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Pharmaceutical Biology

ISSN: 1388-0209 (Print) 1744-5116 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iphb20

Hypoglycemic Activity of Aqueous Extract of

Pleurotus pulmonarius. in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic

Sachin L. Badole, Shweta N. Shah, Naimesh M. Patel, Prasad A. Thakurdesai

& Subhash L. Bodhankar

To cite this article: Sachin L. Badole, Shweta N. Shah, Naimesh M. Patel, Prasad A. Thakurdesai
& Subhash L. Bodhankar (2006) Hypoglycemic Activity of Aqueous Extract of Pleurotus
pulmonarius. in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice, Pharmaceutical Biology, 44:6, 421-425, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/13880200600794196

Published online: 07 Oct 2008.

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Pharmaceutical Biology
2006, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 421–425

Hypoglycemic Activity of Aqueous Extract of

Pleurotus pulmonarius in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice

Sachin L. Badole, Shweta N. Shah, Naimesh M. Patel, Prasad A. Thakurdesai, and Subhash L. Bodhankar

Department of Pharmacology, Poona College of Pharmacy, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Erandwane,
Pune, India

Mushrooms have been valued throughout the world as spore print, attached to gills, often with an eccentric stip,
both food and medicine for thousands of years. In the or no stip at all. They are commonly known as ‘‘oyster
current study, we report the hypoglycemic effects of mushrooms’’ (Miles & Chang, 1997). Earlier studies have
aqueous extract of one variety of mushroom, Pleurotus reported insulin release and insulin-like activity of other
pulmonarius (Fr.) Quel.-Champ (Lentinaceae), in species of mushroom like Agaricus campestris (Gray &
alloxan-induced diabetic mice. Pleurotus pulmonarius Flatt, 1998). There is paucity of reports on the hypogly-
extract was administrated orally at doses of 250, 500, cemic activity of Pleurotus. The objective of the current
and 1000 mg=kg to separate groups of mice (normal study was to evaluate the hypoglycemic effect of an aque-
and alloxan-treated mice), and serum glucose and body ous extract of Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Quel.-Champ
weight were measured. In the separate group of mice, (Lentinaceae) on serum glucose in alloxan-induced
an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was carried out. diabetic mice.
Acute oral toxicity data showed no mortality in the nor-
mal mice up to 5000 mg=kg. Oral administration of
extracts reduced the serum glucose level in alloxan-
treated diabetic mice in all the doses tested after acute Materials and Methods
and chronic (28 days) administration. The extract also Drugs and chemicals
showed increased glucose tolerance in both normal and
diabetic mice. These results suggest that the extract pos- The mushroom Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Quel.-
sesses hypoglycemic activity. Champ (Lentinaceae) was provided to us as a gift sample
from Bajaj Orchard, Pvt. Ltd. (Mumbai, India). A.M.
Mujumdar (Department of Botany, Agharkar Research
Keywords: Alloxan-induced diabetic mice, antidiabetic Institute, Pune) authenticated it, and a voucher specimen
activity, oral glucose tolerance test, Pleurotus pulmonarius. was deposited at that institute. Glyburide (Ranbaxy
Pharma. Ltd., New Delhi, India), alloxan monohydrate
(Spectrochem, India), glucose estimation kit (Accurex
Introduction Biomedical Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India), and D-glucose
(S.D. Fine-Chem. Ltd., Mumbai, India) were purchased
Mushrooms are a group of fleshy macroscopic fungi that
from respective companies.
until recently, as other fungi, were included in the plant
kingdom because of cell wall and spores. Mushrooms
Experimental animals
have been valued throughout the world as both food
and medicine for thousands of years (Tribe & Tosco, Swiss albino mice (25–30 g) were purchased from the
1973; Wright, 2004). There are many varieties of mush- National Toxicology Centre (Pune, India) and used for
rooms of which Pleurotus are characterized by a white the study. They were maintained at a temperature of

Accepted: March 30, 2006

Address correspondence to: Dr. S.L. Bodhankar, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed
University, Poona College of Pharmacy, Erandwane 411 038, Pune, India. Tel.: þ 91-20-24537237 (ext. 29); Fax: þ 91-20-25439386;
E-mail: sbodh@yahoo.com

