Research Final
Research Final
Research Final
JUNE, 2021
Common Stressor: Its effect to Senior High School Students Of Sibugay Technical Institute
A Thesis
Submitted By:
Velez, Lemuel T.
Ahmad, Hasmir A.
Balbuena, Reymart O.
Escala, Crishia N.
Tutas, Rhea P.
June, 2021
The researchers is most grateful to God for His inspiration and sustenance in times
of despair and for His abundant grace to complete our research work successfully.
The researchers would like to express deep gratitude to the research supervisor, Mr.
Aldrin Francis V. Ramiso for his guidance and instructions throughout this research. He had
taught the researchers about the methodology to carry out the research and to present the
work as clearly as possible. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under his
guidance. The researchers are extremely thankful to the parents for their love, prayers and
Finally, the researchers are highly thankful to Mr. Jaymar Arago for his active
guidance through his video tutorials throughout the completion of this research.
The Researchers
This research is dedicated to our Almighty God for giving us grace and wisdom in
This is also dedicated to our respective parents, who have been our constant source
of inspiration and funds. Without their love and support this project would not have been
The Researchers
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between common stressor
and its effect to the HUMSS 12 students of STII. This study used quantitative design
specifically Likert Scale and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient to identify the significant
relationship between common stressor and its effect to the HUMSS 12 students. The
participants of this study were grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students of Sibugay
stress and quality of sleep among the HUMSS 12 students. Results showed that common
stressor does not affect the HUMSS 12 students. This study concluded that the common
stressor among grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students of STII is below average
which implies that there is a very weak relationship between common stressor and its effect
Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgment iii
Dedication iv
Abstract v
Table of Content vi
List of Table ix
List of Appendix x
Conceptual Framework 6
Definition of Terms 8
Relevant theories
Related Literature 13
Related Studies 16
Research Design
Research Instrument 26
Summary of Findings
Significant Findings 36
Conclusion 37
Recommendation 38
Bibliography 39
Appendix 43
1. Research Sampling 26
2. Likert Scale 28
Title Page
A. Endorsement Letter 43
B. Letter of Validity 44
C. Questionnaire 45
D. Curriculum Vitae 50
This chapter presents the introduction of the research, background of the study,
statement of the problem, hypothesis of the study, scope and delimitation, conceptual
Stress is common in the lives of people. It came from the things that pressure us. When
people are forced to do something beyond their comfort zone that is when stress comes up.
Deadline is one of the common stressors that people experienced. According to Mayo Clinic
Staff (2019), stress is your body’s reaction to the demands of the world while stressors are
Meanwhile, students battle stress to accomplish the task they are given. Other students
who push themselves beyond their limits cause their performance to become bad. Stress is a
common battle for the students in their studies. According to Khan (2013), stress affects some
Inside the school campus students who are soaked in so much stress makes their
performance in school to go down. Other students gave up to continue due to too much stress.
Some who are persistent reach their desired goal. Stress sometimes causes students to absorb
However, stress doesn’t just affect the student’s performance but also the student’s
health. It makes them prone to sickness. Their sleep pattern and quality have been affected.
They are students who become so irritable. According to Carlson (2016), students who can
better manage their stress are more engaged in class, more likely to absorb what they’re
The researchers seek to find the relationship of common stressors and its effects on the
students. The purpose also of this study is to find how stress affects student’s daily routine in
their study.
This study will help students to know and understand how the common stressors will
affect their performance and their learning in school. It aims to measure students’ stress to
help those in need improve their coping strategies so they can manage stress and improve
The researchers believe that this will be beneficial to students who suffer a lot of stress.
It will give them enlightenment that this study will help them not to give up and continue to
Stress is one of the most fundamental problems spanning through human endeavor.
Nweze (2005) stated that for two and half decades, stress phenomenon has become a topical
issue in management development, seminars and workshops in Nigeria. He further stated that
the popularity of stress stems from a number of obvious reasons. First, nobody is immune to
stress. We can be caught up in a situation that causes or induces stress in the individual.
Thus, as a part of human living the young, old, rich, poor, professionals and lay men alike are
potential victims of stress. Second, because stress is viewed as the disease of growth and
development, there is the search for the stress virtue in modern life. Nweze (2005) further
stated that our traditional mechanisms of handling the stresses and strains of living are fast
breaking down. This is being precipitated by the factor of rapid urban development,
personal and group conflicts, including security threats to life and property. Stress has
become part and parcel of life in human societies. The frustrations, disappointments and
pressures of daily life constitute the genesis of stress. Stress has been conceptualized in many
Stress is a reaction of the body and mind to unkind or challenging life incidents such
as tense feeling, worry and discomfort. The imbalance between the demand from the
environment and the discomfort. The imbalance between the demand from the environment
and the person’s ability to cope can trigger feelings of anxiety. Some response like being
Most of the people consider stress as a negative experience but this is not always the
case; it can be also positive. The enhancing influences on our productivity and satisfaction is
called “eustress” while the harmful physical consequence of stress is called “distress”.
Eustress or positive stress promotes growth and accomplishment and stimulates you to go on.
On the other hand, distress or the negative stress often causes poor performance.
A stressors is an event or a situation that causes stressful situations, which are seen as
risks to the well-being of a person. The body responds to stress by secreting hormones that
The cause of anxiety that effects an individual’s health, behavior and life. Stress affects our
This study seeks to find the relationship between common stressor and its effect on
1.1. Age
1.2. Gender
3. How may the effect of stress on HUMSS 12 students of Sibugay Technical Institute
This study entitled “Common Stressors: Its Effect To Senior High School Student Of
Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated” has one expected outcome among the following
H01. There is no relationship between common stressor and its effect on HUMSS 12 students
This will only circle in one (1) private school in the District of Ipil in the school of
Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated. The target levels for this study are the HUMSS 12
students of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated. The scope of this research will circle
Conceptual Framework
In this section, this will show the conceptual paradigm to present the figure of the
The common stressor on HUMSS students The effect of stress on HUMSS students of
Figure 1
The Conceptual Framework for Common Stressors: Its Effect to Senior High School
Figure 1 shows the concept of this research entitled “Common Stressors: Its Effect to
Senior High School Student of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated”. The independent
variable of this research is the common stressors to senior high school student of Sibugay
The dependent variable of this research is the effect of stress to senior high school student of
Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated. Its scope was their sleep quality.
School Administrator. The result of this study will create programs that can be used
Guidance Counselor. This research will benefit them since stress is connected to
Teachers. This research will be beneficial for them to know the effects of stress not
Students. The study will benefit the senior high school students of Sibugay Technical
Institute Incorporated because they are the subject of this research and this
will lead them to a piece of advice if they are having trouble with stress.
Parents. This research will help them know the impact of stress in their children’s
Future Researchers. This study will be beneficial for them to use as their reference.
Definition of Terms
Stress. In this study, it refers stress is a response to a threat in a situation, whereas anxiety is
branch of medicine that deals with mental disorders attributable to diseases of the
nervous system.
Clinical Depression. In this study, clinical depression is the more-severe form of depression,
Anxiety Disorders. In this study, anxiety disorders are real, serious medical conditions, as
signal from a neuron across the synapse to a target cell, which can be a different
Psychomotor Skill. In this study, psychomotor skills are primarily movement tasks that lead
Absenteeism. In this study, it refers to the practice of regularly staying away from work or
Mental health. In this study, it refers to a person’s condition with regard to their
Theoretical Framework
This chapter presents the theories, related literature and studies that are relevant to the study.
Relevant Theories
Any aspect of the work environment can be perceived as a stressor by the appraising
individual. Yet the individual appraisal of demands and capabilities can be influenced by
experiences, time-lapse, and any current stress state already experienced (Prem et al. 2017).
One multidisciplinary review provides a broad consensus that stressors only exert their
effects through how an individual perceives and evaluates them (Ganster and Rosen 2013).
Additionally, in his later works, Lazarus stressed that his transactional theories of stress failed
to acknowledge the outcomes associated with coping in specific social contexts and during
practitioners and researchers alike. Many occupational health scholars have developed or
experience of stress.
Although these theories have improved our understanding of occupational stress, these
conceptualizations of stress and much of the subsequent stress research based on these
models have been limited in their ability to fully explain the individual experience.
