Lpoa Sat
Lpoa Sat
Lpoa Sat
no/Passport number:
If this section is completed, SAT reserves
the right
to request additional information.
3.2 Incorporation
By signing this Power of Attorney (‘POA’), the Client agrees to authorise the
4.1 Representative to act as his/ her/ their attorney-in-fact and in- law for the purposes
described below, regarding the services offered by SAT
This POA becomes effective once received and accepted as valid, by the Back Office
4.2 Department but not before the Back Office Department has approved the Client and has
completed all the relevant Know-your- Customer and Anti-Money Laundering
The Client has already entered or will enter into a binding Agreement with SAT by
accepting the Service Agreement, which includes, inter alia, the Terms and
4.3 Conditions, the Client Agreement and any attached Annexes, the ‘Order Execution Policy’
and any other documentation uploaded on the Firm’s website, as from time to time
amended by SAT (collectively referred to ‘Service Agreement’).
The Client understands that SAT does not participate, in any way,
4.4 in trading and/or other decisions made by the Representative and/or does not make any
representations or warranties and/or assumes any obligations with regard to the actions
and/or omissions of the Representative, either made negligently, innocently and/or
fraudulently. The Client understands that he/she/they shall have no claim whatsoever
against SAT for any actions of the Representative.
The Client shall seek independent legal and/or financial and/or tax advice in relation to
the content(s)of this POA and/or any other document associated with this POA. Nothing
4.5 in this POA constitutes are commendation, or offer to buy or sell in an investment, or an
inducement to trade and SAT shall not be held liable for any
losses incurred by the Client.
The Client understands and accepts that the Representative shall be entitled to have the
Powers granted herein below, in accordance with the Service Agreement. The Client
agrees to ratify such instructions, as if performed by themselves. Therefore, the Firm,
5.1 prior to execution, is under no responsibility to confirm such instructions with neither the
Representative nor the Client. The Client understands that SAT
will facilitate the above transactions without further direction and/or confirmation from
the Client.
The Client agrees that he/she/they shall indemnify and hold harmless the Firm, its
5.2 officers, directors, employees, advisors, consultants or other partners from and against
any loss and/ or liability that may arise in relation to this POA.
The Client declares that his/ her/their decision for appointing an Representative for his/
5.3 her/ their behalf, is an informed one taken after carefully considering the risks involved in
trading CFDs.
The Client consents and authorises the Firm to disclose to the Representative any
personal information and trading related information necessary under this POA.
This POA is for an infinitive period of time, unless terminated in accordance with the
Service Agreement and/or this POA and/or any other agreement effective between the
parties. The Client acknowledges that this POA may be revoked by SAT at any given time,
for any or no reason, including but not limited to
instances where the Service Agreement is terminated. The Client may, at any time,
request the revocation of this POA by completing the relevant revocation form(s) and
6.1 transmitting them via e-mail through their registered e-mail, given that there are no open
positions. It is the sole responsibility of the Client to communicate the revocation of this
POA to SAT and request the closure of any open positions, if
any. Such revocation of the POA will become effective once received by the Back Office
Department of SAT, provided that the above mentioned
conditions, are met. Revocation of this POA shall not relieve the Client of any liability
which has arisen, for any transaction initiated prior to such revocation.
The Client understands and accepts that if, at the time of the revocation of this POA,
6.2 there are any funds available in the Client’s trading account(s) then the Firm reserves the
right to transfer such funds to the Client’s count.
Funding activities:
I hereby confirm that I have carefully read and understood the content of this POA
in addition to the Service Agreement and other documentation received during the
on-boarding process, including any subsequent amendments and agree to be legally
bound by them.
*You need to sign this document with a pen.
*You need upload your ID (colour and both side) or your passport copy.
Full name: