Getting Facts
Getting Facts
Getting Facts
Getting facts of travel writing is important, travel writing is a writing that describes places the
author has visited and the experiences they had while travelling. And some people wants to get
ideas on where to travel and wants to learn about the world and some want to be entertained.
Whatever the reason, the reader wants useful facts about the destination because a good
travel article includes the author's impressions and observations, as well as interesting facts
gleaned from current research sources, such as the Internet or a travel guidebook. The first
thing to do a travel article is to build a travel resource library by collecting interesting travel
articles, brochures, travel books, travel magazines, or anything else that might be helpful in
researching a trip.While traveling, it should also collect facts. Start by gathering guidebooks,
maps, newspapers, and postcards from the destination, take a photo of the sites visit and also
record facts in writing a travel article include details such as descriptions, dialogue. include your
impressions and observations. Take the travel journal with you wherever you go. It will become
the most valuable resource.And also travel writing introduces us to new places, people and