Organizational stress research could benefit from an integrative approach that seeks to
incorporate both the positive aspects and the more traditional negative aspects of the stress
Studies of stress and coping effects on college performance have yielded inconsistent
results, which might be clarified by stricter adherence to stress theories. Here, university
students (n = 1212) were surveyed during their first year, said to be the most stressful. They
completed measures of stress overload (the pathogenic state identified by theory) and coping
preferences (the strategies most reported in the literature), and granted access to their official
grade and enrollment records. Regression analyses showed stress overload to relate to poorer
performance, and avoidance coping to relate to greater stress overload. SEM models
indicated a theory-consistent causal sequence fit the data better than the reverse. However,
college students. Students who reported that stress affected their performance and reported
more stress and lower coping self-efficacy, resilience, and social support. Male, heterosexual,
and ethnic-minority students were less likely to report having stress. Stress reduction
and poorer performance (Patricia Frazier, Abigail Gabriel, Addie Merians, and Katherine
Lust 2019).
While stress and fatigue are often dealt with in other books on aviation performance
and human factors, these realities of human vulnerability are now increasingly seen as central
to the effective conduct of flight operations. Flight Stress provides a comprehensive treatment
and a better understanding of stress and fatigue as they relate to aviation. It clarifies and
distinguishes the concepts of stress and fatigue as they apply to flight, and expounds
sufficient theory to provide a principled basis for the consideration and amelioration of stress
Historically, most investigations involving stress have assumed its undesirability, and
deleterious effects have been identified across a variety of domains. Recently, however,
researchers in management and health have differentiated between types of stress and
thought to increase motivation, performance, and well-being, while stressors viewed as goal-
relevant but unmanageable (i.e., hindering) are believed to hamper performance and occasion
The theories above lead the researchers to find the relationship of common stressor
and its effect on the students. The goal of this research is to find out how stress affects the life
Related Literature
conditions, most notably clinical depression and anxiety disorders. Indeed, repeated or
That said, even more, modest stressor exposure can induce profound activation of the
a variety of limbic and cortical brain regions. Over time, such stressor-induced changes can
lead to allostatic overload and render individuals vulnerable to subsequent stressful situations.
People who are exposed to stress can experience neuropsychiatric conditions known as
clinical depression and anxiety disorders. When people are having severe exposure to
neurogenic stressors this can lead to behavioral pathology. When students are severely
According to Labrague, Leodoro Jabien (2013), in his journal, stress has a detrimental
whole. Researches have shown that excessive stress can be harmful to a student’s academic
performance, welfare, and could interfere with learning a complex, psychomotor skill.
Furthermore, stress could result in deleterious symptoms such as alcoholism and drug
dependence, eating disorders, indiscriminate use of illegal substances, sleep disorder, suicide,
The effect of stress that the students are facing right now are most likely detrimental
effects. This kind of stress will affect the student’s whole well-being. It can lead to
According to Bulo, J.G. & M.G. Sanchez (2014), most people encounter stress that
lead them to rapid bodily changes suchas feelings of emotional unrest causing the body
strains with body aches. With repeated stressful situations, causes tension and pressures on
the body that contribute to physical and psychological problems (Dixon & Robinson, 2005).
Defining stress from a medical dictionary dwells on any situation that evokes negative
thoughts and feelings among persons or groups. This is imperative to the amount of stress
involvement they encounter when stressed. This can be influenced by individual’s ability to
effectively cope with stressful events and situations (Segal, 2013). Disclosed to this is when
college students meet such nervous tension and is not dealt with effectively, they feel lonely
and nervous with excessive worrying due failure to cope with their negative feelings.
College students had almost the same patterns of encounters about stress related
problems (Gittins, 2007). This involves many factors such as interpersonal, intrapersonal,
This means that stress among college students caused body strains with body aches where
they are unable to normally function in times of stress. Presnall (2008) conducted the Student
Stress Survey that showed the college students having high stress on school related issues.
