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Salvage Union BETA Quickstart Digital Final v1.5

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UNION Aled Lawlor & Panayiotis Lines

©2022 All Rights Reserved

Beta Quickstart Guide v 1.5

Panayiotis Lines, Aled Lawlor, Malcolm Illidge
Alex Connolly, Hamish Frater, Francesco Silva, Aled Lawlor MECH WORKSHOP 10
- Hauler // Atlas 14 - 17
LAYOUT & DESIGN - Scout // Gopher 18 - 21
Aled Lawlor - Soldier // Brawler 22 - 25
- Hacker // Mantis 26 - 29
EDITING - Engineer // Magpie 30 - 33
Panayiotis Lines, Aled Lawlor - Salvager // Jackhammer 34 - 37


Malcolm Illidge, Joe Ewen, Tom Goodacre, - The Core Mechanic 40
Arthur Billington, Rupert Greyling, Matthew Marshall, - Pushing your Mech & Pilot 41 - 42
Peter Coffey, Lawrence Van Der Merwe, Benjamin - Reactor & Stress Overload Tables 43
Wenham, Dave Parkinson, Pierre Vagneur-Jones, Martyn - Who Acts First? 44
“Pops” Allan, Brian Wille, Artimus Killian, Wesley Beding- - Distances 46
field - Attacks 48
- Critical Damage and Injury Tables 50 - 51
- Salvaging 54 - 58
- Downtime 59
This is a BETA release.
all content is subject to change. - Consequences 63
- NPC Actions, Reactions, and Morale 65 - 67
- NPC Profiles 68 - 83


This work uses material from the Quest Creators - System Tables 84 - 90
Resource. The Quest Creators Resource by The Adventure - Module Tables 91 - 95
Guild, LLC is licensed under CC BY 4.0. - Defined Terms 95 - 99


© 2022 Leyline Press
All Rights Reserved.


2 3
“The world’s a quiet place now. The thrum of a reactor;
the hiss of a radio; the whistling of the wind. That’s the
company I like to keep out in the wastes.
Until you find something worth having. Then all hell
breaks loose.”

-Unknown Salvager

4 5
Welcome to the Union settlements across the wastes. Such a
settlement may only have access to a
Some folk view salvagers as avenging
angels, a beacon of hope in a fallen world,
Each player will need:
- Access to these rules
single mech but they’re vital for survival in others as merely opportunists no better - A 20 sided die
Salvage Union is a tabletop roleplaying
being able to travel safely through the rad than the corpos. Some simply view them - A Pilot Sheet
game where you play as a rag-tag group
soaked waste and scavenge for scrap. as a place to call home. - A Mech Sheet
of Mech Pilots who make ends meet by
- Something to write or type with
salvaging scrap within the post-apoca- What stories will they tell about you?
Around one percent of the world lives in
lyptic wastelands.
Corporate Arcologies or Arcos. These The game is designed to be run for a few
The Pilots known as Salvagers live on a
Arcos take a variety of forms from cloud
spires, to biodomes, to underwater city-
The Players hours (3-4) and ideally in a comfortable,
quiet place without many distractions.
huge Mech called a Union Crawler which
scapes. The majority of those within an Salvage Union is designed to be played
houses their entire community.
Arco live existences of bondage, tied by
debt to their corpo and made to work it
with around 3-6 players. How to play
This Quickstart is designed as a simple
off in perpetuity. A tiny percentage at the One of these players takes on the role of
introduction to get you straight into the The core play of Salvage Union is a
top of their Arcos hierarchy live in gross The Mediator. Their role is to structure the
action and rolling dice. conversation between the players and
luxury. The corpos form a fragmented situations and narrative presented to the
oligarchy that rules by the immense The Mediator.
players in the game, take on the role of
The Setting power they can exert. non-player characters in the game world The Mediator will describe the situation
and adjudicate the various rules of the that the players find themselves in, this
Salvage Union is set in a post apocalyptic The Salvage Unions form a resistance to game. A more generic name for The Medi-
this dichotomy. They neither suffer static can include details such as the location,
world similar to earth a few hundred ator in other tabletop roleplaying games is
slow death in the wastes nor the author- the other characters in the gameworld
years into the future. In this world nuclear the Games Master.
itarian rule of the corpos. Instead they and any dangers that are present.
reactor powered Mechs are used in a vast
range of applications from agriculture, have formed their own self sustaining All other players in the game take on the
community by joining together workers, The players then describe what they want
assembly work, mining and of course role of Mech Pilots known in the game
salvagers, pilots, technicians, cooks and to do and The Mediator describes the
warfare. world as salvagers. Players can control
all manner of free spirits. Together they outcome of their action.
both their Mech and Pilot in the game
The world is a scarred one. A combina- work outside the boundaries of corpo- and the game is designed so switching
rate controlled territory, salvaging from The Mediator decides this outcome based
tion of global warming, deforestation, between the two is quick and simple.
the carcass of endless growth to offer on the narrative situation within the game
pollution, nuclear fallout and endless
freedom, life and hope to the people. and the choices that the player makes.
war have made the planet a shadow of
its former self. There was no great event Things you need Sometimes this is uncertain and The
Mediator can ask the player to roll a dice
that signalled the apocalypse, just slow From these walking home bases they
range out into the wastes with a hodge- Salvage Union can be played in person or to help determine the outcome.
entropy. Like rusting steel the world grew
red and crumbled apart. podge of scrap built Mechs. Whilst no online with a camera and microphone. We
match for a well armed Corpo lance they recommend playing in person for the best Salvage Union uses only one die, the d20,
can triumph through their grit, determina- tabletop experience. to resolve all of its outcomes.
Most people are known as wastelanders
and eke out a living in small, scattered tion and cunning.

6 7
Safety Tools and gore, you might describe a group
of wastelanders being massacred by a
rampaging Mech with the grim sounds of
Salvage Union explores a post-apoca-
metal and shouting in the background.
lyptic setting with elements that may be
distressing or uncomfortable for some
Or some groups may want to explore
players. We recommend the use of safety
sexual relationships between characters
tools to create a safe and welcoming
within the game but would want things to
environment for everyone to play the
fade to black during the actual scene of
game in.

Boundaries Some players may realise something is

out of bounds only when they hear it.
Before you begin the game, you should If you notice a player is uncomfortable
ask the players in your group to let you during a game, ask them if they are okay
know if there is any subject matter that to keep playing before continuing.
is sensitive for them. You can use these
categories to help create boundaries for
your story’s content.
Stop Sign
Players can use a STOP SIGN to signal
Out of Bounds: If something is out of
when something makes them uncom-
bounds that means you should not use
fortable or when they need to pause the
it in your story. For example, if a player
says that graphic descriptions of torture
are out of bounds, everyone in the group
The stop sign can be anything your group
should agree not to use that subject
agrees to use. It can be a verbal cue (like
matter in the game. Things that are out of
a safe word), a gesture or a card that you
bounds should not be part of the game.
hold up.
Off Camera: There are some topics that
If someone uses a stop sign, pause
might be okay to include within the game,
but not in detail. In this case, you should the game to find out why by talking to
reference these events indirectly or meta- each other out of character. Listen to
other players if they need to set a new
phorically as if they are happening off
boundary, and respect the boundaries of
screen in the background.
other players in your group.
A player can use a stop sign at any time
For example, if a player is uncomfort-
within the game and doesn’t need to
able with detailed descriptions of blood
justify its use.

8 9
Pilots & Mechs Key Terms Defined Terms section on p. 95. inventory, by default all Pilots have six
inventory slots.
In Salvage Union you play as both your These terms describe some of the key Structure Points (SP) Abilities
This represents how tough a Mech is and These are skills your Pilot has trained
Pilot and your Mech. The core of the features of your Mech and Pilot. The
how much damage it can take. When over years of practice. These can be
game will involve controlling your Mech Quickstart Mechs and Pilots have all been
on missions in the wastelands, with constructed for you so this is a quick your Mech’s Structure Points reduce to learned and improved, as your character
0 you roll on the Critical Damage Table progresses. In this Quickstart some
your Pilot in the cockpit. However some primer to help you understand the basics
to see what happens. Your Mech can default abilities have been given to each
situations may just involve your Pilot and of how things work.
be destroyed, lose Systems, Modules or pre-constructed Pilot.
others can involve a mixture of your Pilot
suffer other damaging effects.
and your Mech. For example if your Pilot Further details on these terms and how
is forced to eject during a fight and go out they’re applied an be found later on in
Energy Points (EP) Hit Points (HP)
on foot. the rules section, along with all the other Hit points denote how tough your Pilot, as
Your Mech has a number of Energy Points
information you’ll need to play the game. well as other NPC’s within the game are.
When controlling their Mech a Pilot can’t based on it’s Chassis. You can spend
these points to use abilities that your When your Pilot’s Hit Points reaches 0
take significant actions like attacking.
Systems & Modules 1 Mech has access to from it’s Systems, you must roll on the Critical Injury Table to
see what happens. They can die, or gain
The rules are designed so flowing These include weapons such as the Modules and sometimes Pilot. To restore
Energy Points your Mech must spend 1 temporary, or permanent injuries.
between Pilot and Mech play is simple as 30mm Autocannon and hardware such
they both use similar mechanics. as a Rigging Arm. Each of these Systems week of repair and maintenance at the
confers different abilities on your mech. Union Crawler Mech Bay as part of your Ability Points (AP)
Downtime. Your Pilot has a number of Ability Points.
Choose a Mech & Pilot Modules are software, information and The default number is 5. You can spend
electronic warefare systems installed in Heat these points to use abilities your Pilot
Your choice of Mech and Pilot is the most your Mech. They confer a wide range of Your Mech has a maximum Heat Capacity has access to. To restore Ability Points
important decision in Salvage Union as abilities and include the likes of Survey based on its Chassis. This represents the you must rest and recuperate upon the
this is what you will be controlling for Scanners and Hacking Chips. Heat efficiency and load of its reactor. Union Crawler for 1 week as part of your
most of the game. Your Mech generates Heat as it suffers Downtime.
Each System and Module has a Slot value, the rigour of the wastelands. A Mech
This quickstart guide offers you a choice generates 2 Heat when the Pilot pushes
of six different Mech and Pilot combi-
denoting how many Slots it takes up on Stress
your Mech. the reactor. A Mech also generates Heat Your Pilot can accumulate Stress as you
nations. These have a mix of default when firing weapons that have the ‘Hot’ play the game. You generate 2 Stress
options. There are further Downtime rules System and Module slots and the number trait such as the Rail Rifle or Green Laser. when you Push your Pilot. You can also
in this Quickstart Guide on upgrading and of slots a System or Module requires, are Environmental effects like radiation generate Stress as the result of a Tough
customising your Mech with Salvage that storms can also generate Heat.
indicated with the following symbol 1 . Choice or Mediator consequence. When
you find. The core game will have even
you reach your Stress Capacity, as well as
more customisation rules allowing you to
Systems and Modules also have Traits
Equipment every time you Push, you must make a roll
design a Mech and Pilot from scratch and Physical hardware carried by your Pilot.
which are listed in bold, like Load or on the Stress Overload Table.
use a wide variety of different configura- Each item takes up one slot in your
tions. Ballistic. These are all listed in the

10 11
Cargo Capacity Pilot Flaws
A Mechs Cargo Slots represents how Your Pilot’s flaw is a character weakness,
much it can carry. By default a Mech vice or aspect of their personality that
has 6 Cargo Slots. Cargo Capacity can affects them detrimentally. It could be
further be increased by installing Systems that they are naive, judgemental, inflexible
such as Transport Holds or Cargo Bays or have an addictive personality. Once per
into your Mech as well as through some downtime if you take an action that aligns
unique Chassis and Pilot abilities. with your flaw you may push it for free.

Tech Level T1 Pilot Background

A Mech’s Tech Level broadly represents Your Pilot’s background is where they
how advanced it is. There are 6 Tech came from before they joined the Union
Levels in the game and Mech’s of higher Crawler. They could have been a waste-
Tech Levels tend to be more powerful lander, a corpo exile, a wanderer or even
with higher statistics in one or multiple a born salvager. Once per downtime if
areas. you take an action that aligns with your
By nature however higher Tech Mechs background you may push it for free.
are more expensive to build, upkeep and
repair. Tech levels are indicated with the Pilot Motto
following symbol T1. Your motto is a phrase you happen to be
fond of using. Once per downtime you

Salvage Value 🛠
may say this phrase at a time that feels
appropriate and another Pilot may push
A Mech’s Salvage Value represents a for free.
wide range of factors relating to its
salvageability, repairability, craftability and Pilot Keepsake
bulk. Systems and Modules also have a Your keepsake is an item that is personal
salvage value which works in a similar and important to you. It could be an old
way. Salvage value is indicated with the photograph, a childhood bobblehead
following symbol 🛠1. toy or a music mixtape from an old
sweetheart. Once per downtime you
Pilot Ideals may interact with your Keepsake as a
Your Pilot’s ideal is something they Short Action to reduce your Stress by 4.
strongly believe in. It could be a simple Alternatively once per downtime you may
concept like tradition, independence or use your Keepsake to reroll on the Stress
fairness; or something more complex Table as a Reaction.
such as a philosophical or religious
system of belief. Once per downtime if
you take an action that aligns with your
ideal you may push it for free.

12 13
HAULER Profile
Portable Comms Unit
2AP Folk Song
Short Action (10 Minutes)

You sing a song that kindles strong feel-

A hand held communication device that ings in NPCs nearby. (The song has no
Callsign: uses a radio frequency. This allows you to effect on hostile NPCs or those that can’t
Commodore communicate with anything that has the understand you.)
Communicator trait.
Background: Range: Long Read or sing the chorus of a song at the
Wastelander Free Action // Communicator table and describe your performance.
You may write your own or use one from
Ideal: Revolver another songwriter.
Family is everything
A six shooter revolver, just like in the Choose a mood to set
Flaw: movies. for your audience:
The ends justify the means Range: Close // Damage: 2HP
Ballistic // Concealable Bright: Hearts swell with friendly enthu-
Keepsake: siasm, sparking joyful conversations.
Bobblehead Toy Somber: The audience falls silent and
Rigging Jack begins a sorrowful reflection on their
Motto: suffering.
No job too big This hydraulic jack can aid in the heavy Proud: Zealous feelings are ignited,
lifting of salvage. making the crowd noisy and excitable.
Abilities No Job Too Big
Health: 10 Passive

2AP Let’s Make a Deal Any Mech you pilot gains an additional
Ability Pts: 10 Short Action (10 Minutes)
6 Cargo Slots. This has been included in
your Mech’s profile.

Stress: 10 You make a deal with a group of waste-

landers, traders, corpos or any other
willing humanoid. This allows you to
make an arrangement with them for aid,
healing, use of their facilities or anything
Inventory Slots else you can think of. You must offer
them something of actual value to you
1 - Revolver 4- as part of the deal such as salvage or
significant help.
2 - Rigging Jack 5-
The Mediator will adjudicate if it is a fair
3 - Portable Comms Unit 6- deal or not.

14 15
ATLAS The Mk8 ‘Atlas’ was developed by Evantis Heavy
Comms Module
T1 1 🛠1
These externally mounted speakers can

Industries as a mobile, well armoured, resupply T1 1 🛠1 be clearly heard by anything up to Long

Range of you. You may talk through them
base. Following the Colonial War of Independence This array of telecommunications wires or play some beats.
Evantis focused its production on colossal Mech and receivers allows you to communicate Range: Long
production, making the Atlas the ‘smallest’ of with anything with the Communicator
their line. This led to the Atlas being collo- Trait.
quially called the ‘Evantis Scout’. Range: Long // Communicator Emergency Hatch
T1 1 🛠1
Personal Recreation Allows you to escape your mech in an
emergency. See p 85 for details.
Device T1 1 🛠1 Reactive

Your Mech is installed with a Personal

Recreation Device of your choice. You Blue Mining Laser
may use this device once per downtime to T2 7 🛠6
reduce your Stress to 0 as a Short Action
This heavy duty mining laser by Thatcher
(10 minutes).
Steel fires a concentrated blue beam
designed to crack through hard mining
Systems deposits.
Range: Long // Damage: 6SP
Energy // Hot (3)
Locomotion System
T1 2 🛠2 Personnel Transport
Pod T2 3 🛠2

A Locomotion System allows a Mech to



move normally. If a Mech does not have


A self contained transport pod designed


a Locomotion System or if it becomes



to transport people upon a Mech. This



damaged the Mech cannot move.


allows you to transport up to 10 people or



2 squads comfortably.

