the two workplace problems that must be addressed by Team A and Team B
based on Part 3 Case Study Overview.
2. Locate the Action Plan provided within this workbook. Create one Action Plan for each
team. For each Action Plan, you must identify the following:
a. At least one workplace problem to be addressed by each team based on the Part
3 Case Study Overview
b. At least two actions items to address each team’s workplace problem:
At least one action item must allow team members to demonstrate
critical thinking
An action item for critical thinking would allow team members to
conduct analysis, evaluation, or synthesis of ideas to address the
workplace problem.
At least one action item must allow team members to demonstrate
creative thinking
An action item for creative thinking would allow team members to
generate new ideas to address the workplace problem.
b. Date when each action item will be implemented
c. Expected outcome when each action item has been implemented.
Do not write anything on the following sections. These will be completed in the later task
after each action item has been implemented:
a. Date Implemented
b. Actual Result
c. Assessor’s Signature.
d. Assessor’s Declaration
2. Submit the two partially completed Action Plans to your assessor.
Action Plan
Date Assessor’s
Action Item Implementation Expected Outcome Actual Result
Implemented Signature
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By signing in the spaces provided below, you are confirming that you have observed the learner, whose name appears above, implement each action item according
to their responses in the Action Plan.
Task 3.2 Apply Critical and Creative Thinking Skills to Workplace Problems
1. Implement each action item identified in the Action Plan from Task 3.1.
2. Arrange a time to meet with each team to facilitate the action items identified.
3. Locate the Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form
outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate in this task. Review the document to
ensure the demonstration of the skills specified during the facilitation of each action
4. Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a
time with your assessor to observe you in implementing each action item with each
team. Provide them with two copies of the Observation Form provided within this
workbook. Your assessor must complete one Observation Form for each team.
If direct observation is not possible, record the activity in a video. Ensure to obtain
permission first from persons involved before doing so.
5. When facilitating each action item for each workplace problem, you must:
a. Present the workplace problems from the Part 3 Case Study Overview to the
Present Team A with Problem 1: Impatient Clients
Present Team B with Problem 2: Trendy Classes
b. Implement each action item and come up with at least two solutions for the
team’s problem:
One solution must be created using critical thinking
One solution must be created using creative thinking
b. Observe how the team applies both critical and creative thinking to the
workplace problem.
Your observations of the team’s and individual members’ performance will be
used in the later tasks.
6. Complete the following columns in each Action Plan after implementing all action items
for each team:
a. Date Implemented
Record the actual date each action item was conducted.
b. Actual Result
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Describe if the team was able to achieve each anticipated result for each action
item facilitated.
7. Have your assessor sign the Assessor’s signature column for each action item facilitated
and the Assessor Declaration Form in each Action Plan. Assessor’s signature must be
8. Locate the Feedback Form provided within this workbook. Provide each team member
from each team a copy of the Feedback Form after implementing both action items.
Instruct each team member to:
a. Record the task title for when the Feedback Form was completed
b. Identify the job role they are undertaking in this assessment
c. Review each criteria listed in the Feedback Form
d. Provide feedback to how you facilitated the implementation of each action item.
Place only one tick mark per criteria for each area of facilitation. Team members
should not leave anything blank.
e. Provide at least one specific comment on how future learning opportunities can
be improved.
Each comment provided must mention a specific aspect of your facilitation of
action items. Each team member must provide at least one suggestion on how
that aspect can be improve in future learning opportunities.
Keep a copy of each Feedback Form completed by each team members. These will be
used in the later tasks.
9. Submit the following documents to your assessor:
Two completed Action Plans – one for each team
At least four completed Feedback Forms
Video recordings of action items implemented (ONLY if assessor is not available
for direct observation)
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Feedback Form
Provide additional comments or feedback on the learner’s performance on the space provided at the end of
this form.
Areas of Facilitation
Strongly Strongly N/A
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree
Facilitator Knowledge
Information Presentation
Physical Resources
Provide at least one specific comment on how we can improve future learning opportunities.
Identify at least one aspect of how the actions items were facilitated that could be improved. Include a
suggestion on how each identified aspect can be improved in future opportunities.
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The assessor is to observe the learner as they complete the assessment task and skill requirements
outlined in this Observation Form.
Review and discuss with the learner the task instructions, and skill requirements which they need
to demonstrate to complete this assessment.
Ensure that the learner understands the requirements of the task and the skill requirements
before proceeding.
For this assessment, the learner is required to facilitate each action item for each team. Prior to facilitating
the action items, discuss with the learner to ensure that they have access to the following:
A safe environment to facilitate each action item (please tick at least one):
Assessment requirements (please tick all requirements found in the assessment environment):
Additional resources the learner may need to facilitate each action item
You are required to observe the learner facilitate the implementation of each action item for each team.