selected from schools nationwide and revealed that the primary sources of stress were
outcomes of students who experienced stress, they considered alcohol drinking, wanting to
use drugs and going out with friends as their immediate solutions. Professional help from
teachers and counselors were also seen as a positive solution. MacGeorge, Samter & Gillihan
(2005) and Sasaki & Yamasaki (2007) said that depression is a major problem. Intrapersonal
and interpersonal factors were also traced by the psychologists that exacerbate college stress
and depression. This indicated that stress was a normal part of their everyday life. In this
study, college students face many unique forms of stress and the most common was to get
good grades, having to juggle school work with other responsibilities, making a decision
about future career choice, and developing a variety of new interpersonal relationships. In the
same manner, the present study included the same attributes on academic issues, loneliness,
Archer (2003) said that stress reactions to various situations affect the overall level of a
person’s health. One that they felt is always overwhelmed while they eat poorly, sleepless,
All the presented literature and studies that deal with stress related to the present study in
terms of the feelings and emotions of students about stressors and the result of these factors
affecting them especially in family and peer relationships, while meeting the demands of
school-related works.
Related Studies
Stressors have a major influence on mood, our sense of well-being, behavior, and
health. Acute stress responses in young, healthy individuals may be adaptive and typically do
not impose a health burden. However, if the threat is unremitting, particularly in older or
unhealthy individuals, the long-term effects of stressors can damage health. The relationship
between psychosocial stressors and disease is affected by the nature, number, and persistence
interventions have proven useful for treating stress-related disorders and may influence the
course of chronic diseases (Neil Schneiderman, Gail Ironson, and Scott D. Siegel 2005). The
most widely studied stressors in children and adolescents are exposure to violence, abuse
Students in secondary and tertiary education settings face a wide range of ongoing
normative stressors, which can be defined as normal day-to-day hassles such as ongoing
secondary education and senior/upper secondary education)] (UNESCO, 2012) and tertiary
stress, such as pressure to achieve high marks and concerns about receiving poor grades. For
example, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recently
aged 15–16 years. On average across OECD countries, 66% of students reported feeling
stressed about poor grades and 59% reported that they often worry that taking a test will be
difficult. The OECD further found that 55% of students feel very anxious about school
testing, even when they are well prepared. As many 37% of students reported feeling very
tense when studying, with girls consistently reporting greater anxiety relating to schoolwork
compared to boys (OECD, 2017). This data demonstrates that education and academic
performance are significant sources of stress to students. The impact of this ongoing
academic-related stress on student outcomes and well-being has not been comprehensively
explored. Therefore, the current narrative review explores the impact of academic-related
education, self-reported levels of stress are associated with poorer quality of life and well-
being (Ribeiro et al., 2017). Ongoing stress also precipitates the development of more serious
mental health issues such as anxiety and depression (Moylan, Maes, Wray, & Berk, 2013).
The prevalence of anxiety is as high as 35% in tertiary students (Bayram & Bilgel, 2008;
Eisenberg, Gollust, Golberstein, & Hefner, 2007; Ozen, Ercan, Irgil, & Sigirli, 2010) and the
prevalence of depression is 30% (Ibrahim, Kelly, Adams, & Glazebrook, 2013). The
reciprocal relationship between stress and depression and anxiety is well established
(Dantzer, 2012; Dantzer, O’Connor, Lawson, & Kelley, 2011; Maes, 2008).
Aside from impairing overall health and well-being, depression and anxiety
Landa, & Pulido-Criollo, 2015). In undergraduate university students from the United States,
those with higher self-reported anxiety and depression symptoms were found to achieve
poorer grades on examinations (Chapell et al., 2005; Hysenbegasi, Hass, & Rowland, 2005).
McArdle, Hamagami, Chang, & Hishinuma, 2014). This is consistent with the findings of
Humensky et al. (2010) who found that self-reported depressive symptoms were associated
with concentration difficulties and trouble with completing school tasks, in 83 students from
the United States between the ages of 14–21, and at-risk for major depression (Humensky et
al., 2010). In a sample of Finnish students aged 13–17, self-reported depression severity was
poorer academic performance, and worse reading and writing outcomes (Fröjd et al., 2008).