Armour Plating x 2


🛠1 Rigging Arm

T1 3

T1 🛠3

When you are hit by an attack you may 2

30 10 14 21 2 26 3 10

destroy your Armour Plating and prevent This standard rigging arm designed for
the damage from a hit.

industrial use allows your Mech to manip-

When you suffer an effect that damages ulate objects in its external environment.
Colossal Cargo Bay - The Atlas has a default Cargo Capacity of 20. or destroys one of your Systems or It can hold 1 scrap in its grip. A Mech
Modules you may destroy your Armour without any form of rigging arm or equiva-
Plating and nullify the effect. lent cannot pick anything up.
Reactive Range: Close // Load

16 17
SCOUT Profile
Anti-Matter Sniper Rifle
A large, anti-material rifle that delivers an
3AP Snipe
Free Action

You are able to hone your senses to pick

off targets at range.
Callsign: experimental antimatter projectile to the
Catfish target that can annihilate it in a burst of
You sharpen your senses, surpassing
hyper charged protons.
normal limits. The next ranged attack
Background: Range: Long // Damage: 3SP
you make deals 2x damage if it hits. In
Arco Exile T3 // Ballistic // Deadly // Silent
addition, increase its range band by one.
For example from Long to Far or Close to
Ideal: Scrap Metal Katana Medium.
A curved, single edged blade. Folded over
Flaw: 1000 times just to get the impurities out Anti-Matter Rifle
Hedonist of the scrap metal.
Range: Close // Damage: 2HP
Keepsake: T1 // Melee // Silent You are able to acquire an Anti-Matter
Snowglobe of home Arco Sniper Rifle that only you can use. This is
Electro Grappling Hook included in your equipment.
Failure is the mother of This gravitonic beam allows the user to
success attach onto surfaces at range allowing
them to swing or pull themselves towards
it. You may use the Electro Grappling
STATS Hook to attach to any surface within
Medium Range as part of your Move.
T4 // Range: Medium // Climber
Health: 10
Ability Pts: 10 Abilities
Stress: 10 2AP You Shot First
Free Action
Inventory Slots You have a knack for being the first to act
in an altercation.
1 - Anti-Matter Rifle 4-
When you activate this ability you are able
to act first in a situation. If using Group
2 - Scrap Metal Katana 5-
Initiative assume you rolled a 20 on the
Who Acts First table but you must be the
3 - Grav-Beam Hook 6-
first to act.

18 19
GOPHER The ‘TC40’ Gopher was originally
designed as a battlefield cargo Mech
Comms Module
T1 1 🛠1
Long Barrelled Green
Laser T1 3 🛠1
A Green Laser that has been modified
with a focusing barrel to extend it’s range.
by Opus Institute. It was intended This array of telecommunications wires Range: Long // Damage: 4SP
to quickly shuttle equipment in and receivers allows you to communicate T3 // Energy // Hot (2)
the midst of active combat with anything with the Communicator
zones whilst providing mobile
support. It was utilised
Trait. 2EP Tracking Node
Range: Long // Communicator
by the worker rebels and T2 3 🛠2
corpos in the Colonial Wars
and has become a workhorse
2EP Evasion Protocols This System allows you to fire a bead
sized tracking node from your Mech to
for the Salvage Unions thanks
T2 1 🛠2 any target in Long Range. It then sticks to
to its extended cargo capacity, the target and allows you to track them
efficient design and cheap cost. If an attack hits you may activate the
Evasion Protocols as a reaction to force over range via your Mech’s heads up
the attacker to re-roll the attack and display. You know the exact location of
*Following the incident it is the target as long as it remains in Long
against Union Regulations choose the lower result. In addition you
may activate Evasion Protocols to gain Range of you. You also know if the target
to store any raw meat in the comes within Long Range of you.
Expanded Cargo Hold.* a free Push on any attempt to avoid a
hazard such as falling rubble, a self-de-
structing Mech or a minefield. The tracking node lasts on a target for
Reactive a week until it loses power. You may
have multiple tracking nodes on multiple
3EP Laser Guidance Range: Long // Targeter

T3 1 🛠2
Aims a focussed laser beam at a target
Emergency Hatch
T1 🛠1

allowing exact precision on an attack. 1



When you activate this module the next Allows you to escape your mech in an

attack you make automatically hits. emergency. See p 85 for details.




Targeter // Free Action





Systems High Gain Antenna



T2 🛠1

Locomotion System

This increases the range of any of your


14 10 8 12 3 10 2 4 🛠2 Modules with a range band by one. It also


T1 2
increases the range of any Pilot Abilities

A Locomotion System allows a Mech to

with the Hacking or Communicator Trait
move normally. If a Mech does not have
by one.
Expanded Cargo Hold- The Gopher has a default Cargo Capacity of 10. a Locomotion System or if it becomes
damaged the Mech cannot move.

20 21
Assault Rifle
you, ignoring all others. The effect ends
if the target is hit by another target or if
hostilities end.

A standard semi-automatic service rifle. 2AP Wastelander

Callsign: Range: Medium // Damage: 3HP
Short Action (10 Minutes)
Socrates T2 // Ballistic
You have an affinity with the people of the
wastes. You may use this ability to make
Background: Improvised Explosive a request of a wastelander, this can be for
Colonial War Veteran shelter, help, food, tier 1 scrap or anything
Device else appropriate they may have. The
Ideal: Mediator will decide if the request is fair.
This covers any number of homemade
explosives. This can be thrown at a
target as an attack or planted as a mine 2AP Overpower
in which case it triggers when a target
Wrathful Standard Action
comes within Close Range. In either case
roll an attack as normal to find out what You overpower a target of roughly
Keepsake: equivalent size to you or the Mech
happens. Once the attack is made the IED
Dog-tags you’re piloting. Describe how you over-
is destroyed and cannot be used again.
Range: Close // Damage: 3SP power them. You put the target in a
Motto: compromised position until they spend
T1 // Explosive // Area Effect (1)
Be kind, for everyone you a Standard Action to get out of it. During
meet is fighting a hard battle this time they gain the Vulnerable Trait
2AP First Aid Kit meaning attacks that hit them deal
double damage.
As a Standard Action target creature of
STATS your choice regains 2 Hit Points. If they
were on 0 Hit Points this restores them to
consciousness with 2 HP.
Health: 10 Range: Close

Ability Pts: 10
Stress: 10
2AP Provoke
Inventory Slots
Standard Action
1 - Assault Rifle 4- You provoke any target within Close
Range to focus their attention on you. The
2 - First Aid Kit 5- target must understand your intent. For
the next 10 minutes, the target focuses
3 - Improvised Explosive Device 6- its attacks, abilities and hostilities on

22 23
BRAWLER The GC-C21 ‘Brawler’ is a
popular entry level combat
Mech favoured by Corpo
Comms Module
T1 1 🛠1
Articulated Rigging Arm
T2 3 🛠4
This rigging arm has multiple interacting
joints allowing for a greater degree of
Mercs due to its relatively low movement and utility than a standard
This array of telecommunications wires
merit debt cost. The Terres- Rigging Arm. If you have two or more
and receivers allows you to communicate
trial Democratic Alliance Articulated Rigging Arms your Mech gains
with anything with the Communicator
began to mass produce these the Climber trait.
during the 2nd Corpo War and
Range: Long // Communicator Range: Close // Load // Salvage
utilised them effectively in
destroying the Hersch
home Arco in the siege Offensive Protocols 30mm Autocannon
of the Central Wastes. T2 1 🛠2 T2 6 🛠3
They later became one
of the first combat Free Action - Push This simple automatic ballistic weapon
Mechs to be produced This module allows you to push to fires high calibre slugs at a target.
as an open source increase the damage of one of your Range: Medium // Damage: 5SP
blueprint by Opus attacks. Declare the weapon system this Ballistic // Jamming
Institute. applies to before you make an attack.
You then gain 2 Heat and make a Reactor
Overload Check. The weapon deals an 1EP Needle Missile Pod
additional 3 SP damage this turn if it
hits. This bonus is applied before other T4 3 🛠3
modifiers. You must spend 1 EP when making an
attack with Needle Missiles. Needle
Self Destruct Module missiles do not require you to be able to
see a target and will automatically hit.
T1 1 🛠1 Range: Long // Damage: 3SP
This module allows you to self destruct Guided // Targeter // Area Effect (1)

your own Mech. Your Mech, as well as all


Ejection System


mounted Systems and Modules and all


Cargo is destroyed. See p 93 for details.








Allows you to escape your mech in an



emergency, using a rocket propelled ejec-


tion system. See p 89 for details.


Locomotion System

25 10 14 16 3 6 3 6 T1 2 🛠2

A Locomotion System allows a Mech to

Close Range Protocols: The Brawler deals an additional 2 SP damage when it move normally. If a Mech does not have
makes an attack at any target within Close Range of it. This bonus is applied a Locomotion System or if it becomes
before other modifiers. damaged the Mech cannot move.

24 25
HACKER Profile
Modded Blue Laser Rifle
6-10: You may ask The Mediator 2 ques-
tions about it. One of these questions
will be true but the other will have false
2 - 5: You don’t actually know but must
A laser rifle, modded with additional RGB make up a convincing answer to save
lights, see through casing, and a synthe- your pride.
siser that makes appropriate laser sounds 1: You don’t know the answer and
when fired. everyone realises this.
Range: Close // Damage: 4HP
Born Salvager
T3 // Energy
Hacking Kit
Knowledge Servo Foot Passive
You gain a Hacking Kit only you can use.
Flaw: For kicking ass when you’re all out of This has a suite of hacking abilities and
Vain gum. tools enabling you to perform hacks and
Range: Close // Damage: 2HP it can be jacked into your mech.
Keepsake: Melee // Silent
Pre-war handheld Whilst piloting your Mech the Hacking Kit
games console Salvaging Tools allows you to spend AP to use any ability
with the Hacking Trait that your Mech has
Motto: This covers a wide array of tools used in access to. In addition any Pilot Ability
It’s not a bug, it’s a salvaging allowing your Pilot to salvage in with the Hacking Trait you have access
feature the field. to may be performed whilst piloting your
T1 // Salvaging Mech and you may spend EP to use it.

STATS Abilities 2AP System Hack

Health: 10 2AP Well, Actually... Standard Action
Choose a target System or Module in
Standard Action Medium Range.
Ability Pts: 10 You are able to casually answer questions Hacking
about Systems, Modules, Mechs or tech- ROLL THE DIE
Stress: 10 nology even if you don’t actually know the
answer. 20:The System or Module is destroyed
ROLL THE DIE 11-19: The System or Module is
Inventory Slots damaged.
20: You may ask The Mediator 4 ques- 6-10: The System or Module is inopera-
1 - Modded Blue Laser Rifle 4 - Salvaging Tools tions about it and they will give you true tional for 1 turn.
answers. 2 - 5: The hack fails.
2 - Servo Foot (Attached) 5- 11-19: You may ask The Mediator 2 1: The hack fails and the target Mech
questions about it and they will give you cannot be targeted by any abilities with
3 - Hacking Kit 6- true answers. the Hacking Trait for the next 10 minutes.

26 27
MANTIS The MCS-1337 ‘Mantis’ was devel-
oped as a collaboration between the
Encrypted Comms
Module T3 2 🛠3
Database Hacking
T1 1 🛠2
This hacking chip allows you to tap into
software arm of Stefanus Industries a Mech, database or information system
and Sakura Futures as a lightweight This comms unit allows you to communi- within Close Range. See p 91 for details.
hacking Mech. It has been utilised cate with other comms units. In addition it
in a series of Black Ops
operations throughout the
allows you to open an encrypted comms
channel. Any communications you send
years in particular within or receive on this channel are encrypted
the endless intra-corpo- and cannot be listened to, tapped into, Locomotion System
rate cold wars. With high hacked or analysed. Anything with the
T1 2 🛠2
energy capacity and a Hacking Trait does not work on them.
wide array of module Range: Long // Communicator A Locomotion System allows a Mech to
customisation options move normally. If a Mech does not have
you sometimes just have a Locomotion System or if it becomes
to respect corpo
2EP Comms Tapper damaged the Mech cannot move.
engineering. T3 1 🛠2 Standard Action 🛠2
This hacking unit allows you to tap into
Green Laser T2 4
The Green Laser fires a solid beam of
other communication units and listen to
superheated energy at a target.
them. You may target anything with the
Range: Medium // Damage: 4SP
Communicator Trait in Medium Range
T2 // Energy // Hot (2)
and listen in on it for 10 minutes hearing
all inbound and outbound traffic.
Hacking Emergency Hatch
T1 1 🛠1 Reactive
2EP Firewall Module

Allows you to escape your mech in an



T1 1 🛠2 Reactive emergency. See p 85 for details.




If you or any allied Mech within Medium



High Gain Antenna



Range are the target of any System,



Module or Ability with the Hacking Trait T2 1 🛠1


you may attempt to stop the hack. See p

This increases the range of any of your
91 for details.

Modules with a range band by one. It also


increases the range of any Pilot Abilities


15 17 8 9 6 6 3 7 2EP Reactor Overload with the Hacking or Communicator Trait


by one.
T2 1 🛠2 Standard Action
Modular Hot Swap: The Mantis allows you to mount and dismount Modules on
Floodlights T1 1 🛠2
it in the field significantly faster. This uses the normal rules for mounting but You may force a Mech in Medium Range
increases the speed and versatility. A Pilot may Mount a Module on the Mantis to roll on the Reactor Overload Table. Flood Lights light up a wide area in up to
as a Short Action (10 minutes). A Mech, including the Mantis itself, may Mount a Hacking Medium Range of a Mech letting you see
Module on the Mantis as a Standard Action. more clearly in dark or foggy conditions.

28 29
Riveting Gun
You may restore up to 12 SP amongst
any number of target Mech’s as long as
they have 1 SP. This requires you have
Pilot Equipment or a System, Module or
Chassis with the Repair Trait.
A pneumatic riveting gun used to join
Callsign: sheet metal. The safety has been
Twitch removed to weaponise it. 2AP If I Cut This Wire...
T1 // Range: Close // Damage: 2HP
Standard Action
Background: You are able to work out exactly where
Freelancer 2AP Portable Arc Welder to target a Mech in order to disable its
Systems or Modules.
Ideal: Standard Action
Pragmatism This miniaturised Arc Welder allows you When you activate this ability, pick a
to make basic repairs in the field. A target System or Module on a target Mech
Flaw: Mech or Vehicle of your choice on at least within Close Range. It is damaged and
Judgemental 1 SP regains 2 SP. inoperable until repaired. To use this
Range: Close // Damage: 2HP ability you need Pilot Equipment or a
Keepsake: T1 // Repair System, Module or Chassis with the
Red toy car Repair trait.

Motto: Salvaging Tools

Call me, or screw it up This covers a wide array of tools used in
2AP Talk Shop
yourself salvaging allowing your Pilot to salvage in Short Action (10 Minutes)
the field. You are able to easily converse and build
T1 // Salvaging rapport with other Mechanics, Salvagers,
STATS workers and similar wasteland folk. You
must invent a local saying to exchange
High Tensile Wire with the person you are talking to. It can
Health: 10 Standard Action be something like “The only thing that
Strong and durable wire with multiple overcomes hard luck is hard work.” “Get
Ability Pts: 10 potential creative applications. the show on the road” or “Give a person
a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach
This can be attached to anything within
a person to fish and you feed them for a
Stress: 10 Close Range allowing you to climb the
wire. It can also be used to aid in the drag- lifetime.”
ging of heavy objects.
Explain what this means to the other
Inventory Slots T1 // Load // Climber

1 - Riveting Gun 4 - High Tensile Wire Abilities You may then ask the person up to 2
questions and they will answer to the full
2 - Salvaging Tools 5- extent of their knowledge.
3AP Mass Field Repair
3 - Portable Arc Welder 6-
Long Action (1 Hour)

30 31
MAGPIE The Type 43 ‘Magpie’ was developed by
Stefanus Industries as an industrial worker
Comms Module
T1 🛠1
a Locomotion System or if it becomes
damaged the Mech cannot move.

Articulated Rigging Arm

Mech. Its universal mounting points allowed 1
for rapid transition between the various
T2 3
This array of telecommunications wires
complex servo arms needed during the This rigging arm has multiple interacting
and receivers allows you to communicate
development and roll out of the Prion joints allowing for a greater degree of
with anything with the Communicator
Chassis. Trait. movement and utility than a standard
Rigging Arm. If you have two or more
Range: Long // Communicator
Articulated Rigging Arms your Mech gains
the Climber trait.
2EP Damage Assessor Range: Close // Load // Salvage
This means T2 1 🛠1 Standard Action
its parts can
This allows you to scan a Mech or Vehicle Hersch Pattern Mortar
be rapidly hot
swapped in the field
in Medium Range to get a full report of it. T1 6 🛠4
You learn all of its Systems and Modules, This Mech mountable mortar lobs a high
making it rather the
its current and Max Structure Points, Heat explosive, high velocity round against a
holy grail for salvager
and Energy and if any of its Systems and target, flaying everything around it with
Modules are damaged. superheated shrapnel.
Scanner Range: Long // Damage: 4SP
Explosive // Area Effect (1)
3EP ECM Transmitter
T3 1 🛠3 Standard Action Welding Laser
When activated all Mech’s within Close T1 3 🛠4
Range cannot be targeted or seen by

A versatile Mech mountable welding laser


anything with the Hacking, Targeter or



mounted on a flexible servo arm allowing


Scanner trait or activate any System,


for repairs in the field.



Module or Ability with the Shielding Trait





for 10 minutes as long as they remain



within Close Range of the ECM Trans- 2EP Patch Up -Standard Action


You may restore up to 3 Structure Points


to any Mech or Vehicle in Close Range


that has at least 1 SP.


15 12 10 15 3 6 2 5 Systems

Emergency Hatch
Hot Swap Universal Mounts - The Magpie allows you to mount and dismount Locomotion System
Systems on it in the field significantly faster. This uses the normal rules for T1 1 🛠1 Reactive
mounting but increases the speed and versatility. A Pilot may Mount a System on T1 2 🛠2 Allows you to escape your mech in an
the Magpie as a Short Action (10 minutes). A Mech, including the Magpie itself, A Locomotion System allows a Mech to emergency. See p 85 for details.
may Mount a System on the Magpie as a Standard Action. move normally. If a Mech does not have

32 33
SALVAGER Equipment
12 Bore Zip Gun
3AP Mass Field Repair
Long Action (1 Hour)
You may restore up to 12 SP amongst
any number of target Mech’s as long as
Profile A large caliber improvised firearm. As
deadly as it is unreliable. they have 1 SP. This requires you have
Pilot Equipment or a System, Module or
Callsign: Chassis with the Repair Trait.
Flea Range: Close // Damage: 2HP
T1 // Ballistic
Background: Expert Salvager
Wastelander Salvaging Tools Passive
When you area salvage you gain 1 addi-
Ideal: This covers a wide array of tools used in
tional Scrap of the tech level of the area.
Generosity salvaging allowing your Pilot to salvage in
You will always find at least 1 Scrap of the
the field.
tech level of the area irrespective of what
Flaw: T1 // Salvaging
you roll for the area salvage check.
Makes assumptions

Rigging Jack In addition when you scrap a Mech
Chassis, System or Module you gain 1
Stuffed teddybear This hydraulic jack can aid in the heavy additional Scrap of its tech level.
lifting of salvage.
Motto: T2 // Load
A Salvager knows
nothing is truly lost
2AP Portable Arc Welder
STATS Standard Action
This miniaturised Arc Welder allows you
Health: 10 to make basic repairs in the field. A target
Mech or Vehicle of your choice on at least
1 SP regains 2 SP.
Ability Pts: 10 Range: Close // Damage: 2HP
T1 // Repair

Stress: 10
Inventory Slots 1AP Squeeze It In
1 - 12 Bore Zip Gun 4 - Portable Arc Welder Standard Action
You temporarily increase a Mech’s Cargo
2 - Salvaging Tools 5- Capacity by 1. This bonus lasts for 24
hours. You may activate this ability
3 - Rigging Jack 6- multiple times on the same Mech.

34 35
JACKHAM MER The Terrestrial Democratic Alliance
commissioned Herrscher Manufac- Modules Systems
turing to construct the BG-288
‘Jackhammer’. This followed Comms Module Locomotion System
a series of costly uranium
mining accidents within T1 1 🛠1 T1 2
off-world colonies due to lax A Locomotion System allows a Mech to
This array of telecommunications wires
worker safety protocols. The move normally. If a Mech does not have
and receivers allows you to communicate
industrial reinforced chassis a Locomotion System or if it becomes
with anything with the Communicator
of the Jackhammer served damaged the Mech cannot move.
to protect the Mech’s Range: Long // Communicator
expensive reactor and Rigging Arm
core systems in the
event of a collapse. Survey Scanner T1 2 🛠3
It happened to also This standard rigging arm designed for
T1 1
industrial use allows your Mech to manip-
protect the worker
Pilot which was of Short Action (10 Minutes) ulate objects in its external environment.
secondary A Survey Scanner allows you to scan a It can hold 1 scrap in its grip. A Mech
consideration to specific point of interest. This can be a without any form of rigging arm or equiva-
the corpo. single point on an Area of Region Map. lent cannot pick anything up.
It can also be a specific point of interest Range: Close // Load
in the world within Long Range such as a
ruin, unique terrain feature, settlement or
Heavy Duty Mining Rig

base. See p 92 for details.




Range: Long // Scanner T3 7




A heavy duty industrial mining rig that can



Metal Detector

be used to deal carnage in a pinch.



Range: Close // Damage: 6SP


T1 1


Salvaging // Deadly // Unwieldy

Passive Melee


This automated module beeps when


18 7 13 15 3 6 2 6 it detects an area of potential salvage.

If you move into an area that can be
Green Laser T2 4

The Green Laser fires a solid beam of

salvaged it will beep informing you of this. superheated energy at a target.
Reinforced Chassis - Replaces the Critical Damage Table, use this table instead - In addition whenever you move from one
20: Your Mech is intact and operational with 1 SP. Range: Medium // Damage: 4SP
area of the campaign map to an area you T2 // Energy // Hot (2)
11-19: Your Mech is inoperational for one turn. Next turn it gains 1 SP and is operational. have not travelled to yet roll the die, on the
6 - 10: A Module of your choice on your Mech is destroyed. Also apply 11-19. result of a 20 you gain one piece of Tier 1
2-5: A System of your choice on your Mech is destroyed. Also apply 11-19. Scrap.
1: Your Mech Chassis is damaged. All of your Systems and Modules are destroyed. Your
Pilot survives in the reinforced cockpit.

36 37
“Being on the Crawler means being at home.
These days if I can’t feel the rumble of the
crawler beneath me, I can’t get a wink of

-Jim ‘Flea’ Raker , Crawler #279

38 39
The Core Mechanic the open. We discourage hiding rolls and
fudging dice as the core part of the fun
perform various actions. Firing weapons
with the Hot trait can generate Heat, using
When a player declares an action within the game that has an uncertain, risky or poten- of the game is the uncertainty of the dice certain Systems and Modules such as a
and the decisions and consequences they VTU can generate Heat, certain attacks
tially interesting outcome roll a 20 sided die. This is also referred to as a d20, or ‘the
spawn. against you may generate Heat and
pushing also generates Heat.

Nailed it - You have overcome the odds and managed an outstanding Pushing your Mech You cannot activate an ability or use a
20 success. You may achieve an additional bonus of your choice to the
Once per turn you can choose to push
weapon that generates Heat if this would
action. When dealing damage you double it. take you over your Heat Cap. For example
your Mech’s reactor to squeeze out if your Mech’s Heat Cap is 10 and you
Success - You’ve achieved your goal without any compromises. When
additional power. When you push you may
11-19 attacking you hit the target and deal standard damage.
re-roll the d20 die for any check.
have 9 Heat and wish to fire a weapon
that generates 2 Heat you cannot do so
as it would take you over your Heat Cap.
Tough Choice - You succeed in your action but at a cost. The Mediator You must do this when you see the die
6-10 will give you a tough choice with some kind of consequence. When result, and before The Mediator tells You must make a Reactor Overload Check
attacking you hit but something has gone wrong. you what happens. You must accept the when you push your Mech. You must also
Failure - You’ve failed at what you were attempting, and you’ll face a second result of the die. make a Reactor Overload Check if your
2-5 consequence of The Mediator’s choice. When attacking you miss the
When you push your Mech gains 2 Heat
Mech reaches it’s Heat Capacity or starts
target. it’s turn at it’s Heat Capacity.
and you must make a Reactor Overload
Cascade Failure - You have not only failed, but something has gone
Check. To make a Reactor Overload check roll a
terribly wrong. You will suffer a severe consequence of The Mediator’s
1 choice. When attacking you miss the target and something has gone d20. If the result is equal to or lower than
The action or attack roll will always your Mech’s Heat then something has
resolve irrespective of the result of the gone wrong. Roll on the Reactor Overload
overload. For example if you push an Table to see what happens.
This die roll represents a broad mix of factors including luck, fate and circumstance. It
attack that hits but the overload result
isn’t directly representative of the character’s skill and ideally should never be modified
destroys your Mech the attack still hits
in play other than re-rolls via pushing.
and deals damage as normal. You may Venting Heat
not push your Mech if the amount of Heat
Many Abilities, Systems and Modules that require dice rolls list out specific conse-
gained from pushing would mean you go To reduce Heat on your Mech you must
quences and bonuses based on the above chart. These are guidelines and suggestions
over your Mechs Heat Capacity. Once a fully shut it down and rest for 1 hour as a
to make it easier to run those elements in game. The Mediator can always choose
roll is pushed you cannot push the same Long Action.
another consequence or bonus as appropriate in the situation.
roll again.
If you do this it will reset its Heat back to
Roll in the open Heat 0 at the end of the hour period.

Some Systems and Modules can also

All rolls in Salvage Union from both The Mediator and the Players should be rolled in
Heat generates on your Mech as you reduce your Heat.

40 41
Shutdown Mechs push your Pilot. You must also make a
Stress Check if your Pilot reaches their
Reactor Overload Table
Shutting down a Mech is a Standard Stress Capacity or starts their turn at their
Stress Capacity. Reactor Overdrive - The Mech’s reactor goes into overdrive. The Mech
Action. Whilst shutdown a Mech cannot
take any actions and automatically takes
20 can take any additional action this turn or push their next roll within 10
To make a stress check roll a d20. If the minutes for free.
2x damage from any attacks against it.
result is equal to or lower than your Pilot’s Reactor Overheat - The Mech’s reactor has overheated and the Mech
stress then something has gone wrong automatically goes into shutdown. The Mech cannot move or take
A Pilot in a Shutdown Mech may activate
it as an action. It then takes a turn to for them. Roll on the Stress Overload 11-19 actions for the rest of this turn and next turn. All attacks against it deal
Table to see what happens. double damage whilst shutdown.
power up.
Module Overload - One of the Mech’s modules chosen at random or by
Relieving Stress 6-10
Pushing your Pilot The Mediator is destroyed.
System Overload - One of the Mech’s Systems chosen at random or by
Your Pilot is able to push themselves to Your Pilot may rest for an hour as a Long 2-5 The Mediator is destroyed.
Action to reduce their stress to 0.
overcome the challenges of the waste- Reactor Meltdown - The Mech’s reactor goes into full meltdown and
lands. explodes. The Mech, as well as any mounted Systems and Modules, is
They cannot take any strenuous or diffi-
destroyed in the explosion.
After rolling the die for an attack roll or cult action during this period nor travel 1 Everything in Close Range of the Mech takes SP damage equal to the
any significant distance.
action you may choose to push. This lets Max Structure Points of the Mech. They may take any action or reaction
you re-roll the die. You must accept the to avoid this. The Pilot dies unless they have a means to escape.
Once per downtime your Pilot may also
second result of the die and it cannot be
interact with their Keepsake item as an
pushed further. You must also choose to
push before the mediator tells you any action. This reduces their stress by two. Stress Overload Table
They may also alternatively use their
potential effects or setbacks of the roll.
Keepsake once per downtime as a reac-
tion to re-roll a Stress Check. Flow - Your Pilot enters a calm and collected state of focus. You can
When you push your Pilot gains 2 stress
and must make a Stress Check. The
20 perform any additional action this turn or push an action for free within
the next 10 minutes.
effect of the action resolves irrespective Should the Pilot or Mech Frozen - You temporarily freeze under stress. You cannot move or act
of the result of the stress check.
push? 11-19 during this turn or your next turn. If attacked during a frozen state you
take double damage.
The action or attack roll will always
resolve irrespective of the result of the Salvage Union is designed with the Fumble - You make a bad decision under stress. The Mediator gives you
stress check. assumption that when a player is 6-10 a tough choice between two undesirable actions and you pick one.
controlling a Mech it is the Mech that Flounder - You make a significantly bad decision in your panic. The
You may not push your Pilot if the amount pushes and when they are controlling 2-5 Mediator chooses a severe setback for your Pilot.
of stress gained from pushing would their Pilot independently it is their Pilot
mean you go over your Pilot’s Stress Max. that pushes. Flight - Something in this situation has tipped you over the edge. You
Once a roll is pushed you cannot push the must spend your turn escaping from the situation in the most direct
way possible. You may use actions and reactions to defend yourself
same roll again. There may be edge cases where it will be
unclear who should push. In these cases
1 but cannot attack. Once you are within Far Range of the situation
it is ultimately up to The Mediator to and anything hostile to you, you regain your composure and may act
Stress decide who pushes. normally on the next turn.

You must make a Stress Check when you

42 43
Action Scenes What is a Group? Initiative Roll
The Core Mechanics of Salvage Union A group is simply a collection of charac-
Two player characters chosen by the players act first. Play then passes
covers the vast majority of situations that
can come up in a game. The game can be
ters in the game that are acting together.
The players are all assumed to be in one
20 to the NPC group and one NPC chosen by The Mediator acts next.
played in an entirely freeform manner in group. A lance of 4 Corpo Mechs or a One player character chosen by the players acts first. Play then passes
this respect as a back and forth conver- band of 5 wastelanders could each count 11-19 to the NPC group and one NPC chosen by The Mediator acts.
sation between The Mediator and the as their own separate groups too. For One NPC chosen by the players acts first. Play then passes to the player
players. NPC’s it’s simplest to do this on a faction 6-10 group and one character chosen by the players acts.
basis and it’s ideal to split into as few
One NPC chosen by The Mediator acts first. Play then passes to the
However for players who do want to
slow down the action and structure it,
groups as possible with a ‘player group’
and ‘npc group’ being ideal.
2-5 player group and one character chosen by the players acts.
for example during tense scenes such Two NPC’s chosen by The Mediator act first. Play then passes to the
as combats or chases, you can use the There may be some situations with 1 player group and one player is chosen by the players to act next.
following rules. These let you play out multiple groups in an action scene, such
each action turn by turn in Group Initia- as a fight between the players, a group
tive. of corpo Mechs, a group of wastelander Who acts next?
Mechs and a band of traders on foot. In
this case alternate between all groups After the first character or characters have acted, play passes back to the next group
Group Initiative until all characters in each have acted. and a character in that group who has not yet acted is chosen to act.

Group Initiative is the main way to struc- Players choose who acts for players and The Mediator chooses who acts for NPC’s.
ture turn order within Salvage Union. Who acts first?
Play passes back and forth in this way until everyone has acted. This ends the round
Play alternates between each group When the party finds themselves in a and play resets with the next group acting as normal but able to choose anyone in the
within an action scene with one player combat or similar tense situation The group to act.
or NPC within the group taking their turn Mediator can decide which group in the
then play passing to the next group. If it action scene acts first. For example the last player character finishes their turn and at this point everyone has
is the players group turn then the players acted. The round ends and The Mediator now chooses any NPC from the NPC group to
decide who amongst them acts. If it is If in doubt one of the players in the party act first in the new round which goes back and forth as normal. Play continues like this
an NPC group’s turn then The Mediator can roll the die. This roll can be pushed until the action scene ends.
decides who amongst them acts. as normal. The player can be chosen by
The Mediator or is whoever in the group
If someone has already taken a turn in a initiated the altercation. Then check the
round then they cannot take another turn table below to see who acts first and also
in the same round. determine the Group Initiative Order.

This continues back and forth until

everyone has taken a turn. If there are
uneven amounts in each group then
multiple turns can be taken back to back
until everyone has acted.

This then resets and continues until the

action scene concludes.

44 45
What can I do on my are able to circle it. You’re able to launch
into a melee attack at this range and
An attack is a standard action as well A Pilot for example can’t move and fire
as activating certain abilities, Systems with their Mech and then fire their weapon
turn? are in range to fire weapons such as the and modules. These will be noted in their as well. There may be cases where both
50.cal Machine Gun and Flamethrower. respective descriptions. a Pilot and their Mech could act on the
On a Player or NPC turn they may move same turn in which case The Mediator
and take a Standard Action. They may Medium Range Doing something significant during a turn decides if this is possible or not. A Pilot
move before or after the action has been You are able to clearly see and identify like trying to force open a steel door with can take some free actions such as
taken. They may also take as many free your target at this range. You are in range a Mech’s rigging arm, hack a computer talking to other Pilots whilst controlling
actions as is appropriate. to fire many standard weapons such as terminal or negotiate a surrender in the their Mechs.
the Evantis Pattern 30mm Autocannon or midst of combat counts as a standard
Movement Green Laser. action. Ultimately the Mediator will decide
what counts as a standard action or not
Long Range during a turn. What can I do on other
On their turn a Mech or creature can move
one range band. They may move before You are able to see a rough outline of a turns?
or after they have taken their action and target at this range. The target is visible Short Actions
in any direction toward or away from their with the naked eye but to get a clearer A Short Action represents a period of time Players and NPCs can still react to things
target. For example they may move from view you’d need a scope. You are within of about 10 minutes. It is typically too happening in an action scene even if it is
Medium Range to Long Range or from range to fire weapons such as Missile long to be able to perform in the midst of not their turn. A Reaction tends to happen
Medium Range to Close Range. Pods and Blue Mining Lasers. an Action Scene. in response to a Standard Action and
takes about a minute to perform.
Things you might do as part of move- Far Range Things like salvaging and scanning are
ment such as leaping over a precipice This range represents a loose point usually Short Actions. Reactions
or smashing through an obstacle are towards the horizon. You are able to see a Many Systems, Modules and Abilities
counted as part of the movement. If this small silhouette of your target and would Long Actions allow for reactions. They will have the
involves some risk The Mediator may ask need a scope to see more detail. Only A Long Action represents a period of time ‘Reactive’ trait to let you know this. You
you to further describe your action or for incredibly powerful or esoteric weapons of about 1 hour. They take too much time may take as many of these as you wish
a die roll to see if they are successful. such as Rail Rifles or Experimental to be carried out in Action Scenes. and are able to during an action scene.
Particle Beam Cannons can fire at this They often have some kind of limit such
Distances range. Travelling between map areas, salvaging
while on foot, and extensive repairs are all
as having an Energy Point cost or only
being used in response to specific situa-
Long Actions. tions.
Distances in Salvage Union are abstracted Actions
into the following range categories.
The Mediator may allow further reactions
Both Pilots and Mechs use these range
Free Actions Is my Pilot or Mech to things happening in an action scene
categories for their movement as well
as distances on their weapons and other Actions such as talking to other charac-
ters or dropping a held item can be done
acting? out of turn order when narratively appro-
abilities. The Mediator can factor in any
for free during a turn. Salvage Union assumes that when
other difference between the speed and
range of Pilots and Mechs situationally
Standard Actions
controlling a Mech only the Mech can
take actions and when controlling only a
Activating a Mech
based on the narrative.
A Standard Action represents a period Pilot then the Pilot takes actions. Imagine A Mech takes an action to activate when
of time of about a minute and can be you are in the seat of a behemoth and
Close Range a Pilot is in its cockpit and takes a turn to
performed during your turn in an Action complex Mech, all your attention would be boot up. A Mech also takes a Standard
You are a few good strides from the target
Scene. focussed on controlling it and you would Action to shut down.
and can see it clearly and identifiably and
be able to do little else.

