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ANSI ISEA 105-American National Standard For Hand Protection Classification

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ANSI/ISEA 105-2016

American National Standard

for Hand Protection Classification
ANSI/ISEA 105-2016
Revision of ANSI/ISEA 105-2011

American National Standard for

Hand Protection Classification

International Safety Equipment Association

Approved January 12, 2016

American National Standards Institute, Inc.
An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially
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or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products,
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National Standards are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned
to obtain the latest editions.

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and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American
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Published by

International Safety Equipment Association

1901 North Moore Street, Suite 808,
Arlington, Virginia 22209

Copyright 2016 by ISEA

All rights reserved.

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otherwise, without the prior written permission
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Printed in the United States of America

Foreword (This Foreword is not part of American National Standard ANSI/ISEA 105-2016)
OSHA requires that employers select and require employees to use appropriate hand protection where there is
workplace exposure to hazards such as chemical burns or severe cuts and lacerations. OSHA also mandates that
such selection be based on an evaluation of performance characteristics of hand protection relative to the tasks
being performed.

ANSI/ISEA 105-2016 is the latest revision of a voluntary industry consensus standard that was first published in
1999 and revised in 2005 and 2011. The document classifies a whole glove or material used in the construction of
an occupational glove to help people understand glove performance data if they are not familiar with the details of
the test methods and the results to be expected when testing. Such classifications can assist employers and
product users in the appropriate specification and selection of gloves for specific workplace exposures. This
document provides or refers to appropriate test methods for specified criteria and provides pass/fail criteria to allow
users to interpret test results and determine if certain hand protection products meet their needs.

One of the major changes in this fourth edition of ANSI/ISEA 105 surrounds the determination of classification for
cut-resistance. For purposes of classifying a glove to this standard, a single test method has been selected in an
effort to provide consistent meaning of the ratings from the end-user perspective. In addition, the number of
classification levels has been expanded to address the disparate gap among certain levels seen in earlier versions
and to model the approach used in similar international standards.

Additional updates include the incorporation of a needlestick puncture test, recognizing that this is a common
potential exposure for the medical, sanitation and recycling industries. Cited test methods have been updated
throughout the standard to reflect the state of the art in materials performance and technology and to harmonize with
other existing standards, where possible.

This revision was prepared by members of the Hand Protection Group of the International Safety Equipment
Association (ISEA). The following companies were members of the group at the time of the approval of the

Ansell Protective Products Magid Glove and Safety Mfg. Co. LLC
DSM Dyneema MCR Safety
Ergodyne National Safety Apparel
D3O OccuNomix International LLC
DuPont Personal Protection Protective Industrial Products Inc.
HexArmor Radians Inc.
Honeywell Safety Products Saf-T-Gard International
Kimberly-Clark Professional World Fibers, Inc.
Lakeland Industries, Inc.

This standard was approved using consensus procedures prescribed by the American National Institute. The
following organizations were contacted prior to the approval of this standard. Inclusion in this list does not
necessarily imply that the organization concurred with the submittal of the proposed standard to ANSI.

Apollo Performance Gloves Milwaukee Tool

Arauca North America National Institute for Standards and Technology
Arcadis-US National Waste & Recycling Association
Associated Milk Producers, Inc. Noble Corporation
Atlas Contractors Schlumberger
Boise Cascade Stony Brook University Hospital
Cudd Energy Services SW Research Inc.
International Personnel Protection, Inc. United Scrap Metal, Inc.
Leggett WestRock
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Waste Management
MAPA Professional Youngstown Glove

Inquiries related to the standard and suggestions to improve the document can be emailed to
1. Scope .......................................................................................................................... 1
2 Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 1
3. Definitions ................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Definitions of Glove Responses to Stress .......................................................... 1
3.2 Definitions Related to Chemical Effects .............................................................. 1
3.3 Definitions Related to Sampling Procedures ...................................................... 2
4. Normative References ................................................................................................ 2
5. Hand Protection Classification .................................................................................... 2
5.1 Mechanical Protection ......................................................................................... 2
5.1.1 Cut Resistance .......................................................................................... 2
5.1.2 Puncture Resistance (other than Hypodermic Needle) ............................. 3
5.1.3 Hypodermic Needle Puncture Resistance ................................................ 3
5.1.4 Abrasion Resistance ................................................................................. 3
5.2 Chemical Protection ............................................................................................ 4
5.2.1 Chemical Permeation Resistance ............................................................. 4
5.2.2 Chemical Degradation Resistance ............................................................ 4
5.3 Heat and Flame Protection ................................................................................. 4
5.3.1 Ignition Resistance and Burning Behavior (or After-Flame Time)............. 4
5.3.2 Heat Degradation Resistance ................................................................... 5
5.3.3 Conductive Heat Resistance ..................................................................... 5
5.4 Vibration Reduction ............................................................................................. 6
5.5 Dexterity .............................................................................................................. 6
6. Report of Test Data ..................................................................................................... 6
7. Marking and Labeling .................................................................................................. 6

Appendix A: Data Collection Procedures for ASTM F2992-15 ...............................A-1
Appendix B: Test Method for Chemical Degradation Resistance ...........................A-2
Appendix C: Descriptions of Test Methods Used in This Standard (informative) ......A-5
Appendix D: Recommended Hand Protection Selection Procedure (informative) ..A-8
Appendix E: Other Factors for Consideration (informative) ..................................A-10
Appendix F: Resources (informative)....................................................................A-16
ANSI/ISEA 105-2016

American National Standard

for Hand Protection Classification

1. Scope criterion do not mean, nor should it be implied,

that the product meets any other test selection
This standard addresses the classification and criteria unless specifically stated.
testing of hand protection for specific
performance properties related to chemical and
industrial applications. Hand protection includes 3. Definitions
gloves, mittens, partial gloves, or other items
covering the hand or a portion of the hand that These definitions provide the meanings of the
are intended to provide protection against or terms in the context of this standard. Many of
resistance to a specific hazard. the terms have broader meanings in other
technical and non-technical contexts.
This standard provides performance ranges for
many different properties based on standardized 3.1 Definitions of Glove Responses to
test methods. Descriptions of the test methods Stress
used in this standard are provided in Appendix
C. Different levels of performance are specified resistance (to a stressor): A property of a glove
for each property with zero (0) representing the that permits it to withstand change when
minimal protection or none at all. stressed.

