This document lists 352 students who have been shortlisted to appear in the Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (INChO) in 2023 based on their scores in the National Standard Examination in Chemistry (NSEC) in 2022 and state quotas. The average of the top 10 scores in the NSEC was 186.1, with the minimum inclusion score of 148 and the minimum average score of 93. The students are listed with their registration numbers.
This document lists 352 students who have been shortlisted to appear in the Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (INChO) in 2023 based on their scores in the National Standard Examination in Chemistry (NSEC) in 2022 and state quotas. The average of the top 10 scores in the NSEC was 186.1, with the minimum inclusion score of 148 and the minimum average score of 93. The students are listed with their registration numbers.
This document lists 352 students who have been shortlisted to appear in the Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (INChO) in 2023 based on their scores in the National Standard Examination in Chemistry (NSEC) in 2022 and state quotas. The average of the top 10 scores in the NSEC was 186.1, with the minimum inclusion score of 148 and the minimum average score of 93. The students are listed with their registration numbers.
This document lists 352 students who have been shortlisted to appear in the Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (INChO) in 2023 based on their scores in the National Standard Examination in Chemistry (NSEC) in 2022 and state quotas. The average of the top 10 scores in the NSEC was 186.1, with the minimum inclusion score of 148 and the minimum average score of 93. The students are listed with their registration numbers.
Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (INChO - 2023) on the basis of their marks in NSEC - 2022 and State Quota Average of top 10 score in NSEC - 2022 is 186.1 MI = 148 and MAS = 93
Indian National Physics Olympiad Arihant Sourabh Chapter 5 Heat and Thermodynamics D C Pandey NSEP INPhO IPO IPhO Conducted by HBCSE Homi Bhabha Center For Science Education PDF
Indian National Physics Olympiad Arihant Sourabh Chapter 6 Electrostatics D C Pandey For NSEP INPhO IPO IPhO Conducted by HBCSE Homi Bhabha Center For Science Education (PDFDrive)
Indian National Physics Olympiad Arihant Sourabh Chapter 7 Current Electricity D C Pandey For NSEP INPhO IPO IPhO Conducted by HBCSE Homi Bhabha Center For Science Education (PDFDrive)