46 47
Attacks Roll on the Critical Damage Table to deter-
mine what happens to your Mech when it
NPC Health The Mediator may adjudicate these
amounts as appropriate for the situation.
reaches 0 SP.
Many situations in the game will involve When the Structure Points or Hit Points of
combat between you and other NPCs in
If your Mech is Destroyed -
an NPC is reduced to 0 they are consid- Death Blow
the world, whether terrifying Bio Titan, ered destroyed, killed or otherwise entirely
If you have a System, Module, or Ability
wasteland raiders or deadly corpo Mech incapacitated. The Mediator may wish A death blow is a fatal finishing move
with the Escape trait, you may use it to try
lances. The simplest way to fight them in to roll on the respective damage table designed to kill an incapacitated foe once
to Escape your Mech.
the game is to make an attack. instead for a particularly strong or impor- and for all.
tant foe or an allied NPC.
Otherwise your Pilot is reduced to 0 HP
An attack counts as a Standard Action When in close range of an incapacitated
and must roll on the Critical Injury Table.
within the game and represents the Mech, Vehicle or Bio-Titan on 0 SP any
various complex motor tasks needed to
ready a Mech to fire accurately at a target Walking Behemoths Improvised Attacks Mech or Bio-Titan may take a special
action known as a Death Blow. This
or aim at a target as a Pilot. Mechs are behemoth metal structures. If automatically succeeds and destroys the
a Mech is hit by a regular weapon, such Sometimes a Mech or Pilot will want to
Mech or Bio-Titan entirely.
To make an attack you first choose a as a Pistol, this always deals half damage make an attack with anything they have
target that you can see and the weapon rounded down. These weapons are ones at hand.
When in close range of an incapacitated
you wish to attack with. The target must that specifically deal HP damage. Pilot or Creature any Mech, Bio Titan, Pilot
be within the same range or closer All Pilots deal 1 HP damage as standard
or Creature may take a special action
than the weapons range, for example if Only Mech weapons or specific anti-ma- with any improvised or unarmed attack.
known as a Death Blow. This automat-
attacking with a Missile Pod which has a terial weapons do full damage to a ically succeeds and kills the Pilot or
range of Long you may attack any target Mech. These weapons will specifically All Mech’s deal 1 SP damage as standard
within Long, Medium or Close Range. note they deal SP damage. If in doubt a with any improvised or unarmed attack.
Mech mounted weapon usually does SP When making a Death Blow it is encour-
You then roll the die using The Core damage and if it’s a weapon a person The Mediator may confer additional
aged to describe the blow in as much
Mechanic table. On a successful hit you would carry it does HP damage. as appropriate based on the narrative
visceral detail as your table is comfort-
the damage of your weapon which is situation.
able with. In addition such an act
subtracted from the targets Structure
Pilot Hit Points increases the stress of the character
Points (SP) or Hit Points (HP). Improvised Damage performing it by 2.
Your Pilot has 10 Hit Points. (HP). This is
Mech Structure Points their maximum and they cannot go below There may be a myriad of situations
0 HP. When they are hit by an attack, in game where a Pilot or Mech takes Destroyed Mechs,
reduce their hit points by the damage of damage that the rules don’t directly cover,
Your Mech has a number of Structure
Points (SP) that represents how durable the weapon. whether from falling from a great height, Systems and Modules
they are. This differs based on the Mech being hit by the rubble of a crumbling
If a Pilot is hit by a Mech weapon, noted building or stumbling into a vat of toxic A destroyed Mech Chassis, System or
and options you choose. These are
by any weapon that deals SP damage, chemicals. Module is unusable, unrepairable and
included in your Mech profiles.
they always take double damage. unsalvageable. If something is destroyed
Pilots take 2 HP as standard in such it has entirely burned out, turned to ash,
When a Mech is hit by an attack, reduce
When your Pilot is reduced to 0 HP, roll on situations. been vaporised or is so ruined that even a
it’s Structure Points by the damage the
attack dealt. When a Mech is reduced to the Critical Injury Table to determine what salvager cannot make use of it.
0 SP they are critically damaged. A Mech happens. Mechs take 2 SP damage as standard in
cannot go below 0 SP. such situations.

48 49
Critical Damage Table Critical Injury Table
This table determines what happens to your Mech when it reaches 0 SP. Roll a d20 - This table determines what happens to your Pilot when they reach 0 Hit Points or
suffers a severe injury during play. Roll a d20 -
Miraculous Survival - The Mech is somehow intact. It has 1 SP and is
20 fully operational. Miraculous Survival - You survived against the odds. You have 1 HP
20 and remain conscious.
11-19 Core Damage - The Mech Chassis is damaged and inoperational.
Unconsciousness - You are stable at 0 HP but unconscious and
Module Destruction - A Module mounted on the Mech is destroyed.
11-19 cannot move or take actions until you gain at least 1 HP. You will regain
6-10 This is chosen by The Mediator or at random. The Mech Chassis is consciousness naturally in 1 hour with 1 HP.
damaged and inoperational.
Minor Injury - You suffer a minor injury such as a sprain, burns, or minor
System Destruction - A System mounted on the Mech is destroyed. concussion. Your Stress Capacity is reduced by 2 permanently until
2-5 This is chosen by The Mediator or at random. The Mech Chassis is 6-10 healed in the Crawler Medbay, this takes 1 week. In addition you are
damaged and inoperational. Unconscious, apply the result of 11-19.
Catastrophic Damage - The Mech, as well as any mounted Systems and Major Injury - You suffer a major injury such as permanent scarring,
Modules is Destroyed. If you have a System, Module, or Ability with the
1 Escape trait, you may use it to try to Escape your Mech. Otherwise your 2-5
broken ribs or internal injuries. Your Max HP is reduced by 2 until healed
in the Crawler Medbay, this takes 2 weeks. In addition you are Uncon-
Pilot is reduced to 0 HP and must roll on the Critical Injury Table. scious, apply the result of 11-19.

If an effect cannot be resolved, for example a Mech with no Modules rolls the Module 1 Death - Your pilot suffers a fatal injury and dies.
Destruction result, then use the effect below instead, in this case System Destruction.
If your Max HP is ever reduced to 0 your pilot dies.
In addition you can roll on this table to see what happens if a Mech suffers significant
critical damage within a narrative situation in game. If your Stress Capacity is ever reduced to 0 your pilot is forced to retire and is out of the

‘There’s an old saying; “Don’t take into the wastes what you can’t
afford to lose”. I say that’s a load of bull. Take the best you’ve
got, or you might not come back at all.’

-Ben ‘Socrates’ St.Clair, Crawler #279

50 51
Repairing your Mech during downtime by spending an amount
of scrap equal to its salvage value. This
Healing your Pilot
scrap must be from a tech level equal to
Restoring Structure Points A Pilot will fully heal all their Hit Points
or higher than the tech level of the Mech
The primary means to restore the Struc- during downtime as long as they have
Chassis, System or Module. For example
ture Points of a Mech is to return to the access to a Crawler Medbay or equiva-
if a Tech Level 3 Missile Pod is damaged lent.
Union Crawler. Over a period of one week you would require Tech 3 or higher scrap
the Structure Points of the Mech will be to repair it.
fully restored. All Minor Injuries will heal during down-
time as long as they have access to a
This applies to both your own Mech Crawler Medbay or equivalent, this takes
A Mech on at least 1 Structure Point can Chassis, Systems and Modules that
be mended in the field. This costs 1 Scrap 1 week.
can be damaged in the field as well as
of the Tech Level of the Mech or higher any damaged Mech Chassis, Systems
for each point of SP you want to restore. All Major Injuries will heal during down-
or Modules that you encounter in the time as long as they have access to a
For example if a Tech 1 Mule Mech has 2 wastelands.
SP and you spent 3 Tech 1 Scrap you can Crawler Medbay or equivalent, this takes
restore 3 of its SP up to 5. Higher tech 2 weeks.
A Pilot can repair a damaged Mech
levels of scrap than the Mech still restore Chassis, System or Module as a Long
the same number of SP. Hit Points can be restored in the field via
Action which takes 1 hour. They must Pilot Equipment such as a First Aid Kit or
have access to Pilot Equipment or an Healing Bio-Foam. Some Pilot Abilities
A Pilot can repair the Structure Points of a ability with the Repair trait.
Mech as Long Action which takes 1 hour. may also restore hit points.
They must have access to Pilot Equip- A Mech can repair a damaged Mech
ment or an ability with the Repair trait. If a Pilot is reduced to 0 Hit Points and
Chassis, System or Module as Short then healed with a healing item or ability
Action which takes 10 minutes. They then they are brought to conscious-
A Mech can repair the Structure Points must have access to a System, Module or
of a Mech as Short Action which takes ness and their health is restored by that
Ability which confers the Repair trait. amount. For example a Pilot on 0 HP who
10 minutes. They must have access to a
System, Module or Ability with the Repair is healed 2 HP via a First Aid Kit would
If a Mech Chassis is repaired it is oper- regain consciousness and be on 2 Hit
trait. ational with 1 SP. Its Systems and Points.
Modules are also operational unless
Systems, Modules and Abilities, such as they were specifically either damaged
the Welding Laser, can further allow the or destroyed. If they were damaged they
restoration of SP in the field in their own must be repaired separately. If they were
unique ways. destroyed then there is no way to repair or
even salvage them.
Repairing Damaged Mech
Chassis, Systems and
A damaged Mech Chassis is inopera-
tional and cannot be piloted. A damaged
System or Module cannot be used.
A damaged Mech Chassis, System or
Module can be repaired in the field or

52 53
Salvage Types System or Module. Scrap has a Tech
Level which determines what Chassis,
Destroyed Salvage Scrap - Requires
A destroyed Mech Chassis, System, Salvaging Trait
At the heart of Salvage Union is salvaging. Systems and Modules it can be used to Module is rendered entirely unusable and This option allows you to quickly break
craft and what it can be traded for. There irreparable. It also cannot be salvaged
This is how your Pilots keep their Union down a Mech Chassis, System or Module
are six levels of tech in the game. from or scrapped.
Crawler functioning and upgrade the into scrap.
power of their Mechs.
Scrap is both a resource that can be
Salvage is split into 6 different Tech traded and bartered as well as something Salvaging a Found Item When you perform this action the Mech
Chassis, System or Module is scrapped. If
that you can use to craft and repair Mech
Levels which broadly represents a mixture it is damaged you gain a number of Scrap
Chassis, Systems and Modules. When you find an intact or damaged
of how advanced it is as well as its rarity. equal to half its salvage value rounded up.
Mech Chassis, System or Module in
The specifics of what the individual The value of this Scrap is equal to its Tech
the wastelands you have the following
salvage is, can be added for flavour Salvage Condition options. Level. If it is intact you gain a number
purposes, but shouldn’t be focused on too of Scrap equal to its salvage value of its
much in play. It’s assumed your salvagers Each piece of non-scrap salvage in Tech Level.
Each of these choices can be performed
are competent and savvy enough to turn the wastelands has a certain condi- by a Pilot or Mech. When a Pilot performs
all manner of things they find into what
they need.
tion which determines its usability and any of these actions it counts as a Long Repair - Requires Repair Trait
salvageability. All salvager Pilots are able Action (1 Hour). If the Mech Chassis, System or Module
to quickly and easily tell the condition is damaged it can be repaired. This costs
For ease of play Salvage found in the of a piece of salvage upon a cursory When a Mech performs any of these a number of scrap equal to its salvage
wastes can be put into one of two cate- inspection. This condition is decided by actions it counts as a Short Action (10 value. This salvage must be of an equal
gories. The first includes all Chassis’, The Mediator with most salvage being Minutes). or higher Tech Level than the System or
Systems and Modules as described in assumed damaged. Module. Once repaired it is intact and
this book. The second includes everything
Certain traits are required to perform operational for use.
else which is referred to as Scrap.
Intact some of these actions as well. For
The Mech Chassis, System or Module example to load something your Pilot or Mount/Dismount - Requires
What is Scrap? is fully intact and in working order. It is Mech needs access to something with
Load & Repair Trait
incredibly rare to find intact items in the the Load trait.
This allows you to mount a System or
Scrap is the main resource in Salvage wasteland.
Module onto a Mech Chassis or remove a
Union. It abstractly represents a wide Load - Requires Load Trait System or Module from a Mech Chassis.
range of different things that can be Damaged This loads the Mech Chassis, System or
salvaged in the wastes such as scrap The Mech Chassis, System or Module is Module onto yours or another Mech. It The Mech must have a number of System
metal, wiring loom, circuitry, semicon- damaged. It is inoperable until repaired. takes up a number of Cargo Slots equal or Module slots free to mount the new
ductors, ballistic cases, laser generators, It is assumed by default that all Mech to its salvage value. This load cannot be System or Module. When mounting you
plastics, fuel and much more. Chassis, Systems and Modules found in shared between multiple Mechs and must may remove any number of Systems or
the wastelands are in this state. be carried by one Mech. This option is Modules from a Mech to install the new
It can either be found in the wastelands or quick and simple and allows you to take component as part of the action.
be the by-product of scrapping a Chassis, back the salvage to use in downtime.

54 55
Salvaging a Mech An area that can be area salvaged will have two values.

Use the following rules when a player wants to salvage from a Mech which has Tech Level
Systems and Modules attached to it. Mechs will often be salvaged like this following a This is the Tech Level of salvage in the area. This value is set by The Mediator as
combat or when they are found in the wastelands. appropriate to the area.

A Pilot can salvage a Mech as a Long Action which takes 1 hour. They must have Supply
access to Pilot Equipment or an ability with the Salvaging trait. This is the number of times an area can be area salvaged by a Mech or Pilot. By default
this number is 4. Each time a player rolls to area salvage reduce this by one. When the
A Mech can salvage a Mech as a Short Action which takes 10 minutes. They must have value is 0 the area cannot be area salvaged anymore.
access to a System, Module or ability with the Salvaging trait.
The Mediator can change this number as appropriate with some areas having more or
When a player wants to salvage a Mech they must first make a salvage roll. This deter- less supply. For example, a sheet metal factory may have a high supply of 6 but a low
mines what can be salvaged from the Mech. This roll can be pushed as normal. Roll a Tech level of 1. Whereas an abandoned research laboratory may have a low supply of 2
d20 - but a high Tech Level of 4.

Lion’s Share - You salvage the Mech Chassis and a System or Module Area Salvaging costs 1 AP for a Pilot to perform and 1 EP for a Mech to perform.
20 of your choice mounted on it. They both have the damaged condition.
If a Pilot is area salvaging this takes 1 hour to complete as a Long Action for each time
Anything else is considered destroyed.
they area salvage. They must also have Pilot Equipment or an Ability which confers the
Meat and Potatoes - You salvage the Mech Chassis or a System or
Salvage trait.
11-19 Module of your choice mounted on it. It has the damaged condition.
Anything else is considered destroyed.
If a Mech is area salvaging this takes 10 minutes to complete as a Short Action for
Bits and Pieces - You salvage a System or Module of your choice each time they area salvage. Mechs performing this action must have a System,
6-10 mounted on the Mech. It has the damaged condition. Anything else is Module or Ability with the Salvage trait. This roll can be pushed as normal.
considered destroyed.
Nuts and Bolts - You salvage half of the salvage value of the Mech Jackpot! - The salvager finds a Mech Chassis, System or Module at
2-5 Chassis in scrap rounded up. This scrap is of the same tech level as the 20 the Tech Level of the area. It is in the damaged condition. This can be
Mech. Everything else is considered destroyed. randomised or chosen by The Mediator.

Ashes and Dust - The Mech is unsalvageable, its Chassis, Systems and
Modules are all considered destroyed.
11-19 Winning- The salvager finds 3 Scrap of the Tech Level of the area.

6-10 Not Bad - The salvager finds 2 Scrap of the Tech Level of the area.

Better than Nothing- The salvager finds 1 scrap of the Tech Level of the
2-5 area.
Area Salvaging
1 Nothing - The salvager finds nothing in the area.
Area salvaging represents scouring a large area for valuable salvage. This will typically
be a point on the region map within campaign mode. It includes areas such as facto-
ries, cargo hangers, bunkers or abandoned settlements. The area must be free and
safe from hostiles before area salvaging can be performed. Not all places can be area
salvaged and it is up to The Mediator to decide if an area can or cannot be salvaged in
this way. For example an abandoned highway with only burned out vehicles may have
no usable salvage to find.

