Summer Project
Summer Project
Summer Project
1.1. Background
A bakery is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food, baked in an
oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. Such items are sometimes
referred to as ‘baked goods’ and are sold at a bakery. Some retail bakeries are
also cafes, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked
goods on the premises. The art of baking is to take several different and separate
ingredients, and combine them to make a personalized, edible masterpiece and thus,
bakery is artistic and delicate. Baking is the technique of prolonged cooking of food
by dry heat acting by convections, and not by radiation, normally in an oven, but also
in hot ashes, or on hot stones. A person who prepares baked goods as a profession is
called a Baker. There are two main types of bakers: Commercial Bakers and Retail
Bakers. A Commercial Baker works in a manufacturing facility or a factory. They use
automated equipment and machines to mass produce goods in a consistent manner.
On the other hand, a Retail Baker works in a small shop or bakery. They produce
smaller quantities of goods to serve customers. This type of baker uses smaller
machines like mixers and has a wider variety of produced goods. They can also offer
in-store baking and basic cake decoration.
Baked goods have been around for thousands of years. The art of baking was
developed early during the Roman Empire. It was a highly famous art as Roman
citizens loved baked goods and demanded for them frequently for important occasions
such as feasts and weddings etc. Due to the fame and desire that the art of baking
received, around 300 BC, baking was introduced as an occupation and respectable
profession for Romans. The bakers began to prepare bread at home in an oven, using
mills to grind grain into the flour for their breads. The oncoming demand for baked
goods vigorously continued and the first bakers' guild was established in 168 BC in
Rome. This drastic appeal for baked goods promoted baking all throughout Europe
and expanded into the eastern parts of Asia. Bakers started baking breads and goods at
home and selling them out on the streets. This trend became common and soon, baked
products were getting sold in streets of Rome, Germany, London and many more.
This resulted in a system of delivering the goods to households, as the demand for
baked breads and goods significantly increased. This provoked the bakers to establish
a place where people could purchase baked goods for themselves. Therefore, in Paris,
the first open-air bakery of baked goods was developed and since then, bakeries
became a common place to purchase delicious goods and get together around the
The history of bakeries in Nepal is relatively new. Even up to 30 years ago, it was
possible to count the number of bakeries in the Valley on one's fingers. Bread was the
main fare in these establishments, while its more fanciful counterparts were yet to
appeal to the masses. Now, every major city area and even trekking centers like
Namche Bajar has at least one bakery to boast of. Even local tea-shops have taken a
liking to displaying doughnuts and fruitcakes. Older bakeries say that when they
started out, their business was sustained by foreign customers so they used to cater
mostly to foreigners but now a substantially large number of locals also prefer bakery
City lifestyles are changing and so are eating habits. The popularity of bakeries has
grown further with the belief that many consider baked items a healthier snack choice
than typically deep-fried items like samosas and jalebis and heart-stopping rasbaris.
Nepalese are also becoming more adventurous as far as bread is concerned. White
bread doesn't cut it anymore since people travel and acquire a taste for a variety of
breads, and look for it. Tuning themselves to the demands of their customers, bakeries
now provide sugar-free, egg-free and wheat-free products as well. Many bakeries
provide a small seating area so customers can enjoy the croissants with a cup of tea or
Bakery products are becoming prominent day by day. They are very popular because
of its taste and simple to digest. Bakery items are usually loved by all. Nowadays
individuals have virtually no time to invest much on making breakfast it is the bread
and bun or biscuits which had occurred instead of other sorts of stuff. Honoring any
time of pleasure is incomplete with bakery items. People of all ages are affectionate of
different bakery products, because of their taste, color and easy to digest nature. They
eat and serve different bakery products in their parties and festivals. Celebrating any
moment of happiness is incomplete without bakery products.
Numerous researches has been carried out regarding bakery sectors around the world
from past many decades and till date, huge innovations and improvements have seen
on this sector. The studies regarding health concerns on bakery products, growing
trends in bakery sector, and other different researches regarding many concept and
term, SWOT analysis, importance, problems, difficulties and challenges of bakery has
been made.