The learner will provide you a copy of the Observation Form which you must complete during the
observation task.
Direct observation
Learner and the assessment requirements must be present in the video recording.
Observe the learner demonstrate each skill requirement outlined in the form as they undertake
the task.
Tick each item in the form as ‘YES’ if the learner satisfactorily demonstrates each skill
requirement based on the criteria provided. Write objective feedback on how the learner
demonstrated each skill requirement based on your observation.
Tick each item in the form as ‘NO’ if the learner does not satisfactorily demonstrate each skill
requirement. Write objective feedback including additional information on how the learner can
satisfactorily demonstrate this requirement for this task.
Provide an overall feedback on the learner’s performance to assist the learner in addressing any
areas of improvement.
Sign off the Assessor Declaration at the end of the Observation Form to confirm this observation.
Discuss any further queries about the task and associated requirements with the learner before
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Observation Form
Details of Observation
Did the learner demonstrate the
following during the facilitation of Yes No
action items for each team? Comments
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Date observed:
By signing here, I confirm that I have observed the learner, whose name appears above,
perform/demonstrate the skills outlined in this Observation Form during each meeting.
I further confirm that the information recorded on this Observation Form is true and accurately reflects
the learner’s performance during this task.
1. Arrange a time to meet with each of the two teams to provide feedback on their
performance of each action item implemented in Task 3.2.
2. Locate the Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form
outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate in this task. Review the document to
ensure the demonstration of the skills specified during each meeting.
3. Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a
time with your assessor to observe you in conducting the meetings.
Provide your assessor with two copies of the Observation Form. Your assessor must
complete one Observation Form for each team meeting.
If direct observation is not possible, record the role play activity in a video. Ensure to
obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
4. Locate the Meeting Minutes template provided within this template. You will record
your discussion with each team here.
5. During each meeting, you must:
a. Provide feedback to each team member on their application of critical and
creative thinking skills during Task 3.2.
Discussion points can include, but are not limited to, the following:
Discuss if critical and creative thinking was properly used to address the
workplace problem.
Areas where the team member performed well
Areas where the team member did not perform well
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b. Identify at least one additional support that can be provided to each of the
Each team
Each individual team member from each team
Additional support can include supplemental resources, or practices that can be
implemented when completing workplace tasks that require critical or creative
thinking (e.g., think of all the possible scenarios for a workplace problem and
come up with solutions for each one to practice creative thinking)
Record your discussion in the Meeting Minutes template. You must complete one
Meeting Minutes template for each team.
6. Have all the attendees sign beside their name in each Meeting Minutes after each
meeting. All signatures must be handwritten.
7. Submit the following to your assessor:
Two completed Meeting Minutes
Two video recording for each meeting conducted (ONLY if direct observation is
not possible)
Meeting Minutes
Please sign beside
your name after the
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Learner Assessment Pack
The assessor is to observe the learner as they complete the assessment task and skill requirements
outlined in this Observation Form.
Review and discuss with the learner the task instructions, and skill requirements which they need
to demonstrate to complete this assessment.
Ensure that the learner understands the requirements of the task and the skill requirements
before proceeding.
For this assessment, the learner is required to provide feedback to all the team members from each team
in separate meetings. Prior to conducting each meeting, discuss with the learner to ensure that they have
access to the following:
Assessment requirements (please tick all requirements found in the assessment environment):
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You are required to observe the learner meet with each team to provide feedback on their performance of
each action item in Task 3.2. The learner will provide you a copy of the Observation Form which you must
complete during the observation task.
Direct observation
Learner and the assessment requirements must be present in the video recording.
Observe the learner demonstrate each skill requirement outlined in the form as they undertake
the task.
Tick each item in the form as ‘YES’ if the learner satisfactorily demonstrates each skill
requirement based on the criteria provided. Write objective feedback on how the learner
demonstrated each skill requirement based on your observation.
Tick each item in the form as ‘NO’ if the learner does not satisfactorily demonstrate each skill
requirement. Write objective feedback including additional information on how the learner can
satisfactorily demonstrate this requirement for this task.
Provide an overall feedback on the learner’s performance to assist the learner in addressing any
areas of improvement.
Sign off the Assessor Declaration at the end of the Observation Form to confirm this observation.
Discuss any further queries about the task and associated requirements with the learner before
Observation Form
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Learner Assessment Pack
a. Inclusive Techniques
b. Collaborative Techniques
By signing here, I confirm that I have observed the learner, whose name appears above,
perform/demonstrate the skills outlined in this Observation Form during each meeting.
