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Yggdrasill - Winter's Fell

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‘Winter’s Fall’ is meant to precede the Yggdrasill Core characters participate in the festivities (and if Jorun is

Rulebook’s scenario, ‘Offerings to the Great Winter’, but a player character, they will be in the centre of all the
might easily be played afterwards. It is set in the same place attention). Soon enough, everything is ready and as the
– the Kjari clan’s village of Rohald – and assumes the player evening marks the beginning of Jol, in the morning the
characters are mostly fairly young Danish characters related jarl suggests they should form a hunting party to mark the
to the jarl. Once again, the pre-generated characters found occasion. Fifty horsemen leave Rohald in the first light of
in the Yggdrasill Core Rulebook (pages 92-103) fit this dawn - amongst them, the heroes.
approach perfectly (and includes Jorun, the Jarl’s daughter,
as a player character). Should you wish to use your own
heroes or switch the setting of this adventure, you will need
to adapt the events recounted here slightly. However, this
should not present any major difficulties. Jorun Hrolfsdottir,
the Chief’s Daughter
Introduction: Starting Point If you play with the pregenerated characters from
This is the first winter after Frodi the Usurper’s accession the Yggdrasill Core Rulebook, Jorun is Hrolf ’s
to the throne. As per usual, during the Jol (see the Yggdrasill daughter and the heir to the jarl’s title. Her older
Core Rulebook page 56) celebrations, he has summoned the brother, Hermod was killed in action last summer,
jarls of Denmark to a thing so that those who have not done during a naval battle against Saxon pirates. Her elder
so already might come to pay him tribute and swear an oath sister Gudrid is married to a noble from another
of fealty. However many are reluctant to accomplish this clan and Hrolf refuses to see his more prestigious
task and have found an excuse to avoid it. clan become blended into his son-in-law’s. So he has
Among them is Hrolf Knudsson, head of the prestigious recently officially declared and recognised Jorun as
Kjari clan, long-time ally of the king of Odense and vassal of his legitimate successor.
the late Halfdan. To avoid attending Frodi’s thing, the Kjari
clan invited all their vassals and allies to celebrate Jol within
the walls of Rohald in recognition of Jorun, daughter of
Hrolf, who has recently become his official heir. The jarl had
gifts sent to Hleidra, but also sent his apologies, being too Hunting Party
busy with his fatherly duties to be able to come in person. The landscape is covered with a thin layer of snow.
Guests, dealers, suppliers and travellers have been A heavy sky hangs over the moors and rolling hills that
flocking for the past week to Rohald, the city from which surround Rohald. A few crows and seagulls inspect the land
Hrolf reigns. Amongst this constant excitement, the in search of food. To the west, the sea is so calm that we do