DOI: 10.1080/13880200600794196 # 2006 Informa Healthcare

422 S.L. Badole et al.

251C and relative humidity of 45% to 55% under 12-h The acute study involved estimation of serum glucose
light:12-h dark cycle. The animals had free access to food at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 24 h after drug administration.
pellets (Chakan Oil Mills, Pune, India), and water was The subacute study involved repeated administration
given ad libitum. The experimental protocol was of drug for 28 days at prefixed times, and serum glucose
approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee levels were estimated on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th
(IAEC) of Poona College of Pharmacy, Pune, India. days. The data were represented as mean serum glucose
level and standard error of mean (SEM). The mice were
weighed daily during the study period of 28 days, and
Acute oral toxicity studies
their body weights were noted and presented as mean
Healthy adult albino mice of either sex, starved over- change in body weights. The death of mice was also
night, were subjected to acute toxicity studies as per noted during the study periods, and percentage mortality
guidelines (AOT no. 425) suggested by the Organization was calculated.
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
(2001). The rats were observed continuously for 2 h for Effect of aqueous extract of Pleurotus pulmonarius
behavioral, neurological, and autonomic profiles for on oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in normal and
any lethality or death for the next 48 h. diabetic mice
Normal (nondiabetic) and diabetic mice were divided into
Preparation of aqueous extract of Pleurotus pulmonarius five groups (n ¼ 6), viz.: group I, glucose (2.5 g=kg);
group II, glyburide (10 mg=kg); group III, extract
Weighed quantity powder of air-dried Pleurotus pulmonarius
(250 mg=kg); group IV, extract (500 mg=kg); group V,
was added to distilled water (1:15), boiled for 20 min on
water bath, cooled to room temperature, and filtered. extract (1000 mg=kg). The animals were fasted overnight
before commencing the experiment. The animals were
The filtrate was dried on a tray dryer at 70C (yield,
loaded with D-glucose (2.5 g=kg) solution after half an
24% w=w).The dry extract powder was dissolved in dis-
hour of drug administration. Serum glucose levels were
tilled water to prepare the drug solution of concentration
estimated prior to drug administration and at 30, 60,
of 100 mg=ml and used for pharmacological studies.
and 120 min after glucose loading.

Induction of experimental diabetes Statistical analysis

Diabetes was induced in mice by a single intravenous injec- The results are expressed as mean  SEM. Comparison
tion of aqueous alloxan monohydrate (70 mg=kg, i.v.) by between the groups was made by two-way analysis of
the method described by Rao et al. (1999). After 48 h, variance (ANOVA) followed by post hoc Dunnett’s test.
the animals showing serum glucose levels above 200 mg=dl
(diabetic) were selected for the study. All the animals were
allowed free access to tap water and pellet diet.
Acute toxicity studies revealed that the extract was safe up
Collection of blood and determination of serum glucose
to a dose level of 5000 mg=kg of body weight. No lethality
Blood samples from the control and experimental mice or any toxic reactions were found up to the end of the
were collected by orbital sinus puncture using hepari- study period. Single administration of aqueous extract
nized capillary glass tubes. The blood samples so col- of Pleurotus pulmonarius (250, 500, and 1000 mg=kg) as
lected were analyzed for glucose levels by the glucose well as glyburide (10 mg=kg) reduced serum glucose levels
oxidase peroxidase (GOD=POD) method as described at 2, 4, and 6 h after extract administration (Table 1).
earlier (Abdel-Barry et al., 1997), and serum glucose Maximum reduction in serum glucose level was seen at
levels were expressed in mg=dl. 6 h after extract administration. Subacute administration
(once a day for 28 days) of the extract as well as glyburide
causes significant (p < 0.001) reduction in the serum glu-
Effect of aqueous extract of Pleurotus pulmonarius on
cose as compared with vehicle-treated group. Maximum
serum glucose in alloxan-induced diabetic mice
activity of extract (reduction from 444.29 to 174.32 mg=dl)
The method described by Dunn and McLetchie (1943) was seen with a significant decrease (p < 0.001) in serum
was adopted. Diabetic Swiss albino mice of either sex glucose levels at the dose of 500 mg=kg on the 28th day
were divided into five groups (n ¼ 6), viz.: group I, (Table 2).
vehicle (distilled water, 10 ml=kg); group II, glyburide Administration of vehicle (distilled water, 10 ml=kg,
(10 mg=kg); group III, extract (250 mg=kg); group IV, p.o.) in alloxan-induced diabetic mice resulted in a
extract (500 mg=kg); group V, extract (1000 mg=kg). All decrease in the body weight during the period of 28 days
drugs were given orally. (Table 3). Extract (250, 500, and 1000 mg=kg) prevented
Hypoglycemic activity of Pleurotus pulmonarius 423

Table 1. Effect of Pleurotus pulmonarius on serum glucose level in alloxan-induced diabetic mice (acute study).