Therefore, it is not surprising that young people with depression, particularly males, are less
likely to undertake higher education, as shown in a 15-year longitudinal study of Swedish
adolescents (Jonsson et al., 2010). Importantly, adolescent depression can also result in
New Zealand children (n = 982). This study found that people who had depression at ages
16–21 had greater rates of welfare dependence and unemployment, demonstrating that the
impact of poor mental health in adolescence can have long-lasting impacts (Fergusson,
Boden, & Horwood, 2007). Enhancing support in the education setting may improve the
A national telephone survey of United States households showed that the incidence of
life as well as adequate social support (Ross & Mirowsky, 2006). Indeed, an Australian
randomized control trial reported that a gamified online cognitive behavior therapy
intervention was effective in reducing depressive symptoms in 540 final year secondary
students (Perry et al., 2017). This study demonstrates the potential of education settings in
The health and risk behaviors of young people, including substance use and abuse, are
all important determinants of their current and future health and well-being status (Tountas &
Dimitrakaki, 2006). Academic-related stress can increase substance use among young people.
In a survey study of 128 Grade 11 students attending competitive private schools in the
United States, students who reported experiencing high ongoing stress, particularly with
academic achievement and the tertiary education admissions process, also reported high rates
of drug and alcohol use (Leonard et al., 2015). The authors report that substance use was
associated with a greater desire for academic achievement, higher perceived stress, less
effective coping strategies, and less closeness with parents (Leonard et al., 2015). This study
demonstrates the importance of protective social factors in mediating the effects of academic-
related stress. In a cross-sectional study of tertiary nursing students from the United States,
those with higher self-reported stress had a higher incidence of substance use. Students who
had higher perceptions of faculty support used fewer stimulants to assist them while studying,
further demonstrating the proactive role of social factors (Boulton & O’Connell, 2017).
Finally, The Canadian Institute for Health reports that young people aged 12–19 who feel
connected to their school report less anxiety and less risky behaviors, such as smoking and
drinking alcohol, compared to those who do not feel connected to their schools (Canadian
Institute for Health, 2005). Collectively, the above-discussed findings indicate that increased
stress is associated with substance use among students and that perceived social support,
including from within the education environment, may positively mediate this relationship.
Medical Association and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, who report that many
young people do not get enough hours of sleep (Owens, 2014). Stress is a contributing factor
to poor sleep in young people (Bernert, Merrill, Braithwaite, Van Orden, & Joiner, 2007;
Curcio, Ferrara, & De, 2006). Noland et al. found that 42% of 9–12 th Grade students report
that stress impedes good sleep, in 384 students surveyed (Noland, Price, Dake, & Telljohann,
2009). Self-perceived stress has been shown to result in poorer sleep in female university
students from the United States (Lee, Wuertz, Rogers, & Chen, 2013; Wallace, Boynton, &
Lytle, 2017), medical students from Saudi Arabia (Almojali, Almalki, Alothman, Masuadi, &
Alaqeel, 2017), university students from Portugal (Amaral et al., 2017) and Pakistani medical
school students (Waqas, Khan, Sharif, Khalid, & Ali, 2015), demonstrating the cross-cultural
impacts of stress on sleep quality and quantity tertiary education students. In a study from the
United States, over 90% of 9–12th Grade students reported that they have an inadequate
number of hours of sleep on most school nights. These young people report that the impact of
the loss of sleep is difficulty paying attention, lower grades, higher stress, and trouble getting
Some students reported problematic coping strategies such as taking sleeping pills,
smoking cigarettes, and drinking alcohol to help them sleep (Noland et al., 2009). Sleep
quality and quantity are closely related to student learning capability and academic
performance (Curcio et al., 2006). Loss of sleep is frequently associated with poor learning
(Curcio et al., 2006). Therefore, stress-related disruption to sleep quality and quantity is an
The experience of high levels of academic-related stress increases the risk of young
people developing preventable physical health problems later in life. A systematic review of
prospective studies found that people who were stressed, such as during examination periods,
were less likely to be physically active, the impact of which is associated with a plethora of
potentially inter-related poor physical health outcomes (Stults-Kolehmainen & Sinha, 2014).
Stress may also lead to the development of non-communicable diseases, including metabolic
syndrome, obesity, and reduced insulin sensitivity, resulting from unhealthy lifestyle habits
and stress system dysregulation (Pervanidou & Chrousos, 2012). Therefore, academic-related
stress can contribute to the development of health issues, including chronic non-
lifestyle habits.
The abovementioned OECD survey reports that anxiety about schoolwork, homework,
and tests harms students’ academic performance in science, mathematics, and reading.