Winter’s Fall

not immediately hear the incessant flow of waves lapping

the village banks. Lazy smoke rises from the chimneys of
the few farms still visible so close to the forest. Everything is
quiet. We have just reached midday.
Scandian Mercenaries
The heroes are riding along the edge of a forest Mercenary Hirdmen (1 per player character)
pursuing a deer that has eluded them. They have separated Conflict 10/6 Relationships 3 Physical 6
from the rest of the hunters, determined to demonstrate Mental 3 Mystical 2/2 Vitality 10
their skills and not return empty handed. After all, Hrolf
has challenged his friends to provide meat for the banquet If reduced to half their number the mercenaries
the following day. The tracks are fresh and go deep into will make a break for it, although they will fight to
the woods. They are fairly visible at first but very quickly the death if cornered. If you are new to running
nature takes its course and the bushes become more Yggdrasill it is a good opportunity to get to grips
abundant and paths almost non-existent. The player with the combat system in this reasonably straight
characters must dismount quickly in order to not lose forward fight.
track of the game (for hunting, the player characters are
equipped with bows).
The dense vegetation rapidly begins to make the hunt
more difficult, and the player characters should make a Once their opponents have been defeated, the player
Perception + Survival test (SR: 10). Those who succeed characters can search the camp for clues as to the warriors’
realise that the deer has escaped them. They also discover identity. Here is what they find:
more traces left by boots, as well as indications that someone
has picked up dead wood here. However, the nearest farm is • Cast Iron: while these items do not contain any
more than fifteen minutes walk away and the place is pretty evidence regarding the warriors’ identity, they do prove
wild. In addition, this new track plunges into the heart of the group were prepared for a decent-sized journey
the woods. across Denmark. Most interestingly, counting the sets
If they follow this new trail after a few minutes the of equipment proves there may be a horse missing…
player characters can hear some voices (on a Perception • Ritual Objects: inside a cloth, a warrior has gathered
+ Alertness test, SR: 10). It sounds like two or three men a collection of objects related to the practice of magic
talking in dansk tunga (common tongue). The trail leads to (runic bones, herbs, stones, a gold ring engraved with
the edge of a small natural basin about ten metres wide. It esoteric symbols…) A runic or Seidr test (SR: 14) or
is cut in half by a stream that is almost completely frozen another Superstition test (SR: 19) enables them to 61
with a few grey rocks here and there emerging from the identify the nature of this equipment. A critical success
snow. Three horses are tethered here, grazing on some of confirms that they are used to throw a curse.
the rare grass sprouting between snowy patches. The player • Treasure: inside one of the cast iron objects, a leather
characters discover a small camp, with as many men as bag contains tens of gold and silver bracelets. A
there are player characters, all armed. Their equipment, Commerce test (SR: 10) indicates that this sum would
clothes and physicality are reminiscent of Scandian warriors easily suffice to hire the services of the mercenaries for
(hirdmen or mercenaries). They seem to be clearing up a long expedition.
their camp. One of them is burying a campfire in the snow; • Clues about the Mercenaries: their clothing and
most of the rest are kneeling on the ground, packing their weapons are typically Scandinavian. They have the
possessions as they prepare to break camp. Most have their body and stature, as well as the scars, of accomplished
backs turned to the player characters. Unfortunately, one of warriors. The colours and dyes of their clothes, and
the group guards the surroundings, one hand resting on the also the shape of their jewellery and equipment could
hilt of his sword. very well be of Danish origin.
If the player characters are not discreet, the guard
immediately spots them. Otherwise, they should make an
opposed test of INS + Stealth against the warriors (2d10 If the Heroes Capture
+ Mental). If the mercenaries discover the intruders, they a Mercenary…
immediately unsheathe their weapons and rush into battle At first he refuses to speak, but once threatened, he
screaming “No witnesses!” Unfortunately this is not good becomes a lot more talkative. However, he does not know
ground for a fight. It is a steep slope covered in slippery much. He and his friends were engaged by a thulr in Hleidra
snow, but that leaves no one with much of an advantage so who needed an escort to Rohald. They arrived yesterday. In
the Game Master might choose not to impose any penalties. the morning, he performed a strange ritual and enchanted
However, anyone who critically fails a roll might lose their a runic stone. Then he went to the Kjari clan’s city alone.
balance or fall over. The warriors were ordered to wait until tomorrow and
then accompany the thulr to the Danish capital. It seemed • Jarl Hrolf: the characters will most certainly want
