Khel Ratna Award - Wikipedia
Khel Ratna Award - Wikipedia
Khel Ratna Award - Wikipedia
The Khel Ratna Award (Hindi pronunciat ion: [kʰeːl rət̪nə]), officially known as t he Major Dhyan
Chand Khel Ratna Award (t ransl. Major Dhyan Chand Sport Jewel Award), formerly known as t he
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award in Sports and Games,[1][2][3][4] is t he highest sport ing honour of
India.[5] It is awarded annually by t he Minist ry of Yout h Affairs and Sport s.
Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award
Country India
Status In force
Established 1992
Neeraj Chopra
Lovlina Borgohain
P. R. Sreejesh
Sumit Antil
Pramod Bhagat
Krishna Nagar
Manish Narwal
Mithali Raj
Sunil Chhetri
Manpreet Singh
Total awarded 57
The recipient (s) is/are select ed by a commit t ee const it ut ed by t he Minist ry and is honoured for
t heir "spect acular and most out st anding performance in t he field of sport s over a period of four
years" at int ernat ional level. As of 2020, t he award comprises a medallion, a cert ificat e, and a
cash prize of ₹25 lakh (US$31,000).[a]
Inst it ut ed in 1991–1992, t he award was given for t he performance by a sport sperson in a year.
Based on t he suggest ions provided by 2014 award select ion commit t ee, t he Minist ry revised t he
crit eria in February 2015 t o consider t he performance over a period of four years. The
nominat ions for a given year are accept ed t ill 30 April or last working day of April wit h not more
t han t wo sport spersons nominat ed for each sport s discipline. A t welve-member commit t ee
evaluat es t he performances of a sport sperson at various Int ernat ional event s like Olympic
Games, Paralympic Games, Asian Games, and Commonwealt h Games. The commit t ee lat er
submit s t heir recommendat ions t o t he Union Minist er of Yout h Affairs and Sport s for furt her
approval. The award from 1991-2021 was named aft er Rajiv Gandhi (1944-1991), former Prime
Minist er of India.
The award since August 6, 2021 is named aft er Major Dhyan Chand (1905–79), an Indian field
hockey player, widely regarded as one of t he great est field hockey players of all t ime, who
scored more t han 1000 goals over a career t hat spanned over 20 years from 1926 t o 1948.[11]
The first recipient of t he award was Chess Grandmast er Viswanat han Anand, who was honoured
for t he performance in t he year 1991–92. In 2001, sport shoot er Abhinav Bindra, t hen aged 18,
became t he youngest recipient of t he award.[12]
Usually conferred upon only one sport sperson in a year, a few except ions have been made
(1993–1994, 2002, 2009, 2012, and 2016–2021) when mult iple recipient s were awarded in a year.
As of 2021, t here have been fift y seven recipient s from fift een sport disciplines: At hlet ics,
Badmint on, Billiards, Boxing, Chess, Cricket , Field hockey, Gymnast ics, Para At hlet ics, Para
Badmint on, Para Shoot ing, Shoot ing, Snooker, Table Tennis, Tennis, Wrest ling, Weight lift ing, and
Yacht racing.
Selection process
Explanatory notes
External links
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Last edited 3 months ago by Saurabh ongc