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Yuto Teraki1 and Fumio Takahara1

arXiv:1106.2216v1 [astro-ph.HE] 11 Jun 2011

Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, 1-1 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan teraki@vega.ess.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp ABSTRACT We calculate numerically the radiation spectrum from relativistic electrons moving in small scale turbulent magnetic elds expected in high energy astrophysical sources. Such radiation spectrum is characterized by the strength parameter a = B e|B|/mc2 , where B is the length scale of the turbulent eld. When a is much larger than the Lorentz factor of a radiating electron , synchrotron radiation is realized, while a 1 corresponds to the so-called jitter radiation regime. Because for 1 < a < we cannot use either approximations, we should have recourse to the Lienard-Wiechert potential to evaluate the radiation spectrum, which is performed in this paper. We generate random magnetic elds assuming Kolmogorov turbulence, inject monoenergetic electrons, solve the equation of motion, and calculate the radiation spectrum. We perform numerical calculations for several values of a with = 10. We obtain various types of spectra ranging between jitter radiation and synchrotron radiation. For a 7, the spectrum turns out to take a novel shape which has not been noticed up to now. It is like a synchrotron spectrum in the middle energy region, but in the low frequency region it is a broken power law and in the high frequency region an extra power law component appears beyond the synchrotron cuto. We give a physical explanation of these features. Subject headings: magnetic elds turbulence radiation mechanisms: general gamma-ray burst: general



A major part of non-thermal emission from high energy astrophysical objects is almost always characterized by the radiation from relativistic electrons moving in magnetic elds.

2 Usually it is interpreted in terms of the synchrotron radiation. However, synchrotron approximation is not always valid, in particular when the magnetic elds are highly turbulent. Electrons suer from random accelerations and do not trace a helical trajectory. In general, the radiation spectrum is characterized by the strength parameter e|B| , (1) mc2 where B is the typical scale of turbulent elds, |B| is the mean value of the turbulent magnetic elds, e is the elementary charge, m is the mass of electron and c is the speed of light (Reville & Kirk 2010). When a , where is the Lorentz factor of radiating electron, the scale of turbulent elds is much larger than the Larmor radius rg mc2 /e|B|, and electrons move in an approximately uniform eld, so that the synchrotron approximation is valid. In contrast, when a 1, B is much smaller than the scale rg / = B /a which corresponds to the emission of the characteristic synchrotron frequency. In this regime, electrons move approximately straightly, and jitter approximation or the weak random eld regime of diusive synchrotron radiation (DSR) can be applied (Medvedev 2010, Fleishman and Urtiev 2010). For 1 a , no simple approximation of the radiation spectrum has been known. a = B The standard model of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) is based on the synchrotron radiation from accelerated electrons at the internal shocks. The observational spectra of prompt emission of GRB can be well tted by a broken power law spectrum which is called the Band function. Around a third of GRBs show a spectrum in the low energy side harder than the synchrotron theory predicts. To explain this, other radiation mechanisms are needed. Medvedev examined relativistic collisionless shocks in relevance to internal shocks of GRB, and noticed the generation of small scale turbulent magnetic elds near the shock front (Medvedev & Loeb 1999). Then he calculated analytically radiation spectrum from electrons moving in small scale turbulent magnetic elds, to make a harder spectrum than the synchrotron radiation (Medvedev 2000). However, he assumed that the strength parameter a is much smaller than 1 and that turbulent eld is of one-dimensional structure, which may be over simplied in general (Fleishman 2006). Medvedev also calculated 3-dimensional structure assuming that the turbulent eld is highly anisotropic (Medvedev 2006). He conclude that the harder spectrum is achieved in head on case, and that in edge on case, the spectrum is softer than synchrotron radiation. The spectral index depends on the angle between the particle velocity and shock normal with hard spectrum obtained when 10 (Medvedev 2009). Recently several particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of relativistic collisionless shocks have been performed to study the nature of turbulent magnetic elds which are generated near the shock front (e.g., Frederiksen et al. 2004; Kato 2005; Chang et al. 2008; Haugbolle

3 2010). The characteristic scale of the magnetic elds is the order of skin depth as predicted by the analysis of Weibel instability. Then, the wavelength of turbulent magnetic eld B is described by using a coecient as c B = , (2) pe int where pe is the plasma frequency, and int is the relative Lorentz factor between colliding shells. The energy conversion fraction into the magnetic elds B = B 2 /8 int nmp c2 (3)

is 103 0.1, where B 2 /8 is energy density of magnetic elds, and int nmp c2 is the kinetic energy density of the shell. The Lorentz factor of electrons is similar to int , and that is typically 10 from the result of PIC simulations, the strength parameter a can be estimated as mp O(1 102 ). (4) a = 2B 1/2 me Thus, the assumption a 1 on which jitter radiation and DSR weak random eld regime are based is not necessarily valid when we consider the radiation from the internal shock region of GRB. Fleishman & Urtiev (2010) calculated the radiation spectrum for a > 1 using a statistical method, but their treatment of the small scale component is somewhat arbitrary. They introduced the critical wavelength crit and called components with crit the small scale component, where crit obeys the inequality rg crit rg / (5)

(Toptygin & Fleishman 1987). The inequality can be transformed to 1 crit e|B|/mc2 , so that the division through crit may be ambiguous when we calculate the radiation spectrum for 1 < a < . The synthetic spectra from PIC simulations were calculated recently (e.g., Hededal 2005; Sironi & Spitkovsky 2009; Frederiksen 2010; Reville & Kirk 2010; Nishikawa et al 2011). Althogh their magnetic elds are realistic and self-consistent, it is inevitable that the elds are described by discrete cells in PIC simulation. Reville & Kirk (2010) developed an alternative method of calculation of radiation spectra that uses the concept of photon formation length, which costs much shorter time than the rst principle method utilizing the Lienard-Wiechert potential. In this paper, we rather use the rst principle method to obtain the spectrum as exact as possible. We adopt the eld description method developed by Giacalone & Jokipii (1999)

4 and used by Reville & Kirk (2010). We assume isotropic turbulent magnetic elds which have broader power spectra kmax = 100 kmin and calculate the radiation spectra in the regime of 1 < a < . In 2 we describe calculation method and numerical results. In 3 we give a physical interpretation.


Method of calculation

Because we focus our attention on calculating radiation spectrum, we assume the static eld with required properties of a, and neglect the back reaction of radiating electrons to the magnetic eld. We solve the trajectory of electron accurately in each time step and calculate the radiation spectrum.



The isotropic turbulent eld is generated by using the discrete Fourier transform description as developed in Giacalone & Jokipii (1999). It is described as a superposition of N Fourier modes, each with a random phase, direction and polarization

B(x) =

An exp{i(kn x + n )}n .


Here, An , n , kn and n are the amplitude, phase, wave vector and polarization vector for the n-th mode, respectively. The polarization vector is determined by a single angle 0 < n < 2 n = cos n e + i sin n e , x y (7)

where e and e are unit vectors, orthogonal to e = kn /kn . The amplitude of each mode x x z is
N 1

A2 n

= Gn



where the variance represents the amplitude of the turbulent eld. We use the following form for the power spectrum 2 4kn kn , (9) Gn = 1 + (kn Lc ) where Lc is the correlation length of the eld. Here, kn is chosen such that there is an equal spacing in logarithmic kspace, over the nite interval kmin k kmax , where kmax = 100 kmin and N = 100. where kmin = 2/Lc and = 11/3. We have no reliable

5 constraint for value of from GRB observation, so we adopt the Kolmogorov turbulence B 2 (k) k 5/3 tentatively, where the power spectrum has a peak at kmin . Then we dene the strength parameter using and kmin as a 2e . mc2 kmin (10)