apparent that the wizard was also under someone else’s to warn their lord about what they have discovered.
orders, but the mercenary has no idea who. The warrior Seeing their concerned faces, he invites them into a
can also briefly describe the thulr; “tall, thin, black beard, private room in the longhouse and listens in silence
long hair, ordinary outfit…” Not bad, but not enough to to their explanations. Even if he has no suspicions, or
lead an investigation amongst the foreign population in does not want to share them, Hrolf will still take their
Rohald. warning seriously. He wants to get more information,
and decides to order half his guard of hirdmen to stay
sober that evening for added safety. In addition, if the
The Jol festival players think that the target could be one of the guests,
Armed with these clues, the characters are probably the jarl can provide them with information about the
suspecting a plot, one that is probably designed to trigger identity of a few of them. We provide a selection of
during the festivities taking place in Rohald. But by whom, guests below, but feel free to add other notable people
against whom, and for what purpose? The most immediate of your own to increase the false leads, and the player
suspect might be King Frodi, but only if the players are characters’ opportunities for interaction. Some or all
aware of the current political situation in Denmark. of the characters from the appendix may prove useful
However, once they return to the village and take time to here.
investigate, they discover other possibilities. • The Guards: the village doors are only closed at night
An icy wind sweeps the country and the dark sky and, during this period, the guards see many people
promises snow in the evening when the heroes arrive back arriving for the festivities – including many foreigners.
in Rohald. The large village enclosure doors are open and It is difficult for them to designate any ‘suspicious
the guards are unconcerned about the number of carts persons’ if they are questioned. If taken into the player
and travellers entering the enclosure before nightfall. For character’s confidence, they will be more vigilant.
the last week, a hustle and bustle has filled the days in the But the player characters must understand that if the
village. Guests, suppliers and farmers from the surrounding enemy is already here, he has managed to go unnoticed
lands have all been coming to attend the celebrations and until now.
ceremonies, or participate in the big end of year market. • The Stables: with so many visitors, the place is full of
The population has almost doubled during this period, and horses and the boys in charge are overwhelmed with
some of the newcomers now live with friends or relatives. work. Just like the guards, they don’t remember anyone
The rest of the visitors are housed in large tents, wherein a particularly suspicious. However, if the heroes take the
fire burns permanently. In addition, the jarl put a house near time to inspect the horses, they may discover something
the fence at the disposal of his guests (about fifty people). interesting (on a Perception + Search test SR: 12). One
The streets are buzzing with servants, meetings, merchants’ of the animals has exactly the same harness as those of
calls and sports challenges. the warriors they fought earlier in the afternoon. The
If they came back directly, the player characters learn boys are unable to put a face to the rider who gave them
that Hrolf ’s hunting group is not back yet. However, if they the horse. However, if the player characters observe the
decide to go back and search for him, he soon emerges on horses, the owner returns the following morning, after
the horizon with a group of thirty horsemen loaded with the feast, shortly after dawn. It turns out to be the thulr
game. who accompanied the hirdmen. The player characters
From now on, the player characters have plenty of time may be able to intercept him when he is about to leave
to investigate in order to learn more about the conspiracy the city and get some answers.
that is going on, unbeknownst to them. This part of the • The Streets of Rohald: they are jammed with a
adventure is quite free-form and relies on the heroes’ disparate crowd. Merchants, farmers, hirdmen, nobles
decisions. This means it may require a bit of improvisation and their servants, wandering animals, carts, stalls
from the Game Master, depending on what clues they and impromptu meetings… One must jostle their way
choose to follow. However, it is possible to divide this through and of course, it is unlikely to find anyone
chapter into two acts: investigating in Rohald for the rest of amongst this flood of people. The Gamemaster should
the day, and the feast that night. emphasise the fact that there is a very large number of
foreign visitors, unknown to the clan or the other locals
in the village and therefore many potential suspects.
Investigating in Rohald • The Arrival of Gudrid and her Husband: Hrolf ’s eldest
The following detail should give the Game Master the daughter arrives later that afternoon accompanied by
information she needs to answer the questions the players her servants. She married Herjolf Tryggverson two
will ask during their research: years ago, a noble from an allied Danish clan. Her

