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1. If a charge on the body is 1nC, then how many electrons Sol. (d) Important properties of electric field lines are –
are present on the body ? (i) Electric field lines come out of a positive charge and
(a) 1.6 × 10–19 (b) 6.25 × 1019 go into the negative charge (continuous but never
(c) 6.25 × 109 (d) 6.25 × 1028 form close loop).
Sol. (c) Q = + ne (ii) No two electric field lines intersect each other.
(iii) Electric field lines cannot exist inside a conductor.
Q 1109
n= = = 6.25 × 109 (iv) For the field lines to either start or end at infinity, a
e 1.6 1019
single charge must be used.
2. A metallic sphere is placed in a uniform electric field as (v) Whenever the field lines are closer together, the
shown in the figure. Which path is followed by electric field is strong.
field lines ?

D 6. The Gaussian surface for calculating the electric field

due to a large distribution is –
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
(a) Any closed surface around charged distribution.
Sol. (d) Electric field intensity inside a metallic sphere will be
(b) Any surface near the charged distribution.
zero. Therefore no electric lines of force exist inside
(c) A spherical surface.
the sphere.
(d) A symmetrical closed surface at every point of which
* Electric field lines are always perpendicular to the
electric field has a single fixed value.
surface of conductor.
Sol. (d) For calculating electric field, a symmetrical closed
3. S.I. unit of permittivity of free space is –
surface at every point of which electric field has a
(a) Farad (b) Weber (c) C2N–1m–2 (d) C2N1m–2
single fixed value.
KQ1Q 2 1 Q1Q 2 7. Figure shows three point charges +2q, –q and +3q. Two
Sol. (c) F = 2 = 2
R 4 0 R charges +2q and – q are enclosed within a surface 'S'.
What is the electric flux due to this configuration through
Q1Q 2
or o = the surface 'S'.
FR 2  4 
+ 2q
 Unit of o = C2N–1m–2
* Value of o is 8.85 × 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2 and dimensional
–q S
formula is [M–1L–3T4A2].
4. An electric field of dipole moment p is placed in a uni- +3q
form electric field E , then 4d 2d q
  (a) (b) (c) (d) 0
(i) the torque of dipole is p × E . 0 0 0
 
(ii) the potential energy of system is p . E .   Q
Sol. (c) According to Gauss's law, = E . ds = 
(iii)the resultant force on the dipole is zero. S 0

(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct. (where Q is the total charge enclosed by surface S)
(b) (i), (iii) are correct and (ii) is wrong.
2q  q q
(c) Only (i) is correct  = =
(d) (i), (ii) are correct, (iii) is wrong.
0 0
Sol. (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct. 8. The total flux through the faces of the cube with side of
5. Electric field lines provides information about – length a, if a charge q is placed at corner A of the cube is–
(a) Field strength (b) direction q q q q
(c) Nature of charge (d) All of these (a) (b) (c) (d)
 0 0 0  0
Sol. (a) When a charge q is placed at corner A of the cube it the net electric flux remains zero. This means that
is being shared equally by 8 cubes, therefore, total the number of electric field lines entering the surface
q is equal to the field lines leaving the surface.
flux through the faces of given cube is 11. The sum of two points charges is 9C. They repel each
0 .
other with a force of 2N when kept 30cm apart in free
9. Which of the statement is not true about Gauss's law ? space. Calculate the value of each charge.
(a) Gauss's law is true for any closed surface. (a) 5C and 3C (b) 1C and 5C
(b) The term on the right side of Gauss's law include the (c) 3C and 5C (d) 5C and 4C
sum of all charges enclosed by the surface. Sol. (d) Let one point charge be xC and other is (9 – x)C.
(c) Gauss's law is not much useful in calculating Distance between the charge = 30 cm = 0.3m.
electrostatic field when the system has some According to Coulomb's law,
(d) Gauss's law is based on the inverse square dependence k  x 10 6   9  x   106
 0.3
on distance contained in the Coulomb's law.
Sol. (c) Applications of Gauss law –
1. In any case a charge ring of radius R on its axis at a 9  109  x   9  x   10 12
distance x from the centre of the ring, 2=
 0.3

