Rubricpbldac 21302
Rubricpbldac 21302
Rubricpbldac 21302
Involved the audience in the presentation; Presented facts with some Some related facts but went off topic and
Audience response points made in creative way; held the interesting "twists"; held the lost the audience; mostly presented facts
audience's attention throughout audience's attention most of the time with little or no imagination
Constantly looks at someone or some Occasionally looks at someone or Only focuses attention to one particular part
Eye Contact
groups at all times some groups during presentation of the class, does not scan audience
COMMUNICATION Interaction Between Team Clearly team functioned well, product Poor interaction between team members
Good teamwork
Members clearly exceeds sum of parts apparent
Marks ( /30) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Marks ( /20)
* save the marks to 2 decimal places Marks ( /5%)