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Rubricpbldac 21302

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Statistics 2 (DAC 21302) PRESENTATION



Name of Group Member:


Performance Assessment Levels Marks

Criteria Excellent (5) Average (3) Poor (1) Std 1 Std 2 Std 3 Std 4 Std 5 Std 6
Poised, clear articulation; proper volume;
Some mumbling; little eye contact; uneven
steady rate; good posture and eye Clear articulation but not as polished;
Delivery contact; enthusiasm; confidence; no less reading from the text
rate; little or no expression, reading the text
during the presentation
reading from the text.

Involved the audience in the presentation; Presented facts with some Some related facts but went off topic and
Audience response points made in creative way; held the interesting "twists"; held the lost the audience; mostly presented facts
audience's attention throughout audience's attention most of the time with little or no imagination

Constantly looks at someone or some Occasionally looks at someone or Only focuses attention to one particular part
Eye Contact
groups at all times some groups during presentation of the class, does not scan audience

COMMUNICATION Interaction Between Team Clearly team functioned well, product Poor interaction between team members
Good teamwork
Members clearly exceeds sum of parts apparent

Hand made visuals-audio (clip-art,

Hand made visuals-audio (clip-art, graphs, tables, charts, and Have visual audio material but fail to use
Visual Audio graphs, tables, charts, and multimedia) QuickTime movies) that enhanced latest presentation devices.

Generally display confidence,

Always display confidence,presentable Sometimes display confidence,presentable
presentable attitude and shows
attitude and show respect when attitude and shows respect when
Interpersonal skills communicating with others regardless of
respect when communicating with
communicating with others regardless of
others regardless of culture and
culture and ethnic culture and ethnic

Marks ( /30) 0 0 0 0 0 0

* save the marks to 2 decimal places Marks ( /10%)

Statistics (DAC 21302) REPORT (5%)

Performance Assessment Levels

Component Marks
Criteria Excellent (5) Average (3) Poor (1)
Applies the most appropriate Identifies techniques and is able to
technique in performing discipline- apply these in performing discipline- Fails to identify and use any techniques to
specific engineering task exceeding specific engineering task with some perform discipline-specific engineering task.
the requirements difficulties.
Plans experiment activities
Can replicate properly according to Work careless, unorganized and does not
Research skill and organization accordingly and performs
the protocol sticks to tpe protocol
experiments eficiently and smoothly
Data recorded and organized Does not record data/ missing data/ having
Good data organization and present
accordingly. Data are analyzed and difficulties with organizing data. Data are not
PRACTICAL SKILLS Data handling and analysis in the best output with excelent
describe in the correct manner with analyzed in the correct manner and no
good discussion. discussion about the result

Adapts and connect own idea to

improve thinking skill and solution for
Ability to Seek and Manage/ Readily contributes own ideas for
problem from a variety of quality Hesitantly offers own ideas for solutions
Access Relevant Information From ways to solve problems from a
electronic and print sources, including from a limited range of sources
Various Sources variety of relevant sources.
appropriate licensed databases.
Sources are relevant and balanced.

Marks ( /20)
* save the marks to 2 decimal places Marks ( /5%)

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