 1 qx 
E =  , At centre x = 0 and E = 0 or 20 = x (9 – x)  x = 5, (9 – x) = 4
 R2  x2 
0 Therefore, charges are 5C and 4C.
12. What is the nature of Gaussian surface involved in Gauss
2. In case of an infinite line of charge, at a distance 'r'
law of electrostatics ?
  (a) Scalar (b) Electrical
E = 2 r , where is the linear charge density.. (c) Magnetic (d) Vector

3. The intensity of the electric field near a plane sheet of Sol. (d) The Gauss law in electrostatics gives a relation,

    Q
charge is E = , where  is the surface charge == E . ds = 
2 0 k S 0

denisty. The above relation between electric flux through

4. The intensity of the electric field near a plane charged any closed hypothetical surface (called Gaussian
surface) and total charge enclosed by the surface.
 
conductor, E = , where k is dielectric constant of So, the nature of Gaussian surface is vector.
0 k 13. Two points charge +q & – 2q are placed at the vertices
medium. B and C of an equilateral ABC of side a, as shown in
5. The field between two parallel plates of a condenser is figure. Find electric field at the vertex A due to these
 
E= . A
 
10. If E . ds = 0 over a surface, then –
(– 2q)
(i) the electric field inside the surface and on it is zero.
B (+q) C
(ii) the electric field inside the surface is necessaryily
uniform. q
(iii) the number of flux lines entering the surface must be (a) E 3 (b)
4 0 a 2
equal to the number of flux lines leaving it.
(iv) all charges must necessarily be outside the surface. q q 3
(a) (iii) and (iv) are correct (b) (ii) and (iii) are correct (c) (d)
4 30 a 2 4 30 a 2
(c) All are correct (d) (iii) is correct.
Sol. (d) The Gauss theorem relates the flow of electric field 1 q
Sol. (d) |EAB| = 2 =E
lines (flux) to the charges within the enclosed surface. 0 a
If there are no charges enclosed by a surface, then
(a) 2.5a from (+q) and (7.5a from +9q)
1 2q
|EAC| = 2 = 2E (b) 3 from (+q) and 7 from +9q
0 a
(c) 7.5a from (+q) and 2.5a from +9q
Enet = 2
 2 EAB E AC cos  (d) 5 from +q and 5 from +9q
Sol. (a) Let p be the point where test charge (+q0) is present
then electric field at point p will be zero.
 1
 2E    E 
2 2
=  2  2E  E    
 2 k  q  k  9 q 
10a  x 
2 2
= 4E 2  E 2  2E 2 = E 3
3q 10
or Enet = or (10a – x)2 = 9x2 x= a
4 0 a 2 4
x = 2.5a (from + q)
EAB 10a – x = 10a – 2.5a = 7.5a (from +8q)
18. Three equal charges are placed at the three corners of
A Enet an isosceles triangle as shown in figure. The statement
EAC which is true for electric potential V & the field intensity
(– 2q) E at the centre of triangle as :
B (+q) C
14. How does the electric flux due to a point charge enclosed
by a spherical Gaussian surface get affected when its O
radius is increased.
q q
(a) The electric flux also changes
(b) The electric flux increases when its radius is increased (a) V = 0, E = 0 (b) V = 0, E  0
(c) There is no effect of change in radius on the electric (c) V  0, E = 0 (d) V  0, E  0
flux. Sol. (c) From figure, Net electric field at centre = 0 and net
(d) None of the above q
  potential difference = 3 3 volt.
Sol. (c) According to Gauss law, = E . ds = E.A a
S 
 E = 0, V  0
or = . (4r2) = kQ. (4) 19. An electron falls through a distance of 1.5cm in a uniform
electric field of magnitude 2.0 × 104NC–1. Calculate the
 no effect of change in radius on the electric flux. time it takes to fall through this distance starting from
15. Work done in carrying a charge q once around a circle
of radius r with a charge Q at its centre is –