The standard does not address protection from protection (from a stressor): A property that
electric shock, ionizing or non-ionizing radiation, prevents or reduces deleterious effects on the
every type of thermal exposure and harmful wearer of a glove when stressed.
temperature extreme, and every type of
exposure to chemicals, biological agents, or NOTE: The distinction between resistance and
other hazardous substances. This standard protection cannot always be clearly drawn. For
does not address protection for welding, example, if the stressor is a sharp edge, cut
emergency response applications or fire fighter resistance is a property that reduces damage both to
applications. the glove and to the wearer.

Recommended guidelines for hand protection 3.2 Definitions Related to Chemical

selection are provided in Appendix D. Appendix E Effects
provides information on other properties not
covered in this standard. Chemical resistance and protection from
chemicals are strongly interrelated. Of the three
effects of chemicals defined below, one relates
2. Purpose to the effects on the gloves and the other two
represent routes by which chemicals can reach
The purpose of this standard is to provide the wearer.
manufacturers with a mechanism to classify their
products for specified areas of glove degradation: A deleterious change in one or
performance. The information from this testing more properties of a glove due to contact with a
and classification can be used to help users to chemical. Rubber gloves may swell, soften and
select appropriate hand protection. weaken; plastic gloves may shrink, stiffen,
harden, and crack when flexed.
DISCLAIMER: Manufacturers of hand protection
items determine which tests apply to their penetration: The flow of a chemical through a
products in order to represent a product’s glove on a non-molecular level through porous
performance to individual test classifications of materials, seams, and pinholes or other
this standard. imperfections in the barrier film. The gaps in the
barrier are visible, although a magnifying glass
Representations by manufacturers regarding a or microscope may be needed to see them.
product’s compliance with a particular test Pathways for penetration may occur as the result

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ANSI/ISEA 105-2016

of degradation when a chemical or physical ASTM F1060-08 Test Method for Thermal
stressor comes in contact with the glove Protective Performance of Materials for
material. Protective Clothing for Hot Surface Contact

permeation: The flow of a chemical through the ASTM F1358-08, Test Method for Effects of
barrier layer of a glove on a molecular level. Flame Impingement on Materials Used in
This process involves: Protective Clothing Not Designated Primarily for
Flame Protection
 absorption of the chemical onto and into
the outside of a glove; ASTM F2878-10 Standard Test Method for
Protective Clothing Material Resistance to
 diffusion of the chemical through the Hypodermic Puncture
glove, as individual molecules pass
between molecules of the glove film; ASTM F2992-15, Standard Test Method for
Measuring Cut Resistance of Materials Used in
 desorption of the chemical inside the Protective Clothing with Tomodynamometer
glove. (TDM-100) Test Equipment

3.3 Definitions Related to Sampling EN 420:2009, Protective gloves – General

Procedures requirements and test methods

sample: Hand protection material or items EN 388:2003 Protective gloves against

removed from a batch or production lot for mechanical risks
ISO 2859-1:1999, Sampling plans for inspection
specimen: An individual piece or portion of the by attributes
hand protection item or material to be subjected
to testing. ISO 17493:2000, Clothing for protection against
heat and flame – Test method for convective
heat resistance using a hot air circulating oven
4. Normative References

The following standards contain provisions that, 5. Hand Protection Classification

through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this American National Standard: Gloves shall be classified according to their
resulting performance when tested in
ANSI/ASA S2.73-2002 (R2007), Mechanical accordance the specified test method.
Vibration and Shock - Hand-Arm Vibration –
Methods for the Measurement and Evaluation of Where the material in the glove varies, testing of
the Vibration Transmissibility of Gloves at the the intended resistance area shall be performed.
Palm End-users shall be notified regarding the varying
performance levels of these products.
ASTM D3884-09, Standard Guide for Abrasion
Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rotary Platform, Manufacturers shall be permitted to report the
Double-Head Method) classification of specific performance properties
for different areas of the hand protection items
ASTM D3389-10, Standard Test Method for as long as the identification of the hand protec-
Coated Fabrics Abrasion Resistance tion item areas and their relative performance
classifications are clearly described.
ASTM F739-12, Standard Test Method for
Permeation of Liquids and Gases through 5.1 Mechanical Protection
Protective Clothing Materials under Conditions of
Continuous Contact 5.1.1 Cut Resistance

When tested in accordance with ASTM F2992-

15, the glove’s cut resistance shall be classified

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ANSI/ISEA 105-2016

against the levels listed in Table 1, using the 5.1.3 Hypodermic Needle Puncture
weight needed to cut through the material with Resistance
20 mm of blade travel.
When tested in accordance with ASTM F2878-
Data collection procedures in Appendix A shall 10, the glove’s resistance against puncture from
be followed. Calculation for cut-resistance a puncture probe (hypodermic needle) shall be
classification shall be done using the ISEA classified against the levels listed in Table 3,
standardized template available at using the puncture force of a 25 gauge
www.safetyequipment.org. hypodermic needle.

The average of a minimum of 3 samples shall be The average of a minimum of 12 specimens

used to report the classification level. shall be used to report the classification level.

Table 1. Classification for Cut Resistance Table 3. Classification for Hypodermic

Needle Puncture Resistance
Weight (grams) needed to cut
through material with 20 mm of Level Puncture (Newtons)
blade travel 0 <2
1 2
A1  200 2 4
A2  500 3 6
A3  1000 4 8
A4  1500 5  10
A5  2200
A6  3000 NOTE: ASTM F2878 describes three test probes that
A7  4000 may be used: 21, 25, or 28 gauge needles. To be
A8  5000 able to properly categorize the resistance to puncture
in a consistent standard manner, only a 25 gauge
A9  6000 hypodermic needle is to be used for classification to
ANSI/ISEA 105-2016.
5.1.2 Puncture Resistance (other than
Hypodermic Needle) 5.1.4 Abrasion Resistance

When tested in accordance with clause 6.4 of When tested in accordance with ASTM D3389-
EN 388:2003, the glove’s resistance against 10, or ASTM D3884-09, the glove's abrasion
puncture shall be classified against the levels resistance shall be classified against the levels
listed in Table 2, using the puncture force. listed in Table 4 using the number of abrasion
cycles to failure (test endpoint). These test
The average of a minimum of 12 specimens methods shall be followed using H-18 abrasion
shall be used to report the classification level. wheels with a 500 gram load for levels 0 to 3 and
a 1000 gram load for levels 4 to 6.

Table 2. Classification for Puncture Using ASTM D3389-10 for coated glove fabrics
Resistance or unsupported gloves, the end point at which
the glove material is determined to fail shall be at
Level Puncture (Newtons) the number of abrasion cycles until the film or
0 < 10 coating it is worn through the glove’s coating and
1  10 liner.
2  20
3  60 Using ASTM D3884-09 for uncoated glove
fabrics, the end point shall be when the first
4  100
thread or yarn is broken.
5  150
The average of a minimum of 5 specimens shall
be used to report the classification level.

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ANSI/ISEA 105-2016

5.2.2 Chemical Degradation Resistance

Table 4. Classification for Abrasion When tested in accordance with the Test
Resistance Method for Chemical Degradation Resistance
(Appendix B), the glove's chemical degradation
Level (tested at 500 g Abrasion cycles resistance shall be classified against the levels
load) to fail listed in Table 6 using the absolute value
0 < 100 percentage change in puncture resistance
1  100 (following chemical exposure) for each chemical
2  500 tested.
3  1000
Level (tested at 1000 g Table 6. Classification for Chemical
load) Degradation
4  3000
5  10000 Level Percentage change (%)
6  20000 0 > 80
1  80
5.2 Chemical Protection 2  60
3  40
5.2.1 Chemical Permeation Resistance
4  20
When tested in accordance with ASTM F739-12, NOTE: The percentage change in Table 6 is
the glove’s chemical permeation shall be applicable for positive and negative change. For
classified against the levels listed in Table 5 example, if the percentage change is +35% or -35%,
using the average standard breakthrough time the reported level is Level 3.
(for each chemical tested).
5.3 Heat and Flame Protection
The average of a minimum of 3 specimens shall
be used to report the classification level. 5.3.1 Ignition Resistance and Burning
Behavior (or After-Flame Time)
In reporting permeation data for each chemical,
the permeation rate shall be reported in µg/cm - When tested in accordance with ASTM F1358-
min. It shall be permitted to report the 08, the glove material's ignition resistance and
cumulative permeation in g/cm that occurs burning behavior shall be classified against the
within 1 hour of the test for each chemical. levels listed in Table 7,using the ignition time and
burn time. In order to be classified at a specific
NOTE: Cumulative permeation provides an estimate level, the glove material shall meet each of the
of the total chemical to which the wearer is exposed criteria at that specific level.
when the entire surface area of the hand protection
item is taken into account.
The average of a minimum of 3 specimens shall
be used to report the classification level.
Table 5. Classification for
Chemical Permeation NOTE: For purposes of determining classification to
this standard, the testing of a representative material
sample is acceptable.
Level Standard breakthrough time
0 < 10
1  10
2  30
3  60
4  120
5  240
6  480

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ANSI/ISEA 105-2016

Table 7. Classification for Ignition Table 8. Classification for Heat

Resistance and Burning Resistance Degradation Resistance

Level Time After-Flame Level Highest temperature (°C) where

Exposed to Time (s) no charring, ignition, melting,
Flame (s) dripping, separation, or shrinkage
0 3 >2 in excess of 5% is observed
1 3 2 0 < 100
2 12 >2 1 100
3 12 2 2 180
4 No ignition in either 3 or 12 3 260
second exposure period 4 340

NOTE: Glove performance classification is based on 5.3.3 Conductive Heat Resistance

the combination of ignition time and burn time. In
testing to ASTM F1358, the material is first exposed When tested in accordance with ASTM F1060-
to flame and the time to flame extinction is
determined. The time of flame exposure is then
08 the glove's conductive heat resistance shall
subtracted to determine the after-flame time. Testing be classified against the levels listed in Table 9.
is performed at either 3 or 12 seconds of flame Classification of glove performance shall be
exposure time. If no ignition occurs with a 3 second based on the contact (surface) temperature at
exposure to the flame, the sample is subjected to a which both the time-to-second degree burn is
12 second exposure, the time for flame extinction is equal to or greater than 15 seconds, and the
determined and the after-flame time is calculated. alarm time is greater than 4 seconds.
Since it is difficult to distinguish whether ignition has
occurred when the material is within the flame, the
The average of a minimum of 5 specimens shall
determination of ignition time coincides with the flame
exposure period. Hence, the ignition time can only be be used to report the classification level.
3 seconds, 12 seconds, or no ignition (if material
never ignites during either exposure period). Burn
time is based on burning behavior after the exposure Table 9. Classification for Conductive Heat
period. Resistance

5.3.2 Heat Degradation Resistance Level Highest contact temperature (°C)

at which both time-to-2nd degree
When tested in accordance with ISO burn  15 seconds and alarm time
17493:2000, the glove material’s heat
degradation resistance shall be classified  4 seconds
against the levels listed in Table 8. The 0 < 80
classification of the glove shall be at the 1 80
temperature in which there is no evidence of 2 140
charring, ignition, melting, dripping, and 3 200
separation, and there is no shrinkage greater 4 260
than 5%. Convective heat resistance testing 5 320
shall be performed on whole gloves.
NOTE: The alarm time is the difference between the
The average of a minimum of 3 specimens shall measured time-to-2nd degree burn and the time-to-
be used to report the classification level. pain as measured in accordance with ASTM F1060.

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ANSI/ISEA 105-2016

5.4 Vibration Reduction  Performance classification and a statement

indicating that the test results support the
When tested in accordance with ANSI S2.73- performance classification assigned and
2002 (R2007), the glove’s vibration reduction claimed;
shall be classified as “pass/fail.” A glove shall
only be considered as an “anti-vibration glove”  Designation of standard (ANSI/ISEA 105-
according to this standard if it fulfills both of the 2016);
following criteria: TRM < 1.0 and TRH < 0.6
 Name or identification of test facility/vendor;
NOTE: For purposes of this standard, only full and
fingered gloves shall be classified as “anti-vibration”
 As appropriate, challenge chemical name,
concentration, CAS# (for chemical
5.5 Dexterity
degradation and permeation resistance
When tested in accordance with clause 6.2 of
EN 420: 2009, the dexterity shall be classified
For cut-resistance testing (Section 5.1.1), the
against the levels in Table 10, using smallest
report generated using the ISEA standardized
diameter of the pin that can be picked up.
template may be supplied.
The average of 4 pairs of gloves shall be used to
report the classification level.
7. Marking and Labeling

All information shall be precise and

Table 10. Classification of Dexterity comprehensive, and provided in English.