56 57
Salvaging a Non-Mech If a Mech does not have enough cargo You can follow this procedure which Scrap & Trade
capacity for this then it cannot carry the broadly covers the many things you can You may scrap any of your Mech Chassis,
entire Mech Chassis, System or Module. do in your Union Crawler. These don’t Systems or Modules. If they are intact
There are some foes you may encounter
It could be salvaged and split into indi- have to be done in exact order but it helps you gain a number of scrap equal to their
in the game such as drones, traditional
vidual pieces and then carried. to organise it. This is condensed and salvage value. If they are damaged you
vehicles and the likes of Bio Titan.
complete rules for downtime will be avail- gain a number of scrap equal to half their
For example a Tech 2 Magpie Mech has able in the Salvage Union Core book. salvage value rounded up.
These can be scrapped for their salvage
a salvage value of 9. A Mech with 9 slots
value in scrap of their Tech Level. Follow
the same rules as the ‘Scrap’ salvage could carry the Magpie and it would take Pay Upkeep You may also trade scrap at an even rate.
up all of its slots. A Mech with only 6 During downtime the first thing you For example you can trade two Tech 1
slots could not carry the Magpie but the should do is pay Upkeep. The upkeep for Scrap for one Tech 2 Scrap. You could
Some of these may have a limited number Magpie could be scrapped and split into 9 Crawler #279 is 5 Tech 3 Scrap. also trade one Tech 2 Scrap and one Tech
of Systems or Modules mounted on them individual pieces of scrap which can then 3 Scrap for one Tech 5 Scrap. Intact Mech
which you can salvage as an individual be shared by the Mechs in the group. Chassis, Systems and Modules can also
System or Module. They will typically
Split Salvage be traded for a number of scrap equal
Next you should share all remaining
be in damaged condition. The Systems A creature or humanoid also takes up to their salvage value or another Mech
Scrap, Mech Chassis, Systems and
and Modules you can salvage from a 1 Cargo Slot, however storing living Chassis, System or Module of the same
Modules between the Salvagers in a way
non-Mech is up to The Mediator to decide. creatures as cargo is typically dangerous value as decided by The Mediator.
you agree amongst yourself.
for them as they get thrown around the
Mech. For each hour they travel in this Craft and Customise
Cargo Capacity way, as well as when the Mech moves Repair & Heal You may craft any Mech Chassis,
in an action scene or is dealt damage During downtime your Mech restores to
A Mech’s cargo capacity is split into slots. Systems or Modules by spending 2x
they lose 2 HP. You can install specific full Structure Points and Energy Points
By default Mech’s have 6 Cargo Slots. their Salvage value in Scrap equal to or
Systems to safely carry humanoids and and their Heat reduces to 0.
This represents an abstracted mixture of higher than their Tech Level. You may
creatures. also mount or dismount any number of
internal as well as external storage they Your Pilot also fully heals their Hit Points
can hold by strapping parts onto them. Systems or Modules on your Mech.
Pilot Equipment usually isn’t worth and restores all of their Action Points and
tracking on a Mech however if you wish reduces their Stress to 0.
Mechs can increase their cargo capacity Relax at the Cantina
to do so a Cargo Slot can carry up to 10
beyond this by installing systems such The Cantina is the social hub of your
pieces of Pilot Equipment. All Minor Injuries will heal during down-
as Cargo Holds and via unique chassis Union Crawler, it’s where you eat, drink
time as long as they have access to a
abilities. and get to know other members of your
Crawler Medbay or equivalent, this takes
Downtime 1 week. community. You can find out information
Each individual piece of Scrap takes up here about the wider wastelands. The
one slot on a Mech or 3 slots for a Pilot. Once your foray into the wastelands is Mediator will provide you at least one
All Major Injuries will heal during down-
An intact or damaged Mech Chassis, complete you can return back to the time as long as they have access to a rumour during downtime about some-
System or Module takes up a number of safety of your Union Crawler for down- Crawler Medbay or equivalent, this takes thing in the wasteland.
slots equal to its salvage value. time. 2 weeks.

A Mech that has Systems and Modules The pilot’s in this Quickstart are all You can also repair any damaged Mech
mounted on it takes up a number of members of Crawler #279, a Tech 3 Chassis, Systems or Modules by spending
slots equal to the combined value of its Exploratory Crawler with six insectoid-like a number of scrap equal to its Salvage
Systems, Modules and Chassis salvage legs on a massive hull allowing it to trav- value of its tech level or higher.
values. erse over a multitude of terrain.

58 59
“You load sixteen tons and what do
you get? Sixteen tons of salvage that’s
what; sixteen tons of sweet, tradeable

-Pam ‘Commodore’ Ulrich, Crawler #279

60 61
Mediator Advice example in combat you may say a Tough
Choice results in a character’s Mech
Create a Setback - This is something that
challenges the players or goes wrong that
do, then dealing 2 Structure damage to
their Mechs if they fail to avoid the threat,
The core procedure of play in Salvage being flanked by an opposing Mech who raises the stakes of the game. This could would be reasonable. Saying boulders
is now bearing down on them. Whilst be an enemy ambush, a treacherous area fall blocking the path but opening up an
Union is a conversation that goes like
‘technically’ the opposing Mech couldn’t of wastes to explore, or a tough choice unexplored route would be interesting.
move as it wasn’t its turn this adds a fun, like saving a group of friendly allies or
- The Mediator describes the situation dramatic moment to play. Feel embold- getting to a destination more quickly. You Consequences should mostly occur as a
that the players are in. ened, to throw curveballs like this at can string together many of these and result of the player making a significant
Players when the die prompts you to. even add choices between them for the choice in the game, rolling the die and
- The Players tell the Mediator what they
The Core Mechanic takes precedence in players. getting a result that results in a conse-
wish to do.
- The Mediator narrates the result. Salvage Union over any other rule. The Run the Finale - This is a big ‘showdown’ quence. You may however apply conse-
other rules are built around it entirely as a that leads to the players resolving the quences as a Mediator as you see fit to
framework. hook. It could be a tense chase, a fight the situation and players actions.
If something the players want to do at
with a powerful enemy, an unexpected
step 2 is significant, dangerous, dramatic
or has some chance of going wrong The key advice to running Salvage Union revelation or a tough choice. Here are some examples of Conse-
then they roll a d20 to see what happens is always be upfront and honest with the Downtime - In Salvage Union the end quences that The Mediator can set based
players about the situation they are in, of the scenario should have the players on the narrative choices the player makes
based on the Core Mechanic. Be wary of
rolling the dice in trivial situations or ones the options they have and what conse- returning back to the Union Crawler and the result of the die.
without any interesting outcomes. The quences they may cause and to balance for Downtime. This lets them heal and
those options to create a tense and satis- repair and more importantly upgrade and When dealing damage as a conse-
die roll is not a test of character ability, it
represents fate, luck, serendipity and an fying experience. customise their Mech’s and Pilots with quence the default baseline is 2 Struc-
array of potential external factors; hence the Salvage they have found. ture damage for Mechs and 2 Hit Point
damage for Pilots.
why it broadly applies in the same way to Game Structure
everyone in the game. Consequences They are hurt:
There’s many ways to structure a game
The player skill of the game comes from of Salvage Union. We have a scenario at A consequence should be framed as - They take damage. (2 SP/HP Default)
working out actions and ideas in play the back of this booklet - The Downing of some kind of a setback. It should never - An NPC attacks them.
that would result in beneficial situations the Atychos - which shows one method. stall play entirely or be magnified beyond - They have to roll on the Critical Damage
and reduce the effects of potential If you want to create your own a simple what it reasonably would be within or Critical Injury Table.
consequences and in how players utilise structure to follow is - the narrative. Instead it should propel - Their Mech or body is impaired in some
their array of Pilot and Mech abilities play forwards but into interesting and way.
throughout play. Establish a Hook - This is something unexpected new avenues. For example - A System or Module on their Mech
that draws the players into the game and if players attempt to cross a mountain malfunctions or they suffer from a
There’s a lot of flexibility to the Core gives them a motivation to do things. The pass; saying boulders fall on their Mechs disease or ailment.
Mechanic and it can be applied in many simplest hook in Salvage Union is that and they’re all destroyed would be an - A System or Module on their Mech is
different ways throughout play to create there’s some good Salvage out there for unfair consequence. Saying boulders Damaged or Destroyed.
dynamic and changing situations. For the characters to find. fall and asking them what they want to

62 63
- Their laser weapon overheats causing Tough Choices Examples: lot of additional load and isn’t necessary for the game to work, or be fun to play.
them to gain Heat or make a Reactor
Overload Check. A good tough choice is one between two
- Their explosive weapon hits them or an consequences that are equally unde- NPC Health and Damage
ally. sirable. You can use any of the conse-
quences noted on the previous page For the sake of simplicity in play when the Structure Points of an NPC Mech, is reduced
Their reputation or standing is harmed: when offering players a tough choice or to 0 their chassis, as well as all of their systems and modules are assumed to be
create your own based on the narrative damaged and inoperational. The Pilot is assumed either dead or incapacitated.
- They offend someone. context of the situation. Here are some
- They break the law and become wanted additional examples to help you. When the Hit Points of an NPC is reduced to 0 they are assumed dead or incapacitated.
by authorities.
- They are cast out of a community. - Deal half damage or hurt yourself. For particularly important NPC’s The Mediator may decide to roll on the Critical
- A bounty is put on their heads. - Take damage, lose or break a piece of Damage Table or Critical Injury Table for them. Likewise they may decide to roll to see if
- They lose an ally. Equipment, Mech System or Module. they escape from their Mech via Systems such as the Escape Hatch if applicable.
- One of the character’s flaws is triggered. - Betray a friend or make an enemy.
- Retreat to save the convoy but sacrifice Special NPC’s such as Bio-Titans or Meld often have their own unique rules when they
They lose something: an ally. reach 0 SP. If they don’t they are assumed dead or destroyed when reduced to 0.
- Save one wastelander from dying but not
- Something important to them is stolen.
- Their ballistic weapon jams or runs out
the other.
- Save a wastelander from dying or get to
NPC Actions
of ammo. your destination faster. When an NPC takes an action in the game The Mediator rolls on their own table below.
- Their items or weapons are less effec- - Pick up powerful experimental tech- This table is similar to the player table but reframes many of the options.
tive than they should be. nology but activate its downside.
- A trader demands a costly deal.
- A bounty is put on their head. Nailed It - The NPC succeeds spectacularly at their action. They get an
Controlling an NPC additional bonus of The Mediator’s choice. If they are making an attack
- The negatives of their Systems, Module,
Equipment, or Mech are triggered.
20 they hit and do double damage or get another bonus of The Mediator’s
NPC’s work much in the same way as choice.
Their environment shifts: player characters. On their turn they can
Success - The NPC achieves their action successfully. An attack hits
move and take a standard action and they 11-19 and deals standard damage.
- A rad storm makes the journey difficult. can take any reactions as appropriate.
Tough Choice - The NPC is successful but faces a tough choice. The
- A disaster devastates the land.
- A mishap creates an impasse. NPC’s do not push rolls in the game. The 6-10 players give The Mediator a choice between two setbacks. A weapon
Mediator also does not need to track attack hits but with a choice of setback chosen by the players.
- A disease begins to spread.
Stress, Heat, Action Points or Energy Failure - The NPC has failed at their action. The players choose an
Their enemies advance: Points for NPC’s. It can be assumed that 2-5 appropriate setback for failure. A weapon attack misses.
any Systems, Modules or Abilities they
Catastrophe - The NPC has catastrophically failed at their action. They
have access to can be used as many
- A faction gains power.
- An ally loses territory or resources. times as they need within a situation. 1 suffer a severe setback of the player’s choice. A weapon attack misses
with a setback chosen by the players.
- A settlement is taken over by an enemy. Any ability an NPC has access to will be
- The enemy are awaiting the party in written in such a way that it can work
ambush. when applied to a player or an NPC.
- Enemies spread across the land.
- An enemy captures something powerful. If The Mediator does want to track NPC’s
in more detail they can do so but this is a

64 65
Reaction Rolls For simplicities sake you can also apply this to an entire group rather than individual
creatures or mechs. When a group of NPC’s suffers 50% or more overall deaths or the
Sometimes it’s not obvious how a group of NPC’s will react to the party when they destruction of 50% or more Mechs; make a Morale check to determine if the entire
group stays in the fight.
meet them. It’s also easy to get into the habit of always making NPC’s attack or react in
some other prescribed manner. This table is designed to give The Mediator prompts for
NPC reactions and adds a lot of variety to play. Fight to the death - The NPC is going to see this one through to the end.
20 They double down and will not retreat from this fight.
Roll a d20 on this table when your players meet a group of NPC’s to determine how
they react to the party. This sets the initial reaction and the rest of the scene can be 11-19 Fight On - The NPC or group will continue to fight.

roleplayed out from that point Fighting Retreat - The NPC or group will retreat but do so whilst contin-
6-10 uing to fight.
Actively Helpful and Friendly - The NPC’s are incredibly friendly and Retreat - The NPC or group will flee the fight as quickly and safely as
20 positive towards the party and will actively help them in any reasonable 2-5 possible.
way they can.
Surrender - The NPC or NPC group will surrender to whoever is
Friendly - The NPC’s are friendly and willing to talk, trade and offer infor- 1 attacking them. If there is nobody to surrender to they will recklessly
mation to the party however will still ask for their fair share in return. flee.
Unfriendly - The NPC’s react in an unfriendly manner to the party , they
6-10 will be difficult to talk or trade with and reluctant to offer any help to the
party. Retreat
Hostile - The NPC’s are hostile to the party. They will defend
2-5 their area, make motions to attack, gesture, threaten, and be highly Sometimes things go wrong and the players need to retreat. The players can choose to
reluctant to parley. retreat at any time during a scene. Retreat covers the entire group.
Actively Hostile - The NPC’s will either launch an attack on the Party
1 if appropriate, or flee from them, barricade themselves in and avoid Roll a d20 -
contact as though the Party were hostile.
Perfect Escape - The party escape perfectly to a well secured location
20 and lose their pursuers.

11-19 Escape - The party escapes safely from the scene.

Morale Dangerous Escape - The party escapes but at a cost. The Mediator
will offer a tough choice based on the narrative circumstances. This
These rules cover whether or not NPC’s in the game choose to retreat. The party never 6-10 could be everyone taking damage, a Mech being damaged, a Pilot being
rolls Morale and it is always the player’s choice whether the party retreats or not.
injured or anything else appropriate.
NPC’s in this case include both those the party are actively fighting as well as any allied Failed Escape - You are unable to escape and will have to fight this one
NPC’s they may have with them. 2-5 out.
Disastrous Escape - You fail to escape and are pinned down by the
When a Mech is reduced to 50% or less of it’s Structure Points make a Morale check 1 enemy with all retreat cut off.
to determine if it stays in the fight. When a Creature is reduced to 50% or less of it’s Hit
Points, make a Morale check to determine if it stays in the fight.

66 67
‘Hauler’ Pattern
‘Leaky’ Pattern
A favourite of wastelanders due to
This wastelander Mule is designed for hauling settlers and cargo,
its protected chassis.
but has some rudimentary defences.

Systems Systems
.50 Cal Machine Gun Cutting Saw Arm
Damage: 2SP // Range: Close Damage: 2SP // Range: Close

Locomotion System Locomotion System

Escape Hatch Welding Laser

Cargo Hold Floodlights

Transport Hold Rigging Arm

Rigging Arm Modules

Modules Personal Recreation Device

Reactor Flare Module Comms Module

Comms Module


























9 9 9 12 2 6 1 8

12 6 6 15 2 12 1 6


Hazard Protected Chassis - The Scrapper suffers no effect or damage from

Expanded Cargo Bay - The Mules default Cargo Capacity is 12. hazardous environmental effects such as radiation storms. In addition when
dealing with severe environmental hazards they may push for free to circumvent
or resist any effects.

68 69
‘Butcher’ Pattern
‘Evantis Sentinel’ Pattern
Designed initially as an agricultural Evantis converted many of these during
mech, this has been retrofitted with the colonial wars to mobile shielded
butting blade arms to get up close missile platforms.
and personal.

Systems Missile Pod
Damage: 6SP // Range: Long
Red Laser Explosive // Area Effect (2)
Damage: 3SP // Range: Medium
Energy Locomotion System
Locomotion System Ejection System
Escape Hatch Loudspeaker
Cutting Saw Arm Modules
Modules Pinpoint Targeter
Reactor Flare Module Comms Module


EP Conduit

Comms Module















21 14 8 12 3 6 2 10





Advanced Shield Dome - The Mirror Ball has an inbuilt Advanced Shield Dome
that projects a protective energy field around its chassis. This can be activated as


a Standard Action and remains permanently on until deactivated as a Standard


15 6 10 9 2 6 1 8 When active if the Mirror Ball or anything within Close Range of the Mirror Ball

takes damage, it takes no damage instead. The Mirror Ball loses a number of
Heavily Armoured - Any ‘Nailed It’ (20) result made against this Mech counts as a Energy Points equal to the damage taken. If the amount of damage reduces the
normal hit and does not deal 2x damage. Mirror Ball to 0 Energy Points deal the remainder of damage as normal to the
target. If the Mirror Ball has no Energy Points then damage is dealt as normal.