Despite many research activities are prevailing in every commercial fields including
bakeries, similar advancements have been noticed in this sector. Many changes and
developments are seen worldwide in bakery area and so consumers are immensely
involved in consumption of baked products daily. Since human nature is ever-
changing, their interests and choices keep revising and so this business also needs to
move at same pace to match their preferences at right place and at a right time. The
basic trends in bakery innovation are related to health, pleasure and convenience. In
contrast, bakery sector in Nepal is yet to settle as compared to other nations but it is in
fact slowly developing and expanding. Throughout the country, bakery lines are
appearing in an increasing rate.
The massive growth of bakery sectors around the globe has stroked Nepal as well.
Nepali bakery market is elaborated from a huge manufacturing plant to a small street
retailer. Bakery patronage has a supernormal scope in Nepali market and it is indeed
the ideal choice for fresh start-up business plants. Nepalese are also immensely
consuming bakeries as breakfast, lunch, occasional treats, and moreover they consider
it as a perfect partner with tea/coffee. Therefore, my research focuses on preferences,
buying intentions, attitude and behaviors regarding local consumers of bakery
1.2. Objectives
The main objective of the study is to understand the people’s perception and purchase
intention on bakery products in Kirtipur. This research is supported by other sub-
objectives and they are listed below:
1. To understand buying behavior of people towards bakery products in Kirtipur.
2. To identify the factors affecting people’s purchase intention on bakeries in
3. To understand proper management strategy for bakery product in Kirtipur.
male female
Figure 2: Gender
Age group
Majority of youths are found consuming baked products maybe because of tight
schedule of their professional life or maybe because they have their own pocket
money and they are usually outgoing in this age group of 20-30’s. The young age
grouped ones are found to be more curious about new innovations even on food; its
taste and appearances. The degree of age group of respondents of the study is shown
by the table below:
Table 1: Age Group
Age (years) Tally Frequency (f)
Level of Education
Hundred percent of the respondents are formally educated and so they seek healthy
baked products that are reasonable and fresh. When people are educated, they can
differentiate between what is right and wrong and what is good and bad with regard to
their personal hygiene, health, safety, quality and costs. The level of education of the
respondents is portrayed in the figure below:
Secondary Higher secondary Bachelors degree Masters degree
Figure 3: Level of Education
Vocational Training
Quite a few respondents have received vocational trainings regarding the use of
bakery products as per the figure shown below:
no; no.; 45; 90%
The special trainings regarding proper consumption of bakery products are seemed to
be inappropriate for consumers because the influence of Medias like television, social
sites etc. have immensely helped consumers to be in touch with modern trends,
innovations, benefits and brands. So, even without trainings consumers today are able
to choose and refer products wisely.
Marital Status
The study shows that unmarried people are more likely to consume bakeries. Since
they are unmarried, they are open and free to make their own choices and without any
influence of others like husbands, in-laws etc. in making decisions. However, even
after marriage bakery products are still preferred but less as compared. It might be
possible because after marriage, normally people are more concerned about their
family expenses and for bakery products, they may be consuming it only on some
occasions or celebrations.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Besides consuming bakeries in different times of a day, the table below represents the
consistency of buying such baked goods:
Once a month 0
Source: Survey Data 2018
The question is multiple choices and hence the total exceeded fifty in the above table.
However, even people consume bakery products daily or weekly, most of the people
are consuming bakeries on occasions. It seems that people consume normal bakeries
on regular basis and consume extraordinary bakeries on occasions which is
comparatively expensive than regular ones. The western culture have highly
influenced Nepalese and they are adopting and revising the actual culture basically in
the case of celebrations and treats and so does the influence and attractions towards
bakeries. Massive consumption of baked goods are on occasions because western
culture have influenced Nepalese and thus they prefer baked goods like cakes,
pastries, cookies, pies etc. on occasions like birthdays, anniversary, engagements,
marriage functions, baby shower, farewell for friends, graduations etc. The modern
culture have ignored the use of egg, fish, meats etc. for ‘sagun’ and have replaced it
with bakery items like cakes and cookies.