The survey highlights that top-performing girls report that the fear of making mistakes often
disrupts their test performance (OECD, 2015). Students in the bottom quarter of academic
performance report feeling far more stressed compared to those in the top quarter of academic
report feeling anxious about tests no matter how well prepared they are, while 46% of
students in the top quarter report feeling anxious (OECD, 2015). This demonstrates that
higher perceived stress levels are associated with poorer academic performance.
Previous research shows that the experience of positive and negative emotions is
directly related to levels of student engagement (Reschly, Huebner, Appleton, & Antaramian,
2008). In 293 students in Grades 7–10 from the United States, the frequency of positive
emotions during classes was associated with higher student engagement. Conversely, the
frequency of negative emotions was associated with lower engagement (Reschly et al., 2008).
illustrated by the findings of a survey conducted by the National Union of Students. This
survey reported that the main factor affecting the tertiary studies of Australian university
students aged 17–25 was stress (Rickwood, Telford, O’Sullivan, Crisp, & Magyar, 2016). In
academic-related stress was found to predict poor academic performance (Kotter, Wagner,
Bruheim, & Voltmer, 2017). The above findings demonstrate that the academic-related stress
that secondary and tertiary students experience constitutes a major factor affecting their
academic achievement. Students with higher perceived stress are likely to have lower
academic achievement.
strongly related to decreased student academic motivation (Liu, 2015; Liu & Lu, 2011;
Shinto, 1998). The relationship between academic-related stress, motivation, and dropout
does not appear to be culturally specific, with similar findings shown from several
international studies (Liu, 2015; Liu & Lu, 2011; Walburg, 2014). In 298 Chinese secondary
motivation and positively predicted lack of motivation in Grade 12. This indicates that
motivation (Liu, 2015; Liu & Lu, 2011). A recent literature review highlights how stress and
burnout can also affect academic achievement by increasing the risk for school dropout
(Walburg, 2014).
School dropout is associated with a lifelong reduction in earning capacity and secure
employment (Lamb & Huo, 2017). Individuals with lower education levels report having
poorer mental health and more illness than those with higher levels of education (Turrell,
Stanley, de Looper, & Oldenburg, 2006). Early dropout from school has also been reported to
achievement (Black, 2007; Lamb & Huo, 2017). Academic achievement and completion of
secondary school lead to greater employability, less reliance on social welfare support, and a
higher likelihood of participation in further education (Noble, Wyatt, McGrath, Roffey, &
Rowling, 2008). These outcomes in turn increase the likelihood of sustainable employment,
adequate income, and self-sufficiency (Noble et al., 2008), which can save Governments
quality and quantity, physical health, mental health, and substance use outcomes. Increasing
This chapter provides the discussion on the research design, participants of the study,
instrument of the study, data gathering procedure, and data processing and statistical
Research Design
This study will employ the use of the descriptive style of research to determine the
relationship between common stressor and its effect to HUMSS 12 students of Sibugay
describe a population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer what, when, where and how
questions, but not why questions Shona McCombes (2020). This is also a quantitative method
where survey will be utilize to describe the relationship between common stressor and its
This study shall employ the use of Convenience sampling, it is the easiest method of
sampling, because participants are selected based on availability and willingness to take part.
Useful results can be obtained, but the results are prone to significant bias, because those who
volunteer to take part may be different from those who choose not to (volunteer bias), and the
sample may not be representative of other characteristics, such as age or sex (PHAST 2020).
Since the study is intended to ascertain the relationship between common stressor and its
chose to do the research to the available participants since the current situation nowadays is
The population of the study will be comprised of 60 senior high school students of
According to Population Proportion Sample Size Calculator, the suggested population for the
Research Instrument
This research entitled “Common Stressors: Its Effect to the Students of Sibugay
study is based from the research problem. The survey questionnaire was divided into 3 parts.
The part one is the respondent’s profile that includes name (optional), age and gender. The
part two is the common stressor. While the part three includes the effect of stress. This
questionnaire was validated by Mr. Aldrin Francis V. Ramiso from Sibugay Technical
Institute Incorporated.
In this section will state the sequence on how the researchers will gather the data.