70 71
‘Buzzard’ Pattern
‘Evantis Gladiator’ Pattern
Popular amongst corpo contractors who
Raiders favour these as they can overheat
purchase them on credit and pay off the
larger prey and strip the flesh of anything else.
debt through violence.

Systems Systems
Flamethrower x 2 Red Pulse Laser
Damage: 1SP // Range: Close Damage: 5SP // Range: Close
Overheat // Weapon Link (2x Attack) Energy

Loudspeakers Locomotion System

Floodlights Ejection System
Mech Close Combat
Modules Armament
Weapon Link Refractive Shield Projector
Comms Module .50 Cal Machine Gun
Self Destruct Module
Pinpoint Targeter
Comms Module































6 10 6 9 3 6 1 4 25 10 14 16 4 6 3 4

Hover - The Mazonas has an inbuilt Drontek Pattern Hover Locomotion System Close Range Protocols - The Brawler deals an additional 1 SP damage when it
which is included in its profile. This allows it to hover over obstacles and terrain. makes an attack at any target within Close Range of it.

72 73
‘Hauler’ Pattern
‘Evantis Longsaddle’ Pattern
Retrofitted as a reconnaissance ranger
An Opus original pattern designed for quickly ferrying to work in tandem with a more
cargo on and off the battlefield while offering conventional mercenary lance.
limited combat support.

Systems Systems
Red Laser Green Laser
Damage: 3SP // Range: Medium Damage: 4SP // Range: Medium
Energy Energy

Locomotion System Locomotion System

Escape Hatch Escape Hatch
Cargo Hold Transport Hold
High Gain Antenna Rigging Arm

Modules Modules
Evasion Protocols Evasion Protocols
Survey Scanner Comms Module
Comms Module Reactor Overload Module




























14 10 8 12 3 10 2 4 14 10 8 12 3 10 2 4


Expanded Cargo Hold - The Gopher’s default Cargo Capacity is 10. Expanded Cargo Hold - The Gopher’s default Cargo Capacity is 10.

74 75
‘Contour’ Pattern ‘Evantis Wyvern’ Pattern
This classic Contour Aerospace build is Using both the Contour chassis and VTU, this licensed Evantis
designed to get in get in fast and strip off model is used to great effect as a shock or fast reclamation mech.
vital components then retreat.

Systems Systems
Red Pulse Laser Green Laser
Damage: 5SP // Range: Close Damage: 4SP // Range: Medium
Energy Energy

Locomotion System Locomotion System

Escape Hatch Contour VTU
Chaff Launcher Ejection System
Energy Shield Projector Energy Shield Projector

Modules Modules
Evasion Protocols Evasion Protocols
Pinpoint Targeter Pinpoint Targeter
Comms Module Comms Module































12 10 12 12 3 6 2 7 12 10 12 12 3 6 2 7

Fast - The Hussar can move an additional range band on its turn as a free action. Fast - The Hussar can move an additional range band on its turn as a free action.
In addition it moves twice as fast across the Campaign, Area and Region Maps. In addition it moves twice as fast across the Campaign, Area and Region Maps.

76 77
Humanoid Profiles Ace Pilot Missile Squad Locomotion System (Wheeled)
Personnel Transport Capacity: 18, or 3
This represents expert combat trained Combat trained troopers armed with a
These profiles can be used to represent Pilots in the world such as corpo Pilots mobile missile launcher. Squads
humanoids in the world. and salvagers.
HP: 8
Wastelander HP: 10 Creature Profiles
Spearhead AMGM
This represents the myriad common deni-
Blue Laser Rifle Damage: 3SP // Range: Long
zens of the wastelands.
Damage: 4HP // Range: Close Explosive // Area Effect (1) Wasteland Bear
Energy Large, hungry and ferocious, these bears
HP: 2 are not just after your picnic basket.
Improvised Weapons Squads HP: 5
Damage: 2HP // Range: Close
Salvaging Tools
Power Loader // T1 🛠1
When dealing with a larger number of Maul
Salvaging NPC’s it’s easier to track them as a squad. A pneumatically powered heavy loader for
Damage: 4HP // Range: Close
Use these stats to represent a group moving cargo that requires a single Pilot.
of creatures such as a band of waste-
Trooper landers, a mercenary soldier band or a SP: 2 Irradiated Scorpion
This represents the myriad of combat Mutated beyond their usual size, these
herd of wasteland bovines that numbers
trained denizens of the wastelands Rigging Arm scorpions have been known to kill entire
around half a dozen or so. This lets you
Damage: 2SP // Range: Close camps of wasters; saving the bodies for
run larger conflicts without having to indi-
HP: 4 vidually manage dozens of NPC’s. Load later.

Truck // T1 🛠2 HP: 3
Damage: 3HP // Range: Close Waster Mob
Ballistic A mob of wastelanders with improvised Any simple wheeled vehicle, usually modi- Sting
Portable Comms Unit weapons. fied to carry heavy weaponry. Damage: 3HP // Range: Close
Communicator Poison
HP: 4 SP: 3
Combat Pilot Improvised Weapons
Wasteland Artl
.50 Cal Machine Gun
This represents combat trained Mech Ambush predators that will melt your
Damage: 3HP // Range: Close Damage: 2SP // Range: Close
Pilots. bones from their hiding spots before you
Salvaging Tools Ballistic // Pinning
even see them.
Salvaging Crew Capacity: 6, or 1 Squad
HP: 6
HP: 2
Rifle Machine Gun Squad APC // T2 🛠3
Damage: 3HP // Range: Medium Combat trained troops armed with a Armoured Wheeled Vehicle for carrying Acid Spit
Ballistic mobile machine gun. personnel. Damage: 2HP // Range: Medium
Portable Comms Unit Sticky (2HP)
Communicator HP: 8 SP: 3
First Aid Kit
Heavy Machine Gun 30mm Autocannon
Damage: 2SP // Range: Close Damage: 5SP // Range: Close
Ballistic // Pinning Ballistic // Jamming

78 79
Bio-Titan Profiles
Bio-Titan Salvage is worth the equivalent of 1 Tier 1 Scrap
and can be traded as such. It cannot be used to craft or repair
any Tech 1 - 6 Chassis, Systems or Modules. Bio-Titan by
their nature drop vast amounts of salvage in the form of their
Bio-Titan form ranging from their armour plates, to spiked arms,
to acid glands.


SP: 20

Scythe Attack
Damage: 4SP // Range: Close

Scylla, if unnoticed, always acts first in combat.

Many Scythes
Scylla can attack 2 times on their turn or make one tail sweep.

Tail Sweep
The Scylla makes one giant sweeping attack with their tail. This
hits every target within Medium Range dealing 4 SP damage
on a hit. Make each attack separately. Targets hit are knocked
over and gain the Vulnerable Trait until they get back up as a
Standard Action.

Scylla can effortlessly climb over difficult terrain, rocky surfaces
and other obstacles.

Armour Plating x 4
When the Scylla takes damage they remove a layer of armour
plating and instead take no damage.

Salvage: 20 Bio-Titan Salvage

80 81
Meld Profiles Bullet Absorption - Reaction
Can be used when an attack with a
Meld Behemoth the Meld Behemoth restores 6 Structure
Points. If this number would go over its
Ballistic weapon is made against a Meld. max structure points it increases its max
Meld Salvage structure points by that amount.
When any Meld is reduced to 0 SP roll ROLL THE DIE:
20 - The attack deals no damage and
SP: 25
a d20. On a 20 it drops 1 Active Meld
is shot back at the firer for standard Meld Tendril Attack
Nanite. On any other result it drops 1 Inert
Meld Nanite. damage. Damage: 5SP // Range: Medium
10 - 19 - The attack deals half damage Melee
and is fired back at the attacker for
Active Meld Nanites Split
standard damage. When a Meld Behemoth
An Active Meld Nanite is worth the equiv-
6 - 10 - The attack either deals half is reduced to 0 SP it turns
alent of Tech 6 Scrap. In addition it can be
damage or is fired back at the attacker for into 2 Meld Constructs.
used to repair any Mech Chassis, System
standard damage. Meld Absorption
or Module as though it was Tech 6.
2 - 5 - The attack deals normal damage. A Mech, Vehicle or Bio-Titan
1 - The attack deals 2 x damage.
Inert Meld Nanites reduced to 0 SP by a Meld Behe-
Split moth is absorbed into
An Inert Meld Nanite is worth the equiva-
When a Meld Construct is reduced to 0 SP its bulk. It is
lent of Tech 1 Scrap.
it turns into 2 Meld Nanoids. destroyed and
Meld Infection
Meld Nanoid A target hit by a Meld Construct is
infected as nanites begin to ooze over
it. If an infected Mech is reduced to 0 SP
SP: 5 it becomes a Meld Behemoth under the
control of the Meld. If an infected creature
Nanoid Tendril Attack is reduced to 0 SP it becomes a Meld
Damage: 4SP // Range: Medium Drone under the control of the Meld.
Meld Infection
A target hit by a Meld Nanoid is infected
as nanites begin to ooze over it. If an
infected Mech is reduced to 0 SP it
becomes a Meld Behemoth under the
control of the Meld. If an infected creature
is reduced to 0 SP it becomes a Meld
Drone under the control of the Meld.

Meld Construct

SP: 15
Meld Tendril Attack
Damage: 4SP // Range: Medium

82 83
These Systems and Modules are what make up the core of your mech. They include
weapons such as the 30mm Autocannon and hardware such as a Rigging Arm. Each of
Systems Table
these Systems confers different abilities on your Mech.
Name Description
Modules are software, information and electronic warefare systems installed in your
Mech. They confer a wide range of abilities and include the likes of Survey Scanners Escape
T1 1 🛠1 Reactive // Escape
and Hacking Chips. Hatch
An Escape Hatch is a sealed hatch that can be opened and
escaped through in the event a Mech suffers critical damage or
They’re listed on the following pages in table form for easy referencing.
the Pilot needs to make a swift exit. When activated by pulling
a lever a bolted charge tears the escape hatch from the Mech
Symbol Key: Chassis allowing for the Pilot to crawl through.
A Mech’s Tech Level broadly represents how advanced it is. There are 6 Tech
T1 Levels in the game, the number after the T denotes which level it is.
As a reaction you may activate the Escape Hatch of your Mech
and attempt to escape from it. You may do this at any time
including in response to your Mech being destroyed.
Each System and Module has a Slot value, denoting how many Slots it takes up
1 on your Mech
20 - The Pilot escapes perfectly. They can choose to be in Close

A Mech’s Salvage Value represents a wide range of factors relating to its or Medium Range of their Mech.
salvageability. Salvage is always of the same Tech Tier as it’s source. 11 - 19 - The Pilot escapes safely in Close Range of their Mech.
6 - 10 - The Pilot escapes but is injured in the process. They must
roll on the Critical Injury Table
Systems Table 2 - 5 - The Escape Hatch fails to trigger and is damaged in the
process. The Pilot must find another way out.
Name Description 1 - The Escape Hatch severely malfunctions trapping the Pilot
and injuring them. The Pilot rolls on the Critical Injury Table and
.50 Caliber
T1 2 🛠2 Ballistic // Jamming // Pinning
Damage: 2SP // Range: Close The Escape Hatch is destroyed.
Heavy Flame-
T1 3 🛠2
Damage: 1SP // Range: Close
A simple automatic ballistic weapon that fires solid high calibre
Machine Gun slugs. Often used in an anti-personnel capacity. Thrower Energy // Overheat // Anti-Organic
Developed as a means to control forest fires this shoots a super-
Cutting Saw
T1 3 🛠3
Damage: 2SP // Range: Close heated stream of fire at a target. While most mechs won’t suffer
Melee // Salavging too much damage, overheating is a concern; and it’s brutally
Originally developed as a lumberjacking tool by Hodgson & efficient against those inside the Mechs.
Vasquez, the saw arm has remained in use for its salvaging capa-
bilities, utility and stopping power even as the forests have faded
from the world.

84 85
Systems Table Systems Table
Name Description Name Description
T1 1 🛠2 Transport
T1 3 🛠2
Flood Lights light up a wide area in up to Medium Range of a Hold
A simple hold designed to store salvage on a Mech. Not the most
Mech letting you see more clearly in dark or foggy conditions. exciting option but nothing beats the feeling of having a hold full

T1 6 🛠4
Mini Mortar Damage: 4SP // Range: Long of scrap to bring home to the crawler.
Explosive // Area Effect (1) A Transport Hold increases the Cargo Capacity of a Mech by 4.
T2 3 🛠3
This Mech mountable mini mortar lobs a high explosive, high Damage: 5SP // Range: Medium
velocity round against a target, flaying everything around it with Ballistic // Jamming
superheated shrapnel. Autocannon
This simple automatic ballistic weapon fires high calibre slugs at

T1 2 🛠2
Locomotion a target.
Blue Mining
T2 7 🛠6
System Damage: 6SP // Range: Long
A sturdy and dependable locomotion system allowing a Mech Energy // Hot (3)
to traverse most standard terrain types and adaptable to fit on Laser
This heavy duty mining laser fires a concentrated high wavelength
Chassis. These vary from bipedal, to quadrupedal to other more beam designed to crack through hard mining deposits.
esoteric designs

A Locomotion System allows a Mech to move normally. If a

Cargo Hold
T2 5 🛠2
Mech does not have a Locomotion System or it is damaged or An expanded hold for storing large amounts of scrap. A Cargo
destroyed the Mech cannot move. Hold increases your Mech’s Cargo Capacity by 10.
T1 1 🛠1 Range: Long
These externally mounted speakers can be clearly heard by
Chaff 1EP T2 2 🛠2 Reactive
anything up to Long Range of you. They can be used to commu- Launcher This fires a metallic cloud of chaff made of strips of aluminium
nicate externally with those outside of your Mech or play some and zinc from your Mech which can detonate missiles in mid-air
beats. The Immortan Outlaws made effective use of Loud- or scramble targeting systems. If you are hit by a weapon with the
speakers as a crude shock and awe tool during their devastating Explosive or Targeter Trait you may activate the Chaff Launcher
raids in the Uranium Wars. as a reaction to try to avoid the hit.
Red Laser
T1 3 🛠3
Damage: 3SP // Range: Medium
Energy // Hot (1) ROLL THE DIE:
A red laser strikes a target with a small, focussed beam of heat. 20 - You avoid the hit and may activate your Chaff Launcher
Their blueprint has been made widely available by the Opus Insti- without expending EP for the next 10 minutes.
tute making their use prevalent by both corpos and wasters. 11 - 19 - You successfully avoid the hit taking no damage from
the attack.
Rigging Arm
T1 2 🛠2
Range: Close 6 - 10 - You partially avoid the hit and take half damage from the
Load attack.
This standard Rigging Arm designed for industrial use allows for 2 - 5 - You fail to avoid the hit and take damage as normal.
your Mech to manipulate objects in its external environment. It 1 - You fail to avoid the hit and take damage as normal. In addi-
can comfortably hold 1 Scrap in its grip. A Mech without any form tion your chaff launcher is damaged.
of rigging arm or equivalent cannot pick anything up.

86 87
Systems Table Systems Table

Name Description Name Description

Green Laser
T2 4 🛠2 Ejection
T3 2 🛠2
Damage: 4SP // Range: Medium
Energy // Hot (2)
Operating on a mid-visible wavelength, this laser provides a good This allows you to escape your Mech in the event it suffers crit-
balance between power consumption and output. ical damage or is destroyed. The ejection system rocket propels
the Pilot from the chassis to a point a safe distance away where
High Gain
T2 1 🛠1 they land with the aid of a parachute. You may eject as an action
Antenna or reaction.
This increases the range of any of your Modules with a range
band by one. It also increases the range of any Pilot Abilities with
20 - You eject perfectly from the Mech and can land in any loca-
the Communicator or Hacking Trait by one.
tion up to Far Range.

T2 2 🛠4
Shield Range: Close 11 - 19 - You eject safely from the Mech and land unharmed in
1EP Shielding Long Range of the Mech.
Developed initially as a means to combat solar flares within 6 - 10 - You eject but suffer injury in the process. You land in
colony construction and asteroid mining projects, this shield Medium Range of your Mech and must roll on the Critical Injury
projector is also highly effective against Energy weapons. As Table for your Pilot.
a reaction when you or a target within Close Range is hit by an 2 - 5 - The Ejection System fails to trigger and is damaged.
Energy Weapon or any energy source you may activate this shield. 1- The Ejection System severely malfunctions harming the Pilot
inside the cockpit. It is destroyed and your Pilot must roll on the
ROLL THE DIE: Critical Injury Table.
20 - The attack deals no damage and refracts back at the
Heavy Duty
T3 7 🛠4
Damage: 6SP // Range: Close
attacker, hitting them for the damage of their weapon. Melee // Salvaging // Deadly // Unwieldy
11 - 19 - The attack deals no damage. Mining Rig
A heavy duty industrial mining rig that can be used to deal
6 - 10 - You may choose to gain Heat equal to the damage of the carnage in a pinch.
weapon. If you do so the attack deals no damage, if you do not
T3 5 🛠3
the attack deals damage as normal. Damage: 4SP // Range: Long
2 - 5 - The attack hits as normal. Energy // Hot (2)
1 - The attack hits as normal and the shield overloads. You gain 2 A Green Laser that has been modified with a focusing barrel to
Heat and make a Reactor Overload Check. Green Laser extend it’s range.