Qq Qq q
(a) e
4 0 r (b) zero (c)
4 0 r 2 (d)
4 0 r 2
Sol. (b) Work done = Force × displacement. In this case, ++++++++++++
work done is zero because displacement is zero.
(a) 4.26 n sec (b) 2.92 n sec
16. An electric dipole with dipole moment 4 × 10–9 cm is
(c) 2.90 n sec (d) 4.20 n sec
aligned at 30º with the direction of a uniform electric
Sol. (b) For electron, me = 9.1 × 10–31 kg and Qe = 1.6 × 10–19C
field of magnitude 5 × 104NC–1. Calculate the magnitude
Force = qE = ma
of torque acting on the dipole.
(a) 10–4 Nm (b) 10–6 Nm (c) 10–5 Nm (d) 0 Qe E
   For electron, a = me
Sol. (a) Torque () = p × E = pE sin
 = 4 × 10–9 × 5 × 104 × sin 30º = 10–4 Nm 1.6 1019  2 10 4
17. Two point charge +q & +9q are separated by a distance = = 3.5 × 1015 ms–2
of 10a. Find the point on the line joining the two charge
where electric field is zero.
1 2
Distance travelled, S = ut + at
15 –2
Here, u = 0 and a = 3.5 10 ms , S = 1.5 cm (i) If q < 0 and is displaced away from the centre in the
 t = 2.92 ns plane of the ring, it will be pushed back towards the
20. A system has two charges QA = 2.5 × 10–7C and QB = – centre.
2.5 × 10–7C, located at point A = (0, 0 – 15 cm) and B (0, (ii) If q > 0 and is displaced away from the centre in a plane
0, + 15 cm) respectively. What are the total charge and of the ring, it will never return to the centre and will
electric dipole moment of the system ? continue moving till it hits the ring.
  (iii) If q < 0, it will perform SHM for small displacement along
(a) q = 0, p = 7.5 × 10–7Cm(b) q = 0, p = 2 × 10–8Cm
 the axis.
(c) q = 0, p = 7.5 × 10–8Cm(d) None of these (iv) q at the centre of the ring is in an unstable equilibrium
Sol. (c) For given system, total charge Qt = QA + QB = 0 and within the plane of the ring for q > 0.
 Mark the correct option –
dipole moment p = Q (2l) (directed from – q to + q)
(a) (i) and (iv) are correct (b) (ii) and (iii) are correct
2l = 30cm = 0.3m
 (c) All are correct (d) None of the above
 p = 2.5 × 10–7 × 0.3 = 7.5 × 10–8Cm Sol. (c)
21. A dipole with dipole moment of magnitude p, is in stable 25. When a glass rod rubbed with silk is brought near the
 gold leaf electroscope, the leaves diverge. What is the
equilibrium in an electrostatic field of magnitude p , is charge on leaves ?
in stable equilibrium in an electrostatic field of magnitude (a) Negative (b) zero (c) Positive
E. Find the work done in rotating this dipole to its position (d) Either negative or positive
of unstable equilibrium ? Sol. (c) On rubbing glass rod and silk clothes, glass rod
(a) Q = pE (b) W = 2pE (c) W = 0 (d) W = 4pE acquire positive charge. When the rod brought near
  the disc of electroscope, the disc will acquire negative
Sol. (b) For stable equilibrium, angle between p and E is 0º
 charge and there will be positive charge on the far
and for unstable equilibrium angle between p and end, that is on the leaves.
 26. Identify the wrong statement in the following, Coulomb's
E is 180º.
law correctly described the electric force that –
Work done (W) = pE (cos Q1 – cos Q2)
(a) binds the electrons of an atom to its nucleus.
= pE (cos 0º –cos 180º) = 2pE
(b) binds the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an
22. The electric field intensity due to an infinite cylinder of
radius R & having charge q per unit length at a distance
(c) binds atom together to form molecules.
r, (r > R from its axis) –
(d) binds atoms and molecules to form solids.
(a) directly proportional to r2
Sol. (b) Coulomb's law is applicable for charge particles, it in
(b) directly proportional to r3
not responsible for binding of proton and neutron
(c) directly proportional to r–1
in the nucleus of an atom.
(d) directly proportional to r4