The study also shows that the respondents choose a bakery product based on freshness
and price more than its appearances. Some other important factors while choosing
bakery product is said to be ingredients and brand of the item. As per variety of
choices on bakery product, the price also differs and so the per month spending of
respondents on bakery product are summarized in the table below:
4000 - 5000 | 1
Total ∑f= 50
Source: Survey Data 2018
The table above shows that many of the respondents normally consume around
Rs.1000-2000 per month of bakeries where eighty percent of the respondents do not
find any difficulties while locating and purchasing the bakery products. The twenty
percent of them have mentioned the difficulties due to reasons mentioned below:
● Costly
Satisfied Not satisfied
According to the survey, the major reason behind charging high prices on bakeries is
due quality bread and expensive materials requirement to prepare bakery as per order
and preference of customers. The availability of variety of choices has made people
choosy in the matter of their product preferences. The various types of baked products
preferred by the respondents are shown in the diagram below:
low on alories; no.;
12; 19%
The pie chart shows that nearly half of the respondents prefer normal bread and
remaining also prefer bakery items that are low on calories, sugarless, eggless,
wholegrain and gluten free. The consumer today has been more concerned towards
their health and fitness and hence they tend to control their daily diets. Before
consuming any product, people has leaned on ingredients of the product rather than
the appearance and appealing products. People prefer normal and healthy products
over those that contain calories, sugar; fats etc. which would hamper their fitness and
diet plans. More than the product type, consumers also stick towards a trustworthy
brand or bakery shops as well. Furthermore, the types of bakery manufacturer
preferred by the respondents are summarized below:
Cost convinence variety in flavor variety in taste health concerns
Moreover, other factors to improve in these sectors are said to be a proper knowledge
management, self awareness, new ideas, quality control checks, proper
communication, consumer satisfaction and profitable government policies.
2.5. Major Findings and Discussions
Data presentation and analysis are done on socio-economic characteristics of
respondents, people’s buying behavior, people’s purchase intention and proper
management strategy for bakery products. Among these, the major findings and
discussions are highlighted below:
● The highest age group of respondent is 20 – 30 years occupying 56% of the total
● 90% of the respondents have not received any of the training regarding use of
bakery products.
● 90% of respondents do not find any difficulties in locating and purchasing bakery
● 40% respondents are not satisfied with the price of bakery product as per the
product quantity.
● 22% and 18% respondents like variety in flavor and taste of bakeries respectively.
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Appendix: I
Research Questionnaire
Survey Questionnaire
Hello Sir/Madam,
My name is Manisha Maharjan. I am undergraduate student at Quest International College,
Pokhara University Nepal. At the present time, I am doing Research Project work under the
title ‘People’s perception on bakery in Kirtipur’. The main objective of this study is to
identify the local people’s insight about bakery items around Kirtipur. In order to meet this
objective 60 Respondents have been selected and you are one of them. Your participation is
completely voluntary. This information is being collected for academic purposes only and any
details related to your privacy will be kept confidential. The interview will take
approximately ten minute, but with your cooperation it can be done quicker.
May I have your permission to undertake this interview?
Yes = Proceed with interview
No = Thank the person and look for next respondent
General Information
General Information
Name of respondent:
…………………………………………….. Contact No.: ………………..
District: Ward:
Personal Information
Personal Information
S. Questions Answers
Gender of the respondents 01 = male
(tick the appropriate answer) 02 = female
Q.2 How old are you? …….. years
01 = Yes
Q.3 Do you have formal education? 02 = No
* If No. Please go to the (Q.
01 = Primary
02 = Lower Secondary
03 = Secondary
Please, mention the level of education you have 04 = Higher Secondary
achieved. 05 = Bachelor Degree
06 = Master Degree
07 = Other (specify)
01 = Yes
Q.5 Have you received any training regarding use of bakery 02 = No
* product? If No, Please go to the (Q.
………………… years
Q.6 If yes, how long?
………………… months
………………… years
Q.7 How long have you lived in this community?
………………… months
Please mention the number of people in your
Q.8 …………….
01 = Married
02 = Never Married
Q.9 What is your marital status? 03 = Divorce
04 = Widowed
05 = Other (Specify) ……