T3 7 🛠6
Damage: 5SP // Range: Long
Mech Melee
T3 3 🛠4
Damage: 4SP // Range: Close
Ballistic // Area Effect (1)
Cannon Armament Melee
This Mech mountable cannon fires a ballistic charge that
This covers a wide array of close combat Mech weapons from
explodes on impact.
swords, to hatchets, to clubs. When crafting this you may specify
what the weapon looks like.
Contour VTU
T3 4 🛠4
Free Action
Missile Pod
T3 8 🛠6
Hot (2) Damage: 6SP // Range: Long
The Contour Aerospace Vectored Thrust Unit allows for short Explosive // Area Effect (2)
bursts of air propulsion allowing a Mech to jump jet over terrain, Fires a salvo of unguided, rocket propelled explosives to a target
other Mechs and obstacles and find better vantage points for over wide terrain.
attack. When activated the movement of your Mech this turn
ignores all terrain and obstacles.

88 89
Systems Table Modules Table
Name Description Name Description
Rail Rifle
T3 4 🛠2 Ballistic // Hot (1) T1 1 🛠1
Damage: 6SP // Range: Far Comms Communicator
A lightweight railgun designed for sniping, with less power Module
This array of telecommunications wires and receivers allows you
consumption. to communicate with anything with the Communicator Trait in

T3 5 🛠2
Red Pulse Damage: 5SP // Range: Close Long Range.

1EP T1 1 🛠2
Energy // Hot (1) Database Short Action (10 Mins)
Developed by Contour from the Opus Blueprint, this fires multiple Hacking
red lasers at a target, sacrificing range for increased firepower. It Hacking
This hacking chip allows you to tap into a Mech, database
doesn’t generate too much heat either making it an effective laser Chip or information system within Close Range. This lets you
weapon for use in the blistering hot Oceanic Rim. gain specific information about it and the wider network it is
connected to. You can use this on a Mech to learn specific infor-
T3 3 🛠3
Spider Climber mation about it, such as it’s statistics.
Locomotion ROLL THE DIE:
This multi-legged locomotion system allows you to easily trav-
System erse all forms of difficult terrain as well as climb sheer surfaces
20 - You masterfully hack in and are able to ask 4 questions to
The Mediator about it. All of these will be truthful.
such as cliff faces or towering buildings.
11 - 19 - You successfully hack in and are able to ask 2 ques-
Needle 1EP T4 3 🛠3
Damage: 3SP // Range: Long tions to The Mediator about it. Both of these will be truthful.
Guided // Targeter // Area Effect (1) 6 - 10 - Your hack produces a mix of confused data. You are able
Missile Pod A miniaturised pod of self-guided missiles smaller than a pen. to ask The Mediator two questions about it. One of these will
When fired en-masse they can be devastating. You must spend 1 be true but the other will contain false information. It’s up to The
EP when making an attack with Needle Missiles. Needle missiles Mediator to decide and you will not know which is which.
do not require you to be able to see a target and will automatically 2 - 5 - The hack fails, you can’t attempt the same hack again.
hit. 1 - You fail to hack and lose an additional EP point in the
attempt. You cannot attempt to hack the same thing again.
Firewall 2EP T1 1 🛠2 Hacking // Reactive
If you or any allied Mech within Medium Range are the target of
any System, Module or Ability with the Hacking Trait you may
attempt to stop the hack as a reaction.
20 - You block the hack and the target cannot be affected by
anything with the Hacking Trait for the next 10 minutes.
11 - 19 - You successfully block the hack and nullify all effects.
6 - 10 - The Mediator offers you a Tough Choice in relation to the
hack. This could be partially nullifying its effects, an additional EP
cost or damage to your module.
2 - 5 - You fail to stop the hack and it has full effect
1 - Your firewall is breached. Your Firewall Module becomes

90 91
Modules Table Modules Table

Name Description Name Description

T1 1 🛠1
Self Destruct
T1 1 🛠1 Short Action (10 Mins)
Recreation This module allows you to self destruct your own Mech. Your
Your Mech is installed with a Personal Recreation Device of your
Device choice. This could be an entertainment box, foot massager or Mech, as well as all mounted Systems and Modules and all
drinks dispenser. You may use this device once per downtime to Cargo is destroyed. Everything within Close Range of your Mech
reduce your stress to 0 as a Short Action (10 minutes). takes damage equal to the Max Structure Points of your Mech.
Everything within Close Range may take any Standard Action or
Reactor 2EP T1 1 🛠2 Reaction to avoid damage. Your pilot may attempt to Escape via
Flare Module anything with the Escape Trait.
This module fires a reactor fuelled flare to any point within Long
Weapon Link
T1 1 🛠3
Range. The flare will be clearly visible to anything within Far
Range as well as anyone in any adjacent area to you on the map. Module
It will also brightly light up the area you are in to be nearly as A weapon link module allows you to connect any number of
bright as day. identical Weapon Systems together. These must be the same
Weapon System. For example you may link two Green Lasers or
Survey 2EP T1 1 🛠2
Short Action (10 Mins)
three 30mm Autocannons. Note down which weapons are linked
Scanner A Survey Scanner allows you to scan a specific point of interest.
This can be a single point on an Area of Region Map. It can also
You may attack with all linked weapon systems as a Standard
be a specific point of interest in the world within Long Range such
Action against a single target. Make each attack separately. They
as a ruin, unique terrain feature, settlement or base. If an area is
must be fired together when linked and cannot be fired indivdu-
not of interest The Mediator will tell you before you make your
ally. In addition you gain 1 Heat for each weapon you attack with
and must make a single Reactor Overload Check.
20 - You make a thorough scan of the area and may ask The
Mediator 4 questions about it.
Damage 2EP T2 1 🛠1
11 - 19 - You are successful and may ask The Mediator 2 ques- This allows you to scan a Mech or Vehicle in Medium Range to
tions about the area. get a full report of it. You learn all of its Systems and Modules, its
6 - 10 - You partially scan the area and return messy results. You current and max Structure Points, Heat and Energy and if any of
may ask The Mediator 2 questions about the area. One of these its Systems and Modules are damaged.
answers will be true however the other answer will contain false
information. It’s up to The Mediator to decide which and you will
Evasion 2EP T2 1 🛠2 Reactive
not know which one is true or false. Protocols
Allows a Mech to make a series of rapid movements in an
2 - 5 - You are unable to find any useful information about the
attempt to avoid damage from an attack or hazard.
If an attack hits you may activate the Evasion Protocols as a
1 - Your Scanner has malfunctioned and gains the Damaged
reaction to force the attacker to re-roll the attack and choose the
lower result. In addition you may activate Evasion Protocols to
gain a free Push on any attempt to avoid a hazard such as falling
rubble, a self-destructing Mech or a mine field.

92 93
Modules Table Modules Table

Name Description Name Description

Pinpoint 2EP T2 1 🛠2 Free Action Laser
3EP T3 1 🛠2
Free Action
Targeter Guidance
Developed by Sakura Futures as a means to strip a target of vital When you activate this module the next ranged attack your Mech
components in order to cripple a foe or force surrender. makes automatically hits.
Before you make an attack you may activate the PinPoint Targeter
1EP T3 2 🛠2
and declare a specific System or Module on the target. Multi- Targeter
If the attack hits that System or Module is damaged and you deal Targeter
damage as normal. On the roll of a 20 to hit the System or Module This allows you to make one attack with each of your weapon
is instead destroyed. systems as a single action. Each attack must have a different
target. Roll for each attack separately. If you push, each attack
Reactor 2EP T2 1 🛠2 Standard Action // Hacking must be pushed separately. This costs 1 EP per weapon used.
As an action you may force a Mech in Medium Range to roll on
Module the Reactor Overload Table. Traits Communicator
This covers any number of communica-
tion devices. If something has this trait it
2EP T3 1 🛠2
Comms Hacking Area Effect typically denotes that you can communi-
Tapper When a weapon with the Area Effect
cate with it by using other communication
This hacking unit allows you to tap into other communication trait hits it deals damage equal to its
units and listen to them. You may target anything with the devices.
Area Effect value to all other targets
Communicator Trait in Medium Range and listen in on it for 10 within Close Range of the main target
minutes hearing all inbound and outbound traffic. of the attack. If the main attack dealt SP Concealable
If something has the concealable trait it is
T3 2 🛠3
Encrypted damage then the Area Effect damage
Communicator is also SP, if it dealt HP damage then it easy to hide from view.
Comms This comms unit allows you to communicate with other comms is HP. For example an Area Effect (2)
Module units. In addition it allows you to open an encrypted comms weapon would deal 2 damage on a hit to Deadly
channel. Any communications you send or receive on this all other targets within Close Range of the A weapon with the Deadly trait automati-
channel are encrypted and cannot be listened to, tapped into, main target. In addition this value can be cally destroys its target when a natural 20
hacked or analysed. Anything with the Hacking Trait does not dealt as damage to the firer or the firers (Nailed it result) is rolled to attack.
work on them. allies as a setback or tough choice in the
ECM 3EP T3 1 🛠3 The Escape trait allows you to use the
Transmitter Anti-Organic System, Module or Ability to escape from
This Electronic Countermeasure device nullifies all hacking, scan-
ning and targeting attempts in a radius and shuts down shields. Weapons with the Anti-Organic trait deal a Mech in the event it is destroyed.
When activated all Mech’s within Close Range cannot be targeted 2x damage to Creatures and Bio-Titans.
or seen by anything with the Hacking, Targeter or Scanner trait or Guided
activate any System, Module or Ability with the Shielding Trait as Climber A weapon with the guided trait does not
long as they remain within Close Range of the ECM Transmitter. If something has this trait it ignores diffi- need to be able to see a target to fire
This ability lasts for 10 minutes. cult terrain and can climb sheer surfaces against it.
such as cliff faces or towering buildings.

94 95
Hacking Poison Sticky Cargo Slots
Anything with the hacking trait allows you A humanoid or creature hit by a poison An attack with this trait covers weapons The carrying capacity of a Mech. 1 Scrap
to perform certain types of hacks against weapon suffers a Major Injury. This does that corrode, burn or stick to targets. They takes up 1 slot.
targets. not affect Bio-Titans or Meld. deal their damage to the target at the
start of each of its turns unless they find Creature
Heavy Reactive a way to stop it. A creature includes any animal or
A heavy piece of Pilot Equipment takes up If something has the Reactive trait it can humanoid within the world such as a
2 slots. be used as a reaction. Targeter Salvager Pilot, Wastelander or Wasteland
Systems and Modules with the targeter Bear.
Hot Repair trait have some kind of mechanism to
Hot denotes that when the System is The Repair trait allows you to repair any allow for tracked and guided shots which Damaged
used the Mech gains a number of Heat damaged Chassis, System or Module either automatically hit or hit with preci- A damaged Mech Chassis, System or
equal to the Heat value of the System. whilst in your Mech. This costs a number sion. They can be countered with anti-tar- Module cannot be used until repaired.
For example a Hot (2) weapon generates of scrap equal to the salvage value of the geting systems such as Chaff.
2 Heat when fired. The Mediator can also Chassis, System or Module and takes a Destroyed
apply Heat when using the System as a Short Action (10 minutes) to perform. Unwieldy A destroyed Mech Chassis, System or
consequence or tough choice. It also lets you restore SP on a Mech or Unwieldy weapons will often get stuck or Module is irrevocably damaged and
Vehicle. For each Scrap you spend of its malfunction during use or leave their user cannot be used, repaired or salvaged.
Jamming tech level or higher you restore 1 SP. vulnerable. The Mediator may impose
The Mediator as a tough choice or these as common consequences when
rolling tough choices or failures with the Downtime Action
consequence can say a weapon with Salvaging An action that can only be performed
the jamming trait jams. A weapon that is The Salvaging Trait allows you to Salvage weapon.
during downtime.
jammed cannot be used until a Standard a Mech, Mech Chassis, Systems and
Action is spent unjamming it. Modules as well as area salvage. Key Words Downtime
A period of a week typically spent on
Load Scanner Abilities the Union Crawler resting, repairing and
If something has the Load trait it allows If something has the scanner trait it is Abilities your Pilot has access to that can engaging in Downtime actions.
you to pick up scrap and salvage and load used to scan, detect or electronically be activated with Ability Points.
them on a Mech. probe an area or object in some way.
Energy Points
Ability Points Used to activate Systems, Modules and
Overheat Shielding A resource that you can use to activate abilities on a Mech.
When a weapon with the Overheat trait If something has this trait it can be used Pilot Abilities.
hits a target they cannot use any Systems, to shield a target in some way.
Modules or Abilities with the ‘Hot’ trait Group
until the start of their next turn. Attack The players count as a group as do any
Silent A Standard Action that a Mech or Pilot group of aligned NPC’s. Used primarily
If something has the silent trait it makes can perform to attack a target. during initiative.
Pinning little to no noise when it is used.
A humanoid or creature hit by a Pinning
weapon cannot move on its next turn. Bio-Titan
This does not affect Bio Titans or Meld. A Bio-Titan refers to giant bio-engineered
organisms that inhabit the world.

96 97
Hit Points Minor Injury Round Short Action
Measures how tough, resilient and healthy A simple injury such as a scar, burn or A round is over when all players and A complicated or time consuming action
a Pilot or Creature is. When this reaches laceration. Your Max Stress is perma- NPC’s in an action scene have finished a that takes around 10 minutes to perform.
0 a Pilot must roll on the Critical Injury nently reduced by 2. All Minor Injuries turn.
Table. Can be fully healed during down- will heal during downtime as long as
time in a Crawler Medbay or equivalent. they have access to a Crawler Medbay or Stress
equivalent, this takes 1 week. Salvage
A value that a Mech Chassis, System Increases on your Pilot when you Push or
Heat or Module has that determines the suffer stressful situations. If it reaches
Increases on your Mech when you Push, Meld following. max you must make a Stress Check.
use Systems, Modules or abilities with the The Meld are an intelligent, alien, nanite
Hot trait or find yourself in a hot area such entity that can take over creatures and The number of Cargo Slots it takes up. Shutdown
as a desert. If it reaches max you must machines. A Shutdown Mech cannot move, take any
make a Reactor Overload Check. The amount of Scrap of its Tech level you actions or use any abilities. It takes 2x
Move get if you Salvage it for Scrap. damage when hit with an attack. A Mech
Humanoid Refers to moving from one range band that is Shutdown for an hour will reduce
Any human or human-like character in the to another. For example from Medium to The Salvage value x 2 is how much you its Heat to 0.
world. Long Range. Can be done once during need to craft the item during downtime.
your turn by default. Tech Level
Intact The amount of Scrap of the same Tech How advanced a Mech Chassis, System
An intact Mech Chassis, System or Pilot Level or higher required to repair a or Module, as well as a determination of
Module is in full working order. Refers typically to the Player’s Pilot char- damaged System, Module, or Chassis. the value of scrap.
acter who controls their Mech. Can also
refer to NPC Pilots in the world. Can also generically refer to useful things
Long Action found in the wasteland. Turn
A complex or lengthy action that takes A period of around a minute in which a
around an hour to perform. Pilot Equipment Mech or Pilot can move and perform a
Gear and personal items that Pilots carry. Scrap Standard Action.
Each takes up 1 Inventory Slot. Scrap is found in the wastelands primarily
Major Injury from salvaging. It can be used as barter
A significant injury such as broken bones, and also used to craft, repair damaged Vehicle
permanent scarring, deep burns or cranial Range Mech Chassis, Systems or Modules, as A vehicle is anything in game that is not
fractures. Your Max Health is permanently The range of a System, Module or Ability. well as SP. a Mech, such as a car, drone, tank or
reduced by 2. All Major Injuries will heal Splits into Close, Medium, Long, Far. aircraft. These are all statted in a similar
during downtime as long as they have way to Mechs for ease of play, they will
access to a Crawler Medbay or equivalent, Standard Action have Structure Points and a Salvage
Reaction An action that a Mech or Pilot can
this takes 2 weeks. An action a Pilot or Mech can take in value.
perform on a turn.
response to something happening.
Mech Usually part of a System or Module but Vulnerable
A walking, armoured and often armed can be done in response to situations per Structure Points Any attack that hits a target with the
mechanical construct that can be piloted. The Mediator’s discretion. How resilient a Mech is. When this Vulnerable trait deals 2x additional
You’ll spend much of the game controlling reaches 0 you must roll on the Critical damage.
one of these. Injury Table to find out what happens to
your Mech.

98 99
“Shooting stars is lucky. Well, lucky for
us, not the star that got shot”

-Artemis, Wastelander

100 101
Intro The Atychos has crashed over the ruins
of Hope Falls and scattered into multiple
This scenario is designed as a straight- parts dotted around the city.
forward mission to get your players right
Players can expect an Evantis Corpo
into the action. The first section includes
information intended to be shown to the retrieval team will be en-route to recover
players at the start of the scenario. This the salvage of the Atychos themselves.
includes the hook, the map and informa-
There is a band of wasters living in the
tion about the area.
shadow of a broken Union Crawler at
Beyond that, The Mediator can offer infor- Scrapper’s Bluff. Whilst they are not
known to be raiders they may well be
mation and describe what is happening
interested in a salvage prize so close to
as they see fit.
their settlement.