Mean fasting glucose level (mg=dl)  SEM

Treatment (mg=kg, p.o.) 0h 2h 4h 6h 24 h

Vehicle 431.79  10.97 434.70  10.80 443.04  13.16 452.43  13.83 456.09  14.67
Glyburide (10) 439.84  19.87ns 358.21  16.14 319.00  15.54 258.86  12.10 421.71  34.27ns
Extract (250) 456.42  26.14ns 327.16  27.33 292.78  22.44 256.18  23.92 344.07  31.19
Extract (500) 444.29  13.05ns 148.22  15.24 131.24  9.59 121.10  13.55 345.09  9.55
Extract (1000) 444.92  30.39ns 286.90  16.50 230.70  15.21 160.59  14.22 222.25  25.64

n ¼ 6, data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Dunnett’s test. ns, not significant.

p < 0.05 compared with vehicle treated group (distilled water, 10 ml=kg). All other values are significant (p < 0.001) as compared
with vehicle-treated group.

Table 2. Effect of Pleurotus pulmonarius on serum glucose level in alloxan-induced diabetic mice (subacute study).

Mean fasting glucose level (mg=dl)  SEM

Treatment (mg=kg, p.o.) Day 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28

Vehicle 431.79  10.97 474.38  6.57 479.23  4.88 493.95  11.98 503.26  15.56
Glyburide (10) 469.84  19.87ns 367.54  14.51 297.61  17.55 264.85  14.83 196.25  18.45
Extract (250) 456.42  26.14ns 312.37  19.74 241.68  9.51 214.27  9.92 204.98  9.93
Extract (500) 444.29  13.05ns 261.87  14.64 190.33  15.46 182.78  18.45 174.32  14.83
Extract (1000) 444.92  30.39ns 314.39  15.95 275.41  21.79 240.24  15.56 185.56  11.98

n ¼ 6, data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Dunnett’s test. ns, not significant.
All the values are significant (p < 0.001) as compared with vehicle-treated group (distilled water, 10 ml=kg).

a decrease in body weight in alloxan-treated mice. On the (p < 0.05) increase in the glucose threshold, 30-min
other hand, mice gained body weight as compared with post–glucose loading in both normal (Table 4) as well
the vehicle-treated group, which indicated the beneficial as diabetic mice (Table 5).
effect of the extract in preventing further loss of body
weight. Administration of vehicle in alloxan-induced dia-
betic mice resulted in death of 44.4% of the total animals
during the 28-day study period. Administration of the
extract (250, 500, and 1000 mg=kg) reduced mortality Mushrooms are highly nutritive as they contain good-
(14.29%, 14.29%, and 25%, respectively) in mice. It quality proteins, vitamins, and minerals (Flegg & Maw,
was thus apparent that when no drug was administered, 1976; Khanna & Garcha, 1984). Mushrooms are a low-
progression of diabetes resulted in mortality of mice, calorie food with very little fat and are highly suitable
whereas the extract treatment resulted in reduction of for obese persons. With no starch and very low sugars,
mortality. Extract (500 mg=kg) produced a significant they are the ‘‘delight of the diabetics’’ (Bano, 1976). In

Table 3. Effect of extract on body weight in alloxan-induced diabetic mice.

Mean body weight (g)  SEM

Treatment (mg=kg, p.o.) 0h Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28

Vehicle 32.00  1.41 26.33  0.75 24.33  0.66 22.33  0.66 17.83  0.60
Glyburide (10) 36.17  1.33ns 34.37  0.36 36.00  2.39 36.33  2.38 37.00  1.20
Extract (250) 33.17  2.04ns 32.83  1.44 31.00  1.2 30.33  1.20 29.50  0.99
Extract (500) 31.17  2.04ns 32.00  0.6 33.00  0.70 33.00  0.70 33.10  0.56
Extract (1000) 35.50  1.64ns 33.00  0.63 32.00  0.49 30.67  0.49 29.67  1.23

n ¼ 6, data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Dunnett’s test. ns, not significant.

p < 0.05 compared with vehicle-treated group (distilled water, 10 ml=kg). All other values are not significant as compared with
vehicle-treated group.
424 S.L. Badole et al.

Table 4. Effect of Pleurotus pulmonarius on oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in normal mice.