Winter’s Fall

return is an occasion for a joyous reunion; especially him of being a spy. When provoked, Thangbrand makes a
since the news spreads quickly that the young woman is great effort to remain calm and respond with humour. But,
pregnant and will give birth in the spring. She and her if it goes too far, the jarl himself will intervene. The heroes
husband have just returned from Finland, where they are likely to bet on the king’s emissary’s guilt and to assume
ran a trading post in the name of King Halfdan. With that Hrolf Knudsson is his target. However, nothing shows
the impending birth of their child, Herjolf expressed a that the noble knows anything about the practice of magic
desire to return to Fyn and resume his position in his (although Frodi surrounds himself with many wizards; the
clan. They are accompanied by an entourage of twenty rumour is well known). In addition, during the evening,
or so people: guards, servants and relatives. Amongst Thangbrand proves affable and unreserved, to the point of
them is Stigandi, Herjolf ’s brother (see below), as well ending up blind drunk by morning. He is a tall and well
as three Finnish slaves that the couple wants to offer built man, with a long blond beard blending into his hair,
to Hrolf. Two of these slaves are young women with which is beginning to thin out on top. Aged 40, Thangbrand
golden hair and dark eyes. If a character has the skills is a veteran of many conflicts and is a formidable opponent.
Knowledge (Finland) or Superstition, he remembers Above all he is very intelligent and proud to be Danish.
that it is often said that Finnish women are adept at While he would never say it, he believes that Frodi will lead
witchcraft (SR: 14). The two women are sisters and his kingdom to its ruin.
indeed witches, but they have nothing to do with the Secret: In fact, Thangbrand Dorisson plays a double
current events. However, they may provide a false trail game. He has ingratiated himself with Frodi so he might
in the player characters’ investigation (or give them a become an emissary to the Danish lords who may well
clue about the nature of the curse - although they do intend to overthrow Frodi once the sons of Halfdan are
not speak dansk tunga). found.