Scenario There are reports of raiders in the area Area Map 0.002 Mountain Pass
hunting for scrap. Points on the Area Map for Hope Falls are
Union Crawler #279 has picked up a abstractly meant to represent the more Area Salvage: Tech 1 // Supply 3
distress signal from a crashed Corpo Radiation Storms are active in the entire compact adventuring location.
air transport ship belonging to Evantis area and particular in the Rad Desert The mountain pass has two pathways
Heavy Industries. Evantis are well known A Mech takes 10 minutes to travel through it.
to specialise in heavy Mechs as well
as experimental weaponry. Air travel is Exploration Rules between each point on the region map.
A stretch of road leads directly through
dangerous in the wastelands due to the A Pilot can travel between each point on the pass and down towards the Highway.
endless rad storms so taking the time and the region map in 1 hour. Scattered remnants of destroyed Mechs
expense to transport something by air Regional Map and vehicles torn asunder stretch in
must mean something that went down in Points on the Region Map are abstractly A Union Crawler can move from one of patches up this mountain path.
that ship is valuable. meant to represent vast areas of space these points to another in 1 hour. In addition a damaged ‘Contour Pattern’
within the wastelands. Hussar Mech chassis lies freshly wrecked
The transport has crashed and frag-
mented in the midst of a ruined city once A Mech takes 1 hour to travel between 0.001 Crawler #279 in the area.

known as Hope Falls. They know the each point on the region map. The Hussar chassis has an ‘E’ logo upon
following information. This safe and secluded rocky outcrop in
it and was a forward scout of the corpo
A Pilot can travel between each point on the valley is an ideal location for the party
retrieval team that met a poor fate. There
the region map in 1 day. Union Crawler to nestle safely within. The
Player Intel party can plan their approach from their
is blood in the cockpit area but it looks
The players have a full data map of the like the Pilot ejected. The Pilot, Malkin, is
A Union Crawler can move from one of Union Crawler here and then range out
area. Show them the area map. alive and currently on route to Scrapper’s
these points to another in 1 day. into the wastes.
Bluff where he hopes to find refuge.

102 103
The area is home to the Bio-Titan ‘S8226 2 as the radiation storm strips off more If the party made quick progress to this crawler, for leadership. She pilots a well
‘Scylla’ (see p 80) A gigantic, armoured, potential salvage. area and arrived within 2 hours or less maintained but ageing ‘Leaky’ Pattern
arachnid-like predator beast. It has no they will witness Tex and his raiders Scrapper. There is a Crawler equivalent
concept that the war it was developed Radiation Storm attacking the trade caravan here. The Mechbay in the settlement which accom-
to fight ended aeons ago and continues Numerous particles carried by high speed trade caravan contains 2 ‘Hauler’ Pattern modates the Scrapper.
by its design to tear apart anything that winds harbour deadly levels of radiation Mules and 1 ‘Hauler’ Pattern Gopher.
wanders through its domain. that can kill a person and damage Mechs. The people of Scrappers Bluff are seeking
A Pilot within a Mech is safe from the They are being tracked and hunted by Tex parts to repair their Union Crawler Reactor
It will mercilessly ambush and attack radiation storm. and his raiders who will attack them here. which has suffered damage and deterio-
any Mechs that cross its path. It will not For each hour a Mech is exposed to the ration over the years. They need five Tech
attack humanoids travelling alone and will radiation storm it will take 2 SP damage. 3 Scrap to do this.
not pursue beyond its domain. In addition it will gain 2 Heat and must Scrappers Bluff 0.005
make a Reactor Overload Check. Also They believe they can find this in the
Alternatively there is a rocky pathway over any time it generates Heat, it generates Area Salvage: Tech 2 // Supply 3 wreckage of the Atychos in Hope Falls
the mountain itself, this will be slow to twice as much Heat instead. For example and have sent a retrieval team of their
cross, Mechs and Pilots will take twice as pushing would generate 4 Heat instead of Scrapper’s Bluff is a waster settlement own.
long travelling through the area. In addi- 2 Heat. built around the carcass of a fallen Union
tion the path is treacherous with many Crawler. The centre of the settlement Without their reactor their settlement will
pitfalls, jagged rocks and other crumbling A Pilot exposed to a Radiation Storm is the great reactor of the fallen crawler expire in the wastes.
outcrops. Unless some safe way to cross takes 2 HP damage every 10 minutes, itself which provides all of the heat and
it is worked out Mech’s will take 3 SP unless they find suitable shelter or have electricity to the settlement. Without it
damage crossing through it. protective equipment. they will die.

The settlement lies defensible on a hill.

0.003 Rad Desert 0.004 Ruined Highway There are two watchtowers manned by
wasters with 50.Cal Machine Gun turrets.
Area Salvage: Tech 2 // Supply 3 Area Salvage: Tech 1 // Supply 1
(Factory Area Only) The path leading up to the settlement also
This ruined highway carves through this has a treacherous series of large potholes
This is a barren stretch of wastes that is area. Scrapped and abandoned wreck- booby trapped with jagged spikes made
constantly under the effect of a radiation ages of ancient vehicles dot the road that out of scrap. It’s safe for humanoids
storm. See ‘Radiation Storm’ for more Mechs can easily step over or crush. This to walk across these but Mechs can
details. The storms make it hazardous to is a poor area for salvage though some easily be trapped, taking 2 SP damage
cross as well as significantly obscuring may still be gleaned. and having their Locomotion System
vision and making navigation difficult with damaged if fallen into it. The wasters of
it easy to get lost. If the party made slow progress to this Scrappers Bluff know their ways around
point and arrived within 3 hours or more these traps.
In roughly the centre of the rad desert is they will find the wreckage of the attack
an abandoned metalworking factory, a by Tex and his raiders. 2 Mules and a Its population consists of the former
crumbling ‘E’ symbolises it as once being Gopher all burned and destroyed to a salvagers of the crawler along with waste-
owned by Evantis. crisp with Pilots. The trade caravan will land wanderers who were accepted into
have been fully looted with no survivors the fold. This numbers some 200 souls.
If the players decide to head back here and all potential salvage destroyed or
later reduce the Area Salvage Supply by taken by the Raiders. They look towards Artemis, the only
surviving salvager pilot on the former

104 105
0.006 City of Hope Falls abandoned meat packing factory and torn
a chunk out of its side.
Atop one of these skyscrapers is the
cockpit of the Atychos. It will be difficult
chute entangled amongst the trees. He is
unconscious but alive and will die within
Hope Falls was once the jewel of these for Mechs to get to due to its extreme the day without help.
A group of half a dozen or so waste- height, though Pilots on foot will be able
parts, an idyllic coastal city that fit
landers huddle around the wreckage to climb through the ruined hab block to
perfectly on a postcard.
of the fuselage for warmth. One the roof where the wreckage has landed. 1.004 Lake
It lies now abandoned and left rotting to amongst them, Mackey, a young boy,
has a gangrene infected wound from The Cockpit itself can be salvaged as This area of irradiated lake holds the
the winds, a few souls eke out existence reactor core of the ship. It is embedded in
the shrapnel of the fuselage. He won’t 1x Tech 3 Scrap. In addition it contains
in its underbelly but to most it is lost and the irradiated lake and it is only a matter
last much longer without medical aid. a damaged Encrypted Comms Module
forgotten. of time before it’s eroded beyond recogni-
Anything that can heal a Minor Injury will which can be salvaged.
prevent his eventual death. tion or use. It will be effectively destroyed
This uses the Area Map rules for move- within the day.
The three former crew members of the
ment between zones.
Atychos lie skewered and torn apart in the
1.002 - Hab Block wreckage. They have been infected by the A group of Wastelanders led by Artemis
1.001 Industrial Block Intertwined and claustrophobic hab units
Active Meld Nanites on board and turned are in the midst of retrieving the Reactor
Core from the lake.
into hideous Meld Drones, an amalgama-
densely packed together in a cascading tion of flesh brought back to unnatural
Area Salvage: Tech 1 // Supply 3
series of irregular skyscrapers. People life via nano-bot conversion. These will Artemis piloting a ‘Leaky’ Scrapper
once lived in these units, each dwelling in be alerted to the presence of anyone near see p 109 and p69
An intertwined and densely packed area
a cramped box. them and lurch into an attack. 2 x Wastelanders piloting 2 x Power
of old factories
They lie ruined and abandoned now. see p 78 and p 79
The Engine Fuselage of the Atychos (2x Meld Drone 1 x Waster Mob
Tech 3 Scrap) has streaked through an
see p 78
HP: 2
If retrieved the Reactor Core counts as 5x
Damage: 2HP // Range: Close // Melee Tech 3 Scrap.
When a Meld Drone reduces a creature to
0 HP they become a Meld Drone. 1.005 Central Plaza
This area was once a buzzing hub of the
city with shopping centres, coffee shops
1.003 Park and scenic water features.
A once flourishing park. Barren trees, Burned wreckage and dust is all that
rusted swings and yellow scrub is all that remains. The core fuselage of the
remains. Atychos has crashed into the central
plaza turning an already ruined area into a
The Atychos was mounted with an demolition zone.
underslung Missile Pod System which lies
damaged in the Park.
A survivor of the wreckage, Tauros, a
mercenary Pilot, hangs off a tree, his para-

106 107
The true cargo of the Atychos was a nary core. He has been working his way Mercenary Pilots Raider Captain
single sample of Active Meld Nanites. up and should he complete this mission
These alien hive mind entities are able to he will be able to incur enough debt to
Tricksy and Tank Tex
These two Pilots control the Gopher and Tex Pilots the ‘Butcher’ Pattern Thresher
fully take over mechanical or biological afford a condo on the 12th tier of the Arco
Mirror Ball respectively and are part of see p 70.
entities and warp them into terrifying and for him and his family.
Baines’ Mercenary Lance.
resilient constructs. They were acciden- Ideal: Grit
tally released aboard the Atychos and Flaw: Ruthlessness HP: 6
rapidly took over the ship causing it to Keepsake: Picture of his wife and children HP: 6
Six Shooter Pistol
crash into the city. in their Hab Home.
Service Pistol Damage: 2HP // Range: Close
Wants: To eventually retire at the top tier
Damage: 2HP // Range: Close Background
They have been spreading and replicating of the Arco. A true believer in the Evantis
Tex leads his raider band, ‘The Butchers’,
over the delicious fuselage turning it into dream.
Leader of Scrappers Bluff who take whatever they can with their
a Meld Behemoth that is buried under the
salvaged together Mechs.
rubble and wreckage of the plaza. Mercenary Lance 2IC Artemis Ideals: Freedom
Artemis pilots a ‘Leaky’ Pattern Scrapper
The Evantis retrieval team are here to Lopez see p69.
Flaws: Bloodthirsty
Lopez pilots an ‘Evantis Wyvern’ Pattern Wants: Enough scrap to buy his way into
destroy the Meld and retrieve any Active
Hussar see p 77. an Arco and trade it for credit so he can
Meld Nanites lest the corpos competitors
get their hands on them. They will then
HP: 10 join a proper mercenary crew.
return them to local Evantis Arco. HP: 10 Improvised Firearm
Damage: 2HP // Range: Close Raiders
Service Rifle
They are in the midst of clearing through
Damage: 2HP // Range: Medium
Background: Blinky, Apex, Tato
the wreckage and will inevitably awaken Artemis was a former Salvager on Crawler These 3 all pilot the Raider Pattern
the Meld Behemoth which will attack Background
#173. The Crawler was taken down by an Mazonas see p 72.
them. The sound of this battle will rever- Lopez is the more cynical second in
Evantis mercenary team during a salvage
command of the lance, recruited for her
berate throughout the entire city.
aptitude as a pilot which she demon-
mission gone wrong. She is hardened to HP: 4
life in the wastes.
strated from an early age. She’s simply
Downing of the Atychos looking for her next meal.
Ideal: Family
Flaw: Vengeful
Improvised Melee Weapon
Damage: 2HP // Range: Close
Ideal: Realistic
NPCs Flaw: Thrillseeker
Keepsake: Crawler #173 Patch. Melee
Wants: To keep her people alive by
Keepsake: An old postcard of Hope Falls
repairing the reactor. Her loyalty will Caravan Leader
Mercenary Lance Leader lit by night.
always put Scrappers Bluff first beyond
Baines Wants: To take the leader spot from
anything else. Part of her misses the old Mercury
Baines controls an ‘Evantis Gladiator’ Baines when he gets promoted, retired or
ways and waxes nostalgic about her time
Pattern Brawler see p 73. killed in action.
as a salvager. She loathes Evantis and HP: 4
has a personal vendetta against the corpo
HP: 10 and all who work for them. Improvised Firearm
Damage: 2HP // Range: Close
Laser Rifle
Damage: 4HP // Range: Close
Baines grew up in the Evantis Arco and
entered significant debt to join the merce-

108 109
Wasteland Encounter Table If the players do not intervene with the corpos or wasters you can roll on the tables
below to find out what happens.
Each time the party travels from one point to another you can roll on the Random
Encounter Table to find out what they discover on the way. Random Encounters are a What happens to the corpos?
good way to organically show a dynamic and moving area and contain elements drawn
They successfully destroy the Meld and retrieve the Active Meld Parti-
from the entire region and even the wider campaign map.
20 cles returning them back to the Evantis Arco. Evantis will surely develop
something horrific with this tech.
The party comes upon a wrecked ‘Hauler Pattern’ Mule. It has been torn
They destroy the Meld and scour the area of all Active Meld Particles
apart by heavy laser fire, is in damaged condition and can be salvaged. 11-19 and any traces.
Its Cargo Bay however is empty, likely looted by the Raiders. The Pilot is
They must choose between retrieving the Active Meld Particles or
deceased in the cockpit.
6-10 destroying the Meld.
11-19 The wasteland is safe and quiet for now with no particular incident.
They fail to destroy the Meld and retreat. One random member of the
A radiation storm begins to pick up in the area. See ‘Radiation Storms’ p 2-5 mercenary team along with their Mech is destroyed and turned into a
104 for its effect. Meld Construct.
A band of raiders led by ‘Tex’ launches an attack against the party. The entire lance is destroyed by the Meld and they turn the destroyed
See ‘Raiders - Tex & Crew’ for information on their statistics. They are 1 mech’s into a Meld Behemoth.
2-5 seeking to get scrap and make a quick exit and will use hit and run
tactics to do so.
The Evantis Corpo Retrieval team finds the party. They’ll suspect What happens to the wasters
Salvagers are likely after the same prize as them and use extreme preju-
1 dice to neutralise the party as a threat to their mission. Players however
They retrieve the Reactor Core intact and are able to retrieve enough
may find some means to convince them otherwise. 20 additional salvage to begin to fully restore their Crawler. The next time
they are encountered their Crawler will be rebuilt.
They retrieve the Reactor Core successfully and are able to repair their
City Encounter Table Reactor.
The Reactor Core is badly damaged in retrieval and provides them
Roll on this table everytime the players move from one point in the city to another. 6-10 enough to keep their reactor going for another month but not much
They fail to retrieve the Reactor Core and will surely perish in the waste-
The party makes rapid and safe progress to the next point arriving in
half the time.
2-5 lands.
They fail to retrieve the Reactor Core and Artemis dies in the attempt.
11-19 The party makes safe progress to the next point.
1 They will definitely perish in the wastelands.
A collapsed area of ruins blocks the party’s path. They must find a way
6-10 through or around the wreckage.
The party is attacked by a Meld Construct that formed from the
2-5 wreckage of the Atychos.
The party are ambushed by the Corpo Lance led by Baines who identify
1 them as a threat.

110 111
Salvage Union is a post-apocalyptic roleplaying
game where you play as a scrappy band of Mech
Pilots known as ‘Salvagers’ who range into the
wastes on the hunt for precious Salvage.
The Salvage Union Quickstart contains everything you need to get into the action
including the core rules, premade Pilots and Mechs and a simple scenario.
The full Salvage Union Game will be presented in a 300+ page A5 full colour
Hardback book.

The full book will contain -

• 30 Mech Chassis to control and customise.

• 11 Pilot Classes to pick and customise.
• Detailed setting information fleshing out the world of Salvage Union.
• The core rules to run and play Salvage Union.
• A multitude of abilities across both your Pilots and Mechs.
• A slew of weapons, systems and modules to kit out and customise your
mechs with.
• A fully fleshed out scenario with maps to play.
• Rules for campaign play rules for lengthier sessions based around surviving
in the wastelands.
• Mission play rules designed for smaller campaigns, one shots and narrative
focussed sessions.
• Tools for The Mediator such as encounter tables to design and run their
• Full mech building and customisation rules.
• A bestiary of Monsters, Bio-Titans, humanoid warriors of the waste as well as
Corpo NPC mech loadouts.
• Lots more artwork of the Salvage Union setting including Mechs, Bio-Titans,
Pilots, landscapes and more!

Follow the link to pre-order:

Or scan the QR code!

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