Art Theraphy Planning
Art Theraphy Planning
Art Theraphy Planning
Art Therapy
I. Definition
Art Therapy is used to help people explore emotions, develop self-awareness, cope with
stress, boost self-esteem, and work on social skills. The use of artistic methods to treat
psychological disorders and enhance mental health is known as art therapy. Art therapy is a
technique rooted in the idea that creative expression can foster healing and mental well-
being. Through integrative methods, art therapy engages the mind, body, and spirit in ways
that are distinct from verbal articulation alone. Kinesthetic, sensory, perceptual, and
symbolic opportunities invite alternative modes of receptive and expressive communication,
which can circumvent the limitations of language. Visual and symbolic expression gives
voice to experience and empowers individual, communal, and societal transformation.
The goal of art therapy is to utilize the creative process to help people explore self-
expression and, in doing so, find new ways to gain personal insight and develop new coping
skills. It can help people deal with strong emotions, increase self-awareness and self-worth,
and reduce stress and anxiety when combined with talk therapy. Drawing, painting, coloring,
and sculpting are just a few examples of creative expression that can be used in art therapy.
Art Therapy benefits patient and can help them treating a variety of physical health
difficulties. Improved ability to deal with pain and other frightening symptoms in children with
cancer. Reduced stress and anxiety in children with asthma. Stimulated mental function in
older persons with dementia. Indicated a decrease in depression in Parkinson's patients.
III. Needed Materials
2. Glue
3. Ribbon
1. Upon arrival, the student nurses assigned to the Art Therapy session will begin preparing
the venue and setting up.
2. The remaining student nurses will assist and lead their allocated patients to their right
4. The remaining SNs allocated to the patients in the Isolation area will remain near by so
that they may participate in the activity and answer any questions.
3. The remaining student nurses will assist and lead their respective patients to their
designated seats.
4. The student nurses with patients in the isolation area will remain near by so that they will
still be able to participate in the activity.
5. Evaluation Method
a. The evaluation will be oral; the student nurses will call someone from the group or
volunteers to answer the questions given.
b. Ask what are participants’ experiences of art therapy sessions overall? What do
participants say is most useful about art therapy?