Later Mughals and The Declining of Mughal Empire
Later Mughals and The Declining of Mughal Empire
Later Mughals and The Declining of Mughal Empire
(B) Ibrahim Zauq and Asad Ullah (A) 1738 A.D. 38. Under which treaty British
Khan Ghalib were his poetry company got the Diwani right of
(B) 1739 A.D.
teachers Bengal, Bihar and Orissa from
(C) 1740 A.D. Mughal ruler Shah Alam II?
(C) Hasan Askari was his spiritual
guide (D) 1741 A.D. (1) Treaty of Awadh
(D) He received less than one 33. Who among the following (2) Treaty of Alinagar
lakh rupees as pension from East Mughal Kings had sent Raja Ram
(3) Treaty of Calcutta
India Company Mohan Roy as his envoy to
London? (4) Treaty of Allahabad
28. The privileges of free trade
granted to the English East India (a) Alamgir II 39. Who among the following
Company were confirmed in was bestowed with the title of
1717 by Emperor _________. (b) Shah Alam II
‘Sahebe- Alam Bahadur’ by
(c) Akbar II Bahadur Shah during the uprising
A. Bahadur Shah
of 1857?
B. Farrukh-Siyar (d) Bahadur Shah II
(1) Nana Sahib
C. Muhammad Shah 34. Who was the ruler of Delhi
during the battle of Buxar? (2) Birjis Qadr
D. Aurangzeb
(a) Aurangzeb (3) Bakht Khan
29. Which Mughal emperor
(b) Shah Alam I (4) Tantia Tope
granted Diwani to the English
East India Company? (c) Bahadur Shah Zafar 40. Mughal presence in the Red
Ford ceased with the fall of
(A) Bahadur shah II (d) Shah Alam II
(1) Aurangzeb
(B) Shah Alam II 35. The famous Peacock Throne
of Shah Jahan was taken away in (2) Muhammad Shah
(C) Farrukh-Siyar
1739 by
(3) Shah Alam
(D) Zehander Shah
(1) Afghan invader Ahmed Shah
(4) Bahadur Shah ‘Zafar’
30. The East India Company Abdali
secured the Diwani from 41. Who among the following
(2) Persian invader Nadir Shah
Mughal emperors, brought about
(A) Suja-ud-Daulah
(3) Mongol invader Chengiz Khan the fall of Sayyid Brothers?
(B) Aurangzeb
(4) British East India Company (1) Bahadur Shah I
(C) Bahadur Shah I
36. Bahadur Shah (First) was born (2) Rafi-ud-daulah
(D) Shah Alam II in the year _____.
(3) Shah Jahan II
(1) 1543 (2) 1643
(4) Muhammad Shah
42. Name the king who invaded (3) 19 August 1765
Delhi and plundered the
(4) 21 August 1765
Kohinoor Diamond.
47. The last Mughal emperor
(1) Nadir Shah
Bahadur Shah Zafar was exiled to
(2) Firuz Shah ________ after the 1857 war of
(3) Mohammed Shah
(1) London
(4) Mohammed Ghori
(2) Kathmandu
43. Bahadur Shah was the
(3) Kabul
(1) last ruler of the Lodis
(4) Rangoon
(2) successor of Shar Shah Suri
48. Which of the following were
(3) last Mughal ruler
the causes for the rapid
(4) successor of the Maratha dissolution of the Mughal
ruler Shivaji empire?