27. When the separation between two charges is increased,
q 1 the electric potential energy of charges –
Sol. (c) E = i.e. E 
2 0 r r (a) may increase (b) may decrease
23. At a point on the axis of an electric dipole – (c) may increase or may decrease
(a) Electric field is zero (b) Electric potentil is zero. (d) No change
(c) Neither electric field nor electric potential is zero. 1 q1q2
Sol. (c) Potential energy, U = . If charges are of
(d) Electric field is directed perpendicular to axis. 4 0 r
Sol. (c)
same sign, then potential energy will decrease with
24. A positive charge Q is uniformly distributed along a
increase in r, and if charges are of opposite sign,
circular ring of radius R. A small test charge q is placed
then potential energy will increase with increase in r.
at the centre of the rin, then –
28. If the flux of the electric field is zero.
+ (a) The electric field may be zero everywhere on the
+ +
+ q surface.
z (b) The charge inside the surface must be zero.
+ +
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) The charge in the vicinity of the surface must be Sol. (b)
zero. 33. The amount of charge which is placed on a conductor,
Sol. (c) does not depend on –
29. An electric dipole is placed at the centre of a sphere – (a) the dielectric stength of the surrounding medium.
(a) The flux of the electric field through the sphere is (b) its capacitance (c) its potential
zero. (d) its size or shape
(b) The electric field is not zero anywhere on the sphere. Sol. (d)
(c) Both (a) and (b) 34. On rubbing, when one body gets positively charged
(d) The electric field is zero on a circle on the sphere. and other negatively charged, the electrons transferred
Sol. (c) The net charge of the dipole is Q = q – q = 0, and so from positively charged body to negatively charged
Q body are –
= = 0. (a) valance electron only
(b) electrons of inner shells
* The electric field of dipole is not zero anywhere of its (c) both valence electrons and electrons of inner shell.
vicinity. (d) yet to be established.
30. Two spheres of radii a and b respectively are charged Sol. (a) On charging by friction, only valance electrons can
and joined by a wire. The ratio of electric field of the be transferred.
sphere is – 35. What happens when some charged is placed on a soap
a b a2 b2 bubble ?
(a) (b) (c) 2 (d) 2 (a) Its radius decreases (b) Its radius increases
b a b a
(c) The bubble collapses (d) None of these
Sol. (c) For the connected spheres,
Sol. (b) As cohesive & adhesive forces are electromagnetic
kq1 kq2 in nature. Hence, size of soap bubble increases in
V1 = V2 or =
a b the presence of electric field.
q1 a 36. On charging by conduction, mass of a body may –
 = , Electric fields are E1 and E2 (a) increase (b) decrease
q2 b
(c) increase or decrease (d) None of these
q1 Sol. (c)
E1 a 2 q1 b2 a b b
37. Select the correct statements, Coulomb's law correctly
 = = × = × 2 = describes the electric force that –
E2 q2 q2 a2 b a a
b2 (a) binds the electrons of an atom to its nucleus.
(b) binds the atoms together to form molecules.
31. The ratio of the force between two charges q1 and q2
(c) binds the atoms or molecules to form solids or liquid
placed at a distance r from each other, in the S.I. and
(d) All of the above
CGS units is approximately (permittivity of free space is
Sol. (d)
8.85 × 10–12 C2N–1m2) –
38. Which of the following graph shows the correct variation
(a) 1.1 × 1010 (b) 9 × 109 (c) 1.1 × 109 (d) 9 × 10–12
of force (F) when the distance (r) between two charges
Sol. (b)
varies ?
32. Match the following –
List - 1 List - II F F
A. 1 Joule 1. 9 × 1011 e.s.u. (a) (b)
B. 1 Volt 2. 3 × 109 e.s.u.
C. 1 Coulomb 3. 107 erg r r