Mean fasting glucose level (mg=dl)  SEM

Treatment (mg=kg, p.o.) Before glucose 0 min 30 min 60 min 120 min

Vehicle 120.48  14.26 318.03  15.13 197.42  20.24 142.83  121.69 136.58  15.64
Glyburide (10) 117.44  14.04 289.83  20.71 203.78  28.00 121.69  21.38 169.34  29.38
Extract (250) 106.05  5.34 328.92  12.50 252.98  12.35 172.31  13.65 143.58  7.28
Extract (500) 112.01  8.42 319.55  11.88 121.74  11.32 126.10  17.96 138.02  18.34
Extract (1000) 105.51  15.17 288.04  12.77 190.14  23.11 180.12  15.16 132.08  11.42

n ¼ 6, data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Dunnett’s test.

p < 0.05,  p < 0.01,  p < 0.001, compared with vehicle-treated group (distilled water, 10 ml=kg).

adequate quantities and being low in sugars, they can Subacute treatment for 28 days with the extract in the
serve as medicinal foods for diabetes (Rai, 1986). Pre- tested doses brought about improvement in body weights
liminary phytochemical analysis of the Pleurotus pulmo- of alloxan-treated diabetic mice, indicating its beneficial
narius showed the presence of proteins, minerals, effect in preventing loss of body weight in diabetic mice.
vitamins, and carbohydrates (Food and Agriculture Administration of extract lowered mortality (14.29%) as
Organization of the United Nations, 1968). compared with alloxan-induced diabetic mice (44%).
In the past, many mushroom varieties have been The protective effects against diabetes-induced weight
reported to possess hypoglycemic activities in animals loss is supported by earlier studies (Swanston-Flatt
(Gray & Flatt, 1998; Swanston-Flatt et al., 1989), as well et al., 1989).
as in diabetic patients (Konno et al., 2001). In normal and In the oral glucose tolerance test, the doses increased
streptozotocin diabetic mice treated with the mushroom the tolerance for glucose suggesting increased peripheral
variety Agaricus bisporus (J. Lange) Imbach, the mush- utilization of glucose in both diabetic as well as non-
room was shown to retard the development of hypergly- diabetic (normal) mice. The extract showed optimum
cemia, hyperphagia, polydipsia, body weight loss, and activity at the dose of 500 mg=kg. Agaricus campestris
glycated hemoglobin in the streptozotocin-treated mice L. Fr., a mushroom variety, was reported to counter the
(Swanston-Flatt et al., 1989) by counteracting reduction hyperglycemia of streptozotocin-diabetic mice probably
in plasma and pancreatic insulin concentration and by by an insulin-releasing mechanism (Gray & Flatt, 1998).
improving the hypoglycemic effect of exogenous insulin. Water-soluble fraction obtained from maitake mush-
In the current study, the hypoglycemic activity of the room is reported to lower fasting blood glucose and, thus,
aqueous extract of Pleurotus pulmonarius was evaluated is useful to treat insulin resistance in animals (Talpur
in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. Significant reduction et al., 2002a, 2002b), as well as in diabetic patients
in serum glucose level was seen at the second hour and (Konno et al., 2001). This effect of maitake mushroom
maximum reduction occurred at the sixth hour by treat- was suggested to be through glucose=insulin metabolism
ment with the extract in an acute study, and also on 28- and=or by enhancing peripheral insulin sensitivity. A
day administration. The extract showed short onset and large amount of glycogen was also observed after treating
prolonged duration of hypoglycemic action. A dose of rats with maitake mushrooms, suggesting the possibility
500 mg=kg of extract showed optimum activity, as com- of increased glycogen formation by mushroom as a prob-
pared with 250 and 1000 mg=kg doses of extract. able mechanism of their hypoglycemic effect.

Table 5. Effect of Pleurotus pulmonarius on oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in diabetic mice.

Mean fasting glucose level (mg=dl)  SEM

Treatment (mg=kg, p.o.) Before glucose 0 min 30 min 60 min 120 min

Vehicle 421.53  18.59 511.76  12.47 457.46  11.22 335.902  11.02 534.62  12.16
Glyburide (10) 474.80  20.85 514.38  6.47 333.05  5.13 339.13  9.56 472.68  27.28
Extract (250) 491.62  25.55 528.73  13.50 477.05  7.13 454.67  7.12 489.52  13.73
Extract (500) 489.35  20.75 542.69  8.44 310.43  8.37 326.69  10.29 485.56  10.39
Extract (1000) 480.16  19.45 546.66  13.56 476.35  8.92 454.67  10.63 503.52  17.44

n ¼ 6, data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Dunnett’s test.

p < 0.05,  p < 0.001, compared with vehicle-treated group (distilled water, 10 ml=kg).
Hypoglycemic activity of Pleurotus pulmonarius 425

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Some variety of mushrooms were also shown to pos- Health, Education, and Welfare, Nutrition Program,
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