Jan 4-6
Jan 4-6
Jan 4-6
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrate understanding of the type of bonds that carbon forms that result in the diversity
of carbon compounds.
2. Performance Standards
3. Learning Competencies /
Recognize the general classes and Recognize the general classes and uses Recognize the general classes and
uses of organic compound. Explain how of organic compound. Perform guided uses of organic compound. Perform
carbon is used or applied in everyday life experiments in determining the guided experiments in determining the
properties of common organic properties of common organic
compounds. compounds.
II. CONTENT The variety of carbon compounds Organic Compounds
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG pp.105-106 TG 107-108 TG 107-108
2. Learner’s Materials pages
LM pp.131-132 LM132-135 LM132-135
3. Textbook pages
A. Reviewing previous What are the important uses of carbon Describe the physical properties of
lesson or presenting How oil and gas formed? compound? matter.
the new lesson
B. Establishing a Introduce the lesson by asking the Ask one representative/volunteer from Ask the students if they finished
purpose for the students to explain how carbon is used or the class to be blind folded.( Use actual answering their experiment which was
lesson applied in their everyday life? lubricating oil, ethyl alcohol, and done yesterday. If not provide at least
gasoline ) and guess the object using his 10-15 minutes to answer the questions
sense of smelling and touching. in the activity.
C. Presenting examples/ Do activity # 1 Organic Compounds: Are Let the student describe the
instances of the lesson They Useful ( See Attachment # 5 ) appearance/ properties of each object
D. Discussing new Presentation of the result of the activity. Before letting the students do the Let them go to their proper groupings
concepts and practicing experiments discuss first the safety for the final analysis and exchanging of
new skills #1 precautions that the students should ideas.
take on the conduct of the experiments.
Perform activity #2 Properties of
Common Organic Compounds
E. Discussing new Students were instructed to observe and Presentation of the result of the activity
concepts and Checking and discussion of the activity take down notes while conducting an per group.
practicing new skills results. experiments.
F. Developing mastery What are the important uses of The students will answer guide Checking of the result of the activity.
(Leads to Formative hydrocarbons? questions. (see attachment #6) Discuss the properties of common
Assessment 3) organic compounds.
G. Finding practical Why do some motorists prepared to use Why are some label products of some Why are some label products of some
applications of unleaded gasoline than any type of household materials has remarkable household materials has remarkable
concepts and skills in gasoline? word of “always keep at room word of “always keep at room
daily living temperature”? temperature”?
H. Making What are carbon compounds? What are the common properties of What are the common properties of
generalizations and organic compounds? organic compounds?
abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities
for application or
1. No.of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment