3D-Duct Design Using Variable Fidelity Method
3D-Duct Design Using Variable Fidelity Method
3D-Duct Design Using Variable Fidelity Method
Low Fidelity Analysis (LFA) modules, Design of Experiment (DOE), and surrogate
modeling are brought together with High Fidelity Analysis (HFA) based on
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to provide an optimization methodology for the
design of an intake duct of a fighter aircraft. Issues such as time scales, gradient
information, and automation, related to the use of HFA in optimization cycles, have been
successfully addressed in the study.
y& z = Mean Flow Line parameters
1& 2 = Area parameters
d-avg = Average diffusion angle
w = Local wall angle
A = Area of duct cross-section
Cf = Skin friction Coefficient
DOE = Design of experiments
HFA = High fidelity analysis
LFA = Low fidelity analysis
Lm = Length of duct from entry to merger cross-section
M = Mach number
Po = Total pressure
p = Area centroid of cross-section
RSM = Response surface method
R = Radius of curvature of MFL
r = Equivalent duct radius = A /
To = Total temperature
x = X coordinate along duct length
en = Duct entry
ex = Duct exit
m = Merger section
I. Introduction
Fighter aircraft with single engine embedded in the fuselage typically have Y-shaped intake ducts which are
symmetrical about their central plane. The two arms of the Y-shaped duct merge at a section (henceforth
referred to as merger section), beyond which the duct has single arm symmetric about the vertical plane. The
two arms of the Y are typically ducts with double bends (S-shaped). Examples of aircrafts with Y-shaped intake
ducts include most fighter aircrafts. The present work focuses on the design of Y-ducts. In discussion that
follows the word “duct” will be used in this context and will refer to one half of the symmetric Y-duct. During
the subsonic cruise, the main sources of pressure loss are skin friction along the duct walls, mixing loss at the
merger section, and loss arising out of local pockets of flow separation inside the duct. An S-shaped duct
typically also generates flow distortion and swirl at the exit section1. It is desirable to reduce the pressure loss
across the duct while keeping the distortion levels to acceptable levels for good performance of the engine and
for avoiding instabilities.
Research Assistant.
Research Scientist.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Copyright © 2004 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
With demands on higher performance and lower uncertainties in the design, a need for HFA in design is felt.
High fidelity analysis has been made possible in the last few decades because of the significant increase in the
computational resources and the maturity of CFD packages2. Though high fidelity analysis offers accurate
analysis of the system, it suffers from the drawbacks of huge computation requirements, need of accurate initial
& boundary conditions, and overall increase in the complexity of the design process in terms of data
management and inter-disciplinary communication. With this perspective, a case study has been taken up to
demonstrate the use of a commercial high fidelity module in the optimization cycle while tackling the issues of
gradient information, limited computational resources and inter-module communication. The problem of
optimization of an inlet duct of a typical fighter aircraft for minimum pressure loss and exit distortion has been
discussed in this paper.
The paper discuses the problem statement followed by the description of the mixed-fidelity optimization
methodology adopted. Following this, various steps of the optimization process along with the associated issues
have been presented. The paper concludes with the results and a brief discussion about the possible future work.
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In the final step, a gradient-based optimizer is used in conjunction with the surrogate model to obtain the
optimized solution. Various steps of the optimization process are discussed hereafter in greater detail.
This two-step multi-fidelity optimization methodology is computationally cheaper than a single stage high
fidelity optimization process using CFD analysis without any dilution of the quality of results.
CFD analysis
LFA Optimum at DOE points
RS for
DOE in the PR & DC60
reduced space
Optimization HFA Optimization
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y2, z2 pm
y, z y(Lm/2), z(Lm/2)
y1, z1
0 Lm/2 Lm x
The geometry of the duct in the S-section and the post-merger section is developed separately. At the
merging section, the shape of the cross-section is assumed semi-circular with the area as prescribed by the area
parameters 1 and 2. Since exit section is semi-circular, post-merger section has semi-circular cross-section
with prescribed area variation. As the symmetry plane is fixed in the post-merger section, the location of
centroid of the area is calculated after the area calculation at any cross-section. Sample duct geometry with the
corresponding parameter values is shown in Figure 4.
These criteria are based on past experience. For estimating the total pressure loss in the duct, a simple
procedure based on skin friction losses, taking into account duct internal wetted area, average diffusion rate and
Reynolds number is used. These procedures are collectively called low fidelity analyses.
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A. Total Pressure Recovery
The input parameters required for computing total pressure recovery are duct geometry parameters (cross
sectional area A and perimeter P) along the duct length and operating conditions (Mach number, To, Po at entry).
The rate of change of Mach number (averaged over the cross-section) with respect to axial distance is a function
of area, perimeter and skin friction coefficient, Cf and is given by:
1 1
M 3 1 + ( 1) M 2 P 1 + ( 1) M 2 M
dM 2 2 dA (4)
= Cf
dx 2(1 M 2 ) A (1 M 2 ) A dx
Skin friction coefficient, Cf is calculated as a function of Mach number and Reynolds number based on
distance along duct axis. Equation 4 can thus be integrated using a numerical scheme (the Runge-Kutta-Gill
fourth order method is used in this study). Solution of the equation yields Mach number along the duct length.