At first the researchers construct a title and was validated to the Teacher, it was also
stated the general problem and specific problem to be answered through the results of the
The researchers got the survey questionnaire from Stress Assessment NSYUT and
Chol Shin, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Department of Internal
Medicine, Korea University Ansan Hospital to ascertain the common stressors and its effect
to senior high school student of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated. The researchers
will make a letter to request the superintendent to conduct the study to Sibugay Technical
Institute Incorporated.
After the instrument was validated and the letter was approved, the researcher will
now survey the senior high school student of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated about
Incorporated, the researchers ensure the total number of the students as prescribed by the
population calculator and conduct an assessment through social media, 60 individual students
to ascertain the common stressors and its effect to senior high school student of Sibugay
After the assessment was conducted, the researcher will tabulate the data and
The researchers used the questionnaire in gathering data from the respondents.
Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated. The data gathered were arranged using quantitative
Afterwards, the researchers arranged the questions and results of the observation of
respondents. The statistical treatment that the researchers chosen was the Pearson’s
Correlation Coefficient, to test the correlation and significance of the relationship between
common stressor and its effect to the senior high school student.
Likert Scale
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 1
R Square 1
Adjusted R Square 1
Standard Error 0
Observations 60
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 0 0 #NUM! #NUM!
Residual 58 0 0
Total 59 0
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 5 0 65535 #NUM! 5 5 5 5
Common Stressors 0 0 65535 #NUM! 0 0 0 0
This chapter presents the analysis and interprets the data gathered in order to draw out
important information and significant points about the Common Stressor: Its Effect to senior
high school student of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated. For clarity and consistency
in the discussion, the data are presented by the Likert Scale and Pearson’s correlation
coefficient analysis.
16-18 46 76.67%
19-21 12 20%
22-26 2 3.33%
TOTAL 60 100%
The table 1 shows the age of the respondents. 76.67% of the respondents are 16-18 in
age. 20% of them are 19-21 years of age and 22-26, there are 3.33% students.
Male 18 30%
Female 42 70%
TOTAL 60 100%
The table 2 shows the gender of the respondents. Out of 60 respondents, there are 18
of the respondents are male which is 30% of the population. While 42 of the respondents are
QUESTIONS Mean Average
1. In the last month, how
often have you been upset
because of something that 3.55 Fairly Often
happened unexpectedly?
3.54 Fairly Often
The table 3 shows the perception of stress of the respondents. For the question
number 1 got the average of 3.55 which means fairly often. Question number 2 got the
average of 3.47 which means fairly often. Question number 3 got the average of 3.72 which
means fairly often. For the question number 4 got the average of 3.78 which means fairly
often. For the questions number 5 and 6 got the average of 3.32 which means sometimes. For
the question number 7 got the average of 3.4 which means sometimes. For the question
number 8 got the average of 3.2 which means sometimes. While the question number 9 got
the average of 4.1 and question number 10 got 3.58 which means fairly often. In conclusion,
the weighted average of the perception of stress of the students resulted to 3.54 which means
fairly often.
Mean Verbal
Average Interpretation
1. Poor sleep causes me
to make mistakes at 3.35 Sometimes
work or school.
2. I am satisfied with my
sleep. 3.17 Sometimes
5. Sleepiness interferes
3.53 Often
with my life.
6. Poor sleep makes me
lose desire in all things. 3.25 Sometimes
7. I have difficulty
getting out of bed. 3.65 Often
3.44 Often
The table 4 shows the sleep quality of the respondents. For the question number 1 got
the average of 3.35 which means sometimes. Question number 2 got the average of 3.17
which means sometimes. Question number 3 got the average of 3.67 which means often.
