Grammar For Intercom One
Grammar For Intercom One
Grammar For Intercom One
7. Conjunction: is a word which is used to join two nouns, two sentence or Two
دوجمله ويادوكلمه استفاده ميشود، كلمه است براي ربط دادن دو اسم:حرف ربط.
They are consisting: and, but, or, too….
Ex: Ali and Wail are brothers. I study hard but she doesn’t
Ex: Study your lessons or leave the course.
8. Interjection: is word which is used to show some sudden feeling.
كلمه است كه احساسات را نشان ميدهد:حرف ندا.
Ex:Wow! What a nice car! , Hurrah! We won the game!
9. Article: is a word which is used with a noun or adjective to determine it.
كلمه است كه يك اسم ويا يك صفت رامعين ميسازد:حرف تعريف.
Ex: The tall place, A good boy, An excellent student.
Article is divided into two parts:
1. Definite article. حروف تعريف معين
2. Indefinite article. حروف تعريف نامعين
Definite article: there is only one definite article in English language which is (The).
.) ميباشدthe(درزبان انگليسي فقط يك حرف تعريف معين وجود داردكه عبارت از: حرف تعريف معين
Ex: The Sun is shining; I have the first position in the class.
Indefinite Article:
1) (A) Is used before the nouns which started with a consonant letter.
قبل ازاسم هاي استفاده ميشودكه به حروف بيصدا شروع شده باشد.
Ex: A book, a pen.
2) (an) Is used before the nouns which started with a vowel letter.
قبل ازاسم هاي استفاده ميشودكه به حروف صدادار شروع شده باشد.
Ex: an apple, an orange, an egg, Ahmad is an intelligent student.
WH (information questions)
سواالت معلوماتی
Are those which are used to get information about persons, places or things?
They are consisting: what, who, when, where, which, why and how.
عبارت ازسواالت هستندكه براي گرفتن معلومات در مورداشخاص اشيا و مكان استفاده ميشود.
Ex: who supports your family? My father supports my family.
The usage of information question
What: is used to get information about things, or personal information.
Ex: what is this? This is a pen. What is your name?
Who: is used to get information about persons.
Ex: who help you with your lessons?
When: is used to get information about time.
Ex: When will you leave here?.
Where: is used to get information about place.
Ex: Where is your house located?.
Which: is used to get information about choice or expressing the choice.
Ex: which city is the most beautiful city for you?
Why: is used for receiving result or reason.
Prepared by Department of khaybar Educational Center.
Khaybar Educational Center آموزشگاه علمی خیبر
Are those sentences which are used to tell someone to do something or not to do
something, Imperative sentence is divided in to two parts?
عبارت از جمالت هستندكه به كردن ونكردن يك عمل شخص را وادار ميسازدجمالت امریه به: جمالت امريه
دوبخش تقسیم شده است.
1) Positive Imperative. جمالت امريه مثبت.
2) Negative Imperative. جمالت امريه منفي.
(1): Positive imperative: are those sentences which are used to tell someone to do
عبارت از جمالت هستند كه به كردن عمل شخص را وادار ميسازد: جمالت امريه مثبت.
Ex: Bring me a glass of water. (Positive)
Ex: Don’t speak with each other. (Negative)
Pluralizing of Nouns
We can only make countable nouns plural.
Ex: Book = books. Car = Cars. School = Schools.
We can’t make uncountable nouns plural.
Ex: Milk = Milks
We can make countable nouns plural into two ways.
1. Regular nouns
2. Irregular nouns
Ex: Boy = boys (regular nouns)
Ex: Man = Men (Irregular nouns)
We can make countable nouns plural by adding (s) or (es) at the end of them.
(a): we add (es) at the end of nouns which end with(S,SS,CH,SH,X,Z,O).
Ex: bus = buses. Class = classes. Watch = watches. Brush = brushes. Box = boxes.
(b): nouns end with (f) or (fe) change (f/fe) in to (v) and add (es).
Ex: knife = knives. Wife = wives.
Note: there are some exceptions as follows……
Ex: Roof = Roofs. Chief = Chiefs.
(c) : nouns end in (y) and followed a consonant change (y) to (i) and add (es).
Ex: City = Cities. Party = parties. Baby = babies.
(d) : nouns ends in (y) and followed a vowel add only (s) without change.
Ex: Boy = boys.
2.: Irregular Nouns:
Irregular nouns are not pluralized by adding (s/es) so we can make them plural by adding a
suffix or change their vowels letters.
) جمع نميشوندبدين لحاظ ما ميتوانيم آنها را با افزودن يك پيشوندويا تغير دادنs/es( اسم هاي بي قاعده با افزودن
.يكي از حروف صدادارشان آنها را جمع بسازيم
Ex: Man = Men. Child = Children. Foot = Feet. Tooth = Teeth