JPNR - S07 - 751
JPNR - S07 - 751
JPNR - S07 - 751
S.Marakatham1, Dr.P.Shanmugapandiyan2*
1Research Scholar, Department of Pharmacy, PRIST UNIVERSITY Deemed to be university, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu,
2Research Supervisor, Sathyabama School of pharmacy, Sathyabama Deemed to be university, Chennai, Tamilnadu,
A simple method was develop for the simultaneous estimation method for Samidorphan and Olanzapine in plasma using the
Dolutegravir as internal standard by RP-HPLC technique. The conditions used are stationary phase Inertsil 250 4.6mm, 5m,
Mobile phase is 0.01N Ammonium acetate Buffer and Acetonitrile 60:40 and flow rate was found to be 1.0ml/min, detection wave
length was 228 nm, temperature was set to 30oC and diluent was mobile phase Retention time of Samidorphan and Olanzapine
were found to be 2.909 min and 3.408min. % CV of the Samidorphan and Olanzapine was found to be 0.42% and 0.52%. %
Recovery was obtained as 99.96% and 101.47%. The linearity concentration is in the range of 2.750-275.000 for Samidorphan and
4.750-475.000 for Olanzapine and linearity is (r2 = 0.999). Further, the method was done as per the ICH guidelines and found to
be well within the acceptable range.
0.77g of of Ammonium Acetate was weighed in a 1L of Standard flask thawed in 900ml of water added and
degasses to sonicate and finally made up to 1000ml with water then add 1ml of Triethylamine and P H is adjusted to
3.0 with dil. Orthophosphoric acid solution.
The above samidorphan stock solution 0.01ml, 0.02ml, 0.03ml, 0.2ml, 0.5ml, 0.6ml, 0.8ml and 1.0 ml was pipette
out and transfer to 8 individual flask of 10 ml standard flask and dissolved to the mark with diluent to produce 110
ng/ml, 220 ng/ml, 330 ng/ml, 2200 ng/ml, 5500 ng/ml, 6600 ng/ml, 8800 ng/ml and 11000 ng/ml.
Calibration standards (CS) and quality control (QC) samples were done by spiking blank plasma with working stock
dilutions of drug to produce 2.75 ng/ml, 5.5 ng/ml, 8.25 ng/ml, 55 ng/ ml, 137.5 ng/ ml, 165ng/ ml, 220ng/ ml and
275 ng/ ml.
From the above stock solution 0.01ml, 0.02ml, 0.03ml, 0.2ml, 0.5ml, 0.6ml, 0.8ml and 1.0 ml was pipette and transfer
to 8 individual flask of10 ml Standard flask and dissolved to the mark with diluent to produce 190 ng/ml, 380 ng/ml,
570 ng/ml, 3800 ng/ml, 9500 ng/ml, 11400 ng/ml, 15200 ng/ml and 19000ng/ml.
Calibration standards (CS) and quality control (QC) samples were done by spiking blank plasma with working stock
dilutions of drug to produce 4.75 ng/ml, 9.5 ng/ml, 14.25 ng/ml, 95 ng/ml, 237.5 ng/ml, 285 ng/ml, 380 ng/ml and
475 ng/ml.
10 mg of Dolutegravir in 10 ml conical flask and mixed with diluent. From stock add 1 ml of solution into 10 ml
Standard flask and mixed with diluent, from this solution take 0.3ml of solution into 10ml Standard flask and mixed
with diluent to produce 3000 ng/ml solutions.
Finally internal standard sample was prepared by spiking blank plasma to produce 675ng/ml.
Batch ID Date
Standard Concentration (µg/ml)
220.000 8.250
380.000 14.250
S. No. Plasma Lot No.
Linearity of Samidorphan
n 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Linearity of Olanzapine
n 6 6 6 6
n 18 18 18 18
Batch ID
Standard Concentration (µg/mL)
220.000 8.250
Replicate No. 380.000 14.250
Standard Concentration Range (µg/mL)
187.000-253.000 7.013-9.488
323.000-437.000 12.113-16.388
Calculated Concentration (µg/mL)
n 6 6
216.1487 8.1423
380.5250 14.3217
2.83580 0.11637
1.17716 0.21414
1.31 1.43
% CV
0.31 1.50
98.25 98.69
% Mean Accuracy
100.14 100.50
Table no 7: Long term stock solution stability at Zero Samidorphan and Olanzapine
100.08 100.14
99.60 98.06
A simple, accurate method was developed for the estimation of the Samidorphan and Olanzapinein plasma using the
Dolutegravi as internal standard. Retention time of Samidorphan and Olanzapinewere found to be2.909 min and
3.408min. %CV of Samidorphan and Olanzapinethe was found tobe0.42% and 0.52%. % Recovery was obtained
as99.96% and 101.47%. The linearity concentration is in the range of 2.750-275.000 for Samidorphan and 4.750-
475.000 for Olanzapine and linearity is (r2 = 0.999) and stability studies were performed and its values within the
ICH limits. Further, the stated method was done as per ICH guidelines and within the suitable range.
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