I further confirm that the information recorded on this Observation Form is true and accurately reflects
the learner’s performance during this task.
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Learner Assessment Pack
This part of the project requires you to develop recommendations for future learning
arrangements. Specifically, you are required to:
Analyse feedback from individuals and teams on critical and creative thinking
Develop recommendations for improvements in future learning arrangements according
to relevant legislation and organisation policies
Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
A simulated workplace environment that will allow you access to:
o Legislation relevant to the identified areas for improvement for future learning
Legislation accessed must be applicable to the state/territory you are located in. These
can include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Review the responses provided by the teams and individuals in the Feedback Forms from
Task 3.2.
2. Analyse the feedback collected from both teams using the Feedback Analysis Form
provided within this workbook. Complete the following section in the Feedback Analysis
a. Team and Individual Feedback
Refer to the feedback collected in the Feedback Forms for each area of
facilitation listed below:
o Facilitator Knowledge
o Information Presentation
o Physical Resources
Count the total number of tick marks all team members marked for
each criteria in their completed Feedback Forms. Total number of tick
marks must correspond to the total number of team members of both
Identify the aspects of facilitation that has majority of its ratings under
either ‘Disagree’, ‘Strongly Disagree’, or ‘N/A’. Record them under
Aspects for Improvement
Record all the specific comments provided by the team members at
the end of the Feedback Forms in the Compiled Comments section
b. Facilitator’s Own Performance
Reflect on how you facilitated the action items for each team in Task
3.2 by answering the two short questions in the Feedback Analysis
o How would you describe how you facilitated the action items
for both teams?
o What are the areas you feel you need to improve on? Identify at
least two.
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Aspect of Facilitation
Facilitator Knowledge
2. Facilitator was approachable for questions or
Information Presentation
5. All information needed to complete the task
was presented
Physical Resources
6. Session materials/handouts were helpful (if
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Learner Assessment Pack
Compiled Comments
1. How would you describe how you facilitated the actions item for both teams?
2. What are areas you feel you need to improve on? Identify at least two.
1. To complete this task, you must review legislation and Bounce Fitness documents that
will address the areas for improvement identified in Task 4.1.
2. Review your responses in the Areas for Improvement section of the completed Feedback
Analysis from Task 4.1.
3. Locate the Recommendations Log provided within this workbook. Complete the log by
identifying the following:
a. Identify at least three of your responses for Areas for Improvement from the
completed Feedback Analysis from Task 4.1.
b. Identify at least one of each of the following that is relevant to each of your
areas for improvement:
At least one relevant legislation
You must identify legislation that is applicable to the state or territory
you are located in. These can include, but are not limited to, the
o Fair Work Act 2009
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Learner Assessment Pack
Relevant legislation and policy and procedures document will vary depending on
the areas of improvement you have identified in Task 4.1.
You may ask for assistance from your assessor to identify legislation and policies
and procedures relevant to your areas for improvement.
c. Briefly explain how each identified legislation and policy and procedure
document are relevant to your areas for improvement
4. Submit a copy of the completed Recommendations Log to your assessor.
Recommendations Log
Area for Improvement for Future Relevant Legislation/ Organisational Relevance of Legislation/ Policy to the Recommendation
Opportunities Policy to Area for Improvement
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Learner Assessment Pack
The learner has completed the Short Answer Questions in this workbook
The learner has completed the Practical Assessments in this workbook and has
submitted all the required evidence:
Case Study
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Learner Assessment Pack
Task 3.2: Apply Critical and Creative Thinking Skills to Workplace Problems
Feedback Analysis
Recommendations Log
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Learner Assessment Pack
Record of Assessment
This section is to be completed by your assessor.
Assessment Details
Course Code
Assessor Name
Needs more
Assessment Activity Satisfactory
Needs more
Assessment Activity Satisfactory
Practical Assessment
Part II Task 2.2: Develop Processes for Critical and Creative Thinking
Part III Task 3.1: Create Action Plans to Address Workplace Problems
Part III Task 3.2: Apply Critical and Creative Thinking Skills to Workplace
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Needs more
Context Details Satisfactory
Supervisor/Observer Role in the Contact Date of
verifies the learner’s
Name Assessment Details Contact
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Assessor’s Comments
The Learner is
Not Yet Competent
I further confirm that I have verified the learner’s submissions by contacting the learner’s
supervisor and/or observer whose names appear in the Supervisor/Observer Verification Log
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Learner Assessment Pack
Learner’s Comments
The signature confirms that I have submitted all my own work, and agree with the assessment
decision and feedback.
End of Document
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