For the questions number 4, 5 and 8 got the average of 3.53 which means often. For the
question number 6 got the average of 3.25 which means sometimes. For the question number
7 got the average of 3.65 which means often. While the question number 9 got the average of
3.38 and question number 10 got 3.35 which means sometimes. In conclusion, the weighted
average of the sleep quality of the students resulted to 3.44 which means the students have
Table 5. Correlation between Common Stressor and Its effect on the Students
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.110910735
R Square 0.012301191
Adjusted R Square -0.004728099
Standard Error 0.523448598
Observations 60
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 0.197924116 0.1979241 0.72235491 0.398867369
Residual 58 15.89190922 0.2739984
Total 59 16.08983333
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 3.041414071 0.483522172 6.2901233 4.5092E-08 2.073539285 4.00928886 2.073539285 4.009288856
Common Stressors 0.117776921 0.138574998 0.8499147 0.39886737 -0.15961108 0.39516492 -0.159611075 0.395164918
The table 6 shows the relationship between common stressor and its effect on the
abovementioned the data got 0.11 of multiple r which means very weak correlation. The
This chapter presents the summary of findings which contains the highlight of the
research that includes textual generalization and important data consisting of text and
numbers. In this chapter, it also includes the conclusion of the study in which interferences,
interpretations, and general statement are based upon the finding that are formulated
concisely. The last part of this chapter is the recommendation whereas the researchers assures
Summary of Findings
The findings of the study were summarized according to the statement of the problem
stated in chapter 1. Thus, this study aimed to determine the relationship between common
stressor and its effect on the HUMSS student of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated.
1.1. Age
1.2. Gender
2. How may the common stressor on HUMSS 12 students of Sibugay Technical Institute
3. How may the effect of stress on HUMSS 12 students of Sibugay Technical Institute
Significant Findings
Based on the gathered data and analysis, the following findings revealed:
1. The respondents profile consist of age and gender. It was found out that 76.67% of
the respondents are 16-18 in age. 20% of them are 19-21 years of age and 22-26,
there are 3.33% students. In regards to gender, Out of 60 respondents, there are 18
of the respondents are male which is 30% of the population. While 42 of the
2. It was found out that the HUMSS 12 students of Sibugay Technical Institute
3. The researchers revealed that the weighted average of HUMSS 12 students’ sleep
quality due to the effect of stress was 3.44 which was verbally interpreted as
4. The researchers revealed that r-computed value was 0.11, hence, this value falls
4. Survey revealed that the null hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, it is safe to
conclude that there is no significant relationship between common stressor and its
This study revealed that Test Anxiety does not affect the Academic Performance
among the grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students of Sibugay Technical Institute
Incorporated. Thus the following are the recommendations are hereby presented.
management courses in the school curriculum and also organizing stress management
2. Guidance Counselor. Guidance and counselling unit should be part of the school
management system so that students can come there to discuss issues affecting them.
3. Teachers. There should be frequent interaction between academic staffs and students on
how best to schedule intensive courses in the cause of the semester work.
4. Students. Good eating habit should be priority of students, enough sleep and exercise is an
5. Parents. Should discipline their child of having good balance between working hours and
6. Future Researchers. Must give new inventive thoughts that will help enhance further
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Justin Travis, Alyssa Kaszycki, Michael Geden, James Bunde. Journal of Educational
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Leodoro Jabien Labrague. Stress, stressors, and stress responses of student nurses in a
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Academic –
Adolescent health – Wikipedia –
1 - 1.80 Never
1.81 - 2.60 Almost Never
2.61 - 3.40 Sometimes
3.41 - 4.20 Fairly Often
4.21 - 5.00 Very Often
1 - 1.80 Never
1.81 - 2.60 Rarely
2.61 - 3.40 Sometimes
3.41 - 4.20 Often
4.21 - 5.00 Almost Always
This rating scale will be used in finding the interpretation of the weighted average of the
1. Common Stressor
2. Effect of Stress
(At the next page is the attached checklist made by the experts)
Age: _______
Gender: _________
The questions in this scale ask about your feelings and thoughts during the last month. Read
personal problems?
top of things?
The following survey is to know the quality of sleep you had for the last month. Read the
in all things.
at work.
Name: Lemuel T. Velez
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Occupation: Teacher
Occupation: Teacher
Primary Education: Upper Sulitan Elementary School
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 5.4
Weight: 42
Occupation: Farmer
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 5'5½
Weight: 59
Occupation: Housewife
Occupation: Farmer
Name: Saile Mike Dave E. Pasaforte
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 5'7
Weight: 74
Occupation: N/A
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 4'8
Weight: 40
Mother’s Name: Marifel P. Tutas
Occupation: OFW
Occupation: OFW
Citizenship: Filipino
Permanent Address: Poblacion, Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay
Height: 5'0
Weight: 40
Occupation: Ofw
Occupation: N/A
Name: Crishia Mae N. Escala
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 5’6
Weight: 44
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 5.7
Weight: 51
Occupation: Housewife