D. 1 Farad 4. e.s.u. F F
(c) (d)
Codes :
A B C D A B C D r r
(a) 1 4 2 3 (b) 3 4 2 1
kq1q2 1
(c) 2 3 1 4 (d) 2 4 1 3 Sol. (d) From Coulomb's law, F = i.e. F  2 ,
r2 r
–6 –9
which is correctly shown by graph (d). (c) 18 × 10 C (d) – 5 × 10 C
39. If one penetrates a uniformly charged spherical cloud, Sol. (b) According to Millikan oil drop experiment –
electric field strength – mg
(a) decreases directly as the distance from the centre. F = mg = qE q=
(b) increases directly as the distance from the centre.
(c) remains constant (d) None of these
or q =
 3 10  10 = 5 × 10
Sol. (a) 6  10 4

40. ABC is an equilateral triangle. Charge +q are placed at

43. When n identical mercury droplets charged to the same
each corner as shown in figure. The electric intensity at
potential V coalescence to form a single bigger drop.
centre O will be –
The potential of the new drop will be –
+q V
(a) (b) nV (c) nV2 (d) n2/3V
r n
O Sol. (d) Volume of n mercury droplets =Volume of bigger drop
r r
+q +q 4 4
B C  n × r2 = R3  R = n1/3 r where
3 3
1 q 1 q R – Radius of bigger drop
(a) (b)
4 0 r 0 r n – number of smaller drops
r – radius of smaller drop.
1 3q
(c) (d) zero and, charge on bigger drop = n × charge on each
4 0 r 2 small drop Q = nq
Sol. (d) Unit positive charge of O will be repelled equally by
 kQ knq
three charges of triangle. By symmetry, resultant E  Potential of bigger drop (V') = =
R n23r
at O would be zero.
41. Charge Q is divided into two parts which are then kept  1 q
or V' = n2/3    V' = n2/3 V
some distance apart. The force between them will be
  0 r 
maximum, if the two parts are having the charge –
44. With the rise in temperature, the dielectric constant K of
Q Q 3Q a liquid –
(a) each (b) and
2 4 4 (a) Increases (b) Decreases
Q 2Q (c) Remains unchanged (d) Changes erratically
(c) and Sol. (b) As temperature increases, owing to increased
3 3
kinetic energy, the capability of the dipole to remain
(d) e and (Q – e), where e is electronic charge.
united decreases, and therefore, dielectric constant
Sol. (a) Let the two parts are q and Q – q.
dF 45. Two charges are at a distance 'd' apart. If a copper plate
For maximum force, =0
(conducting medium) of thickness is placed between
dF d  k  Q  q  q  2
 = them, the effective force will be –
dq dq r2
k d 2 
 dq  Qq  q 
(a) 2F (b) (c) 0 (d) 2F
= 2 2
r   Sol. (c) Because for metal K =  .
Q 46. Four metal conductors having different shapes –
= Q – 2q = 0 or q = . 1. A sphere 2. Cylindrical
3. Pear 4. Lightning conductor
42. A charged particle of mass 0.003g is held stationary in
are mounted on insulating stands and charged. The one
space by placing it in a downward direction of electric
which is best suited to retain the charges for a longer
field of 6 × 104 NC–1. Then, the magnitude of charge is –
time is –
(a) 5 × 10–4 C (b) 5 × 10–10 C
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 52. A capacitor is charged through a potential difference of
Sol. (a) In case of spherical metal conductor, the charge 200V. When 0.1C charge is stored in it. How much energy
quickly spreads uniformly over the entire surface will it release, when it is discharged ?
because of which charges stay for longer time on (a) 10 J (b) 200 J (c) 0.1 J (d) 1 J
the spherical surface. While, in case of non-spherical Sol. (a) If a capacitor of capacity C is charged to a potential