The pressure recovery between the exit and entry stations is then computed as given in Equation 5, where the
subscripts en and ex refer to the entry and exit planes.
1+ ( 1) M 2
Pressure Recovery = Pex = Aen M en 2 (5)
Pen Aex M ex 1
1+ ( 1) M 2
Note that R, r, w are functions of the longitudinal distance x from duct entry to duct exit. Further, for w at
station x is also a function of circumferential location around the section.
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Variation in the values of Z for various optimum designs indicate a region over which pressure recovery is very
flat along the direction of z (or insensitivity of pressure recovery to z).
The optimization process has yielded improvement of up to 1.5% (row 3 of Table 1) in pressure recovery in
some cases and only 0.2% (row 6 of Table 1) at the other extreme case. If maximum Specific Excess Power
(SEP) condition is considered instead of cruise, then M = 0.8, sea level and ISA+15o C, with entry conditions
as Mentry = 0.55, Po = 154.5 kPa and To = 342.0 K. If this is used as design input, the actual values of pressure
recovery improve, compared to cruise condition. But levels of improvement realized by the design process are
similar, i.e. 1.4% improvement in pressure recovery. The maximum SEP condition has (T-D)/T approximately
0.7. A 1.4% improvement in pressure recovery will mean 3.2% improvement in SEP, which is significant.
DC 60 =
P (0,360) min P ( , + 60) } where ,
P( r , ) rdrd
P( , ) =
q ro
ri is the internal diameter of the section of interest, ro is the external diameter of the section of interest and -
varies from 0o to 360o.
DC60 can only be captured through a CFD flow analysis using an appropriate turbulence model. This pre-
supposes an ability to generate volume grids for the CFD software and then the post-processing to evaluate DC60
to be passed on to the optimizer. A methodology for achieving automation, especially by using commercial CFD
software is briefly explained below. The commercial CFD software used is FLUENT® and its pre-processor
GAMBIT®. Various steps in the CFD analysis along with the related issues are discussed in the light of the
proposed optimization henceforth.
A. Grid Generation
Grid generation process proves challenging because of the following requirements of the design process and
the CFD solver:
• Parametric grid generation, which renders the straightforward use of third party grid generation
packages difficult.
• Automated grid generation, without user intervention when design parameters are changed.
• Quality of grids in terms of clustering and smoothness consistent with high fidelity CFD analysis
(turbulence modeling) to generate quality solution.
• Need to adhere to specific file formats of CFD packages.
An automated grid generation methodology is developed. As shown in Figure 5, journal files were written
for the automatic surface mesh generation for the entry and exit sections. The required level of clustering is
decided based on y+. The entry and exit sections were generated in GAMBIT® using journal files. The journal
files take the number of grid points and the clustering parameters as their input. A four block transfinite grid is
generated by GAMBIT®. But, these grids are stored by GAMBIT® in the form of a single block unstructured
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mesh file. The wall and symmetry boundary conditions are also specified in GAMBIT® and are stored in the
mesh files. The complete process can be invoked in a batch mode of operation using a journal file.
In the next step, these mesh files are converted to CFD General Notation System11 (CGNS) file format for
further processing. The CGNS grid files for entry and exit sections are given to a parametric grid generator
(developed at CASDE) to generate volume grid for the duct. The grid generator generates grids specific to duct
geometry parameterization as given by equation 1 & 2. Other inputs for the grid generator are the number of
sections required between the entry and exit sections and the grid parameterization. The grid generator adds no
connectivity information.
In the last step, the connectivity and the boundary condition information is added to the volume grid thus
generated. As the journal files for the entry and exit sections are identical except for the boundary vertices, the
surface grid for the entry and exit sections have one-to-one correspondence. This special property is used to
write the connectivity information of the volume grid. It can be clearly seen here that the complete process is
automated with full control over the number of grid points and clustering.
Duct Parameters
( 1, 2, y, z)
Generation of structured volume
Generation of entry and exit grid using parameterization
sections using GAMBIT
Mesh file
Conversion of structured grid
Conversion of file format to to unstructured format
CGNS using FLUENT Entry &
Exit sections Unstructured
CGNS file
CFD Solution using FLUENT
Initial guess from
previous solution
CFD Solution
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• boundary layer development,
• turbulence development, and
• flow separation (if any).
Literature survey of the similar studies in the past shows that various groups: Doyle Knight et al.2,6, Harloff,
Smith et al.4 and Jenkins & Loeffer5 have used Baldwin-Lomax model. Baldwin-Lomax model is an algebraic
turbulence model. Algebraic models are known to require fine-tuning of parameters for every problem. As the
duct design problem is treated in this study as a show case problem for the use of CFD in design optimization,
this is not acceptable. The aim of the study is to use a commercial analysis module and integrate it with the
overall optimization framework without any problem specific fine-tuning. This is the first drawback of Baldwin-
Lomax model.
