F3 GR.5 3G Metallurgy, Soil, Dust&Dirt
F3 GR.5 3G Metallurgy, Soil, Dust&Dirt
F3 GR.5 3G Metallurgy, Soil, Dust&Dirt
Website: www.cbsua.edu.ph
Email Address:
Trunkline: (054) 881-6681
Struck Coins - Coins made by 11. for wood – subject to a jet of steam.
striking or stamping method.
When a serial number or any mark is stamped on
1. Cast Coins – An impression of genuine coin is metal, the crystalline structure of the metal in the
taken by use of Plaster of Paris, clay or bronze. The neighborhood of the stamp is disturbed. The
plaster molds bearing the image of good coin are filled disturbance penetrates to an appreciable distance
within a low temperature alloy made with lead or tin. into the substance of metal, but not visible to the
Sand molds are used for high temperature metal such naked eye once the actual indentation cause by the
as copper or silver alloys. Cast coins have poor pouch has been removed. When the etching fluid is
imitation. It can be easily detected. The surface is applied to this surface the disturbed or strain led
usually pitted and uneven. The edges of lettering and particles of the metal differ in the rate solubility makes
designs are rounded instead of sharp. it possible in many cases restore the umber to such
an extent that they can be read and photograph.
FORENSIC 3 (Group 5)
CHAPTER 10 2. Colluvial soil – formed
from the decomposition of
SOIL (Petrography igneous, metamorphic and
As Applied To Crime sedimentary rocks, the
Detection) decomposed particles moved
Soil as evidence in by gravity. Soil in which some
murder, homicide, rape,
movement and intermingling of
robbery, kidnapping, hit
and run accident has parts has occurred would be expected to be less
been overlook by most variable.
investigators, probably
because it is such a
common place 3. Sedimentary soil – inactive, not migratory soil.
substance and is more or less taken for granted. Very
few persons have realized that the soil upon which COLLECTION AND SUBMISSION OF SOIL
they stand may have a different composition from the
soil a few yards away. Researches have shown that 1. Soil usually in form of mud is usually recovered
soil are greatly diversified and vary considerably over from shoes, slippers, clothes, tires, tools and
the surface of the earth not only from widely furniture.
separated points but also from points quite close
together. This expected because soil represent not 2. If found on the above soil should remain in place
only original earthly constituents derived from the and the whole submitted to the laboratory.
parent rock of the natural forces and the activities of
living organisms over millennia. 3. Should be wrapped in clean paper or filter paper
Soil varies rapidly with depth. The admixture and place in box.
of soil from below the surface with surface soil is
taking place constantly in excavating for pipes, paving 4. Known soil samples should be taken at different
and in agricultural operations. Surface variations may places around the point of reference
arise, therefore due to admixture with surface soil of
the same region. Additional for fertilizer and soil CONSTITUENTS OF SOIL
conditioning material and human, animal and plant
waste would cause further variations of local nature. The basic components of soil originates
In view of this variation in compositions of soil can primarily from mechanical and chemical
only be used as circumstantial evidence in the crimes decomposition of igneous, metamorphic and
of violence. sedimentary rocks. Rocks are almost infinite variable
There is the remote possibility that another in composition containing usually many different
soil from some part of the country would be identical, minerals.
although this has never been found to happen.
Petrography – is the branch of geology that deals a. Igneous rock -Produced by volcanic or intense
with the systematic classification and identification of heat.
rocks, rock forming materials and soils. Also includes
study of dust, dirt, safe insulation, ceramics and other
such materials both natural and artificial.
b. Metamorphic rock – had undergone changed in
1. Alluvial soil – formed from soil structure, texture through pressure, heat and
particles that were washed, blown, or chemical reaction. Like limestone into marble.
moved by gravity to lowlands. Earth,
sand, gravel, etc. are deposited by
moving water and wind. Its particles
maybe derived from an almost infinite
number of sources, and since the
action of water and wind would in few cases be
identical over long periods of time in different spots,
great variation in composition would be expected.
FORENSIC 3 (Group 5)
c. Sedimentary rock – or sandstone. Rocks formed 4. Dolomite – white mineral obtained from
by sediments. sedimentary rock. Similar to limestone.
Important Minerals
FORENSIC 3 (Group 5)
The identification of soil I never necessary that Dust and dirt has been described as “matter in
all constituents be identified as such or that they be the wrong place”. The study of such piece of evidence
separated. Any method which quantitatively may often provide the investigator with clues as to the
distinguishes particles of characteristics appearance occupation of previous where about of a person under
of properties will be successful in proving identify or investigation.
nonidentity depending on whether the distribution
found in two soil are the same or different. There are Dust – matter which is dry and finely divided form.
several methods of petrographic analysis that are
being used in the laboratories to establish the identity Mud – dust mixed with water.
of two or more samples of soils.
There is no procedure which is especially Grime – (heavy dirt)- when dust is mixed with the
recommended. In the crime laboratory the use of sweat and grease of human body this formed.
simple procedure of determining the identity or non- COMPOSITION OF DUST
identity of soil samples based on the density
distribution. The procedure is rapid, requiring a few For purposes of criminal investigation dust
hours of completion. Consist of simple apparatus and may well, be classified from their source.
is indeed is sensitive to small changes in composition.
1. Dust deposited from the air – extremely fine dust
OTHER METHOD OF ANALYSIS FOR SOIL particles present in the air everywhere. More
abundant in thickly populated and industrial regions.
X-ray diffraction Settle very slowly and ultimately deposited on any
exposed surface. Its value in crime detection is
FORENSIC 3 (Group 5)
FORENSIC 3 (Group 5)