List of ICT Companies 200121
List of ICT Companies 200121
List of ICT Companies 200121
No Company Address Specializing in providing Contact No. Contact Person Email Webpage
46-1 Jalan Bayu Mutiara 1,
Anewtech Systems Sdn 604-508 4830;
1 Taman Bayu Mutiara, 14000, Embedded Computing Solutions -
Bhd 604-508 4920
Disclaimer: The content of the list is not comprehensive and it is for general information purposes only and does not constitute advice. InvestPenang has taken all reasonable measures to ensure that the information in the list is
correct. However, InvestPenang gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or the completeness of the information contained in this list. All content and information in the list might be changed or updated
without notice.
Note: Companies/ Agencies not in the list and would like to be included in the list, please contact Tel: 04-646 8833