Sigr Gunarsson (Noble): Hrolf ’s Norwegian cousin is a

The Jarl’s Guests big, bawdy and earthy man. His wit is equal to that of many
As evening draws near, so does the great feast everyone skalds, but few of his stories are to be believed. However,
has been looking forward to. There are several characters he is quick to apologise sincerely if he offends someone
who will be present at the evening banquet, some of which inadvertently, and to suggest any misunderstandings be
the player characters may be able to talk to during the day. drowned in large quantities of beer.
Each brings the player characters an opportunity to use Secret: During the night, despite being drunk, Sigr slips
their social skills. Feel free to add new NPCs of your own away discreetly out of the longhouse and heads to a secret
creation if you feel the desire or need for it. After each name rendezvous… with a maid. 63
you will find their character type so you can assign them
statistics (see the Yggdrasill Core Rulebook, page 179). Use Kurt Wendeler (Merchant): This lean, slender and
the basic statistics for these extras, but modify them with hairless Jute scrutinises everything that surrounds him.
additional traits if you wish. Representing the king of Jutland, he came to complete a
Amongst the guests, there are also numerous merchants, trading treaty between his sovereign and the Kjari clan.
Danish Swedish and Norwegian travellers, Hrolf Knudsson’s This contract should end years of hostility between the two
vassals, his hirdmen, Herjolf and Gudrid’s followers, a few neighbours who have been committing acts of piracy, and
bondi… In total (including the servants who are working reprisals for piracy on each other for years.
around the tables) there are more than two hundred people Secret: Kurt is a spy in the service of a powerful vassal
gathering in the jarl’s longhouse to celebrate Jol. of the King of Jutland, who is considering attacking Rohald
The longhouse where the celebrations are to be held is as soon as spring arrives. A display of force from the Kjari
much the same as those described in the Yggdrasill Core clan (like solving the plot with panache) should discourage
Rulebook. It is built on two levels as, while the Kjari clan is his occult master in his endeavour.
not very rich, it has a glorious history and an old reputation.
Thus, the player characters may know (on a Saga test SR: 7) Thorgren Dormalsson (Skald): Neither very skilled
that the longhouse was said to have been built by the sons of nor very handsome, Thorgren mostly seeks to take
Kjari after he killed a troll raging across this land. This feat advantage of the jarl’s hospitality in order to spend the
earned Kjari the title to the lands from his lord, which were Jol holidays in the warm, in front of a good table. This
totally wild at the time, so that he could found his own clan. inveterate traveller from Sweden has, despite his mere 27
years, been through all the kingdoms of Scandia and has
Thangbrand Dorisson (Noble): Thangbrand is King swallowed impressive quantities of food and beer. During
Frodi’s lieutenant, and one of his vassals. He came to Rohald the evening, his table neighbours beg him for a song.
to officially present Hrolf with a gift as a token of the Danish Embarrassed and drunk, Throgren rises and begins a story
monarch’s friendship. So the players may quickly suspect heard the previous month in Hleidra. The song boasts
about Frodi’s victory in becoming King of the Danes. participated in, or even get them to make one up).
The skald is not trying to provoke the assembly; he is One of Hrolf ’s friends rises suddenly and insists that
just, in all innocence, completely ignorant of the political the heroes narrate this episode. Soon enough, the
situation in Denmark and of the Kjari’s position. However, other guests bang their fists on the table to support
his intervention is likely to lead to a clash between the his request. Of course, the assembly expect a colourful
supporters of the King (travellers) and Hrolf ’s subjects. story, not just simple facts. Here, a skald in the group
can demonstrate his talent for storytelling.
The story finished one of a vassal jarl’s hirdmen
Feast in the Longhouse laughs out loud. Without any finesse, he loudly doubts
All night long the party is raucous, with feasting, singing the veracity of these facts and lets out a few sarcastic
and games. At the height of the evening, as the freezing words about the player characters. He is not as drunk
wind beats against a wooden shutter, a brief silence falls as he appears though, and he and his comrades (all
over the room. Everyone remembers that spirits are lurking hirdmen extras) are up for any challenge the heroes
outside. But soon enough, drinking horns collide and the may wish to throw at them. Despite the bravado,
party resumes. Let the players do what they want during this all takes place in a friendly atmosphere; no one
the banquet. If they are not doing anything special except is trying to seriously insult the player characters.
for spying on the guests or drinking, introduce a few of the However, the hirdman is trying to provoke these
events listed below and then go directly to the morning. ‘youngsters’, a custom at such banquets. It is a rite to
However, they can use this opportunity to meet NPCs and orally provoke a hero into a good-natured challenge
try to continue their investigations. without serious consequence. Some examples of
possible events are: a fighting game in the middle of
• The Oaths: At the beginning of the evening, the Jarl’s the room (between the fire pits), archery (across the
weapons are brought onto the platform, in front long house full of people), emptying drinking horns,
of Hrolf Knudsson’s seat. His sword rests on two arm wrestling and any other martial challenges you
magnificent gold figurines: a bear and a wolf. One can think up.
by one, the lord’s vassals and hirdmen (including
the player characters if any of them belong to this • Family Troubles: During the evening, a few attentive
category) come to renew their oath and loyalty to and still sober player characters notice Herjolf leave
the Kjari clan. Hrolf takes the opportunity to offer the jarl’s table to join his followers, who happen to be
them gold, silver bracelets and other gifts, including sitting almost in front of them. Through the smoke and
clothing, furs and jewellery. flames of the main fire, they can see Gudrid’s husband,
all smiles, sharing a horn with his men. Most of them
• The Skald: Once the oaths are finished, Hrolf signals are toasting enthusiastically but a small group of
the beginning of the banquet and slaves rush to fill diners at the end of the table seem less demonstrative
up the horns and cover the tables with food (much (on a Perception + Empathy test ST: 12). This group
of which was caught in the morning’s hunt). A skald is made up of Stigandi, Herjolf ’s younger brother, and
appears in the middle of the assembly and, with a his four bodyguards. If the heroes question him about
loud but pleasant voice, recites an old poem that his attitude, he denies the allegations and explains
captures most of the guests’ attention. This tale is that he and his younger brother have always been very
the one detailed on pages 174-175 of the Yggdrasill different and have never felt very close. If asked about
Core Rulebook, which tells of Ragnarök, which you it in private, Gudrid adds that Stigandi was assured
may choose to read out. A short silence follows the the regency of the clan in the absence of Herjolf. But
last word. Then the jarl rises, holds his chiselled horn with the birth of their child and the decision to return
in front of him and declares: “For Odin! For the to the island of Fyn, it is the eldest who will wear the
Gods! Sköl!” At which the assembled company drinks crown when they return after the holidays.
The last revellers leave the longhouse not long before
• The Challenge: Amongst those present are many of the dawn. Many guests stay on site, sleeping on benches or
jarl’s hirdmen as well as many guests. Each and every directly on the ground. Hrolf and his wife return to their
one of them competes with each other to brag about apartments on the first floor. A few hirdmen (or the player
their exploits, real or fictitious. The characters’ fight, characters) might stand guard at the foot of the stairs. The
which occurred earlier in the day, may have reached most important guests return to the guest house made
the ears of a few clan members (if they managed to available by the jarl near the village’s entrance. Jol’s night
cover up this event, find another encounter they have ends without any further incident.

Winter’s Fall

The Curse servants and questioned the people who worked in the
At first glance, the player characters have not yet been longhouse yesterday. While it is a tedious and long job,
able to determine the existence of a conspiracy, or even it enables them to obtain a description of the thulr, as he
the target. However, they have probably made several was the only visitor that nobody seems to know (the
assumptions. The night passes quickly and the sun is already player characters might attempt a Communication
rising. As soon as the first rays of sun chase away the night- + Search test SR: 14 to discover this). If the player
time mist, snow starts to fall abundantly on Rohald and characters discover this in the morning they will also
its surroundings. The visibility, even within the village, is find that their suspect has just left the village. They
limited and the cold forces people to stay within the warmth must run after him and catch up in terrible weather
of their homes. conditions (wind, cold, snow: Stamina + Riding SR:
If the heroes stay in the longhouse, they will be able to 14).
witness the first event of the day. Otherwise, a servant will, If the players suspect Stigandi or Thangbrand, they
at the request of Hrolf, fetch them very quickly. may monitor the guesthouse where these two men
reside. In that case, they see a figure wearing a cloak
• The Jarl’s Disease: Even from the foot of the stairs in the entering the building at dawn and leaving shortly after.
longhouse, groans can be heard coming from Hrolf ’s After questioning the servants there, they learn that
room on the upstairs floor. Hrolf will be found writhing the unknown man (the thulr) visited Herjolf ’s brother.
in pain in his bed, his hands pressed on his stomach. The wizard then goes to the stables to prepare for his
His deeply concerned wife demands the presence of a departure, where the player characters might follow
doctor and yells at the servants. him in order to intercept and identify him (his horse
The player characters may suspect poisoning, so having been a clue yesterday)
they might start searching for evidence, such as in The thulr (whose name is Bjorn Gruensson)
the jarl’s drinking horn, in the remaining pitchers on is an ordinary-looking Norwegian, without any
the table and by interviewing the slaves and servants, distinguishing features. He is not very courageous
etc. A Survival test (ST:14) or Medicine test (ST:10) and reveals everything he knows straightaway if
indicates the symptoms are actually gastroenteritis. If threatened with physical violence. He’s smart enough
no player character has these skills, the village’s healer to cover his tracks if he has been interrogated,
gives this diagnosis after examining the lord. The and will threaten to cast a spell on his opponents.
player characters can, of course, question the diagnosis; However, he’s bluffing (noticeable with an Empathy
however it is exactly what it is. With a few remedies test SR: 19) as he does not know that kind of spell. He
and some good rest, the jarl will be up by the next day. finally confesses to being hired to harm Gudrid and 65
While this whole affair is something of a red reveals the presence of cursed runes he has hidden
herring, the news of the illness spreads quickly along in her purse. He claims not to know the name of his
with a rumour of poison. The heroes may have to take employer, but he can make a very accurate physical
some time to restore the truth and reassure the Kjari description, from which the player characters should
clan’s members. easily recognise Stigandi.

• Gudrid: Hrolf ’s daughter and her husband are staying • Tracking the Villain: one way or another, by chance
in the longhouse. With all the commotion, the couple or thanks to their intuition and wisdom, the player
comes down to see what is happening. But the young characters’ suspicions should eventually land on
woman goes back to bed quickly, without waiting for Herjolf ’s brother, Stigandi, as the instigator of the plot.
the doctor’s opinion regarding the state of her father. They can attempt to catch him and thwart his plans. If
She is feverish and if Herjolf is questioned about it, the thulr is unmasked, the heroes have the necessary
he simply says that Gudrid has probably just caught a evidence. Accusing a Danish nobleman without proof
cold. At least, that’s what she herself says. This snippet is a huge insult, and he can choose either to simply
of information will actually lead the player characters ignore the player characters and leave, or to challenge
to the real conspiracy, but it is likely to get lost amidst them.
the panic over the jarl’s condition. If his treachery is revealed, make sure that Herjolf
is elsewhere, preferably by his wife’s bed so that the
• The Thulr: There are several ways to find his trail. player characters must solve this problem themselves
The easiest way is to monitor the stables as described (at worst, he asks them to bring him his treacherous
earlier. The heroes might also have investigated the brother).
The Villain’s Conspiracy
Despite his young age, Stigandi is ambitious and dreams of governing his clan. He got a taste for power when
he was assured of the regency when Herjolf left to lead the Danish trading post in Finland. He has no intention of
giving it up. Strigandi is more loyal to Frodi, and the ways of Hleidra. But the thing’s law will crown Herjolf if he
decides to claim the title, which Herjolf intends to do as soon as he returns to his lands.
Stigandi does not want to kill his brother; such a gesture, even undiscovered, would draw too much suspicion
and tear his clan apart. However, he understands that Herjolf decided to return to the island of Fyn in order to
raise his child. In Hleidra, Stigandi hired one of the many wizards serving Frodi, as well as several mercenaries to
protect him. He planned to use the thulr to cast a curse on Gudrid so that she loses her child, or even dies giving
birth. Without any reason to stay, Herjolf would return to Finland (he himself confessed to his brother how
important his wife and future family meant to him).
The thulr made the trip to Rohald and enchanted a runic stone in the nearby forest (using the negative runes
Bjarken and Uruz). He discreetly entered the village, mingled with the servants. Each vassal has his own who
serves them at the banquet, so nobody paid attention to this unknown face amongst the others. Then he skilfully
slipped his cursed stones into the purse that hangs permanently at Gudrid’s side, which also contains other stones
engraved with protective runes for her pregnancy. In order to recognise the curse for what it is and which stone is
responsible for her illness, a successful test of Runes (ST: 14) must be performed.
Once his work accomplished, the thulr planned to wait for the departure of the first merchants in the morning,
in order to mingle with them and leave Rohald quietly. The heroes have only two hours in which they might
intercept him, and only one day to save Gudrid (and her baby) who weakens before their very eyes.
The player characters may be curious as to where Stigandi found enough gold to hire these people. They may
suspect Frodi is behind this but Strigandi will never reveal his source.

