Illumi's Set of Stolen Potions (5e)
Illumi's Set of Stolen Potions (5e)
Illumi's Set of Stolen Potions (5e)
The effect lasts for 1d4+3 days, after which the hair
and skin start turning red then brown over the
course of a few hour and finally the hair falls out.
Liquid Courage
Potion, Legendary
The vial has a faint silvery glow. You can use Potion, common
your action to pour the entirety of this potion
The instant comfort potion is a fast-acting
on a weapon you are holding. That weapon
relaxation potion that clears the mind. The
deals magic radiant damage (and an additional
1d6) instead of its normal damage for the next 8 potion is a white, murky looking liquid that
hours. tastes like sweet, frothy, candy.
After you drink the potion, you have
advantage on Constitution checks made to
maintain concentration on a spell. Some
people get addicted to it.
Elixir of Skeletonization
Phial of the Unknowable
Potion, very rare Potion, rare
If you drink this potion, you slowly turn into an The one who drinks this potion has a vision of a
undead skeleton for 1 week. You retain the capabilities you prophecy, either past, present or future. This
had in your original form and gain the following traits: deals 1d10 psychic damage.
Restoring Limbs. You can restore any limb after it being
detached or destroyed by simply finding a suitable The potion’s magic also drains the imbiber.
replacement, then using your action to attach it. Once the effect runs out, the character begins
yawning heavily and feels drowsy. For the next
hour the character will doze off, if he or she is
Skeletal Nature. You are immune to disease,
being poisoned and poison damage. You do not need to eat not moving about constantly or being kept
or breathe. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state awake by others.
for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are
fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching
enemies and other events as normal.
Unveiling Philter
Potion, legendary
You can hover an inch above the ground. Your
base speed is now 60 feet for 1d4 hours. Your
movement leaves a multicolored shimmer
behind that last for 1d4 hours.
Additionally, when you drink this potion, all
your exhaustion levels are restored.
Frozen Panacea
Potion, legendary The liquid tastes awful and has foul smell, and the
imbiber finds it difficult to consume. The character
A bright gold potion with swirls of pink. must perform a Constitution Check DC 7 or vomit
Tastes like cherries and sorbet. Upon the potion out losing its effect.
drinking, all negative conditions are If the potion is successfully drunk, the user must
removed, health is restored to full, and any succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be
injuries are instantly healed. Extremely forced to speak nothing but the truth for 10
minutes. The user is compelled to answer any
questions asked during that time, but for each
The thick liquid flows slowly like syrup, and question a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw can be
made, ending the effect on a successful save.
it takes two rounds to drink the potion.
Lead Elixir
Potion, rare
A heavy, syrupy liquid medicine. When you
drink it, you body becomes heavy and solid for
1 minute. You feel your skin getting harder.
You AC is increased by 3, but your movement
speed is halved for 1 minute. During the
effect, you cannot benefit from any increases
to your speed or a flying speed.