Why Wind Farms Need Private Cellular Connectivity: Background Ways To Move Forward What Is A Private Network?
Why Wind Farms Need Private Cellular Connectivity: Background Ways To Move Forward What Is A Private Network?
Why Wind Farms Need Private Cellular Connectivity: Background Ways To Move Forward What Is A Private Network?
the efficient and safe monitoring and CONNECTIVITY USE CASES IN WIND FARMS
operations of the farm itself Construction phase:
multiple technologies used with - Vessels within the farm able to have data connections for both leisure and working operations, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
instead of having to rely on satellite connectivity. Mark Madden, Senior Solutions Director, Utilities, Ericsson North
multiple connectivity networks
Ongoing Operations and Maintenance: America
Advanced connectivity will help bring
- Drone surveillance for blade or perimeter inspection check. Joakim Dundeberg, Industry & Ecosystem Manager, Ericsson
offshore wind farm Levelized Cost of
- Security cameras, safety PPE cameras, perimeter or weather cameras to inspect surroundings.
Energy down and help spur the required Potential to have these at every wind turbine in farm.
growth for the industry. - Worker safety, wearables to collect biometrics, man-down status.
- Data and mobility for looking up documentation, taking down workflows, remote expert advice and
TOPICS DISCUSSED STATUS OF OFFSHORE SPECTRUM AND FCC Solving wind energy’s connectivity challenge: The case for LTE
and 5G cellular
1. What is a private cellular network? How is FCC issued Notice of Inquiry (NOI) on June 8, 2022: https://www.ericsson.com/en/industries/energy-utilities/solving-
it different from other connectivity - Seeking comments on demand for offshore spectrum, use cases and market potential. wind-energys-connectivity-challenge
methods in use on wind farms? - How spectrum should be assigned, mechanism to use, rights models, which bands and
- How are other countries doing it?
2. What are potential use cases with cellular
Ericsson response and feedback:
based networks? How could they benefit
offshore wind farms?
- Offshore applications have expanded that consist of users from consumer or public segments, VIREN PARIKH
- 3GPP-based wireless systems will provide scalable, reliable, secure, and capable connectivity viren.parikh@ericsson.com
options, with rich ecosystems, that will enable wide variety of new use cases. (972) 824-4814
3. What is the current status of offshore Ericsson Inc.
- Low-band and mid-band will both be required to address the coverage and capacity needs for
spectrum for cellular and what are next 6300 Legacy Dr.
various offshore architectures and applications.
steps with the FCC? Plano, Tx 75024