Even though Stigandi may have now been unmasked, he identify them (see above). Once this is accomplished,
refuses to surrender. Understanding that his plan has failed, one thing remains: destroying the stones responsible
he tries to get to the horses at the stables so he can to flee, for the woman’s ill health. Let’s hope that our heroes
accompanied by his faithful companions (one hirdmen per will come in time, before midday. If they leave things
player character). until nightfall, they can still save the mother, but the
If the heroes intercept them, the conspirators draw their child will be lost. By the following day, it will be too
weapons and rush into battle, aiming to cut down anything late for them both.
in their way. As this scene is the climax, wherever it takes
place take some time to set the scene to make it more Epilogue
dramatic (in the guesthouse with its large central fireplace, If he survives the battle, Stigandi is brought before
in the stables with the horses, in the streets under the snow, his elder brother who can hardly resist the desire to kill
etc). him. However, Herjolf instead pronounces a sentence
If the characters had time to prepare for the of banishment against Stigandi and his remaining men.
confrontation, they may be accompanied by Hrolf ’s Stigandi leaves Rohald as a pariah. Maybe one day he
hirdmen, at least those who did not drink during the will resurface, determined to take his revenge on the
dinner (half a dozen hirdmen extras) which should members of the Kjari clan who prevented him from
facilitate their task. The heroes should succeed in taking becoming jarl…
down their opponents, or to call for reinforcements if the Hrolf will be recovering from his ailments, and the
situation becomes too complicated for them. In the worst festivities and ceremonies dedicated to the gods resume.
case, Stigandi flees Rohald and disappears into the blizzard The heroes are honoured accordingly and even the veterans
where it will be impossible to find him. who raised doubts about their abilities are praising them
now. At this time, there is no doubt that a glorious destiny
• Saving Gudrid: this requires the characters to unmask awaits them.
the thulr or to discover the presence of the evil runes and

Winter’s Fall

Non-player Characters Stigandi Tryggverson

Except for Stigandi, each of the characters in this 1.72m 71 kg 21 years old
adventure use the statistics appropriate for the type of
extras they are (see the Yggdrasill Core Rulebook, page Body: Strength 3 Vigour 2 Agility 3
179). However, we have repeated most of them here for Spirit: Intellect 2 Perception 2 Tenacity 2
convenience, and all traits have been included in the profile Soul: Charisma 2 Instinct 3 Com 3
already. The village’s inhabitants are simple bondi, and most
of the visitors are merchants and villagers, without any Gifts and Weaknesses: Agile, Sharp senses, Misogynist.
particular characteristics.
Reaction: 6 Movement: 5
The Warriors of Rohald (Hirdmen) Encumbrance: 8
Conflict 11/7 Relationships 6 Physical 6 Physical Defence: 7 Mental Defence: 7
Mental 4 Mystical 2/3 Vitality 10 Hit Points: 49 (24/12/0)
Furor Pool: 3
Traits: Leader, Veteran.
Skills: Acrobatics 4, Athletics 5, Dodge 3, Eloquence 3,
Stigandi’s Men (Hirdmen) Empathy 2, Intimidation 5, Knowledge (Danish Politics)
Conflict 11/9 Relationships 3 Physical 6 6, Ride 6, Search 3, Superstition 1, Survival 3, Tactics 4,
Mental 3 Mystical 2/3 Vitality 12 Traditions 3, Vigilance 6, Hand-to-hand 3, Long Weapons
8, Pole Arms 6.
Traits: Superior Protection, Veteran. Combat Feats: Stun (1), Head butt (2), Leap of the Lynx
(1), Friendly fire (2), Iron Defence (2).
Bjorn Gruensson (Thulr) Equipment: laminated leather armour, helmet, leather
Conflict 4/3 Relationships 5 Physical 4 gauntlets, long sword, spear, shield (total protection: 10).
Mental 7 Mystical 10/4 Vitality 8 Renown: 14

Traits: Coward, Initiate.


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