surface, the charge concentration is different at V, the electrostatic energy stored in it is
different points due to which the charge do not stay
1 2 1 1 Q2
on the surface for longer time. U= CV = QV = , where Q is charge.
2 2 2 C
47. Which of the following is deflected by electric field.
(a) X-rays (b) -rays 1 1
In this question, U = QV = × 0.1 × 200 = 10 J.
(c) Neutrons (d) -particles 2 2
4 2+
Sol. (d) -particle is (2He ) . When the capacitor is discharged, it released the
1 same amount of energy i.e. 10 J.
48. The dimension of  E2 is (where 0 is permittivity of 53. Two capacitors of capacitance of 6F and 12F are
2 0
free space; E is an electric field) – connected in series with a battery. The voltage across
(a) MLT–1 (b) ML2T–2 (c) ML–1T–2 (d) ML2T–1 the 6F capacitor is 2V. Compute the total battery voltage–
(a) 1 V (b) 2 V (c) 3 V (d) 4 V
Energy 1 Sol. (c) Change on 6F capacitor=Charge on 12F capacitor
Sol. (c) Energy density = =  E2
Volume 2 0 6F × 2 volt = 12F × V volt
49. The electric potential at the surface of an atomic nucleus
6 2
(Z = 50) of rdius 9.0 × 10–3 cm is – Potential across 12F capacitor = = 1 volt
(a) 80 volts (b) 8 × 106 volts
(c) 9 volts (d) 9 × 105 volts Battery voltage = 2V + 1V = 3V
54. In which of the following forms is the energy stored in a
kQ capacitor :
Sol. (b) V =
r (a) Charge (b) Potential
9  109  50  1.6  1019 (c) Capacitance (d) Electric field
= = 8 × 106 volts Sol. (d) The energy density between the plates of a capacitor
9 1013  102
50. Gauss's law should be invalid if – U 1
u= = = 0E2.
(a) There were magnetic monopoles Volume 2
(b) The inverse square law were not exactly true 55. Which of the following is blocked by a capacitor ?
(c) The velocity of light were not universal constant (a) A.C. (b) D.C.
(d) None of these (c) Both A.C. and D.C. (d) Neither A.C. nor D.C.
Sol. (b) Gauss's law is based on the inverse square dependence 1 1
on distance contained in the Coulomb's law. Any Sol. (b) For capacitor, Xc = =
WC 2C
violation of Gauss's law will indicate departure from
and frequency of D.C. is zero. If we put Xc as infinity,
the inverse square law.
the value of current would be zero.
51. In a parallel plate capacitor, the capacitance increases
56. The electrostatic force between the metal plates of an
from 4F to 80F on introducing a dielectric medium
isolated parallel plate capacitor C having a charge Q and
between the plates. What is the dielectric constant of
area A, is
medium ?
(a) independent of the distance between the plates.
1 (b) linearly proportional to the distance between the
(a) (b) 20 (c) 80 (d) 4
20 plates.
Sol. (b) The capacitance of a capacitor is increased by a (c) inversely proportional to the distance between the
factor of k when the space between the plates is filled plates.
with a dielectric of dielectric constant k. (d) Proportional to the square root of the distance
between the plates.
C 80
C0 k= = 20 Sol. (a) The magnitude of electric field by any one plate is
60. A point charge Q is placed at point O as shown in the
 Q
E= = , where A = area of the plate. figure (If Q is positive). The potential difference VA – VB
20 2 A0
is –
Also, Magnitude of force between two plates of a Q
  Q  Q
2 O A B
capacitor is F = |Q| |E| = Q   = 2 A . (a) Positive (b) Negative (c) Zero (d) None
 2 A0  0