We inject isotropically 32 monoenergetic electrons with = 10 in the prescribed magnetic elds, and solve the equation of motion me v = e B (11)

using 2nd order Runge-Kutta method. We pursue the orbit of electrons up to the time 300 Tg , where Tg is the gyro time Tg = 2mc/e. We calculate radiation spectrum using acceleration v = c. The energy dW emitted per unit solid angle d (around the direction n) and per unit frequency d to the direction n is computed as dW e2 = dd 4c2


n r(t ) 2 [(n ) ] exp{i(t )} , (1 n)2 c


where r(t ) is the electron trajectory, t is retarded time (Jackson 1999).



First, we show the radiation spectrum for a = 3 in Figure 1. The frequency is normalized by the fundamental frequency g = e/(mc), and the magnitude is arbitrarily scaled. The jagged line is the calculated spectrum, while the straight line drawn in the low frequency region is a line tted to a power law spectrum. The tting is made in the range of 1 350g and the spectral index turns out to be 0.44. The straight line drawn in the high frequency region shows a spectrum of 5/3 expected for diusive synchrotron radiation for reference (Toptygin & Fleishman 1987). The spectrum is well described by a broken power law, and the spectral index of the low energy side is harder than synchrotron theory predicts. The peak frequency of this spectrum is located at around 103 g . This frequency corresponds to approximately the typical frequency of synchrotron radiation syn = 3 2 e/2mc 103 g , for = 10. Figure 2 shows the spectrum for a = 5. The spectral shape changes from that of a = 3 in both sides of the peak. The spectrum of the low frequency side becomes a broken power law with a break around 10g , above which the spectrum is tted by a power law with an index of 0.33, as expected for synchrotron radiation, while below the break the index is 0.58.

6 The high frequency side above the peak indicates an excess above a power law spectrum dW/dd 5/3 . It looks like an exponential cuto. The whole spectrum is described by a superposition of a synchrotron spectrum and a DSR broken power law spectrum. This spectral shape is totally novel and is dierent from the one by described Fleishman (2010). He reported that the spectrum is described by broken power law in the same range of a as this work (1 < a < , a 102 and 103 ) (Fleishman 2010). To conrm our inference we calculate the case of a = 7, for three dierent values of , i.e., = 14/3, 11/3 and 8/3 and the results are shown in Figure 3. The curved black line is a theoretical curve of synchrotron radiation, and three straight black lines are dW/dd 2/3 , 5/3 and 8/3 expected for DSR theory for reference. The green line corresponding to = 14/3 reveals a clear exponential cuto, and reveals DSR component in only the highest frequency region. The power law index of this component in the highest frequency region coincides with the expected value + 2 = 8/3. The red and blue lines correspond to = 11/3 and 8/3, respectively. They indicate a common feature to the green one.



We give a physical explanation of the spectra obtained in the previous section. At rst, we interpret the broken power law spectrum for a = 3 by using DSR theory. Next, we consider physical interpretation of the complex shape of radiation spectrum for a = 5 and a = 7. Finally, we compare our work with previous studies. To begin with, we review the spectral feature of DSR based on the non-perturbative approach for a < 1 (Fleishman 2006). The typical spectrum takes a following form: dW/dd 1/2 in the low frequency region, 0 in the middle frequency region, and +2 in the high frequency region. The low frequency part and the middle frequency part are separated at LM asyn . This spectral break corresponds to the break of the straight orbit approximation due to the eect of multiple scattering (Fleishman 2006). On the other hand, the middle frequency part and the high frequency part are separated at the typical frequency of jitter radiation MH = jit which is estimated by using the method of virtual quanta as jit 2 kmin c a1 syn (Medvedev 2000, Rybicki & Lightman 1979). Then, for a 1, LM MH is achieved and the middle region may vanish. The spectrum for a 1 becomes a broken power law with only one break, which is located at roughly the synchrotron frequency syn . The power law index of low frequency side is 0.5 (which is harder than synchrotron radiation), and that of high frequency side is +2 = 5/3. Thus, the spectral feature for a = 3 can be explained by an extrapolation of DSR non-perturbative approach

7 for a < 1, if we consider that the middle frequency region is not conspicuous. Although our spectral index 0.44 slightly diers from 0.5 for DSR, this index is still harder than the synchrotron theory. The situation a 1 can be achieved at the internal shock region of GRB, so that this may be responsible for harder spectral index than synchrotron observed for some GRBs. Next we interpret the spectral features for a = 5 and 7. The conceptual diagram of these spectra for 5 a < is depicted in Figure 4, and a schematic picture of an electron trajectory is depicted in Figure 5. We explain the appearance of another break in the low frequency range seen at around 10g in Figure 2. On the scale smaller than B , the electron motion may be approximated by a helical orbit, while it is regarded as a randomly uctuating trajectory when seen on scales larger than B . Therefore, for the former scale, we can apply the synchrotron approximation to the emitted radiation. The beaming cone corresponding to the frequency is given by 1 3syn 1/3 ) (13) cone = ( (Jackson 1999). The deection angle 0 of the electron orbit during a time B /c is estimated to be 0 = a/ from the condition B 0 = B (14) a as seen in Figure 5. Thus, the synchrotron theory is applicable only for cone < 0 , so that the break frequency is determined by 0 = cone , and we obtain br a3 syn . (15)

This break frequency is the same as obtained by Medvedev (Medvedev 2010). We understand that as a is larger, break frequency becomes lower, and when a is comparable to , br coincides with the fundamental frequency e/mc. Next, we discuss on the high frequency radiation, which results from the electron trajectory on scales smaller than B . The synchrotron theory applies between B /a = rg / and B . However, we should notice that electron motion suers from acceleration by magnetic turbulence on scales smaller than B /a. The trajectory down to the smallest scale of 2/kmax is jittering, which is attributed to higher wavenumber modes as seen in the zoom up of Figure 5. If the eld in this regime is relatively weak, i.e., is relatively large (Figure 3, green line: = 14/3), the trajectory on the scale smaller than B /a does not much deviate from a helical orbit. In this case, radiation spectrum reveals an exponential cuto, and a power law component appears only in the highest frequency region. On the contrary, if the smaller scale eld is relatively strong, as in the case of = 8/3 depicted in the blue line in Figure 3, the power law component becomes predominant in the high frequency region,

8 and the synchrotron exponential cuto is smeared out. The intersection frequency of curved black line and straight black lines at around 103 g in Figure 3 corresponds to jit as seen in Figure 4. Since the intersection frequency is determined by a, the frequency where the power law component appears over the synchrotron cuto is dependent on . The excess from the theoretical curve in the middle frequency region in Figure 3 may be explained by consideration of two eects. One is the contribution of hidden DSR component, and the other is a range of synchrotron peak frequency which is caused by a uctuation of magnetic eld intensity. Fleishman reported that the spectrum for 1 < a < and 3 < < 4 becomes a broken power law (Fleishman & Urtiev 2010). Medvedev asserted that the high frequency region of the spectrum reveals an exponential cuto for 1 < a < (Medvedev 2010). Our result indicates that an exponential cuto plus an extra power law component appears, which is dierent from Fleishmans remark and from Medvedevs remark on the high frequency region. On the other hand, similar spectra to ours have been reported in Fleishman (2005) and Reville & Kirk (2010) when a uniform eld is added to turbulent eld. Because the high energy power law component arises from a turbulent spectrum over the wavenumber space, this component does not exist when the small scale eld is excited only in a narrow range of wavenumber space. Since the energy cascade of turbulent magnetic elds should exist at least to some degree, we regard that the higher wavenumber modes naturally exist. It depends on the set of parameters of andkmax whether this high energy power law component can be seen or not. If 2e/mc2 kmax > 1, this component will not be seen. If the magnetic turbulence is excited by Weibel instability at the relativistic shocks, it is not possible for kmax to be much larger than kmin because the wavelength of injection (B = 2/kmin) is only a few ten times the skin depth at most. Therefore, the component will not be seen for a 1 while for a O(1), this power law component will be seen. As for the frequency region lower than the break frequency br = a3 syn , Medvedev remarked that the spectrum is similar to small angle jitter radiation (Medvedev 2010). However, it remains to be open if it is so for 1 < a < , because the assumption that the straight orbit approximation of radiating particle is broken. To predict the exact radiation spectrum of the frequency region lower than the break frequency, it is necessary to pursue the particle orbit to follow the long term diusion which is a formidable task.



We calculate the radiation spectrum from relativistic electrons moving in the small scale turbulent magnetic elds by using the rst principle calculation utilizing the Lienard-

9 Wiechert potential. We concentrate our calculation on a range of the strength parameter of 1 < a < . We conrm that the spectrum for a 3 is a broken power law with an index of low energy side 0.5, and that some GRBs with low energy spectral index harder than synchrotron theory predicts may be explained. Furthermore, we nd that the spectrum for a 7 takes a novel shape described by a superposition of a broken power law spectrum and a synchrotron one. Especially, an extra power law component appears beyond the synchrotron cuto in the high frequency region reecting magnetic eld uctuation spectrum. This is in contrast with previous works (Fleishman & Urtiev 2010, Medvedev 2010). Our spectra for a = 5 and a = 7 are dierent from both of them. We have given a physical reason for this spectral feature. This novel spectral shape may be seen in various other scenes in astrophysics. For example, the spectrum of 3C273 jet at the knot region may be due to this feature (Uchiyama et al. 2006). We thank the referee for helpful comments. We are grateful to T. Okada, S. Tanaka, M. Yamaguchi for discussion and suggestions. This work is partially supported by KAKENHI 20540231 (F.T.).

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103 102 101 100 10-1 10-2 0 10



102 /g




Fig. 1. Radiation spectrum for a = 3, = 11/3 and = 10. The straight line in the low frequency region shows a power law spectrum with an index 0.44. The straight line in the high frequency region is dW/d 5/3 for reference. Power law index of the low frequency spectrum is harder than the synchrotron theory predicts.


103 102 101 dW/d 100 10-1 10-2 10-3



102 /g




Fig. 2. Radiation spectrum for a = 5, = 11/3 and = 10. Two straight lines drawn in low frequency region are tted one to a power law spectrum in the range of 0.5 10g and 10 103 g , respectively. The power law index is 0.58 and 0.33. The latter corresponds to the synchrotron radiation. The straight line in the high frequency region is dW/d 5/3 , and we see a broad hump in the peak region, which is identied with the synchrotron spectrum with an exponential cuto.


103 102 101 dW/d 100 10-1 10-2 10-3 0 10


102 /g



Fig. 3. Radiation spectra for a = 7 and = 10, with = 14/3, 11/3 and 8/3. Green, red and blue lines are calculated spectra = 14/3, 11/3 and 8/3, respectively. Straight black lines are dW/d +2 . Curved black line is a theoretical curve of synchrotron radiation. We see eects of dierent spectrum of the turbulent magnetic elds in high energy region.


Fig. 4. Conceptual diagram of the radiation spectrum for 5 a < .


Fig. 5. Cartoon showing the electron trajectory for 1 < a < . The radius of the guiding circle is the Larmor radius rg = B /a. Low frequency photons are emitted from the motion on relatively scales larger than B , while middle frequency ones from that on the intermediate scale between B /a and B are basically synchrotron radiation. The spectral break at a3 3 in Figure 4 corresponds to the break of synchrotron approximation at the scale of B . The scale B /a = rg / corresponds to the synchrotron peak frequency. On the smallest scale down to 2/kmax , the trajectory is approximately straight, and jittering is responsible for the power law component in the highest frequency region in Figure 4.

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