Besides this, the algebraic models are not very reliable for complex three-dimensional flows with boundary
layer separation. It should be noted here that all the studies mentioned above have been carried out on S-ducts
with a circular cross-section throughout the duct whereas the present study has a kidney shaped entry section
that merges into a semi-circular cross-section at the exit. Also, additional flow complications can be expected
from the merging of the two ducts in the merging part of the duct. Because of the above considerations, the
Baldwin-Lomax model is not considered adequate for the present optimization study. Another study conducted
by Devaki Ravi Kumar and Sujata Bandyopadhyay13 on a similar S-duct problem has used the k- realizable
model14 and Reynolds Stress Model (RSM). The study also reports good agreement with the NASA validation
case15. Considering the availability of time for the study and the fact that FLUENT® is being used for the present
study, it is decided that the k- realizable turbulence model will be used for turbulence modeling.
DC_60 Variation
6.85 Duct-2
Distortion Coefficient
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Number of Sections
the length of the duct. The clustering of the grid points near wall is kept constant because it is found adequate
from the observed y+. The aim of the grid sensitivity study was to ensure that the shape of the duct is captured
with adequate accuracy along the duct length. Figure 6 shows the variation of the DC60 parameter plotted against
the number of sections along the length of the duct for two ducts that are close with respect to their parameters.
There are two observations to be made from this. First, the DC60 parameter is converging as the grid size is
increased. It is also observed that though the duct with 45 sections is adequate, the grid with 60 sections will be
employed in the optimization process to ensure proper accuracy. Another possibility is to refine the grid
successively during the optimization process as we progress. Secondly, it may be observed that the results for
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two different ducts show similar trends in the DC-60 variation with the grid size further increasing our
confidence on the solution scheme.
E. Initial Guess
The strategy of reducing the computation time by giving a better initial guess is implemented here. Typically
in a design process, CFD solutions are obtained for various ducts that differ slightly from each other. Hence, a
technique in which the converged solution of a duct is considered as an initial starting point for the flow analysis
of a neighboring duct, with incremental change in the parameters, is tested and the gains were quantified. The
solution of the first duct is used to start the iterations of the second duct. The number of iterations for the
solution process of the second duct is compared with and without this method. The results of the study are as
First Duct Parameters: (0.61, 0.31, 1.0, 1.0) Second Duct Parameters: (0.10, 0.31, 1.0, 1.0)
3-decade-fall 6-decade-fall
No. of iterations for arbitrary initial guess 4996 9462
No. of iterations with first duct results as initial guess 1493 6588
% time savings 70.12 30.38
It should be noted that in case of the 3-decade-fall, the second duct solution is started with a 3-decade-fall
solution of the first duct and in the 6-decade-fall case; the second duct solution is started with a 6-decade-fall
solution of the first duct. This methodology is implemented using different sets of grid and solution files of
FLUENT®. Substantial timesaving is achieved using this method requiring little efforts from the part of the
designers. It is also observed here that the gains are substantially less for 6-decade-fall because of the
exponentially decreasing behavior of the residues.
F. Post Processing
DC60 parameter for the exit section at various iteration levels is evaluated using User Defined Function
(UDF) provided by FLUENT®. A program in C is written using the standard library functions provided by
FLUENT® for accessing the flow variables. The distortion coefficient is calculated from the flow variables and
is stored in an output file, which may be accessed by the optimizer. The iterations may also be stopped when the
convergence of the DC60 parameter is achieved. This control is achieved by using the scheme files in
The present study has successfully demonstrated some of methods for achieving a single CFD run (from grid
generation to post processing) without any user intervention. This has been achieved by automating each of the
steps followed by the integration of various steps. A simple script may be generated in any scripting language to
call all these processes sequentially with all the appropriate parameters.
The overall process of the CFD analysis is captured in Figure 5. The complete process is automated
requiring no user intervention and can be run in a batch mode. The DC60 parameter as obtained at the end may
be directly fed to the optimizer or for the response surface generation. A maximum y+ of 62.6 is observed in the
near wall cells all along the duct confirming the adequacy of the grid clustering and ensuring proper resolution
of boundary layer.
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maximum predicted error is reduced to acceptable levels. Successive points are added till the relative error
(error/value) was brought below 5% everywhere in the design space. 21 points (as tabulated in Table 3) were
required to achieve this.
Two design points were added to the surrogate model at each stage because of the facility of performing two
CFD runs simultaneously. A criterion based on the maximum error and the spatial distance between the points
was used to select these two points. The points with maximum error that are adequately separated from each
other in the design space were selected at each stage.
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X. Conclusion
A complete end-to-end duct optimization methodology has been presented. Considerable time saving has been
achieved through the use of mixed-fidelity optimization and the surrogate model. Special attention was given to
develop automation techniques that do not need user intervention.
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