57. Express the unit of electric potential in terms of the base

 1 Q   1 Q 
Sol. (a) VA – VB =  . – 
unit of S.I. –  4  0 OA   40 OB 
(a) kg m2s–3 (b) kg2 m2s2A–1 As (OA < OB), so VA – VB = positive
(c) kg ms–2 A–1 (d) kg m2s–3 A–1 61. In a parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates,
Work each plate has an area of 6 × 10–3 m2 and the distance
Sol. (d) Electric potential =
Charge between the plate is 3mm. Calculate the capacitance of
the capacitor. If the capacitor is connected to a 100V
Force × displacement ma.x supply.
= =
Current × time It (a) 1.7 × 10–12 Farad (b) 17.7 × 10–12 Farad
58. Two conducting sphere of radii r1 and r2 are equally (c) 1.6 × 10–10 Farad (d) 17.7 Farad
charged. The ratio of their potential is – 0 A
2 2 Sol. (b) C =
r1 r2 r
1 r
2 d
(a) (b) (c) 2
(d) 2
r2 r1 r
2 r
1 8.85 1012  6 103
= = 17.7 × 10–12 Farad
Q 3  103
Sol. (b) As we know, V = and both sphere are equally
4 0 r 62. The work done in bringing a unit positive charge from
infinite distance to a point at distance x from a positive
1 V1 r2 charge Q is W. Then potential at that point is –
charged. Then, V  or =
r V2 r1 WQ W
59. In a network four capacitors C1, C2, C3 and C4 are (a) (b) W (c) WQ (d)
x x
connected as shown in the figure. What is the net
capacitance of the circuit.
Sol. (b) V = =W
C2 = 6 F
C4 =12 F C4 = 4 F 63. 1 volt is equivalent to –
Newton Newton
(a) (b)
C1 = 3 F Second Coulomb
8V Joule Joule
(c) (d)
Coulomb Second
4 9 16
(a) F (b) F (c) F (d) 6F
9 4 30 1 Joule  Work 
Sol. (c) 1 volt =  V = 
Sol. (b) 1 Coulomb  Charge 
(i) The equivalent capacitance (Cs) in series –
64. A parallel plate air capacitor is connected to a battery.
1 1 1 1 1 After charging fully, the battery is disconnected and
= + + +......+
Cs C1 C2 C3 Cn the plates are pulled further apart. Which of the following
statements is correct ?
(ii) The equivalent capacitance (Cp) in parallel –
(a) The electric field between the plates of capacitor
Cp = C1 + C2 + C3 + ......... + Cn
In the given figure, C1 and C2 are in parallel and C3, C4
(b) The electric field between the plates of capacitor
are in series combination with the combination of (or C')
C' = C1 + C2 = 3 + 6 = 9F
(c) The electric field between the plates of capacitor
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 remains same.
= + + = + + or C = F
C C ' C3 C4 9 4 12 4
(d) Potential difference between the plates of capacitor are destroyed.
remains same. (b) the charges on the free plates are enhanced.
Sol. (c) For isolated capacitor, charge on it remains same so (c) the energy stored in system increases.
electric field between them remains same. (d) the potential difference in the free plates becomes