Level Smallest diameter of pin fulfilling The package containing the smallest number of
test conditions (mm) glove elements sold shall have a package
1 11 product label containing the following
2 9.5 information:
3 8
 Name, trademark or other means of
4 6.5
identification of manufacturer or authorized
5 5

 Glove designation (commercial name or

6. Report of Test Data code allowing the user to identify clearly the
product within the manufacturer’s or
Upon request, the manufacturer shall provide a authorized representative’s range);
technical report of information for each test to
which a product was tested. The report shall  Size designation;
note the following information:
 If necessary, marking according to expiration
 Name or identification of the manufacturer; date (if glove is significantly affected by
 Glove designation or trade name;
 Type of glove material. Manufacturers shall
 Type of glove material(s); disclose if the product contains natural
rubber latex.
 The applicable test method or section of this
standard; NOTE: In addition to the required package product
label, manufacturers may provide additional labels.
 Date of testing;
Any markings placed on the glove shall be
affixed so as to be visible and legible throughout
the normal useful life of the glove.

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ANSI/ISEA 105-2016

Appendix A
Data Collection Procedures for ASTM F2992-15

A.1 Objective

Provide supplemental data collection information to ASTM F2992-15.

A.2 “Calibration Cuts” Using Neoprene

1. A minimum of three samples shall be tested and averaged for an ISEA cut level classification.
Samples shall be representative of the product or lot and should be tested in succession.

2. The ASTM method specifies that the “calibration cut” using neoprene material shall be performed
before and after each sample tested. By testing the samples in succession, the last “calibration
cut” of the first sample can be used as the first “calibration cut” of the second sample. Likewise,
the last “calibration cut” of the second sample can be used as the first “calibration cut” of the third

3. In all, four “calibration cuts” (versus six) can be used for three samples. When using this method,
samples shall be cut in succession.

A.3 Selection of Cut Load Values

1. Three incrementally equally spaced loads (for example, 200, 400, 600 and not 200, 300, 600)
shall be chosen that will likely produce cut through distances in the three ranges specified in the
ASTM method

Distance Range 1 5-20 mm

Distance Range 2 20-33 mm
Distance Range 3 33-50 mm

2. Five cuts shall be performed at each load on each sample for a total of 15 cuts per sample.

3. Where possible, the sequence of loads shall be randomized for each sample.

4. Distances less than or equal to 50 mm shall be included in the analysis, and values greater than
50 mm shall be indicated as “No Cuts”.

5. For each sample do not record more than three “No Cuts”. If there are more than three “No
Cuts,” the test shall be restarted with a higher load.

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ANSI/ISEA 105-2016

Appendix B
Test Method for Chemical Degradation Resistance

B.1 Scope

The test below is used to measure the change in puncture resistance of a sample taken from the glove
after contact of the external glove surface with the challenge chemical. The test is applicable to gloves
made of natural or synthetic polymer, lined or unlined.

B.2 Conditioning

Gloves shall be conditioned at 23  2°C, 50  5% relative humidity for at least 24 hours.

B.3 Equipment

The following equipment shall be used:

 20-mm diameter cutting die

 10-ml crimp top vials

 20-mm diameter septa with open center

 20-mm open center aluminum crimp seals

 Hand crimper

 Hand decapper

 Pair needle-nosed tweezers

 Cardboard with 18 (quantity) 20-mm holes

 150-ml beaker

 Transfer pipette

 Tensiometer equipment with a puncture stylus according to EN 388 clause 6.4 and a cell to
measure compression forces with a precision of 1%

 Sample vial support

B.4 Specimens

Select three gloves for testing. Condition the gloves as specified in Section B.2.

Using the appropriate circular die of 20 mm, cut six specimens from each glove for a total of 18 test
specimens. For each glove, three specimens will be exposed to the challenge chemical and three
specimens will be unexposed. Select specimens so that they are homogeneous and representative of the
glove’s primary construction. Avoid embossed patterned areas or other areas of varying thickness or
composition when cutting these specimens. Inspect each specimen for completeness, and discard any
that are not whole.

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ANSI/ISEA 105-2016

B.5 Specimen Exposure Procedure

Turn on the fume hood. Place the challenge chemical into the 150-ml beaker. Using the transfer pipette,
place about 2 ml of challenge chemical into one of the crimp top vials

Seat a septum in an open center aluminum crimp seal cap.

Hints: (1) For thick glove samples of about 1.5 to 2.0 mm, allow the non-PFTE surface of the septum to be
in contact with the glove sample. (2) For glove samples with a thickness greater than 2.0 mm, the septum
can be left off.

Place a glove specimen on top of the septum with its normal external surface facing toward the interior of
the vial. Place the aluminum cap with the sample on top of the vial. Seal the vial using the hand crimper
and invert it so that the challenge chemical is in contact with the specimen. Record the time. Place the
vial in the punched-out cardboard.

NOTE: The punched-out cardboard has a twofold purpose. (1) It allows air to circulate under the sample
film, and (2) if the pressure from the challenge chemical forces the sample into a convex shape, the flask
will still stand.

Repeat the procedure in the above paragraph for each of the remaining eight specimens that are to be
exposed. Time these actions so that the exposures on succeeding specimens begin at three-minute
intervals. At the end of the one-hour exposure period, examine each test vial to confirm coverage of the
specimen with the challenge chemical. If the chemical is not covering the specimen, discard the
specimen and repeat the test using a larger quantity of challenge chemical.

Mount the nine unexposed specimens in the remaining flasks in the same manner, except that no
chemical is placed in the flasks.

B.6 Puncture Testing

Install the puncture stylus on the dynamometer load cell. Set the carriage speed to 100 mm/min. (4
in./min.) and screw the flask support or test apparatus onto the table.

Place a flask or test apparatus into the support. Puncture the specimen and record the peak force
required. Disassemble the cell to confirm that there is sufficient challenge chemical remaining to cover
the specimen. If the chemical is not covering the specimen, discard the specimen and repeat the test
using a larger quantity of challenge chemical.

Repeat for each of the specimens; test each of the exposed specimens one hour after the exposure on
that specimen was started.

NOTE: The puncture test should be closely monitored. Test materials that have a tacky surface may
adhere to the puncture probe resulting in falsely high results. It is suggested that a light application of a
powder lubricant, such as talc, be applied to the surface of tacky test materials prior to the puncture test.

B.7 Expression of Results

Determine the degradation resistance for each of the three glove specimens against each specific
chemical or chemical mixture using the formula shown below.

DRx = (OPx) – (RPx) x 100



DRx = Degradation resistance of the x glove specimen against challenge chemical tested, %

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OPx = Average puncture force on the 3 unexposed test specimens from the x glove specimen; units must
be same as RPx

RPx = Average puncture force on the 3 exposed test specimens from the x glove specimen; units must be
same as OPx

Determine the degradation resistance of the sample against the challenge chemical using the following

DR = (DR1+DR2+DR3)


DR = Degradation resistance of the test sample against challenge chemical tested, %

DR1 = Degradation resistance of the first glove specimen against challenge chemical tested, %

DR2 = Degradation resistance of the second glove specimen against challenge chemical tested, %

DR3 = Degradation resistance of the third glove specimen against challenge chemical tested, %

Determine the standard deviation (SD) of the degradation resistance for the 3 gloves.

If the SD is greater than 10, two more gloves shall be tested for a total of five gloves. Determine the SD
for the five gloves. If this is still greater than 10, this test method is not applicable for the particular
glove/chemical combination being used.

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Appendix C
Descriptions of Test Methods Used in This Standard
(Appendix C is not part of American National Standard ANSI/ISEA 105-2016, but is included for
information only.)

Test Requirement Test Method and Description Criteria and Application

Cut Resistance (5.1.1) ASTM F2992-15: A small rectangular Cut resistance testing
glove material specimen is placed on a measures how the glove
metal mandrel of the cut test device. A material will resist cutting by a
special blade is moved across the sharp edge. Larger weights
specimen until cut-through is achieved. reported by this test method
The device measures the distance of blade indicate a glove material with
travel before cut-through as determined by greater cut resistance.
when the blade makes electrical contact
through the specimen with the metal
mandrel. The distance of blade travel is
determined with different weights on the
device arm holding the blade. The results
of these tests are then used to determine
the weight required to cut through the glove
material with 20 mm blade travel.
Puncture Resistance EN 388:2003: A glove material specimen Puncture resistance testing
(other than Hypodermic is placed in a specimen holder. A sharp measures how the glove
Needle) puncture probe is pushed through the material will resist puncture by
specimen using a testing machine that a pointed object. Higher
(5.1.2) measures the force required for the probe puncture forces reported by
to completely puncture the specimen. this test method indicate a
glove with greater puncture
Hypodermic Needle ASTM F2878-10: A glove material Puncture resistance testing
Puncture Resistance specimen is placed in a specimen holder. measures how the glove
A 25G needle is positioned so that it is material will resist puncture by
(5.1.3) o
firmly placed at a 90 angle pointing down a sharp-edged needle. Higher
towards the specimen. The needle is puncture forces reported by
pushed through the specimen using a this test method indicate a
testing machine that measures the force glove with greater puncture
required for the needle to puncture resistance.
through the specimen.
Abrasion Resistance ASTM D3389-10 and ASTM D3884-09: A Abrasion resistance testing
(5.1.4) circular glove material specimen is placed measures how the well the
on the turntable of an abrader. As the glove material resists loss of
specimen rotates, two grinding-like wheels material from rubbing on
roll on the specimen abrading its surface. rough surfaces. Larger
Each rotation of the specimen equals one numbers of abrasion cycles
cycle. The test is continued until the film or until failure reported by this
coating is worn through (when using ASTM method indicate a glove with
D3389), or the first loose thread appears greater abrasion resistance.
(when using ASTM D3884)

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Test Requirement Test Method and Description Criteria and Application

Chemical Permeation ASTM F739-12: A glove material Permeation resistance testing
Resistance (5.2.1) specimen disk is placed in a test cell measures the rate at which
dividing the cell into two separate chemicals (contacting the
chambers. Chemical is introduced into glove) pass through glove
one chamber while air or water in the other materials on a molecular level.
chamber is sampled for chemical that Longer breakthrough times
permeates the material specimen. The indicate materials with better
time at which chemical permeates at a rate chemical permeation
of 0.1 µg/cm min is reported as the resistance. Permeation rates
standard breakthrough time and is used to may be used to determine
classify performance. Permeation rate is how much chemical passes
also reported. Cumulative permeation through the material in a given
amount may also be reported. period.
Chemical Degradation Appendix B in standard: Small circular Degradation resistance testing
Resistance (5.2.2) glove material specimens are placed as measures the effects of a
caps on special bottles where they remain chemical on a glove material.
in contact with the test chemical for a In this test, the measured
period of 1 hour. The puncture resistance effect is loss of puncture
of each exposed material specimen is resistance. Lower percentage
measured using the puncture procedure changes in puncture
describe above. The percentage change resistance indicate gloves with
between the puncture resistance of the greater chemical degradation
exposed specimens and the unexposed resistance.
material specimens is calculated and
Ignition Resistance and ASTM F1358-08: Rectangular glove Ignition resistance and burning
Burning Behavior (or specimens are suspended vertically in a behavior testing measures
After-Flame Time) (5.3.1) specimen holder over a methane-fueled how easily a glove material will
flame. The soft-folded edge of the ignite and if ignited how readily
specimen is placed half-way into a 1-1/2 the material will continue to
inch high flame for either 3 or 12 seconds, burn once the flame is
after which time the flame is extinguished. removed. Materials that show
The after-flame time is determined. If the no ignition or longer ignition
specimen is tested for a 3 second times and short after-burn
exposure and does not ignite or show an times (time for the burning
after-flame time of 2 seconds following material to extinguish following
removal of the flame, then a different removal of the flame) using
specimen soft-folded edge is reexposed to this method are considered to
the flame for 12 seconds and the after- perform better when exposed
flame time is determined. Flame exposure to a flame for a short time.
and after-flame time of the specimen are
noted and used to classify glove

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Test Requirement Test Method and Description Criteria and Application

Heat Degradation ISO 17493:2000: Whole gloves are filled Heat degradation testing
Resistance (5.3.2) with vermiculite and then suspended in a determines the exposure
forced air-circulating oven for 5 minutes at temperature at which gloves
a selected test temperature. At the end of will be thermally stable (i.e.,
the 5-minute exposure, the glove specimen show no significant heat
is removed from the oven and inspected degradation). Higher
for signs of heat degradation (charring, temperatures reported by this
ignition, melting, dripping or separation). method indicate gloves having
Glove dimensions are also measured for greater heat degradation
shrinkage. The highest temperature where resistance.
no heat degradation or shrinkage over 5%
is reported and used to classify glove
Conductive Heat ASTM F1060-08: A rectangular glove Conductive heat resistance
Resistance (5.3.3) specimen is placed on a hot plate heated testing measures the
to the selected test temperature. A insulation provided by the
weighted sensor is then immediately glove when in contact with a
placed on top of the specimen. The hot surface. Higher
sensor measures the heat energy temperatures reported by this
transferred through the material and method indicate gloves with
absorbed by the sensor. This energy is greater insulation for contact
then related to the energies required to with hot surfaces.
cause sensation of pain and 2nd degree
burn injury. The time to 2nd degree burn
and the difference between time to 2nd
degree burn and time to pain sensation
(alarm time) are reported.
Vibration Reduction (5.4) ANSI S2.73-2002 (R2007): With a gloved This measures the vibration
hand, the subject holds the special transmissibility of the glove by
handle of a vibration excitation system comparing the difference
(shaker) that measures gripping and feed between the two sites across
forces. Vibration is measured at two points a spectrum of frequencies.
simultaneously; at the surface of the
handle and inside the glove next to the
hand by means of an adaptor containing
an accelerometer.
Dexterity (5.5) EN 420: 2009: Four gloves of the Dexterity is the ability of the
operator’s dominant hand are tested in wearer to manipulate objects
the as-made condition. 40 mm long solid and control his hands in the
stainless steel pins of diameters 5 mm, desired manner. It, in this
6.5 mm, 8 mm, 9.5 mm and 11 mm are case, is assessed by
placed on a flat surface. A trained determining the wearer’s
operator attempts to pick up between his ability to pick up between his
gloved forefinger and thumb each size pin thumb and forefinger small
three times consecutively within a 30- diameter pins lying on a flat
second period. The smallest pin size for surface. The dexterity of the
which this can be accomplished is glove is highest when the
recorded, and is used to classify the glove wearer can pick up the
performance smallest diameter pin

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Appendix D
Recommended Hand Protection Selection Procedure
(Appendix D is not part of American National Standard ANSI/ISEA 105-2016, but is included for
information only.)

No glove can have optimum properties in all respects; the performance requirements can be contradictory.
End-users must therefore select gloves based on a risk assessment involving the identification of hazards
and determination of risk for exposure to those hazards. End-users can then determine the relevant
performance properties and acceptable levels of performance for those properties.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has promulgated requirements for the selection
of personal protective equipment which includes gloves. These provisions are summarized below:

General Requirements (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.132)

 Based on a hazard assessment, the employer must select appropriate and properly-fitting PPE for use
by affected employees.

 Each employee who is required to use PPE must be trained in the proper use of PPE and be retrained
when necessary.

Hand Protection (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.138)

 Appropriate hand protection must be worn when hands are exposed to hazards such as skin absorption
of harmful substances, severe cuts, lacerations or abrasions, punctures, chemical or thermal burns and
harmful temperature extremes.

 Employers must base selection of hand protection on "an evaluation of the performance characteristics
of hand protection in relation to the tasks performed, duration of use, and hazards present."

The OSHA standard does not reference any standard which provides design or performance specifications
for appropriate gloves; however, the Appendix of the standard urges employers to know the performance
characteristics of the gloves they are considering by obtaining documentation from the manufacturer that the
gloves meet "appropriate test standards for the hazards anticipated."

The selection of gloves should account for a number of factors. These factors may include:

 performance properties (as needed for protection against specific hazards)

 durability (retention of performance properties with use)
 human factors (fit, function, and comfort)
 cost

The significance given each factor will depend on the needs of the application and relative hazards involved.
Ideally, gloves are selected which yield the highest performance while still allowing the wearer to perform
their job unencumbered. However, in most cases, there are tradeoffs between protection and glove function
and comfort. Therefore, the selection of gloves must account for an understanding of both the hazards and
risks in the workplace and the performance features and characteristics of gloves.

A recommended approach for choosing work gloves includes the following steps:

1. Conduct a hazard and risk assessment of the workplace or setting where hand protection is needed:

a. Identify the hazards present;

b. Assess the likelihood of worker exposure to the identified hazards;

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c. Assess the possible consequences of exposure to the identified hazards;

d. Determine the relative risk of each hazard present and those risks that warrant the use of
some form of hand protection.

The hazard and risk assessment may be performed by a survey of the workplace, interviews with
workers, or a review of worker injuries.

2. Match performance properties in this standard and other sources (see Appendix E) to those hazards
where the risk requires some form of hand protection. Decide on the appropriate performance level
for those selected properties.

a. In general, higher performance levels may be needed for situations where severe risks are
encountered, while lower performance levels might be suitable for situations where a low
risk has been determined.

b. Past experience with the use of gloves may provide insight for determining what
performance levels are appropriate when the respective performance level of current or
previous gloves is determined and compared with the performance levels for other gloves.

3. Consider hand protection features that are needed for the application in terms of length (or areas of
coverage), type of cuff, surface finish, and any other attributes affecting function or comfort.

a. Glove length or areas of coverage should be based on the amount of the hand and arm that
may be exposed to workplace hazards.

b. Cuffs or gauntlets should be selected taking into account the workplace hazards, need to
interface with protective clothing, and potential for substances entering through the top of the

c. The type of surface finish should be selected based on the handling environment where the
hand protection will be used.

4. Choose the glove that offers the optimum combination of features and performance against the
identified hazards requiring some form of hand protection.

5. Select gloves of the appropriate size that provides the right fit, function, and comfort for the
application. Glove suitability may be determined in exercises where workers evaluate how well
gloves provide needed protection, comfort, and functionality in activities simulating use.

6. Periodically reevaluate the choice of the glove to determine if appropriate protection, function, and
comfort are being offered.

As required by OSHA, each employer should evaluate the specific hazards and risks for each application and
decide on appropriate hand protection, if necessary. Whenever possible, glove selections should be based
on performance data. However, it is equally important that selected gloves provide sufficient comfort and

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Appendix E
Other Factors for Consideration
(Appendix E is not part of American National Standard ANSI/ISEA 105-2016, but is included for
information only.)

The standards referenced in this appendix are the current editions at the time of approval of ANSI/ISEA
105-2016. It is anticipated that many of these referenced standards will appear in updated editions before
ANSI/ISEA 105 is itself updated.

It is recognized that, in addition to the test methods in ANSI/ISEA 105-2011, there are many characteristics
that should be taken in to account when selecting appropriate hand protection, depending on the application
and types of hazards present. Additional consideration should be given to:

E.1 Other Sources of Terminological Information

In addition to standard dictionaries, the following references may be consulted:

 ASTM F1494-14 Standard Terminology Relating to Protective Clothing

 ASTM D123-15 Standard Terminology Relating to Textiles
 ASTM D1566-14 Standard Terminology Relating to Rubber

E.2 Medical (Biological) Hazards

E.2.1 Natural Rubber Latex

Workers exposed to natural rubber latex as a component of gloves may develop allergic reactions. Latex
gloves have proved effective in preventing transmission of many infectious diseases to healthcare
workers. Some people exposed to latex develop allergic reactions in the form of rash, hives, itching and
other symptoms.

The medical community has not established safe levels of proteins to evaluate latex-containing products.

However, it is recommended that workers should limit their exposure to latex antigens, therefore using
products with reduced protein content. For more information refer to a National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH) Alert, Preventing Allergic Reactions to Natural Rubber Latex in the Workplace.
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-135, available from NIOSH at (800)35-NIOSH or www.cdc.gov/niosh.

Glove protein levels may be evaluated using ASTM D5712-10, Standard Test Method for Analysis of
Aqueous Extractable Protein in Natural Rubber and Its Products Using the Modified Lowry Method.

E.2.2 Viral Penetration Resistance

The penetration of viruses or other biological agents may be a concern for hand protection products that do
not use continuous barriers or products using microporous films. Viral penetration resistance testing
measures the effectiveness of whole gloves or glove materials in preventing the transmission of a
bacteriophage, or viral simulant for Hepatitis and Human Immunodeficiency Viruses.

Glove material viral penetration resistance may be evaluated using ASTM F1671-07, Test Method for
Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to Penetration by Bloodborne Pathogens Using
Bacteriophage Phi-X174 as a Test System.

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E.2.3 Medical Glove Specifications

Existing specifications for medical gloves are provided in the following standards:

 ASTM D3577-09e1, Standard Specification for Rubber Surgical Gloves

 ASTM D3578-05e1, Standard Specification for Rubber Examination Gloves
 ASTM D5151-06, Test Method for Detection of Holes in Medical Gloves
 ASTM D5250-06e1, Standard Specification for Poly(vinyl chloride) Gloves for Medical Application
 ASTM D6319-00a (2005), Standard Specification for Nitrile Examination Gloves for Medical
 ASTM D6977-04e1, Standard Specification for Polychloroprene Gloves for Medical Application

E.2.4 Gloves for Emergency Medical Operations

Comprehensive specifications are provided for single-use examination gloves, single-use cleaning/utility
gloves, and multiple use work gloves are provided in NFPA 1999 (2013), Standard on Protective Clothing
and Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations. This standard applies both viral penetration
resistance and sets of appropriate physical property and other requirements for these types of gloves.

E.3 Extreme Temperature Applications

While some areas of performance are addressed for glove exposure to temperature extremes, other
performance areas may need to be considered for both hot and cold applications. Suggested test methods
and standards include the following areas:

E.3.1 Radiant Heat Insulation

Exposure to high levels of radiant heat may require gloves to be reflective and insulative. A test for
measuring resistance to radiant heat transfer is ASTM F1939-08, Standard Test Method for Radiant Heat
Resistance of Protective Performance of Flame-Resistant Clothing Materials with Continuous Heating.

E.3.2 Combined Radiant and Convective Heat Insulation

Some high heat exposures may involve both radiant heat and flame exposure. A test for measuring thermal
insulation for this type of exposure is ISO 17492:2003, Clothing for protection against heat and flame -
Determination of heat transmission on exposure to both flame and radiant heat.

E.3.3 Fire Fighting Glove Specifications

A number of fire fighting protective glove standards are available which specify a number of requirements for
gloves specific to the fire fighting application. These include:

 NFPA 1951 (2013), Standard on Protective Ensemble for Technical Rescue Incidents
 NFPA 1971 (2013), Standard on Protective Ensemble for Structural and Proximity Fire Fighting
 NFPA 1977 (2011), Standard on Protective Clothing and Equipment for Wildland Fire Fighting

E.3.4 Cold Convective Insulation

Some gloves may be intended for protecting the wearer against cold ambient temperatures. A measure of a
glove's insulation in a cold environment can be assessed by the procedures in Clause 4 of EN 511:2006,
Protective gloves against cold.

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E.3.5 Conductive Cold Resistance

Some gloves may be intended to provide protection to the wearer when the glove comes into contact with a
cold surface. A test for measuring a glove’s thermal insulation for such an application is found in ISO 5085-
:1989-1, Textiles – Determination of thermal resistance – Part 1: Low thermal resistance.

E.3.6 Cold Cracking Resistance

Upon exposure to severely cold temperatures, some glove materials may become brittle and crack. Tests
for measuring this level of performance include ASTM D2136-02 (2012), Standard Test Method for Coated
Fabrics - Low Temperature Bend Test, and ASTM D2137-11, Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property -
Brittleness Point of Flexible Polymers and Coated Fabrics.

E.4 Cleanroom Applications

Recommended specifications for gloves used in cleanroom environments are provided in Institute of
Environmental Sciences Contamination Control Division Recommended Practice 005.2, IES-RP-CC005.2,
Gloves and Finger Cots Used in Cleanrooms and Other Controlled Environments. This recommended
practice provides test methods for evaluating glove resistance to generation of electrostatic charges,
resistance to particle release or linting, and extractable matter (release of contaminants).

E.5 Hazardous Materials Response Applications

Recommended specifications for gloves used in hazardous materials response environments are provided in
NFPA 1991 (2005), Standard on Vapor-Protective Ensembles for Hazardous Materials Emergencies which
provides requirements for an ensemble of clothing, including gloves for protection against chemical vapor
and related hazards during emergency response operations and NFPA 1992 (2005) Standard on Liquid
Splash Protective Ensembles for Hazardous Materials Emergencies which provides requirements for gloves
used in ensemble for protection against splashes of liquid chemicals during hazardous materials

E.6 Electrical Hazards

ASTM D120-14a, Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Gloves, should be used to evaluate gloves for
workers needing protection from electrical hazards and high voltage.

E.7 Radiation Hazards

Workers in nuclear power facilities may be exposed to radiation from and contamination by radioactive
elements. Workers in other industries, such as x-ray technicians, may also be exposed to similar hazards.
The most relevant standards now available in this area include:

 ISO 8194:1987, Radiation protection-clothing for protection against radioactive contamination –

design, selection, testing and use
 DIN 6845-1:1980, Testing of materials for radiation protection against X-rays and gamma-rays; X-
rays up to 400 kV
 AS/NZS 2161.8-2002, Occupational Protective Gloves Part 8: Protection Against Ionizing
Radiation and Radioactive Contamination
 ASTM D7866-14z, Standard Specification for Radiation Attenuating Protective Gloves

E.8 Human Factors

Human factors relate to the fit, function, and comfort provided by gloves. The protection provided by gloves
against specific hazards typically involves some tradeoff with hand comfort and functionality. These
properties are generally subjective and will depend on the perception of the wearer, the type of work being
performed, the environmental conditions, and the length of the wearing period.

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E.8.1 Fit

Gloves should fit properly. The relative fit of the gloves may be a function of the particular glove design,
available sizes for a particular glove style, and the personal preferences of the wearer for fit. Manufacturers
provide numerical sizes (e.g., size 9) for some styles and size descriptions (e.g., small) for other styles.
Some manufacturers provide sizing charts or indicate how to measure hands to select the appropriate sized
glove based on their sizing system.

E.8.2 Function

Glove function is most often characterized in terms of dexterity, tactility, and grip.

Criteria for dexterity are incorporated in ANSI/ISEA 105-2016. (See Section 5.5)

Tactility represents the ability of the glove wearer to sense objects by touch. Tactility is affected by:

 the thickness of the glove,

 the presence of liners,
 the glove surface characteristics, and
 properties of the coating material.

There are no standard tests for tactility. Often tactility is measured by how well a person can identify objects
by touch without looking at the objects. One example of glove tactility is the ability of a glove wearer to "feel"
a pulse during a medical application.

Grip relates the ability of the glove wearer to exert pressure on an object when holding it. Grip is affected by
the type of treatment on the glove surface, the type of object being grasped and the presence of any wetness
or other substances. Good grip in gloves allows the wear to hold heavy objects in different orientations.
Relevant test methodology is found in ASTM F2961-15, Standard Test Method for Characterizing Gripping
Performance of Gloves Using a Torque Meter.

E.9 Chemical Penetration

ANSI/ISEA 105-2016 specifically addresses chemical protection issues related to permeation (Section 5.2.1)
and degradation (Section 5.2.2). In some work environment, chemical permeation resistance may
represent a severe exposure to gloves not mimicked by all types of chemical exposures. For some
exposures involving low hazard liquids, acceptable performance can be demonstrated by resistance to
penetration. This testing can be accomplished by using the procedure described in ASTM F903-10
Standard Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to Penetration by Liquids.

E.10 Other Factors

E.10.1 Glove Design

Gloves may be provided with safety cuffs, short very wide extensions designed to release the hand quickly if
the glove material gets caught in moving machinery; or with wristlets, constructed of knit materials designed
to close around the wearer’s wrist and keep particles from getting into the glove through the cuff; or with
gauntlets that extend up and protect the forearm, sometimes as far as the elbow. The glove end may also be
fashioned for making an appropriate interface with a garment sleeve for improved integrity and protection of
the interface area. Gloves may have open fabric or mesh backs to allow sweat to evaporate from the hands,
or they may be completely coated with rubber or plastic for protection against chemicals. Gloves may also
have different surface treatments and reinforcements to provide padding or texture for improved grip
strength. The appropriate design and length should be based on the type of protection required.

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E.10.2 Seam Strength

Seam strength can be an indicator of the glove's ability to withstand physical stresses and can be affected by
seam thickness, type of stitching, and the thread used. Different seam strength tests are available based on
the type of material used in the seam construction.

 ASTM D751-06 (2011), Standard Methods of Testing Coated Fabrics

 ASTM D1683M-11a, Standard Test Method for Failure in Sewn Seams of Woven Apparel Fabrics

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Table E.1 - Recommended Test Methods for Evaluating Hand Protection Needs Not Covered in This

Property Recommended Test Method Type of Measurement

Natural Rubber Latex ASTM D5712 Protein levels in glove material
Viral Penetration Resistance ASTM F1671 (materials) Pass/fail based on detected viral
Emergency Medical NFPA 1999 (whole glove) Numerous property determinations
Radiant Heat Insulation ASTM F1939 Radiant protective performance rating
[time to 2nd degree burn (sec) multiplied
by the exposure heat flux (cal/cm2sec)]
Combined Radiant and ISO 17492 Thermal protective performance rating
Convective Insulation (time to 2nd degree burn multiplied time
exposure heat flux)
Fire Fighter Protection NFPA 1951 (technical rescue) Numerous property determinations
NFPA 1971 (structural/proximity) Numerous property determinations
NFPA 1977 (wildlands) Numerous property determinations
Cold Convective Insulation Clause 5.4 in EN 511 Thermal resistance
Conductive Cold Resistance ISO 5085-1 Thermal resistance
Cold Cracking Resistance ASTM D2136 (cracking) Pass/fail at given temperature
ASTM D2137 (embrittlement) Pass/fail at given temperature
Cleanroom Applications IES-RP-CC005.2 Numerous property determinations
Electrical Hazards ASTM D120 Numerous property determinations
Radiation Hazards ISO 8194 Numerous property determinations
DIN 6845-1 Numerous property determinations
ASTM D7866
AS/NZS 2161.8 Numerous property determinations
Hand Function ASTM F2961 (grip) Grip strength – percent of barehanded
Chemical Penetration ASTM F903 Liquid penetration (pressure)
Seam Strength ASTM D751 (rubber) Seam strength (force)
ASTM D1683 (woven textiles) Seam efficiency (percentage) and
strength (force)

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Appendix F
Standards and documents referenced in the ANSI/ISEA 105-2016 standard may be obtained by
contacting the following organizations:

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

25 West 43nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 642-4900
[For ISO and EN documents]

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohoken, PA 19428-2959

Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST)

940 East Northwest Highway
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
Phone: (847) 255-1561

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

11 Tracy Drive
Avon, MA 02322
Phone: (800) 344-3555

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Publications Office
4676 Columbia Parkway, Mail Stop C-13
Cincinnati, OH 45226-1998
Phone: (800) 356-4674

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210

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