i.e. E= = constant Sol. (d) Potential difference across the capacitor in series is
V + V = 2V.
65. The insulated sphere of radii R1 and R2 having charges + – + –
Q1 and Q2 respectively are connected to each other.
There is – V V
(a) No change in the energy of system. 70. If there are n capacitors in parallel connected to V volt
(b) an increase in the energy of the system. source, then the energy stored is equal to –
(c) always decrease in the energy of the system.
1 1
(d) a decrease in the energy of the system unless. (a) CV (b) nCV2 (c) CV2 (d) CV2
2 2n
KQ1 Q2 Sol. (b) If n capacitors connected in parallel, then equivalent
Sol. (d) For V1 = V2 or =k
R1 R2 capacitance is nC.
or Q1R2 = Q2R1, there is no flow of charge between 1 1
the spheres and so no loss of electric energy. Energy stored = (Ceq)CV2 = nCV2
2 2
66. Work done by an external agent in separating the parallel
71. Capacitors are used in electrical circuits where appliance
plate capacitor is –
need more –
1 2 1 2 (a) current (b) voltage (c) watt (d) resistance
(a) CV (b) CV (c) CV (d) None
2 2 Sol. (a)
72. Two spherical conductors each of capacity C are charged
1 2
Sol. (c) Work done = energy stored = CV to potential V and –V. These are then connected by
means of a fine wire. The loss of energy will be –
67. Eight drops of mercury of equal radii possessing equal
charges combine to form a big drop. Then the capacitance 1 2
(a) zero (b) CV (c) CV2 (d) 2CV2
of bigger drop compared to each individual small drop 2
is – CV – CV
Sol. (c) Common potential, V' = =0
(a) 8 times (b) 4 times (c) 2 times (d) 32 times C+C
Sol. (c) The capacitance of smaller drop of radii r,
 Loss of energy
C = 40r
The radius of bigger drop (R), 1 1  1
= CV 2  CV 2  – (2C) (0)2 = CV2
2 2  2
4 3
4R3 = 8 × r  R = 2r 73. Two oppositely charged metal spheres of same radius
(R) are placed for apart. The capacitance of these two
 Capacitance of bigger drop C' = 40 (2r) = 2C spheres is –
68. A 6F capacitor is charged from 10 volt to 20 volts.
(a) 40R (b) 80R (c) 20R (d) 0R
Increase in energy will be –
Sol. (c) Potential difference (V)
(a) 18 × 10–4 J (b) 9 × 10–4 J
(c) 4.5 × 10 J (d) 9 × 106 J 1  q  q   9
=   =
1 1 4 0  R R  2 0 R
C V f  Vi  = × 6 × 10–6 = (202 – 102)
2 2
Sol. (b) U =
2 2 q
or U = 9 × 10–4 J. C= = 20R
69. Two identical capacitors are joined in parallel, charged
74. The number of ways one can arrange three identical
to a potential V and then separated and then connected
capacitors to obtain distinct effective capacitances is –
in series i.e. the positive plate of one is connected to
(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 3
negative of the other.
Sol. (c)
(a) the charges on the free plates connected together
(i) (ii)   kqQ  kQ 2
FB  FD = – 2 2 and FA = 2
a 2a

(iii) (iv)
kqQ kQ 2 Q
– 2 2 = 2  = – 2 2
a 2a q
76. Two large parallel plates, separated by a distance of 3.0
mm have a capacitance of 10pF and are charged to a
75. A charge Q is placed at each of the opposite corners of potential of 12V by a battery. The plates are disconnected
a square. A charge q is placed at each of the other two of 12V by a battery. The plates are disconnected from
the battery and pulled apart to 5.0 mm. The potential
corners. If the net electric force on Q is zero, then is difference between the plates is :
(a) 12 V (b) 20 V (c) zero (d) 7.2 V
equals to –
Q q Sol. (b) At constant Q, V 
a 2 Again, C  V d
q a Q
V1 d1 d2
=  V2 = × V1
1 V2 d 2 d1
(a) – 2 2 (b) – 1 (c) 1 (d)
5 103
Sol. (a) Given that FA + FB + FD = 0,  V2 = × 12 = 20 V
3  103
Where FA, FB and FD are applied by charges placed
at A, B and D on the charge placed at C.
  
 FB + FD = – FA

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